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Pöyry Finland Oy

P.O.Box 4 (Jaakonkatu 3)
FI-01621 Vantaa
Domicile Vantaa, Finland
Business ID. FI06259056
Tel. +358 10 3311

Date August 31, 2011, Rev. D

Ref. No 20515-0000-L-0103

MdP Ref. No 1000-000-AAL-020094

Pöyry Ref.No 16IPP1165-L0016
Project Standard Page 1 (21)
Contact Jarmo Lindroos
Direct dial +358 10 33 22964
Celulosa y Energía Punta Pereira S.A. Direct fax +358 10 33 21818
Paraguay – 1470, Piso 6
Montevideo – Uruguay
Montes del Plata Project


Contents 1 Purpose
2 General Considerations
3 Surface Preparation
4 Application of Paints
5 Guarantee
6 Painting Schemes
7 Code of Colors for Equipment and Structures
8 Piping Painting
9 Inspection

Appendices I Labelling in Industry Perspective to Safety, Use and Maintenance

Distribution MDP Montes del Plata: Kimmo Kangas,

Constanzo, Kohosalmi, Mac Eachen, Pedemonti, Rodriguez
Orig. 22/02/2010 DGU 22/02/2010 YG 22/02/2010 mrm 22/02/2010 IOS Original Issue – For approval
Rev. Date/Author Date/Checked Date/Approved Date/Issued Notes
For information. Revised where
a 14/05/2010 DGU 14/05/2010 JPM 14/05/2010 mrm 14/05/2010 IOS
Original standard replaced by a
new one totally. Appendix II and
B 14/06/2011/ JLi 14/06/2011/SL 14/06/2011/HG 14/06/2011/MAJ
III have been taken from
revision a.
Appendix III replaced by PSK
C 23/06/2011/ JLi 23/06/2011/SL 23/06/2011/HG 23/06/2011/MAJ
Standard returned back to
revision a. Appendixes I and II
D 31/08/2011/ JLi 31/08/2011/ SL 31/08/2011/ HG 31/08/2011/ MAJ
removed.The Appendix of piping
painting according to revision C.

The purpose of this specification is to define the conditions and basic procedures, as well
as the painting schemes to be used in Montes del Plata Project to be installed in Punta
Pereira, Uruguay.

It applies to the painting of piping, vessels, equipment, metallic structures, machinery

and accessories, accomplished in the supplier’s workshop and/or at the site.

1.1 Technical Requirements

Protection of the surface aims to provide the various materials resistance against the
attack of noxious agents, strong enough for them to reach the operating lifetime they
were designed for.

As a general rule, the schemes here presented aim to protect surfaces for more than 10
years in an ambient classified as Very High Corrosivity (C5-I) according to ISO
12944-2 and 5, using minimum resources for their conservation, with maximum
acceptance for repairing 15% of the surface each 3 years.

EPC supplier shall deliver, after Purchase Order, a Painting Plan including
procedures for surface preparation, painting, inspection, tests, etc; for Client
approval. Painting Process can not be executed before Painting Plan approval.

Conditions and schemes here presented have guidance purposes, and are not supposed to
impede the presentation of different solutions, as long as technical and/or economically
advantageous. But any different alternative shall be submitted a written previous
approval by CLIENT, before its implementation.


2.1 The term “paints” should be understood in its wider sense, involving paints, varnishes,
enamels, organic, etc.

2.2 The suppliers of paint shall be registered in the “Vendor List” of CLIENT.

2.3 Except when otherwise indicated, all painting work shall be accomplished in the factory
of EPC supplier. At the site, painting work shall just suffer eventual touch ups.

2.4 Except when otherwise indicated, equipment and accessories in stainless steel,
galvanized steel, aluminium, copper, brass, bronze, PRFV, nickeled and chromed
surfaces and other materials resistant to corrosion will not be painted, unless for
identification of fluid or, when needed, due to safety standards.

2.5 All carbon steel flat bottom tanks mounted on concrete base shall receive painting based
in epoxy according to the painting scheme No 04 in the external part of the bottom in
contact with the concrete.

2.6 All equipment supports and metallic structure under continuous contact with humidity
and chemical product, shall receive protection based in epoxy as indicated in the Painting
Scheme 04.

2.7 Equipment in general, mechanical or electrical, to be received totally painted at the site,
shall be in accordance with one of scheme defined in this specification. In case of using
manufacturer standard painting, it shall have guaranties related to performance and be
previously approved by CLIENT or by its accredited representative, before the beginning
of equipment’s painting.

2.8 For equipment receiving weld at the Client’s site, the manufacturer shall provide a zone
of approximately 50 mm without painting, protected with varnish or adhesive tape.

2.9 All Equipments and piping in carbon steel, thermal insulated or not, with continuous
operating temperature equal to or less than 100ºC or above 100ºC in intermittent
operation, shall receive surface preparation and painting in accordance with the painting
schemes indicated in this specification. For thermally insulated carbon steel equipment
and piping operating continuously above 120oC shall not be painted.

2.10 All paints shall be received at the place of application in their original and sealed
containers clearly identified with manufacturer name, description of product (reference or
code), manufacturing date, pot-life, weight and instructions of preparation, as well as
limits of temperature and humidity during storage.

