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ME331 – Kinematic Analysis

Mechanics Kinematics
Kinematics: geometry of motion

Kinematics of machines: analyzing/synthesizing motion geometry of

machines disregarding the forces causing the motion.
In this course we will work on planar mechanisms only.
ME331 – Kinematic Analysis – basic definitions
Position/Pose: Location of a rigid body or a point on a rigid body with respect to
a given reference frame.
Path: Locus of successive positions of a point on a rigid body.
Displacement: Change in linear/angular position of a rigid body or a point with
respect to a reference frame. It is a vector quantity whose magnitude is called
distance/angle (mm or m ; rad or ).
Velocity: The rate of change of linear/angular displacement. It is a vector
quantity whose magnitude is called linear/angular speed (mm/s or m/s ; rad/s
or rpm).
Acceleration: Time rate of change of linear/angular velocity. It is a vector
quantity whose magnitude is measured in mm/s2 or m/s2 ; rad/s2. There is no
special name for its magnitude.
ME331 – Kinematic Analysis – basic definitions
In kinematic analysis of mechanisms link lengths are known and joint
parameters as many as the dof of the mechanism are given. We aim to
• determine position of all links
• determine paths of some points on some links
• determine velocity/acceleration of all links and some points on the links
The joint parameters define the relative position of two links connected by
a joint. The joint whose parameter is defined is called the input joint. If
one of the links connected by the joint is fixed, the other link is called an
input link.
ME331 – Kinematic Analysis – example
Analysing a planar 4-bar mechanism:
dof = 3(3 – 4) + 4 = 1
3 B
Input joint: A0, input variable: θ, input link: 2
A Analysis problem is to determine
• angular position/speed/acceleration of
2 crank 4
links 3 and 4
θ • position/velocity/acceleration (as a
A0 B0 function of θ or time) and path of point C
ME331 – Kinematics of a Particle in Plane
Cartesian/polar coordinates of a point with
respect to a reference frame:
  
r  x i  y j  r
Given (x, y): r  x 2  y2 ;   atan2  x,y 
Given (r, θ): x  rcos  ; y  rsin 
ME331 – atan v.s. atan2 functions
Arctangent (atan or tan-1) function:
atan: R  (-π/2, π/2) (quadrants 1 and 4)
atan(y/x) = θ
Double argument arctangent (atan2)
atan2: R2  [0, 2π) (all quadrants)
atan2(x,y) = θ
(In Excel atan2(x,y) ; in Matlab atan2(y,x))
ME331 – Complex numbers
Cartesian form: z = x + iy
where x: Re(z) (Real part of z)
y: Im(z) (Imaginary part of z)
Polar form: z = reiθ
where r: |z| (Modulus of z)
θ : Arg(z) (Argument of z)
ME331 – Complex numbers
Recall that x  rcos  ; y  rsin  r  x 2  y 2 ;   atan2  x,y 
Euler’s equation for complex numbers: eiθ = cosθ + isinθ, so
z = x + iy = reiθ = rcosθ + irsinθ
i  i
Conjugate of z:
z z  x  iy  z  x  iy or z  re  z  re
zz   x  iy  x  iy   x 2  y 2 or zz  reirei  r2
z  z
z  z  x  iy  x  iy  2x  2Re  z   Re  z  
    z z
z  z  x  iy  x  iy  2iy  2iIm z  Im z 
ei0  1 ; ei 2  i ; ei  ei  1 ; ei3 2  ei 2  i
ME331 – Complex numbers
Multiplication with a scalar k: kz = kreiθ  |kz| = k|z| , Arg(kz) = Arg(z)
Multiplication with eiφ : zeiφ = rei(θ + φ)  |zeiφ| = |z| , Arg(zeiφ) = Arg(z) + φ
ME331 – Kinematics of Rigid Body in Plane
Due to rigidity assumption we have 3 important conclusions:
1) Planar motion of a rigid body is completely described by the motion of
any two points within the rigid body or by a point and the angle of a line
(or a vector) on the rigid plane with respect to a reference axis.
ME331 – Kinematics of Rigid Body in Plane
2) We are concerned with the kinematics of the rigid bodies only. It is
sufficient to consider just a line segment on the rigid body (for example
segment AB in the figure). Since the actual boundaries of the body does
not influence the kinematics, the rigid body in plane motion is to be
regarded as a large plane which embraces any desired point in the plane.

