Liber-Centura PAGES v1.6

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Liber Centura

The Awakened Armoury:

An Unofficial Expansion for the Age of Darkness
This document has been an immense labour between a team who have gone above and beyond to get everything ready for release.

This expansion was written by the Liber Panoptica Developer Team:

Codewalrus, Sorakamii, The Ironic Warrior, Diagonalfire, Lauren Hughes, OriginalApplesauce, Lord Marshal Aly, Arcangellord, Celebrimbor, Drakeran,
Falkenrath, Kidder666, Kira Nagisho, Lord NaCl, Malice, Mephistopheles-Kaisarion, Zewl, Walrusette, Wiking, The Count, The J, Martin (Col. Hertford),
Legio Traitoris, Belisarius Cool, Yekeran, Max

The Liber Panoptica Developer Team were supported by a group of dedicated play-testers, who we’d like to thank:
Alsoned, Archmagos Alyx, Blade of Omegon, Djinnpachiro, Funnybus, Grey, Grifftofer, Ian - Custodes4life, Jervoise, LordDukeSirDave, Pauper&Salt,
Kevhooper224 (and the whole team at Stafford Nerdgasm!)

We’d also like to thank our collaborators from a wide range of other community teams, without who this project would
not have been possible:
The Veterans of Terra Team, The Aus30k Team, King Fluff

In addition, we’d also like to thank the following contributors who helped us with previous iterations of this project:
Ash and Gold, GOOTS, Spartan CXVII, Zerik, Quinn / IHF, FreakyM, Gallant, Goltron, JB Minis, The Casual

Finally, a special thanks goes out to the following people:

The Games Workshop, Forge World, and Black Library teams for providing the rules and lore that have inspired and propelled this work forward.
The entire HH: Age of Darkness Discord Server for helping us play-test these units and FAQ items - without you this would not have been possible.
Thanks to Lauren Hughes for the custom page backgrounds and detail elements, and Quinn / IHF for the custom commissioned cover logo.

This ruleset is entirely community-made, unofficial, and not for profit. It is not to be sold, distributed for profit, or otherwise restricted in any way. It is
shared entirely out of love for The Horus Heresy game system and our desire to for it to continue. Infringement on any legal rights is not intended.

Some words, terms, and logos in this document are copyrighted – these are used in compliance with copyright laws and procedures,
including this notice.

This document is shared under the provisions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence, more information on which can be found here:

This version was released on: 30 / 05 / 2023 - V1.6

When the HH: Age of Darkness Discord Partner server’s moderation team first saw the
playtest rules for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy’s second edition, we were overjoyed that
our favourite tabletop game was getting the attention and love it deserved. We also were keenly
aware that with such an undertaking, there would be a few clarifications required for a handful
of rules, and some units would unfortunately be left on the cutting room floor. Some of these
units were fan-favourites, though - and so we decided it would be an undertaking we would
happily expend effort ourselves to remedy. Our first effort - which was internally known as
Operation: Retrograde during development - was the result.

This document is intended to stand alongside the great works of The Warhammer: Age of
Darkness team, providing additional units, options, and more for the Legiones Astartes -
though you will still need a copy of the core Warhammer: Age of Darkness Rulebook, as well
as one of the various Liber or PDF faction books, as well as the PDFs published via
Warhammer Community, to make use of them.

We’re keenly aware that the rules in this book may, now or in the future, be rendered obsolete
by way of Games Workshop releasing official rules for any of the items contained within this
document. If that is the case, it should be assumed that those rules supersede these - unless you
agree otherwise with your opponent!

We hope you enjoy these rules, and Warhammer: The Horus Heresy!

The HH: Age of Darkness Discord Partner Server and Liber Panoptica Development Teams

Legion Indomitus Praetor .....................................................................................6 Legiones Consularis: The Lord Cypher............................................................ 98
Legion Indomitus Centurion................................................................................7 Xenobane Cannons.............................................................................................. 98
Legion Saturnine Centurion .................................................................................8 Luther .................................................................................................................... 99
Legion Indomitus Command Squad ...................................................................9 Merir Astelan .......................................................................................................100
Legion Contemptor Centurion ..........................................................................10 Inner Circle Indomitus Squad .......................................................................... 101
Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion........................................................................11
Legion Land Raider Dionysus............................................................................. 12 THE EMPEROR’S CHILDREN
Legion Land Raider Tartaros ...............................................................................13 Legiones Consularis: Kakophonix Prime........................................................104
Additional Wargear Options for Existing HQ Units....................................... 14 Fabius Bile ............................................................................................................ 105
Solomon Demeter...............................................................................................106
ELITES Marius Vairosean ................................................................................................107
Legion Terminator Saturnine Squad ................................................................. 18 Terata Enhanced Warriors ................................................................................108
Legion Assault Veteran Squad............................................................................. 19
Legion Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon ........................................... 20 THE IRON WARRIORS
Possessed Legionnaires ........................................................................................ 21 Rite of War: The Iron Without..........................................................................112
Legion Servo-Automata Maniple .......................................................................22 Olympian Shrapnel Weapons ............................................................................112
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Elites Units.................................... 23 Barabas Dantioch................................................................................................. 113
Volk-Sa’ra’ram .......................................................................................................114
Barban Falk ........................................................................................................... 115
TROOPS Warsmith Berossus ..............................................................................................116
Legion Hussar Squadron .....................................................................................26
Legion Sky-Seeker Squadron ..............................................................................27 Berossus, Interred ................................................................................................117
Legion Assault Support Squad............................................................................28 Warsmith Toramino ............................................................................................118
Legion Novicii Squad ...........................................................................................29 Dominator Tartaros Cohort...............................................................................119
Legion Rhino Advancer .......................................................................................30 Rhino Castellan...................................................................................................120
Legion Whispercutter ...........................................................................................31
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Troops Units................................. 32 THE WHITE SCARS
Rite of War: Bolt From Blue Skies.................................................................... 124
FAST ATTACK Power Tulwars..................................................................................................... 124
Mutated Spawn ..................................................................................................... 36 Targutai Yesugei ...................................................................................................125
Legion Storm Eagle Transporter ........................................................................ 37 Shiban Khan......................................................................................................... 126
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Fast Attack Units.......................... 38 Ebon Keshig Cataphractii Cohort .................................................................... 127
Wind Rider Brethren.......................................................................................... 128

Legion Sicaran Incinerator Squadron................................................................42 THE SPACE WOLVES
Legion Vindicator Thunderer Squadron........................................................... 43 Legiones Consularis: Priest of Iron...................................................................132
Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer .............................................................................44 Helfrost Pistol.......................................................................................................132
Early Great Crusade Havoc Squad ..................................................................... 45 Varagyr Wolf Guard Tartaros Terminator Squad............................................133
Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer Squad ..........................................................46
Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer Squad ...................................................48
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Heavy Support Units...................50 THE IMPERIAL FISTS
Huscarl Indomitus Terminator Squad ............................................................ 136
Legion Banesword ................................................................................................ 54
Legion Doomhammer.......................................................................................... 55
Gendor Skraivok .................................................................................................140
Legion Orthrus Destroyer Squadron................................................................. 56
Contekar Cataphractii Terminator Squad.......................................................141


Basilisk Anti-Air Emplacement Battery............................................................ 60
Legiones Consularis: Seraphim Majoris.......................................................... 144
Angelus Pattern Jump Pack ............................................................................... 144
APPENDICES Nassir Amit .......................................................................................................... 145
Additional Unaligned Rites of War ....................................................................64 Azkaellon.............................................................................................................. 146
Modifications to Existing Unaligned Rites of War..........................................66 Sanguinary Guard ............................................................................................... 147
Legiones Consularis ............................................................................................ 70
Pater Consularis ....................................................................................................74
Legiones Special Rules .........................................................................................78
Armoury of the Legions .......................................................................................84
Legiones Wargear................................................................................................. 90
Base Sizing Chart ................................................................................................. 94

The Keys of Hel ................................................................................................... 150 Rite of War: Rukal Breacher Battalion ............................................................ 184
Rite of War: The Gates of Hel........................................................................... 150 Tarik Torgaddon ................................................................................................. 185
Ghola Sub-Type.................................................................................................... 151 Luperci Squad...................................................................................................... 186
Medusan Zweihander.......................................................................................... 151 Rukal Breacher Squad ........................................................................................ 187
Additional Wargear Options for Existing Iron Hands Units ........................ 151
Castrmen Orth .....................................................................................................152
Iron-Father Kardozia ...........................................................................................153 Hol Beloth ............................................................................................................190
Lord Crius ............................................................................................................ 154 Sor Talgron............................................................................................................191
Gabriel Santar.......................................................................................................155 Rhetorka Mher Squad ........................................................................................ 192
Helfather Covenant............................................................................................ 156 Anointed Cohort................................................................................................. 193
Iron Revenants .....................................................................................................157
THE WORLD EATERS Legiones Consularis: The Pyre Guard ............................................................. 196
Legiones Consularis: Lanistus ..........................................................................160 Conflagration Melta Weapons.......................................................................... 196
Delvarus.................................................................................................................161 Magma Plating .................................................................................................... 196
Triarii Phalanx..................................................................................................... 162 Artellus Numeon................................................................................................. 197
Devourers Terminator Squad ........................................................................... 163 Infernus Strike-Clade ......................................................................................... 198
Ar’Kan Attack Speeder .......................................................................................199
Firestorm Bombard Squadron ......................................................................... 200
THE ULTRAMARINES Infernus Predator Squadron .............................................................................201
Rite of War: The Red Marked ........................................................................... 166
Aeonid Thiel ........................................................................................................ 167
Red-Marked Squad ............................................................................................. 168 THE RAVEN GUARD
Nykona Sharrowkyn.......................................................................................... 204
Navar Hef .............................................................................................................205
THE DEATH GUARD Raptors, Proto-Astartes..................................................................................... 206
Legiones Consularis: Alchymus........................................................................ 172 Raptors, Mutated ............................................................................................... 207
Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Squad ................................................173 Deliverers Tartaros Squad ................................................................................ 208
Grave Warden Tartaros Terminator Squad .................................................... 174 Darkwing Gunship ............................................................................................ 209


Thousand Sons Unique Psychic Disciplines................................................... 178 Legiones Consularis: Animatus........................................................................ 212
Achea Force Stave ............................................................................................... 179 Omegon.................................................................................................................213
Khenetai Isirian Cabal........................................................................................180
Sekhmet Tartaros Terminator Cabal ................................................................181

Within this document, you’ll find a mixture of new generic units and options available to all
Legiones Astartes armies, as well as new Legion-Specific units and options. These are all
intended to represent concepts from the lore, resurrected units from previous editions of the
game, and more!

All of the units and options contained within this document were extensively play-tested by a
dedicated team of community writers from the Liber Panoptica Team. We recommend you use
the Liber Panoptica FAQ, Errata, and Balance Changes whilst using these units, for the best
game-play experience - and we all hope you enjoy using our supplements in your games of
The Horus Heresy!

Legion Indomitus Praetor 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Indomitus Praetor ● Infantry (Character, Heavy)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Whilst many Praetors ● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
preferred the armoured bulk ● Power Weapon ● Relentless
of the Cataphractii Armour ● Legion Indomitus Terminator Armour ● Inexorable
common in the early years of
the Great Crusade, or the ● Bulky (2)
mobility offered by Tartaros ● Master of the Legion
Armour, many more ● Independent Character
pragmatic commanders knew
that the best quality they
could find in their equipment Options:
would be ease of replacement ● A Legion Indomitus Praetor may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
parts as the Heresy ground - Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
on. - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
For many, Indomitus - Proteus Pattern Storm Shield........................................................................................ +15 points
Terminator Armour offered
exactly this quality - as well as ● A Legion Indomitus Praetor may exchange their Power Weapon with one of the following:
allowing combatants to move - Lightning Claw .......................................................................................................................... Free
smoothly whilst fighting - Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
hand-to-hand. The trade off - Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points
for this mobility was a loss of - Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points
speed overall - although with - Paragon Blade .................................................................................................................. +15 points
a stronger in-built power
generator, more advanced ● A Legion Indomitus Praetor may exchange their Combi-Bolter and Power Weapon for:
systems could be hooked in to - Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points
the suit - such as the
prototype Indomitus Storm ● A Legion Indomitus Praetor may upgrade any one weapon to have:
Shields that were just entering - The Master-Crafted Special Rule..................................................................................+10 points
testing at the start of the
Heresy… ● The Legion Indomitus Praetor may take a:
- Grenade Harness ............................................................................................................... +5 points

Legion Indomitus Centurion 6 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Indomitus Centurion ● Infantry (Character, Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X) Among the many field
● Power Weapon ● Relentless commanders and company
● Legion Indomitus Terminator Armour ● Inexorable leaders of the Legions, there
were those who found
● Bulky (2) themselves lacking arms and
● Legiones Consularis armour, and in desperation,
● Independent Character were forced to turn to
experimental and unfinished
technologies. Of these, the
Options: most common would be the
● A Legion Indomitus Centurion may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the Indomitus Terminator
following: Armour suits.
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points Offering protection largely
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points equivalent to the Tartaros
- Proteus Pattern Storm Shield........................................................................................ +15 points suits that were commonplace
before the outbreak of the
● A Legion Indomitus Centurion may exchange their Power Weapon with one of the Heresy, but slightly reduced
following: mobility, Centurions largely
- Lightning Claw .......................................................................................................................... Free were appreciative of the new
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points armour - although for a
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points slightly different reason, in
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points that it had both improved
power generation, and the
● A Legion Indomitus Centurion may exchange their Power Weapon and Combi-Bolter for: ability to mount an
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points impressive number of internal
modules and optional extras.
● The Legion Indomitus Centurion may take a:
- Grenade Harness ............................................................................................................... +5 points Sadly, many were never to
realise the true reason for this;
Indomitus Armour was in
truth an unfinished prototype,
Legiones Consularis pressed into service to support
Any Legion Indomitus Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more the loyalists and traitors
than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be both.
found in the Liber Astartes rulebooks:

● Legion Librarian.................................................... +45 points