2.11 Colors not defined in this specification will be chosen by common agreement with
CLIENT or its accredited representative.

2.12 FRP trays in aggressive areas shall be pigmented according to the color defined in
paragraph 6

2.13 The whole work accomplished under this specification shall be in accordance with the
following publications:
− Steel Structure Painting Council (SSPC);
− National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE);
− International Organization for Standardization-ISO

2.14 Paint Repair/Touch-up

Paint repair, when necessary for coating damaged areas due to transportation or during
assembly process is EPC´s responsibility until handing over


3.1 General Conditions


3.1.1 Steel surfaces preparation shall be according to the methods and standards established by
ISO 12944-4 or Steel Structure Painting Council – SSPC and National Association of
Corrosion Engineers - NACE (Hydro blasting at ultra high pressure).

The ISO 8501-1, establishes standards of cleaning for steel surfaces, using four degrees of
initial conditions of plate, before proceeding to its cleaning:
− Degree A: Visual pattern corresponding to new plate, presenting intact lamination
− Degree B: Visual pattern corresponding to steel plate showing beginning of visual
− Degree C: Visual pattern corresponding to completely rusty steel plate;
− Degree D: Visual pattern corresponding to very rusty steel plate, showing already the
formation of small pitting.

Type of Cleaning Degree of Degree of Preparation

8501-1 * ***
Light blasting WJ-4
(brush off) Degrees B C D Sa-1 SP-7
UHP Hydro blasting Degrees B C D
Abrasive blasting
(commercial) Degrees B C D Sa-2 SP-6 WJ-3
UHP Hydro blasting Degrees B C D
Abrasive blasting
to almost white metal Degrees A B C D Sa-2 ½ SP-10 WJ-2
UHP Hydro blasting Degrees B C D
Abrasive blasting
to white metal Degrees A B C D Sa-3 SP-5 WJ-1
UHP Hydro blasting Degrees B C D
Manual Degrees B C D St-2 SP-2
Mechanical Degrees B C D St-3 SP-3
With solvent SP-1
With fire SP-4
Pickling SP-8
− * ISO 12944-4
− ** SSPC Steel Structure Painting Council
− *** NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

For UHP (ultra high pressure) Hydro blasting - 30.000 PSI:

− Follow specific safety procedure of CLIENT;
− For parts where hydro blasting was not possible because of personal and/or equipment
safety, it shall be previewed a complementation, by using another kind of treatment;

− Client and Paint Manufacturer shall be consulted for UHP Hydro blasting application.

3.2 The degree of cleanness to be used is defined in the painting schemes presented next,
according to the type of surface.

3.3 Paint repair/touch-up

EPC supplier will be responsible for any Paint repair for coating damaged areas due to
transportation or during assembly process. The areas shall be spot cleaned and touch up
to full film thickness according the paint schemes defined in this specification.
All corrosion products shall be removed and the interface between the sound coat and the
cleaned areas shall be properly prepared

Primer and topcoat shall be painted with different colors.

When painting edges, it is important to consider the film thickness and if necessary
add an additional layer.


4.1 Specifications indicated in technical data sheets from the manufacturer of the paint used,
shall be integrally obeyed, especially in relation to:
− Application equipment;
− Preparation of surface;
− Use of recommended solvents;
− Conditions of application;
− Drying time
− Interval between layers;
− Thickness.

4.2 The schemes of painting should only be applied to surfaces conveniently prepared in the
way described, those which are clean, dry, free from oil, fat, dust and any other impurity
or foreign body impeding good adherence of covering coat.

4.3 Each coat shall be applied immediately after complete cleaning and preparation of
surface. Between coats, as long as the time interval specified is obeyed, normally a
simple cleaning of the surface shall be done. In case bigger intervals must be given,
because of force majeure, the surface should be rigorously sanded and brushed,
regardless of other necessary preparations.

4.4 The following criteria for complementation of existing painting work shall be used:
− Existing painting work shall be left as long as damages in painting don’t exceed 5% of
the global area and 20% of localized area.
− In case the above limits are exceeded or deterioration of painting is a consequence of
inadequate surface preparation or wrong blasting specification, the whole painting
shall be removed.

4.5 No painting application shall be done:

− When relative air humidity is higher than 85%;
− In rainy weather, fog or mist, or when they are expected to happen before the painted
surface is dry;
− When the surface temperature is higher than 52ºC;
− When the temperature of air is lesser than 5ºC;
− When there is strong wind;
− When CLIENT considers not convenient
− Substrate temperature below dew point

4.6 Thickness of dry film above the high points of blasted surface profile shall be equal to
the thickness wished for protection, as indicated in the scheme adopted and in the
technical bulletins from the paint supplier.

4.7 In corners, edges, weld rings, etc., strip-coats shall be done, in order to assure the final
thickness of paint film.

4.8 Structural bolts and nuts, even if fire galvanized, shall be mandatorily painted, following
the same specification for metallic structures.

