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100 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

Alstom Grid has a long history in HVDC, having been one of the first
manufacturers to enter the HVDC market in the early 1960s. In this
chapter you will learn how Alstom Grid (as the then English Electric
Company) first entered this market. The chapter then goes on to
describe some of the many innovations in HVDC that have been
introduced by Alstom Grid and its predecessor companies, such as
the phase-locked oscillator that now forms the basis of all HVDC
control systems. Finally the chapter presents some brief facts and
figures about some of the HVDC schemes built by Alstom Grid up to
the time of publication.

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Chapter contents
1. Alstom Grid and
HVDC Transmission ....................................................................................... 000

1.1. ALSTOM GRID HVDC: A BRIEF HISTORY ......................................... 000

1.1.1. Early HVDC Transmission .................................................................................................... 000
1.1.2. A New Industry is Born ............................................................................................................ 000
1.1.3. The DC Transmission Department ...................................................................... 000
1.1.4. Testing HVDC Valves ...................................................................................................................... 000
1.1.5. A Global Activity ..................................................................................................................................... 000

1.2. ALSTOM GRID INNOVATIONS ............................................................................. 000

1.2.1. The Kingsnorth HVDC Transmission Project ................................ 000
1.2.2. The Nelson River HVDC Scheme .......................................................................... 000
1.2.3. Synthetic Test Circuit for HVDC Valves ..................................................... 000
1.2.4. Thyristor Valve Development ....................................................................................... 000
1.2.5. McNeill Back-to-back Converter Station .............................................. 000
1.2.6. Cheju-Haenam Submarine Cable HVDC Project ............... 000
1.2.7. The H400-series HVDC Thyristor Valve .................................................. 000
1.2.8. The Hydro-Québec De-icer Project ................................................................... 000
1.2.9. The GCCIA 3 x 600 MW HVDC Project ................................................ 000
1.2.10. Recent HVDC Projects ................................................................................................................... 000

1.3. ALSTOM GRID HVDC EXPERIENCE ............................................................... 000

1.3.1. Mercury-arc Schemes ................................................................................................................... 000
1.3.2. Oil-cooled Thyristors ........................................................................................................................ 000
1.3.3. Air-Cooled Thyristor Valves ............................................................................................. 000
1.3.4. Water Cooled Thyristor Valves ................................................................................ 000
1.3.5. H400 Thyristor Valve Installations .................................................................... 000

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 000

102 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

Since the birth of the electrical power industry in the late 19th century, alternating current (AC)
quickly became established as the preferred method for power transmission, principally because it
enabled power transformers to step-up and step-down the voltage to convenient levels, which was
not possible with the competing technology of DC. However, DC transmission was never entirely
defeated in the “Battle of the Currents”, and it was realized at an early date that DC had advantages
over AC in some special circumstances.
From the 1950s onwards, interest in DC transmission started to increase in several countries, and
one of Alstom Grid’s predecessors, the English Electric Company in Stafford, UK, was one of the
first industrial companies to realize the potential of this new technology. This section describes how
English Electric first entered the HVDC market and how the business has grown, both organically and
by mergers and acquisitions, with CGEÉ Alsthom (France) and AEG (Germany) both joining English
Electric’s successor GEC as part of the Alstom Grid organization.

1.1.1. Early HVDC Transmission

Early power generation and transmission systems used DC. These systems were constructed using
generators which produced DC voltage and current at their electrical terminals from a rotating
mechanical input. The first commercial scheme was introduced in 1882 [1] and many others soon
followed. These schemes were predominantly used for electric lighting, using the recently invented
and improved electric light bulb, which provided many hours of operation.
As soon as electric power became available, people started to find additional uses for it and therefore
demand grew. However, a disadvantage to early schemes was that the electricity had to be generated,
transmitted and used at the same voltage and thus transmission losses were relatively high, as the
machine insulation and end user applications tended to be designed for lower voltages.
Attempts to overcome the limitations of low voltage DC transmission were made by raising the
DC voltage. An early method of high voltage DC transmission used the Thury method [2] which
used a number of series-connected DC generators, electrically insulated from each other and from
earth, driven off a common prime mover: an example of which is the 57.6 kV dc, 75 A, 180 km,
interconnection upgrade between Moutiers and Lyon installed in 1905 [3].
In the 9 May 1924 edition of the Electrician, the development of the Highfield-Calverley Transverter by
English Electric Co., Ltd, in Preston, United Kingdom, was reported [4]. This was a mechanical rectifier
specifically designed for high voltage DC applications of around 100 kV dc. The machine consisted of
a transformer with a number of secondary windings each connected to a series of stationary contact
plates. A set of rotating brushes, operating at synchronous speed, swept across these contact plates
connecting each secondary transformer winding to the load only when the transformer’s EMF was
in the appropriate direction. The decision of the new nationalized Central Electricity Authority in the
1920s to standardize the grid voltage at 132 kV ac ended any future for the transverter.
Despite all of the methods invented for transmitting power as DC, the advantages of AC transmission,
allowing for power generation and usage at low voltage whilst transmitting power at higher voltages
and hence engendering lower losses by means of a simple transformer, along with ease of switching,
meant that new DC transmission was limited mainly to research projects.

1.1.2. A New Industry is Born

By the 1950s the industrial power conversion business was well established for rolling mills, railways,
aluminum smelting, mine winding etc. where accurate speed control was necessary, utilizing mercury-
arc valve technology. Many companies around the world were supplying and actively working on the
development of these products, including English Electric Co. Ltd.
English Electric’s Nelson Research Laboratories were actively developing higher voltage mercury-arc
valves and analytical methods of AC and DC system operation, including an AC/DC/AC analogue
This simulator used passive components to represent a scalable version of a real power system along
with English Electric ‘mercury-pool’ valves rated at 1000 V, 2 A, connected in any arrangement

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Fig. 1.1a – An English Electric 15 kV Single anode glass bulb rectifier [5]. This was a rectifier developed by the English Electric Rectifier
Department, providing power for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) radio transmitters in association with the Marconi Company,
which was a subsidiary of English Electric Co., Ltd

through a plug-board. The main purpose of the simulator was to investigate the interactions between
AC and DC systems and then to establish ways of optimizing the performance of the HVDC controller
within the AC system. Here, John Ainsworth, an engineer who was to have a major impact on HVDC
in future years (see section 1.2), was able to develop English Electric’s understanding of how to control
power conversion equipment.
Whilst English Electric and almost all other worldwide manufacturers had been involved in other
activities during World War II, ASEA of Sweden, under the guidance of the brilliant Uno Lamm, was
heavily involved in High Voltage DC transmission research. The concept used by ASEA of applying
power conversion equipment to create DC from AC and vice versa, had the advantage of being able to be
integrated into existing AC power systems. By the early 1950s, ASEA had developed a 100 kV mercury-
arc valve converter which they installed in a 20 MW interconnection between mainland Sweden and
the island of Gotland, a transmission distance of 96 km, which was too far for AC cable transmission.
In 1961 ASEA commissioned their second HVDC submarine cable link, which connected England
with France. This again operated at a voltage of 100 kV dc, but the power transmission capacity had
risen to 160 MW.
English Electric’s management and engineers had closely watched ASEA’s progress. Whilst the UK’s
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) was discussing the link to France with ASEA, they were
also actively in discussion with English Electric engineers. Discussions ranged from the technical
issues of HVDC to the schemes they were considering for the future.
In 1960 the English Electric representative in Italy heard that a mining company, named Carbosada,
in Sardinia, was proposing to build a power station and were in discussion with ASEA for a HVDC
link in order to transmit the power to mainland Italy. English Electric approached Carbosada, who
were pleased to have competition for ASEA, but had strong reservations over English Electric’s lack
of proven technical experience. Circumstances were about to change this.

104 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

Unknown to English Electric at the time, ASEA’s management had concluded that there was a great
deal of potential business for HVDC in the global market but, without the possibility of competitive
bidding many utilities would not consider it as an option. ASEA therefore approached English Electric
to propose a collaboration and, towards the end of 1961, English Electric reached an agreement
with ASEA which allowed for technical collaboration between the two companies whilst maintaining
complete commercial independence, thereby allowing the two companies to compete in the market-
place. This agreement meant that English Electric was able to reassure Carbosada with regard to its
technical capabilities. For ASEA and utilities around the world this ensured competitive bidding and
for English Electric it was a technical insurance policy. From this, a new business unit was born.

1.1.3. The DC Transmission Department

5 January 1962
Stafford Works General Notice no 1/62
A new specialised activity to be knows (sic.) as the
DC Transmission Department, responsible for
the Commercial and Engineering aspects of DC
Transmission of Power, is to be created in Stafford.

This new department comprised four people: Tom Calverley, Unit Manager, Denys Montgomery,
Manager (Sales and Contracts), Aleksa Gavrilovic, Chief Engineer and Mrs Clarke, Tom Calverley’s
Note: Tom Calverley was the son of the man who some years earlier had developed the Highfield-Calverley Transverter
(see section 1.1.1).

Work started in earnest on two fronts: firstly it was necessary to build up the resource capacity
of this new business unit and secondly, there was now a contract to be executed which had stiff
penalties attached. The work force was built up from existing employees of other business units in
English Electric and those completing their apprenticeship, all of whom wanted to be part of this new
technological adventure.
AESA probably thought that English Electric would simply act as a project supplier, purchasing valve
and control equipment from them. However, English Electric was determined to stand on its own
and saw the collaboration agreement as a way of accelerating their own development activities whilst,
at the same time, establishing itself in the market place. The research department focused on their
own ideas regarding the control of HVDC converters, something which would later revolutionize
the whole HVDC industry (see section In parallel, developments in Stafford of the single-anode
mercury-arc valve technology, then state-of-the-art, was undertaken in a collaborative effort between
the DC Transmission Department and the Rectifier Department, leading to English Electric being the
first to market with a 133 kV dc mercury-arc converter for the CEGB’s Kingsnorth project. They later
developed the 150 kV valves for the Nelson River project in Canada.
Over the next ten years, English Electric and ASEA engineering departments were to closely
collaborate on both developments and problem solving, with the technology transfer agreement
only ending with the emergence of thyristor valve technology.

1.1.4. Testing HVDC Valves

For English Electric to develop its own mercury-arc valve technology, it needed a testing facility. By
coincidence the Corporation Electricity Works in Stafford, an embedded coal fired power station in
the heart of Stafford, had, by 1959, reached the end of its economic usefulness. The power plant was
decommissioned, but the then MEB (Midlands Electricity Board) retained a substation in part of the
building and English Electric was able to lease the remainder of the building in order to create a new
test facility. It is ironic to note that the voluminous space left by the removal of the generators and
boilers, ideal for high voltage testing, once housed a DC generating plant when the power station
was originally built in 1895.

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The local electricity supply at the time could not provide enough power to allow a complete converter
pole to be tested in a method which represented the in-service conditions. To overcome this problem,
a novel testing method had to be developed. This test method was known as Synthetic testing, a
description of which is provided in section 1.2.3.