● Legion Esoterist .................................................... +35 points
● Legion Champion ................................................. +35 points
● Legion Forge Lord................................................. +40 points
● Legion Primus Medicae ....................................... +45 points
● Legion Siege Breaker ............................................ +45 points
● Legion Chaplain .................................................... +35 points
● Legion Delegatus .................................................. +25 points
● Legion Herald........................................................ +20 points
● Legion Mortificator .............................................. +25 points

Legion Saturnine Centurion 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Saturnine Centurion ● Infantry (Character, Heavy)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

A relic from humanity’s dim ● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
and distant past, Saturnine ● Power Weapon ● Relentless
Terminator Armour had ● Legion Saturnine ● Inexorable
largely fallen from use by the
latter years of the Crusade. It Terminator Armour ● Bulky (3)
was bulky, ungainly, and slow ● Firing Protocols (2)
- all hallmarks of its original ● Legiones Consularis
use, and symptomatic of its ● Battle Hardened (1)
intention to not be a mere
tool for war. ● Independent Character
Few among the Centurions ● A Legion Saturnine Centurion may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the
and none among the Praetors following:
of the Legions would use it by - Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
the beginning of the Heresy - - Rotor Cannon ....................................................................................................................+2 points
though the few who stuck - Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................................................... +5 points
with the immense suits - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
claimed a stronger machine - Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
spirit inhabited its form, one - Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................ +15 points
with a surety of purpose - Reaper Autocannon ........................................................................................................ +15 points
beyond normal terminator
armour; guiding their hands ● A Legion Saturnine Centurion may exchange their Power Weapon with one of the
as they fought, cycling loaders following:
and managing reactor cores - Lightning Claw .......................................................................................................................... Free
without needing to be - Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
prompted. - Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points
These factors, plus the ability
of the suits to mount heavy ● A Legion Saturnine Centurion may purchase one of the following shoulder-mounted
weaponry beyond the norm, weapons:
ensured those few who - Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................................... +5 points
continued the Saturnine’s use - Havoc Launcher ................................................................................................................ +5 points
were rewarded with the utter - Autocannon......................................................................................................................+10 points
destruction of their foes. - Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points

● A Legion Saturnine Centurion that has also selected the Legion Forge Lord Legiones
Consularis upgrade may instead purchase the following shoulder-mounted weapon:
- Conversion Beam Cannon............................................................................................ +20 points

● A Legion Saturnine Centurion may exchange their Combi-Bolter and Power Weapon for:
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points

Legiones Consularis
Any Legion Saturnine Centurion may select a single Consul upgrade; no model may take more
than one such upgrade. The various Consul types are listed here, but full rules for them can be
found in the Liber Astartes rulebooks:

● Legion Forge Lord................................................. +40 points

● Legion Siege Breaker ............................................ +45 points
● Legion Mortificator .............................................. +25 points

COMMAND SQUAD.....................................100 POINTS
Legion Indomitus Chosen 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Legion Indomitus Standard Bearer 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Legion Indomitus Chosen ● Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Legion Indomitus
Standard Bearer

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Legion Standard (Legion Indomitus ● Legiones Astartes (X) Those in high positions in the
Standard Bearer only) ● Chosen Warriors Legions at the outbreak of the
● Combi-Bolter (Legion Indomitus ● Relentless Heresy who had not already
Chosen only) been given access to
● Inexorable Terminator Armour found
● Power Weapon ● Retinue themselves eligible for a new
● Legion Indomitus Terminator Armour ● Bulky (2) pattern - Indomitus - to
ensure they, as the living
representations of the heart
Dedicated Transport: and soul of their legion, were
● A Legion Indomitus Command Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or a protected.
Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does
not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for The veterans who made up
as part of the army. the command squads who
took to the field in this
Options: armour were often regarded
● A Legion Indomitus Command Squad may include: as being the most combative
- Up to 2 additional Legion Indomitus Chosen ........................................ +30 points per model and quick to anger of their
legion - for the true reason
● For every two Legion Indomitus Chosen in the unit, one Legion Indomitus Chosen may these suits were pressed into
take a: service was deliberately kept
- Havoc Launcher ..................................................................................................... +15 points each from the rest of their brothers
for reasons of morale.
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points Despite this, these new suits
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points were relatively well-received
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points as a stop gap measure,
- Proteus Pattern Storm Shield........................................................................................ +15 points although none knew how
long it might be before the
● A Legion Indomitus Standard Bearer may exchange his Power Weapon for one of the suits could be taken from
following: mere service-prototype to
- Combi-Bolter.............................................................................................................................. Free finished article…
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
- Proteus Pattern Storm Shield........................................................................................ +15 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Power Weapon with one of the following:
- Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Power Weapon and Combi-Bolter for:
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Indomitus Standard Bearer may take a:

- Grenade Harness ............................................................................................................... +5 points

CENTURION .................................................. 225 POINTS
Legion Contemptor Centurion 8 5 5 7 7 7 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Contemptor ● Dreadnought (Character)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Should a veteran of the legion ● Gravis Bolt Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (X)
fall in battle, but not perish, ● Gravis Power Fist with ● Pater Consularis
he may forever be entombed in-built Combi-Bolter
in a dreadnought to continue
his fight. ● Atomantic Deflector

The Centurions of the legion

were no different, but for
them their place of leadership
would often be maintained. Options:
While not often seen, ● The Legion Contemptor Centurion may replace a Gravis Bolt Cannon and/or Gravis
Contemptor dreadnoughts Power Fist and in-built Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
could be witnessed leading - Gravis Power Fist (with in-built Combi-Bolter) ................................................................... Free
their brothers into combat, as - Gravis Chainfist (with in-built Combi-Bolter)............................................................+10 points
effective as they had been - or - Gravis Bolt Cannon................................................................................................................... Free
more so - than their mortal - Gravis Melta Cannon........................................................................................................ +5 points
forms. - Gravis Autocannon .........................................................................................................+10 points
- Gravis Plasma Cannon....................................................................................................+10 points
The Shattered Legions, - Volkite Dual-Culverin..................................................................................................... +15 points
specifically the Xth, were some - Kheres Assault Cannon .................................................................................................. +15 points
of the first to show heavy - Gravis Lascannon ........................................................................................................... +20 points
usage of these Dreadnought - Conversion Beam Cannon............................................................................................ +20 points
leaders, replenishing their
command structure with the ● The Legion Contemptor Centurion may replace the in-built Combi-Bolter on a Gravis
battlefield wounded. There Power Fist or Gravis Chainfist with one of the following:
was even one among their - In-built Heavy Flamer....................................................................................................... +5 points
ranks who became what the - In-built Plasma Blaster ...................................................................................................+10 points
Iron Hands called an Iron- - In-built Graviton Gun..................................................................................................... +15 points
Father; though this august - In-built Meltagun ............................................................................................................ +15 points
individual was last heard
from at the battle for Beta ● The Legion Contemptor Centurion may take any of the following:
Garmon... - Havoc Launcher ..............................................................................................................+10 points
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

Pater Consularis
A Legion Contemptor Centurion must select a single Pater Consularis upgrade; no model may take
more than one such upgrade. The various Pater Consularis types are listed here, but full rules for
them can be found in the Pater Consularis section later in this document:

● Pater Consularis Librarian .................................. +50 points

● Pater Consularis Master of Signals .................... +40 points
● Pater Consularis Forge Lord ............................... +50 points
● Pater Consularis Siege Breaker ........................... +55 points
● Pater Consularis Chaplain................................... +50 points
● Pater Consularis Armistos................................... +30 points
● Pater Consularis Herald....................................... +40 points

CENTURION ................................................... 175 POINTS
Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion 6 5 5 6 6 6 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Castra Ferrum ● Dreadnought (Character, Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Gravis Bolt Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (X) Even more rare than their
● Gravis Power Fist with ● Pater Consularis Contemptor counterparts,
in-built Combi-Bolter those Castra Ferrum
Dreadnoughts which became
● Ferromantic Deflector home to an entombed
Centurion were only deployed
in the most desperate of
Options: The slower, less protective
● The Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion may replace a Gravis Bolt Cannon and/or Gravis shell of this older pattern was
Power Fist and in-built Combi-Bolter with one of the following: less preferred by leaders across
- Gravis Power Fist (with in-built Combi-Bolter) ................................................................... Free the legions - though
- Gravis Chainfist (with in-built Combi-Bolter)............................................................+10 points regrettably, in times of war
- Gravis Siege Drill (with in-built Combi-Bolter)..........................................................+10 points choices were limited - and so
- Seismic Hammer (with in-built Combi-Bolter)..........................................................+10 points it came to be that numerous
- Gravis Bolt Cannon................................................................................................................... Free Castra Ferrum Dreadnoughts,
- Volkite Culverin...............................................................................................................+10 points became home to leaders,
- Gravis Missile Launcher .................................................................................................+10 points allowing them to rise again to
- Gravis Autocannon ......................................................................................................... +15 points fight and die a second time on
- Flamestorm Cannon ....................................................................................................... +15 points battlefields across the galaxy.
- Kheres Assault Cannon .................................................................................................. +15 points
- Gravis Lascannon ........................................................................................................... +20 points
- Gravis Plasma Cannon................................................................................................... +20 points
- Multi-Melta ..................................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion may replace an in-built Combi-Bolter with one of
the following:
- In-built Heavy Flamer....................................................................................................... +5 points
- In-built Plasma Blaster ...................................................................................................+10 points
- In-built Graviton Gun..................................................................................................... +15 points
- In-built Meltagun ............................................................................................................ +15 points

● The Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion may take any of the following:
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Havoc Launcher ..............................................................................................................+10 points
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points
- Frag Launchers................................................................................................................. +15 points

Pater Consularis
A Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion must select a single Pater Consularis upgrade; no model may
take more than one such upgrade. The various Pater Consularis types are listed here, but full rules
for them can be found in the Pater Consularis section later in this document:

● Pater Consularis Librarian .................................. +50 points

● Pater Consularis Master of Signals .................... +40 points
● Pater Consularis Forge Lord ............................... +50 points
● Pater Consularis Siege Breaker ........................... +55 points
● Pater Consularis Chaplain................................... +50 points
● Pater Consularis Armistos................................... +30 points
● Pater Consularis Herald....................................... +40 points

DIONYSUS ......................................................300 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Land Raider Dionysus 12 5 14 14 14 5 8

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Land Raider ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced,
Dionysus Character)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The Dionysius Pattern Land ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (X)
Raider was a variant of the Gravis Heavy Bolter Batteries ● Power of the Machine Spirit
more common Land Raider ● Atomantic Dispersion Shield ● Assault Vehicle
Phobos utilized in harshest of
conflicts, when the shape of ● Explorator Augury Web ● Master of the Legion^
the frontline battle ebbed and ● Aspectum-Pattern Occularis Array ● Warlord: Fist of the Legion
flowed like super-heated ● Smoke Launchers
liquid metal. Into these battles
was the Dionysius cast - for
here, it could act as a Access Points:
command platform and a ● A Legion Land Raider Dionysus has one access point on each side of the hull and one at
bulwark, turning the tide of the front.
the conflict.
Whilst the origins of the ● The Legion Land Raider Dionysus may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Heavy
Dionysius Pattern Land Bolter Batteries for one of the following:
Raider were unknown, many - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Dual-Culverins ........................................................+10 points
speculated its STC had been - Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Melta Cannons ......................................................... +15 points
rediscovered on the very cusp - Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons .............................................................. +20 points
of the Heresy - and so it was
seen leading assaults on both ● The Legion Land Raider Dionysus may take one of the following:
sides of the conflict. - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points

● The Legion Land Raider Dionysus may take any of the following:
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Flare Shield .......................................................................................................................+50 points

Warlord: Fist of the Legion

If chosen as the army's Warlord, a Legion Land Raider Dionysus automatically has Fist of the
Legion as its Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

If any friendly units within 24” can draw line of sight to a Legion Land Raider Dionysus, they may
choose to count as Leadership 9 for Morale and Pinning tests they are required to make.

In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their
opponent’s Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

*If taken in a Detachment using the Rite of War: Armoured Spearhead, a Legion Land Raider
Dionysus replaces the Master of Armour ability, and must be taken as the Warlord.

^You may not select a Command Squad of any type for a Legion Land Raider Dionysus, despite
it having the Master of the Legion Special Rule.

TARTAROS ...........................................................* POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Land Raider Tartaros 12 4 14 14 14 5 8

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Land Raider Tartaros ● Vehicle (Transport, Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Two Sponson Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (X) The Tartaros Pattern Land
Gravis Heavy Bolter Batteries ● Power of the Machine Spirit Raider is a recent addition of
● Geo-Locator Beacon ● Assault Vehicle the late crussade to the
armouries of the legions,
● Command Vox Relay ● Support Squad drawing its inspiration from
● Smoke Launchers ● Vox Override the more common Damocles
Command Rhino. Suspected
to have been conceived of by
either the XIXth or XXth
*Upgrade Cost: Legions to enhance convert
● A Legion Damocles Command Rhino may be upgraded to a Legion Land Raider Tartaros operations, its role was to
at a cost of +100 points. disrupt enemy
communications and spread
Access Points: discord among them. The
● A Legion Land Raider Tartaros has one access point on each side of the hull and one at the VIIIth Legion was known to
front. use Tartaros Pattern Land
Raiders to manipulate local
Options: vox networks, often
broadcasting transmissions
● The Legion Land Raider Tartaros may exchange its Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Heavy that would render
Bolter Batteries for one of the following:
populations terrified to
- Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Dual-Culverins ........................................................+10 points
oppose the rule of the
- Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Melta Cannons ......................................................... +15 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons .............................................................. +20 points Imperium.

● The Legion Land Raider Tartaros may take one of the following: Often serving as a heavy
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points mobile command center, it
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points enabled a field commander to
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points orchestrate large operations
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points from relative safety while
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points simultaneously allowing him
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points to react to the shifting tides of
battle and engage into action
● The Legion Land Raider Tartaros may take any of the following: himself at a moment's notice.
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points It was designed to carry a full
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points command staff, even when
- Vox Disruptor Array ........................................................................................................ +25 points equipped with bulky Tactical
Dreadnought armour, and
was equipped a full
compliment of complex
*Any unit which could select a Legion Damocles Command Rhino as a Dedicated Transport augurs and communications
may select a Legion Land Raider Tartaros instead, as long as the unit fits within the Transport equipment.
Capacity of it.

