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Somatic manifestations in

renal disease: A clinical

research study
East La nsing, Michigan
Chicago, Illinois

This study reports on do the resulting somatic components of these re-

clinically useful signs in patients with flexes produce signs that are useful in physical
renal disease. In a controlled clinical diagnosis , but, also, lower back pain is an ex-
trial, three groups of patients were tremely common clinical complaint of patients
examined to test the assumption that with kidney disease. Although renal reflexes have
somatic manifestations of renal disease been investigated extensively in animal models,
would be present in the spinal region there have been few studies directed toward eval-
T9-12. One group of patients had uating the clinical signs ofthis reflex component in
advanced renal disease; the two control patients with renal disease.
groups consisted of hypertensive and There is an anatomic 1 and a physiologic basis 2 ·3
normotensive patients without signs of for the general assumption that visceral disease is
renal disease. Patients were excluded accompanied by reflexes that cause somatic tissue
from the study if they had other changes. Inflammation, organ distention, large
conditions that would cause similar compressiqn forces , spasms (if the organ is mus-
findings. Recorded findings of both cular), ischemia, and endogenous or exogenous
palpatory examination and chemical irritants are major sources of stimuli in
thermography of the thoracic spinal diseased visceral organs. Specifically, visceral af-
region revealed a significantly higher ferents from the kidney follow sympathetic nerves,
frequency of segmental dysfunction and passing through the ganglia of the sympathetic
areas of elevated skin temperature in the chain to enter the spinal cord via the dorsal root in
region T9-12 for the renal group. These an ipsilateral fashion; that is, right kidney af-
data support the presence of somatic ferents via right dorsal root.4 The visceral afferent
motor and vasomotor changes as reflex cell body is located in the dorsal root ganglion, and
components of renal disease. The reflex connections are established as follows : (1) at
clinician who uses reflex findings in this the same segmental level with somatic motor and
spinal region to assist in identification of preganglionic sympathetic neurons; (2) at adjacent
renal disease will need to give segmental levels; and (3) with neurons ascending
diagnostic consideration to other in the spinothalamic tract. The kidney receives
sources of findings, including such false- preganglionic sympathetic fibers from the tenth
positives as somatic and nonrenal thoracic through the first lumbar sympathetic
visceral stimuii. ganglia, and afferent fibers from the kidney enter
mainly at cord levels T10-12.4 There should be an
Renal disease creates renal reflexes when the allowance of one or two segments' deviation, be-
disease process involves inflammation, chemical cause the visceral nervous system shows some vari-
changes in the kidney's internal environment, and ability in location and has some variation in its
alterations in renal sensory nerve activity. Not only structural development. Reflex responses in seg-

Somatic manifest ations in renal disease 22/61

TABLE 1. CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION IN STUDY. data storage and analysis. This method for ther-
Groups mography identifies altered states of cutaneous
vasomotion as differences in Tsk.
c \
A B In the present controlled clinical study, we have
(renal) (hypertensive) (normotensive)
Criterion failure )
used these standardized procedures to obtain data
on the presence of muscular and vasomotor man-
Renal disease
Required dialysis Yes No No ifestations of viscerosomatic reflexes in the spinal
Blood urea nitrogen region T9 to T12 in renal dialysis patients. Because
(mg./dl.) > 100 Nt( 10-20) N all patients who are in renal failure have a history
Serum creatinine of hypertension, we established one control group
(mg./dl.) > 12 N (0.7-1.5) N
Urinalysis of hypertensives and a second control group ofnor-
Red blood cells o* N N motensives. All control patients were without renal
Protein 0 N N
Casts 0 N N disease.
Hypertension Our data provide knowledge about the location of
History of somatic manifestations of renal disease. Informa-
elevated blood
pressure Yes Yes No tion of this kind, as obtained through controlled
Systolic pressure clinical study, will contribute to understanding spi-
(mm. Hg) > 170 > 170 < 140 nal reflex activity and the physical signs observed
Diastolic pressure
(mm. Hg) > 105 > 105 < 90 during clinical examination of patients with vis-
With medical ceral disease. Such knowledge of reflexes supports
control Yes Yes No osteopathic diagnosis. We tested the assumption
*o =elevated level; that in renal disease viscerosomatic reflexes would
t N = norma l level. be evident as limitation of motion and as changes in
vasomotor tone in the spinal region T9-12.

mentally related somatic tissues have been ob- Research design
served experimentally, both in laboratory prepara- Subject selection. Twenty subjects with diag-
tions of animal models 5 and with human subjects in nosed renal failure constituted the experimental
a surgical setting. 6-8 These and other clinical obser- group. These patients were being treated in the
vations2·9 have linked somatic manifestations of dialysis unit of the Chicago Osteopathic Medical
sensory, motor, and vasomotor disturbances in the Clinic. Control groups of 20 established hyperten-
somatic tissues to a number of visceral diseases. sives and 20 normotensives, all without clinical
The present study focuses on two reflex compo- signs of renal failure, were volunteers from the
nents of renal disease: (1) somatic motor changes Chicago Family Medicine Clinic. The project was
observed .!iS palpable increased muscular tension approved by the Institutional Review Board of
and reduced mobility, as previously reported10 ; and CCOM. All subjects were informed about the study
(2) vasomotor changes recorded as skin tem- and signed consent forms. Patients in each group
perature variations. These components were estab- were matched for age, sex, and ethnic origin to
lished in previous reports, 10-12 which described our reduce the influence ofthese variables in the small
methods of examining the paravertebral tissues of sample.
the back and recording thermographic data. Criteria for inclusion in the study are sum-
Procedures for palpatory diagnosis of dysfunc- marized in Table 1. In the renal failure group, each
tion in somatic tissues have been studied by multi- patient required dialysis for life support. All of
ple examiners.l0·13 In these studies, the examina- these patients had a history of hypertension. Medi-
tion procedures identified dysfunctions as motion cal histories of renal dialysis patients also docu-
limitations in spinal and costal articulations that mented the presence ofblood urea nitrogen levels >
exhibited an asymmetry in response to motion tests 100 mg./dl., serum creatinine values > 12 mg./dl. ,
and an accompanying palpable increase in mus- and elevated levels of red blood cells, protein, and
cular tension. Procedures for thermographic mea- casts in the urine. Hypertensive and normotensive
surement were standardized and used in the control subjects received similar evaluation and
examination of dorsal skin for temperature dis- had none of these signs of renal disease. Patients in
tribution (Tsk) in normal healthy adults.11 General the hypertensive group without renal disease were
Electric Spectrotherm 2000 thermoscanner) was
TM ( being managed medically for their high blood pres-
used in a climate control chamber. A PDP-12 com- sure. Prior to medication, all patients in this con-
puter was used to control the Spectrotherm and for trol group had recorded systolic pressures > 170

