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Mosquito Repellant Spray from Oregano [plectranthus amboinicus]

and Lemongrass [andropogon citratus] Extracts

Melody Banno

Precious Cassey Barcellano

Ace Russel Bagsao

Mark Glenn Changlapon

May 23, 2022

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Mosquito is considered one of the deadliest creatures in the world

that can carry and transmit disease to humans with over 3 million deaths

every year caused by mosquito-related disease (WHO, 2020). Mosquito-borne

disease spreads when an infected mosquito bites a human. These diseases

include Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya Virus, Dengue, and


The Department of Health (DOH) reported that from January 1, 2016 to

July 16, 2016, the Philippines recorded a total of 66,299 suspects of

Dengue cases which is equivalent to 22.9% increase from the previous year

with 53,938 suspects of Dengue cases.

On August 2020, Jose Pardito Jr., coordinator of Provincial

Epidemiology Surveillance Unit [PESU] of Kalinga, said that Tabuk has

recorded 82.33% dropped of dengue cases from 651 Dengue cases in 2019 to

115 Dengue cases in 2020.

On the study by Sharififard (2018), Chemical Composition and

Repellency of origanum vulgare essential oil against cimex lectularius

under laboratory condition, showed that Oregano have an excellent

antiseptic and insect repellent properties with active ingredients of

Carvacrol, Thymol, and A-terpinene which are reportedly highly effective in

repelling mosquitoes.

Whereas, a study conducted in 2011 showed that around 95% of mosquitos

from a specific range of species were either killed or completely repelled

due to the intense odor of Lemongrass oil. For some species of mosquitoes,

lemongrass has been touted to be one of the best plants for repelling


Hence, the researchers determined the best concentration for the

mixture of oregano and lemongrass extracts and created a homemade mosquito

repellant spray.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework presents the whole of the study which adapts

the concept map model. The experimental group consists of the

concentrations 85% (17ml of oregano extract + 3ml of boiled lemongrass

water), 75% (15ml of oregano extract + 5ml of boiled lemongrass water), and

50% (10ml of oregano extract + 10mll of boiled lemongrass water). Whereas,

the control group includes the positive control, Mosqui Shield, a

commercially available mosquito repellant spray, and negative control with

no treatment involved. There are 5 mosquitoes in each concentration and the

positive control.
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study
Statement of the Objectives and Hypothesis

The study focused on creating a mosquito repellant spray by

determining the best concentration of the mixture of oregano and lemon

grass extracts.

Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the concentrations 85%, 75% and 50%

as to time taken to repel mosquito;

2. Identify the significant difference on the effectiveness of the

concentrations of oregano and lemongrass extracts to the positive control;

2.1. Is there a significant difference on the effectiveness of the

concentrations of oregano and lemongrass extracts to the positive control.

Definition of Terms

Repelling time. The instant time the mosquito reacted on the effect of

the treatment in which its behavior differs prior the application of


Mosqui Shield. A commercially available mosquito repellant spray.

Treatmnet. Refers to the application of mosquito repellant


Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

The Community. This study will give relevant information to the

community that oregano and lemongrass plant can be used not only in the

known treatment of fever and cough but can also be used as a home remedy

for repelling mosquitos.

The Students. This study will serve as a motivation for the students

to research more about the use of herbal plants as alternative on synthetic


Future Researchers. This will serve as guide and reference to the

future researcher to improve the method and procedures used in this study

to obtain better results.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused only on creating a mosquito repellant spray by

determining the best concentration of oregano and lemongrass extract in

repelling mosquitos as to 85%, 75%, and 50%. The researcher only used

repelling time to evaluate the effectiveness of the mixture of oregano and

lemongrass extract by observing the mosquito’s behavior after the

Chapter 2


Types of Mosquitoes

There are different kinds of mosquitoes that affect not only human but

other animals. The most common and dangerous are the various species in the

Aedes genera, and Anopheles (Mosquito World, 2015).

Aedes Mosquito. Two Aedes mosquitoes are especially important because they

are the carrier of dangerous diseases. The Aedes albopictus, the Asian

tiger mosquito, transmits dengue fever and eastern equine encephalitis

while Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, transmit dengue and yellow


Anopheles Mosquito. The Anopheles mosquito is the carrier of the parasite

that causes malaria and transmits the bugs through their saliva when they


Mosquito-Related Diseases

Mosquito related diseases are common around the globe and according to

Benelli (2017) the Zika virus was recognized as a “Public Health

Emergency of International Concern” by the WHO in which A. aegypti and A.

albopictus were the main vectors. Further, to Powell (2016), mosquitoes are
responsible for yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, and zika

fever. A. aegypti causes almost all epidemics outside Africa.