3) Rigidity ensures that the particles lying

on a straight line have equal velocity
components in the direction of this line,
since the distance between any two points
along this line remains constant.
ME331 – Coincident points
For each link, we associate an infinitely extended plane (in x- and y-direction).
For the following slider-crank (RRRP) mechanisms permanently coincident
points are: A0 for links 1 and 2 ; A for links 2 and 3 ; B for links 3 and 4
One may consider infinitely many
instantaneously coincident
points which we can show as,
for example P1, P2, P3, P4.

4 planes with relative motion

ME331 – Vector Loops of a Mechanism
Number of independent loops in a mechanism: L = j – l ,
where j is the number of joints and l is the number of moving links
(Derived from Euler’s equation for polyhedra)
Ex: E
Loops: A0ABB0 ; ABEDC ; A0CDEB0
There are 3 loops, but 2 are independent:
A0 B0
ME331 – Fundamental Joint
For each loop, there are two alternative ways to go from an initial point to
a a terminal point. For a loop, we can virtually disconnect a joint. The
disconnected joint is called the fundamental joint of the loop.

B B3
3 B4

2 4

A0 B0 A0 B0
ME331 – Fundamental Joint
Rules on choosing a fundamental joint:
1) Avoid disconnecting a fixed joint.
2) Avoid disconnecting multi-dof joints (CP, Sc, etc.)
3) Prefer (floating) revolute joints over prismatic joints
4) For multi-loop mechanisms choose distinct fundamental joints for all
loops if possible.
ME331 – Loop Closure Equation (LCE)
Equating vector additions from an initial point to the fundamental joint
we obtain the loop closure equation (LCE):
   