23/62 Jan. 1987/Journal of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1

mm. Hg and diastolic pressures > 105 mm. Hg. Randomization procedures. Patients were
Normotensive patients had no history of elevated scheduled for palpatory/thermographic examina-
blood pressure, nor did any of their blood pressures tion on a random basis to provide the physician
exceed 140 mm. Hg systolic and 90 mm. Hg di- blind. Renal failure patients were scheduled imme-
astolic during clinical examination. diately following dialysis to standardize the pa-
Criteria for exclusion from all groups were estab- tients' status. All patients were scheduled during
lished. Patients with primary idiopathic or major daytime periods when the renal patients might be
'secondary scoliosis were excluded, which mini- available. Patients were instructed by the person
mized the influence of gross structural problems on obtaining informed consent to give no medical in-
tests for spinal motion and paravertebral tissue formation to their examiner (WLJ) and to make no
changes. To reduce physician examiner bias, a his- comments about their source or length of medical
tory of major surgery with a scar present on the care. The examiner's first encounter with the sub-
dorsal thorax was another basis for exclusion. The ject was in the climate control chamber for pal-
presence of, or a history of, recent inflammatory patory examination of the thoracic region .
disease of the pelvis or colon were other criteria for Examinations were conducted prior to any access
exclusion, and women using intrauterine devices by the examiner to patient records or data.
also were excluded. These exclusions were neces-
sary to minimize the influence of other sources of Overview of data collection procedure. Sub-
viscerosomatic reflexes on the thermographic or jects were selected from the daily schedule for clinic
clinical findings in the lower thoracic region. patients and from the patients scheduled for di-
alysis. These patients were interviewed, and in-
formed consent was obtained for use of medical
Blinding procedures. Research design to intro-
information, for agreement to acclimation in the
duce a physician blind (WLJ) required the follow-
climate control chamber, and for commitment of at
ing procedures: (1) clothing of renal dialysis
least 1 hour for these procedures, as well as the
patients to hide surgical scars; (2) scheduling test-
consent needed for examinations. Subjects entered
ing to provide equal probability of patients from
the climate control chamber, gowns and scrub
experimental or control groups arriving for testing;
pants were adjusted to allow thermal equilibrium
and (3) withholding all medical information con-
with the environment (24 C ± 0.5 C, relative hu-
cerning the subject until the palpatory examina-
midity 50 ± 10 percent, and airflow < 1.5 mph); 30
tion had been completed.
minutes were allowed for equilibration . During
The renal dialysis group included patients with
equilibration, palpatory examination of the ex-
indwelling catheters. A long-sleeved surgical paper
posed thoracic region was completed. Research rec-
scrub gown and pants were used, with the gown
ords of the examiner's findings were completed and
open at'the back to allow palpatory examination.
included in the subject's file. At the end of the
The gown and pants were draped to cover the lower
examination, a thermogram was recorded of the
trunk and limbs. Renal patients usually complete
patient's back. The patient's research data were
dialysis between 10:00 a.m. and noon, between 2:00
then completed (WLJ), using the patient's medical
p.m. and 4:00p.m., and after 6:00p.m. Two patients
record and patient interview. Missing data were
were randomly scheduled for these periods. Each
noted, and any needed tests or examinations were
day's patients were randomized to provide equal
probability of dialysis or nondialysis patients ap-
pearing for examination. Because there is a high
incidence ofhypertension in the CCOM clinic popu- Measurements
lation, many patients scheduled as normotensive Detailed descriptions of both thermographic and
patients were later reclassified as having high palpatory examinations have been reported pre-
blood pressure. This resulted in a large group of viously.10-12
hypertensive patients. A total of 90 patients--45
hypertensives, 24 renal dialysis patients, and 21 Palpatory testing. Osteopathic examination of the
normotensives-were enrolled into the study. Data exposed thoracic region used three levels of exam-
from only 20 subjects in each group are reported. ination14-an overall screen, regional scan, and
The first renal, hypertensive, or normotensive pa- segmental definition. Selected screening tests15 for
tient who met criteria for inclusion, had no basis for signs of somatic dysfunction provided a general
exclusion, and for whom there was complete data impression. These were followed by regional scans
collection was used for matching in order to mini- of tissue texture and mobility,10 •12 thus providing a
mize the influence of selection in matching pa- basis for distinguishing location of segmental dys-
tients. functions. Three motion tests, passive sidebend-

Somatic manifestations in renal disease 24/63

contact overlies the angle of the ribs. In previous
studies, 10·12 criteria were established that described
Vertebral a fundamental unit of segmental dysfunction as
consisting of a clinically significant vertical 3-seg-
ment complex oflimited movement in the vertebral
C5 and/or costal columns. The unit also exhibits a
Left Costal Right Costal predictable pattern of signs of disturbed neu-
6_ romuscular function, as follows: (1) deep, localized
muscular tension, which is increased in the pri-
7 mary central segment in contrast to adjacent seg-
ments; (2) asymmetries in motion at this primary
~T1_I._. segment when responses to motion tests in oppos-
ing directions are compared; and (3) mirror-image
'12-7(-- ~ asymmetries in motion in the superior and inferior
adjacent segments compared to the primary seg-
tp 3 I' ment, when responses to the same motion tests are
compared. An example of the 3-segment unit of
4 dysfunction is illustrated in the vertebral column
in Figure 1; the only asymmetric motion descriptor
5 indicated is axial rotation. We recorded the site of
each primary segment (for example, at T2 in Figure
6 1) as the location of the segmental dysfunction.
Further, we charted primary dysfunctional seg-
ments according to their location in one of the three
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of three mobile columns in the
thoracic region, with a 3 -segment unit of dysfunction in the mobile columns (midline vertebral, right or left
vertebral column. In this example, x = location of the primary costal) and classified the findings at each segmental
central segment at T2, with resistance to rotation to the right level in one ofthree categories. This classification of
(illustrated as a short, closed arrow, with a bar representing the
barrier). In the adjacent segments, Tl and T3, the mirror image dysfunctions is based on location, on characteristics
resistance to the left is illustrated (short, closed arrows with of asymmetry, and on presence or absence of link-
bars). Longer, open arrows without bars represent the sense of age in dysfunction observed between adjacent
compliance with motion and a greater range of motion in the
directions opposite to the directions of limited mobility. mobile columns at the same segmental level.
The category of least clinical significance in our
study is represented by isolated units of segmental
ing, *passive axial rotation, t and active respiratory dysfunction in either the vertebral or costal col-
excursion,t were then used to complete the exam- umns, that is, without the presence of any second
ination; the specific features of the asymmetry in dysfunctional unit in an adjacent column at the
response to these 3 motion tests defined the charac- same segmental level. Two examples of category I
teristics of each dysfunctional segment. are illustrated in Figure 2. One occurs in the ver-
Findings of segmental dysfunction were re- tebral column at T2, and another in the right costal
corded10·11 for each of three vertical mobile columns; column at rib 4.
palpatory contact in the midline column of ver- Category II is represented by two dysfunctions
tebral segments overlies the transverse processes that are present in adjacent columns at the same
bilaterally, and, in the two lateral costal columns, segmental level but that have dissimilar motion
characteristics. For example, in Figure 2, one dys-
*For example , in testing passive sidebending to the right, the subject was
function occurs in the vertebral column at T6, with
seated and the examiner was st anding posteriorly and to the right, facing resistance to the axial rotation test to the right,
the subject's back. While monitoring the dysfuncti onal segment by pal- while another dysfunction occurs in the left costal
patory contact of the examiner's left hand, movement was initiated by
moderate pressure of the examiner's right hand in a caudal direction on column at rib 6, with resistance to axial rotation
the subject's right shoulder (approximating the right shoulder toward the
right hip).
A third category, which was both clinically and
t Passive axial rotation to the right was initiated by the examiner's right statistically significant to our study, is represented
ha nd controlling introduction at the subject's right elbow (arms folded) of
a rotational movement of the shoulders and trunk to t he right. by vertebral and costal dysfunctions that are pres-
:J:The subject's active respiratory excursions, inhalation and exha lation,
ent at the same segmental level and that have iden-
were directed by the examiner and monitored by pa lpation at the dysfunc- tical motion asymmetries in the two adjacent
tional vertebral and costal segments. A comparison was made for t he
presence of more limited mobility in response to either of the opposing
columns. This category of segmental dysfunction
directions. indicates the presence of a linkage of motion