Prevention of mosquito-borne diseases

According to Chattu et. al (2016) to prevent the spread of mosquito-

associated disease, the preventive recommendation by Pan American Health

Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO) were adapted. The

succeeding strategies and actions were suggested. Reduction of mosquito

density by firming the environmental management, ensure no vector breeding

sites in common areas to prevent vector propagation, interruption of human-

vector contact such as clothing by reducing the exposed skin, use of

repellents containing DEET and a lot more.

Alternative herbal plant that repels mosquitoes

Oregano. Oregano oil is considered an excellent antiseptic and insect

repellent. It contains active components like carvacrol, thymol and α-

terpinene which are testified to be effective in repelling mosquitoes

(Sharififard 2018 entitled “chemical composition and repellency of oregano

essential oil against cimex lectularius under laboratory conditions).

Furthermore, Santos (2018) proved the repellency of oregano, not only

for mosquitoes, but it includes other insects like bed bugs. Moreover,

Boguerra et al. (2019), inferred that oregano essential oil can be

exploited as bio-insecticide for vector control.

Lemongrass. The plant has a variety of scented geranium that simply

produces a scent when the leaves are crushed and keeps mosquitoes away

(Thomas, Connor & Adetunde 2016). This coincides with Asadollahi et. al.

(2019) where they stated that one of the components of the lemongrass,

interfere with olfactory receptors of mosquitoes. Lemongrass candles are

used as a protection by warding off mosquitoes. Thus, it is widely used as

insect repellent, especially at night. (Bothe & Doanahue, 2010)

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, duration and locale,

subject of the study, data gathering procedures, and validity and

reliability of instrument.

Research Design

The researcher used experimental research method that utilizes the

posttest-only control group design to assess the effectiveness of the

mixture of oregano and lemon grass extracts in repelling mosquitos.

Duration and Locale

The study was conduct from February 28 to June 3, 2022 at Bagsao’s

Residence, Bakras, Tabuk City, Kalinga.

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is mosquito. The experimental group are

mosquitoes that received 85%, 75% and 50% concentrations of the mixture of
oregano and lemongrass extracts. The positive control group are mosquitos

that received treatment from a commercially available mosquito repellant

spray which is Mosqui Shield. The negative control group are mosquitos that

do not receive any treatment.

Data Gathering Procedures

Materials used:

 Oregano leaves

 Lemongrass leaves and stem

 Measuring cup

 Mortar and pestle

 Basin

 Spray bottle

 Tent using mosquito net


A. Preparation of Oregano and Lemongrass Extract

a. Oregano Extract

1. Wash thoroughly the oregano leaves

2. Pound the oregano leaves using mortar and pestle until it turns

into a pulp.

b. Lemongrass Extract

1. Wash thoroughly the lemongrass leaves and stem

2. Measure 1 kgs. Of lemongrass leaves and stem and 1 liter of


3. In a pot, put the water and the lemongrass leaves and stem.
4. Cook for 15 minutes at medium heat.

5. Once cooked set aside for 10 minutes but do not open the lid.

B. Creation of Concentrations

a. 85%

1. Measure 17ml of oregano extract and 3ml of boiled lemongrass


2. Put the mixture in a spray bottle.

b. 75%

1. Measure 15ml of oregano extract and 5ml of boiled lemongrass


2. Put the mixture in a spray bottle.

c. 50%

1. Measure 10ml of oregano extract and 10ml of boiled lemongrass


2. Put the mixture in a spray bottle.

C. Application of Concentrations and Mosqui Shield

1. Put 5 mosquitos in each tent tagged 85%, 75%, 50% and positive


2. Spray once in each tent.

3. Observed the behavior of the mosquitos. Video Recording is highly


4. Record the observations and time.

Statistical tools

Average Mean This is used to get the average repelling time of the

mosquitoes after the application of treatment.

The Formula for Average Mean, AM:

∑T = Summation of repelling time
N = Number of mosquitoes

Analysis of Variance This is used to get the significant difference on the

repelling time of mosquitos after the application of treatment along the

concentrations of oregano and lemongrass extract and the positive control.