1.1.5. A Global Activity

New suppliers gradually entered the market with the development of thyristor technology which,
as a result of its reduced maintenance, had become the preferred technology in the market by the
early 1970s. In 1972, General Electric of the USA built its first scheme, the Eel River back-to-back
interconnector using thyristor valves and went on to supply many HVDC projects across North
America during the 1970s and 1980s. They also supplied valve and control equipment to CGEE-
Alsthom of France who then provided turn-key HVDC solutions within Europe. CGEE (Compagnie
Générale d’Entreprises Electriques) was formed in 1913 by CGE of France and, by 1967, was
acknowledged as the largest European company. CGEE- Alsthom was formed in 1971, following
CGE’s acquisition of SGE, also of France.
A joint venture was also set up between three German companies; AEG, BBC (Brown Boveri Company)
and Siemens. This joint venture became known as the ‘German Working Group’ and put a number
of thyristor based HVDC schemes into service including the 1360 km Cahora-Bassa interconnection
between Mozambique and South Africa, rated at 1920 MW, ±533 kV dc, commissioned in 1978.
Various mergers and acquisitions took place between businesses: English Electric merged with GEC
(General Electric Company) UK and CGEE-Alsthom purchased General Electric’s business in the
USA forming a new division called CANA (CGEE Alsthom North America). CGE of France and GEC
of the UK merged forming GEC-Alsthom, later becoming ALSTOM. CGEE-Alsthom changed its name
to Cegelec, which was later acquired by Alsthom. The German Working Group split up and GEC-
Alsthom acquired the AEG business relating to their HVDC activities. In 2004, AREVA purchased
Alstom’s Transmission and Distribution division, forming AREVA T&D. In 2010, Alstom acquired
the transmission business, creating the company’s third sector: Alstom Grid.
During the AREVA T&D years, the business built on past activities and took a leading position in
the HVDC market, developing a wealth of experience in HVDC schemes, technology, design, and
operation. From its HVDC Centre of Excellence in Stafford, UK and from its Local Offices around the
world, Alstom Grid is now ideally placed to provide optimum solutions to the technical challenges
and needs of modern power systems.


Alstom Grid and its ancestor companies have been at the forefront of HVDC development ever since
the inception of the DC Transmission department in 1962. A significant number of major innovations
in HVDC, many of which have become industry standards, have originated from Alstom Grid’s center
of excellence in HVDC based in Stafford, UK.
This section describes some of the major innovations and developments introduced by Alstom Grid in
the field of HVDC. As has been noted in the preceding section, Alstom Grid’s first commercial HVDC
project was the Italy-Sardinia 200 MW, 200 kV project. However, this section picks up the history
from the next HVDC project executed by Alstom (then called English Electric): the Kingsnorth HVDC
transmission project.

1.2.1. The Kingsnorth HVDC Transmission Project

The National Grid in the UK began in the 1930s, using a transmission voltage of 132 kV to
interconnect the hitherto independent regional electricity generating and supply companies. At first,
the 132 kV lines were lightly loaded, since most electricity continued to be generated close to where it
was being used. Gradually a shift towards larger, centralized power generating stations located close
to the source of fuel (mostly coal) began to occur. In the 1950s a higher transmission voltage of 275
kV was introduced to reinforce the grid, and by the early 1960s the first components of the 400 kV
transmission network had been built.

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Each of the three largest cities (London, Birmingham and Manchester) was served by a 400 kV outer
ring, with radial connections inwards to an inner ring at lower voltage. In London, a new coal-fired
power station (Kingsnorth) was built during the 1960s on the Thames estuary to the East of the
city, feeding into the outer ring. However, significant planning problems were being encountered in
injecting the power generated by this station into the city centre.
Accordingly, the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), the then-nationalized electricity utility
for England and Wales, placed an order in 1966 for a 640 MW underground cable HVDC link from
the Kingsnorth power station to two sites: Beddington in South London and Willesden in West
The Kingsnorth station consisted of two poles, each with a power transmission rating of 320 MW
at 266 kV dc and consisting of two series-connected 6-pulse groups of mercury-arc valves. Both
the Beddington and Willesden stations were single poles rated at 320 MW and consisting of two
6-pulse groups. A neutral DC cable linked the Willesden and Beddington stations and, together with
changeover switchgear, permitted power to be transmitted between these two stations in the event
of the cable from Beddington to Kingsnorth being out of service.
The Kingsnorth scheme was commissioned in 1972 and contained many firsts for HVDC [1]. It was
the first HVDC scheme to be embedded in an existing AC system, as opposed to interconnecting
two separate AC systems. It was also the first HVDC scheme to use only land cables for power
Several other significant innovations in HVDC equipment and layout were introduced on this project. ARAG/4 Mercury-arc Valve

The higher current rating of the Kingsnorth scheme in comparison with the Italy-Sardinia HVDC link
required a re-design of the mercury-arc valves.
Mercury-arc valves, like the thyristor valves that were to replace them, normally conduct current in
only one direction – from the anode terminal to the cathode terminal. However, with high-voltage
mercury-arc valves, a limitation existed for the total current that could be carried by a single anode
connection. To achieve DC (bridge) current ratings in excess of 300 A, several anodes needed to be
connected in parallel, sharing a common cathode.
For the Kingsnorth HVDC scheme, a new design of mercury-arc valve, designated type ARAG/4, was
designed by English Electric. The ARAG/4 had four parallel anodes to achieve a bridge current rating
of 1200 A dc (see Fig.1.2a).

Fig.1.2a – One of Kingsnorth valve halls showing the English Electric ARAG/4 4-anode mercury-arc valves in service

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1| ALSTOM GRID AND HVDC TRANSMISSION Station Layout and Main Equipment
Because of the relatively high level of atmospheric pollution existing in London at the time, the
converter stations were built indoors in order to minimize insulation requirements, particularly for
the DC equipment. Moreover, because of the high cost of land, both the Beddington and Willesden
substations were built on two levels.
The AC harmonic filters were located outdoors but were also novel. The filters were self-tuning
[8], that is, the inductance of the tuned filter changed such that the filter was always tuned to the
exact harmonic to be filtered, compensating for variations in AC system frequency and variations in
capacitance due to changes in temperature. Fig.1.2b shows one of these variable reactors.

Fig. 1.2b – A controllable Reactor used in a “self-tuning” filter, part of the Kingsnorth scheme Phase-Locked Oscillator Control System

The major innovation of the Kingsnorth HVDC link can still be found in all HVDC links today.
Previous HVDC schemes had based the control timing signals on the measured AC system voltage.
The timing of grid pulses (for turning on the mercury-arc valves) was based on zero-crossing times
of the AC voltages for the relevant phases, delayed by an amount corresponding to the firing angle,a.
This approach was known as Individual Phase Control (see section 5.2 of [7]). Despite its apparent
simplicity, it suffered from a major shortcoming when applied on HVDC schemes where the AC
network was very weak. Because the timing of firing signals sent to the valves was based directly on
the timing of the AC voltage, any distortion in the AC voltage, for example due to low-order, non-
characteristic harmonics such as 3rd harmonic, would directly affect the timing of the turn-on pulses
of the valves. Under some conditions, this could generate more of the same harmonics which led to
the problem in the first place. Consequently, on weak AC systems, the converter operation tended
to amplify any distortions already existing in the AC system voltage waveform, leading to harmonic
instability. Although the problem could be mitigated by introducing passive analogue filters into the
control system to attenuate the problematic harmonics, such filters created problems of their own.
The Kingsnorth scheme was the first to use the phase locked oscillator [9], an innovative concept
invented by Dr John Ainsworth, one of four Alstom Grid engineers to win the prestigious Uno Lamm
award for HVDC.
The phase locked oscillator removed the dependency of the converter control system on the AC system
voltage waveform, by deriving firing pulses from a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator which delivers a
train of equally spaced firing pulses at a frequency which is directly proportional to the value of a

108 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

control variable. The control variable takes into account the various control loops required for the
safe operation of the converter. The Voltage-Controlled Oscillator feeds the resulting train of firing
pulses (each spaced at regular 60° intervals) into a Ring Counter which distributes these firing pulses,
in turn, to the six valves in a 6-pulse bridge.
This development, also known as the Equidistant Firing Control, significantly reduces the harmonic
generation from the converters, allowed future schemes to operate at much lower short circuit levels
than had previously been possible and has become the industry standard for HVDC control systems.

1.2.2. The Nelson River HVDC Scheme

In 1967, Manitoba Hydro of Canada issued an invitation to bid for a ± 400 kV dc, 1440 MW HVDC
scheme to transmit power from the new Kettle hydro-electric generating plant on the Nelson River
in the north of Manitoba, some 900 km south, to an inverter station at Dorsey substation near
Winnipeg. From Dorsey, some power would be consumed locally in the Winnipeg area but much
would be exported to the Midwest USA.
Manitoba Hydro entered into negotiations with several suppliers, including some offering the new
thyristor based technology. However, soon the competition was between English Electric and ASEA for
the contract. By the end of 1967 English Electric was awarded the contract and, following discussions,
the scheme rating became 1620 MW at ± 450 kV dc.
Each pole of the HVDC scheme consisted of three 6-pulse bridges in series. Each 6-pulse bridge
was rated at 150 kV dc, 1800 A dc. The scheme was built in stages, with the first stage using three
valve groups to produce +150 kV/-300 kV, commissioned in October 1972 [10], and the final stage
completed in 1977.
This was to be the last HVDC scheme built with mercury-arc valves and required the largest mercury-
arc valves (in both voltage and current ratings) ever built by any manufacturer. In the early 1990s
the mercury-arc valves of Pole 1 (Valve Groups VG11-VG13) were replaced by the new water-cooled
thyristor valves of Alstom Grid’s H300 range. The ARBJ/6 Mercury-arc Valve

The DC bridge current rating of 1800 A was 50% higher than for the Kingsnorth HVDC scheme and
required further improvements to the mercury-arc valve technology.
The ARBJ/6 mercury-arc valves designed for this project used 6 anodes in parallel, as shown in
Fig.1.2c, and were the largest mercury-arc valves (in both voltage and current ratings) ever built by any

Fig. 1.2c – The ARBJ/6 mercury-arc valves for the Nelson River project

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One particular constraint of this project was that virtually the entire power output of the Kettle
generating station was to be exported by HVDC. This led to concerns about the stability of the remote
(Kettle) AC system in the event of a sudden reduction of power transmission caused, for example, by
a loss of one converter group or one generator.
The HVDC scheme, therefore, included special frequency control functions [11] which allowed the
frequency of either of the two AC networks to be controlled by power modulation in the HVDC line.
In addition to the normal steady-state power order, three additional transient inputs affected the
Rectifier current order:
➙ Load area frequency changes, mimicking the action of governors with fixed frequency droop
➙ Phase angle changes on the Dorsey 230 kV ac bus
➙ Frequency changes at the rectifier station AC bus, to assist the governors on the generators at
Kettle generating station in their task of maintaining the frequency of the Kettle AC bus.
Whilst these principles had been used on some earlier HVDC schemes, the Nelson River scheme
made greater use of this technique than any scheme to date.