In addition, a Legion Cataphractii Command Squad, Legion Tartaros Command Squad, or

Legion Indomitus Command Squad may select a Legion Land Raider Tartaros as a Dedicated
Transport. The unit must pay the cost of purchasing a Legion Damocles Command Rhino and
then upgrading it to a Legion Land Raider Tartaros to use this option. As a Dedicated Transport
this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid
for as part of the army.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● A Legion Cataphractii Praetor may upgrade any one weapon to have:
- The Master-Crafted Special Rule............................................................................................................................................................... +10 points


● A Legion Tartaros Praetor may upgrade any one weapon to have:
- The Master-Crafted Special Rule............................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

SATURNINE SQUAD ................................... 200 POINTS
Legion Saturnine 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 7 2+
Legion Saturnine Sergeant 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Legion Saturnine ● Legion Saturnine: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Legion Saturnine Sergeant ● Legion Saturnine Sergeant:
Infantry (Character, Heavy)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Even among those veterans of ● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
the legions who are outfitted ● Power Weapon ● Relentless
with Terminator armour, ● Legion Saturnine Terminator Armour ● Inexorable
those who choose to enter the
fray in Saturnine Armour ● Bulky (3)
stand apart. Vast juggernauts ● Firing Protocols (2)
with pauldrons wider and ● Battle Hardened (1)
heavier than Cataphractii,
internal sensors and self
repair subsystems matching Dedicated Transport:
Mark IV Power Armour, and ● A unit of Legion Terminator Saturnine numbering no more than three models may take a
internal servo-reinforcement Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or a Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated
all contributed to one aim; Transport. A unit of Legion Terminator Saturnine numbering between three and eight
making the Saturnine models may select a Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
Terminator Armour the most Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
must still be paid for as part of the army.
durable armour possible.
A relic dating back to the
Dark Age of Technology, ● A Legion Terminator Saturnine Squad may include:
Saturnine Armour’s past - Up to 6 additional Legion Saturnine........................................................ +60 points per model
could almost be considered
saddening - for it was ● One Legion Terminator Saturnine may take a:
designed in an age of progress - Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
and enlightenment, and the
heavy rad-proofing it received ● One Legion Terminator Saturnine may take a:
was in fact for the - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points
maintaining of huge starship
reactor cores, where the ● One Legion Terminator Saturnine may take a:
electromagnetic and - Nuncio Vox .......................................................................................................................+10 points
radioactive turmoil would
boil any foolish enough to go ● For every three models in the unit, one Legion Saturnine may exchange their Combi-
Bolter with one of the following:
inadequately protected in an - Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................................................... +5 points
instant. The Saturnines, - Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................ +15 points
however, endured - into an - Reaper Autocannon ........................................................................................................ +15 points
age that is far less kind in its
use of its form. ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
Internally, the Saturnine plate - Rotor Cannon ....................................................................................................................+2 points
holds a final gift - the lost - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
technology of a paired fusion - Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
core setup, designed to cycle
and shunt energy between ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Power Weapon with one of the following:
themselves in a perpetual - Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points
dance as they feed from the - Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
decay of their fuel. The runoff - Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points
energy of these cores is - Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points
primarily to feed a targeting
suite even more aggressive ● Any model in the unit may purchase one of the following shoulder-mounted weapons:
and militant than even a - Heavy Bolter.....................................................................................................................+10 points
Contemptor’s - as well as - Havoc Launcher ..............................................................................................................+10 points
supporting as many weapon - Autocannon...................................................................................................................... +15 points
systems as the suit’s wearer - Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................... +15 points
deems appropriate. - Multi-Melta ..................................................................................................................... +20 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter and Power Weapon for:
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points

VETERAN SQUAD.......................................... 135 POINTS
Legion Assault Veteran 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+
Legion Assault Veteran Sergeant 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Assault Veterans ● Legion Assault Veteran: Infantry
● 1 Legion Assault ● Legion Assault Veteran Sergeant:
Veteran Sergeant Infantry (Character)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (X) Already regarded as warriors
● Chainsword ● Relentless without peer, there are those
● Legion Warhawk Jump Pack ● Chosen Warriors veteran Space Marines that
demonstrate a hyper-lethal
● Power Armour proficiency for close combat
● Frag Grenades engagements, and as such are
● Krak Grenades chosen to act as spearhead in
offensive actions. Equipped
with jump packs and given
Options: access to the finest
● A Legion Assault Veteran Squad may include: armaments in a Space Marine
- Up to 5 additional Legion Assault Veterans .............................................+22 points per model Legions armoury, a squad can
swiftly cross the battlefield –
● The entire unit may take: assailing the weakest point in
- Combat Shields...............................................................................................+2 points per model the enemies line or
strategically reinforcing an
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolt Pistol with one of the following: ally in need.
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points Space Marines equipped in
- Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points such a manner are well-
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points favoured by more mobile,
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points close combat orientated
Legions such as the Night
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Chainsword with one of the following: Lords, Blood Angels and Sons
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................ +5 points of Horus, although they are
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points known to be deployed by
- Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points taciturn and stoic Legions
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points such as the Iron Warriors,
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points Death Guard and Imperial
Fists on occasion.
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolt Pistol and Chainsword for:
- Two Lightning Claws...................................................................................................... +15 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Assault Veteran may exchange their
Bolt Pistol and Chainsword with one of the following:
- Flamer .................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Heavy Flamer ...................................................................................................................+10 points
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Graviton Gun ................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Heavy Bolter..................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Assault Veteran Sergeant may take:

- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Legion Assault Veteran Sergeant may exchange his Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

DREADNOUGHT TALON .......................... 150 POINTS
Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought 8 5 4 7 6 5 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Contemptor-Cortus ● Dreadnought

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Ordinarily the entombed ● Two Gravis Power Fists with ● Legiones Astartes (X)
astartes of the legions are in-built Combi-Bolters ● Dreadnought Talon
treated with respect, armed ● Atomantic Repulsor ● Move Through Cover
and armoured for war with
the finest panoply available. ● Fleet (2)
As the Heresy ground on, ● Reactor Overcharge
however, this approach fell by ● Unstable Internment
the wayside in favour of
simply being able to get them
into battle in any form at all. Dedicated Transport:
To this end, Contemptors of a ● A Legion Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon numbering no more than one model
sub-type known as “Cortus” may take a Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated
began to appear on the field. Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
must still be paid for as part of the army.
Jury-rigged and often patched
together from multiple Options:
carcasses of destroyed ● A Legion Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon may include:
dreadnoughts, these - Up to 2 additional Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnoughts .......................+150 points per model
Contemptor-Cortuses were
held in ill-regard by many, ● Any model in the unit may replace a Gravis Power Fist with in-built Combi-Bolter with
one of the following:
and none would willingly - Gravis Chainfist with in-built Combi-Bolter ..............................................................+10 points
assign weaponry of any - Toxiferno Cannon ........................................................................................................... +15 points
import or potential greater - Rad-Fragmentation Charge Launcher ......................................................................... +15 points
use to them.
● Any model in the unit may replace the in-built Combi-Bolter on a Gravis Power Fist or
So it came to be known that Gravis Chainfist with one of the following:
assignment to a Cortus would - In-built Heavy Flamer....................................................................................................... +5 points
mean a bitter, ignoble end, - In-built Plasma Blaster ...................................................................................................+10 points
poisoned and irradiated even - In-built Graviton Gun..................................................................................................... +15 points
beyond those ends that - In-built Meltagun ............................................................................................................ +15 points
resulted in internment in the
first place.

POSSESSED LEGIONNAIRES ..................... 150 POINTS
Possessed Legionary 8 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Possessed Legionary ● Infantry (Corrupted)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X) Possessed Legionnaires were
● Two Twisted Talons ● Feel No Pain (6+) the horrific result of an
● Frag grenades ● Rage (2) Astartes’ crude and violent
subsumption by a Daemon.
● Krak grenades ● Relentless The human they had once
● Power armour ● Traitor been was reduced to little
more than a meat puppet -
dominated completely by the
creature within. Unlike the
Options: Gal Vorbak of the Word
● A unit of Possessed Legionnaires may include: Bearers or the Sons of Horus’
- Up to 15 additional Possessed Legionnaires ............................................. +25 points per model Luperci, they were primitive
mockeries of those willing
● For every five models in the unit, one Possessed Legionary may exchange their Bolter with fellowships and were most
one of the following: commonly manifested within
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points battlefield wounded, prisoners
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points and the unwittingly
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points manipulated - summoned
forth by fledgling or desperate
● For every five models in the unit, one Possessed Legionary may exchange one of their practitioners of hellish
Twisted Talons with one of the following: sorceries.
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points Though imperfect unions,
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................ +20 points their vessel’s already powerful
superhuman form could be
mutated to better suit the
Daemonic host’s whims and
these manifestations only
enhanced the destructive
potential of their vessel,
becoming horrifying shock
troops seemingly inured to
pain as they closed with
unnatural speed and tore
apart their victims with
monstrous strength.

Inevitably, the vessel would

degrade as the Daemon’s
corruption wrought
increasingly appalling
changes upon it. Whilst the
body of an Astartes could
endure far longer than mere
mortal’s, it too would
eventually expire, casting the
Daemon host back into the

Legion Servo-Automata 7 3 2 4 5 1 1 1 6 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Servo-Automata ● Automata (Guardian)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Similar to the Mechanicum, ● Servo-Arm ● Legiones Astartes (X)
the Servo-Automata of the ● Scout Armour ● Synthetica Mindlock
Legions were designed and ● Automata Attendants
built for one purpose -
protecting their charges in
battle. Their armoured forms
could host several differing
heavy weapons and
augmentations specified by
the Tech-Marine who Options:
controlled them, allowing a ● A Legion Servo-Automata Maniple may include:
skilled leader to better defend - Up to 4 additional Legion Servo-Automata .............................................+10 points per model
his position as he enacted
repairs. ● Any Legion Servo-Automata may replace their Servo-Arm with one of the following:
- Flamer ......................................................................................................................................... Free
These Automata were - Rotor Cannon ............................................................................................................................ Free
sometimes observed to repair - Heavy Bolter....................................................................................................................... +5 points
damaged hardware of their - Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flakk Missiles) ............................................+10 points
own volition during battles - - Lascutter ........................................................................................................................... +15 points
though all inducted into the - Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................ +15 points
mechanicum denied such - Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points
things were possible.

As the heresy ground on, their

usage was invaluable to the
legions, as the urgency for
functional wargear and
armour rose endlessly.

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● The unit may purchase:
- Frag Launchers............................................................................................................................................................................ +15 points per model

● Any model in the unit may replace their Gravis Power Fist with in-built Combi-Bolter or Gravis Bolt Cannon with one of the
- Volkite Culverin....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Gravis Siege Drill (with in-built Combi-Bolter)....................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Seismic Hammer (with in-built Combi-Bolter)....................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● Any model in the unit may replace an in-built Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
- In-built Heavy Flamer.....................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- In-built Plasma Blaster ................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points
- In-built Graviton Gun................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- In-built Meltagun .......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● Any model may purchase up to two:

- Hunter-Killer Missiles.....................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

Legion Hussar 14 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 7 3+
Legion Hussar Sergeant 14 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Hussars ● Legion Hussars: Cavalry (Skirmish)
● 1 Legion Hussar Sergeant ● Legion Hussar Sergeant:
Cavalry (Skirmish, Character)

TROOPS Wargear Special Rules

Legion Hussar Squadrons ● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (X)
were responsible for ● Chainsword ● Relentless
reconnaissance and path- ● Power Armour ● Firing Protocols (2)
finding ahead of the main
force. To this end, many ● Legion Spatha Combat Bike ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
commanders would serve in ● Hit & Run
the Hussars, and in doing so, ● Support Squad
would learn the value of
knowing where to lead their
forces, and what made a good Options:
tactical position. ● A Legion Hussar Squadron may include:
- Up to 5 additional Legion Hussars ............................................................+22 points per model
Thanks to the way in which
they took to the field, Hussars ● One Legion Hussar may take a:
were often regarded as the - Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
inverse of the Outrider
squadrons with which they ● One Legion Hussar may take a:
were often compared; for - Nuncio Vox .......................................................................................................................+10 points
where Outriders were armed
and tasked with bringing ● The entire unit may replace its Legion Spatha combat bikes’ Twin-Linked Bolters with:
down high value targets, - Twin-Linked Rotor Cannons........................................................................+5 points per model
Hussars were called upon to
harry and pry at the flanks of ● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Hussar may exchange his Chainsword for
a foe. one of the following:
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
Thanks to the speed of the - Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
bikes they rode, it came to be
that a weapon not commonly ● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Hussar may exchange his Bolt Pistol for one
of the following:
seen on bikes found its way - Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
into the Hussar’s arsenal - the - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
Rotor Cannon. Short ranged, - Plasma Pistol ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
but capable of ejecting a
veritable wall of shot, these ● The Legion Hussar Sergeant may exchange his Chainsword for one of the following:
weapons proved invaluable in - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
cutting down pursued foes to - Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
prevent them from sounding - Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
the alarm. - Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Hussar Sergeant may exchange his Bolt Pistol for one of the following:
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Legion Hussar Sergeant may exchange his Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

Legion Sky-Seeker 16 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 7 3+
Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant 16 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Sky-Seekers ● Legion Sky-Seekers: Cavalry (Antigrav)
● 1 Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant ● Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant:
Cavalry (Antigrav, Character)