25/64 Jan. 1987/Journal of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1


Left Costal 6_ Right Costal Category

2 ---*-I'

F ig. 2. Schematic representation for three categories ofsegmental dysfunction . Categories are based upon similarities or dissimilarities in
the di rection of motion restriction at primary dysfunctional segments in the vertebral colu mn and an adjacent costal column at the sam e
vertebral segmental level. Th e illustrations are for an axial rotation test. (X indicates the location of a primary dys functional segment.)
Category I includes a single finding in any of the three mobile columns. Two illustrations are provided-resistance to axial rotation left at
vertebral level T2 , and resistance to axial rotation right at right rib 4. Category II includes findings at one segmental level in the midline
vertebral and adjacent costal columns, with dissimilarities in direction of resistance to motion. Illustrated at vertebral level T 6 are
resistance to axial rotation to the right in the vertebral column and resistance to axial rotation left in the left costal column. Category Ill
includes fi ndings at one segmental level in the vertebral and adjacent costal columns, with similarities in the direction of resistance to
motion . Illustrated at vertebral level TJO are resistances to axial rotation to the left in both the vertebral and right costal columns.

characteristics in adjacent columns in response used to record the locations of markers and the
during motion testing. An example of category III is palpable findings of segmental dysfunction. Prior
shown in Figure 2 at thoracic level 10. Both ver- to temperature measurement, small squares of re-
tebral and right costal dysfunctions are identified flecting foil were placed over the markers for identi-
by resistance to an axial rotation test to the left. We fying the marker placements on the thermogram.
have hypothesized that category III, linkage of mo- In this manner, the two sets of data could be corre-
tion asymmetries in the vertebral and one adjacent lated through reference to the markers in each
costal column at the same segmental level accom- record.
panies visceral disease.
Instrumental procedures. With the subject
Recording procedures. To facilitate recording standing at a distance from the camera that pro-
the anatomic location of segmental findings , four duced a standard-sized image for all subjects, a
markers (each measuring 1 square centimeter) thermoscan was recorded from the exposed dorsal
were placed on the dorsal skin surface, with their skin surface. This was accomplished by matching
lower borders coinciding with the tip of spinous the C7 and T12 vertebral markers to marks on the
processes C7 , T4, T8, and T12 . A 6" by 18" cloth video screen for thermographic imaging. This
overlay was placed over the exposed back and was method results in 40 rows and 20 columns of pixels

Somatic ma nifestations in renal di sease 26/65

(2) A digital image of temperature. Eight mea-
PRIMARY DYSFUNCTIONAL SEG M ENTS IN REGION 1'9-10-11-12* surements of skin temperature, four in one row and
Controls four adjacent temperatures from the row below,
Primary Renal were averaged by a computer algorithm and
dysfunctional patients Hypertensives Normotensives printed as a pixel temperature.
segments (20) (20) (20)
(3) An image of averaged temperature dif-
Vertebral 25 16 21
Costal 37 35 23
ferences . A computer algorithm was used to calcu-
late the algebraic average of differences in
~ temperatures between a central pixel and the four
95 adjacent pixels. The averaged difference was
counts 240 480
printed at the site of the central pixel.