1.2.3. Synthetic Test Circuit for HVDC Valves

In parallel with developing its mercury-arc valves to higher and higher current and voltage ratings,
English Electric was also refining its techniques for testing these valves.
Testing HVDC valves under realistic voltage and current conditions is a challenge. The obvious
solution of building a complete 6-pulse converter and fitting the test valve into one of the positions
in the converter requires a very high power rating from the local supply. Even where a very strong
supply is available, this is a very expensive option.
The stresses on a HVDC valve consist of two parts; the conduction stresses resulting from the high DC
current and the blocked (non-conduction) voltage stresses. The testing method developed by English
Electric was a ‘synthetic test circuit’ comprising a low voltage high current oscillator and a high
voltage low current oscillator. The operation of these two oscillators is carefully coordinated such that
for a particular valve under test (the test object), the operational wave shape can be reproduced; the
load current during the on-state coming from the high-current circuit and the off-state voltage coming
from the high-voltage circuit. One of many later refinements was the addition of a Surge Injection
Circuit, which permitted disturbances such as commutation failures to be simulated artificially to
check that the valve responded safely and correctly.
This synthetic test circuit concept pioneered by English Electric during the 1960s has been continually
refined since. Today, the same basic concept (with a number of improvements made possible by
developments in semiconductor devices) is still used in Alstom Grid’s test laboratory.
Until the mid 1990s, all other HVDC manufacturers used a different technique based on the 6-pulse
back-to-back test circuit, but the ever-increasing voltage and current ratings of power semiconductors
began to make this technique impractical and today all HVDC manufacturers use variants of the
synthetic valve test circuit originally developed by English Electric in the 1960s.

1.2.4. Thyristor Valve Development

Although mercury-arc valves were rugged and relatively immune to permanent damage, they
were complex pieces of equipment containing many moving parts (vacuum pumps and so forth)
and consequently they required extensive maintenance. Mercury-arc valves were also prone to a
phenomenon known as arc-back, where the valve transiently (and incorrectly) conducts current in the
reverse direction. Whilst generally not damaging to the valve itself, arc-back was highly undesirable
for the operation of the HVDC converter because of the large transient fault currents it generated.
Therefore, as was mentioned in previous section, from the late 1960s onwards, efforts were made
in many organizations to design a solid-state replacement for the mercury-arc valve, using a new
semiconductor device, the Thyristor (or SCR). Thyristors, as discussed later in section 6.1, behave
similarly to mercury-arc valves but without the arc-back problem. However, because thyristors

110 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid


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Fig. 1.2d – Basic Principles of a synthetic test circuit

had (and still have) voltage ratings that are very low compared
with the voltage ratings required for HVDC, new problems were
introduced as large numbers of thyristors had to be connected in
series. However this problem was also an opportunity, since it
offered the prospect of extending the range of operation to higher
voltages than were previously possible with mercury-arc valves. The H100 Oil-cooled

Thyristor Valve
English Electric’s first thyristor valve design, now referred to as
the H100 valve, used 38 mm diameter, 4 kV-rated thyristors,
with nearly 200 connected in series in a helical arrangement [12]
as shown in Fig.1.2e.
The thyristors were triggered electro-optically via a laser at ground
potential, coupled via light-guides to individual optical-electrical
converters for each thyristor.
In order to achieve sufficient electrical clearance and creepage in
a compact arrangement, and to provide cooling for the thyristors
and other components, the helical valve structure shown in the
above photograph was immersed in insulating oil, following
the established practice for transformers and other electrical
equipment. External insulation between the top and bottom
of the valve assembly was provided by an external porcelain
insulating housing. This porcelain housing remains, to date, one
of the largest such housings produced for any item of electrical
The current rating of each of the helical valve structures shown in
Fig. 1.2e is relatively low, but the construction lends itself quite well
to connecting more than one such structure in parallel, in a similar
way to paralleling of anodes on mercury-arc valves.
Fig. 1.2e – Internal structure of a H100 thyristor valve

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As a demonstration of this technology, three valve
units of this type were built. In cooperation with
the CEGB, these three valve units were connected
in parallel, installed and commissioned in 1972
at the Lydd converter station (the UK end of the
original 160 MW Cross-Channel HVDC scheme
that had been built in 1961) replacing one of the
original ASEA mercury-arc valves: see Fig. 1.2f. The H200 Series

Air-Cooled Valve
The outdoor, oil-insulated valve concept reduced Fig. 1.2f – The H100 outdoor thyristor valves located at the
the civil costs but made maintenance difficult Lydd converter station in Kent, UK
as the complete valve arrangement had to be
dismantled in clean room conditions. Therefore,
for the next generation of thyristor valves, the
H200 series, the more recognizable indoor, air-
insulated valve arrangement was used.
By this time, it was already becoming clear that
de-ionized water was the preferred method for
cooling thyristor valves.
However, at this time GEC (as Alstom Grid was
then known) was also developing the solution
for the UK end of the 2000 MW Cross-Channel
HVDC link interconnecting England and France
(a project also known as IFA2000: Interconnexion
France-Angleterre 2000 MW). Since there was
at that time no operational experience of using
water cooling for thyristor valves, the customer
for the converter station (CEGB) required that the
valves be air-cooled.
Therefore, the H200 series of valves was
developed using series-connected modules, with Fig. 1.2g – Valve Module for H200 series HVDC valve
each module comprising two forced-air-cooled
56 mm thyristors connected in parallel, as shown
in Fig. 1.2g.
A prototype valve, type H200, was built and
installed at the Willesden converter station (part
of the Kingsnorth scheme) in 1981 (see Fig. 1.2h).
The valve modules (each comprising a parallel-
connected pair of thyristors) were installed in
rows along the sides of an insulating plenum
chamber, which acted as the manifold assembly
for supplying cooling air to the modules. Air was
blown through the valve modules and out into
the valve hall air, to be cooled and re-circulated.
The H200 valve was a prototype for the valves
to be used at the UK-end (Sellindge) of the
Cross-Channel HVDC scheme. This project was
a submarine cable scheme rated at 2000 MW,
consisting of two bipoles of ±270 kV and
1000 MW each. It was, and still remains, the
largest-capacity submarine cable HVDC scheme Fig. 1.2h – The prototype H200 thyristor valve
in the world.

112 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

The Cross-Channel scheme was originally intended to facilitate bi-directional power trading between
England and France, but in practice for most of its life to date (and virtually all of its first 15 years of
operation) it has been importing full rated power from France to England, taking advantage of the
availability of low-cost nuclear power from Northern France. For this reason, this scheme has one of
the highest levels of utilization of any HVDC scheme in the world.
The thyristor valves for the Sellindge converter station [13] of the Cross-Channel link were of type
H210, a refinement of the prototype valve installed at Willesden. The valves were installed in the now
standard quadrivalve arrangement where four valves corresponding to one AC phase are installed in
a single tower as shown in Fig. 1.2i.

Fig. 1.2i – H210 thyristor valves at the Sellindge converter station of the Cross-Channel HVDC scheme

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 113

1| ALSTOM GRID AND HVDC TRANSMISSION Valves for Les Mandarins Converter Station
In parallel with the development of the H200-series valves in Stafford and the construction of the
Sellindge converter station for the Cross-Channel scheme, the converter station for the French end of
the Cross-Channel scheme was also being constructed. This project was the first HVDC scheme to be
executed with different manufacturers completing the two converter stations: the French end being
built by CGEE ALSTHOM of France. The valve used for that converter station was a design licensed
from GE in USA and, like the H200 series, was air-cooled with thyristors connected in parallel. In
this case however, the valve modules were mounted inside the insulating structure which served as
the air manifold, and air was sucked from the valve hall into the valve structure and down into the
air handling plant in the basement.

Fig. 1.2j – Air-cooled thyristor valves for Les Mandarins converter station

114 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid H300 Series Water-cooled Thyristor Valves
The air cooling of HVDC valves leads to a bulky solution involving expensive air-handling equipment
and does not lend itself readily to the use of large-diameter thyristors and hence to the attainment
of high current ratings. Therefore, in parallel with the execution of the Cross-Channel project, the
R&D team in Stafford continued with the development of a water-cooled range of thyristor valves,
which was to become the H300 series, forming the backbone of the HVDC solutions offered by GEC,
GEC-Alsthom and ALSTOM for almost fifteen years.
The H300 series valve was based on 5.2 kV,
100 mm diameter thyristors. The larger silicon
diameter compared with previous valves
meant that parallel connection was no longer
necessary, and instead the thyristors were
mounted in series-connected banded pairs.
Each banded pair included a novel method for
applying the clamping pressure to the thyristors
and incorporated the damping resistors and di/
dt-limiting reactor for each thyristor. The banded
pair construction (Fig. 1.2k) led to a very efficient
and compact design and contributed to the
attainment of the prestigious Queen’s Awards
for Technology and Export Achievement in 1991 Fig. 1.2k – H300 Banded Pair
and 1993 respectively.
Each module of the H300 valve was maintainable in situ and contained seven banded pairs, hence
fourteen series-connected thyristors along with the associated damping circuits, inrush limiting
reactors and gate electronics as shown in Fig. 1.2l.
Fig. 1.2m shows a valve structure for the Nelson River valve replacement project completed in 1993.
Valve modules are vertically stacked and separated by floor-mounted composite insulators.
The use of water-cooling for thyristor valves introduced a new set of design challenges, as explained
later in section 6.2. One of the most complex challenges was the choice of materials for water-
cooled heatsinks and insulating pipe materials in order to avoid any problems of water leakage or
electrochemical corrosion. To mitigate this risk, GEC undertook a very comprehensive program of
experimental evaluation [14] of different insulating pipe systems, culminating in the choice of Cross-
Linked Polyethylene (PEX) for the cooling pipes. More than 20 years after the first water-cooled H300
valves entered service, the reliability of this system has remained excellent.

Fig. 1.2l – A H300 valve module

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 115


Fig. 1.2m – H300 valves in Valve Group VG13 of the Nelson River Scheme

An additional objective of this development exercise was to ensure that the valve cooling system
could be cooled not only by pure de-ionized water, but also by de-ionized water/glycol mixtures, so
that valve cooling systems in cold climates could be provided with single-circuit cooling instead of
the dual-circuit cooling which was usual at the time.

