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“Reiki wakes up our divine
essence so we can see our true
spirit behind the veil of




Opening Invocation

May you know your true self as

infinite, unconditional love.

May you walk on this Earth as a

beacon of the greatest blessings
that come from choosing a
path of light.

What is Reiki

Usui Reiki Rohyo is a form of hands-on healing. Rei means “universal”

and refers also to the spiritual dimension and the soul. Ki as the vital
life force energy that flows through all that is alive. These Japanese
characters when combined present the concept of “universal life-force

Reiki also known as Universal Life Force Energy, Chi or Prana is a high
vibration, subtle energy that exists all around us. It is the vital energy
that every living being requires to survive. This energy is not
exclusive to any particular belief system or way of life. This
energy is all encompassing, nurturing and supportive towards all
things. It is the energy of Higher Intelligence that guides the
creation and functioning of the universe.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we can all connect to

Universal Life Force Energy because this is who we really are. We are
all channels for healing. Once we recognize this ability within
ourselves we become like a diamond, a clear channel for Reiki to flow
freely through us. Reiki has its own intelligence therefore, once
channeled, will work with the recipient’s own energy system to bring

balance on multiple levels. Reiki is available to all of humanity
because we are all are expressions of the same source.

Reiki Can Never Cause Harm

Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do

harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to
create the effect that is appropriate for them. One never need worry
about whether to give Reiki or not. It is always helpful. In addition,
because the practitioner does not direct the healing and does not
decide what to work on, or what to heal, the practitioner is not in
danger of taking on the karma of the client. Because the practitioner is
not doing the healing, it is also much easier for the ego to stay out of
the way and allow the presence of God to clearly shine through.

Energy is Never Depleted

Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner's energies are

never depleted. In fact, the Reiki consciousness considers both
practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both receive
treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one's
energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well-being.


Reiki lineage is like an ancestral family tree that documents the path of
a Reiki Master back to the system founder Usui Mikao. Like all
spiritual lineages, each Reiki student diligently learns from their
teacher but also receives Reiju, a series of attunements or spiritual
blessings directly from their teacher.

Usui ~ Hayashi ~ Takata ~ Phyllis Lei Furmoto ~ ? ~ Gary Tweed ~

Andrea Cottee ~ Amanda Kulbaba ~ Nyasha Angel

* ? in this lineage is being investigated. It is known this woman was ex-

wife to Gary Tweed

Levels of Reiki

Level 1 (Shoden)

Healing of self

Shoden is a Japanese word that means ‘first teachings’ or ‘beginning’,

and is the first level in the traditional Japanese branch of Reiki, the
Usui Reiki Ryoho.

During this teaching students learn about the five elements of the
system of Reiki which are: The Reiki Precepts; Meditations and
Techniques; Hands on self-healing; Reiju and Attunements.

Level 2 (Okuden)

Healing of others

Okuden is a Japanese word that means ‘inner’ or ‘hidden teachings’

and is the second level in the traditional Japanese branch of Reiki, the
Usui Reiki Ryoho.

The original intention for this level was for students to deepen their
personal practice and to further spiritual development. This level is
essential to become a Reiki Practitioner.

During this teaching students will develop many of the skills taught
during Shoden but will take the practice to a deeper level of
understanding, enhancing your connection to Earth and Heaven
energy. This is done through more advanced meditation techniques
and practices, and through the introduction of new symbols and
mantras. You will gain an understanding of ‘Oneness’ through distance
healing and will gain the knowledge and skill to be able to treat others
Level 3 (Shipinden)

Healing of all

Shinpiden is the Japanese word for ‘mystery teachings’. It is aimed at

Level II practitioners or established Reiki Teachers who wish to
continue their personal journey, a journey that is ongoing long after
you complete the Shinpiden course. It is therefore not just about
teaching and is also suitable for those who wish to simply develop their
personal Reiki practice and teach those around them. Self-
empowerment is attained in Shinpiden through a strong energetic
connection to the source of Reiki.