4.9 Bolts and nuts subject to frequent maintenance such as bolts and nuts of valves, flanges,
etc; shall not be painted. In these cases, they shall be protected with graphite grease

4.10 The interval between coats shall be according to the technical data sheets of paint
manufacturer. Painting shall not be performed when the temperature of surface is less
then 3 °C above dew point of the surround air or when the humidity of air is greater than
80 %. The measurement of these conditions is the responsibility of the paint contractor.

4.11 Stripe coat shall be applied to all welds, lap joints, plate edges, corners, sharp edges and
other areas where spray application of the overall coating system may prove difficult
resulting in low dry film thickness.
Sharp edges shall be grinded and welds splatters removed before painting

4.12 Paint repair/touch-up

EPC supplier will be responsible for any paint repair for coating damaged areas due to
transportation or during assembly process. The areas shall be spot cleaned and touch up
to full film thickness according the paint schemes defined in this specification.
All corrosion products shall be removed and the interface between the sound coat and the
cleaned areas shall be properly prepared

Primer and topcoat shall be painted with different colors.

When painting edges, it is important to consider the film thickness and if necessary
add an additional layer.


5.1 The Supplier is responsible for the quality of the painting and shall make the quality
control. The Purchaser can do the inspections that he considers necessary.

5.2 A report shall be made of the handover, with among other things following matters:

- documents and control report

- visual inspection of the painting, film thickness measurement, porosity measurement
and possible other actions
- guarantee starting day and specified surface quality requirement after guarantee
period and things which the guarantee does not concern
- delay penalties
- handover and acceptance
- yearly and guarantee inspection date

5.3 Guarantee provisions in SFS 4426 shall be followed. Guarantee period is at least 2 (two)
years if not otherwise agreed.

5.4 At the end of the guarantee period the de-rusting grade of the painted surface shall be at
maximum Ri 1 according to classification in ISO 4628-3 standard.


6.1 General Conditions

6.1.1 Next, the schemes and products to be used to paint the industrial facilities of the CLIENT
are listed.

6.1.2 The schemes with products and thicknesses were elaborated according to the environment
the unit to be protected is in. They can undergo changes according to the necessities or
conveniences of CLIENT.

6.1.3 Thicknesses are recommended in accordance with the aggressiveness of the environment.
If the minimum foreseen is not reached, additional coats must be applied, under the
exclusive responsibility of the applicator.

6.1.4 In order to assure adherence and good performance of the scheme, the interval between
coats, preparation of surface, thicknesses, conditions of application, as well as other
information indicated in technical bulletins from the paint manufacturer, shall be
rigorously obeyed.

6.1.5 Paint manufacturer shall be recognized worldwide. Paint manufacturer shall be submitted
for CLIENT approval.

6.1.6 In case the supplier has a scheme of painting technologically similar or superior, it can be
submitted to the approval of CLIENT. Anyway, in all cases the CLIENT color codes
must be followed.

6.1.7 For the same painting scheme, the primer, intermediate and finishing coat (complete
scheme) shall be painted using product of the same manufacturer. Even for equipment
where the primer is applied in supplier’s workshop and the finishing coat or touch up will
be applied at the Client’s site, this requirement shall be complied.

6.1.8 For electrical and Control Panels, the following shall be fulfilled:
− For indoor panels, powder paint based on polyester or epoxy resin shall be used, with
minimum thickness of 80µm.
− For outdoor panels, powder paint based on polyester resin shall be used, with
minimum thickness of 140µm.
Alternatives can be used since approved by CLIENT.


APPLICATION: Equipment, structures and piping in carbon steel, not

thermally insulated, with temperatures up to 120 ºC, indoor or

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination. Degrease according to SSPC-SP 1
Solvent cleaning.
Blasting into almost white metal, SA 2 ½ (ISO 8501-1 or
SSPC-SP6 standard). In the event of occurring oxidation
between the blasting and the application, the surface shall be
blasted again until reaching the specified visual standard.
Superficial defects revealed during the process of blasting
shall be polished with emery, filled or treated in appropriate
A sharp angular surface profile of 50@70 microns shall be

Product Name Description Number of Application VS WFT DFT TSR Over coating Pot Life Diluents
coating Method % µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
Min - Max
Epoxy-Zinc 1 Airless Spray, 65
Rich. Note 1,2 Brush, Air Spray
1 Airless Spray, 150
Surface Tolerant Brush, Roller, Air
Note 1,2
Epoxy Spray
Polyurethane 1 Airless Spray, 50
Note 1,2 Brush,
Spray, Roller, Air

Note 1: According to ISO 12944 part 5 – Zinc Rich Primers Zn ( R) are those which zinc dust pigment content of non volatile paint
is equal to or greater than 80% by mass.
Note 2: This paint scheme needs to satisfy performance tests according to ISO 12944 part 6 for C5I category. At least 720 h of
water condensation ISO 6270 and 1440h of ISO 7253.Accessment after test : no defects in accordance to ISO 4628 -2 , 4628 -
3.,4628 -4, 4628-5 , ISO 2409 ( adhesion test ) classification shall be 0 or 1.