Wargear Special Rules TROOPS

● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (X) Legion Sky-Seeker squadrons
● Chainsword ● Relentless were a relatively late addition
● Power Armour ● Firing Protocols (2) to the legion arsenal,
appearing only scant years
● Legion Estoc Jetbike ● Hammer of Wrath (1) before the beginning of the
● Hit & Run Heresy, thanks to the final
● Deep Strike reassembly of their STC data
● Support Squad after long decades of work by
the tech-magi of Mars. Far
Options: more nimble than other anti-
● A Legion Sky-Seeker Squadron may include: grav craft tended to be, Sky-
- Up to 5 additional Legion Sky-Seekers...................................................... +25 points per model Seekers could soon be seen
flitting above the legions on a
● One Legion Sky-Seeker may take a: thousand worlds as they
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points pushed forward with the
Great Crusade, enacting
● One Legion Sky-Seeker may take a: compliance with the shrill
- Nuncio Vox .......................................................................................................................+10 points roars and whines of turbines
and repulsor plates.
● The entire unit may replace its Legion Estoc Jetbikes’ Twin-Linked Bolters with:
- Twin-Linked Rotor Cannon .........................................................................+5 points per model Sky-Seeker Squadrons were a
- Grenade Launcher (with Frag and Krak Charges)...................................+10 points per model rare and potent tool in the
arsenal of the Legions - for
● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Sky-Seeker may exchange his Chainsword for the technology that propelled
one of the following: their jetbikes was itself a
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points marvel, but the secondary
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points function of the Estoc Jetbikes
they rode - the Oracle Arrays
● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Sky-Seeker may exchange his Bolt Pistol for - were nothing short of
one of the following:
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points miraculous. Comprising a
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points multitude of target
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points identification, heat-lock, and
range-finding technologies,
● The Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant may exchange his Chainsword for one of the following: these arrays could ‘paint’ a
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points target for the rest of the legion
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points forces - and in doing so, spell
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points their chosen target’s doom.
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant may exchange his Bolt Pistol for one of the following:
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Legion Sky-Seeker Sergeant may exchange his Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

SUPPORT SQUAD ........................................... 90 POINTS
Legionary 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 7 3+
Legion Assault Sergeant 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legionaries ● Legionary: Infantry
● 1 Legion Assault Sergeant ● Legion Assault Sergeant:
Infantry (Character)

TROOPS Wargear Special Rules

Legion Assault Support ● Bolt pistol ● Legiones Astartes (X)
Squads are deployed to ● Chainsword ● Support Squad
operations that require strikes ● Legion Warhawk jump pack
more rapid than even they
normally would conduct, as ● Power Armour
well as a concentration of ● Frag grenades
close combat force. ● Krak grenades

The Legion Assault Support

Squads work almost Options:
exclusively in support of ● A Legion Assault Support Squad may include:
Legion Assault Squads and - Up to 5 additional Legionaries ................................................................... +13 points per model
similar specialist units, often
within dedicated Assault ● The entire unit may take:
Companies. The VIIIth, IXth - Combat Shields...............................................................................................+2 points per model
and XIXth Legions make
widespread use of such ● Any model in the unit may exchange their chainsword for one of the following options:
Companies, descending - Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................+2 points
suddenly upon heavily - Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
defended enemy positions. In - Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
this manner, the Legionaries - Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
avoid deadly fields of fire,
● For every five models in the unit, one Legionary may exchange both their Bolt Pistol and
obstacles and cunningly Chainsword for one of the following:
prepared killing grounds that - Rotor Cannon ....................................................................................................................+2 points
an enemy might imagine - Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points
renders them safe from the - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
fury of the Astartes. - Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
- Volkite Caliver (with Suspensor Web).......................................................................... +15 points
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange his Bolt Pistol and/or his Chainsword for one
of the following:
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange his Bolt Pistol and his Chainsword for:
- Two Lightning Claw .......................................................................................................+10 points

● The Legion Assault Sergeant may take:

- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Legion Assault Sergeant may exchange his Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

LEGION NOVICII SQUAD* .........................90 POINTS
Legion Novitiate 7 3 3 4 4 1 4 1 6 3+
Legion Veteran Sergeant 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 9 Legion Novitiate ● Legion Novitiate: Infantry
● 1 Legion Veteran Sergeant ● Legion Veteran Sergeant:
Infantry (Character)

Wargear Special Rules TROOPS

● Power Armour ● Legiones Astartes (X) The new blood of legions
● Bolter ● Support Squad trained and churned out in
● Bolt Pistol (Legion Veteran the thousands out of
desperation as the Heresy
Sergeant only) carried ever on, the Novitiates
● Frag Grenades could never be prepared for
● Krak Grenades (Legion Veteran the horrors that awaited
Sergeant only) them. Whilst none would dare
admit it, every legion both
Options: loyal and traitor needed one
● A Legion Novicii Squad may include: resource that could not be
- Up to 20 additional Novitiates .................................................................... +6 points per model easily replaced; manpower.
Armour could be repaired and
● For every ten models in the unit beyond its original starting size, one Legion Novitiate remade, weapons could be
may be upgraded to a: forged or resupplied; but
- Legion Veteran Sergeant ............................................................................ +20 points per model experienced Space Marines
could never be replenished in
● The entire unit may take: numbers to even begin to
- Krak Grenades................................................................................................................. +20 points hope to compete with the
mounting casualties.
● Any model with a Bolter may take a:
- Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point Gaining their name from the
ancient books on Terra of an
● Any Legion Novitiate in the unit may exchange their Bolter for: unknown age, the Novicii
- Chainsword ..........................................................................................................................+1 point
were be inducted, implanted
● Any Legion Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following: with the required organs, and
- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points trained in just a few solar
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................ +5 points months - before being thrown
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points at the enemy lines in vain
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points hope of dealing some type of
- Charnabal Weapon..........................................................................................................+10 points damage before the process
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................ +20 points was began again. A veteran of
the legion would lead them to
● Any Legion Veteran Sergeant may exchange their Bolt Pistol for one of the following: battle, supposedly to keep
- Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
- Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points them in line; but all assigned
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points to this duty knew it was a
death sentence.
● Any Legion Veteran Sergeant may exchange their Bolter for one of the following:
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points

● Any Legion Veteran Sergeant may exchange their Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

*A Legion Novicii Squad may never select Legion-specific upgrades, such as Sub-types, Weapons,
or Wargear.

LEGION RHINO ADVANCER...................... 80 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Rhino Advancer 14 4 11 11 10 4 22

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Rhino Advancer ● Vehicle (Transport)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
● Smoke Launchers ● Infantry Transport
The Rhino Advancer was ● Assault Vehicle
initially designed as an
armored supply carrier based ● Open-Topped (5)
upon the Rhino chassis. These
new carriers were furnished
with extended hulls and a
more powerful engine to
support a generous cargo Access Points:
load. ● A Legion Rhino Advancer counts its entire hull as an access point.

Although the vehicle was not Options:

intended for direct frontline ● The Legion Rhino Advancer may take one of the following:
service, a number of legions - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
took advantage of the larger - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
cargo space to deploy large - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
squads into combat. The - Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
combat variant of the Rhino - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
Advancer was pioneered by - Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points
elements of the Blood Angels
and White Scars during the ● The Legion Rhino Advancer may take any of the following:
siege of Omicron Persei-8. - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
After shedding some of the - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
excess armor, and widening - Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
access ports, the Rhino
Advancer became a
formidable assault vehicle, *Any unit which could select a Legion Rhino Transport as a Dedicated Transport may select a
used to great effect in Legion Rhino Advancer instead, as long as the unit fits within the Transport Capacity of it.
deploying massed infantry
forces quickly. At the onset of
the Heresy, these successes
had resulted in the Rhino
Advancer becoming a staple
in most legion armories.

LEGION WHISPERCUTTER ........................ 75 POINTS
Legion Whispercutter 16 4 4 4 6 3 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Whispercutter ● Cavalry (Antigrav, Heavy, Transport*)

Wargear Special Rules DEDICATED

● Heavy Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X) TRANSPORT
● Searchlight ● Transport Skiff*
● Deep Strike Originally conceived of by the
Raven Guard, the transport
● Outflank known as a Whispercutter
● Assault Vehicle became a common sight
● Open-Topped (5) throughout the legions by the
● Whispercutter eve of the heresy.

The Whispercutter was little

Dedicated Transport: more than a lightly armed
● A Legion Whispercutter has a Transport Capacity of 6 models. It may only carry models and armoured grav-skiff, but
with both the Infantry Unit Type and the Skirmish Sub-type. what it lacked in damage
output, it made up for
A Legion Whispercutter may be purchased as a Dedicated Transport any unit with both comfortably in raw speed.
the Infantry Unit Type and the Skirmish Sub-type, composed of 5 models.
Transporting squads of scouts
and reconnaissance units to
Access Points: deep behind enemy territory,
● A Legion Whispercutter counts its entire hull as an access point. the soft whine of its grav-
engine soon became feared by
all the enemies of the
Options: Imperium - and later, both
● A Legion Whispercutter may replace its Heavy Bolter with a: loyalist and traitor forces, too.
- Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................. Free
- Havoc Launcher ................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Volkite Culverin................................................................................................................. +5 points
- Plasma Cannon................................................................................................................+10 points
- Graviton Gun ...................................................................................................................+10 points
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +15 points

● A Legion Whispercutter may take up to two:

- Hunter Killer Missiles..............................................................................................+5 points each

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Indomitus may take a:
- Havoc Launcher ...................................................................................................................................................................................+15 points each

● For every five models in the unit, instead of selecting a Heavy Flamer or Proteus Assault Cannon, one Legion Indomitus may exchange
their Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
- Plasma Blaster ............................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Plasma Cannon............................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter with one of the following:
- Volkite Charger............................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Power Fist with one of the following:
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points

Fast Attack
MUTATED SPAWN ......................................... 40 POINTS
Mutated Spawn 8 3 0 5 5 3 1 * 9 6+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Mutated Spawn ● Infantry (Corrupted)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

While Astartes were largely ● Two Mutated Appendages ● Neverborn
resistant to the Warp’s touch, ● Mindless Aggression*
they were not immune. ● Bulky (3)
Corruption spread rapidly
among those who embraced ● Fearless
Empyreal powers and for each ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
scrap of hellish lore indulged ● It Will Not Die (5+)
and every drop of blood given, ● Rage (2)
the deepening stain on their
souls would inevitably ● Traitor
manifest upon their bodies Options:
and seep into their minds. ● The unit may include:
- Up to four additional Mutated Spawn ........................................................................ +40 points
Damnation carried a price
and many would pay it before
the Heresy’s end,
overwhelmed by the terrible
powers they had sought to
control, they rapidly spawned
mutations that perverted their
flesh and destroyed their
sanity, painfully devolving
into abominations that were
unrecognisable as human.
Not one of these Warp-
spawned monsters was
identical, though all were
indomitably powerful and
difficult to destroy, for darker
forces seemingly relished in
the agony of their creations'
existence as much as the
horror of their victims’ bloody

It was not unheard of for

especially diabolic Traitors to
willingly bring about such
horrors - some even sought to
manifest these ‘blessings’ upon
themselves. Shepherded like
animals towards the enemy,
these monsters proved a
simple but brutal weapon
that became increasingly
common as the Heresy
progressed, particularly
among the Word Bearers

TRANSPORTER.............................................. 180 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Storm Eagle Transporter 18 4 12 12 12 4 6

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Storm Eagle ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (X) The Storm Eagle Transporter
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter ● Power of the Machine Spirit was a variant of the Storm
● Four Hull (Front) Mounted ● Assault Vehicle Eagle Assault Gunship;
Tempest Rockets however, it was heavily
● Deep Strike modified to suit its intended
● Infantry Transport purpose. Inspired by the larger
● Auxiliary Vehicle Bay Thunderhawk Transporter,
● Combat Transporter the Iron Fathers of the Xth
Legion removed much of the
● Dreadnought Magna-Grapples fuselage - and even the iconic
Vengeance launcher - of the
Access Points: original Storm Eagle to make
● A Legion Storm Eagle Transporter has one access point via the Front Ramp. room for a medium-sized
vehicle to be attached to its
Options: However, the Storm Eagle
● A Legion Storm Eagle Transporter may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked chassis was a temperamental
Heavy Bolter for one of the following: to say the least, and therefore
- Hull (Front) Mounted Missile Launcher (with Frag and Krak Missiles).................+10 points it struggled to find favour
- Hull (Front) Mounted Gravis Melta Cannon .............................................................. +15 points outside the ranks of the Iron
Hands. Even then, most of the
● A Legion Storm Eagle Transporter may exchange all of its Hull (Front) Mounted Tempest Transporters in common use
Rockets for one of the following: were deployed for the initial
- Four Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missiles ................................................... +15 points landings on Istvaan V and
- Two Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons..............................................+30 points were lost in the roiling battles
that occurred on the surface.
To many, it seems unlikely
that the Storm Eagle
Transporter will ever again be
seen in high numbers, and
many assumed that it may
vanish from the ranks of the
Astartes within the coming

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any model may replace their Legion Spatha Attack Bike’s Heavy Bolter with:
- Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Spatha Attack Bike may take a:

- Legion Vexilla................................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Spatha Attack Bike may take a:

- Nuncio Vox .................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● If the unit contains at least three models, one Legion Spatha Attack Bike may be upgraded to a:
- Legion Spatha Attack Bike Sergeant* .................................................................................................................................................................. Free
Legion Attack Bike Sergeant 14 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 8 3+
*A model upgraded to a Legion Spatha Attack Bike Sergeant may still choose to upgrade their Bike’s Heavy Bolter as normal.


● A Legion Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter may purchase:
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Predator Cannon ..........................................................................................................................................+25 points

● A Legion Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter may select up to three of the following options (though this limitation extends to and
includes the Sunfury and Kraken Penetrator Missiles on the main options list):
- Two Multi-Lasers ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Two EM-Storm Charges............................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Two Reaper Autocannons........................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Cyclone Missile Launcher ........................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points
- Two Phosphex Cluster Bombs* ..................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

● A Legion Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter may purchase the following:

- Battle Servitor Control ................................................................................................................................................................................ +20 points

*This upgrade may only be purchased if the model is in a Primary Detachment that also includes a Legion Centurion with the Siege Breaker
Legiones Consularis upgrade.