Reiki Level 2

In Reiki Level 2 you will learn the sacred symbols of Reiki, how to send
Reiki through time and space for yourself and others, and more
powerful ways to use Reiki within sessions. You will receive an
Attunement, which will strengthen your ability to channel Reiki, and
allow you to use the Reiki symbols, and allow you to send Reiki
energies through time and space. The Attunement also catalyzes and
enhances your own personal transformation and growth. Reiki II is for
people interested in developing a Reiki practice and serving others. Of
course, you are free to offer professional services after your Reiki I
Attunement, but level II provides you a lot more tools. Reiki II can also
be used very powerfully in your personal life, whether just helping
yourself, or helping friends, relatives, plants, and/or animals on a
casual basis. Level II is very powerful in it’s own right.

In Level III Reiki you learn a few more symbols, how to pass
Attunements, and also make another major step in your personal
transformation. As far as progressing to Level III Reiki, you will know
when it is the right time for you. It may be tomorrow, next week, in
years, or never. Whatever you feel will be perfect. As with your Reiki I
Attunement, please take care of yourself after your Attunement by
drinking plenty of water, nurturing yourself, and doing Reiki on
yourself and/or others for 21 days. The Attunement catalyzes powerful
transformations as you continue on your path of empowerment.
Occasionally this stimulates cleansing that may create physical and
emotional detox symptoms, so watch yourself and Reiki any changes
into peaceful new ways of being.

The Hara Energy System

Reiki is a Japanese practice that was created in the early 1900s we are
aware that (as with many martial arts and Ki practices that were
formalised in Japan at the same time – karate, judo, aikido) the hara or
tanden were considered to be the centre of the body’s energetic
powerhouse. The word hara literally means stomach, abdomen or belly
in Japanese. Energy is stored in this point of the body from where it
expands throughout the whole body.

Usui Mikao's teachings focus on building the energy in the hara. Once
the system of Reiki became more westernized in the 1980s the chakra
system was introduced and replaced this system - the chakra system is
now commonly used in the West

In traditional Japanese teachings and exercises today the hara system is

still the main focus for building a person's energy. There are, in fact,
two other energy centres in the body according to the Japanese
energetic system. By linking all three areas the practitioner creates
unity and balance. Most important, however, is to first develop the
lower hara, as this is the body's central axis point.

1. Earth Energy (Hara - approximately 3 inches (8cms) below the


In this centre, Original Energy is stored. This is the energy you are
born with, the energy that is the essence of your life and gives you your
life’s purpose. The Original Energy is not only the energy you receive
from your parents when you are conceived but most importantly it is
the energetic connection between you and the universal life force.
When the singular term hara is mentioned it is the lower hara that is
being discussed. This is the symbolic energetic centre for Earth Ki.
2. Heavenly Energy

This is the energy connected with your spirit. When you are connected
with this centre you may see colours or you might have psychic ability.
It is important for you not to become unbalanced and keep yourself
centred. If you can use this energy in a balanced way, you can see
beyond the immediate. This is the symbolic energetic centre for
Heaven Ki.

3. Heart Energy

The Heart Ki, is the point of perfect balance that is created by the
merging of Earth and Heaven, body and mind. Heart Ki is symbolically
located in the center of the chest. By tapping into Heart energy a
practitioner begins to shine, radiating light to all directions. Hurt,
pain, resentment, mental trauma, stress, anger and fear are all resolved
in this light, inviting more forgiveness, love, peace and compassion
into a practitioner’s life. The polishing of this diamond is in fact the
polishing of the self and is the culmination of balancing the mind and

The three diamonds of Earth Ki, Heaven Ki and Heart Ki are at the
foundation of the system of Reiki. A diamond is often used as an
analogy of the self in Buddhism. Each and every day a practitioner
polishes the diamond by performing his or her practice.

The Chakra System

The Chakra System

1. Root RED

This is located at the base of the spine and connects the subtle energy
system to the earth. It is the seat of Kundalini energy and supports our
will to live and supplies our body with vitality. It’s energy is involved
with our need for food, shelter and the basic necessities of life.

2. Sacral ORANGE

This is located near the genitals and governs sexuality, reproduction

and physical enjoyment. It influences general health, and particularly
governs digestion and the functions of the liver, pancreas, and spleen.
It is one of the places people hide guilt and humiliation. It is the main
location of the shadow self.

