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Nama: Kholishotun Ni’mah (23.1.


Prodi: PAI

Semester : 2

Matkul: English

Dosen Pengampu: Lucia Hanyswati Teniawan.M.Pd




Exergames are entertaining video games that require players to carry out light to moderate intensity
physical activity [1]. While substantial evidence supports the idea that exergaming improves physical activity
and is beneficial for health [2], the use of video games can also be an effective way to develop skills and
acquire knowledge in educational contexts [3]. Exergames have been found to promote motor skill training,
enjoyment and motivation to play, and the cognitive functions of school-age children [4]. Although most
exergames are designed for private use, they have huge potential for formal school teaching due to their
professionally developed game mechanics, usability, and popularity. If games are unavailable for a specific
curricular topic, the development of corresponding games requires an effortful and expensive process,
including substantial knowledge of game design and development [5]. Hence, the development of games
which are specifically tailored to curricular standards and goals is often not a realistic option, as it usually
exceeds schools' resources. Therefore it seems a promising avenue for research to determine games'
pedagogical potential for formal school settings. In the case of exergames, there are many established series
of popular commercial exergames that are primarily produced for entertainment reasons, including Just
Dance, Dance Central, Dance Dance Revolution, or Wii Fit. These games may also have the potential to
promote learning in formal learning settings; yet most related studies have so far been conducted in an
extracurricular or laboratory environment (for reviews, see [2,6,7,8]). That might be explained by the fact
that curricular guidelines and contextual issues of formal teaching often limit the necessary degrees of
freedom for research and put pressure on teachers, impeding the investigation of how exergaming can
augment physical education [9,10,11]. Therefore, the present study aims to substantiate our knowledge
about the rarely investigated effects of exergaming on learning and motivation in the context of formal school
teaching and in line with curricular guidelines. Schools integrate physical activities such as dancing into their
curricula to foster students' skill development. Dancing is an important and universal skill related to cultural
and social practices in terms of performance, art, and entertainment [12]. Adult professional dancers display
higher brain functional connectivity within the motor learning network and outperform adult non-
professional dancers in dancing, but not in other cognitive tasks [13]. Nonetheless, dancing on a regular basis
or dance therapy may alleviate symptoms of mild depression [14]. In line with this, enjoyment and intrinsic
motivation of children and adolescents have been found to be higher following dance exergames than
following aerobic dancing and other field-based activities [2]. Dance exergames also seem to allow learning a
skill along with enabling competition, physical training, and aesthetic

The Role of Family in Islamic Education in the New Normal Area


For several months, parents have been assisting children to learn since the government
implemented a learning system at home to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Although these conditions
make some parents feel overwhelmed, but this encourages them to be actively involved in the teaching and
learning process of children. In addition, researchers see the activity of guiding children to learn at home
indirectly encouraging parents to communicate better with the teacher, getting to know the child's character
more fully, and becoming more accustomed to discussing children's emotional issues that were previously
avoided. Why do parents need to take a greater role in online learning? We need to remember the teaching
of the father of education, "Ki Hajar Dewantara about Tri Pusat Pendidikan", namely education received by
students from three environments.: Family, school, and community. The role of the parents in the
environtment family and acctually that is where education is the most important. A famous poet, Hafiz
Ibrahim revealed" Al- Umm Madrasatul Ula" It means that, mother is the first school for her child. Everything
from children strats from the family, from parents. Especially if learning is done at home or if the goverment
enter gives a policy decision on re-learning in schools with a health protocol and students enter the shift
system for physical distancing. Especially in fostering Islamic Education in a child. In modern era alomost
parents are more concerned with general science education than religious and moral science for their
children. This is evidence by the discovery of early childhood who experience early maturity and have a
mindset that is far more mature than their age. This phenomenon is growing rapidly supported by the
sophistication of information and communication technology that is noot matched by the parental control, so
that modern sociocultral influences quickly penetrate into the child's psyche which result in children imitating
the behaviour of what they are witnessing. The role and guidance of Islamic education in children according
to the active role of their families can not be ignored. It is a the most of mistake to hand over the formation
of children's Islamic education to the environtment, the community or the school. This is due to the
responsibility of the earliest religious education for children located on the shoulders of their parents. To
achieve this goal, parents should realize the importance of education for their children, especially education
that has to do with the values of Islamic education. Because it is all the responsibility of parents fo the
generation that was born. Allah says: O you who have believed, Protect yourselves and your families from the
fires of hell... (QS At-Tahrim verse 6). Also the words of the Messenger of Allah: ‫م ُي ؤمان والد خال ق م المع نهار وُه‬
"Order your children to pray when they are seven years old, and beat them if they do not want to pray when
they are ten years old" (HR. Abu Daud, Al Turmuzi, Ahmad and Al Hakim). The meaning contained in the
hadith and the word shows that parents have a very important role in giving confidence in religious values,
morals and skills to a child, therefore parents should play a role in providing religious education in the family,
as the results of research conducted by Djaelani which states that, Islamic religious education is the
foundation in the family to shape children's behavior and morals and know the boundaries of good and bad,
and serves to forming people who believe in and devotion to Allah SWT. From the description above the
researcher try to examine how the role of parents in Islamic education in this new normal era.




Education is one of the things that must be carried out by all individuals. There are several types of
educational dimensions one of the spiritual dimension which is a way to teach or improve human attitudes
and behavior in society. Education in this case is not just a transfer of knowledge, but also by giving examples
of good behavior from educators to students to be created as moral students in society. Islamic education is a
process to change the behavior of individuals in personal life in society and the surrounding environment.
With the existence of Islamic education that regulates all human behavior to become humans who have a
high degree so that they worship well to God. Because with the rules that govern human behavior, this also
makes a human being have a direction and purpose in his life. Islamic education is defined as the process of
transformation and internalization of science and values in students through the growth and development of
their natural potential to achieve the perfection of life in all its aspects (Awwaliyah & Baharun, 2018). In this
millennial era, there are many deviant behaviors in social life. Many children or even adults do not have good
behavioral or moral patterns in society. Social misbehavior of juvenile delinquency such as drinking, stealing
to lying are often found in the community. If these conditions continue to be allowed then the next young
generation will be chaotic. There is no hope to keep the next young generation from being a role model for
the surrounding environment. The purpose of writing articles is to broaden knowledge about education in
Indonesia. Not only education that has a curriculum, but it turns out that after reading this journal, readers
are expected to know that education is not only that, but there is also non-formal education that comes from
the community and informal education that comes from the family.

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