1.2.5. McNeill Back-to-back Converter Station

The first commercial application of the new H300 valve was awarded to GEC in 1987. This was for
the McNeill back-to-back converter station which interconnects the Canadian provinces of Alberta
and Saskatchewan. This station, the first back-to-back converter built by GEC, is the most Northern
of a series of back-to-back HVDC links which separate the Eastern and Western AC systems of North
America (which operate asynchronously).
The McNeill back-to-back converter [15] is rated at 150 MW (42 kV, 3600 A). The H300 HVDC valves
each contain 11 thyristor levels on the Alberta side and 12 on the Saskatchewan side, and are cooled
directly by a mixture of de-ionized water and ethylene glycol with a single-circuit cooling system – the
first HVDC converter station in the world to be cooled in this way.
In addition to the use of a single-circuit valve cooling circuit, the project incorporated a number of
other firsts in HVDC. Of particular note is that both AC systems are extremely weak, and under some
conditions the converter can operate with an Effective Short-Circuit Ratio (ESCR) of less than unity
– the first HVDC scheme ever to operate under such extreme conditions.
The very low AC system strength had a number of other consequences on the design of the converter.
Temporary over voltages as a result of load rejection could be very high, and to mitigate this effect the
converter was designed to be able to operate in TCR Mode (Thyristor Controlled Reactor, by analogy
with the FACTS device of that name) for short periods of time. In TCR mode, the converter operates
with zero real power and a control angle close to 90°. Because this control action affects both sides of
the HVDC link, it is rarely used on HVDC transmission schemes, where telecommunications between
the two ends cannot be relied upon. On the other hand for back-to-back converters, where the control
equipment for both sides is located in the same room, there is no reason not to take advantage of this
additional controllability. This TCR mode of operation has been carried forward to all other back-to-
back converters built subsequently by Alstom Grid.

116 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

The very low AC system strength also imposed severe constraints on the bank size for the harmonic
filters in order to limit the size of voltage step imposed upon the AC system as a result of filter
switching. Multiple, switchable AC filters together with switchable shunt reactors and (on the
Saskatchewan side) shunt capacitors, of quite low MVAr ratings, were required in order to maintain
the reactive power exchange between the converter and the AC system within acceptable limits.
Because of the low MVAr ratings of each bank, it was decided to supply the AC harmonic filters and
shunt banks from a dedicated 25 kV winding on the converter transformer. As a result, the converter
transformer was of an unusual three-phase, four-winding construction.
However, probably the most important innovation introduced on this project was on the DC side of
the converter rather than the AC side, namely the absence of a DC smoothing reactor.
Every HVDC transmission (point-to-point) project contains a DC reactor whose functions are:
➙ Limitation of transient current due to DC line/cable faults or commutation failures
➙ Limitation of harmonic voltages on the DC line
➙ Protection of the converter from the effects of lightning strikes on the DC line
However, for back-to-back HVDC converters, the reasons for including a DC reactor are less obvious.
There is no DC cable and hence no large DC-side capacitance to cause an unacceptably high transient
current during commutation failures. There is no DC line to be struck by lightning or from which
telephone interference can be induced. The only reasons for including a DC reactor on a back-to-back
project are:
➙ To minimize cross-modulation of harmonics between the two AC systems
➙ To further reduce the transient current during a commutation failure.
Both of these can be rendered unnecessary with a well designed control system.
In choosing to omit the DC reactor from the McNeill back-to-back scheme, GEC was setting a trend
which would be continued by its successor companies to the present day. None of the turnkey back-
to-back projects executed by Alstom Grid to date have included a DC reactor.

1.2.6. Cheju-Haenam Submarine Cable HVDC Project

In 1991 GEC-Alsthom was awarded a turnkey contract to build the converter stations for the Cheju-
Haenam Submarine cable HVDC scheme in South Korea. This was a bipole project rated at 300 MW,
±180 kV [16].
The island of Cheju is part of South Korea but separated from the mainland by about 100 km of
sea. The island’s biggest industry was tourism and power generation was by diesel fuelled power
stations. On the mainland however, South Korea had invested in nuclear power, making the cost
of generation much lower than on the island. KEPCO, the utility in charge of power transmission,
wanted to interconnect the island with the mainland power grid. Because of the distances involved the
solution had to be an HVDC submarine cable link. Two important criteria which KEPCO stipulated
were that they should be able to turn off the island generation at times of low load and in the event of a
blackout on the island, the island network should be re-startable using only the HVDC link. A further
requirement was that these functions had to be achievable without the benefit of telecommunications
between the two stations.
These criteria are difficult to meet with thyristor based HVDC schemes, where it is well known that a
rotating voltage reference must be available at all times in order to allow the converters to commutate
– hence their categorization as Line Commutated Converters. GEC-Alsthom overcame these obstacles
with an innovative solution involving a special control mode, modifications to the thyristor valve
design and the provision of two gas turbines at the island end in which the prime mover could be
de-clutched and the generator continue to spin, operating only as a synchronous compensator.
In order to operate the island AC network with the HVDC link providing the sole source of real
power, the only possible mechanism for controlling the island frequency was to modulate the power
transmitted on the DC link. This had to be achieved without the benefit of telecommunications, and
with only the two quite small (70 MVA) synchronous compensators operating. Moreover these two
synchronous compensators had quite low inertia, so in the event of a sudden load change on the
island, the island frequency would tend to increase or decrease very rapidly unless compensated by
very fast control action of the HVDC link.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 117

In a conventional HVDC converter, the rectifier controls the current and the inverter controls the
voltage. On this project, this traditional control mode was retained for the (unusual) operating mode
where power is transmitted from island to mainland. However, for the more usual operating mode
where power is transmitted from mainland to island, this traditional control mode was not fast
enough to permit frequency control of the island AC network in the absence of telecommunications.
The control of DC current can be executed very rapidly, whereas the control of DC voltage is slower
because it relies partly on the converter transformer tapchanger to obtain the correct transformer
valve-winding voltage. Consequently, it was decided to operate the island inverter such that it
controlled current (and could therefore provide fast power control), with the mainland rectifier
controlling DC voltage. This was the opposite of the usual approach and is believed to be the only
HVDC scheme in the world configured in this way.
In steady-state, the two synchronous compensators at the island end provide the commutating EMF
(Electro-Motive Force) needed by the converters, even when all other generation on the island is
shut down. However, this left the problem of how to ‘black start’ the island AC system after a total
blackout, using only the HVDC scheme. The solution chosen was to equip the two synchronous
compensators with de-clutchable gas turbines. The gas turbines (rated at 55 MW) were provided
solely for the purpose of accelerating the synchronous compensators to 80% of rated speed and 80%
of rated terminal voltage: once these conditions are reached and the rectifier has been deblocked at
reduced DC voltage, the gas turbines can then be de-clutched. The inverter can then start-up using
the (reduced) commutating EMF provided by the synchronous compensators, and the HVDC scheme
then transmits power to the island to accelerate the synchronous compensators to full rated speed.
Another unusual feature of this start-up condition is that the rectifier station needs to operate at a
DC power of almost zero for some minutes. Most HVDC schemes are designed to operate only down
to some minimum power of typically 5-10% nominal power, since operation below this level leads
to intermittent DC current.
Intermittent DC current can result in dangerous thermal overload of some components in the thyristor
valve (mainly the damping resistors) under certain malfunction conditions. When intermittent DC
current persists only for a few seconds, this can generally be tolerated, but on this project it could
persist for many minutes, so a novel switchable Breakover Diode (BOD) protection system was
designed for the thyristor valve to ensure that the damping resistors were not overloaded.

1.2.7. The H400-series HVDC Thyristor Valve

After the Haenam-Cheju project, the H300 valve went on to be used in 4 more HVDC projects, all
back-to-back: three in India and one in Uruguay. However, by 2000 the H300 valve design was not
as competitive in the market-place as it had once been and the available thyristor technology had
progressed. ALSTOM therefore embarked on the development of the H400 valve which was to use
the latest 125 mm 8.5 kV thyristors. The H400 valve uses a simplified mechanical valve design in
which the thyristors are grouped into valve sections of 5 or 6 thyristors, each with a single ‘lumped’
di/dt reactor. The H400 valve was the first Alstom Grid valve to be designed primarily for a suspended
arrangement. By suspending the valve from the valve hall ceiling, the mechanical stresses on the valve
during earthquakes are reduced and lower-cost suspension insulators can be used. Most applications
of the H400 valve are suspended, but floor-mounting is still an option for special cases, such as
refurbishment projects.
The H400 valve was also the world’s first HVDC valve to be specifically designed to accommodate
thyristors made by more than one manufacturer. This flexibility has proven to be vital in adapting
the valve to the rapidly changing HVDC market of today.
The first scheme using the H400 valve was the Konti-Skan 380 MW Pole 1 replacement project, the
valves for which are shown in Fig. 1.2n.
The original Konti-Skan Pole 1 had been installed in 1965 by ASEA, but the owners wanted not only
to replace the converters, but to build two completely new converter stations, one in Sweden and
one in Denmark. The contract was awarded to ALSTOM and the project was commissioned in 2006.

118 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

Fig. 1.2n – Suspended H400 quadrivalve for the Konti-Skan Pole 1 replacement project

1.2.8. The Hydro-Québec De-icer Project

One of the most unusual applications for HVDC technology came in 2005 when Hydro Québec
of Canada awarded Alstom Grid (at the time, AREVA T&D) the contract to build the world’s first
transmission line de-icer at Lévis, near Québec City.
Hydro Québec in Canada had suffered from severe power outages due to loss of parts of their power
transmission system during ice storms in January 1998, which, as a result of ice build up on the
transmission lines, had resulted in broken lines and damaged towers. Millions of consumers were left
completely without power, some for several weeks in the middle of the Canadian winter. To prevent a
recurrence of this problem, Hydro Québec embarked on an extensive program to reinforce their 315
kV and 735 kV ac networks in the crucial Montréal-Québec corridor.
One of the major measures taken by Hydro Québec was to install a power electronics based
transmission line de-icer at Lévis substation. This equipment is, in principle, half a HVDC scheme
(the rectifier only) and during ice storms is connected to an AC transmission line, after removing
the line from service. A high DC current of up to 7200 A is circulated along the transmission line,
through a deliberately-applied short at the far end, and back again. The very high resistive heating of
the transmission line conductors causes any ice to melt and drop off. This process can be repeated in
turn on up to five different transmission lines which all radiate out from Lévis substation.
For this solution [17], Alstom chose its new H400 valve and installed two 6-pulse converter bridges to
be connected in parallel, with a total power of 250 MW at ±17.4 kV. However, the most novel aspect
of this circuit was that, during the vast majority of its life, when not required to operate as a de-icer,
it operates instead as a Static VAr Compensator (SVC). The changeover between the two modes uses
motorized disconnectors to re-arrange the thyristor valves from de-icer mode (essentially the standard
HVDC configuration) to that of a delta-connected Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR).
HVDC converters (such as the McNeill back-to-back) had previously been used for short periods of
time in so-called TCR mode, but it is extremely inefficient to operate in this mode for long periods
of time. The re-arrangement of the thyristor valves at the Lévis deicer installation allows TCR mode
to be achieved with much better efficiency than on other HVDC schemes, and close to the efficiency
that can be obtained with a purpose-built SVC.
Fig. 1.2o shows a view of the inside of the valve hall of the Lévis deicer installation, showing the H400
valves and the disconnect switches used for the mode change.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 119


Fig. 1.2o – View inside the valve hall at Lévis de-icer installation in Canada

1.2.9. The GCCIA 3 x 600 MW HVDC Project

In 2006 Alstom’s transmission sector was awarded the contract to build three 600 MW back-to-
back converters at the Al Fadhili substation in Saudi Arabia. This HVDC scheme is part of the GCCIA
interconnection project, which interconnects Saudi Arabia (whose AC system operates at 60 Hz) with
the 50 Hz Gulf states of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman, as shown on Fig. 1.2p.
Each of the three 600 MW back-to-back converters is identical and completely independent, with a
nominal DC voltage of 222 kV and a nominal DC current of 2700 A – which is quite low by today’s
standards, for reasons which will become clear.