3. Solar Plexus YELLOW

This is located just above the navel. It is associated with self-

empowerment and self-expression. This chakra is also called the power
center, as through it one manifests will. Confidence and purpose, as
well as fear and anger can be located here. This chakra affects the
adrenals, pancreas, liver, and stomach.

4. Heart GREEN

This is located midway between the shoulder blades, in the middle of

the chest. It is related to all aspects of love and is also involved with
joy, respect and surrender. Spiritual guidance and higher
consciousness can also come through the heart chakra. It is one of the
two important chakras through which Reiki energy enters one’s
system. It governs the thymus gland and influences immunity to

5. Throat BLUE

This chakra is located in the throat area. This chakra has to do with the
expression of creativity and communication. It governs
communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most
influences intercommunication.

6. Brow INDIGO

This chakra is located in the enter of forehead above the eyes.

Sometimes called the third eye because of its influence over psychic
sense and spiritual enlightenment. The chakra is associated with
pituitary gland, the pineal gland, self-awareness, higher consciousness,
clairvoyance, intuition, simple knowing and conceptual thinking
outside of conditioning.

7. Crown VIOLET

This is located at the top of the head. It is said to reveal the person’s
conscious evolution. The crown connects us to cosmic consciousness.
It is another important chakra in which Reiki energy enters the system.

Five Elements of Reiki

1. Reiki Precepts (Gokai)
2. Reiki Meditations and Techniques (includes Kokyû Hô)
3. Hands-on Healing (Tenohira)
4. Reiki Symbols and Mantras (Shirushi and Jumon)
5. Reiju and Attunements

A practitioner practices the majority of these elements alone – Gokai,

Kokyû Hô, and Shirushi and Jumon. Tenohira, too, is practiced on
oneself with the possibility of using it on others.

These elements all become part of a personal daily routine coupled

with the regular receiving of reiju from a teacher where possible. When
brought together each of the elements exerts a separate influence on
the practitioner producing a complete system that affects powerful


Using each of these five elements individually is a strong practice yet

when you combine them they produce a complete spiritual teaching
that is accessible to everyone. Together these elements create a whole
that is firm yet flexible, supporting practitioners on their individual
spiritual paths.

If practitioners tread in the footsteps of Usui (metaphorically) with

steadfast self-practice they will be assured of discovering deeper, more
consistent and lasting results from the system of Reiki

Reiki Precepts (Gokai)

The Reiki precepts are one of the five main elements of the
system of Reiki.

The Secret of Inviting Happiness through Many

The Spiritual Medicine for All Illness

For Today Only:

Do not Anger
Do not Worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others

Do gasshô every Morning and Evening

Keep in your Mind and Recite

Usui Reiki Ryôhô Improve your Mind and Body

Three Pillars of Reiki

The First Pillar: Gassho

- The Japanese word gassho means “two hands coming

- Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth
- Concentrate all your attention on the point both of your
middle fingers touch.
- Close your eyes and sit in a relaxed position. Keep your
back as straight as possible without straining.
- Serves as a form of spiritual hygiene, a ritual to create
intention and focus, an invitation to mindfulness, a call to
set aside ego, and the primary method to invite and ignite

Dr. Usui Taught His Students the Gassho Meditation. This

meditation was practiced at the beginning of every Reiki
workshop and meeting. Usui, instructed his students to
practice the meditation each morning and evening for 5-20
minutes. Gassho is so simple, that anyone can practice it alone
or in a group meditation. Many find the Gassho Meditation
brings more focus and clarity into their lives and enables them
to become more relax, centred and more productive and
creative during in their daily life.
The Second Pillar: Reiji-ho

Reiji-ho means indication of the Spirit and refers to the

guidance that comes from the Spirit of Reiki. The technique
teaches us to follow our intuition. We don’t need to develop
our intuition, it is already bestowed upon us at birth.

1. Place your hands into the Gassho position.

2. Ask that your ego be set to the side so that only pure Reiki
energy will flow through you.

3. Ask for the healing and wellbeing of the client on every


4. Move your hands up so the thumbs touch the third eye.

Ask Reiki to guide your hands during the session to the
positions that are needed by this client.

