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Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7 共8兲 A231-A234 共2004兲 A231
0013-4651/2004/7共8兲/A231/4/$7.00 © The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

Miniature 250 ␮m Thick Fuel Cell with Monolithically

Fabricated Silicon Electrodes
Masanori Hayase,*,z Takahiko Kawase, and Takeshi Hatsuzawa
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan

A fabrication technique of miniature fuel cell electrodes was developed from Si wafers. The fuel channels, porous layer, and
catalyst layer were formed in the Si wafer. The fuel channels were fabricated by photolithographic patterning and subsequent wet
etching on the Si. The porous layer was formed by anodization of Si from the polymer electrolyte membrane side through the
bottom of the fuel channels. Catalyst metals were deposited inside the porous layer by wet plating. The two electrodes were
hot-pressed with a Nafion 112 sheet. Open-circuit voltage of 840 mV and maximum power density of 1.5 mW/cm2 were observed
by hydrogen feed.
© 2004 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1756859兴 All rights reserved.

Manuscript submitted December 2, 2003; revised manuscript received January 12, 2004. Available electronically May 25, 2004.

The increasing interest for portable electronic systems drives the ness of the Si wafer is 100 ␮m and the total thickness of the cell is
research toward integrated regenerating power sources with small less than 300 ␮m. In this paper, we describe the fabrication proce-
dimensions and miniaturized fuel cells are attractive. The microfab- dure of this fuel cell and preliminary experimental results of power
rication technology of Si is an important tool to reduce the fuel cell generation.
structure to micrometer sizes and have been employed by several
research groups.1-11 Those miniaturized fuel cells using various de-
grees of microfabrication techniques have been reported. Lee et al.1 Experimental
created flowfields on Si substrate and formed hydrogen feed fuel cell
array on a Si wafer. Kelley et al.4 created catalyst layer supporter on Fuel channels.—Si electrodes were prepared using usual micro-
a Si chip and demonstrated that the miniaturized direct methanol fabrication techniques. The first step was to spin-coat photoresist on
fuel cell 共DMFC兲 has almost same performance as state-of-the-art 具100典 oriented 100 ␮m thick double-side mirror polished Si wafer
larger fuel cells. However, those miniaturized fuel cells uses con- which has 500 nm thick thermal oxide films on both sides. For the
ventional catalyst layers, in which Pt/Ru on activated carbon is substrate, n-type Si was used because of the slow wet etching rate of
splayed on the gold sputter deposited silicon electrodes or conven- p-type Si. Because the Si substrate is expected to work as a current
tional membrane electrode assembly 共MEA兲 is used, and treating collector, the lowest resistivity Si wafer among commercially avail-
powders such as activated carbon is not suitable for silicon batch able products 共supplied by Friend Science Inc., Japan兲 was chosen
fabrication process. To adapt the construction process to more Si and its resistivity was 0.001 ⍀ cm.
processing steps, various approaches have been tried. In those stud- Next, using photolithographic patterning and subsequent wet
ies, catalyst metals were deposited by physical vapor deposition etching, the thermal oxide film on the Si wafer was patterned with
共PVD兲 on porous layers formed by photolithographic patterning or 150 ␮m pitch stripes. By etching the exposed silicon in 15% tetram-
anodization of Si.5-8 Generally, it is difficult to deposit materials ethylamonium hydride 共TMAH兲 solution, fuel channels of 80-90
inside a porous layer by PVD and the catalyst deposits only on the ␮m depth were formed. Then the thermal oxide films of both sides
were etched in a dilute HF solution.
surface of the porous layer and the performance of the catalyst will
be poor. Therefore, a different approach to forming a catalyst layer Porous Si layer.—Si becomes porous by anodization in a con-
should be developed. Recently, D’Ariggo et al.9 proposed a novel centrated HF solution and this technique was used for the formation
Si-based electrode fabrication technique, although the power genera- of the porous layer on the electrodes. The morphology of porous Si
tion is not reported yet. In this technique, the fuel channels were depends largely on the current density of anodization and the doping
formed inside the Si substrate by depositing an epitaxial Si layer ratio of the Si wafer. To find proper conditions, the anodization of
after wet etching of a Si substrate, then the deposited epitaxial Si the highly doped Si wafer was performed with several current den-
layer was anodized and the porous Si layer was obtained. Pt and Ru sities. The composition of HF solution was HF (46%):ethanol
were electrodeposited into the porous layer and the catalyst layer ⫽ 1:1 共volume兲. A porous Si layer was obtained stably around 100
was formed. Generally, resistivity of porous Si is high and it has mA/cm2 and 100 mA/cm2 was chosen for the anodization process.
been supposed to be difficult to use a porous Si layer as a catalyst After the fuel channel formation, a Cu layer about 100 nm thick
support layer. However, porous Si has a large surface area up to was deposited by sputtering for good conductivity and the contact
1700 m2/cm3 which is comparable with that of activated carbon12 pins were used for the current supply to the Si wafer from a poten-
and porous Si is attractive if it works as a catalyst support layer, tiostat. The Cu layer was removed after catalyst deposition by im-
because fabrication of porous Si is easy and suitable for the batch Si mersing the chip in 40 wt% FeCl2 solution at 313 K for 3-5 min.
process. Our approach is close to the one by D’Arrigo and we pro- The anodization was performed from the PEM side of the Si wafer
pose a more simple structure of the electrode and a simple fabrica- until the porous layer reached the bottom of the fuel channels. Al-
tion method. though potential variation was observed during anodization using Pt
Figure 1 shows the structure of our miniaturized fuel cell. Fuel wire as a reference electrode, we could find no sign when the porous
channels, fuel diffusion layer, and the catalyst support layer are layer reached the bottom of the fuel channels. Excess anodization
formed on the Si wafer without addition of other substances. A damages the porous layer especially around the bottom of the fuel
porous Si layer is formed from the polymer electrolyte membrane channels and strict time control of the anodization was required. The
共PEM兲 side through the bottom of the fuel channels and a simple depth of the trench varied up to a few micrometers even though
cell structure is realized. Highly doped low resistivity Si is used and close attention was paid in the etching process. The growth rate of
the Si wafer itself is expected to work as a current collector. Thick- the porous layer was about 45 nm/s and it varied by a small differ-
ence of the HF concentration or other conditions. Therefore, the
time of anodization was determined empirically by observing the
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. results with the same lot of trench-formed chips and the typical time
E-mail: for the anodization was 5-6 min.
A232 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7 共8兲 A231-A234 共2004兲