Iraq HVDC convector station

Kuwait Al Zour
GCC Interconnection
Iran UAE System (ENG)

Arabian Gulf

Al Fadhili

Doha Gulf of Oman
Al Wasset

Al Ouhah

United Arab Oman

Saudi Arabia Emirates

Fig. 1.2p – The GCCIA interconnection project

120 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

At first sight this project appears to be a standard 50 Hz/60 Hz back-to-back frequency converter,
similar to the many such installations in Japan and South America. However, a number of special
features of this project [18] made it far from ordinary.
The converter station, the first HVDC installation in the Middle East, is located in the desert in
Northern Saudi Arabia, with intense dust storms and ambient temperatures up to 55°C in summer.
The very high temperatures meant that the H400 thyristor valves needed to be operated at lower
current than would be usual, and the water coolant circulating system had to be dimensioned for
very high water flow rates in order to keep the thyristor valves cool. The cooling plants designed for
this project are the largest (in terms of flow rate) of any HVDC installation in the world to date. Being
in the desert there is no access to water for evaporative cooling, so only dry cooling was permitted.
However, the most unusual aspects of this project arose from the way in which the scheme was to
be used. Rather than simply being used for trading power between the 50 Hz and 60 Hz AC systems,
the intention for this converter station was that it would sit idle for much of the time, but be ready
to transmit power in either direction at very short notice (seconds) in response to the loss of a major
generating station on either AC system. The basic principle is for the station to be used to share the
spinning reserve between the two AC systems, a technique referred to as Dynamic Reserve Power
Sharing (DRPS).
Normally, when a HVDC converter is required to transmit power at short notice, it is kept in the
‘energized but blocked’ state, where the converter transformer is energized but the thyristor valves
are not carrying current. However, operating for long periods in this mode wastes a considerable
amount of energy, so Alstom engineers designed a special control strategy to allow the converters to
be completely de-energized, but automatically detect when one AC system suddenly needs power,
and then go through the normal energization and deblocking sequence much faster than normal.
Tests on the control system in the simulator laboratory confirmed that the scheme was capable of
changing from completely de-energized to the transmission of 600 MW (one converter pole) within
one second and the transmission of 1200 MW (two converter poles) within 5 seconds.

1.2.10. Recent HVDC Projects

At the time of writing, the Alstom Grid H400 valve has been sold for a total of 11 commercial projects
and the versatility of the design is proving very valuable.
A variant of this valve, using 150 mm diameter thyristors [19], has recently been commissioned for
the Lingbao2 back-to-back project in China. This project has a nominal DC current rating of 4500 A
(the highest nominal current rating of any HVDC scheme to date) and a nominal DC voltage of 167
kV. During the type tests in Alstom Grid’s synthetic test circuit in Stafford, a DC bridge current of
5600 A was successfully reached.
Another project under construction in China is the Ningdong-Shandong HVDC transmission project,
which is the world’s first HVDC project to operate at the new standard transmission voltage of 660
kV dc. Alstom’s H400 valve is being used for the converters at both ends of this scheme.
Most recently, Alstom Grid has been awarded a contract to build two complete converter stations,
on a turnkey basis, for the Rio Madeira HVDC transmission project in Brazil. The converter stations
to be supplied by Alstom Grid will be rated at 3150 MW, ±600 kV and will transmit power from new
generating stations in northwestern Brazil (in the Amazon basin) a distance of 2375 km South to the
main load centers in the São Paulo region.


Alstom is made up of three sectors which operate in the energy generation, transmission and rail
transportation industries. Historically, through mergers, acquisitions and licensing agreements,
Alstom Grid can trace its origins back through a large number of well-known companies in the power
and energy business. These include businesses such as GEC, GE, CEGELEC, CGEE Alsthom, GEC-
Alstom, AEG, CANA, English Electric, Nokian, Ritz, Passoni & Villa, and Nxtphase and most recently
AREVA T&D to name but a few.
In the power electronics area, Alstom Grid has been delivering turnkey projects to the electric power
utility market around the world for over 40 years. These projects include Static VAr Compensation

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 121

(SVC), Static Synchronous Compensation (STATCOM), High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and other
state-of-the-art technological solutions which provide a more reliable flow of power through networks.
The following sections list the projects installed by Alstom Grid and all of its predecessor companies.

1.3.1. Mercury-arc Schemes

The first HVDC schemes, up until the mid 1970s, did not use thyristor valves but instead used
mercury-arc rectifier valves, a type of very high-power vacuum tube. English Electric built three HVDC
schemes using mercury-arc valves, which are described in the following section. The Sardinia - Italy Mainland DC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Cable +
SACOI ENEL Italy 200 200 1967
Overhead Line
English Electric

Bulk power transfer between independent systems of Sardinia, Corsica & Italy by overhead line (292 km)
and submarine cable (121 km) Kingsnorth HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Kingsnorth NGT England Cable 640 ±266 1972
English Electric

Bulk power transfer from Kingsnorth generating station to metropolitan London via an 82 km underground
cable. The scheme fed two receiving stations and supports the adjacent AC system without increasing short
circuit levels.
The main function of the link was urban network reinforcement within an AC interconnected system. Normal
transmission direction was from Kingsnorth to Beddington and Willesden, however transmission between
Beddington and Willesden was also possible (reversible) using an interconnection mode.
Many innovative features were incorporated into the design of this scheme, as described in section 1.2.1. Nelson River Bipole 1 HVDC Transmission

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Manitoba 1972 to
Nelson River Canada Overhead Line 1620 ±450
Hydro 1977
English Electric

Bulk power transfer by 930 km overhead line from remote hydro-electric generation on Nelson River to
Winnipeg load centre.
The Nelson River flows north, down from the Canadian prairies to the Hudson Bay and this is where Mani-
toba Hydro developed its hydro generation plants, to supply power to the entire Province and its neighbors,
including the USA. As there is a long transmission distance involved, the potential for seasonal bush fires and
lightning strikes created the concern that an AC transmission system would suffer disconnection problems
causing poor reliability. DC transmission became the preferred option.
The HVDC link was installed in 1972, with a rating of 1,620 MW, transmitted on the 890 km of HVDC
overhead lines to Winnipeg. At 450 kV, created from three 150 kV bridges in series per pole, this is the
highest DC voltage ever used by mercury-arc valves.
The scheme transmits half the total generated power in Manitoba and is controlled to assist AC stability.
The bipole 1 project was implemented in three construction stages (810 MW in 1972, 270 MW in 1973 and
540 MW in 1977).

122 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

The original installation included:
➙ Converter transformers: 341 MVA, 138 kV, and 323 MVA, 230 kV
➙ Synchronous compensators: six 160/-80 MVA at 17 kV
➙ AC filters: 230 MVA, tuned 2x5th, 2x7th, 11th, 13th and high-pass
➙ AC filters: 350 MVA, tuned 2x5th, 2x7th, 2x11th, 2x13th and
2 high-pass
➙ DC filters (both terminals): tuned 6th and 12th
➙ Smoothing reactors: two per pole per terminal each 0.5 H
➙ Land electrodes: each 305 m diameter ring of steel in coke, 0.16
to 0.60 ohms

1.3.2. Oil-cooled Thyristors

From the late 1960s onwards, the advantages of using solid-state, semiconductor technology using
thyristors in place of mercury-arc valves were starting to become clear. The newer technology posed
the challenges of how to cool the thyristors and how to maintain electrical insulation between different
parts of the structure.
In power transformers these challenges were solved by immersing the core and windings in mineral
oil, and early designs of thyristor valves followed the same principles, with the thyristors and
associated components being immersed in a tank of insulating oil. Several manufacturers, including
English Electric (UK) and AEG (Germany), produced designs of oil-insulated, oil-cooled thyristor
valves, as described below. Cross-Channel, UK-France Cable Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Cross-Channel NGT England Cable 80 100 1972
English Electric

Replacement of mercury-arc valve with a thyristor valve in England – France 64 km submarine cable scheme Cahora Bassa HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
South Africa
Cahora Bassa Eskom/HCB Overhead Line 1920 ±533 1979

Bulk power transfer interconnection between Songo in Mozambique and Apollo, near Johannesburg, South
Africa, by 1420 km of overhead line.
The utilities involved were Hidroelectrica de Cahora Bassa, Mozambique (220 kV) and the Electricity Sup-
ply Commission, Eskom, Johannesburg, South Africa (275 kV)
The suppliers were the ZAMCO consortium, consisting of AEG-Telefunken, BBC and Siemens AG, Germany.
Commissioning dates were
Stage I: March 1977 (4 bridges)
Stage II: April 1978 (2 bridges)
Stage III: June 1979 (2 bridges)
The configuration is a bipole, 1920 MW at ±533 kV dc and 1800 A/pole, with no overload capability, and
earth return is available for monopole operation.
Single phase, 2-winding transformers are used at both terminals, rated at 96.7 MVA.
No DC filters were initially installed, but were added later by modifying the DC surge capacitors.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 123


The thyristor valves were originally installed as a double valves, oil-insulated and oil-cooled
Stage I: (4 bridges) 280 thyristor levels in series connection per valve arm and 2 thyristors in parallel, giving
a total for one double valve of 560 thyristor levels or 1120 thyristors.
For a 6 pulse converter unit this makes 3360 thyristors for 133 kV dc and 1800 A.
Stages II and III: (4 bridges) 192 thyristor levels in series connection per valve arm, 2 thyristors in parallel,
giving one double valve a total of 384 thyristor levels or 768 thyristors.
For a 6-pulse converter unit this makes 2304 thyristors for 133 kV and 1800 A.
Each terminal has a total of eight 6-pulse bridges, giving a total of 11328 thyristor levels or 22656 thyristors.
AC Harmonic filters are provided at each terminal, designed as two identical filters with total ratings of 210
MVAr at Songo, and 195 MVAr at Apollo.