. Legend: VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/liter

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to be supplied


APPLICATION: Equipment and tanks in carbon steel not insulated, operating

under temperatures between 120 ºC and 540°C.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I

Heated Surfaces: Non ISO environment

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination. Degrease according to SSPC-SP 1
Solvent cleaning.
Blasting into almost white metal, SA 2 ½ (ISO 8501-1 or
SSPC-SP6 standard). In the event of occurring oxidation
between the blasting and the application, the surface shall be
blasted again until reaching the specified visual standard.
Superficial defects revealed during the process of blasting
shall be polished with emery, filled or treated in appropriate
A sharp angular surface profile of 40@50 microns shall be

Product Description Number Application VS% WFT DFT TSR Overcoating Pot Diluent
Name of Method µm µm m²/l interval Life
coating Min – Max 25°C
Inorganic Zinc Rich 1 Airless Spray, Air 50
Silicate Spray
High Temperature 1 Brush, Roller, Air 25
Silicone Spray
High Temperature 1 Brush, Roller, Air 25
Silicone Spray

Note 1 : According to ISO 12944 part 5 –item 5.2 - Zinc Rich Primers Zn ( R) are those which zinc dust pigment
content of non volatile paint is equal to or greater than 80% by mass.


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/litre

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


APPLICATION: Equipment and piping in carbon steel thermally insulated,

with temperature up to 100oC, or between 100oC and 120oC
in intermittent operating

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination. Degrease according to SSPC-SP 1
Solvent cleaning.
Blasting into almost white metal, SA 2 ½ (ISO 8501-1 or
SSPC-SP6 standard). In the event of occurring oxidation
between the blasting and the application, the surface shall be
blasted again until reaching the specified visual standard.
Superficial defects revealed during the process of blasting
shall be polished with emery, filled or treated in appropriate
A sharp angular surface profile of 50@75 microns shall be

Product Name Description Number Application VS WFT DFT TSR Overcoating Pot Diluent
of Method % µm µm m²/l interval Life
coating Min - Max 25°C
Surface Tolerant Airless Spray,
Epoxy-Aluminum 1 Brush, 150
Air Spray


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/litre

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


APPLICATION: Base plate and lower part of steel structure and equipment
supports, base plate for equipment, with temperature up to
120ºC, indoor or outdoor

Surfaces permanently/preponderantly in contact with water,

corrosive products or subjected to chemical products splash.
Equipments subjected to overflow, bases of tanks.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination. Degrease according to SSPC-SP 1
Solvent cleaning.
Blasting into almost white metal, SA 2 ½ (ISO 8501-1 or
SSPC-SP6 standard). In the event of occurring oxidation
between the blasting and the application, the surface shall be
blasted again until reaching the specified visual standard.
Superficial defects revealed during the process of blasting
shall be polished with emery, filled or treated in appropriate
A sharp angular surface profile of 75@100 microns shall be

Product Name Description Number Application Method VS WFT DFT TSR Overcoating Pot Life Diluent
of % µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
Coating Min - Max
Modified 1 Airless, Spray, Brush, 300
Epoxy Note 1 Roller, Air Spray
Modified 1 Airless, Spray, Brush, 300
Epoxy Note 1 Roller, Air Spray

Note 1. This paint scheme needs to satisfy performance tests according to ISO 12944 part 6 for C5I category Im2/ Im3. At
least 2000 h of water immersion (ISO 2812-2_aqueous solution shall be sodium chloride 5%, (m/m), 720 h Neutral Salt
Spray ISO 7253 (average of 3,5 mm rust creep, maximum). Assessment after test : no defects in accordance to ISO 4628 -
2 , 4628 -3.,4628 -4, 4628-5 , ISO 2409 ( adhesion test ) classification shall be 0 or 1

Legend: VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/litre

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


APPLICATION: Piping and Structures in galvanized steel.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination.

Degreasing of surface in accordance to ISO 8504 / 2000

standard by using non ionic solvent or detergent. Light brush
blast with non-metallic abrasive and reduced pressure
according NPR. The surface shall be clean and dry before the
application of paint.

Product Name Description Number Application Method VS WFT DFT TSR Over coating Pot Life Diluents
of % µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
coating Min – Max
Epoxy Iron 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 40
Oxide Roller, Conventional
Surface 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 100
Tolerant Roller, Air Spray
Polyurethane 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 50
Conventional Spray,
Roller, Air Spray


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/liter

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


APPLICATION: Cable trays in galvanized carbon steel, requiring painting.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination.

Degreasing of surface in accordance to ISO 8504 / 2000

standard by using non ionic solvent or detergent. Light brush
blast with non-metallic abrasive and reduced pressure
according NPR. The surface shall be clean and dry before the
application of paint.

Product Name Description Number Application Method VS WFT DFT TSR Over coating Pot Life Diluents
of % µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
coating Min – Max
Epoxy Iron 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 40
Oxide Roller, Conventional
Surface 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 100
Tolerant Roller, Air Spray
Polyurethane 1 Airless Spray, Brush, 50
Conventional Spray,
Roller, Air Spray


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/litre

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.

PAINTING SCHEME Nº 06A (Alternative for Electrostatic Powder Painting).

APPLICATION: Cable trays in galvanized carbon steel, requiring painting.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-1.

Surface to be painted shall be cleaned removing oil, grease,
dirt, etc. After that, the surface shall be pickled, neutralized
and phosphated.