*Twenty subjects in each group were matched for age, sex, and ethnic
group. Palpatory findings for tissue texture (increased resistance to Results
pressur e) a nd motion asymmetri es were first observed and noted.
Then the segmental level of th e primary segment was identified by
Palpatory findings
presence of mirror-image asymmetries above and below the primary The structural examination provided data on the
segment and noted. Finally, the primary segmental location was
identified by counting from the skin markers at C7 , T4, TS, a nd T12 , presence of primary segmental dysfunction and its
and the palpatory findings were recorded a nd tabulated. location relative to vertebral levels and mobile col-
umns. The frequency of palpable findings of pri-
( N O NLINKAGE) AND CATEGORY Ill (LIN KAGE) CLASSIFICATIONS mary dysfunctional segments in the region
IN REGION T9-IO-ll-12. * T9-10-11-12 is reported in Table 2. Each recorded
Controls palpable finding represents a location of limited
Renal I . ~ and asymmetric mobility at a primary dysfunc-
patients Hypertensives Normotens1ves
Classification (20) (20) (20) tional segment in the vertebral or costal columns.
Category II 4 4 4 There is no statistically significant difference
Category III 13 4 1 among the frequencies of findings in the three
5 groups of subjects.
Poss ible counts 80 160 One of the objectives of our research has been to
Chi sq ua re = 13.2; p = < 0.005; 1 degree of freedom , no correction
identify criteria for the assessment of differences in
factor, one-ta iled test. findings related to the etiology of somatic dysfunc-
*Vertebra l and costal findings occurring at the sa me segmental leve l tion; that is, is the dysfunction related to stimuli of
were examined for similarity in directions of resistance to motion
(Category III , linkage), or dissimi larity (Category II , nonlinkage) and somatic or visceral origin? In this study, renal dis-
recorded. In t he one instance (in the renal group) that linkage oc- ease has been addressed as a primary question, and
curred on one side but not on t he other, when accompanyi ng costal
findings were present bilaterally, the findings at that spina l level were the palpatory findings were evaluated as related
assessed as Category III. (This avoided counting the vertebra l dys- response variables. It is possible to have limited
function twice. )
mobility occurring in midline or lateral columns,
and different asymmetries to opposing directions of
a selected motion test (for example, right or left for
(picture elements) representing an 8" wide exposed the axial rotation test). Primary dysfunction asym-
area from C7 to T12 on the patient's back. We have metries located in adjacent columns at the same
separately tested the effects on Tsk of the tape segmental level were examined for similarity or
markers, transient skin contacts, and fingertip dissimilarity in the direction of their limited mobi-
pressures involved in the palpatory examination. lities. Three categories, as described previously,
No persisting influence on skin temperature pat- were used to classify the findings at each segmental
terns could be determined even 30 seconds follow- level.
ing the palpatory examinations. The observed frequency of Category III, linkage
Thermograms were recorded with a General dysfunctions (existing as a similarity in the direc-
Electric Thermoscan. Using a PDP-12 computer, tion of restricted motion in two columns), and Cate-
the video output was controlled, converted from an gory II, nonlinkage dysfunctions (dissimilarity in
analog signal tQ a digital signal, and the digital the direction of restricted motion in two columns)
data were stored. The computer printouts included are reported for T9-12 in Table 3. There is a statis-
the following data: tically significant increase in the frequency of Cat-
(1) A symbolic image of temperature. A symbol egory III dysfunctions present in renal patients. As
for each 0.5 C range was assigned to temperatures judged by the chi square test for independent pro-
between 27 and 33 C. The symbol was then used in portions, using one degree of freedom, no correction
the printout to represent each measured skin tem- factor, and a one-tailed test, the probability of this
perature. increase occurring by chance is less than 1 percent.

27/66 J a n . 1987/Journ a l of AOA/vol. 87/n o . 1


85 285 291 295 296 293 293 298 303 T 298 293 293 292 291 291 290 288 288 273j269
86 8
87 287 289 293 294 292 293 297 303 297 292 29? ~92 292 291 290 291 291 ~269
08 w
89 285 289 291 292 291 293 296 302 304 296 291 292 l92 294 293 292 292 269
91 287 290 290 290 289 293 295 300 304 295 291 291 292 295 294 294 294 269
93 287 292 289 290 288 292 293 299 304 294 291 292 293 294 296 297 296 269
95 287 295 290 291 288 290 292 297 303 295 291 292 293 295 299 299 299 269
97 287 298 292 291 289 290 290 298 304 296 291 292 295 296 300 300 300 269
99 293 301 295 291 289 290 290 296 305 297 292 293 297 299 301 302 300 269
101 1i 289 306 299 290 288 290 294 294 307 301 293 293 297 302 303 304 303 269
102 8
103 ~ 289 307 298 288 288 289 290 294 310 305 293 292 29~05 306 307 269
104 °
105 t5 284 306 297 289 287 289 290 296 312 309 295 292 296 302 304
106 G3
107 270 303 297 290 288 289 292 299 314 313 297 293 294 299 302 300
109 269 294 300 294 289 290 294 301 314 317 301 293 293 296 298 297 298 277 269
111 271 283 304 297 290 292 296 302 313 304 294 291 295 295 296 296 273 269 269
112 T12
113 272 279 302 295 291 294 298 302 306 303 294 291 293 291 293 292 270 269 269
115 271 292 299 293 292 294 298 302 313 315 304 296 291 289 288 289 285 27) 269
116 z y
117 270 290 296 292 291 293 299 303 316 318 304 29b L91 289 288 287 281 27? E:69 ~
119 270 291 292 292 292 296 298 303 315 318 306 298 293 292 290 287 283 283 26 g
121 271 296 292 293 297 300 299 305 318 315 304 296 294 292 291 289 291 284 269 2;9
COLUMN \5 /\6 /\7 /\8 /\9 /\10/\11/\12/\13/\14/\15 /\16/\17/\18/\19/\20/\21 /\22/\23/\24/
Fig. 3. Identification of a warm area in a partial thermogram of a renal dialysis subject. Pixels represent temperatures in degrees C. x 10
for the dorsal region of the back between T B and T12. The w,x,y,z symbols identify an area containing a warm area. The procedure used
and the criteria fo r mapping the warm area included: ( 1) identifying a temperature difference greater than 0.5 C. between two adjacent
pixels in a row ( for example, row 103, colu mn. 17 and 18 /29 .7130.5}); (2 ) verifying that adj acent pixels have increased temperatures
extending horizontally and vertically from the identified pixels; (3) drawi ng a border to include all pixels that exceed external pixel
temperatures; and (4) verifying that pixel temperatures outside the borde r represent temperatures and temperature diffe rences expected
on the basis of patterns represented in the standard thermogram (Fig. 4 ). Note: The warm midline over the vertebrae probably represents
venous drainage from warmer tissues.

Skin temperature tween pixels; and (4) a border, which included the
Thermographic-measured Tsk was used to esti- warm pixels, could be identified as separating the
mate cutaneous blood flow, and we focused on warm interior warm pixels from adjacent exterior pixels
areas that had an excess variance > 0.5 C. We with normal temperatures.
assumed that renal disease would be associated The procedure for visual analysis of ther-
with a renal-cutaneous-vasomotor reflex identifia- mograms is illustrated in Figure 3. A temperature
ble with increased skin temperature in the dorsal difference of 0.8 C between pixels in row 103, col-
region T9-12. A visual procedure to identify warm umns 17 and 18 identifies a possible warm area.
areas in thermograms was developed using the fol- Adjacent pixels are noted to have similar high tem-
lowing criteria: (1) a temperature difference > 0.5 C peratures, which decrease both laterally and ver-
between two adjacent pixels in a row identified a tically. The pixels external to the border drawn
possible warm area; (2) the surrounding pixels in- around the warm area have temperatures around
dicated an increased temperature; (3) as the visual 29.2 C, consistent with other exterior pixels, and
search extended horizontally and vertically, pixels there are small temperature differences (around
would be found that represented expected skin tem- 0.1 C) between these external pixels. The warmest
peratures and small differences in temperature be- pixel within the borders, at 30.7 C, locates the