1.3.3. Air-Cooled Thyristor Valves

Oil-insulated thyristor valves proved to be difficult and inconvenient to maintain, requiring
sophisticated on-site facilities to remove the active components from the oil tank in order to affect
repairs. The next technological move was therefore to use air for cooling and insulation. GEC and
CGEÉ Alsthom both produced designs of air-cooled, air-insulated thyristor valves, as described in
the following section. Kingsnorth HVDC Link Development

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Kingsnorth NGT England Cable 266 133 1981

Replacement of mercury-arc valve with an air-cooled thyristor valve in Kingsnorth underground cable
scheme. This was a prototype of the valve to be later installed at the Sellindge converter station of the Cross-
Channel scheme.
The Kingsnorth scheme was decommissioned in 1987. Cross-Channel, UK-France Cable Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
NGT/EdF England-France Cable 2x1000 ±270 1986
(IFA 2000)
GEC and CGEE-Alsthom

Bulk power interconnection of English and French electricity systems by 45 km submarine cable and 26 km
underground cable. Original construction was by GEC in the UK for the Sellindge terminal and CGEE in
France for the Les Mandarins terminal. CGEE used the GE (USA) valve design under license.
In the 1980s, CEGB (the Central Electricity Generation Board) had to be able to provide a power reserve, in
the form of stand-by generation, in times of high demand or in the event of power station outages. Plans were
drawn up for an auxiliary power station but delays in granting planning permission caused project delays and
costs to spiral.
Across the English Channel in France, Electricité de France (EdF) was operating under similar circumstances
and required a rapid solution to their predicament.
It was agreed that the two utilities would gain greater benefits by the exchange of power and by sharing
reserve sources of generation.
This could be achieved by a cross-channel link but, due to the imbalance in relative sizes of the two networks,
an AC link could not be used as it would be impossible to achieve synchronization.

124 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

HVDC was chosen as the preferred option as it links the networks asynchronously, and contracts were
awarded for the construction of HVDC converter stations on each side of the channel, rated at 2000 MW in a
double bipole configuration with eight submarine cables at 270 kV dc. The UK converter station was situated
at Sellindge, close to the Kent coast.
The solution at Sellindge covers a 14 hectare site, and includes 400 kV harmonic filters, two Static VAr Com-
pensators (SVC), and an indoor, 400 kV GIS substation. The four poles, each of 500 MW rating arranged as
two 1000 MW bipoles, are in separate valve halls and linked by a central control block.
The UK installation includes:
➙ 3-phase star-star and star-delta, 316 MVA converter transformers
➙ Two C-type and two second order damped filters per bipole, each of 130 MVAr
➙ 125 valve modules per valve, each module comprising of two parallel 56 mm air-cooled thyristors, four
valves in a quadrivalve structure for each converter.
➙ 15 GIS bays, 63 kA 400 kV arranged in double busbar configuration
➙ Two ±150 MVAr Static VAr Compensators, each with 500 MVAr 0.5 sec absorption capability to miti-
gate overvoltages caused by faults on the France side.
At the France terminal each pole consists of a twelve-pulse converter unit.
➙ The twelve valves of each pole are housed in three indoor valve structures.
➙ Each valve is composed of twelve modules in series connection.
➙ Each module has eight thyristor levels in series
➙ Each level has two thyristors in parallel connection (which reduces the losses).
➙ The converter unit is rated for 270 kV and 1852 A.
➙ One DC reactor for each converter is rated for ±270 kV dc, 370 mH at 1852 A.
➙ Three single phase, 3-winding converter transformers per pole rated at 206/103/103 MVA,
400 ±10%/118/118/ 3 kV
➙ AC Harmonic Filters have a total installed rating of 1280 MVAr, divided into eight (high-pass, damped
type) filters of 160 MVAr each.
In the 1980s and 1990s the £500m project gave both the CEGB and EdF a power reserve of 1500 MW, as-
suming that three of the four x 500 MW poles would be in service at any time, and was successfully used to
exchange energy between the two countries.
Today the link retains the accolade of being the most highly utilized and highest rated power submarine DC
connection in the world, with eight parallel 270 kV cables. It is in constant use as a power trading facility,
being able to rapidly and automatically switch in either direction.
The link delivers the equivalent power, in each country, of a large power station and is designed to have
minimal impact on the environment. No new overhead transmission lines were needed, and the only major
construction in the UK is the converter station, a fraction of the physical size of a power station of equal rating.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 125


Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Cable + 1986/
SACOI ENEL Italy 300 200
Overhead Line 1992

Bulk power transfer between independent systems of Sardinia, Corsica and Italy by overhead line (292 km)
and submarine cable (121 km). The first stage was completed in 1967 using mercury-arc valves (see
section In 1986, a 50 MW tap, using air-cooled thyristor valves, was added in Corsica to make the
scheme the first multi-terminal HVDC link in the world. In 1992 the original mercury-arc valves at the two
ends of the scheme were replaced by thyristor valves and the scheme rating increased to 300 MW.
The interconnection is between Codrongianos on Sardinia Island, Lucciana (Bastia) on Corsica Island and
Suvereto on the Italian Mainland, with a total route length of 385 km.
The three stations are connected in parallel on a line which is operated at rated voltage of 200 kV: earth and
sea return were used.
The converter stations are rated and configured as follows:
Codrongianos: 300 MW at 200 kV dc and 1500 A. Anode situated on the Sardinian coast.
Suvereto: 300 MW, at 200 kV dc and 1500 A. Cathode situated on the coast.
Lucciana: 50 MW, at 200 kV dc and 250 A. Earth electrode on the shore used as an anode or a cathode.
The purpose of the link included:
➙ Frequency support for the Sardinian AC network by power/frequency control
➙ Energy supply, frequency control and static spinning reserve on Corsica
The power flow direction between the two main stations (Codrongianos and Suvereto) dictates the polarity of
the DC line voltage. The direction of the flow on the Corsican network was made independent of this polarity
by reversing the connection of the Corsican converters by high-speed isolating switches.
Automatic power reversal between the main stations is possible by a sequence eliminating the Corsican
converters for 500 ms.

126 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

1.3.4. Water Cooled Thyristor Valves
Although air-cooled, air-insulated thyristor valves solved the maintainability problems inherent with
oil-insulated, oil-cooled thyristor valves, they became considerably more bulky, as a consequence of
both the poorer dielectric withstand capability and poorer thermal properties of air in comparison
with insulating oil.
Today, air remains the medium of choice for insulating between different parts of a thyristor valve,
but as early as the 1970s it was realized that de-ionized water would become the preferred method
for cooling.
The development of water-cooled thyristor valves commenced in the late 1970s or early 1980s
in both GEC and AEG, and water-cooled valves have been applied in many projects since then, as
described below. Nelson River Bipole 2 HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Manitoba 1977 to
Nelson River Canada Overhead Line 2000 ±500
Hydro 1985

Bulk power transfer by 930 km of overhead lines from remote hydro-electric generation on Nelson river to
the Winnipeg load centre. Bipole 2 Project implemented in three stages.
Interconnection between Henday, near Gillam, and Dorsey, near Winnipeg, both in the Province of Manitoba,
The bipole 2 rating is 2000 MW at ± 500 kV / 2000 A with a total route length of 930 km.
Each valve contains 16 thyristor modules and eight valve reactor modules and each thyristor module has six
thyristor levels in series and two in parallel connection.
Each valve therefore contains 96 thyristor pairs in series, including five redundant levels.
The thyristor modules are air-insulated and water-cooled.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 127


Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Dürnrohr Austria Back-to-Back 550 145 1983
Elek. AG

Asynchronous interconnection between Austria and the Czech Republic

The interconnection is designed as an asynchronous HVDC coupling system, between the West Europe
Network (UCPTE) (420 kV/50 Hz) and the East Europe Network (CMEA) (400 kV/50 Hz) at Duernrohr,
near Vienna, Austria.
The function was for the exchange of energy between Eastern and Western Europe.
The link rating was 550 MW at 145 kV dc and 3790 A, with an overload capacity of 15 % at ambient tem-
peratures below 10 °C.
Converter transformers: Two three-phase transformers are used for each 12-pulse converter, rated at 335
MVA, 401/62.5 kV, 50 Hz
The thyristor valves are water-cooled and air-insulated, with 44 thyristors in each valve.
This link was decommissioned following the re-integration of the eastern and western European networks
in the 1990s McNeill Back-to-Back HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Alberta Power
McNeill Canada Back-to-Back 150 42 1989

Asynchronous interconnection between Alberta and Saskatchewan.

The eastern and western power systems of Canada operated as completely separate entities and both systems
were independently connected to the corresponding power systems in the USA. In the 1980s, the potential
for creating revenue from trading energy and reserve power was growing and savings could be made by
removing the need for maintaining a reserve generation capacity.
These were prime movers for Alberta Power Limited (APL) and the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (Sask-
Power) to instigate a link between the two Canadian power systems.

128 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

The McNeill HVDC link was awarded to Alstom in December 1987 to provide an asynchronous power
connection between the Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces, requiring a 150 MW back-to-back HVDC
converter station to be built on the Alberta / Saskatchewan border.
To overcome difficulties with the weak systems on both sides of this link, the design incorporated many
significant innovations, which are fully described in section 1.2.
The full project specification included:
➙ 150 MW back-to-back mono-pole
➙ No DC smoothing reactor
➙ 3-phase four-winding transformers
➙ 25 kV tertiary busbars for all filters and reactive power banks
➙ Water glycol mixture in a single loop cooling system, safe to -50ºC
➙ Transient overvoltage limited by multi-column surge arresters, permanently connected at 25 kV
➙ Equivalent Short Circuit Ratio (ESCR) drops to 1.0, on Saskatchewan side when operating as an inverter Nelson River HVDC Link Pole 1 Refurbishment

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Nelson River Manitoba 2x334 in 1991 to
Canada Overhead Line 500
VG11+VG12 Hydro stages 1992

Replacement of two, 6-pulse mercury-arc valve groups with thyristor valves.

