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To begin with, my utopian world will be in a wide alley, lined with trees and houses that will stretch

as far as the eye can see. There will be a lot of people, all mixed and of all nationalities, here the
men will all be equal. When I look around me, everyone will talk to each other, Africans, Asians
and Europeans, no racism will be present in this world. Then, the houses will be practically
identical except for a few differences, this will be to avoid social differences, here there will be
neither poor nor rich, everyone will be equal. Moreover, in this huge alley, there will be a beautiful
beach in the distance, and at the end of this alley we can for example see a group of people on the
beach around a fire where they will invite everyone to join. their. In the circle, good humor will
reign, everyone will talk together about one thing or another. Thus, the more time passes, the more
the circle will grow, so that we will end up being around fifty. Moreover, here the work will not
exist, everything, without exception will be done by machines and the money will not exist either,
the companies will produce all that the population will need so that the inhabitants will use as they
we want it, so there will be no social inequalities or theft or fraud. This perfect world will be found
on a small island of 10,000 inhabitants, everyone will know each other and everyone will get along
perfectly well, no hypocrisy, no criticism will reign over the population.

In this perfect world, there will be no politics, the inhabitants will live as they see fit in the most
perfect of worlds, that said there will be many disagreements from time to time but the inhabitants
will talk about it among themselves and will manage to each time to come across a common
ground. In addition, the school will be free and everyone will receive the same education from their
parents and teachers, there will also be no police because the education given to children will be
sufficient. Finally, cars will not exist because the island being small, the inhabitants will be able to
get around by bike or even on foot, so there will be very little pollution.

This new world will be worth fighting for because all men will be equal, no racism will exist, there
will be no social differences, all the inhabitants will get along perfectly, this world will have no
negative aspects, and finally, there will be very little pollution. So, this will be the best of all worlds,
the perfect world is what we have to fight for.

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