Somatic manifestations in renal disease 28/67

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AVG . 9 . d.
1 31.1 31.2 31.9 32.5 32.6 32 . 2 32 . 4 32.5 32. 1 31.4 31.1 31. 9 0.57
2 31.2 31.8 32.4 32.6 32.5 32.3 32.4 32 . 6.32.3 31.8 31.8 32.1 0.48
3 31.7 32.3 32.7 32.7 32.5 32.3 32.5.3 2 .6 32.5 32.3 31.6 32.3 0.35
4 32.0 32.6 32.8 32.7 32.6 32.5 32.6 32 . 7 32.8 32.6 32.3 32.6 0.22
5 32 . 3 32.7 32.8 32.7 32 . 6 32.5 32.6 32.7 32.9 32.6 32 . 3 32 . 6 0. 17
6 32.6 32.7 32 . 8 32.8 32.1: 32.6 32.6 32.8 32.8 32.6 32.3 32.7 0.14
7 32.4 32.6 32.7 32.8 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.8 32.8 32.6 32.3 32.6 0.16
8 32.7 32.6 32.7 32 . 7 32 . 7 32.7 32.7 32 . 8 32.8 32.6 32.2 32.7 0.18
9 32.3 32.5 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.8 32.7 32.5 32.2 32.6 0 . 17
10 32.3 32 . 5 32.6 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.5 32.2 32.6 0 . 23
ll 32.2 32 . 1 32.6 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.6 32.7 32.7 32.4 32.2 32.5 0.20
12 32.2 32.4 32.6 32 . 6 32.7 32.8 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.4 32.1 32 . 5 0. 19
13 32 . 2 32.4 32 . 5 32.6 32.6 32.7 32.6 32.6 32.6 32 . 3 32 . 1 32.5 0.21
14 32. 1 32 . 3 32.5 32.6 32.7 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32 . 2 32. 1 32.5 0.25
15 32.0 32.2 32.4 32 . 5 32 . 7 32.7 32.6 32.4 32.3 32. 1 32.0 32.4 0.29
16 31.9 32. 1 32 . 3 32.5 32.7 32.7 32.6 32.4 32.3 32.0 31.9 32.3 0.29
17 31.9 32. 1 32.3 32.4 32.6 32.7 32.5 32.4 32. 1 31. 9 31.8 32.2 0.31
18 31.8 32.0 32 . 2 32.4 32.6 32.7 32.5 32.4 32. 1 31.9 31.8 32.2 0.32
19 31.7 31.9 32 . 1 32.3 32.6 32 . 6 32.4 32.3 32.0 31. 8 31.7 32.1 0.32
20 31.7 31.9 32. 1 32 . 3 32.5 32.5 32.3 32.2 32.0 31.8 31.6 32. 1 0.29
21 31.6 31.9 32.1 32 . 2 32 . 5 32 . 6 32.3 32.2 32.0 31.7 31.5 32.1 0.34
22 31.6 31.8 32 . 0 32.2 32.5 32.6 32.3 32.1 32.0 31.7 31.5 32.0 0.34
23 31.6 31.8 31.8 32.1 32.5 32.5 32.3 32.0 31.9 31.7 31.4 32.0 0.34
24 31.6 31.8 31.9 32.1 32.5 32.5 32.2 32.0 31.9 31.7 31.4 32.0 0.33
25 31.6 31.7 31.8 32.1 32.4 32.5 32.2 32.0 31.8 3L6 31.3 31.9 0.37
26 31.5 31.7 31.8 32. 1 32.4 32.5 32.2 31.9 31.7 31.5 31.3 31.9 0.37
27 31.4 31.6 31.7 32.0 32.4 32.5 32.1 31.8 31.6 31.4 31.3 31.8 0.39
28 31.3 31.5 31.7 31.9 32.4 32.6 32.1 31.8 31.6 31.4 31.2 31.8 0 . 43
29 31.3 31.5 31.6 31.9 32.4 32.5 32.0 31.7 31.5 31.3 31.1 31.7 0.43
30 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.7 32.3 32.5 32.0 31.5 31.4 31.2 30 . 9 31.6 0.46
31 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.7 32.2 32.5 31.9 31.5 31.3 31.1 30.9 31.5 0.46
32 31.2 31.2 31.3'31.6 32.2 32 . 4 31.9 31.4 31.2 31.0 30.9 31.5 0.47
33 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.6 32.2 32 . 4 31.9 31.4 31.3 31.0 30.9 31.5 0.47
34 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.5 32.1 32 . 4 31. 8 31.3 31.1 30.8 30.8 31.5 0.47
34 31.0 31. 1 31.2 31.5 32.1 32.4 31.8 31.3 31.1 30.8 30 . 8 31.4 0.50
35 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.5 32.1 32 . 4 31.8 31.3 31. 1 30.8 30 . 8 31.4 0.50
36 30.9 31.0 31.1 31.5 32.0 32.3 31. 8 31. 2 30.9 30 . 7 30.6 31.3 0.53
37 30.9 30.9 31.1 31.5 32.0 32.3 31.8 31.2 30.9 30.6 30.5 31.2 0 . 56
38 30.8 30.9 31. 1 31.5 32 . 1 32.4 31.8 31.2 30.9 30.6 30.5 31.3 0.59
39 30.8 30.8 31.0 31.4 32.1 32 . 4 31.8 31.2 30.8 30.6 30.4 31.2 0 . 62
40 30.7 30.8 31.0 31.4 32. 1 32.4 31.8 31.2 30.8 30 . 5 30.4 31.2 0.63

AVERAGE 31.6 31.8 32.0 32.2 32.5 32.5 32.3 32 . 1 31.9 31.7 31.5 32.0
s. d . 0.54 0.57 0.59 0.47 0.22 0.15 0.32 0.56 0.65 0.66 0.60 0.61
Fig. 4. Standard thermogram. Skin temperatures in the dorsal region 1'1 to 1'12 obtained from thermograms of25 healthy subjects. Skin
markers at T1 and T12 were aligned with upper and lower benchmarks on the thermograph videoscreen prior to taking thermograms. The
25 thermographic images were superimposed for mathematical analysis, which included calculation of the meah and variance for each
set of 25 coinciding pixels. The means of25 pixel temperatures were then used to construct the illustrated standard thermogram . The
statistical data in the standard thermogram were calculated for the pixels in the figure. The variance between rows and columns of the
standard thermogram identify the expected variance for that location and provide the criteria for identification ofpixels with warmer than
expected temperatures.