5. Follow your inner guidance and allow your hands to be

directed by Reiki. Also, follow this guidance in deciding which
symbols and techniques to use throughout the session.

6. Use Reiji-ho anytime during the session when you need

additional guidance.


Letting life live itself by becoming a hollow bamboo for the

energy of Reiki to flow through without regard to where,
when and how it may happen.

The Third Pillar: Chiryo

The third pillar of Reiki, chiryo, is all about action. Chiryo means
"treatment," and it is an essential part of every Reiki session. New Reiki
practitioners focus primarily on chiryo, following the mechanical
process of placing hands on the body in set positions and trusting the
Reiki will flow where it's needed. However, as a practitioner becomes
more deeply involved in the true practice of Reiki, chiryo is something
that flows and changes depending on intuitive information the Reiki
practitioner receives and the needs of his or her healing partner.

A practitioner truly engaged in chiryo moves beyond the basic hand

positions and sometimes even moves beyond use of the hands. He or
she may be intuitively guided to gaze, tap, stroke, blow, or visualize
along with placing hands, palms, or fingertips in the ways they are
guided to do so. In this way, a session of Reiki becomes a flowing
dance of energy that involves the practitioner, his or her healing
partner, and the entire universe.

Reiju or Attunement
Reiju – spiritual blessing

Reiju is a ritual that is performed by a Reiki teacher on a student and is

one of the five original elements of the system of Reiki. A student sits
in seiza, or on a chair, while the teacher completes a physical and
energetic ritual around him or her. The student practices Jôshin Kokyû
Hô throughout the Reiju.

By performing Reiju the teacher is creating a safe space for the student
to draw as much Ki as he or she needs through the body. This is
executed with the intent that ultimately the student will remember his
or her connection to the universe. Naturally, as the student draws this
Ki, the benefits related to energetic clearing will also occur.

Within the system of Reiki students must receive a minimum number

of Reiju from the teacher. The more Reiju a student receives – the
better. In traditional circles in Japan Reiju is generally given whenever
a student and teacher meet and this may be as regularly as once a
week. Reiju is seen as support for the student’s journey – a blessing –
rather than the crux of the entire system.

“You are an energetic being before and after Reiju – all that you
are doing is giving over to receive more of your inherited
blessings. The joy of this is that it supports your journey of self-
responsibility and empowerment.”

How to Prepare for Reiju (Attunement)

In order to improve the results you receive during the attunement, a
process of purification is recommended. This will allow the
attunement energies to work more efficiently and create greater
benefits for you. Follow them if you feel guided to do so.

1. Refrain from eating meat, fowl or fish for three days prior to the
attunement. These foods often contain drugs in the form of penicillin
and female hormones and toxins in the form of pesticides and heavy
metals that make your system sluggish and throw it out of balance.

2. Consider a water or juice fast for one to three days especially if you
already are a vegetarian or have experience with fasting.

3. Minimize your use of coffee and caffeine drinks or stop completely.

They create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems. Use no
caffeine drinks on the day of the attunement.

4. Use no alcohol for at least three days prior to the attunement.

5. Minimize or stop using sweets. Eat no chocolate.

6. If you smoke, cut back, and smoke as little as possible on the day of
the attunement.

7. Meditate an hour a day for a least a week using a style you are
familiar with or simply spend this time in silence.

8. Reduce or eliminate time watching TV, listening to the radio, and

reading newspapers.

9. Go for quiet walks, spend time with nature, and get moderate

10. Give more attention to the subtle impressions and sensations

within and around; contemplate their meaning.

11. Release all anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry, etc. up to the light.
Create a sacred space within and around you.
You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual
beings who are also working towards your highest good. While Reiki is
not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and
pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to
higher spiritual energies and experiences.

Reiki Symbols and Mantras
“Reiki symbols are the jewels of Reiki but not the practice itself.”

The Japanese names for mantras and symbols are as follows:

Jumon – mantras

Shirushi – symbols


When one practices the system of Reiki and moves from the first to the
second level, three symbols and mantras are taught. At the third level
yet another symbol and mantra are taught. Thus, in total, there are
four mantras and symbols taught in the system of Reiki. Naturally, as
practitioners progress through the system’s three levels new
information is taught at each phase. New information is not
necessarily secret but it also is not shared until a practitioner has
reached an appropriate level of understanding. This is the case with
the symbols and mantras.

