ATAL Assignment-2-1

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Submitted Towards Fulfillment Of


UndertheGuidanceof: SubmittedBy:

(Dr)Doa Naqvi Maam IstyakAli




First of all I express my gratitude to my project guide(DR) Doa Naqvi
Maam, KMCLU,Lucknow. Her ableguidanceat each step oftheproject
helped me to broaden me outlook on the project and in successful
completion of the project. I shall always remember his polite way of
correction and constant encouragement by asking various questions.

I specially thank all the faculty members of KMCLU Lucknow, for

having equipped me with the skills and the ability through their
inputs,which assisted me in the completion of the project.

I wish to thank all those people who have directly or indirectly been
instrumental in successful completion of this project work.

Finally, I would like to thank my Parents, Family, Friends, colleagues and

God Almighty for their unending inspiration and encouragement.

ATAL INNOVATION MISSION (AIM) is an initiative by the Government of India to promote a

culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across the nation. ATAL INNOVATION MISSION is
set up by the National Institution of Transforming India (NITI) Aayog to promote entrepreneurial
requirements for the future years. AIM works for the establishment and development of an
ecosystem of entrepreneurship at various levels that include SMEs, MSMEs, corporates, NGOs,
higher secondary schools, and science and engineering institutions. AIM plans to establish and
promotes Small Business Innovation Research and Development (SBIR) at a national scale for
Startups, SMEs, and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). ATAL INNOVATION
MISSION’S start date is April 26th, 2018.


 AtalTinkeringLabs

 AtalIncubationCentres

 AtalNewIndia Challenges

 MentorIndiaCampaign

 AtalCommunityInnovationCentre

1) AtalTinkeringLabs(ATLs):
design, physicalcomputing, and adaptive learning. ATLsprovide toolsand equipment for children
to learn and understand the concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM).
ATLs also offer kits and equipment on various topics, including electronics, sensors, 3D printers,
and computers.

ATLs are set up at schools that are managed by Government, local bodies, society, and private
trusts and should be from grades 6 – 10. AIM provides financial support of Rs. 20 lakh to each
school which includes a one-time establishment cost of Rs. 10 lakh and an operational cost of Rs.
10 lakh for a period of 5 years.

2) AtalIncubationCentres(AICs):

AIMsupportsAtalIncubationCentres(AICs) thatpromoteandhelp start-upenterprisestobecome

morestable,scalable,and sustainable. AIMalso encouragesentrepreneurialStart-upsand Women- led
incubators in everystate and sector ofthe nation. The mission offers grants up to Rs. 10 crores to set
up Greenfield incubators for successful applicants. AICs shall be established in various subject-
specific areas, including agriculture, education, manufacturing, water, energy, health, transport,
and sanitation.


To useAICs, applicantsneedto provide at least 10,000 sq.ft.ofready-to-use and built-up spaceto

AIM. AICs can be applied by individuals, business accelerators, the corporate sector, higher
educational institutions, R&D institutes, etc.

3) AtalNewIndiaChallenge (ANIC):

AIM’s aim is to incentivize innovation in areas of energy, water, housing, health and hygiene.
ANIC develops mechanism and structure for technologies and products from MSMEs and Start-
ups on their own. ANIC helps in the creation of products from existing technologies for social

Focus areas under ANIC include agriculture, mobility, health, education, railways, water and
sanitation, food processing, electric mobility, housing, and power and energy.

 Alternatefuel-based transportation

 Cleaningofsewerandseptictanks

 Climate-smartagriculture

 DigitalandGreywatermanagement

 Fogvisionsystemforroadandrail

 Garbagecompositiondevices

 Instant portablewaterqualitytesting

 Mixingbladesforcomposting

 PredictivemaintenanceofRollingStock

 Sustainingdrinkingwatersources

 Systemstoidentify,predictandrecognizerailfailure,usingtechnologies

 Wasteinpublicspaces

MSMEs,startups,R&DOrganizations,Innovators,andAcademicianscanapplyforAtalNew India
Challenge Scheme.

