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HOLY WEEK: Reflection

Palm Sunday

Holy Week is the most critical time of year for Christians. It commemorates the "paschal
mystery," Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. When we reach the holiest week of the year, it is
important that each of us sees Christ's path as our own calling in life. We shall accompany our
Lord on his way to the glory of the Cross. The Cross makes no sense from a worldly viewpoint.
Even so, from the perspective of the Father in Heaven, the Cross is not only the root of His Son's
greatest joy, but it is also the direction on which we share in that glory.

Commit to engaging with them, not only as an intellectual memory but as someone who dwells
in kindness and a participant who offers help. Let’s all obey him and die with him as we claim
and later discover his eternal glory.

Holy Thursday

None of us are the Savior of the World, but we must all be agents of His salvation act for others.
After accepting Jesus' gift, we must turn to others and humble ourselves in front of them. We
must assist them in seeing our compassion and their own honor. We must represent them with
modesty and prioritize them. This will allow us to encourage them to imitate us as we imitate
Christ. As a result, our humble imitation of Jesus becomes a vehicle by which Jesus encourages
others to join Him.

What Jesus done for us, we must also do it for others. What he provided for us, we must also
lend it to others. What he rewards us, we must also share for the others. He gave everything that
we need so; we are also obliged to give for the needy. The Lord wants an instrument that isn’t
selfish. He wants his Christians to be someone who gives without expecting in return and
someone who put the need of others first. We must become a model of Christ's compassion and
love for them.

Good Friday

As an answer to our Psalm, we are given one of the most insightful and transformative prayers
we might ever pray: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. These were, of course, the
words of our Lord as He hung on the Cross, ready to breathe His last. But they are still words
that echoed throughout Jesus' earthly life and will continue to resonate from our Lord's divine
heart in Heaven for all eternity.

On this Good Friday, when you contemplate Jesus' crucifixion, His brutal agonies, and His
earthly burial, strive to see past His mortal pain to His perfect submission. Try to understand that
His physical death was nothing more than an act of perfect love for the Father, in which we are
welcomed to join and have it. Without him, we are surely doomed right now in great destruction
and sin.
Easter Vigil

The world's Savior died a horrific death on the Cross. His fractured body was put in the crypt.
His followers dispersed, afraid that they will be next. Yet our Blessed Mother remained vigilant
in the unwavering expectation that her Son would soon rise.

Too many people in this world are lost and confused. Many people have lost faith in the fresh
life that awaits them. Many people die on the inside without encouraging God to draw them into
His Resurrection. So many people now need the promise that our Blessed Mother felt on the first
Holy Saturday. We need Jesus in our life, he’s the only person who has the capacity to change
your life into better in just a seconds, what you only need is trust and faith.

Easter Sunday

Psalm: 118:24: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad”. Easter happens in
the spring in many parts of the country. It's the time of year when nature herself sets forth the
beginnings of new life. The tulips begin to emerge from the cool and dead soil, the leaves on the
trees begin to bud, transforming the forest into a sea of colour, and the Sun starts to shine with a
new radiance, sending warmth each morning. In certain respects, creation represents the beauty
and splendor of Christ's Resurrection.

On this very special day, the Lord resurrected, he has risen! This is a reminder to us that God is
eternal and will forever guide us and save us from the pitfalls of sin. It is a sign that no matter
what happens in life our, there will always be a hope. We must never give up. Just like Jesus who
rose from the death, it wants to tell us all that, there would always be new beginnings and he’s
the right way.

Christian Morality (Specific Morals)

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