Current Events Assignment US

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Current Event Assignment

Over the course of the year, each of you will be making a presentation to the class on a current event or
issue of your choice. Your presentation should be roughly 10 - 15 minutes long and utilize PowerPoint,
Prezi, Google Slides or a similar program. The only major constraint on this assignment is that your event
or issue of choice must focus on the US, although if your topic does involve and/or affect other nations or
regions that is absolutely something you are encouraged to discuss.

Your presentation should address the relevant background information, the event/issue itself, the larger
implications or potential impacts, and why you believe this event/issue is important for your fellow
classmates to know about and understand. You must also end your presentation with a brief discussion
centered around 2-3 thoughtful questions that you pose to the class.

At the beginning of class on the date of your scheduled presentation, you will also turn in a printed copy
of your Works Cited (Chicago Style format) that includes at least five reputable sources that you used to
formulate your presentation. In your research, consider not just recent news stories but also how you will
develop a solid understanding of the relevant background. Below is a list of good news sources to
consider referencing:

Washington Post BBC

NPR Al Jazeera
New York Times Der Spiegel International
The Economist The Guardian
The Wall Street Journal Institute for War and Peace Reporting
The Atlantic Le Monde
The Financial Times Foreign Affairs
Vox Hong Kong Free Press
The Conversation – includes editions for US and other nations, as well as a “global perspectives” section

This assignment will be worth a total of 20 points and graded as follows:

 10 points – choice of topic and presentation of issue/event
 5 points – quality of questions and handling of discussion
 5 points – quality of sources and works cited page

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