● Any model in the unit may replace their Two Heavy Bolters with one of the following:
- Gravis Heavy Flamer ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Two Multi-Lasers .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Two Twin-Linked Rotor Cannons ....................................................................................................................................................................... Free
- Multi-Melta and Searchlight .........................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Volkite Dual-Culverin................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Quad Launcher (with Frag and Shatter Shells)........................................................................................................................................ +30 points

● If the Legion Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery is entirely armed with Hyperios Missile Launchers, one may be upgraded to a:
- Hyperios Command Platform ............................................................................................................................................................................... Free

● The Legion Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery may choose one of the following deployment options:
- Forward Deployment......................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Concealed Positions..................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Drop Capsules............................................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

● One Legion Javelin may take a:
- Legion Vexilla................................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points


● One Legion Proteus Land Speeder may take a:
- Legion Vexilla................................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

Heavy Support
INCINERATOR SQUADRON...................... 200 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Sicaran Incinerator 16 4 13 12 12 4 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Sicaran Incinerator ● Vehicle

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The Sicaran Incinerator was ● Turret Mounted Volkite Columbiad ● Legiones Astartes (X)
an experimental variant of ● Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter
the Sicaran Main Battle Tank, ● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters
designed to be a multipurpose
vehicle to fill a variety of roles. ● Smoke Launchers
Ideally used on prolonged
missions or in circumstances
where supplies were scarce, its
Volkite Columbiad could be
recharged without the need of Options:
ammunition, so long as its ● A Legion Sicaran Incinerator Squadron may take:
capacitors were in working - Up to one additional Legion Sicaran Incinerator .................................................... +185 points
● Any Legion Sicaran Incinerator may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted Heavy
The Volkite Columbiad's Bolters for one of the following options:
advanced refocusing system - Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free
allowed the main gun to - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Culverins ..................................................................+10 points
switch between two firing - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................+10 points
modes; one, a focused beam
that could easily penetrate ● Any Legion Sicaran Incinerator may take one of the following:
even legionary power armour, - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
the other a dispersed scatter - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
pulse that could mow down - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
unarmoured foes in waves. - Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
However, its main gun would - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
prove to be temperamental - Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points
and was subject to
malfunction, whether it be ● Any Legion Sicaran Incinerator may take any of the following:
energy bleed off or full blown - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
reactor failure. This led to the - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
Incinerator not seeing mass
production before the heresy;
though that did not stop some
of the more daring legions
putting it through its paces...

THUNDERER SQUADRON ........................ 120 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Vindicator Thunderer 12 4 13 13 10 4 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Vindicator Thunderer ● Vehicle (Reinforced)

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Centreline Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (X) The first prototypes of this
Avenger Bolt Cannon vehicle were introduced
● Hull (Front) Mounted Combi-Bolter during the third stage of the
pacification of Rothern I by
● Smoke Launchers the Ultramarines.

Roboute Guilliman himself

pioneered the concept of
equipping Vindicators with
Options: weapons that could not
● A Legion Vindicator Thunderer Squadron may take: normally be bourne into
- Up to two additional Legion Vindicator Thunderers...........................+105 points per model battle for fear of heavier fire -
their armoured chassis
● Any Legion Vindicator Thunderer may exchange its Avenger Bolt Cannon for: providing ample protection
- Centreline Mounted Quad Launcher with Frag Shells .............................................+10 points until they were close enough
to bombard and shred the
● A Legion Vindicator Thunderer Squadron that includes any model armed with a Quad fortified buildings of
Launcher may take any of the following additional shell types - the same upgrade must be Stahlenburg, and enabling the
taken for all Quad Launcher-armed models in the unit: Ultramarines to
- Incendiary Shells ............................................................................................+5 points per model systematically tear it down.
- Splinter Shells .................................................................................................+5 points per model
- Shatter Shells.................................................................................................+10 points per model
- Phosphex Canister Shot* ............................................................................ +15 points per model

● Any Legion Vindicator Thunderer may take one of the following:

- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points

● Any Legion Vindicator Thunderer may take any of the following:

- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
- Dozer Blade ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

*This upgrade may only be purchased if the model is in a Primary Detachment that also
includes a Legion Centurion with the Siege Breaker Legiones Consularis upgrade.

RAPTOR DESTROYER.................................300 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer 18 4 12 12 12 4 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

The Fire Raptor Destroyer is ● Centreline Mounted Neutron Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (X)
a rare variant of the Fire ● Two Sponson Mounted ● Power of the Machine Spirit
Raptor Gunship, known Gravis Melta Cannons ● Deep Strike
only to a few Mechanicum
factories. ● Four Hull (Front) Mounted ● Strafing Run (1)
Tempest Rockets
The Destroyer variant fields
a different weapon load-out -
for instead of the of the hull
mounted Avenger Bolt Options:
cannon, it carries a Neutron ● A Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer may exchange both its Sponson Mounted
Cannon, a stripped down Gravis Melta Cannons for:
variant of the Neutron Beam - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannon Arrays .................................................................+10 points
● A Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer may exchange all of its Hull (Front) Mounted Tempest
Together with its sponson Rockets for one of the following:
mounted Multi Melta Arrays, - Four Hull (Front) Mounted Hellstrike Missiles......................................................... +20 points
the Fire Raptor Destroyer is a
highly effective tank hunter.

HAVOC SQUAD............................................ 140 POINTS
Legionary Weapons Team 5 4 5 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+
Havoc Master 7 4 5 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Legionary Weapons Teams ● Legionary Weapons Team:
● 1 Havoc Master Infantry (Heavy)
● Havoc Master:
Infantry (Character, Heavy)
Wargear Special Rules In the early days of the Great
Crusade, the Legiones
● Power Armour (Legionary ● Legiones Astartes (X) Astartes were organised and
Weapons Team only) ● Relentless armed vastly different to what
● Two Bolt Pistols (Legionary ● Bulky (2) (Legionary they would become by the
Weapons Team only) Weapons Team only) start of the Horus Heresy.
● Gravis Bolt Cannon (Legionary ● Firing Protocols (3) (Legionary Newly rediscovered weapons
were deployed and new tactics
Weapons Team only) Weapons Team only) were tested on the battlefields
● Bolt Pistol (Havoc Master only) ● Volatile Ordnance (Legionary of a galaxy still alien to the
● Artificer Armour (Havoc Master only) Weapons Team only) Imperium. In their earliest
● Power Axe (Havoc Master only) ● Battlesmith (6+) (Havoc Master only) incarnations the Astartes
● Servo Arm (Havoc Master only) made widespread use of
weaponry that would later be
● Frag Grenades relegated to more specialised
● Krak Grenades units or even discarded
entirely. Early Havoc Squads
fielded some of those potent
Dedicated Transport: yet complex devices of
destruction in those days and
● An Early Crusade Havoc Squad numbering 6 models or less may take a Legion Land Raider even so they proved to be
Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up devastating in the extreme,
an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of
the army. their concept later refined to
manned weapons carriers
such as Rapier platforms for
Options: heavier equipment, and to the
● An Early Great Crusade Havoc Squad may include: widespread Heavy Support
- Up to three additional Legionary Weapons Teams ................................ +35 points per model Squads for more portable
● An Early Great Crusade Havoc Squad may include:
- One additional Havoc Master .......................................................................................+30 points The reason for this was not
only that some of the
● Any Legionary Weapons Team may exchange their Gravis Bolt Cannon for one of the weapons deployed by the
Havoc Squads were to
- Mole Mortar .....................................................................................................................+10 points
difficult to operate without
- Conversion Beam Cannon............................................................................................. +15 points
more sophisticated training
- Heavy Disintegrator....................................................................................................... +20 points
than most legions were
- Distortion Cannon.......................................................................................................... +25 points
willing to invest into their line
● Any Havoc Master may exchange their Bolt Pistol for one of the following: troops, but also the rarity of
- Volkite Charger...............................................................................................+2 points per model these weapons in regards to
- Flamer ..............................................................................................................+2 points per model the growing legions and their
- Master-Crafted Bolter....................................................................................+5 points per model demand for ever more heavy
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................+5 points per model support fire. Even many
- Magna Combi-Weapon ...............................................................................+10 points per model decades after the Havoc
- Plasma Pistol .................................................................................................+10 points per model Squads were disbanded, some
- Plasma Gun.................................................................................................... +15 points per model of the old veterans units
- Graviton Gun ............................................................................................... +20 points per model remain, serving their legion in
- Meltagun....................................................................................................... +20 points per model the same role they always
had. When an unusually
● Any Havoc Master may take any of the following: resilient foe required, and the
- Augury Scanner ................................................................................................................. +5 points armoury of the legion
- Nuncio Vox ......................................................................................................................... +5 points allowed, those veterans would
- Legion Vexilla..................................................................................................................... +5 points again equipe their old
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points armaments to rain down
- Cyber Familiar..................................................................................................................+10 points destruction.

HEAVY DESTROYER SQUAD ................... 190 POINTS
Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 2+
Legion Tartaros Ruin Master 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Tartaros ● Legion Tartaros
Heavy Destroyers Heavy Destroyers: Infantry
● 1 Legion Tartaros ● Legion Tartaros
Ruin Master Ruin Master: Infantry (Character)
During the events of the Wargear Special Rules
Horus Heresy the deployment
of Heavy Destroyers would ● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
come to represent the height ● Chainaxe ● Relentless
of vengeance and cruelty. ● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Stubborn
Those loyal commanders ● Bulky (2)
deploying the Heavy
Destroyers were those with ● Firing Protocols (2)
hearts of ice who had long ● Counter-Attack (1)
since forgotten the concept of ● Bitter Duty
forgiveness. In traitor ● Support Squad
commanders, it reflected
something far darker - their
gleeful disregard for life and
their passion for cruelty. Dedicated Transport:
● A Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer Squad numbering no more than five models may take
The Heavy Destroyers in a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated
Tartaros Armour were often Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
those who were hot-blooded
enough to revel in the joy of
driving their enemies before
them, Heavy Disintegrators
scorching away those who
attempted to run in terror
from them. Against such
unleashed rage, there could be
no escape.

● A Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer Squad may include:
- Up to 5 additional Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyers ........................................................................................................ +30 points per model

● One Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Legion Vexilla................................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Augury Scanner ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Nuncio-Vox.................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● Any model in the unit may replace their Combi-Bolter and/or Chainaxe with:
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Volkite Charger............................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Bolter.....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Fist ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Toxiferran Flamer.......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer may exchange his Combi-Bolter or Chainaxe for one of the
- Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Missile Launcher (with Rad Missiles only) ................................................................................................................................................+25 points
- Heavy Disintegrator..................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter for a:

- Disintegrator................................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points

● The Legion Tartaros Ruin Master may exchange their Combi-Bolter or Chainaxe for:
- Chainfist......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Thunder Hammer ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Tartaros Ruin Master may take:

- One Phosphex Bomb ................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The Legion Tartaros Ruin Master may take one of the following:
- Grenade harness and Rad Grenades........................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Fallout Discharger ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● If taken in a detachment using either the Destroyer Company or Eskaton Imperative Rites of War, the entire unit may take:
- Teleportation Transponders........................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

HEAVY DESTROYER SQUAD .................... 215 POINTS
Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 2+
Legion Cataphractiii Ruin Master 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Legion Cataphractii ● Legion Cataphractii
Heavy Destroyers Heavy Destroyers: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Legion Cataphractii ● Legion Cataphractii
Ruin Master Ruin Master: Infantry (Character, Heavy)
The deployment of Heavy Wargear Special Rules
Destroyers was the epitome of
scorched earth tactics, the ● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (X)
desire to dominate all life ● Chainaxe ● Relentless
made manifest. During the ● Legion Cataphractii Terminator ● Stubborn
Great Crusade the use of these Armour ● Bulky (2)
units would only be
countenanced in campaigns ● Firing Protocols (2)
of eradication, against threats ● Counter-Attack (1)
so dire that any notion of ● Bitter Duty
gaining territory was long ● Support Squad
forgotten. Heavy Destroyers
employed the most heinous of
anti-personnel weapons,
including the Fallout Dedicated Transport:
Discharger, which showered ● A Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer Squad numbering no more than five models may
the immediate area with take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated
highly radioactive particulate Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
matter that was easily inhaled
and absorbed through the
skin; Direct contact with the
material was a death sentence
for all without enhanced

Those Heavy Destroyers who

took to the field in
Cataphractii plate were
known for grinding advances
and brutal charges, against
which their weakened enemies
fell, to be trampled at their

● A Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer Squad may include:
- Up to 5 additional Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyers ..................................................................................................+35 points per model

● One Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Legion Vexilla................................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Augury Scanner ............................................................................................................................................................................................ +10 points

● One Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer may take a:

- Nuncio-Vox.................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● Any model in the unit may replace their Combi-Bolter and/or Chainaxe with:
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................................................................................................ +2 points
- Volkite Charger............................................................................................................................................................................................... +2 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Heavy Bolter.....................................................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Power Fist ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Toxiferran Flamer.......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer may exchange his Combi-Bolter or Chainaxe for one of the
- Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Missile Launcher (with Rad Missiles only) ................................................................................................................................................+25 points
- Heavy Disintegrator..................................................................................................................................................................................... +30 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter for a:

- Disintegrator................................................................................................................................................................................................. +20 points

● The Legion Cataphractii Ruin Master may exchange their Combi-Bolter or Chainaxe for:
- Chainfist......................................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Thunder Hammer ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● The Legion Cataphractii Ruin Master may take:

- One Phosphex Bomb ................................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

● The Legion Cataphractii Ruin Master may take one of the following:
- Grenade harness and Rad Grenades........................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Fallout Discharger ......................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

● If taken in a detachment using either the Destroyer Company or Eskaton Imperative Rites of War, the entire unit may take:
- Teleportation Transponders........................................................................................................................................................................+25 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● Any Legion Deredeo Dreadnought may exchange all four Boreas Air Defence Missiles for a:
- Deredeo Atomantic Pavaise........................................................................................................................................................................ +30 points


● The unit may be upgraded to carry the following shell type – The same upgrade must be taken for all models in the unit:
- Phosphex Canister Shot* .........................................................................................................................................................+20 points per model

*This shell type may be found in the Phosphex Weapons Section of the Liber Astartes and Hereticus books, and may be fired by the Achilles
Quad Launcher instead of the standard shell types. This upgrade may only be purchased if the model is in a Primary Detachment that also
includes a Legion Centurion with the Siege Breaker Legiones Consularis upgrade.


