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Name: Macusi, Marcus Luis F.

Section: TV12

Course: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


(Eureka! Thoughts on Math by Queena Lee-Chua)

Math in Sports

Having a basic knowledge in math and physics can help to improve game performance in
a particular sport. For instance, basketball. Calculating angles and trajectories, according to
Brooklyn College physicist Peter Brancazio, concludes that high arching shots are generally better
than low flat ones. Taller basketball players are preferred than shorter players in a view of the
fact that the ball is released at a greater height above the floor. For shorter people, try another
sport such as swimming that improves cardiovascular endurance. The laws of mechanics do
operate even in water, for instance, world-class swimmers have been taught to treat their hands
like canoe paddles. World-class athletes rely more on science to get the maximum from their
sports such as billiards, golf, tennis, etc.

One of my preferred sports is basketball and I can assert that mathematics can help to
improve game performance, for instance, having a higher arc has the higher chance than the low
flat ones to make the shot. In physics, the flatter your shots get, the smaller the surface area the
ball should fit through, the higher the arc gets, the more room the ball must fit through.
Swimming is a sport that requires the use of one’s entire body to move through water, I don’t
swim often, however based on my basic knowledge, it requires proper form such that it makes
effective and prevent from drowning. Mathematics has taught me that it is applicable to sports
for the most part in physics in view of the fact that it is intimately connected. This is because
discipline of any sport depends on an athlete’s ability to exert force, and force is one key elements
of Newton’s laws of motion and other physics concepts.
How math is used in other sports

Mathematics can be applied to all sports not only in basketball and swimming that were
already mentioned above. One of my favorite sports is playing table tennis. I used to play this
sport when I was in grade 7 until grade 12. From my own experience, it is a very challenging to
play at first nevertheless if you keep on practicing in every moment until it becomes natural for
you. How does mathematics used in this sport? Well, in Newton’s second law of motion describes
how the force applied to an object can be measured by mass times acceleration. It also describes
how an object with more mass requires more force to accelerate it while an object with less
requires less force to accelerate it. This implies that Newton’s second law of motion applies when
the ball is hit by the paddle, as you increase the force applied to the ball at that moment, the ball
will travel fast and as you decrease the force at that time, the ball will travel slow. In playing
table tennis, controlling the exerted force, and projecting the correct movement in the angles
being targeted are very vital, so as in life, being determined of achieving my goals and priorities
in my life.

Take another instance, riding a bicycle, while the pedal is on a rotation. The wheel
circumferences and angles of frame are calculated using math, such that the cyclist could select
the right bicycle for them to engage the muscles properly while cycling. Focusing the right
direction, you are going through, and proper balance are needed, as in life, I am determined what
are my goals are and I must balance everything I do so as not to be fall or distorted.

Math in Music

When Dr. Queena Lee-Chua, PhD wrote about chaos theory in June 1991 at that time,
painter-poetess Karen David wrote her a letter says that she was strongly impressed. Karen
enclosed: “Music and Fractal Landscapes” by Richard Macduff: Every single aspect of a piece is
represented by numbers through a whole symphony and patterns of pitch and rhythm that make
up melodies and harmonies however some people says that if you reduce music to mathematics,
where does the emotion come into it? That is why he believed that there must be a form of music
inherent in the patterns of natural processes. The author pointed to Karen some questions and
added: “My love for music – alas – is only limited to singing the karaoke at parties or listening to
the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ on cassette. I wish the quantum revolution will change all that”. To
remember the issue of the athlete doing calculus, Karen wrote back: “The key word is conscious”.

From my own experience a single piece can be represented by numbers and patterns for
the reason that I play piano every day. Performing music can improve math skills in view of the
fact that it reinforces the parts of the brain used when doing math. Studies also shown that
children who plays instrument are able to do well in math than peers who do not play
instruments. I would suggest that try to play an instrument not just to improve our mathematical
abilities however enjoy the natural beauty of music. This article taught me how mathematics is
applied in music typically through pattern recognitions, for instance, playing guitar, pressing
down at the 12th fret makes the string half of its full length, which produces an “Octave” or “High
8th” note.

Geometry in Astronomy

Geometric figures are familiar to us today originated from man’s desire to explore the
universe. Isaac newton is one of the scientists who developed physical law in mathematical form
and verified them by means of geometry. A circle, an ellipse, a parabola, and a hyperbola are
conic sections were known as early as the 4th century B.C.: the Greeks Mennachmus and
Appolonius have in fact recorded studies on this topic. Newton realized that the best mirror for
gathering light is in the form of parabola, in fact that the Hubble Space telescope in 1990, a
parabolic mirror was utilized. Galileo hypothesized that planets revolve around the sun in circular
orbits however a young Kepler formulated his planetary laws that the orbit of each planet is an
ellipse. The ellipse also plays a prominent role in medicine, for instance, a medical application of
the reflection property of an ellipse is the use of the lithotripter to break up kidney stones.
Hyperbola is equally significant, and it is commonly utilized in telescopes, hyperbolic gears, even
nuclear power plants. Nicolai Lobachevsky and Janos Bolyai have also used hyperbola to find
hyperbolic geometry. From the notion of a flat earth to orbiting stars, these discoveries would
not have been possible without the use of the conic sections.

