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5 May 2022

Dear Dr Ahmed

I’m writing to invite you to attend our delayed in-person 180th Anniversary celebration, which was
scheduled to take place in December of last year, but unfortunately was delayed due to the
Omicron surge.

This special occasion is to mark our 180th Anniversary as the world’s oldest and most prominent
organisation promoting psychiatry. The event will take place at our main office at 21 Prescot
Street in central London on Thursday 14 July, between 6pm–8pm.

The year 2021 marked 180 years since the establishment of the first of our predecessor bodies, the
Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane, founded in 1841.

We hosted a number of virtual activities throughout 2021 to celebrate the occasion, but due to
COVID and a major office refurbishment, we were unable to hold any in-person events last year.

Our event in July will also mark the formal reopening of our building.

The event will consist of a drinks reception, with around 300 invited guests and a few short talks
from invited speakers.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our event. Please confirm your attendance by
completing our short form by Tuesday 31 May.

Yours sincerely

Dr Adrian James
President, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Royal College of Psychiatrists registered office: 21 Prescot Street, London, E1 8BB, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 2351 Fax: +44 (0)20 3701 2761 The Royal College of Psychiatrists is a charity registered in England and Wales (228636) and in Scotland (SC038369)

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