Product Descriptio Coatin Application DFT

Name n g Method (µm)

Polyester 1 Electrostatic 100



DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers



APPLICATION: Maintenance and touch up of painting in the field for painting

scheme No 01 and 03.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Remove, where necessary, all weld splatter, smooth weld
seams and sharp edge. Fresh water washes to remove all dirt
and contamination. Degrease according to ISO 8504 / 2000
standard by using non ionic solvent or detergent.

Hand and power tool clean all damaged and corroded areas to
a minimum standard of St 3 of ISO 8501-1 1988

This specification is defined for the application of paint in

surfaces prepared in accordance to ISO8501-1 ST3 or SSPC-
SP3 standard (manual preparation). In case electrical tools are
used for surface preparation, care should be taken in order to
avoid polishing. The product should be applied to surfaces
which suffered light blasting (SSPC SP7)
WFT DFT TSR Over coating Pot Life Diluents
Description Number of Application VS µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
coating Method % Min – Max
Surface 1 Airless Spray, 100
Tolerant Brush, Roller,
Epoxy Air Spray
Surface 1 Airless Spray, 100
Tolerant Brush, Roller,
Epoxy Air Spray
Polyurethane 1 Airless Spray, 50
Spray, Roller,
Air Spray


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/liter

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


APPLICATION: Piping and structures in stainless steel, non ferrous and RFG
(Fibber Glass) that needs finish painting only for fluid
identification or for safety signaling.

ENVIRONMENT: Industrial corrosive aggressive, classified by ISO 12944-2

standard as C5-I.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE: Degreasing of surface in accordance to ISO 8504 / 2000

standard, by using non ionic solvent or detergent. Light
sanding to remove the layer of oxide and cut brightness.
The surface shall be clean and dry before the application
of paint.

WFT DFT TSR Over coating Pot Life Diluents

Product Description Number of Application VS µm µm m²/l interval 25°C
Name coating Method % Min – Max
Epoxy Iron 1 Airless Spray, 15
Oxide Brush, Roller,
Air Spray
Polyurethane 1 Airless Spray, 60
Brush, Roller,
Air Spray

Note 1: Epoxy Iron Oxide could be changed to Epoxy Isocyanate


VS (%): Percentage of solids per volume

WFT (µm): Thickness of wet film, micrometers

DFT (µm): Thickness of dry film, micrometers

TSR (m2/l): Theoretical superficial rate, square meter/litre.

Note: Paint Manufacturer shall fill in the blanks according to the paint characteristics to
be supplied.


Color shades are presented in the document 1000-000-AAC-009005 “Standardization

of Colors”.

Painting and identification of piping is presented in Appendix I.

Surface preparation and painting systems application shall be monitored and
registered using reports according to the standard models contained in ISO 12944 – 7
and 8.

9.1 Surface Preparation

9.1.1 Visual Examination if the surface is free of dust, oil, corrosion points or other
Note: A blasted surface can evidence manufacturing defects or imperfections (Ex.:
welds) that before cleaning haven’t been observed. In case this occurs, immediately
communicate the inspector in charge.

9.1.2 Compare the surface to the degree of cleanness specified in the scheme of painting.
Comparison should be done against visual patterns of ISO 8501-1 standard.

9.1.3 Carry out the measurement of the roughness profile for 1(one) square meter in the
beginning of the operation of abrasive blasting, repeating it for each 50 m² or fraction
of the equipment, and every time the examined abrasive is replaced or changed (new

9.1.4 For piping, carry out the measurement of the roughness profile for 1(one) square meter
in the beginning of the operation of abrasive blasting, repeating it whenever there is
renovation in the quality of abrasive.

9.1.5 Measurement of roughness will be determined by using a device called “Profile

Gauge” roughness meter. In this way, it is possible to accomplish a series of
measurements, being the average of these measurements, the height of the roughness

9.1.6 The results of measurements shall be registered. The roughness profile shall vary
between 40 and 100µm according to paint schemes defined in this document.

9.2 Paint Film

9.2.1 Examine if it is free of failures of the following types:

− Slipping

− Blistering
− Wrinkling
− Splitting
− Bubbles
− Craters
− Abrasive impregnation
− Peeling
− Lack of adherence

9.3 Adherence
ISO 12944-7 procedures shall be used to perform the paint adhesion tests. Acceptance
criteria is 0 or 1.

9.3.1 The test of adherence shall be carried out after the time for drying and curing the paint
film is elapsed, in accordance with standard ISO 2409 or ISO 4624.

9.3.2 As this is a destructive test, the areas of test shall be immediately repaired according to
the Painting Schemes and following ISO 12944-8.

9.4 Dry Film Thickness

Dry film thickness measurement shall comply with item 5.4 of ISO 12944-5 and the
procedure defined in ISO 12944-7.

9.4.1 The dry film thickness test shall be carried out after each coat, and unless otherwise
indicated, by using a micro test with precision of 5µm.