VG13 334 500 1993


Replacement of the 3rd 6-pulse valve group mercury-arc valves with thyristor valves.
After 20 years of service the original mercury-arc valves were nearing the end of their operational life span
and were becoming expensive to maintain. In addition, pressure on utility companies to be more efficient and
competitive, plus the opportunity of increased power sales to the USA, drove Manitoba Hydro to upgrade
pole 1 of bipole 1.
For the first upgrade Alstom added automatic switching to the station controls between two parallel lines for
when a fault occurs. This was later extended to bipole 2 and was the first time four-terminal DC transmission
was achieved on one transmission line. This feature proved its worth in 1996 when strong winds blew down
both transmission lines and the repair of one was sufficient to quickly resume full power.
The refurbishment was carried out in stages between 1990 and 1993 and included refurbishment of the valves
of pole 1 using 100 mm thyristors, and control system upgrades to achieve increased power rating of the three
series valve groups. This gave pole 1 of bipole 1 an increase in transmission ratings from 450 kV to 500 kV,
and in power from 810 MW to 1,000 MW.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 129


Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Cheju Island KEPCO Korea Cable 300 ±180 1994

Bulk power transfer by 100 km submarine cable from mainland grid at Haenam to Cheju island and replace
existing local generation.
The island of Cheju is 100 km off the coast of South Korea, it has no installed natural energy resource of
its own, and the energy costs are therefore very high. The expansion of tourism on the island caused a si-
gnificant growth in power demands, creating a need for additional power generation. However with tourism
a key driver for development, the use of traditional diesel and oil-fired steam generation did not match the
environmental and aesthetic restrictions.
This was the first time HVDC technology had been used in Korea. Two converter stations were needed for
the 300 MW HVDC interconnection: one at Haeman on the mainland and the other close to the coast on
Cheju island.
As the HVDC link was the sole source of power to the isolated island, innovative design features were needed
to ensure the minimum risk to supply. Due to the converter station’s proximity to the sea, it was essential
that the design of equipment took into consideration the extreme levels of salt contamination. As a further
precaution, at the Cheju terminal the AC filters are accommodated indoors for added protection against the
saline elements.
Since the aim of the project was to allow the local generation on the island to be shut down and the HVDC
station to supply the complete power consumption of the island, even in the absence of telecommunications
between the two ends, the scheme included a number of novel and innovative features, further details of
which can be found in section 1.2.
HVDC technical data
➙ 300 MW ±180 kV bipole
➙ Two 101 km 800 mm sea cables, single wire-armored
➙ 3-phase, 188 MVA star/star/delta converter transformers

130 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

➙ Four 27.5 MVAr 154 kV filters per terminal
➙ Two 70 MVA synchronous compensators at Cheju
➙ Sea electrodes rated 834 A continuous and 1530 A for 10 seconds, 15 km from the converter stations
➙ Minimum ESCR (Cheju): 1.45 (1.10 monopolar)
➙ Thyristors: 100 mm, 46 per valve (Haenam) or 48 per valve (Cheju)
➙ Thyristor valve cooling: 3:1 water/glycol Chandrapur Back-to-Back HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Power Grid
Chandrapur India Back-to-Back 2x500 205 1997
of India

Interconnection between the Western and Southern electricity networks of India. India’s Southern and Wes-
tern power regions had originally operated as separate power networks.
The Western region’s power reserves come from coal sources and are drawn upon all year round for power
The Southern region relies heavily on generation from hydro sources which are plentiful during the monsoon
but leave power shortages in other seasons.
The opportunity to trade energy and reserve power between the two regions would aid the South, by enabling
them to use the coal reserves of the West, and help the West conserve these valuable reserves during the ge-
neration surplus of the South in wetter periods.
The Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. (PGCIL) was given the responsibility for establishing a connection
between the two networks and an AC tie was constructed.
This operated for some time but proved to be unreliable due to instability between the two differing transmis-
sion networks, causing frequent trips of the interconnection and power outages.
In 1993, following a competitive tendering process, Alstom was awarded the £140 million turnkey project
to design and build a new HVDC power connection between the two regions with a completion timescale of
just three years.
Alstom designed and supplied all the elements for the HVDC converter stations and AC switchyards and
managed the overall project, whilst units in India were employed for transportation and installation.
The back-to-back HVDC link is situated at Chandrapur in the state of Maharashtra. The scheme comprises
two 500 MW poles, each operating at 205 kV dc, 2475 A, together with conventional AC switchyards at each
end of the link.
At the heart of the HVDC link are the power electronic thyristor valves which control the level and direction
of power flow between the two regions. To operate at the required voltage and current levels it is necessary
to connect 54 thyristors in series to form each valve.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 131


The complete back-to-back HVDC link comprises:

➙ Two identical poles, totaling 1000 MW continuous rating
➙ Pole parameters: 500 MW, 205 kV dc, 2475 A
➙ 424 MVAr of shunt capacitance on each side of each 500 MW converter, configured as four switchable
units of 106 MVAr
➙ Individual harmonic distortion limit of 1%
➙ Total harmonic distortion limit of 4%
➙ Overload capability of 10% for two hours and 33% for five seconds
➙ Additional overload capacity when ambient temperature is below maximum
➙ Rapid power reversal
➙ Power flow can be modified to enhance system operation. e.g. to damp frequency swings following a
disturbance in either AC system
➙ Thyristor valve cooling: closed loop pure water cooling system
➙ Transformers: Single phase 400/93/93 kV 234 MVAr each
➙ Thyristors: 54 per valve, each rated at 5.2 kV
➙ 400 kV switchyard
➙ SCADA system
Experience gained through the design and installation of HVDC stations for similar applications around the
world led to Alstom’s decision to omit the DC reactors, thus saving on project construction and operating
Power equipment in India is subject to large fluctuations in voltage and supply frequency, so the high stabi-
lity of the HVDC converter and its control of DC power gives safe, reliable connection and operation of the
existing 400 kV systems on both sides.
Under transient operation, the converter operates in a reactive power control mode to limit overvoltages on
the AC systems.
Coordinated control of the converter and the harmonic filters enables effective, steady-state control of the AC
voltage/reactive power exchange across the two AC systems. Visakhapatnam Back-to-Back HVDC Link

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Power Grid of
Visakhapatnam India Back-to-Back 500 205 1999

Interconnection between the Eastern and Southern electricity networks of India. The design details and func-
tion of this link are very similar to those of the Chandrapur Back-to-Back installation, except that the Vi-
sakhapatnam (Vizag) link is a single monopole installation.

132 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid Rivera Back-to-Back HVDC Link
Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Rivera U.T.E Uruguay Back-to-Back 70 22 2000

Interconnection between Uruguay (50 Hz) and Brazil (60 Hz).

A major electricity transmission and development program initiated by Uruguay’s national power utility
provided for the interconnection of their 50Hz power system with the 60 Hz system in Brazil.
The project was financed by the Inter-America Development Bank and was awarded on a turnkey basis by
The National Administration of Electricity Plants and Transmission in Uruguay (U.T.E.).
This HVDC link is very similar to the McNeill converter station (see section many common design
features including 4-winding transformers, creating a MV filter busbar using vacuum switchgear, to provide
relatively fine control of the AC voltages on each side of the link.
The project consists of a 50 Hz switchyard with harmonic filter bays connected to the Uruguayan 150 kV ac
system. The 60 Hz switchyard with harmonic filter bays is connected to the Brazilian 230 kV ac system by
way of a 13 km transmission line. The two AC systems are interconnected by a HVDC back-to-back conver-
ter operating at 22 kV dc and 3300 A dc.
Both sides of the HVDC link utilize 15 kV busbars, supplied from an additional winding of the converter
transformers, for the connection of the harmonic filters and reactive power banks.
This arrangement has advantages in situations, such as in Rivera, where the AC systems are particularly
weak. It also permits the use of robust vacuum switchgear suitable for the frequent switching duties of the
reactive power banks.
A key feature of the converter station is its ability to regulate the system voltage on the Uruguayan and Bra-
zilian AC system to a specific level. This is made possible by the coordinated use of the switchable banks of
15 kV reactive power equipment and control of the reactive power absorbed by the HVDC converter.
Designed for remote operation from the U.T.E. National Dispatch Centre in Montevideo, the control systems
in the converter station are fully automated, only requiring the operator to select the operating mode and set
values for power and voltage.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 133

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Power Grid of
Sasaram India Back-to-Back 500 205 2002

Interconnection between the Eastern and Northern electricity networks of India

The project was the fifth in a series of initiatives set up to connect different regional electrical grids using
HVDC back-to-back connectors in India by the Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL).
The projects allow the hydroelectric-rich North and South regions to connect with the thermal-powered re-
gions of the East and West. Sasaram will complete the loop between the regions, delivering a fully connected
and integrated network.
The Sasaram HVDC project was a turnkey supply of a back-to-back link comprised of a 500 MW pole ope-
rating at 205 kV dc, 2475 A, along with conventional switchyards on each side of the link.
The overall converter design was similar to that used for the Chandrapur and Vizag HVDC schemes. The
thyristor valves each contain fifty 100 mm thyristors.

1.3.5. H400 Thyristor Valve Installations

Until 2002, the thyristor valves installed by Alstom Grid and its predecessors used relatively small
thyristors with silicon diameters no greater than 100 mm and rated voltages no greater than 5.2 kV.
However, semiconductor technology had moved on, and so in 2003 Alstom Grid released its newest
range of thyristor valves, the H400 series.
Unlike any previous thyristor valve, this product range was specifically designed to accommodate
thyristors from more than one manufacturer and in a variety of sizes - a decision which was to prove
highly successful. At the time of publication, thyristor valves of the H400 series have been or are
being manufactured for 11 HVDC projects, using thyristors of 7.2 kV or 8.5 kV voltage rating and
silicon diameters of 125 mm or 150 mm. Konti-Skan Pole 1 HVDC Link Refurbishment

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Sweden- Cable +
Konti-Skan 1 Kraftnät + 380 285 2006
Denmark Overhead Line

The contract was for the replacement of the mercury-arc valves of pole 1 with thyristor valves. This link is the
interconnection of two systems (Sweden-Denmark) by a 90 km undersea cable and 25 km transmission line.
Svenska Kraftnät is the owner and operator of Sweden’s transmission network, with responsibility for the na-
tional electricity grid and the country’s 400 and 220 kV power lines. Energinet, its Danish counterpart, owns
and operates the 400 kV transmission network for Jutland and Funen in western Denmark and is responsible
for the overall security of the supply, including the connections to neighboring countries.
Originally built in the 1960s, the mercury-arc HVDC system of pole 1 of the Konti-Skan HVDC undersea
electricity transmission link was nearing the end of its design lifetime and was scheduled for replacement
and upgrading to match the power rating of the conductor circuit (which had been enhanced over the years),
and pole 2, built in the 1980s.
Alstom was selected to provide a cost-effective replacement, with our innovative HVDC thyristor valve
technology replacing the old mercury-arc system. The submarine cable link, co-operated by Svenska Kraftnat
and Energinet, spans the Kattegat seaway between Sweden and Denmark and allows the two countries to
exchange power.

