Usability Report Full

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com Test

Susie Thompson

21 September 2023

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Introduction is the brand website for Chanel, a luxury fashion, jewelry, and
skincare company. Customers can shop from and browse Chanel collections
on the site.

A usability test is intended to determine the extent an interface facilitates a

user’s ability to complete routine tasks. Typically the test is conducted with a
group of potential users either in a usability lab, remotely (using e-meeting
software and telephone connection), or on-site with portable equipment.
Users are asked to complete a series of routine tasks. Sessions are recorded
and analyzed to identify potential areas for improvement to the web site.

The usability engineer conducted an onsite usability test using a

live version of on the participant’s laptop. The engineer took
notes and timed the user’s interactions with the site. The session captured
information from the participant about the usability of the site.

Executive Summary
The test was conducted in the engineer’s home on September 21 st, 2023, to
test the usability of There was one participant and the session
lasted 20 minutes.

The participant was frustrated by some of the aspects of the site,
including the process of purchasing an item and navigating the site.

This document contains details of the user’s interactions with

during the usability test.

The participant was the roommate of the test administrator. During the 20
minute session, the participant gave their initial thoughts of the site and
completed two tasks as directed by the test administrator. The tasks were as

- Navigate to the Fall/Winter 23-24 collection and select a piece you would
be interested in purchasing.
- Pick out a piece of gold jewelry that suits you and go through the process
of purchasing but stop right before you enter payment information.

After the tasks were completed, the administrator asked the participant to
rate the efficiency and satisfaction of on 4 factors:

- Ease of use
- Difficulty of keeping track of where they were in the site
- Getting information quickly
- Relevancy of site content

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
- Site organization

In addition, the participant was asked the following overall questions:

- What did you like the most about the website?

- What did you like the least?
- What would you change about the website if you had designed it?

The participant was a 28-year-old female who works as a Family Advocate in
the school system. She spends approximately 35 hours per week on the
internet. She mainly browses social media, streaming, banking, calendar, and
shopping websites. Her favorite websites are Google Calendar, Amazon, and

Evaluation Tasks/Scenarios
The test participant completed the following tasks as determined by the
testing administrator:

- Navigate to the Fall/Winter 23-24 collection and select a piece you would
be interested in purchasing.
- Pick out a piece of gold jewelry that suits you and go through the process
of purchasing but stop right before you enter payment information.

Task Completion Success Rate
The participant completed both tasks without prompting, leading to a 100% task
completion rate.

Task Completion Rates

Participant Task 1 Task 2

1 √ √

100% 100%

Time on Task
The testing software recorded the time on task for each participant. Some
tasks were inherently more difficult to complete than others and is reflected
by the average time on task.

[Provide a task by task description – include the task title or goal and the
mean time to complete. Provide the range of completion times.]

For example:
Task 6 required participants to find brochures and took the longest time to
complete (mean = 210 seconds). However, completion times ranged from

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
110 (approximately 2 minutes) to 465 seconds (more than 7 minutes) with
most times less than 200 seconds (less than 4 minutes).

[Display the time data in participant by task table and include the mean total
time by task.]

For example:
Time on Task (seconds)
Task 1 153

Task 2 113

Overall Metrics
Overall Ratings
After task session completion, participants rated the site for eight overall
measures. These measures include:
 Ease of use
 Difficulty of keeping track of where they were in the site
 Getting information quickly
 Relevancy of site content
 Site organization

The participant thought that the site’s content was relevant, but in improper
form (leading to lower scores for ease of use and time to retrieve

See table below.

Post-Task Overall Questionnaire

Strongly Strongly Mean

Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating

Thought Website
1 1 2.5
was easy to use
Found it difficult to
keep track of
1 1 3.5
where they were in
Can get
1 1 2.5
information quickly
Site’s content
would keep me 1 1 4.5
coming back
Website is well
1 1 3.5
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
4.6.2 Likes, Dislikes, Participant Recommendations
Upon completion of the tasks, participants provided feedback for what they
liked most and least about the website, and recommendations for improving
the website.

Liked Most
The following comments capture what the participants liked most:
The content and photos.

Liked Least
The following comments capture what the participants liked the least:
Not being able to add to cart, not enough instruction, not being able to
understand the words.

Recommendations for Improvement

Kept it elegant but made it more appealing, more descriptive words and

The recommendations section provides recommended changes and
justifications driven by the participant success rate, behaviors, and
comments. Each recommendation includes a severity rating. The following
recommendations will improve the overall ease of use and address the areas
where participants experienced problems or found the interface/information
architecture unclear.

Change Justification Severity

 Add more intuitive processes The participant found the process to purchase High
or directions. something from the Fall collection quite difficult.
 Add additional descriptive There are lots of pictures and not much
text on why something may description. Some things are “click and collect”
be unavailable or must be and some you must consult an advisor for but
consulted on. there is no reason as to why.

The participant found the website aesthetically appealing and elegant, but
overall difficult to navigate and purchase from.
Implementing the recommendations and continuing to work with users (i.e.,
real lay persons) will ensure a continued user-centered website.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201

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