Conic section is the topic that I learned last semester in my course Engineering
Mathematics 2, and I did great. In reality, we tend to ask ourselves, how conic section is applied
in real life? Conic shapes are widely seen in nature and in man-made works and structures. They
are beneficially used in architecture, electronics, bakery, and medical fields. For instance, cutting
a cucumber that results in elliptical shape and elegant look. The satellite dish is a parabolic
structure facilitating focus and reflection of radio waves. This application in math really inspires
me for the reason that the essence of this topic is very useful in my everyday life.

Mathematics in Programming

Computers is the most famous spin-off of math however some parents fear computers.
Using the computer requires new skills, a new outlook, and a new mindset. The choice is ours if
we can either reject computers as soulless machines or we can join for fun. The computer was
destined to be more than a mere calculator for the reason that the machines were amplified to
manipulate any kind of symbol, for instance, numbers, letters etc. Computer is family investment
in a view of the fact that it possesses widespread applications such as business that instead of
computing accounts manually, the computer can perform calculations in a matter of seconds.
Education, computer schools like I/ACT base their lessons on this format. Entertainment, where
kids are initially attracted to computers because of the game software. If you are planning to buy
a computer then buy from reputable stores, invest in a flexible machine, and do not hesitate to
ask for information on programs and applications. Once having your own computer, learn to
operate a computer, make back-up copies, and learn through the hands-on style.

Computers enables us to carry out logical operations automatically. Most of us owned

his/her computer to make our assignments, tasks, business etc. However, some users tend to
play online games usually teenagers and I admit that I am one of them. I can still manage my time
in playing games for the reason that knowing the consequences of computer addiction, for
instance, headache, sleep deprivation, increase the risk of obesity, and lowers self-esteem. From
what I have said earlier that I play online games in my computer, mathematics can help me to
win more games using patterns and recognition, for instance, chess online, knowing the different
patterns of my opponent enables me to predict his/her next move that can lead me to victory
however, sometimes I make mistakes that will serve as my lesson. Mathematics in programming
inspires me in view of the fact that this technology helps me to discover new ideas that I can use
in my everyday life.

Other applications of math in real world: Math in Culinary arts

People use math knowledge in every aspect of baking. Fractions and divisions are required
for both measurement and serving size. For instance, if a baking recipe serves 14 and requires 7
servings, the baker must use a fraction to divide the serving size. Timing and temperature
variations are important mathematical techniques used in baking. The temperature and time in
the oven are dependent of each other. When the temperature changes, the time must also
change and vice versa. Both temperature and time should be increased and decreased.

Math is used in every step of baking, a useful tool for baking. Bakers should use math to
measure and weigh ingredients, change recipes, and change temperatures. Also, people on
certain diets need to understand the percentages and units of measurements on the nutrition
facts. Ingredients are interconnected with each other in recipes. This is an important concept in
baking. In mathematics, relationships are called relationships. If your recipe requires 2 eggs and
5 cups of flour, the ratio is 2:5. Measurements really matter in baking, if it is wrong your whole
baked goods will be ruined.

From my own experience in cooking, measurements really matter when cooking for the
reason that a good measurement will make your dish delectable, for instance, cooking a soup,
too much table salt will make the soup too salty that can cause bloating, severe thirst, and a
temporary rise in blood pressure. Another instance, is the excessive use of vinegar in adobo, it
will make you feel unpleasant and just throw the dish away since the overall flavor of the dish is

I would also like to share one experience in culinary arts. When I was studying alone in
the living room at night, I was hungry therefore I took the bag of raw fries in the refrigerator. I
put the raw fries in a colander until it was half full. I opened the stove then placed the cast iron
skillet and filled with cooking oil however I didn’t notice that the cooking oil is too much thus I
waited for 5 minutes to boil the cooking oil then I put the fries in the cast iron skillet. After 10
mins, the fries are already cooked, and I noticed that it looks too oily. I was disappointed however
I still ate the fries, and I didn’t enjoy it. The moral lesson of this is to make sure that the in every
measurement in cooking is properly applied.

Mathematics can give you the best meal in your everyday life. Learn from your mistakes
for the reason that it serves you as a lesson to improve yourself.


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