There are no significant differences along the variables if the

computed F is lower than the F- critical value at 0.05 level of

significance or the null hypothesis is accepted. On the other hand, if the

computed F is greater than the F- critical value of 0.05 value of

significance, then there are significant differences along the variables or

the null hypothesis, is rejected.

Chapter 4


This chapter provides the findings of the study and the interpretation

of results.

Table 1: Presents the repelling time of the concentrations

Repelling Time (minutes) Ave.

Concentration Repelling
1 2 3 4 5

85% 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.64

75% 2.1 1.9 2 2.3 1.9 2.04

50% 2.2 2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.24

As shown on table 1, 85% concentration have the lowest average

repelling time or the least time to wait for the treatment to took effect

with 1.64 minutes, followed by 75% concentration with 2.04 minutes and

lastly, 50% with 2.24 minutes.

The findings are explained by the odor emitted by the mosquito

repellant spray as to 85%, 75% and 50%. Prior to the treatment, mosquitoes

fly freely on the space inside the tent. But after the treatment (one spray

only), the mosquitos stayed on the side of the tent (the mosquito net) or
on the ground. Also, the surface where the treatment is applied, no

mosquitos stayed on that side. After 1.8 hours, one mosquito from 50%

concentration tried to fly but unstable. After 1.9 hours, one mosquito from

75% concentration flied. After 2.1 hours, one mosquito from 85%

concentration flied but unstable.

This result is in corroboration to the various studies that proves the

effectiveness of oregano and lemongrass plants as mosquito repellant. On

the study of Sharififard (2018) entitled Chemical Composition and

Repellency of Oregano essential oil against cimex lectularius under

laboratory condition, found out that oregano contains active components of

carvacrol, thymol and α-terpinene which are proved to be effective in

repelling mosquitoes. The study coincides with the findings of Santos et.

al (2018), that oregano is repellant not only to mosquitoes, but to other

insects like bed bugs. According to Thomas, Connor & Adetunde (2016),

lemongrass keeps mosquito away. Furthermore, Asadollahi et. al. (2019)

stated that lemongrass have a component that interfere with olfactory

receptors of mosquitoes.

This implies that the best concentration of oregano and lemongrass

extract for faster and longer effectivity is 85% oregano and 15% lemongrass


Table 2: Presents the average repelling time of the concentrations and

positive control

Repelling Time (minutes) Ave.

Concentration Repelling
1 2 3 4 5
85% 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.64

75% 2.1 1.9 2 2.3 1.9 2.04

50% 2.2 2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.24

1.6 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6

As shown on table 2, Mosqui Shield have the lowest repelling time of

1.6, followed by 85% concentration with 1.64 minutes, next is 75%

concentration with 2.04 minutes and lastly, 50% with 2.24 minutes.

This result is explained by the odor emitted by the mosquito repellant

spray, the stronger the odor the more effective it is to the mosquitos in

terms of repelling time and longer time to dissipate the odor.

Table 3: Summary of ANOVA

Variatio P-
n SS df MS F value F crit
Between 0.1 0.0342 0.3181 0.8614 3.0555
Groups 37 4 5 11 32 68
Within 1.6 0.1076
Groups 15 15 67

Total 52 19

As reflected on table 3, obtained F-ratio of 0.3181 is lower than the

tabulated F-value of 3.056 at 0.05 level of significance.

The result of the ANOVA reveals that there is no significant

difference on the effectiveness of the concentrations of oregano and

lemongrass extracts to the positive control. Therefore, the null hypothesis

which states that there is no significant difference on the effectiveness

of the concentrations of oregano and lemongrass extracts to the positive

control is accepted.

This implies that odor and freshness of the homemade oregano and

lemongrass concentrations affect the time it takes to repel the mosquito

and time it takes for the odor to dissipate.

Chapter 4



Based on the above findings, the following are concluded:

1. There is no significant difference on the effectiveness of the mixture

of oregano and lemongrass grass as to 85%, 75% and 50% and Mosqui



Based on the above findings and conclusions the following insights are


1. Less the amount of water in boiling a lemongrass.

2. Tighten the lid of the jar that you will use in experimentation.

3. Mainly use a cylinder in taking the measurement of milliliters of

oregano and lemongrass.

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