warm area at about the Tll vertebral level. this way was possible because of the technique used
These criteria are supported by information from to obtain similarly sized images from all subjects.
a standard thermogram16 (Fig. 4) and graphic anal- The means and variances for the entire ther-
ysis (Figs. 5A and 5B). The standard thermogram mogram and for each row and each column have
represents averaged data from thermograms of 25 been calculated from the standard thermogram,
normal subjects. Each pixel in the standard ther- not from original data. The mean and variance for
mogram represents the average of pixels at the the 25 pixels at one location, eg. row 1, column 1, are
same location in the 25 thermograms. Averaging in not shown in Figure 4 but are used in statistical

29/68 Jan. 1987/Journal of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1

Figs . 5A and 5B . Graphic analysis of standard thermogram for the dorsal region T B to T12 on the righ t. Data for the isothermal line (A )
and temperature contour (B ) graphs correspond to pixels in rows 30 to 40 and colum ns 7 to 11 in the standard thermogram (Fig. 4). Data
fo r graphing have been calculated using least squares approximation and smoothing facto r of0.98 ( Golden S oft ware). Contours in g raph
B are plotted from a point of view 45 degrees above the plane of the back, with the inferior border tilted 45 degrees from horizo ntal. The x,y
coordinates are indicated for the corners of the graphs. The graphs illustrate the un iformity of skin temperatures and small d ifferences in
temperatures between pixels.

comparison of thermograms with the standard mental temperature, i.e. about 26 to 28 C. The use
thermogram. of gowns open at the back and trousers to clothe our
The graphic plots in Figures 5A and 5B provide a subjects partially explains the difference, but does
means of visualizing the small temperature dif- not account for thermoregulatory responses in the
ferences between isothermal lines and the uniform cutaneous circulation of the back.
topographic surface representing Tsk. These plots, The standard thermogram identifies a tem -
which represent pixels in rows 30 thru 40 and col- perature pattern, with the warmest area in the
umns 7 thru 11 in the standard thermogram, Fig- upper thoracic region, and temperatures decreas-
ure 4 , are for an area similar in size to those ing toward the cervical region and inferiorly and
representing the warm area reported in results. laterally in the lower thorax. In Fig. 4, the outer-
Neither of the plots indicate large variations in Tsk most figures for standard deviation, ranging from
between pixels. 0.14 to 0.66 C., indicate that the vari~nce in rows,
The mean skin temperature, 32 C, in the stan- columns, or complete thermogram are less than 0.1
dard thermogram, Figure 4, is higher th~n would C. This small temperature difference between pix-
be predicted for the resting nude or seminude sub- els establishes the basis for visual examination of
ject with oral temperatures of37 ± 0.5 C under the thermograms for temperature increases. Our crite-
climate control conditions of an environmental ria for statistically significant temperature dif-
temperature of24 C and 50 percent relative humid- ference between pixels, > 0.5 C., exceeds 3 times
ity. Clark and Edholm'sl7 discussion of the vari- the standard deviation of any row or column in the
ables influencing skin temperature would suggest standard thermogram.
a skin temperature a few degrees above environ- The frequency of warm areas in the region T9-12

Somatic manifestations in renal disease 30/69

TABLE 4. ANALYS IS OF FREQUENCY O F A WARM ARE A , RI G HT OR sis of a thermogram for locating and defining warm
REG ION T 9-10-ll-12*
In Table 5, relevant data from our other curren1
Subjects research studies are presented for comparison with


(Rena l the data from the renal study. These include fre-
Wa rm failure Control quencies of warm areas in the region T9-12 for 44
a rea (20) (40) Total other clinic patients and for 61 healthy young
Present 25 (63%) 37 (46%) 62 adults. These data clearly indicate an increased
Absent 15 43 58
frequency of warm areas in the group ofrenal sub-
counts 40 80 120
jects who were studied. It is also interesting to note
that there are more warm areas in the clinic pa-
Chi sq uare = 2.32; p = < 0.05; 1 degree of freedom, no correction tients than in the healthy subjects. This might be
factor, one-ta il ed test.
*Wa rm areas are identified and located as described in Figure 3. related to specific causes of viscerocutaneous re-
There is the possibili ty of bil atera l warm areas. flexes or to other causes, such as the total body
reaction to illness.
Subj ects The two observations made on these groups of sub-
Healthy '\
jects-skin temperature as a measure of the va-
Renal Renal Other clinic young somotor disturbance, and clinical palpation for the
Wa rm fa ilure controls pati ents adults somatic motor disturbance-will be discussed sepa-
area (20) (40) (44) (61 )
rately. We will comment on the reliability and ap-
Presen t 25 (63%) 37 (46%) 26 (30%) 15 (12%) praise the significance of the data obtained, as well
Absent 15 43 62 107
as discuss some assumptions about spinal reflexes.
counts 40 80 88 122

*C linic subjects are subjects fro m other studi es or ones not used in
Skin temperature observations
repor ti ng on t hi s study. Healt hy subjects are osteopathic medical According to technical specifications, the General
students without hi story of major hea lth pro blems (surgery, illness,
trauma, or current compla int). Electric Spectrotherm 2000 has an accuracy of ±
0.2 C. This degree of accuracy is achieved by liquid
nitrogen cooling of the mercury-cadmium-teluride
detector crystal, and by internal calibration for
each scan line via reference to a calibration ther-
in renal dialysis and control subjects was analyzed mocouple. Accuracy is further enhanced by com-
for statistical significance using the chi square test puter averaging of eight single measurements to
for proportions. This analysis is reported in Table 4. reduce instrument noise effects and to provide
The probability that the difference in frequency smoothed data recorded as pixel temperature .
distribution of warm areas in the renal failure and Within a single thermogram, the differences in
control subjects could occur by chance was less than pixel temperatures are reliable to within 0.1 C. The
5 percent. differences between temperatures recorded in any
A graphic method of analysis was used to verify two thermograms are reliable to within 0.2 C.
the assumptions used in developing the visual when an external black-body radiant temperature
method of identifying warm areas. The warm area standard is used as a reference temperature.
identified in Figure 3 for the renal dialysis subject Measurements ofTsk are influenced by environ-
is presented in Figures 6A and 6B in plots of iso- mental heat exchange-radiant, evaporative, con-
thermal lines and temperature contours, with tem- vective, and conductive-as well as conditions in
perature as the z-axis and location as the x,y-axis. the human subject. Cutaneous blood flow, local
These graphic plots support the manual method for avascularity, local tissue metabolism, and sweating
identification of warm areas and also give the im- alter Tsk. Conducting the research in a climate
pression that the warm area has a horizontal axis control chamber reduces environmental influences
corresponding to a dermatomal distribution of the and minimizes sweating. Equilibration for 20 or
increased temperatures. For comparison, the same more minutes in the climate control chamber also
contour and topographic plots are presented in Fig- reduces stresses that affect sympathetic motor con-
ure 5 for a corresponding region in the standard trol. Consequently, the use of the climate control
thermogram. The plots visually support the crite- chamber for thermographic measurement ensures
ria of uniform temperatures and small temperature that reflex control of cutaneous vasomotion be-
differences as the expected data to be used in analy- comes the independent variable, with other stimuli