Figure 1. Schematic view of the miniature fuel cell design. PEM sheet is
hot-pressed with monolithically fabricated Si electrodes. Catalyst metals are
supported by porous Si formed by anodization.

Figure 2 shows an example of the porous layer which was

formed from the PEM side of the Si wafer through the bottom of the
Figure 3. Cross-sectional view of the catalyst metals deposited porous Si
fuel channel. A uniform porous layer was obtained by anodization.
layer. White lines show the detected signals of the catalyst metals obtained
Although clear images of the pore morphology could not be ob- by EDS analysis.
tained, a similar feature reported by Lehman,12,13 in which there are
straight main pores of 10-100 nm diameter with many branches, was
supposed to be formed from the PEM side to the bottom of the fuel
channel by our vague scanning electron microscopy 共SEM兲 obser-
vations. on bare Si, that is supposed to inhibit further electrodeposition.14 To
eliminate the silicon dioxide, dilute HF was added to the plating
Catalyst layer.—Sputtering was employed in some studies to bath and the deposition of catalyst metals was initiated. The addition
deposit catalyst metals on the porous layer. The sputtering can of HF removes silicon dioxide and prompts the reduction of catalyst
deposit catalyst metals only on the surface of the porous layer metal ions by increased bare Si surface.15-17 It was also observed
and the performance of the catalyst layer is supposed to be poor. that Pt and Ru deposition occurred without applying electric current
Kelley and D’Arrigo employed electrodeposition and we tried to when the dilute HF was added into the plating bath. Therefore,
deposit catalyst metals into the porous Si layer using a plating bath electroless deposition occurs simultaneously with electrodeposition
of the same composition,4,9 1.0 M H2 SO4 ⫹ 16 mM H2 PtCl6 and the amount of deposited catalyst metals is unable to be esti-
⫹ 8 mM K2 RuCl5 . However, energy dispersive X-ray spectros- mated from the applied charge. Figure 3 shows an example of the
copy analysis 共EDS, JEOL JED-2200兲 showed that catalyst metals catalyst deposited porous Si layer using 1.0 M H2 SO4
deposited mainly on the surface and little deposition could be ob- ⫹ 10 mM H2 PtCl6 ⫹ 5 mM K2 RuCl5 ⫹ 50 mM HF plating bath
served inside the porous Si layer even by pulse plating, for instance at 293 K. Deposition was performed for 5 min applying 1 Hz pulse
10 mA/cm2 was applied for 0.1 s following 0 mA/cm2 for 0.9 s until current of 5 mA/cm2 for 0.2 s following 0 mA/cm2 for 0.8 s. The
the total applied charge reached 1 C/cm2. Various conditions were white lines in Fig. 3 show the EDS intensity of Pt and Ru integrated
tested and deposited metal often formed films on the porous surface along the y direction. A strong EDS signal of the catalyst metals was
and peeled off from the porous Si layer. obtained inside the porous Si layer until a depth of 10 ␮m. Slight
Our EDS analysis showed a high oxygen signal in the porous Si nonuniformity due to the fuel channel was observed, but it can be
layer after electrodeposition. Si is a moderate reducing agent and it said that good catalyst deposition was obtained by the plating for
reduces catalyst metal ions and simultaneously forms silicon dioxide this preliminary experiment. The addition of dilute HF enhanced
catalyst metals deposition inside the porous layer and this method
was used for the formation of the catalyst layer.
Cell assembly.—Two Si electrodes were hot-pressed onto either
side of a Nafion 112 membrane. The miniature cells were assembled
by placing a piece of Nafion 112 sheet with Nafion 5% solution as
an adhesive between a catalyzed Si electrodes aligning edges of the
chips. The assembly was hot-pressed at approximately 0.05 MPa
and 443 K for 30 min and was then cooled to room temperature.
Figure 4 shows the assembled cell. The cell was set into an alumi-
num casing as shown in Fig. 5, which feeds the fuel to the fuel
channel and collects current from the cell.
Fuel cell testing.—The fuel cell testing was performed in a tem-
perature controlled chamber. Fuel and air supply lines were con-
nected to the aluminum casing. As shown in Fig. 5, fuels were fed
from the inlet hollow into the edge of the fuel channels and passes
through the channels on Si electrodes to the outlet hollow. Clamping
pressure was adjusted by the spring.
To humidify the PEM, hydrogen gas was passed through water
contained in a tank heated at 353 K and was then cooled to the
Figure 2. Cross-sectional view around the fuel channel bottom. Porous Si testing temperature in the feed line. No humidifying was performed
layer formed from PEM side to the bottom of the fuel channel can be ob- to the air feed. Current vs. voltage was measured by a potentiostat
served. Strict time control of the anodization is required, because excess 共Hokuto Denko, HABF501兲 with scanning the cell potential at 5
anodization damages the porous Si layer. mV/s.
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7 共8兲 A231-A234 共2004兲 A233