Symbols are tools used to invoke a specific energy. By using these

tools, you connect to certain aspects of yourself and with constant
practice this will awaken inner dormant energy. The realization and
consciousness that these practices bring helps us to regain our full
human potential. Therefore, it is not on the outside but on the inside
that one should be concentrating to delve to unlimited depths.
Furthermore, as one’s experience develops the actual need for these
tools diminishes and their energies are called upon without effort.







*In Japanese, one’s original nature is known as honshin, which also stands
for our Buddha nature.

Reiki symbols can be activated in any of the following ways:

- By drawing the symbol with your palm centre
- By drawing the symbol with your finger
- By visualizing the symbol
- By drawing or projecting the symbol with or from
your third eye
- By intoning internally or externally saying the symbol’s name
three times
- You can use whatever method you wish or prefer, but remember
always as with everything
- REIKI it is the intent that counts and is of paramount

“ Each and every being has the innate ability to
heal as a gift from God.”
~ Mikao Usui

Reiki does not require discipline or years of training to receive
healing ability or to use it. Rather, Reiki comes to us as a gift.
(This is true for the practitioner levels as well as for the Master
or teaching level wherein one can pass Reiki on to others.) The
ability to do Reiki comes immediately to the student upon
receiving Reiju (Attuement). During Reiju, the ability to channel
Reiki comes from the Higher Power, and flows into the student’s
energy system. The Reiju is guided by the Higher Power and
makes adjustments within itself for each student so that each
receives exactly what they need in order to begin channeling
Reiki. During Reiju, the Higher Power actually adjusts and heals
the students chakras and energy field and connects the student
directly to the source of Reiki. After the Reiju, all that is
necessary for the student to channel healing energy is to place
one's hands on oneself or a client and the healing energy begins
flowing automatically. This gift is a direct expression of grace
from the Higher Power. Because of this, the Reiju process is a
very sacred and spiritual experience.

~ William Lee Rand

Kenyoku Hô (Dry Bathing)
is a Japanese Shinto practise that purifies the body, heart and spirit. It
is generally used before and after the practice of any energy work. On
each out breath the hands sweep across the body, as if you are washing
yourself clean.

1. Sweep with your right hand from your left shoulder down and
across to your right hip.
2. Sweep with your left hand from your right shoulder down and
across to your left hip.
3. Sweep with your right hand from your left shoulder down and
across to your right hip.
4. With your left elbow against your side and your left forearm
horizontal to the ground, sweep with your right hand from your
left shoulder down the arm and out along the upturned palm to
the fingertips.
5. With your right elbow against your side and your right forearm
horizontal to the ground, sweep with your left hand from your
right shoulder down the arm and out along the upturned palm to
the fingertips.
6. With your left elbow against your side and your left forearm
horizontal to the ground, sweep with your right hand from your
left shoulder down the arm and out along the upturned palm to
the fingertips.

Gassho Breathing

1. Place your hands in gassho (prayer) position in front of your


2. As you breathe in, see light entering your hands and flow
through your body to your tanden. (The tanden corresponds to
the sacral chakra and is 3 finger widths below the naval).

3. During the brief pause between inhalation and exhalation, see

the light expand to fill your whole body.

4. As you breathe out, see the light flow out of your body through
the hands.

Usually, you would perform this exercise seated with your eyes closed.

Benefits of Gassho Breathing

By moving the energy in and out through your hands, you will increase
the flow. Moving energy is a skill and the more you practice, the better
you will become.

As you practice Gassho Breathing, you will open the chakras in your

Byosen Scanning

Byosen scanning is a skill that can be developed with practice and

experience. The process involves using the hands to sense and detect
changes in the energy field around the body

1. Prepare yourself: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can
focus without distractions. Ground yourself by taking a few deep
breaths and centering your energy.

2. Scan the energy field: Begin by holding your hands a few inches
away from the client’s body, palms facing them. Slowly move
your hands up and down, feeling for any changes in temperature,
sensations, or vibrations. Pay attention to areas that feel denser
or lighter than others.