● Any Legion Minotaur may take one of the following:
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter............................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ......................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ........................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter..................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ............................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

● A Legion Whirlwind Squadron may include:
- Up to two additional Legion Whirlwinds............................................................................................................................................... +100 points


● Any Legion Macharius Heavy Tank may exchange both of its Sponson Mounted Heavy Stubbers for:
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ..................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers.................................................................................................................................................... +10 points

Lords of War
LEGION BANESWORD ................................550 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Banesword 12 4 14 13 12 12 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Banesword ● Vehicle (Super-Heavy)

LORDS OF WAR Wargear Special Rules

The Banesword is a super- ● Hull (Front) Mounted Quake Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (X)
heavy tank of the Imperial ● Hull (Front) Mounted
Army and a variant of the Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
Baneblade. The Banesword is
armed with a Quake Cannon, ● Smoke Launchers
and fulfils a role as a heavy
siege tank designed to assault
heavily defended fixed enemy
The Banesword's place on the ● A Legion Banesword may elect to exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin Linked Heavy
battlefield is in the rear areas, Bolter for:
obliterating enemy - Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer ............................................................. Free
fortifications with long range
fire. ● A Legion Banesword may take up to two pairs of side sponsons, with each
sponson armed with:
- One Lascannon & one Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer....................................+30 points per pair
- One Lascannon & one Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter .................................... +40 points per pair

● The Legion Banesword may take up to two of the following:

- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points

● The Legion Banesword may take any of the following:

- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

LEGION DOOMHAMMER.......................... 550 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Doomhammer 12 4 14 13 12 12 22

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Doomhammer ● Vehicle (Super-Heavy, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules LORDS OF WAR

● Hull (Front) Mounted Magma Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (X) The Doomhammer is a super-
● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Tank Desant heavy tank of the Imperial
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Army that is a variant of the
Banehammer, itself a variant
● Smoke Launchers of the ancient Shadowsword
tank. Like the Shadowsword,
the Doomhammer is also
intended to be used as a
Titan-killer on the battlefield.
Access Points: During the siege, armoured
● A Legion Doomhammer counts its entire hull as an access point. vehicle attrition rates
outstripped supply and thus
Imperial commanders had to
Options: use replacements for their lost
● A Legion Doomhammer may elect to exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin Linked Shadowswords.
Heavy Bolter for:
- Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer ............................................................. Free By removing the massive
capacitors required for the
● A Legion Doomhammer may take up to two pairs of side sponsons, with each Shadowsword's Volcano
sponson armed with: Cannon to fire, the
- One Lascannon & one Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer....................................+30 points per pair Doomhammer now can
- One Lascannon & one Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter .................................... +40 points per pair transport up to 25 infantry-
men in an open-topped hold
● The Legion Doomhammer may take up to two of the following: behind the main weapon,
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points with 10 being able to fire their
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points weapons from the hold's
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points fighting platform.
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points The combined actions of
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points almost two-score
Doomhammer tanks was the
● The Legion Doomhammer may take any of the following: final tipping point in the Siege
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points of Ordana, securing the
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points Imperium's victory upon that
world, and many others since.

DESTROYER SQUADRON .......................... 425 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Legion Orthrus Destroyer 10 4 14 14 13 6 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Legion Orthrus Destroyer ● Vehicle (Bombard, Reinforced)

LORDS OF WAR Wargear Special Rules

The mighty war engines of the ● Centreline Mounted Melta Destroyer ● Legiones Astartes (X)
Titan legions were the most ● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters ● Reactor Blast
devastating weapon to ● Flare Shield
support the Legiones Astartes
during the Great Crusade. ● Smoke Launchers
However, such assets were
always difficult to deploy into
combat and needed extensive
logistical effort to retrieve
when the fighting was done. Options:
To overcome this issue, the ● A Legion Orthrus Destroyer Squadron may take:
Mechanicum developed the - Up to one additional Legion Orthrus Destroyer.................................. +410 points per model
Orthrus on the base of the
widely used Spartan Assault ● Any Legion Orthrus Destroyer may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted Heavy
Tank. Bolters for one of the following options:
- Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Flamers................................................................................. Free
As primary weapon it utilised - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Culverins ..................................................................+10 points
a scaled down version of the - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................+10 points
Reaver Melta cannon. Due to
the extensive drain of the ● Any Legion Orthrus Destroyer may take one of the following:
weapons system, and the load - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
it placed upon the vehicle's - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
power plant, in case of a - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
reactor breach, there was a - Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
genuine risk of rupture to the - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
reactor - meaning it could go - Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points
critical, with devastating
results to the surrounding ● Any Legion Orthrus Destroyer may take any of the following:
area and anyone in it. - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.

● A Legion Mastodon may take up to two of the following, in any combination:
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter............................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ......................................................................................................................................................................+5 points
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ........................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter..................................................................................................................................................................... +10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ............................................................................................................................................................... +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................................................................... +20 points

● A Legion Mastodon may select the following:

- Flare Shield .................................................................................................................................................................................................... +50 points

EMPLACEMENT BATTERY.......................... 125 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Basilisk Emplacement - 4 13 13 13 4 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Basilisk Emplacement ● Fortification (Battlements)

FORTIFICATION Wargear Special Rules

Even though the mighty ● Emplacement-Mounted Earthshaker ● Battlements
earthshaker cannon is well Cannon (with Earthshaker and ● Air Defence Screen
known for its devastating Airburst Shells)
long range bombardement ● Fire Point (One Per Hull Arc, 4)
capabilities, it is also able to
be utilized as an exceptionally ● Skytracker Augury
effective anti-air weapon.
When loaded with airburst
shells, it can fill large areas of
the sky above it with deadly Options:
shrapnel, shredding all but the ● A Basilisk Anti-Air Emplacement Battery may take:
heaviest armoured air - Up to two additional Basilisk Emplacements ........................................ +125 points per model

This modification, however,

comes at a price; the sheer
cost of creating these shells, as
well as the enhanced tracking
systems required to operate
them, mean they were
relatively rare sights on the

Rites of War
The following list comprises additional unaligned Rites of War that may be used by any Detachment that has the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule
and includes at least one model with the Master of the Legion Special Rule instead of the ones found in the Liber Astartes and
Liber Hereticus Rulebooks.


Void combat and hive warfare share much in common; they are both often a brutal and claustrophobic affair, where dim lighting and tight corridors render
only a blunt-force attack effective. Into such battle-zones are Legion Breacher Spearheads deployed; ranks of shields and heavily armoured troops rendered
impervious to most forms of harm as they stride the darkened walkways…

● Any model with a Boarding Shield which is in base-to-base contact with at least one other friendly model from the same unit gains +1 to their
Invulnerable Save provided by a Boarding Shield, to a maximum of 4+.
● Legion Tactical Support Squads may be equipped with Boarding Shields for +5 points per model. (If this upgrade is selected, the whole squad must
be so upgraded). Any units upgraded in this manner gain the Heavy Sub-type.
● Legion Veteran Squads may be equipped with Boarding Shields for +5 points per model. (If this upgrade is selected, the whole squad must be so
upgraded). Any units upgraded in this manner gain the Heavy Sub-type.
● Any unit with the Infantry (Heavy) sub-type gains the Relentless Special Rule.
● Any unit with the Infantry (Heavy) sub-type equipped with Boarding Shields gains the Heart of the Legion Special Rule.

● Units composed entirely of the Infantry (Heavy) sub-type and equipped with Boarding Shields must be taken as Compulsory Troops choices for a
Detachment using this Rite of War (note that this does not override the Support Squad Special Rule).
● The Detachment must include an Independent Character equipped with a Boarding Shield as its Warlord.
● An army whose Primary Detachment is using this Rite of War may not select any units equipped with any type of Jump or Jet Pack, or any type of
Bike or Jetbike.
● This Detachment must contain more Infantry units with the (Heavy) sub-type than Infantry units without the (Heavy) Sub-type.
● An Allied Detachment may not use this Rite of War.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select any Fortification choices.


Considered dishonourable by some Legions who made little use of them or eschewed their use altogether, the Destroyer Company was equipped and trained
with forbidden weaponry designed to scour worlds of life. Shunned by their fellow Legionaries, Destroyer Companies undertook their grim duty with fervour to
serve their Legion and Primarch even to their own deaths.

● Legion Destroyer Assault Squads and Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squads may be selected as Troops choices in a detachment using this Rite of War.
● Any unit composed entirely of models with the Bitter Duty, Cult of Morkai, or Shadow of Death Special Rules (though excluding any models with
the Independent Character Special Rule) may be included in a Detachment using this Rite of War as a Troops choice.
● Any model with the Character Sub-type in a Detachment who are not equipped with any pattern of Terminator Armour may be equipped with
Rad Grenades for +10 points per model.
● Any model equipped with a Missile Launcher may be equipped with Rad Missiles in addition to their normal equipment for +5 points per model.
● Any model equipped with a Gravis Missile Launcher may be equipped with Rad Missiles in addition to their normal equipment for +5 points per
● Models with the Independent Character Special Rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War may purchase the Bitter Duty Special Rule for
+15 points per model.
● Any enemy Scoring or Denial unit destroyed whilst they are within control range of an Objective by a unit from a Detachment using this Rite of
War awards the Controlling Player +1 Victory Point.

● A model with the Siege Breaker or Moritat Legiones Consularis upgrade must be taken as the Compulsory HQ choice for an army using this Rite
of War (but need not be chosen as the army Warlord). Note that this will preclude certain other characters from being included in the
● An army whose Primary Detachment is using this Rite of War may not select an Allied Detachment.
● An Allied Detachment may not use this Rite of War.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select any Fortification choices.

The Tactica Obliqua was a late addition to the Legiones Astartes ways of waging war, and represented a shift in how companies and their support elements
were arranged to better allow the Legions to counter threats in an evolving manner on the battlefield.

The brainchild of Roboute Guilliman, the Tactica Obliqua was the first true representation of what would evolve into the Codex Astartes’ designs for battle
companies – and once witnessed in battle, none could deny its ability to change the tides of battle in favour of the Legions – though few outside of the Legions
which remained Loyal to Terra adopted its use.

● A Detachment using this Rite of War gains access to the Shifting Tides Special Rule.
● Legion Veteran Squads and Legion Veteran Assault Squads may benefit from any of the Doctrines provided by the Shifting Tides Special Rule – in
the case of the Tactical Advance Doctrine, gaining the Heart of the Legion Special Rule (but not the range increase) for the turn in which it is

● A Detachment using this Rite of War must select at least two Legion Tactical Squads, and these squads must be used to fill its Compulsory Troops
Slots. These squads must be at their maximum unit size.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War must select at least one Legion Assault Squad or Legion Despoiler Squad.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War must select at least one Legion Heavy Support Squad.
● This Rite of War may only be selected by a Detachment with the Loyalist Allegiance.
● This Rite of War may only be selected by a Primary Detachment.

Shifting Tides
At the start of your turn, you may activate one of the following doctrines. These last until the start of your next turn. You may not select the same
doctrine more than once per game, and may only activate one doctrine per turn.

Ranged Devastation
All Legion Tactical Support Squads and Legion Heavy Support Squads gain +1BS and the Split Fire Special Rule until the start of your next turn.

Vicious Assault
All Legion Assault Squads, Legion Assault Support Squads, and Legion Despoiler Squads gain +1WS and the Furious Charge (1) Special Rule until the
start of your next turn.

Tactical Advance
All Legion Tactical Squads increase the range of their Heart of the Legion Special Rule from 6” to 12”, and gain the Relentless Special Rule, until the
start of your next turn.


Particularly favoured by the White Scars, but common enough a tactic to be recognised in almost every legion, the Storm-Lance Tumen was a formation that
hearkened back to the elder days of Terra, when the great horse-back clans ruled the steppe. Massed waves of bikes crash into the enemy with the devastating
raw speed of a cavalry charge, and the ground itself would shake with the roar of throaty engines.

● Legion Outrider Squadrons and Legion Spatha Attack Bike Squadrons may be taken as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Any Legion Outrider Squadrons taken as Troops choices gain the Line Sub-type.
● Any model equipped with a Legion Spatha Attack Bike gains the Hammer of Wrath (2) Special Rule.
● Legion Hussar Squadrons taken in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Scout Special Rule.

● Your Warlord must be equipped with a Legion Spatha Combat Bike.
● Models with the Vehicle Unit Type included in a Detachment using this Rite of War must have one of the following Unit Sub-types: Flyer, Fast, or
● All units in a Detachment using this Rite of War composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type must begin the battle Embarked upon a
model with both the Flyer and Transport Sub-types.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include any models with the Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type.
● An Allied Detachment may not use this Rite of War.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select any Fortification choices.

The following list comprises additions to the existing unaligned Rites of War that can be found in the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus
Rulebooks. These changes are to be considered in addition to the rules presented in those publications.


● Any unit in a Detachment using this Rite of War eligible to take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport may instead take a
Legion Caestus Assault Ram as a Dedicated Transport.


● Any Legion Sky-Seeker Squadrons in a Detachment using this Rite of War do not have the Support Squad Special Rule.


● Legion Assault Veteran Squads may be selected as Troops Choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Legion Assault Veteran Squads taken as Compulsory Troops Choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.
● Legion Terminator Saturnine Squads may be selected as Heavy Support Choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.


● In a Detachment using this Rite of War, Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talons may be taken as Troops choices, and selected as Compulsory
Troops choices.
● In a Detachment using this Rite of War, Legion Contemptor-Cortus Talons may be taken as Troops choices.
● Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talons taken as Troops Choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.
● You may take a unit with the Dreadnought Unit Type and Character Sub-type as your Warlord, instead of a Legion Contemptor Dreadnought
with the Venerable Ancient Upgrade.

Legiones Consularis
A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion, or Legion Indomitus Centurion may select from the options below
instead of choosing a Legiones Consularis upgrade from elsewhere. No variant of Legion Centurions may take more than one such upgrade.

Each Legiones Consularis upgrade must be paid for at a cost in points, indicated as part of the army list entry for the model to be upgraded. In
addition, each Legiones Consularis upgrade grants the model a number of additional Special Rules or items of additional Wargear. They may also
modify the model’s Sub-types or Characteristics. In all cases, the Legiones Consularis type's description will indicate all changes, benefits and


Though rare by the time of the Heresy, there were still those among the Legions who could claim they were among the first inductees, and had even fought
alongside the Emperor to retake Terra and the Sol system itself. These warriors were often in the highest ranks of the Legions by the time of the Heresy; though
regarded as hoary veterans by some, and as pretentious by others. In truth, however, those who had fought beside the Emperor and heard His preachings of the
Imperial Truth felt it etched forever into their very souls - and in reality, this was not far from the truth, for some imperceptible fragment of their very being
was empowered by such experience, and when the Heresy began, this was drawn forth from them.

Striding forth in battle, those sons of Terra itself seemed to glow with fervour and were carried to heights of bravery, even when faced with those who had sold
their very souls to the blackness of the warp - and even in the face of the Neverborn themselves, they refused to falter until the very end. This unshakeable faith
in the Imperial Truth unbound those tainted and soulless who opposed them, making them easy prey for the Crusaders and their hosts.