A 0 A  AB  A 0B0  B0B

B B3
3 B4

2 4

A0 B0 A0 B0
ME331 – Steps for Representing Mechanisms
1) Number the links starting from the fixed link (Link 1 is always the fixed link),
continue with the/one of the input links (link 2), continue with a link connected to
link 2 (link 3) and continue in order with the links in the loop of links 1, 2, 3.
2) Use A, B, C, ... for moving revolute joints. Do not use index. If you use index i, then
i must refer to the link number where that point is located. Use subscript 0 for the
fixed revolute joints: A0, B0, etc. If you have a point A then A0 must be the center of
the circle described by A.
3) Use ai, bi,..., ai, bi, ... for the fixed link dimensions and angles respectively. i must
refer to the link number on which that length or angle is to be measured. These
angles or lengths have positive values only
ME331 – Steps for Representing Mechanisms
4) Do not define a joint variable at the fundamental joint of a loop.
5) Use 1j for a variable angle that shows the angular position of link j with respect to
a reference frame on link 1. Link 1 is always considered as the fixed link (or the
reference link about which the motion of all the other links are to be measured).
This angle must be a directed angle and must be considered positive when
measured CCW. Use sjk for a variable distance that gives the translational position of
link k with respect to link j.
6) You can use f, y, x, ... for intermediate variable angles that you may need during
computation and s, u, t, ... for intermediate variable lengths.
7) When writing a complex number in polar form, simplify when you have an angle
which is a multiple of /2: ei( /2)  iei , ei(/2)  iei , ei()  ei , ei(3 /2)  iei
ME331 – Writing LCEs
4-bar linkage    
LCE in vector form: A 0 A  AB  A 0B0  B0B
y C LCE in complex numbers:
a2ei12  a3ei13  a1  a4ei14
b3 3 B Scalar components of the LCE:
a3 a3 Re: a2 cos 12  a3 cos 13  a1  a4 cos 14
A 13 Im: a2 sin 12  a3 sin 13  a4 sin 14
Position of coupler point C (not a LCE):
2 a4 4  i12 i 13 a3 
A 0C  x C  iy C  a2e  b3e
a2 12 14 x C  a2 cos 12  b3 cos  13  a 3 
A0 1 B0
x y C  a2 sin 12  b3 sin  13  a 3 
ME331 – Writing LCEs
Slider-crank linkage   
LCE in vector form: A 0 A  A 0B  BA
C LCE in complex numbers:
i12 i13
y a2e  s14  ia1  a3e
A α3
2 θ13 Scalar components of the LCE:
Re: a2 cos 12  s14  a3 cos 13
θ12 3 a1
x Im: a2 sin 12  a1  a3 sin 13
A0 s14 Position of coupler point C (not a LCE):
 i 13 a3 
|A0A| = a2 , |AB| = a3 , |BC| = b3 A 0C  x C  iy C  s14  ia1  b3e
x C  s14  b3 cos  13  a 3 
y C  a1  b3 sin  13  a 3 
ME331 – Writing LCEs
Swinging block mechanism   
LCE in vector form: A 0 A  A 0B0  B0 A
y LCE in complex numbers:
A s43 i12 i14
3 4 a2e  a1  s 43e
2 12 Scalar components of the LCE:
A0 B0 C Re: a2 cos 12  a1  s 43 cos 14
|A0B0| = a1 , |A0A| = a2 , |AC| = a3 Im: a2 sin 12  s43 sin 14
Position of point C:
A 0C  x C  iy C  a1   a3  s 43  ei 14  
 a1   a3  s 43  ei14
x C  a1   a3  s43  cos 14
y C    a3  s 43  sin 14
ME331 – Writing LCEs
A 6-link mechanism
6 LCEs in vector form:
Q s56      
|A0B0| = a1 B A 0 A  A 0B0  B0 A B0B  B0Q  QB
5 LCEs in complex numbers:
|B0Q| = b1
|A0A| = a2
3 i12
a2e  ia1  s 43e i14
a4 e i14
 s16  i b1  s 56 
2 A θ12
|B0B| = a4
A0 Scalar components of the LCE:
4 a2 cos 12  s 43 cos 14 a4 cos 14  s16
a2 sin 12  a1  s43 sin 14 a4 sin 14  b1  s56
ME331 – Writing LCEs
A single dof 6-link mechanism
|A0B0| = a1 A
|A0C0| = b1 θ15
y 3 B 5
|BA| = a3
|B0B| = a4 C
4 D
|AC| = a5 θ12 2 θ14 θ16
|AD| = b5 A0 x
1 B0 C0
|C0C| = a6
      
LCEs in vector form: A 0B  A 0B0  B0B A 0 A  A 0C 0  C0C  CA
In complex numbers: s23e i12
 a1  a4e i14
 s23  a3  e  b1  a6e  a5e
i12 i16 i15

Scalar s23 cos 12  a1  a4 cos 14  s23  a3  cos 12  b1  a5 cos 15  a6 cos 16
components: s sin   a sin 
23 12 4 14  s23  a3  sin 12  a5 sin 15  a6 sin 16
ME331 – Writing LCEs
A single dof 6-link mechanism     
Vector form: A 0 A  AB  A 0C 0  C0C  CB
   
C0C  CD  DQ  C0Q
|CD| = b4 Complex form:
i13 i15
a2e  a3e  ib1  a1  a5e  a4ei14

a5ei15  a4ei14  a6  s16  a1  ib1  c1 

Scalar components:
a2 cos 12  a3 cos 13  a1  a4 cos 14  a5 cos 15
a2 sin12  a3 sin13  b1  a4 sin14  a5 sin15
a4 a4 cos 14  b5 cos 15  a6  a1  s16
a4 sin 14  b5 sin 15  b1  c1
If θ12 is input
2 equations, 3 unknowns for each pair of LCES (A and B)!

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