Figure 4. A preliminary prototype of the miniature 250 ␮m fuel cell with Si

electrodes. Nafion 112 sheet is hot-pressed between the two electrodes. Fuel
channels are formed in 5 ⫻ 5 mm area.

Figure 6. Current-voltage characteristics of the miniature fuel cell with hy-

drogen gas feed. Peak power of 1.5 mW/cm2 is observed at 353 K.
Results and Discussion
The design of the electrodes was devised to realize a simple
electrode fabrication process for miniature fuel cells that was highly
adapted to silicon microfabrication techniques. Other works of simi- layer increased. The silicon electrode is brittle and a large clamping
lar objective, that attempted to develop an alternative catalyst layer pressure was not applied. The pressure was varied from 0.1 to 0.3
to the carbon based one, have never succeeded in obtaining high MPa and no obvious change was observed. This may suggest that no
performance. The high resistivity of porous Si has hindered attempts large clamping pressure is necessary because the electrodes are
to use the porous Si directly as a catalyst support layer and current monolithic and no improvement of the conductivity between a cata-
collector. The proposed catalyst layer was fabricated in the highly lyst layer and a separator by high pressure is expected. As expected,
doped porous Si layer anodized at relatively high current density and cell performance improved at higher temperature. If the resistivity of
the porous Si was supposed to be still conductive. Beside there are the porous Si layer or Si substrate dominated the performance, a
some reports that the resistivity decreases with humid air or metha- polarization curve would show a linear line. The polarization curves
nol vapor.18,19 Therefore, the porous Si layer was expected to work obtained drew gentle curves and this may suggest that the cell per-
as a catalyst support layer in the preliminary design and further formance was dominated by the catalyst performance. Methanol so-
development of the cell design by thinning porous layer can relieve lution feed was also examined. 1 cm3/min of 1 M methanol solution
the resistivity concerns. was fed. The open-circuit voltage of 320 mV was obtained 3 min
The fuel cell testing was performed by feeding hydrogen gas or after the fuel feed start and polarization was measured. Although 0.5
dilute methanol solution to the cathode and air to the anode. Figure mA/cm2 was observed, the performance deteriorated significantly
6 shows the fuel cell polarization curves taken at two different tem- and the cell became inactive, maybe due to the poor performance of
peratures with hydrogen gas feed. About 20 cm3/min of hydrogen the catalyst and methanol cross over. 共See Fig. 7兲.
gas and air were fed to the cell at ambient pressure. Varying the flow The obtained result showed the highest performance compared
rate of the fuel gases did not affect the performance at this testing with recent miniature fuel cells proposing new catalyst layer
very much. Rather larger flow rate of the fuel gases reduced the structures,5-11 although it was far inferior to large fuel cells with
current density. This may indicate that larger gas flow dried the PEM carbon-support based catalyst layers. The porous Si layer worked
or the porous Si layer and the resistivity of the PEM or the porous Si successfully as a catalyst support layer and a current collector. The
amount of catalyst metal was unknown and there is much room for
improvement in the structure of the catalyst layer.

Figure 5. Aluminum casing for the miniature thin fuel cell testing. Gener-
ated current is collected by this casing from the silicon electrode by direct
contact. The cells are put between the two casings as shown in right figure.
Fuel is supplied to the fuel channels from the right hole and is discharged Figure 7. Current-voltage characteristics of the miniature fuel cell with 1 M
from the left hole on the stage. methanol solution feed.
A234 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7 共8兲 A231-A234 共2004兲

Conclusion References
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