A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion, or Legion Indomitus Centurion with the Loyalist Allegiance may
select this option instead of the Legiones Consularis Consul upgrades found elsewhere, for a cost of +30 points.

Special Rules
The Terran-Born Crusader gains the Blood of a Thousand Worlds and In the Light of the Emperor Special Rules.

The Terran-Born Crusader may grant the Master-Crafted Special Rule to a single weapon they are armed with at no additional points cost.

Blood of a Thousand Worlds

The Terran-Born Crusader, and any unit he joins, gain the Preferred Enemy (Traitor) and Stubborn Special Rules.

In the Light of the Emperor

The Terran-Born Crusader gains the Adamantium Will (5+) Special Rule. When any unit with either the Corrupted or Daemon Unit Sub-types is
within 12” of the Terran-Born Crusader, that unit receives a -1 penalty to its Leadership for all Morale tests it takes. In addition, when determining
what bonuses or penalties a unit with the Daemon Sub-type receives as a result of the current Game Turn, any unit within 12” of the Terran-Born
Crusader counts the turn counter as one higher than its true value.

Whilst officially there were no secret societies within the Legiones Astartes (not least because the Emperor of Mankind disapproved of them), some form of these
fraternities had nevertheless existed since the establishment of the Legions at the end of the Unification Wars. During the Great Crusade, the Luna Wolves and
the Word Bearers subjugated the feral world of Davin. The Davinites were fierce enemies, and the Legiones Astartes stood in respect of the savage customs and
superstitions of them. These quasi-religious cults of Davin’s fierce warrior society soon spread to other Legions, forming tight-knit fellowships between
warriors. These Warrior Lodges became places where Astartes could speak their minds freely and share in the kinship of their brothers regardless of rank or
affiliation. Eventually, however, these lodges would become the vehicle by which rebellion could spread through almost all the Legions, beginning with
discontent over the Emperor’s withdrawal from the Crusade, and culminating in many cases in full-fledged rebellion...

A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion, or Legion Indomitus Centurion with the Traitor Allegiance may
select this option instead of the Legiones Consularis Consul upgrades found elsewhere, for a cost of +30 points.

Special Rules
The Lodge Master gains the Preferred Enemy (Loyalists), Exemplar of Treason, and I Can’t Say Special Rules.

Exemplar of Treason
The Lodge Master has a Leadership Characteristic of 10. In addition, the Lodge Master and any unit they have joined automatically pass any
Leadership Tests they are required to make.

I Can’t Say
Before the game begins, a Detachment which contains a Lodge Master must select a secret objective from the list below. This should be noted down,
and only revealed to your opponent after the game ends. If at the end of the game, this objective has not been achieved, your opponent gains
1 Victory Point.

● Mentor to All - Select a friendly Independent Character from the same Detachment as the Lodge Master (note this cannot be the Lodge Master
himself). If that model survives the game, you gain 1 Victory Point.
● Hand of the Warmaster – At the end of the game, whilst totalling up Victory Points, the Lodge Master is counted as having the Line Sub-type for
the purposes of determining whether they are controlling Objectives. If the Lodge Master is holding an Objective outside of your deployment
zone at the end of the game, you gain 1 Victory Point.
● Killer of Gods and Kings – If an enemy model with the Primarch Unit type is slain by a model with the same Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule as
the Lodge Master, you gain 1 Victory Point.

Pater Consularis
Legion Contemptor Centurions and Legion Castra Ferrum Centurions have the Pater Consularis special rule - this means they must select a single
Pater Consularis upgrade. However, no Legion Contemptor Centurion or Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion may take more than one such upgrade.

Each Pater Consularis upgrade must be paid for at a cost in points, indicated as part of the army list entry for the model to be upgraded. In addition,
each Pater Consularis upgrade grants the model a number of additional Special Rules or items of additional Wargear. They may also modify the
model’s Sub-types or Characteristics. In all cases, the Pater Consularis type's description will indicate all changes, benefits and restrictions.

A model with this Special Rule must select a single Pater Consularis upgrade; no model may take more than one such upgrade. When a model with
this Special Rule is slain, your opponent gains an additional Victory Point. You may only include a single model with the Pater Consularis Special
Rule in your army.


Some among the cadres of battle-psykers within the legions were capable in battle not only with their eldritch powers, but in command roles, too. Those
individuals who achieved glory on the battlefield were often granted a second life as a dreadnought after their near-passing; and in their entombment, their
powers became a potent addition to their newly-gained arsenal.

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Librarian gains the Psyker Sub-type and may select a single Core Psychic Discipline from the following list, or from any Legion-
specific Disciplines available (as long as the Pater Consularis Librarian has the appropriate variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule):
Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Thaumaturgy.

A Pater Consularis Librarian may replace a Gravis Power Fist with a Gravis Force Weapon at no additional points cost.

In addition, a Pater Consularis Librarian may select a Psychic Hood for +15 points.


Those who had fought and died in their mortal forms as signallers and battlefield relay-men found a new role in commanding their brothers to war once their
forms were renewed - for their new bodies could utilise complex sensorium and comms-equipment in a way their old ones could not.

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Master of Signals gains the Strategic Comms Special Rule.

A Pater Consularis Master of Signals must replace a single Gravis Power Fist for a Full-Spectra Comms Array at no additional points cost.


In becoming one with the machine, many battle-brothers who had trodden the Martian path realised their new powers over technology were something they
could actively embrace. Many did, and found their forms ever more responsive and deadly in return…

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Forge Lord gains the Battlesmith (4+), Master of Automata, Firing Protocols (2), and Legiones Thallaxes Special Rules.

A Pater Consularis Forge Lord gains a Machinator Array at no additional points cost, and may select a Cortex Controller for +15 points and/or a
Cyber-Familiar for +15 points.

Dedicated to the arts of destruction in life, a Siege Breaker who ascended to the iron-shod form of a dreadnought often found themselves able to dole out
damage on a scale they could only dream of in their old body.

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Siege Breaker gains the Sunder and Art of Destruction Special Rules.

A Pater Consularis Siege Breaker gains a Nuncio Vox and a Phosphex Discharger for no additional points cost.

Any model which unlocks an upgrade via the presence of a model with the Legiones Consularis: Siege Breaker upgrade may purchase that upgrade if
a Pater Consularis: Siege Breaker is present in the same Detachment.

In addition, at the start of your turn, a Pater Consularis Siege Breaker may grant a single friendly unit within 3” the ability to ignore the -1 penalty to
Leadership imposed by the Night Fighting rules until the start of your next turn.


The first Chaplains who formed the core of their black-clad order were often at the forefront of the thickest fighting - and as a result, fell prey to the enemies of
mankind more often than many might have hoped. Their hatred and conviction, however, burned strong - enough to sustain them even in their newly found
un-life as a Dreadnought.

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Chaplain gains the Hatred (Everything!) Special Rule. They also increase their Leadership Characteristic to 10.

In addition, at the start of your turn, a Pater Consularis Chaplain may grant a single friendly unit within 3” the Hatred (Everything!) and Stubborn
Special Rules until the start of your next turn.

A Pater Consularis Chaplain with a Power Weapon may grant that weapon the Master-Crafted Special Rule for no additional points cost,
representing the Crozius Arcanum that is the symbol of the Chaplain’s authority.


Gunnery masters beyond compare, the Armistos’ who found themselves bound to an armoured chassis would often still ceaselessly work to improve their
weapons - and their shooting skills.

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Armistos’ ranged weapons all gain the Master-Crafted Special Rule.

A Pater Consularis Armistos gains an Augury Scanner and a Signum-Primus at no extra points cost.


Heavy is the hand that carries the banner - and often, so too was the target this placed upon such heralds. Those of their kind that fell in battle and were
reborn, though, were figures of dread to their enemies - for what better example of ceaseless will to dominate and claim could be found across the galaxy?

Special Rules
A Pater Consularis Herald gains the Fear (2) Special Rule.

A Pater Consularis Herald gains a Legion Standard at no additional points cost.

In addition, at the start of your turn, they may grant the bonuses of the Legion Standard to a single friendly unit within 3” until the start of your next

Special Rules
The units made available to all Legiones by this document have a number of additional new Special Rules - these can be found below. These function
in addition to the Special Rules found in the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus Rulebooks, and operate under the broader Rules and
Conventions laid out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Afterburner Caestus Prow

Colossal secondary combustors attached to the main engines of a flyer The armoured fore of this craft is a masterwork of layered armour,
allow this vehicle a surprising burst of speed. shield generators, and reinforced bulkheads.

Once per game at the start of the Movement Phase, a model with A model with this Special Rule may declare a Ramming attack in
this Special Rule may elect to fire its Afterburner. If it does so, the the same manner as a Tank, regardless of its actual unit type. This
model may make an additional move after its normal move, up to attack must be declared at the start of the Movement Phase, after
its normal movement Characteristic. Note that for this additional you have decided whether or not the will fire its Afterburner (if it
move, the Movement value cannot be modified in any way. has the Afterburner Special Rule). When conducting a Ramming
attack, the hit is automatically resolved at Strength 10, AP 3, and
adds +1 to any rolls on the Vehicle Damage table it inflicts. If the
Airburst Munitions model fired its Afterburner this turn, add +2 instead.
These munitions are designed to fill the sky with scything shrapnel and
blossoming explosions, designed explicitly to bring down skybourne In addition, the model has an Invulnerable Save of 5+ against any
targets. attacks against its Front Armour, including any damage it suffers
as a result of it Ramming or being Rammed itself.
A weapon with this Special Rule may only target models with the
Flyer or Antigrav Sub-types, or which have activated any form or A model with this Special Rule is immune to the effects of the
pattern of Jump Pack, Jet Pack, or Wings in the Opposing Player’s Armourbane (Melta) Special Rule – meaning that no extra D6 for
Previous Game Turn. A Shooting attack against such a target can armour penetration can be rolled against the model as a result of
never hit any target that is not one of the types specified. this Special Rule.

In addition, a weapon with this Special Rule may hit models with
the Flyer Sub-type using its Blasts, despite this normally being Combat Transporter
prevented. The sheer weight of the cargo this vehicle carries makes it hard to
properly deploy countermeasures.

Air Defence Screen If a Legion Storm Eagle Transporter is carrying a Vehicle or any
When used properly, multiple batteries of interlinked anti-air weapons Dreadnoughts in its Auxiliary Vehicle Bay, reduce any rolls for
may effectively deny entire areas of the sky to the foe. Countermeasures Saves it makes by 1.

When deployed onto the battlefield before the game begins, all
models with this Special Rule in a unit are placed as separate units, Debilitating
operate independently, and are treated as separate units for the These weapons caused great pain and disfiguring wounds in their
duration of the game for all purposes. targets - bringing them low and rendering them easier prey.

In addition, a model with this Special Rule must always target the A unit hit by a weapon with this Special Rule has its Strength
closest enemy model with the Flyer Sub-type, if there is a valid Characteristic reduced by -1 until the end of the Controlling
target in range. If there is not a valid target with the Flyer Sub- Player's Next Game Turn.
type, it may target other units as normal.
This effect is not cumulative with other attacks with the
Debilitating Special Rule, but can be stacked with other Special
Rules that also reduce the Strength Characteristic of the target.
Automata Attendants
Clustering around their assigned charge, the Servo-Automata will give
their synthetic lives to protect them. Note that this special rule can never reduce a model’s Strength
Characteristic to less than 1.
A Legion Servo-Automata Maniple may only be selected as part of
a Detachment that includes at least one model with the
Techmarine Covenant Special Rule. A unit selected in this manner Dreadnought Magna-Grapples
is considered a ‘Retinue Squad’ and the model with the Magnetic Clamps allow any vehicular cargo to be transported
Techmarine Covenant Special Rule is referred to as the Retinue effectively.
Squad’s Leader for the purposes of this Special Rule (if the
Detachment includes more than one model with the Techmarine Instead of carrying a vehicle in its Auxiliary Vehicle Bay, a Legion
Covenant Special Rule then the Controlling Player selects one as Storm Eagle Transporter may instead elect to carry up to two
the unit’s Leader). The Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Legion Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Legion Contemptor-Cortus
Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the Dreadnoughts, Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnoughts, Legion
model selected as its Leader. The Retinue Squad must be deployed Contemptor Centurion, or Legion Castra Ferrum Centurions in
with the model selected as its Leader deployed as part of the unit any combination. These models embark and disembark as per the
and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during normal rules for an Auxiliary Vehicle Bay.
play. A Legion Servo-Automata may not be selected as part of an
army without a Leader. Note that Dreadnoughts transported in this manner do not gain
the benefit of the Assault Vehicle Special Rule when disembarking.

Misericordia Reactor Overcharge
Inertial suppression clamps lock transported troops into place, Desperate times can call for desperate measures, and when a little more
protecting them from impact. power could be the difference between life and death, some are more
than comfortable to take the risk…
A model with this Special Rule can carry models in any type of
Legion Terminator armour and that have the Bulky (2) Special Once per game, in the controlling player’s turn, a model with this
Rule as though they did not have that Special Rule. Special Rule may declare it is going to overcharge its reactor.

Note that this includes Legion Specific Terminator units. The model must first take D3 wounds with no saves or mitigation
rolls of any kind allowed. If the model survives, it receives the
following bonuses and penalties until the start of the controlling
Mindless Aggression
player’s next turn:
Whilst mutated in form beyond recognition, one trait survives - the
desire to kill.
• Add 2” to the model’s maximum Move and Charge distances.
• Add +1 to the model’s Attacks and Initiative Characteristics.
A unit with this Special Rule must always charge in the Assault
phase, if possible. If multiple targets are available, the Controlling • The Invulnerable Save provided by the model’s Atomantic
Player may choose their charge target. The unit must always Repulsor is now 5+.
attempt to Sweeping Advance, if able.
If the model is removed as a casualty whilst its reactor is
In addition, each time a model with this Special Rule makes an overcharged, the distance at which the Atomantic Repulsor’s
attack, roll a D6 to determine the number of attacks it makes. automatic hits are resolved is automatically 6”.