9.4.2 ISO 19840 shall be used for dry film thickness measurement on rough surfaces (steel

9.4.3 ISO 2808 shall be used for dry film thickness measurement on smooth and galvanized

9.4.4 Unless otherwise indicated, carry out 5 measurements for each 15 linear meters or 5
(five) measurements for each set of pre-manufactured parts (spool) as long as they
don’t exceed 15 linear meters.

9.4.5 Unless otherwise indicated, carry out 5 measurements at each 10 square meters or 5
measurements for each equipment.
Note: Each measurement consists of the arithmetic average obtained from three
readings carried out in the same point of the piece.

Nº of readings


Per point 1ª 2ª 3ª Averages

per point

1st Point 38 40 42 40

2nd Point 18 25 30 24.33

3rd Point 30 35 30 31.66

4th Point 32 28 34 31.33

5th Point 36 38 19 31.00

Overall average of dry film thickness = 31.66 µm

9.4.6 Unless otherwise indicated, both average per point and overall average shall remain
inside the interval of thickness, established for each scheme of painting. See 9.4.10.

9.4.7 Unless otherwise agreed, the following acceptance criteria, as stated in ISO 19 840:
- the arithmetic mean of all individual dry Film thickness shall be equal or greater then
the nominal dry film thickness (NDFT);

- all individual DFT shall be equal to or above 80% od NDFT

- Individual dry film thickness between 80% of the NDFT and NDFT area acceptable
provided that the number of these measurements is less than 20% of the total number of
individual measurements taken.

9.4.8 Unless otherwise indicated, for all tolerances and measurements the error of the
measurement device should be added (device tolerance ± 5%).
Example: Dry Film Thickness specified = 200µm

Maximum tolerance admitted in overall average = 260µm

Minimum tolerance admitted in overall average = 200µm

Device error = ± 5µm

Maximum and minimum thickness
admitted and read in the device = maximum: 265µm
= minimum: 195µm

9.4.9 Over peak or net thickness:

Measurements on dry film thickness shall only be taken after adjustment and checking
of the instrumental. The measurement instrument shall then be used in accordance
with instrument manufacturer’s instructions. Check the adjustment for intermediate
values following the manufacturer’s specification. After this, take measurements to
find out the correction value according to the following instructions:

- Adjust the instrument on the blast cleaned or otherwise roughened surface to

check a measured foil of approximately 125 µm. Use the foil/shim, take 10
measurements of different points on the blast-cleaned or otherwise roughened
surface to determine the arithmetic mean value. From the mean value, subtract
the know value of the foil thickness. The value obtained is the correction value.
Note: The thickness of the foil/shim shall not be less 125 µm or greater than 150 µm.

If the surface profile is not known and an uncoated sample is not available, a
correction value of 25 µm shall be used.
Pöyry Finland Oy
P.O.Box 4 (Jaakonkatu 3)
FI-01621 Vantaa

Date August 31, 2011, Rev. D

MdP Ref. No 1000-000-AAL-020094

Pöyry Ref.No 16IPP1165-L0016
Page 1 (10)

Appendix I

Celulosa y Energía Punta Pereira S.A.

Paraguay – 1470, Piso 6
Montevideo – Uruguay
Montes del Plata Project


PSK Standardisointi STANDARDI PSK 0902
PSK Standards Association
1 (3)
COPYRIGHT: PSK Standardisointiyhdistys ry 2007-11-22 + Liitteet 6 s.
+ Appendices 6 p.


Labelling in Industry Perspective to Safety, Use and Maintenance

Ristiriitatapauksissa pätee suomenkielinen teksti. In the case of a conflict the Finnish text shall prevail.

Sisällys Contents
1 Soveltamisala 1 Scope
2 Viittaukset 2 References
3 Merkintä 3 Labelling
3.1 Yleistä 3.1 General
3.2 Purku- ja lastauspaikat 3.2 Unloading and loading areas
3.3 Säiliöt 3.3 Tanks
3.4 Pumput 3.4 Pumps
3.5 Putkilinjat 3.3 Pipelines
3.6 Putkistoon asennetut laitteet 3.6 Pipeline equipment
Liite 1 Purku- ja lastauspaikat Appendix 1 Unloading and loading areas
Liite 2 Säiliöt Appendix 2 Tanks
Liite 3 Pumput Appendix 3 Pumps
Liite 4 Putkilinjat Appendix 4 Pipelines
Liite 5 Putkistoon asennetut laitteet Appendix 5 Pipeline equipment


Tässä standardissa esitetään mallit purku- ja This standard presents models for labelling
lastauspaikkojen, säiliöiden, laitteiden sekä unloading and loading areas, tanks, equipment
putkilinjojen merkitsemisestä, silloin kun niiden and pipelines, whenever they are desired to come
halutaan tulevan esille turvallisuuden, käytön tai out perspective to safety, use and maintenance.
kunnossapidon kannalta.

Standardissa ei oteta kantaa lainsäädännön eikä The standard does not respond to requirements
viranomaismääräysten asettamiin vaatimuksiin, set by legislation or orders by authorities, but these
mutta ne pitää aina tapauskohtaisesti selvittää. shall always be clarified case by case.


PSK 0901 Virtaavien aineiden nimet, lyhenteet ja PSK 0901 Names and recommended
lyhenteiden muodostaminen. 2001. 14 s. abbreviations for flow media. 2001. 14 p.

