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Reading Strategies (Engl 113)

Topic Page Notes

Chapter 1 (The Higer Learning of Community Living)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 5

4) The Higher Learning of Community Living 5, 6, 7 Reading 1

Focus 7
5) Getting the Main Idea 7
Recognizing Supporting details in Paragraph 7

Exercise 6) 8, 9
Recognizing Reading Structure in a Textbook 9
Exercise 7) 9
1) Previewing Vocabulary 10
Recognizing Topics, Main ideas, Supporting Details in 10 Focus
a paragraph
Example 11
Reasons Not to Live in Shared Student 12, 13 Reading 2
Summarizing 13
Getting Meaning from Context 15 Strategy
Exercise 2) 16
Recognizing Words with the Same or Similar Meaning 16
Exercise 3) 17
Chapter 2 (Experiencing Future)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 23
The Powerful Influence of Weather 23, 24, 25 Reading 1
Using a Diagram to show Cause and Effect 25
Exercise 7) 26, 27
Exercise 8) 27, 28
Strategy 33
1 33, 34
Exercise 2) 34
Exercise 3) 35
37, 38 Reading 2
Chapter 3 (Living to Eat, or Eating to Live)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 43
Global Diet Choices 44, 45 Reading 1
Recognizing Reading Structure, Main Idea Questions 46
for Paragraph Topics
Exercise 5) 46
Exercise 6) 46
Exercise 7) 47
1) Previewing Vocabulary 48
Facts about Food 49, 50, 51 Reading 2
More about Summarizing 51
Getting Meaning from Context: Italics and 53
Punctuations Clues
Exercise 1) 53
Recognizing Vacabulary Categories 54 Strategy
Exercise 3) 55
Chapter 4 (In the Community)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 63
What makes a Virtual community 63, 64, 65 Reading 1
Identifying Paragraph and Whole Reading Topics 65 focus
Exercise 8 67
Using Punctuation to recognize Supporting Details 68 Strategy
1) Previewing Vocabulary 70
Communities in Real Life 71, 72, 73 Reading 2
Learning to Paraphrase 74 Strategy
Getting Meaning from Context: Finding Illustrations 75 Strategy
(Examples of Words
Exercise 1) 75, 76
Recognizing Words with Similar Meaning and 76 Strategy
Meaning Categories
Exercise 3) 77
Recognizing Nouns and Verbs 77 Strategy
Exercise 4) 78
Exercise 5) 79
Chapter 5 (Home)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 87
At Home in World History 87, 88, 89, 90 Reading 1
Strategy 90
Exercise 5) 90
Exercise 6) 91
Exercise 8) 91, 92
Strategy 92
Strategy 94
1) Previewing Vocabulary 95
A Short History of … 95, 96, 97, 98 Reading 2
Strategy 101
Exercise 2) 101
Strategy 101
Chapter 6 (Cultures of the Worlds)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 109
Cross- Cultural Conversation 109, 110, 111 Reading 1
Focus 111
Exercise 5) 111, 112
Exercise 6) 112
Focus 113
Exercise 7) 113, 114
1) Previewing Vocabulary 114
Focus 115
Clues to World Cultures 115, 116, 117, Reading 2
Strategy 118
Strategy 120
Exercise 1) 120, 121, 122
Strategy 122
Exercise 2) 123, 124
Chapter 7 (Health)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 133
The Secrets of a very Long Life 133, 134, 135
Strategy 135
5) Mind Maps 136, 137
Strategy 139
1) Previewing Vocabulary 141
Claims to Amazing Health 142, 143, 144, Reading 2
Strategy 145
Strategy 147
Exercise 1) 148, 149, 150
Exercise 2) 150
Focus 151
Exercise 3) 151
Chapter 8 (Entertainment and the Media)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 161
How the Visual Media Affect People 161, 162, 163, Reading 1
Strategy 164
5) 164, 165
1) 174, 175
Understanding Suffix 176
2) 176, 177
Understanding word families 177
3) 177, 178
Chapter 9 (Social Life)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 188
Meeting the Perfect Friend, Part 1 188, 189, 190 Reading 1
Focus 190
Strategy 193
7) 193
8) 194
1) Previewing Vocabulary 194
Strategy 195
Meeting the Perfect Friend. Part 2 195, 196
3) 197
6) 199
Strategy 200
1) 200, 201
2) 201
4) 202
The Beginning of a Friendship 204, 205, 206 Reading 2
Chapter 10 (Sports)
3) Previewing Vocabulary 212
The Ancient vs. The Modern Olympics 212, 213, 214 Reading 1
5) 215
6) 215
Strategy 224
1) 224
Focus 225
2) 225, 226
Strategy 226
3) 226, 227
4) 227
Street Sports and the Olympics 229, 230, 231, Reading 2

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