3. Focus on specific areas: Once you have identified areas of

interest, bring your hands closer to the body, without touching
it. Move your hands in a circular or sweeping motion, allowing
your intuition to guide you to the precise location of the
blockage or stagnant energy.

4. Take note of sensations: As you scan, you may experience various

sensations such as tingling, heat, or coldness in your hands.
These sensations indicate the presence of imbalances or
blockages. Trust your intuition and follow the sensations to gain
deeper insights.

5. Once you have identified the areas of imbalance, hold your
hands over them and visualize healing energy flowing through
you and into the client’s body. Intend for this energy to dissolve
the blockages and restore the natural flow of energy.

Byosen scanning is an intuitive process, with practice, your

ability to sense and detect energy imbalances will improve,
allowing you to provide more targeted and effective healing

Joshin Kokyu-Ho
The Japanese phrase “Joshin Kokyu-Ho” translates to “breathing
exercise to purify the spirit” or “technique of tranquil heart breathing.”
It is a breathing technique designed to strengthen energy, gather
energy in your Hara (the center of gravity in traditional Japanese
medicine), and learn to flow energy outward through your hands. This
technique is effective for reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

1. Inhale through your nose and envision drawing Reiki energy into
your body through the Crown chakra.

2. Direct the energy towards your Hara, and once the breath
reaches that point, hold it there for a few seconds without
exerting effort, imagining it penetrating throughout your entire

3. Exhale through your mouth and imagine the energy flowing out
through your fingertips, hand chakras, toe fingertips, and foot

Shu Chu Reiki (Concentrated Group Reiki)

'Shu - gathering, chu - center, shu chu - concentration', 'putting

everything into one spot', this technique is practiced in a group or at a
Reiki meeting. All group members send energy to one group member
wishing and praying for their happiness and health.

Developing Your Reiki Practice:

The development of a Reiki practice can be a very rewarding

experience. Here some ideas and techniques that may be helpful in
developing a Reiki practice.

Intention is the Most Important Thing

The most important thing concerning the development of a Reiki

practice is the quality and strength of your intention. The mind is like
a magnet. The quality and strength of your thoughts will determine
the quality and strength of what you attract into your life. Therefore it
is important for you to develop and maintain a clear vision about your
Reiki practice. Decide with clarity, determination and commitment
that you are going to create a thriving Reiki practice. Decide that you
are worthy to do this and that there are many people who will benefit
from your service. Decide that the value you and your clients will
receive from your Reiki practice will far out weigh any effort or
sacrifice that might be involved in creating it. Know in your heart that
the freedom, joy and satisfaction of having your own Reiki practice is a
valid goal and that you are creating it. Believe in yourself and in your

Imposter Syndrome

If doubts arise about your goal, know that this is normal and assume
that they have entered your consciousness because they are passing
out of you. Whenever we take on a new level of healing or commit to a
new goal, old negative thoughts and feelings that have been stored
inside and have gone unchallenged are dislodged and begin moving
through our consciousness. If your commitment is strong, these old
negative feelings and thoughts will break up and be released. If you
feel negative feelings and thoughts come up, know that this is part of
your healing and that you are releasing them up to the Higher Power
to be healed.

Compassion Brings Help From Higher Sources

There are higher sources of help you can call on. Angels, beings of light
and Reiki spirit guides as well as your own enlightened self are
available to help you. They can help you develop your Reiki practice by
directing clients to you and assisting with treatments. They can be of
great benefit, but you must have a strong spiritual intention for your
work if you are to recruit their aid. If you are doing Reiki in a selfish
way, only for money or to gain control over others or to take on an air
of self-importance, or for any other negative purpose, then it will be
very difficult for these spiritual beings to work with you. There must be
congruence, an alignment within you in order for the Higher Power in
the form of Reiki to flow through you in a powerful way and in order
for the angels, Reiki spirit guides and other spiritual beings to work
with you. Reiki wants only the best for you, but you must align with
the nature of Reiki if you are to gain the greatest benefit. The more you
can open to the true nature of Reiki which is to have an unselfish heart
centered desire to help others, then the more the Reiki spirit guides
can help you. Focus on helping others and on healing anything within
yourself that may stand in the way of an uninhibited flow of love and
compassion. This is what will make your Reiki practice a success!