31170 Jan. 1987/Journ al of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1

TS w

L '\.10



Fig. 6. Isothermal graphic analysis ofa thermogram for a renal dialysis subject. Data for the isothermal line (A) and temperature contour
(B) graphs correspond to data from pixels in the area bounded by w,x,y,z in Figure 3 . Data fo r the graphs have been calculated using least
squares approximation and a smoothing factor of0.98 (Golden Software*). Graph width-to-height ratio is 0.5. Contours in graph B are
plotted from a point of view 45 degrees above the plane of the back, with the inferior border tilted 45 degrees from horizontal . The warmest
skin temperature, 30 .7 C., is indicated in both graphs. The warm area, located about vertebral level Tll , is identified by the location of the
warmest pixel. The area extends horizontally, suggesting a dermatomal orientation of the increased temperatures. Using criteria from the
standard thermogram (Fig. 4), the borders of the graph suggest that the temperatures and temperature differences are similar to expected

minimized. ablates afferent nerve activity, with the implica-

There are a number of renal stimuli resulting tion, according to the "gate" theory, that the ab-
from renal pathology that might account for the sence of afferent renal imp u l ses allows t h e
increased frequency oflocalized warm areas ofTsk nonrenal sensory input to contribute to facilitation.
in the lower dorsal region ofT9-12. These stimuli or We assume that these stimuli arising from the
stimulus-like situations constitute the afferent kidney (including in this case, decreased stimuli)
limb of the renal to cutaneous blood vessel reflex, will result in a reflexly initiated change in localized
which accounts for vasodilation and, therefore, vasoconstrictor activity in skin, which in turn will
warm skin. This vasodilation is either active, as a create the altered Tsk. This assumption of discrete
result of sympathetic activity, or passive, as a result sympathetic mediated response is supported by ob-
of inhibited vasoconstrictor tone. servations in other studies.l8 The classic concept of
The stimuli in the renal dialysis patient are re- an integrated or generalized sympathetic nervous
lated to sequelae of renal failure and may be the response is in conflict with our proposed discrete
result of any of three complications, that is, isch- control of sympathetic nerve fibers . The creation of
emia, intra- and extra-cellular environmental warm areas (passive vasodilation) is consistent,
changes within the kidney, and, in more severe however, with other observations 19 of "pain" -in-
complications, obliteration of renal afferent nerve duced vasodilation in patients with low-back pain
impulses. Renal ischemia is a strong nociceptor or arthritic knees. It appears reasonable to assume
stimulus. Also, the changes in composition of extra- that the increased frequency of warm areas in the
cellular fluid that accompany deterioration of renal lower back , T9-12 region represents a re-
tissues create a number of chemical stimuli that nocutaneous reflex, with an afferent limb from a
are capable of initiating impulses in the C-type diseased kidney and an efferent limb that effects
nerve fibers. Severe tissue damage or nephrectomy the inhibition of cutaneous vasoconstrictor activity.

Somatic manifestations in renal disease 32171

The thermographic pattern analysis (Table 4) related to the general condition of the patient. Only
indicates an increased frequency of elevated Tsk in the most subtle clues might be expected to dis-
the T9-12 region of the back in renal patients as tinguish dialysis patients. If particular clues were
compared with frequencies for controls. These ana- to have been given any consideration, there is little
lyses support our hypothesis that there is a vis- assurance that they would be uniformly positive for
cerosomatic reflex, with the elevated Tsk repre- all dialysis patients (age range 27-7 5 years), or that
senting an increased cutaneous blood flow and an they would not be positive also in some of the hyper-
increased heat transfer occurring in the regions of tensive and normotensive patients within stages of
vasodilation. Possible mechanisms include: (1) in- their own serious illnesses.
creased muscle activity in paraspinal muscles or During palpatory examination for fundamental
segmentally innervated portions of superficial 3-segment units of dysfunction, reliability of the
muscles, such as trigger-point areas with venous data was affected by two features of the examina-
shunting of blood from the active muscles to the tion-accuracy in location of findings, and validity
skin surface; (2) vasodilation from renal sensory of the criteria established for classifying findings of
input; (3) vasodilation initiated from somatic mus- visceral reflex origin. As has been previously re-
cle, by either ischemic pain or increased pro- ported,10 reliability of diagnosis was increased by
prioceptor activity; and (4) local vascular reactions the percussion type oftesting procedure, which was
triggered by changes associated with sensory nerve used in the central spinal column to scan for the
activity. One or more of these mechanisms may be location of dysfunctional units. In that study of
involved, because all utilize nervous control of va- interexaminer reliability, significant agreement on
somotion. In other studies20 ·21 of circulation and location of findings was achieved.
Tsk, a very short delay in time from a causal stim- Reliability has also been addressed in other in-
ulus to the vasomotor reaction was observed, sug- terexaminer studies, 13 ·22 which were conducted to
gesting a nervous-mediated response. test agreement of trained examiners in their use of
segmental motion tests to make diagnostic deci-
Clinical observations sions of segmental dysfunction. Data about the di-
The clinical diagnosis, by which assignment of pa- rections of a segment's resistance to specified mo-
tients to groups was made, reflects accepted diag- tion tests provide precise descriptors of the motion
nostic standards. Criteria for exclusion from the asymmetries present in a given segment. Specific
study were based upon data in patient medical rec- tests and recordings for obtaining these data re-
ords. For inclusion in the renal group, patients were quire trained examiners. In principle, this is sim-
accepted from the dialysis unit. All renal patients ilar to training for psychomotor skill performance
had a history of hypertension followed by failure of and applies to many procedures carried out in a
renal function, as evidenced by increased serum research setting. The interexaminer studies that
metabolite levels and progression to dependence on tested reliability in the use of palpatory testing
dialysis as essential for life maintenance. Patients procedures utilized third-year medical students
in the renal group had many different causal and without extensive clinical experience. Their obser-
contributing factors; however, the presence of renal vations related to positive findings were reproduc-
failure was well documented. For the hypertensive ible because of training to conduct tests and to
and normotensive groups, our criteria clearly elim- make judgments based upon defined criteria for
inated borderline, unstable, or mild hypertensives positive findings.
from either group. Some normotensives were ex- Our classification of segmental dysfunctions into
cluded from the study on the basis of new informa- categories I, II, and III was derived from the clinical
tion at the time of their examination; other use of the specific directions of an individual seg-
normotensives, as mentioned previously, had been ment's motion asymmetries to recognize dif-
inadequately screened, proved to be hypertensive ferences in the configuration of dysfunctional units
on interview, and, when eligible, were retained in in the thoracic vertebral and costal columns. Pro-
the larger pool of patients meeting the criteria for cedurally, in the investigation of a dysfunctional
hypertension. segment, the examiner uses fingers of one hand to
The procedures to minimize examiner bias re- monitor by palpation the immediate response to a
ceived considerable attention. All response vari- gross passive motion test, which is being intro-
ables were measured and recorded before the duced simultaneously by the other hand. Judgment
patient left the climate control chamber. Our exam- on the character of a specific asymmetry is made by
ination procedures were carefully standardized for comparing responses to opposing directions of mo-
recording only thoracic segmental dysfunction, and tion at the same segment; the directions of imme-
the opportunity was limited to observe clues that diately increasing resistance are used to