SFS 3177 Maakaasuputkisto. Merkinnät. 1992. SFS 3177 Natural gas pipeline. Marking. 1992.
9 s. 9 p.

SFS 3701 Putkistojen merkintä virtaavien SFS 3701 Marking for pipelines according to
aineiden tunnuksin. Tunnusvärit ja kilvet. 1995. 9 flow media. Identification colours and signs. 1995.
s. 9 p.

SFS 5491 Vaaralliset kemikaalit. Säiliöiden SFS 5491 Dangerous chemicals. Labelling of
merkintä. 2004. 8 s. tanks. 2004. 8 p.

SFS-ISO 3864 Turvallisuusvärit ja SFS-ISO 3864 Safety colours and safety signs.
turvallisuuskilvet. 1993. 15 s. 1993. 15 p.

MYYNTI: PSK Standardisointiyhdistys ry, PUH. (09) 72 880 880

PSK Standardisointi PSK 0902 2 (3)


3.1 Yleistä 3.1 General

Merkinnässä suositellaan käytettäväksi Plain names of flow media are recommended to be

väliaineiden selväkielisiä nimiä. Mikäli merkinnässä used for labelling. If the label includes the
käytetään myös väliaineiden lyhenteitä, ne abbreviations of the media, they shall be presented
esitetään standardin PSK 0901 mukaan. according to standard PSK 0901.

Ellei muuta ole mainittu, putkistomerkintään If not mentioned otherwise, the standard SFS 3701
sovelletaan standardia SFS 3701. shall be applied for piping labelling.

Merkinnän pitää kestää ympäristön asettamat The label shall tolerate the requirements of
vaatimukset pysymisen, kulumisen ja environment for staying in place, wear and
likaantumisen kannalta. contamination.

Kiinnitysmenetelmä on valittava olosuhteiden A fixation method shall be choosen according to

mukaan niin, että se kestää yhtä pitkään kuin kilpi. the conditions so that it lasts as long as the label.

Tarvittaessa laitteisto merkitään omalla kilvellä ja As necessary, the equipment shall be labelled with
siihen sisältyvät laitteet omilla kilvillä. an own plate and the attached equipment with their
own plates.

Kemikaalilaitteistojen ja -laitteiden kilvissä Yellow background and black text shall be used in
käytetään keltaista pohjaa ja mustaa tekstiä. plates for chemical equipment and devices.

Merkkikilpi kiinnitetään joko laitteeseen tai sen The label plate shall be attached either to the
viereen. equipment or beside it.

Viivakoodille tai radiotaajuiselle etätunnisteelle A reservation shall be made for a barcode or radio
(RFID) varataan kilvissä paikka tarvittaessa. frequency identification in the plate, as necessary.

3.2 Purku- ja lastauspaikat 3.2 Unloading and loading areas

Purku- ja lastauspaikkojen merkinnässä on The following information shall appear in the

esitettävä seuraavat tiedot: labelling of unloading and loading areas:
– paikan tunnus, osoite tai ovinumero – location identification, address or door
– käsiteltävät aineet ja niiden vaarallisuus – media used and their hazards
– turvaohje – safety procedure
– toimintaohje purku- ja lastaustilanteessa – procedure for unloading and loading situation
– toimintaohje vaaratilanteessa – procedure for danger situation
– tehtaan turvaohje – plant safety procedure
Merkinnän malli on esitetty liitteessä 1. The model for labelling is presented in Appendix 1.

3.3 Säiliöt 3.3 Tanks

Vaarallisia aineita sisältävien säiliöiden When labelling the tanks containing dangerous
merkinnässä on otettava huomioon VNp media the Decision 27.4.1989/421 of Council of
27.4.1989/421, jossa viitataan standardiin SFS State with a reference to standard SFS 5491 shall
5491. be considered.

Säiliöiden merkinnässä on esitettävä seuraavat The following information shall appear in the tank
tiedot: label:
– säiliön tunnus – tank identification
– säiliön nimi – tank name
– säiliön tilavuus – tank volume
– sisältö ja sen vaarallisuusmerkintä – contents and hazard label
– tarvittaessa sisällön väkevyys – consentration of contents, as necessary
PSK Standardisointi PSK 0902 3 (3)

– säiliötyöohje ja tarvittaessa osaprosessikaavio – tank work procedure and partial process

chart, as necessary
Merkinnän malli on esitetty liitteessä 2. The model for labelling is presented in Appendix 2.

3.4 Pumput 3.4 Pumps

Pumppujen ja siirtolaitteiden merkinnässä on When labelling pumps and other transportation

huomioitava käyttö- ja kunnossapitotöiden equipment the safe performance of operation and
turvallinen suorittaminen sekä turvallisuus maintenance work and safety during a potential
mahdollisessa onnettomuustilanteessa. accident shall be considered.

Niiden merkinnässä on esitettävä seuraavat tiedot: The following information shall appear in the their
– laitepaikkatunnus – identification of equipment location
– laitepaikan nimi – name of equipment location
– virtaavan aineen nimi – name of flow medium
– tarvittaessa virtaavan aineen väkevyys – consentration of flow medium, as necessary
– tarvittaessa varoitusmerkintä – warning label, as necessary

Merkinnän malli on esitetty liitteessä 3. A model for labelling is presented in Appendix 3.

