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It was the first time I ………HAD…………. (1) travelled abroad on my own. I had
booked my flight, packed my luggage and checked my passport a million times ……
BEFORE……………(2) leaving for the airport. I was excited to set ………
OFF………….. (3) on holiday, but also nervous about all the unknowns that lay ahead.

As I arrived at the airport, I saw people rushing around with their bags and books,
trying to catch their flights. I checked in my luggage and went through security without
………ANY…………. (4) problems. But then, as I sat waiting at the gate, I heard an
announcement: my flight was delayed due ………TO………… (5) bad weather.

I tried not to panic and instead took out a book I had brought with me to pass the time.
It was a novel set in the city I was going to visit, famous ……FOR…………. (6) its
beautiful architecture and rich history. As I read, I imagined ……MYSELF………….. (7)
walking through the narrow streets and admiring the old buildings.

Finally, after a few hours of delay, we were allowed to board the plane. I felt a sense of
relief as we took off into the sky. The flight was long, ………BUT/ALTHOUGH………….
(8) I managed to sleep for most of it.

As we arrived in the city, I felt a mix of excitement and fatigue. I took my luggage and
headed towards the exit, ready to explore the new place. The airport was busy and
chaotic, with people coming and going in every direction. I searched for a taxi and
eventually found one that would take me to my hotel.

As we drove through the city, I admired the sights and sounds around me. The driver
told ………ME……….. (9) about some of the famous landmarks and places to visit. I
couldn't wait to go and see them for myself.

After checking into my hotel, I finally had a chance to relax and unwind. I unpacked my
luggage and settled in, feeling grateful for the journey that had brought me here. I knew
there would be more coming and going on this trip, but for now, I was happy to be
exactly ………WHERE………… (10) I was.

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