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Get ready!
o Before you read the passage, talk about these queellons.
1 What does the respiratOf)' system do?
2 What are some common problems with the respiratory


Your respiratory system is important. Smoking can hurt the people around
The oxygen you need gets to the you, too. Research suggests inhaling
lungs through the bronchial tubes. second-hand smoke is a leading
Alveoli in the lungs give oxygen cause of asthma. Asthma sufferers'
passage into the bloodstream. tt also bronchial tubes swell, making breathing
removes toxic c arbon diox ide from difficult.
your body. Not smoking or quitting can decrease
Smoking damages every part of this your chances of developing these
process. Smoking can lead to diseases.
emphysema. This disease destroys
alveoli. This impairs their function,
makes breathing difficult and raises
carbon dioxide levels.
Smoking may also cause lung cancer.
The lungs' epithelial cells start growing

Reading Vocabulary
f) Read the hospital poster. Then, choose ~ Match the words (1.7) with the definitions
the correct answers. (A·G).
1 What is the main idea of the poster? 1 _lung cancer 5 _alveoli
A steps to quitting smoking 2 _oxygen 6 _ bronchial tube
B the illnesses that smoking causes 3 _ epithelial cell 7 _lung
C repairing the damage caused by smoking 4 _emphysema
o why people have difficulty quitting smoking
A a small part that makes up lining tissue
2 Which of the following adds gases to the blood? B the organ used to breathe
A lungs C epithelial cells C the sacs that bring oxygen into the bloodstream
B alveoli o bronchial tubes o the gas that people breathe in
E the passage that carries air from the windpipe
3 What can you infer about emphysema?
to the lungs
A It is caused by second-hand smoke.
F a condition in which cells in the lungs grow
B It destroys the alveoli. uncontrollably
C It makes the alveoli grow uncontrollably. G a condition that prevents the body from
o It decreases the amount of oxygen in the properly absorbing and expelling gases

o Fill in the blanks with the correct words Speaking

and phrases from the word bank.
(;) With a partner, act out the roles below
Ord BANK based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
carbon dioxide asthma USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS,
respiratory system Are you still smoking?
I know it causes lung cancer.
1 Smoking causes extensive damage to the
People around you are at risk.

2 Emphysema causes higher levels of

_ _ _ _ _ in the blood. Student A: You are a nurse. And you're talking
3 Jennifer doesn't smoke, but she has to a patient about smoking. Tell Student B about:
_ _ _ _ _ from being around smokers.
• the risks of smoking

o" Listen and read the poster again. What

• second-hand smoke

conditions can be attributed to smoking? • the benefits of quitting

Student B: You are a patient who smokes.

lstening Answer Student A's questions.
" Listen to a conversation between a
nurse and a patient. Mark the following
statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ The woman's children have asthma.
2 _ Quitting heals lung damage caused by
(!) Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill
out the pamphlet.
3 _ The woman decides to quit smoking.

- ~ Listen again and complete the


[se: Hi Mrs. Slake. I have a few 1 _ __

USI this list ta rlmlmbar
before the doctor sees you. Are you
still 2 ?
You why yau want to stop.
~ent: Yes, but not very much. can do Look at it whanlvlr you
'llUrse: Still, you need to quit. You understand
the risks, don't you?
I • , ••1 Ilk. smoking.
~t: Of course. I know it causes
3 _ _ _ __
e: Yes. Plus, people around you are at risk of
developing 4 _ _ _ _ __
~n t: I know. And I don't want my
kids getting it. But
quitting is really hard.
e: It also helps heal
the damage to
your 5 _ _ __
and bronchial
a.rc<11" Well. I'll 6· _ __

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