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Welcome to the PV Rates DEMO. During the next minutes, the goal we want
to reach is to show the FENIX COMMERCE solution which sets the correct rate for the
Pura Vida Customers select through the Store and depending on the
product, package, distance, and service FENIX establishes the best rate cost.

First things first… LOGIN IN

1. - Let’s jump into the Pura Vida dev environment on Shopify.

Pura Vida Dev ~ Home ~ Shopify Plus

2.-Let’s move to the APPs Menu on the left widget once we are into the dev, and click on the FENIX
INTELLIGENT DELIVERY app, this logo should be helpful when looking for it.

3.- Awesome, once you click over the app you will be redirected to the following link
Let’s click on the Pura Vida workspace that is below
You will now be able to see the FENIX console, for now, let’s just focus on the Carriers Menu.
For DEMO purposes we are only selecting FEDEX and only 2 services will be active.

• Standard Overnight – Which is the Express Option label on the DEV STORE
• 2nd Day – Which is the Expedite Option label on the DEV STORE
Even when FEDEX services are the only ones enabled so far, all services for DHL, USPS, UPS and FEDEX
have been added, you just need to enable them. Now that we are on it, in case you want to add the
same service for different carriers, the FENIX tool will always retrieve the cheapest one and that will be
shown to your customers on your store, this is one thing we loved about the FENIX tool.
4.- Now let’s change to the Shipping button and into the Shipping options link
All the services configured into the Carriers menu, can be referenced in this box, letting you
decide how many options you want to display to your customers when they make
their checkout at the store. You can add as many options as you need but first, you must enable
different services on the previous carrier’s menu.
If you click one of the Shipping Options, you can select the Services Enabled you want to link to. It
will also let you select the Ship cost type. For now, let’s focus on the Actual Rate Option.
NOTE: This option will always retrieve the Carriers Rate on Real time, if you select the Flat Option,
you will set a fixed value that will always be the same. If you select both, it will fix a limit over the
value you select and the actual rate (if the actual rate is more expensive the console will give priority
to your limit).
In this Screen you can also set a percentage of adjustment type that you want to charge to your
customer, this will be automatically added to the rate displayed on the store.
5.-Now, what if we try all the parameters we just reviewed… Are you ready? let’s hop into PV DEV
STORE and simulate a purchase Pura Vida Dev | Pura Vida Dev

Once you picked any of the items and clicked the Check out button you can see that the shipping
methods are updated. If you play with the address, you can see the rate retrieved is dynamic and
will change depending on the address and the service selected.

We are confident that Pura Vida and its customers will be happy with this new tool provided by
Fenix and XB Fulfillment, knowing that their experience is one of the most important things when
shopping great products.

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