At The Restaurant TV A1 2

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At the Restaurant

1. Match the words in the table with the correct image:

___fork____ ___knife___ __spoon__ __bill__ __plate___

__waiter___ __customers__ __restaurant___ __chef___ __soup____

___chicken___ __salad___ _pasta_____ __menu____ wine glass

chicken customers fork knife

waiter menu soup restaurant
pasta chef spoon bill
plate fruit salad wine glass

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At the Restaurant
Restaurant Menu

Tomato Soup €3
French Onion Soup €4
Green Salad €3

Main Course
Chicken and chips €9.50
Vegetable pasta €8
Fish and chips €10

Olives €4
Bread €2
Side Salad €3

Fruit salad €3
Chocolate cake €3

Beer €2
Red/White wine bottle €7
Red/White wine glass €3
Water €2

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At the Restaurant
2. Dialogue: Ordering at a restaurant:
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Yes, please.
Waiter: Great! What would you like?
Customer: I would like the French onion soup as a starter and
the chicken and chips as a main course.
Waiter: One French onion soup and one chicken and chips.
Would you like a side order?
Customer: No thank you.
Waiter: Ok. What would you like to drink?
Customer: I would like a glass of red wine.
Waiter: One glass of red wine. Would you like anything else?
Customer: No thank you.
Waiter: So, one French onion soup, one chicken and chips and one glass of red wine.
Customer: Yes! Thank you.

3. Put the dialogue below in the correct order:

_1_ - Good evening, Are you ready to order ?
4 - I would like the chicken and chips please.
10 - No thank you. That’s everything.
5 - So, one chicken and chips. What would you like to drink ?
7 - Would you like a dessert ?
2 - Yes, I am ready.
3 - What would you like ?
8 - Yes, I would like a dessert. I would like a slice of chocolate cake.
9 - Ok, one chicken and chips, one glass of water and one slice of chocolate
cake. Anything else ?
6 - A glass of water please.

4. Now practice having a similar dialogue with your partner using the menu
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At the Restaurant

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