Competitiveness is Not a Part of Reiki

One thing that can get in the way of developing a spiritual attitude
about your Reiki practice is fear of competition. This has caused more
problems and created more restrictions and negative energy in the
Reiki community than any other area of misunderstanding. Lack is an
illusion and this is especially true for Reiki! There is a far greater need
for healing on the planet than there are Reiki practitioners who can
provide it. Fear of competition goes directly against the nature of Reiki
energy and because of this, it can repel people from you who might
otherwise be interested in receiving a treatment. Reiki comes from an
unlimited supply and does not fear competition. People who do Reiki
together find that their Reiki gets stronger as more people join the
group. If Reiki was competitive, then just the opposite would happen,
it would be strongest when you were alone and get weaker as more
people joined the group.

The nature of Reiki energy is one of cooperation. It understands the

concept that we are all one and flows freely to anyone and everyone. It
works in harmony with all other forms of treatment. It is clearly
apparent, the wisdom of Reiki is to welcome all other practitioners as
allies. Accept the wisdom of Reiki as your own wisdom, that all others
who practice Reiki are helping you. The more you can do this, the
more your Reiki practice will thrive. Don t worry about taking clients
away from other practitioners. Each practitioner has their own value
and special way of helping others. You will attract the clients who are
right for you. Others will attract the clients who are right for them.

The Practical Issue of Money

Now that we have covered some of the important attitudes, values and
beliefs necessary for a thriving Reiki practice, lets discuss some of the
practical issues. An important issue is money. Some practitioners do
not charge money and this is fine if that is their decision as everyone
has the right to charge whatever they want or to charge nothing at all.
However, it is often better for the client if they are able to give
something in return. They are not paying for the Reiki energy which is
free but for your time and the effort you have put forth to learn Reiki.
When people receive a treatment for free they often feel indebted to
the practitioner and guilty feelings can develop. This creates an
imbalance that can get in the way of continued treatments.

Charging money allows people the freedom to come whenever they

want. If you do have clients who have a money problem, you can
charge them less or barter. How much should you charge for a Reiki
session? A good rule of thumb is to charge about the same for a
standard Reiki session as others in your area are charging for massage.

Advertise Your Practice

Business cards are a good first step when starting your practice. They
let people know you are serious about your Reiki business and make it
easy for you to give people your phone number in case they want to
make an appointment. It is a good idea to talk to people first to get a
feel for their energy, and let them know what they can expect from a
Reiki session before setting up an appointment and giving them
directions to your home or office.

Create a Website

Designing your own website is becoming easier with the many easy to
use platforms with a wide variety of templates. Squarespace and Go
Daddy are some of the most popular ones. It will cost under $200 in
total to set up a domain and design a website.

Social Media

This needs no explanation!

Flyers (Old fashion but works)

Flyers are also a good idea. In your flyer explain what Reiki is and the
benefits it offers along with your name and phone number. You can
place them on bulletin boards in health food stores, yoga studios, book
stores and coffee shops etc. and they can be given out to prospective

Exchange Treatments

One way to let people know about your Reiki practice is to offer to
exchange Reiki with other alternative therapists. This works well with
massage therapists as they are familiar with body work and often need
therapy themselves. Offer to refer clients to them and ask them to do
the same for you. Give them some of your flyers or business cards to
display in their office.

Offer Free Reiki Evenings

A free Reiki evening can create lots of interest. Plan one night a month
to talk about Reiki and give sample treatments. If you have Reiki
friends, ask them to come and help give treatments. This is a great way
to help others and let them know about Reiki and your practice. Make
up flyers for your free Reiki evening and put them up in appropriate
places. If the Reiki practitioners can meet an hour or so before the
meeting to give treatments to each other it will really improve the
quality of what the non Reiki people receive. Also, if you have taken
Reiki III\master training, you could give a refresher Attunement or
healing Attunement to each of the practitioners to boost their energy.
This is a great way for the practitioners to practice their Reiki and for
you to practice giving Attunements.

