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Epreuve : Anglais Classe : 2nde C-D Durée : 03 heures

II- Compétences à évaluer :

CD2 : Réagir de façon appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus.
CD3 : Production de textes de types et de fonctions variés.
A- La réaction à un texte écrit
Contexte :

L’un des défis majeurs des africains c’est de voir un jour une équipe africaine gagner la
coupe du monde au football. Le Cameroun pouvait-il réaliser l’espoir ?
Support :
Text : World cup report
The Lions of Cameroon have shown us all they are one of the top football nations in
the world. They reached the Quarter-finals and came fifth in the 1990 world Cup.
When the world Cup competition started, most people said, ‘Cameroon doesn’t have
any chance’. But in the first match everything changed. The Lions beat Argentina (with
Maradona) 1 - 0 in Milan.
The next match was against Romania. Roger Milla, at 38 one of the oldest players in
the competition scored two great goals in the last ten minutes. The result: a 2 – 1 victory
for the Lions.
In their final match in the first round Cameroon played the Soviet Union. They lost
4 – 0, but it didn’t matter because they were already into the second round.
In the second round they played Columbia. The match went into extra time, with the
score 0 – 0. Then in ten minutes everything changed. First Milla beat two men and calmly
put the ball into the net. Then he easily got past the Columbian goalkeeper Higuita, and the
ball was in the net again! Lions 2, Columbia 1.
Next came the Quarter-finals: Cameroon and England. In the first half, England’s
David Platt scored with a header. But still the Lions attacked. Again it was Milla! He came
on in the second half, and immediately he helped his team to score a goal. Then the referee
gave a penalty against England. Milla scored, and the Lions were in front, 2 – 1. Then
England scored again and, just before the end, England got another penalty. The final
score was 3 – 2 to England. Bobbie Robson, the England manager, generously said ‘The
Lions played better than England’’.
It was all over. But it is only the beginning. Watch out for Cameroon and the rest of
Africa in future world Cups!
Extracted from Go for English 5e page 63
Critères d’évaluation

Après lecture du texte, tu devras montrer que tu l’as compris en:

- reconnaissant ses détails ;
- exprimant tes appréciations personnelles du texte ;
- faisant preuve de ta maîtrise du vocabulaire du texte ;
- montrant ta maîtrise des temps verbaux en anglais ;
- classant les mots selon la prononciation ;
- traduisant un extrait de texte en français.

Item 1: Answer by “Right” or “Wrong” according to the text.

1. The text is about the 1990 world cup.
2. Bobbie Robson was the coach of The Lions.
3. The match between Cameroon and Columbia was played in ninety minutes.
4. In the quarter-finals, two penalties were kicked in favour of England against
5. The Soviet Union beat Cameroon seriously.
6. The reporter thought that African teams should be taken seriously in the future world

Item 2: Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What does ‘The Lions’ mean?
2. Who according to you was the best player of Cameroon team? Justify your answer.
3. Say what the reporter meant by ‘the ball was in the net again!’ in paragraph 5.

Item 3: Find in the text:

a. the opposites of :
1. bottom (paragraph 1)
2. won (paragraph 4)

b. The synonyms of:

1. luck (paragraph 2)
2. quietly (paragraph 5)
3. at once (paragraph 6)

Item 4: Put the bracketed verbs in the right tense or form.

1. The world cup (to take) place in Italy in 1990.
2. If the Lions had been lucky enough, they (to win) the cup.
3. By tomorrow, my team (to play) against the lions of Cameroon .
4. It is the first time they (to play) friendly match.
5. It’s high time Africa (to win) the world cup.
Item 5: Classify the following verbs into three columns according to the pronunciation of
the final /ed/ :
Missed; scored; played; illustrated; finished; trained; walked; loved; asked, ended.
/d/ /t/ /id/

Item 6: Translation
Translate the 1st paragraph of the text into French.

B- La production écrite

Un tournoi de football est souvent organisé entre certains établissements d’une même ville
ou commune. Bio en parle dans un journal scolaire dont certains mots ont été rongés par
les souris.
Critères d’évaluation
Tu montreras ta capacité à rendre cohérent et significatif un extrait de texte en anglais en:
- recopiant l’extrait sans fautes ni ratures ;
- mettant le mot qu’il faut à la place qu’il faut ;
- soulignant les mots que tu as utilisés.

A- Writing :Copy and fill in the gaps with: final; onlookers; cup; teams;
match; goal; eliminated; competition; round; net;.

Last year, a ……of football was organized in Bohicon. All the secondary schools took
part. My school didn’t go beyond the second …………. But before we were ………, we
had played a very interesting ……… against CEG4. Our captain Kouadio beat three men
and put the ball straightly into the ……… It was very wonderful. The …… rose in
excitement and clapped for him. The …… match was played between CEG 2 and CEG 5.
It ended in penalty shoot-out. Both ….… were good. But in the end, it was CEG 2 who
took the ……… because a player of CEG 5 missed his ….…

The end !


Critères d’évaluation Eléments de réponse Cotation
Reconnaissance des Item 1: Answering by Right or Wrong : 2pts x 6 =
détails du texte 1- Right; 2- Wrong; 3- Wrong; 4- Wrong; 5- Right; 6- Right 12pts
Appréciations Item 2 : Answering questions according to the text :
personnelles sur le 1- ‘The Lions’ means the name of Cameroon football
texte team. 4pts x 3 =
2- Roger Milla is the best player of Cameroon team; 12pts
because he was the one that scored everytime.
3- The reporter simply meant that it was another goal.
Maîtrise du Item 3: Finding in the text synonyms or antonyms:
vocabulaire a- Opposites: 2,5pts x 5
1- Top; 2- lost = 12,5pts
b- Synonyms:
1- Chance; 2- calmly; 3- immediately
Maîtrise des temps Item4: Putting the bracketed verbs in the right tense or form: 2,5pts x 5
verbaux 1- Was played; 2- would have won; 3- is blamed; 4- will = 12,5pts
win; 5- won
Compétence à former Item 5 : Forming words from the bracketed ones to make the 2pts x 5 =
les mots sentences meaningful : 10pts
1- Internationally – professional ; 2- well; 3- local –

Traduction Item 6: Translating the first paragraph of the text into French 6pts +
Les Lions du Cameroun nous ont montré qu’ils sont l’une des 5pts =
meilleures nations de football au monde.// Ils ont atteint les 11pts
Quarts de finale et sont arrivés cinquième lors de la coupe du
monde de 1990.
Respect des critères - L’élève a recopié l’extrait sans fautes ni ratures
- Il / elle a mis le mot qu’il faut à sa place
- Il / elle a souligné sa réponse
Writing :
Last year, a competitionof football was organized
in Bohicon. All the secondary schools took part.
C1: 2,5pts
My school didn’t go beyond the second round But C2: 15 pts
before we were eliminated we had played a very C3: 2,5pts
interesting match against CEG4. Our captain
Kouadio beat three men and put the ball straightly
into the net It was very wonderful. The onlookers
rose in excitement and clapped for him. The final
match was played between CEG 2 and CEG 5. It
ended in penalty shoot-out. Both teams were good.
But in the end, it was CEG 2 who took the cup
because a player of CEG 5 missed his goal.
CP 10pts

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