3.5 Putkilinjat 3.5 Pipelines

Putkilinjat on merkittävä riittävän lyhyin välimatkoin The pipelines shall be labelled at adequately short
huomioiden käyttö- ja kunnossapitotöiden intervals considering the safe performance of
turvallinen suorittaminen sekä turvallisuus operation and maintenance work and safety during
mahdollisessa onnettomuustilanteessa. a potential accident.

Niiden merkinnässä on esitettävä seuraavat tiedot: The following information shall appear in their
– putkilinjan tunnus – pipeline identification
– virtaavan aineen nimi – name of flow medium
– virtaussuunta – flow direction
– virtaavan aineen väritunnus – colour code for flow medium
– tarvittaessa virtaavan aineen väkevyys – consentration of flow medium, as necessary
– tarvittaessa varoitusmerkintä – warning label, as necessary

Merkinnän malli on esitetty liitteessä 4. A model for labelling is presented in Appendix 4.

3.6 Putkistoon asennetut laitteet 3.6 Pipeline equipment

Putkistoon asennettavien laitteiden merkinnässä The label of pipeline equipment shall have the
on esitettävä seuraavat tiedot: following information:
– laitteen tunnus – equipment identification
– tarvittaessa laitteen nimi, joka kuvaa – functional name of equipment, as necessary
– tarvittaessa virtaavan aineen väritunnus – colour code of flow medium, as necessary
– tarvittaessa virtaavan aineen väkevyys – consentration of flow medium, as necessary
– tarvittaessa varoitusmerkintä – warning label, as necessary

Merkinnän malli on esitetty liitteessä 5. A model for labelling is presented in Appendix 5.

1 (2)
2007-11-22 Appendix1 1

Before unloading contact the control room tel. 010 123 4567



Before loading contact
the control room tel. 010 123 4567

PSK Standardisointi VESSELS PSK 0902
1 (2)
2007-11-22 Appendix 2

Vessel sign

Self adhesive vinyl or sign, size according to standard SFS 5491

1 - 15 m³ height of text 50 mm, symbol 100x100 mm
15 - 50 m³ height of text 100 mm, symbol 100x100 mm
>50 m³ height of text 150 mm, symbol 250x250 mm

Example 1

Example 2

PSK Standardisointi VESSELS PSK 0902
1 (2)
2007-11-22 Appendix 2

Example 3


Example 4

1. Make sure that the tank is
empty and the piping is closed
according to the instruction.
2. Make sure that the pumps and
blenders are disconected,
the safety switches are to
be locked in 0-position.
3. Make sure that there is
a good ventilation in the tank.
4. Wear safety helmet, goggles
and safety clothing.
5. Valid work permission

PSK Standardisointi PUMPS PSK 0902
1 (1)
2007-11-22 Appendix 3

Equipment sign

– UV- and weather proof plastic, on top or behind engraved
– stainless steel, laser engraved
– UV- and weather proof sticker
– heat resistance -40 …+100 ºC
– resistance to diluted acids and alkalis

– double sided tape
– glue
– rivet/screw
– bracket and hose clamp


PSK Standardisointi PIPELINES PSK 0902
1 (1)
2007-11-22 Appendix 4

Marking of pipeline

Material: Fixation:
– UV- and weather proof plastic, on top or – double sided tape
behind engraved – glue
– stainless steel, laser engraved – rivet/screw
– UV- and weather proof sticker – bracket and hose clamp
– heat resistance -40 …+100 ºC
– resistance to diluted acids and alkalis

Sizes according to standard SFS 3701

Class of Lenght mm Height mm Height of text Height of
marking mm hazardous
minimum mm
1 160 25 10 10
2 250 40 16 16
3 400 63 25 25
4 630 100 40 40

Basic identification colours according to standard SFS 3701

Flow medium Identification colour Colour of text and arrow
Steam Silver-grey Black
Air Light blue Black
Gases, expect
Brownish yellow Black
medical gases
Water Green White
Flammable liquids, oils Brown White
Acids, alkalis Violet White
Other fluids Black White

Safety colours according to standard SFS 3701

Application Colour
Fire-extinguishing pipelines, sprinkler rooms, fire fighting

Yellow with black diagonal

Hazardous flow medium
Blue in conjunction with
Fresh water pipe in such installations where seawater is
the green basic identification
also used

Natural gas pipeline indoors (SFS 3177) Yellow


1 (1)
2007-11-22 Appendix 5

Material: Fixation:
– UV- and weather proof plastic, on top or – double sided tape
behind engraved – glue
– stainless steel, laser engraved – rivet/screw
– UV- and weather proof sticker – bracket and hose clamp
– heat resistance -40 …+100 ºC – stainless steel wire/cable tie
– resistance to diluted acids and alkalis

Example 1 Size 74x22 mm, height of text 10 mm

Example 2 Size 92x22 mm, height of text 10 mm

Example 3 Size 110x22 mm, height of text 10 mm

Example 4 Size 110x40 mm, height of text 10 mm


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