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Aulia Syafira Syaharani


The Business Model Canvas is a very useful tool for designing and
understanding your business better. To build a boarding house, you can use the
Business Model Canvas as a guide for designing a business strategy. BMC itself
has 9 main elements, namely Key partners, Key activities, Key resources, Value
Proposition, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer segments, Cost
structure, and revenue streams. below is an example of bmc in lecturer housing.
Key Partners is a list of companies/suppliers/other external parties that you may
need to achieve key business activities and provide value to customers.

Key Resources Next you have to think about what practical resources are needed
to achieve key business activities (actions)?

Key Activities
Business/product key activities are the actions your business takes to achieve a
value proposition for your customers.

Value Proposition is the foundation for any business/product. Value Proposition

is the basic concept of exchanging value between your business and your
customers/clients. Generally, value is exchanged by customers for money when
their problems are solved by the business/product solutions you offer.

Customer Relationships
Now we know the Value Proposition of our business and have developed
Personas to better understand our Customer Segments or 'customers', but what
relationship do we have with our customers? Customer Relationships are defined
as how a business interacts with its customers.

Channels are defined as the avenues through which customers come into contact
with your business and become part of the sales cycle. Channels are generally
included in the marketing plan for your business.

Customer Segments
Customer Segments is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of
individuals who are similar in certain ways, such as age, gender, interests, and
shopping habits.

Cost Structures
The cost structure of your business is defined as the monetary costs of operating
a business.

Revenue Streams
Revenue Streams are defined as the way your business turns its Value Proposition
or solution to a customer's problem into financial gain. It is also important to
understand your business prices according to customer pain of purchase as a tool
to solve problems for your customers.

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