Health and Wellness Shows

If your area has yoga, health and wellness show, get a booth. Take a
Reiki table and offer 10 or 15 minute treatments. This can be a powerful
healing experience and a good demonstration of Reiki. Have a table
with your flyers and business cards on it and be sure to get each
persons name, address, and phone number for your mailing list.
Another way is to use chairs and have one or two practitioners give 10
or 15 minute treatments to each person. The chair method takes up
less space and allows you to treat more then one person at a time.

Offer Reiki as a Public Service

Create a healing service at your church. Recruit other healers to help.

You could use both Reiki and non-Reiki healers. This can create
tremendous interest in Reiki. Volunteer to do free Reiki treatments at
hospitals, hospice centers, drug and alcohol treatment centers or in
conjunctions with a psychologist or other therapists. By doing this, you
will gain experience and people will find out about your practice, but
most of all, you will be helping others.

Writing Reiki Articles

Offer to write an article for it on Reiki or healing in general. Make sure

your name and phone number are listed and that you are a Reiki
practitioner or teacher. If you are serious, decide to write an article
every month. This will let people know who you are and what your
attitudes and beliefs are concerning healing. They will then be able to
decide if they want to come to you. It is also a good idea to place an ad
in the same paper your article appears in. You will pay for the ad, but
the article will be free!

Educate others on Reiki

Develop a Reiki talk and offer to speak about Reiki to local groups.
There are many groups looking for speakers and alternative healing is
becoming a hot topic. If you have little experience at public speaking,
you can join a local Toast Masters Club. There you will be coached and
given ample opportunity to develop your speaking ability. If you are
making Reiki your career, then the ability to speak before groups is a
must. Decide to become a great speaker and go for it.

Benefits of Joining an Association

- Become certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher with the

Association (receive a registration number)
- Use website to advertise (as a Practitioner you can set up a
profile and include your bio, contact and website)
- Post events and courses on the public calendar
- Group rate for liability insurance ($185 yearly)
- Access to client forms (insurance forms for clients)
- Order certificates printed with your name and registration


Self-Reiki Session (Lying down)

Self-Reiki (Chair session)

Reiki one-on-one

Conducting a Reiki Session

1) Set up room (table, pillow, blanket and eye pillow)

2) Ensure a sacred space (private and no interruptions)
3) Clear and Protect the environment.
4) Comfort is key. Ensure client is comfortable on table and tell
them they can change positions at any time.
5) Empowerment of receiver. Remind recipient the treatment is
for them. If they need to take a break, go the washroom, get a
drink, or stop the session at any time that is their right.
6) Explain what you will be doing if this is their first Reiki
7) Take a few minutes to calm the mind and help receiver settle
(guided visualization, breathing, massage)
8) Center, ground and protect.
9) Cradle the recipient’s head and set an intention for the
healing session.
“ May only love and light pass between practitioner and client.”
“Calling any beings of light under the command of
God/Source/The Creator to be present during this healing.”
“May any energy being released be transmuted or sent back to
10) Ground recipient
11) Close session. Sealing energy into Aura.
12) Disconnect from receiver’s energy field.
13) Gratitude. Thanking Reiki for the gift of healing, guides, angels
and Source.
14)Post session. Recommend drinking lots of water and nurturing
themselves for a couple of days. Explain if may take a few days
for the body to purge/rebalance to integrate Reiki energy into
the body.

1. Brennan, Barbra Ann. Hands of Light. A Guide to Healing
Through the Human Energy Field. Bantam Books. USA 1998
2. Janik, Collen. Intuitive Reiki 1 Manual.
3. Judith, Anodea. Eastern Body Western Mind. Psychology and the
Chakra System as a Path to Self. Celestial Arts: Toronto, ON
4. Rand William. Reiki: The Healing Touch. First and Second
Degree Manual. Vision Publications. Southfield Miami. 1998.
5. Stein, Diane. Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to and Ancient
Art. Crossing Press. Berkely, CA, 1995.
6. Zion, Tina. The Reiki Teacher’s Manual. Writelife Publishing.
7. Runquist, Kay. Reiki Handbook. 2008.
8. Website for The International Center for Reiki
9. Website for The Canadian Reiki Association
10. Website for Reiki Rays
11. Website for International House of Reiki


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