4) Mentorof ChangeProgram:

AIM has set up mentoring networks in India from the professional community to mentor students
at ATL and ATC incubators and start-ups. Approximately 5000 mentors have been registered and
are aligned with the operational ATL. Respective mentors are required to spend at least 1-2 hours
every week in one or more labs. The mission also works with innovative entities and systems in
other countries in Asia-pacific, the US, UK, Latin America, Europe, and African countries.
5) AtalCommunityInnovationCentre:
Atal Community Innovation Centrefocuseson un-servedandunderservedregionsof thenation which
currently do not have a start-up and innovation ecosystem.
AIM's objective is to develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors
of the economy, provide platforms and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders, and
create an umbrella structure to oversee the innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem of the country.


Undeserved regions of Tier 1metrocities, Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities, North East, Smartcities, J&K,and
rural and tribal regions of India.


AcademicApplicants Non-academicApplicants

UGC and AICTE affiliated

Universities / Colleges

Voluntary and other organizations having

exposure in the promotion of Science
EducationalInstitutionslikeITIs& other &Technology
technical diploma colleges

AIMhas providedamaximum grantof up toRs. 2.5 crore, followingcompliancewith program guidelines.


 AIMhasshortlisted102incubatorscovering23statesandfrom theseincubators,47are already

 Under AICs and EICs, more than 600 start-ups incubated, and close to 100 were women-
led start-ups
 Conducted900eventsandmorethan350trainingprograms

 AIMhasprovided approximatelyRs.6 croresofseedfund

 Establishedmorethan350collaborationsforthedevelopmentoftheecosystem


Currently,AIMispromotinginnovationinitiativesacrossthenationwiththehelpofvarious industries which

are as follows:



SAN-SADHANHACKATHON:MinistryofJalshaktiandDepartmentofEmpowermentofpersons with

Throughthisinitiative,technopreneurswillbeabletopromotethemselvesanddevelopIndia's future:

• 15 sector-specific challenges will be selected, and there will be three challengesfor each of the

• A grantof upto50lakhhasbeenawardedforstartups todevelopaminimumusageprototype between


• In addition to attracting the innovators, challenging them with the Mahatma Gandhi challenge
would be more effective in attracting them. By addressing these problems in the core areas, the
Atal Innovation Mission initiative directly impacts the quality of life as well as the creation of

• Those entrepreneurs who successfully demonstrate they have the capability to manufacture and
organize a market fortheir products underthe 17 focus areas willbe rewarded witha grant ofup to
Rs 1 crore.

• The winning guaranteeswill be facilitated withthe best guidance provided bythe leading experts
in the market and the technical support team, along with the incubators that will help them to
boost their product multiplication and increase their market share.

• As a part ofthe commercialization process, continuous guidance and mentoring will be provided
to the awardees from time to time at various levels.

• This challenge is toopenanapplicationto all the companies registered under the Companies Act
and the startups of all the research and development institutions for academicians and academic


Maharamau isasmallvillagedistrict Unnao,UttarPradesh.Thevillage isdivided into 4wardsfor

elections are held every 5year. The maharamau has population of 880 of which 330 are maleswhile
300 are females as per report released by census India 2.11.Population of children with age of0-6 is
250 which is 28.40% oftotalpopulation ofMaharamau . In maharamau, grampanchayat,
Moreover child sex ratio in Maharamau is around 975 compared to Uttar Pradesh average of
902.Literac rate of Maharamau villageis 51.47% tower than state average of 67.68%. In
Maharamau, male litera around 61.42% while female literacy rate is 47.51%.


Saitha is a small village district Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh. The village is divided into 4 wards for
electionsareheld every5year. The Saithahaspopulationof400 ofwhich190 are maleswhile170 are
females as per report released bycensus India 2.11.Populationofchildren withageof0-6 is 40 which
is 10% of total population of saitha . In saitha, gram panchayat, Female sex ratio is of 850 against
state average of 912.
Moreover child sex ratio in Saitha is around 870 compared to Uttar Pradesh average of 902.
Literacyrate of Saitha town is 48.47% tower than state average of 67.68%. In Saitha,male literacy
around57.89% while female literacy rate is 51.94%