134 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

When the Konti-Skan connection was originally built it put an end to independent, country-exclusive energy
systems in Scandinavia and reduced the two countries’ reliance on individual hydro or thermal sources.
As western Denmark is directly connected to the UCTE European network, Konti-Skan permits Sweden ac-
cess to energy from continental Europe, providing increased flexibility in dry and wet years and an increased
security of supply.
The necessity to upgrade their grid management and trading system in a proactive, timely manner enables
a more efficient utilization of imported power - something that is of increasing importance to all energy
This important re-investment program covered the complete renewal of the converter station in Vester Has-
sing, Denmark, using state-of-the-art technologies. In Sweden, a new converter station with the same speci-
fication was built at Lindome near Gothenburg, and required a 25 km extension to the overhead lines from
Stenkullen to the new site. A key optimization factor in the project specifications was the increase in the ra-
tings of the new pole 1 equipment to utilize the unused capacity in the cable/overhead line DC circuit, which
had been separately modified and upgraded over the years.
The heart of the new installation is the latest version of Alstom Grid’s HVDC thyristor valve, the H400. These
greater power density valves use series-connected, fully protected thyristors, each with 8.5 kV rating and 125
mm diameter. The thyristors are controlled by Alstom Grid’s industry leading Series V digital control and
protection system, offering fully redundant operation, including monitoring and alarm capabilities. Both the
Swedish and Danish sites include two 203 MVA, 415/111.5 kV HVDC converter transformers, one star-star
connected and the other star-delta connected.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 135

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Levis Hydro-Québec Canada Deicer 300 ±21 2007

Use of two HVDC converters connected in parallel

to provide a controlled DC current of up to 7,920 A
for AC line de-icing. Also functions as an SVC.
The Lévis De-Icer is the World’s first HVDC-based
combination of a de-icing system and voltage
controller, and is located at a major connection point
for some of the 735 kV and 315 kV transmission
lines of the Province of Québec. The Static VAr
Compensator (SVC) system is flexible enough to be
switched from SVC mode to de-icing mode in less
than one hour. When not de-icing, the SVC func-
tions as a reactive power compensator.
Further detail on this project may found in section 1.2.8. GCCIA Back-to-Back HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
GCCIA Saudi Arabia Back-to-Back 3x600 222 2008

Interconnection of Saudi Arabia (60 Hz) into the 50 Hz Gulf AC Interconnector scheme
The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) was created to provide an effective
means of exchanging energy between the six member states in the region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates):
➙ Interconnect the member states’ electrical power networks by providing the necessary investments for
power sharing to anticipate power generation loss in emergency situations
➙ Reduce the spinning reserves of each member state
➙ Improve the economic power system efficiency throughout the member states
➙ Provide cost-effective power sharing capabilities amongst the member states and strengthen collective
electrical supply reliability
➙ Deal with the existing companies and authorities in charge of the electricity sector in the member states
and elsewhere in order to coordinate their operations and strengthen the efficiency of operation with due
regard to the circumstances relating to each state
➙ Apply modern technological developments in the field of electricity
Phase 1 of the Project is focused on the northern portion of the interconnection.
Saudi Arabia runs its electricity transmission network at 380 kV, 60 Hz, whereas the other five countries use
400 kV, 50 Hz. Based on the asynchronous nature of the states to be interconnected, the best solution which
would allow Saudi Arabia to participate in the exchange was to add a HVDC interconnection.
The Phase I system components linking the networks of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar include:
➙ A double-circuit 400 kV, 50 Hz line from Al Zour (Kuwait) to Doha South (Qatar) via Ghunan (Saudi
Arabia), with an intermediate connection at Al Fadhili (Saudi Arabia) and associated substations
➙ A back-to-back HVDC interconnection to the Saudi Arabia 380 kV, 60 Hz system at Al Fadhili
➙ A double-circuit 400 kV interconnection comprising overhead lines and submarine link from Ghunan to
Al-Jasra (Bahrain) and associated substations

136 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

The Control Center located at Ghunan is linked with each member country’s national control center and will
ensure security, control, interconnection access, perform frequency and interchange regulation, coordinate
interconnection operation and facilitate transaction recording and billing.
The Alstom solution involved the creation of a 1,800 MW HVDC back-to-back link configured as three sepa-
rate 600 MW substations. All three substations were built at the same location and constructed simultaneous-
ly. Each substation can operate autonomously or in a coordinated manner. This 3-pole HVDC converter inter-
connection substation is located next to Saudi Electric Company’s existing Al Fadhili 380 kV ac substation.
One of the main functions of this HVDC facility is to constantly look for the occurrence of a power genera-
tion loss in the interconnected networks. When a loss of generation is detected, the HVDC link injects power
into the system and, through the use of frequency control, restores the system to normal conditions.
The main equipment at the Al Fadhili converter station includes:
➙ 3 x 600 MW Back-to-back HVDC links
➙ H400 thyristor valves, using 8.5 kV / 125 mm thyristors
➙ 12 converter transformers, three of each of the following ratings:
– 385.3 MVA, 380/97 kV, 60 Hz, Star/Star
– 385.3 MVA, 380/97 kV, 60 Hz, Star/Delta
– 380 MVA, 400/96 kV, 50 Hz, Star/Star
– 380 MVA, 400/96 kV, 50 Hz, Star/Delta
The very high ambient temperature (up to 55°C) on this project posed a significant challenge. Because the
temperature of the valves’ active part (the silicon in the thyristors) needs to be limited to 90°C, the water-
cooling plant required higher coolant flow rates than a standard HVDC link. The cooling pipe arrangement
within the valve was changed to a parallel circuit to increase the total flow rate into the converter. This requi-
red the largest water-cooling plant ever built for a HVDC installation.
HVDC converters need to be installed in a controlled environment with low levels of dust (converters have a
tendency to act as an electrostatic precipitator and to accumulate dust on insulating surfaces). China-Russia Back-to-Back HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Sino-Russia XUJI/CEPRI China Back-to-Back 750 ±125 2008

Asynchronous interconnection of Northeast China with Russia.

The scope of supply on this project was for the valves and VBE of one converter only (other vendors provided
the converter on the other side of the link).

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 137

1| ALSTOM GRID AND HVDC TRANSMISSION Lingbao II Back-to-Back HVDC Interconnection
Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Lingbao II CEPRI China Back-to-Back 750 ±167 2009

Asynchronous interconnection of the Northwest China and North China power grids. The scope of supply on
this project was for the valves and VBE of one converter only, the other converter being provided by others.
The converters on this valve are the first use of 150 mm (6”) thyristors rated at 4500 A dc. IFA 2000 HVDC Cable Interconnection Refurbishment

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
National Grid England-
IFA 2000 Cable 2000 ±270 2011
+ RTE France

Refurbishment of the bulk power interconnection of English and French electricity systems by 45 km subma-
rine cable and 26 km underground cable.
The original IFA2000 project was constructed in the mid-1980’s interconnecting the UK and France using
air-cooled valves (see section
The link is highly utilized and has become an essential part of the National Grid and RTE networks for energy
trading between the two countries. The equipment at each end of the link is different and the owners were
experiencing increasing failure rates and difficulty locating spares for obsolete components. They decided
to replace the equipment in stages over 2 scheduled outages in 2010 and 2011, each outage with a scheduled
duration of only 42 days. This requires that, as much as possible, installation and testing work is carried out
prior to the outage while the link remains in service.
The normal mechanical configuration of the H400 valve is ceiling-suspended, which requires the building
structure for the valve hall to be capable of supporting the load. In the case of this project however, the
original valves were floor-standing, so to avoid having to redesign and strengthen the building, a specially
designed floor-standing version of the H400 valve was created.
The equipment replaced under this contract includes:
➙ Thyristor Valves
➙ Control Equipment
➙ Cooling Plant
All other equipment including the HVDC cables, AC harmonic filters, converter transformers, switchgear,
auxiliary power supplies, etc remains unchanged. Melo Back-to-Back HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Melo UTE Uruguay Back-to-Back 500 200 2011

Asynchronous interconnection between Uruguay and Brazil, since Uruguay operates at 50 Hz and Brazil
operates at 60 Hz. UTE already has the Rivera HVDC 75 MW link in operation (see section
The turnkey scope for this project includes:
➙ 500 MW Back-to-Back Station at Melo (leaving provision for a possible expansion to 1000 MW in the
➙ 500 kV Switchyard and substation on the Uruguay side
➙ Design and supply of 500 kV equipment for the extension of the substation in San Carlos on the Brazi-
lian side, with civil works and installation being carried out by the utility
➙ Design, supply and installation of the new and replacement Control & Protection System (SCADA) of
the substation in San Carlos
The link is to be operated unmanned and under remote control similar to the previous Rivera HVDC link.

138 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid Cheju 2 Cable HVDC Interconnection
Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Jindo-Cheju 2 KEPCO South Korea Cable 400 ±250 2013

The second HVDC Interconnection between the mainland of South Korea at JinDo and Cheju island.
The future development of the AC network on the island of Cheju is planned to include significant levels
of renewable generation, especially wind, and there is a need for more flexibility in the transfer of power
between the mainland and the island. This second HVDC link between island and mainland is at a higher
rating and the scope of the contract includes the replacement of the control system on the first HVDC link,
and an additional control system to allow the power on both HVDC links to be automatically coordinated
and controlled.
This new 400 MW bipole HVDC link will be implemented using a third cable as metallic return conductor:
there will be no sea electrodes in this installation. The total cable route will be 120 km. 3 Gorges-Shanghai HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
3 Gorges-
CEPRI China Overhead Line 3000 ±500 2010

Sole supplier of thyristor valves and control cubicles at each station for bulk hydro power transfer on overhead
lines from Central China to the East Coast. Ningdong-Shandong HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
CEPRI China Overhead Line 4000 ±660 2010

Sole supplier of thyristor valves and control cubicles at each station for bulk hydro power transfer on overhead
lines from Central China to the East Coast. Rio Madeira HVDC Interconnection

Project Customer Country Type MW kV Date
Rio Madeira ANEEL Brazil Overhead Line 3150 ±600 2013

The transmission utility in Brazil (Furnas) already operates two 3100 MW / 600 kV HVDC links. These
take the hydro power from the Itaipu generation plant in SW Brazil to the Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo load
centers. The plan for developing hydro generation and HVDC transmission is being replicated in the Rio
Madeira project.
The project scope is for the turnkey supply of two Converter Stations rated at ±600 kV dc / 3150 MW (in
2 x 1575 MW poles), for bulk hydro power transfer over 2375 km overhead lines. The link will interconnect
the Rio Madeira Hydro-plants (at Santo Antonio and Jirau) in NW Brazil to the major load centers in South /
Southeast Brazil, and when completed will form the longest HVDC line in service in the World.

HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid | 139

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[13] F. G. Goodrich, A. W. Tozer. “HV DC Converter Valves for the new Cross-Channel link”, Electronics
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[14] D. M. Hodgson, “Qualification of XLPE tube systems for cooling high-voltage high-power electrical
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[15] R. P. Burgess, R. Kothari, “Design features of the Back-to-back HVDC Converter connecting the
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[16] H. L. Thanawala, R. S. Whitehouse, G. O. Kwon, S. J. Lee, “Equipment and control features of
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[17] C. C. Davidson, C. Horwill, M. Granger, A. Déry,“A Power-Electronics-based transmission line
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[18] B. T. Barrett, N. M. Macleod, A. A. Ebrahim, R. Azar, “GCC Interconnection HVDC Link, Novel
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[19] C. C. Davidson, R. M. Preedy, J. Wen, “The Design and Type Testing of a New Range of HVDC
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140 | HVDC: connecting to the future - Alstom Grid

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