33172 Jan. 1987/Journal of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1

characterize the asymmetry. For the current study, moved. The goal in a manipulative approach has
we used motion tests for resistance to passive shoul- been to interrupt the disturbed cycle of spinal re-
der rotation (right or left), shoulder sidebending flexes in facilitated nerve pathways created by spe-
(right or left), and resistance to active respiration cific visceral sensory inputs at dysfunctional spinal
(inhalation or exhalation) to evaluate an individual segments. By addressing the neuromuscular com-
segmental motion asymmetry. Also , the motion ponent, the factors oflocal increased muscular ten-
tests were repeated at the segments above and be- sion, positional distortion, and asymmetric
low the primary segment to confirm/deny the pres- response to motion are reduced as a source of con-
ence of mirror-image resistances to motion, as a tinuing bombardment of afferent impulses at these
method for establishing the reliability of a dysfunc- segments during posture and movement. There
tional unit. Its location was recorded only when the may be similar beneficial influences from changes
findings of a primary segment's resistance to mo- in nervous control of circulation after manipulative
tion were confirmed by the presence of opposing treatment of segmental somatic dysfunction.
directions of motion resistance in the two adjacent There is an anatomic basis for the hypothesis
(superior and inferior) segments. The same three that somatic manifestations of renal disease are
motion tests also were used to examine for resis- expected to occur in the thoracic spinal region
tance to motion in the vertical columns of costal T9-12 . Although hypertension is an early con-
segments to the right and left of the midline ver- comitant condition with primary renal disease, the
tebral column. Each column of costal segments was presence of renal disease that is secondary to be-
examined for the presence of dysfunctional units, nign essential hypertension is delayed; it usually
again by using resistance to motion in adjacent presents after a prolonged period of chronically
costal segments (superior and inferior) to assure elevated blood pressure. Ifhypertension is of recent
reliability of location of the primary dysfunctional origin, if laboratory tests of impaired renal func-
costal segment. When primary dysfunctional seg- tion are within normal limits, and if there is ab-
ments were identified in the midline and in a lat- sence of visceral sensory reflex manifestations at
eral costal column at the same spinal level, T9-12, there is basis for considering other than
comparisons were made of their similarities of re- renal factors in the classification of hypertensive
sistance to motion (direction) during all three mo- disease . The presence of somatic manifestations
tion tests. In this manner, a basis was established (T9-12 ) provides supporting evidence that renal
for making judgments regarding presence of the complications may be developing. In this spinal
linkage effect that was evident when two adjacent region, however, differential diagnosis must con-
dysfunctional units (one vertebral and one costal) sider somatic manifestations of somatic reflex
showed identical asymmetries, thus distinguishing origin, as well as those of visceral origin from other
a category III finding from category II when adja- than renal causes. In our study, it was necessary to
cent column dysfunctions are dissimilar. review data in the patient's medical record to con-
Finally, the technique of recording palpable find- trol for these variables in the selection process.
ings on a cloth record that overlies the actual pri-
mary segmental level of the finding assured that its Conclusion
relation to designated spinous landmarks was accu- Either somatic motor or skin temperature changes
rate rather than judgmental. The same landmarks might be observed singularly in this type of re-
were used for deriving the location of excess tem- search. Both were included in this controlled study
perature variances during analysis. so as to examine two aspects of viscerosomatic re-
The clinical observations of some osteopathic au- flex activity simultaneously in the same sampie.
thors23-27 of palpable musculoskeletal findings in The increased frequency of both somatic motor and
patients with visceral disease have tended to affirm skin temperature changes in the T9-12 region for
longstanding assumptions that viscerosomatic re- the renal failure group supports the presence of
flexes contribute significantly to clinical diagnosis. viscerosomatic influence in renal disease and indi-
This clinical impression was supported by Kelso's 2B cates two reflex responses that may be present in
study on the incidence and location of palpable somatic tissues.
findings in patients hospitalized with a variety of
diagnosed diseases. Also supported by clinical ex- Addendum
perience is the positive feedback nature of the vis- A mobile segment is represented by a bony unit
ceral reflex disturbance on somatic motor function; with articular surfaces for movement, and the ad-
findings in the somatic system associated with vis- nexal tissues that (1) move it, (2) allow it to be
ceral disease are often self-maintained, even after moved from one position to another, and (3) sta-
the visceral source is alleviated or surgically re- bilize it in one position. Criteria for norm of a

Somatic manifestations in renal disease 34173

Company, West Ca ldwell , New J ersey, HIB::l
mobile unit at rest include palpable qualities of
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tance to pressure of superficial and deep tissues, medical research- Louisa Burns Memoria l Lecture. JAOA 81:819-29,
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This study was initiated during sabbatical leave (WLJ).
The assistance of the Chicago College ofOsteopathic Med-
icine in providing facilities and patients for this study is
Accepted for publication in July 1986.
greatly appreciated. The assistance of Drs. Mayer L.
Horensten, Robert E. Kappler, Mark H. LaBeau, and Neil
Natkow is acknowledged. Dr. Johnston is a Professor in the Department of Family Medi-
cine at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medi-
cine, East Lansing. Dr. Kelso is a Research Professor in the
Department of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Hollandsworth is an
1. Warwick, R. , and Williams, P.L.: Gray's Anatomy. Brit. Ed. 35. W.B.
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35174 Jan. 1987/Journal of AOA/vol. 87/no. 1

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