Begariya dubagga is a Nagar PalikaPanchayat city in district lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The city is
divided into 2.5 wards for elections are held every 5year. The begariya Nagar PalikaParishad has
population of 1,89,000 of which 86,100 are males while 81,500are females as per report released
by census India 2.11.Population of children with age of 0-6 is 21,400 which is 11.32% of total
population ofbegariya. In begariya, Nagar PalikaParishad, Female sex ratio is of956 against state
average of 912.
Moreover child sex ratio in begariya is around 891 compared to Uttar Pradesh average of 902.
Literacy rate of begariyatown is 23.42% tower than state average of 56.68%. In begariya, male
literacy around 69.80% while female literacy rate is 54.54

4. JAIS:

Jais is a Nagar PalikaPanchayat city in district Amethi, Uttar Pradesh. The city is divided into 2.5
wards for elections are held every 5year. The Jais Nagar PalikaParishad has population of 26,735
2.11.Population of children with age of 0-6 is 3579 which is 13.39% of total population of Jais
(NPP). In Jais, Nagar PalikaParishad, Female sex ratio is of 931 against state average of 912.
Moreover child sex ratio in Jais is around 891 compared to Uttar Pradesh average of902. Literacy rate
ofJaistownis 62.42% tower thanstateaverage of67.68%. InJais, male literacyaround 69.80% while
female literacy rate is 54.54%.


Yadav Khera is a small Village/hamlet in Kakori Block in Lucknow District of Uttar PradeshState,
India. It comes under BanshigarhiPanchayath. It belongs to LucknowDivision . It is located 19 KM
towards North from District head quartersLucknow. 11 KM from Kakori. 20 KM from State
capital Lucknow.YadavKhera Pin code is 226102.
YadavKhera issurroundedbyMalihabadBlocktowardswest ,MalBlocktowardsNorth,Bakshi- Ka-
Talab Block towards East , Lucknow Block towards East .

Lucknow,Sandila,Zaidpur , Safipur arethenear byCitiestoYadavKhera.

This Place is in the border ofthe Lucknow District and UnnaoDistrict. Unnao District Hasanganj is
South towards this place .
DemographicsofYadav Khera:

 HindiistheLocalLanguagehere.

 PoliticsinYadavKhera

 SP,RCP,BSP,arethemajor politicalpartiesinthis area.

 PollingStations/Boothsnear YadavKhera

1) PSGarhiJindaurRoomNo-2

2) P.s.KhundraKalaRoomNo-1

3) P.s.Jehta-2RoomNo-2

4) U.p.s.Goapramau RoomNo–1

5) P.s.JamaalNagarRoomNo-1


 C.p.lPublicInterCollegLaxmanpurLucknow

Address:Vill- LaxmanpurPost-adampurDistt-Lucknow226303

 Shree Mahesh Shingh Inter College

 CRASBInterCollageGarhaNagramLuckno
Address :GarhaNagramLucknow
 AzadInstituteOfTechnology
Address :Natkur
 NSSinterCollageMasedhaHameer

 Address: MasedhaHameer
Schoolsin YadavKhera:

 J.h.s.bansighad

Address:banshigarhi,kakori,lucknow ,UttarPradesh.PIN-227115,Post-Mall
GovtHealthCentersnearYadav Khera:

1) Kakarabad,kakarabad,kakarabad,nearlohabhandarshop

2) Pipari,Pipari,Pipari,itaunja road

3) GoshaLalpur,goshalalpur,goshalalpur,nearvillagesherpurmau


TheAtalNewIndiachallengeislaunchedbyNITIAayog,whichisanationalinstitutionfor transforming India

under the Atal Innovation Mission.

• AtalNewIndiachallengesaimto createsuperinnovationsand bring intechnologyrelevanttothe

society and public of India.

• The AtalNew India Challenge programis led bythe IndianSpace Research Organisation(ISRO)
and four ministries: the ministry of defense; the ministry of food processing industries; theministry
of health and welfare; and the ministry of housing and urban affairs.

• The objective ofthe AtalNew India Challenge isto collaborate withthe ministries and industries to
do research and development and facilitate innovative solutions to existing problems.


AtalInnovationMissionisagreatfuturisticinitiativefromtheGovernmentofIndiatofoster entrepreneurship
and innovative technology in different sectors of the country.

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