Neverborn Synthetica Mindlock

The soul of these creatures is more daemon than man - and thus is Possessed of no true will of their own, when unaccompanied these
irrevocably damned. automatons will revert to basic programming - often grinding to a halt in
the process.
A unit with this Special Rule may be taken in a Legiones Astartes
(X) detachment with the Traitor Allegiance, despite not having the A unit with this Special Rule is able to React, ignoring restrictions
Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule itself. applied by the Automata Sub-type, as long as the unit includes a
Legion Techmarine.

Open-Topped (X)
Some vehicle hulls are open to the elements, allowing for their
Tank Desant
occupants to fire - but at the cost of protection. When troops embark upon this vehicle, they do so across its armoured
hull, and so form an additional layer of protection for their carrier - as
they can defend it from harm directly.
Any unit embarked upon a Transport with this Special Rule may
fire up to (X) ranged weapons (where X is the number in brackets
next to the Special Rule), measuring from the Transport’s model. If While a model is embarked in the Transport Capacity of a model with
the unit chooses to fire in this way, they are counted as having this Special Rule, it may fire its ranged weapons as though it is not
moved - note that this may prevent them from shooting certain embarked in a vehicle. All ranges should be measured from the hull of
weapon types. Units with any Special Rule that allows them to the Transport.
count as stationary for the purposes of Shooting attacks (such as
Relentless, Legiones Astartes (Death Guard), etc) may not benefit Transport Skiff
from them whilst embarked on a Transport with this Special Rule.
Whilst little more than an engine strapped to grav-plate, transport skiffs
have a unique and useful place in the armouries of the Legiones.
In addition, any rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table that target a
model with this Special Rule add +1 to the result.
A model with the Transport Skiff Special Rule gains the Infantry
Transport and Assault Vehicle Special Rules. For the purposes of
Pater Consularis these Special Rules, as well as the Transport Sub-type, a Legion
For the greatest leaders of the Legiones Astartes, there can be no rest - Whispercutter is counted as a Vehicle.
for even in death, they are still expected to serve.
In addition, when a model with this Special Rule loses its last wound,
A model with this Special Rule must select a single Pater all models embarked upon it immediately suffer a S6 AP- hit. These
Consularis upgrade; no model may take more than one such are allocated by the Controlling Player. Surviving passengers are
upgrade. When a model with this Special Rule is slain, your placed where the model used to be (or as close as possible) in unit
opponent gains an additional Victory Point. You may only include coherency, at least 1” away from any enemy models. Any models
a single model with the Pater Consularis Special Rule in your army. which cannot be placed are removed as casualties. The unit must
then take a Pinning Test.

Paired Weapons
Some weapons require they are used together to achieve full effectiveness.

A model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule gains an extra

Whilst most conventional barrage ordnance describes great looping arcs
through the sky, these weapons instead burrow into the earth itself.

A unit successfully hit by a weapon with this Special Rule treats all
Terrain, including open Terrain, as Difficult and Dangerous Terrain
until the end of their Controlling Player’s Next Game Turn.

In addition, for the purposes of line of sight, a weapon with this

Special Rule should be treated as if it had the Barrage Special Rule,
but note that it can still be fired even in Zone Mortalis Games
without Line of Sight, despite this normally being prevented.

Unstable Internment
The corruption of the mind caused by low-quality cybernetics is often slow
to manifest - but once it manifests, the degradation and madness is

A model with this Special Rule must always attempt to make a Charge
or Sweeping Advance if it is possible to do so.

A model with this Special Rule can never count as Scoring.

Volatile Ordnance
Prototype weaponry can often be prone to malfunction - though the field
data gathered by testing such potent armaments is often deemed worth
the risk.

All weapons with the Heavy Type a model with this Special Rule is
equipped with have the Gets Hot Special Rule. As long as at least one
Havoc Master is present in the squad, the unit may ignore the first
Gets Hot result it suffers per phase.

Vox Override
Some communications arrays rely not on subtle encryption or masked
frequencies - instead projecting a barrage of data across multiple channels
to break the static.

As long as a model with this Special Rule is deployed on the

battlefield, you may re-roll any failed dice roll for determining if a
Reserve is Disordered.

Casting false images and scatter-shrouds from projectors and imager
units, the vehicle obscures its true form and position.

A model with this Special Rule that moves at least half of its
Movement Characteristic gains the Shrouded (6+) Special Rule until
the start of its Controlling Player’s next Movement Phase.

Armoury of the Legions
The units made available to all Legiones by this document have access to a number of new Weapons - these can be found below. These function in
addition to the Weapons found in the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus Rulebooks, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions
laid out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Auto Weapons
Whether they fire great armour-piercing rounds, huge explosive shells, or a hail of simple bullets, auto weapons are generally grouped by their
use of chemical explosives to gain their initial propulsion.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Quake Cannon 72“ 12 1 Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5“), Ignores Cover
Earthshaker Cannon - Airburst Shells 12-72” 7 4 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Skyfire, Pinning,
Ignores Cover, Airburst Munitions

Disintegrator Weapons
Whilst the secrets for reproducing these accursed weapons have long been lost, some examples of this fell technology still remain in use - and
none who witness their effectiveness in the field can ever deny it again.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Disintegrator’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Heavy Disintegrator 24“ 6 2 Heavy 2, Instant Death, Gets Hot

Flame Weapons
Propelling great gouts of chemical flame, Flame weapons are a primitive design that nevertheless still strikes fear into the hearts of those who
witness the horror of their effects on flesh.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Gravis Heavy Flamer Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (8“)
Toxiferno Cannon Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Poisoned (3+), Rending (6+), Torrent (8“)

Grenade Weapons
Launching grenades via a mag-coil or compression charge, these weapons are versatile and can be used for clearing infantry as easily as
armoured targets.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Grenade’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Some weapons below have access to multiple
ammunition types - these weapons can choose which profile they fire with each time you select them to make a shooting attack.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Grenade Launcher
- Frag Charge 24“ 3 6 Assault 1, Blast (3“), Pinning
- Krak Charge 24“ 6 4 Rapid Fire

Las Weapons
Las weaponry utilises great capacitor batteries to project burning columns of light that scorch and burn the target - and even punching clean
through, if the angle is correct.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Las’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Neutron Cannon 36“ 10 1 Heavy 2, Concussive (3), Shock Pulse, Sunder, Gets Hot, Feedback
Distortion Cannon 36“ 10 2 Ordnance 1, Blast (3“), Murderous Strike (5+)
Magma Cannon 36“ 10 2 Destroyer 2, Large Blast (5“), Ignores Cover

Melta Weapons
These weapons project a beam of searing power so immensely hot that armour and flesh trickle and burn like wax in their path.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Melta’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Melta Destroyer 36“ 10 1 Ordnance 5, Armourbane (Melta)

Missile Weapons
Missile weapons are feared uniquely among those who would pitch themselves against the might of the Legions; for as they scream across the
sky, they inflict wounds on the very psyche of their targets - moments before their impact inflicts far more physical ones.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

EM-Storm Charge Bomb 3 3 Bomb 2, Large Blast (5“), Haywire, Concussive, One Use
Mole Mortar 48“ 6 4 Heavy 1, Blast (3”), Ignores Cover, Tremor
Gravis Missile Launcher
- Rad 48“ 4 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5”), Fleshbane, Rad-Phage

Rad Weapons
Radiation weapons were common on the battlefields of pre-unification earth, poisioning the very ground with their taint.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Rad’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Fallout Discharger Template 1 - Assault 1, Debilitating
Rad-Fragmentation Charge Launcher 18“ 5 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5“), Rad-Phage

Volkite Weapons
Ancient beyond measure, Volkite weapons rely upon the principles of thermodynamics - namely, imparting as much heat as possible - to burn
apart their foes in seconds.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Volkite’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Some weapons below have access to multiple
ammunition types - these weapons can choose which profile they fire with each time you select them to make a shooting attack.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Volkite Columbiad
- Dispersal Beam 35” 6 4 Heavy 10, Deflagrate
- Focused Beam 35” 7 3 Heavy 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate, Pinning

Phosphex Weapons
When shells containing phosphex crack upon the field of battle, the creeping, gelid flame they emit will haunt the battlefield long after the
shell and the nearest sources of fuel are long-since expended.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Phosphex’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Phosphex Cluster Bombs Bomb 5 3 Bomb 3, Blast (3”), Barrage, Poisoned (3+), Crawling Fire,
Lingering Death, One Use

Charnabal Weapons
These weapons eschew the powered fields of more conventional weapons for a hyper-sharp blades that rely on reflexes and raw skill alone to
cut their targets.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Charnabal’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select
a Charnabal weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Charnabal Longsword - +2 - Melee, Breaching (5+), Duellist’s Edge (1), Two-Handed

Force Weapons
Designed to channel and project the psychic might of their wielders, these weapons can be used to deadly effect by those with the power to
harness the warp.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Force’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Gravis Force Weapon - 6 2 Melee, Brutal (2), Force

Power Weapons
The energy fields coating these weapons disrupts the very bonds between molecules, slicing apart flesh and armour with ease.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. A model that is eligible
to select a Power Weapon may take any of the weapons included in this Profile.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Power Claw - User 4 Melee, Breaching (5+), Brutal (2)

Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons

Some weapons are so unique in form and aspect that they form a class all of their own.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Gravis Siege Drill - 10 2 Melee, Shred, Armourbane (Melee)
Seismic Hammer - 8 4 Melee, Brutal (2), Concussive (3), Breaching (5+)
Twisted Talons - +1 4 Melee, Rending (6+)
Mutated Appendages - +2 4 Melee, Rending (5+)

The units made available to all Legiones by this document have access to a number of new items of Wargear - these can be found below. These
function in addition to the ones found in the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus Rulebooks, and operate under the broader Rules and
Conventions laid out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Aspectum-Pattern Occularis Array Deredeo Atomantic Pavaise

A complex tangle of cogitators and auspex equipment slaved together, These huge shield projectors bolster an already impressive atomantic
these powerful arrays can pierce darkness, circumvent terrain, and field with a layered, stacked secondary field - which is also projected in a
render cover useless. localised area, and can serve to protect those nearby.

A model armed with this wargear has the Night Vision Special Rule, A model armed with an Atomatic Pavaise gains an Invulnerable
and any enemy model targeted by a Shooting Attack from this Save of 4+ against Shooting Attacks (but note this does not replace
model suffers a -1 penalty to all Cover Saves it makes as a result of the effects of an Atomatic Deflector).
attacks made by this model.
In addition, an Atomatic Pavaise grants friendly infantry models
wholly within 4” of the Legion Deredeo Dreadnought’s base an
Atomantic Dispersion Shield Invulnerable Save of 6+ against Shooting Attacks or boosts an
Created by improving the output nodes on existing Atomantic
Invulnerable Save they already possess by +1, to a maximum of 4+.
Shielding designs, the Atomantic Dispersion Shield was able to protect
entire vehicles - at the risk of a more volatile power source.
Note that the bonus granted by an Atomantic Pavaise has no effect
on Invulnerable saves in close combat, and its benefits do not stack
A model armed with this wargear has a 5+ Invulnerable Save - but
with the effects of other Special Rules, Psychic Powers or items
this can never be improved by any effects of Wargear, Special Rules,
of Wargear (including other Atomantic Pavaises) which boost an
or Psychic Powers.
existing Invulnerable Save.
In addition, when a model with an Atomantic Dispersion Shield
loses its last Hull Point, increase the explosion radius by 3”. Frag Launchers
Great braces of frag-cluster microbombs allow a unit to ensure it is only
charged on its terms - for their opponents will often not risk the hail of
Atomantic Repulsor scything shards unless absolutely required to do so.
A bastardisation of the hallowed technology normally found within
Contemptor Dreadnoughts, these repulsion shields were not as effective
If a model charges a unit armed with Frag Launchers, that charge is
or as reliable as their original forms.
counted as Disordered.

A model with an Atomantic Repulsor gains a 6+ Invulnerable save,

and any model with an Atomantic Repulsor and a Wounds Full-Spectra Comms Array
Characteristic that suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Designed to breach even the strongest disruption attempts, Full-
Death Special Rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but Spectra Comms Arrays are so heavy and bulky that only a dedicated
instead loses D3 Wounds for each unsaved Wound with the Instant platform - or a dreadnought - can carry them into battle.
Death Special Rule inflicted on it.
A Full-Spectra Comms Array counts as an Augury Scanner, Nuncio
In addition, when a model with an Atomantic Repulsor loses its last Vox, and Vox Disruptor Array, as well as granting the following
Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty or bonuses:
replaced with a wreck, all models both friendly and enemy within
D3+3” suffer an automatic hit at Str 8, AP -. A model equipped with a Full-Spectra Comms Array has the Night
Vision Special Rule.
Battle Servitor Control
By delegating weak-spot recognition to dedicated servitor units, the In the Shooting Phase, a model equipped with a Full-Spectra
damage inflicted by shots is greatly increased. Comms Array may grant a single friendly unit within 3” +1 to their
BS for that Shooting Phase. This benefit is not cumulative and
cannot be stacked with the bonus provided by a Cognis Signum.
A model with Battle Servitor Control gains the Sunder Special Rule.

In addition, at the start of your turn, a Pater Consularis Master of

Signals may grant a single friendly unit within 3” the ability to
ignore the -1 penalty to Leadership imposed by the Night Fighting
rules until the start of your next turn.

Hyperios Command Platform

Dedicated command and control nodes, these platforms allow their
paired companions to independently track targets.

As long as it is on the table, a model armed with a Hyperios

Command Platform grants the Split Fire Special Rule to all
Hyperios Air-Defence Launchers in the same unit.

Legion Estoc Jetbike Signum-Primus
Rarer than the Scimitar Jetbikes with which they are often compared, A development of the venerable Cognis-Signum STC, the Signum-
these jetbikes carry powerful additional sensor arrays instead of heavy Primus’ energy requirements were prodigious, but its effects more than
firepower. compensated for such a drawback.

A Legion Estoc Jetbike has a Twin-Linked Bolter and an Oracle In the Shooting Phase, a model equipped with a Signum-Primus
Array. In addition, a model with a Legion Estoc Jetbike that chooses may grant a single friendly unit with the same Legiones Astartes (X)
to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule until the start of the Special Rule within 3” +1 to their BS for the duration of that
controlling player’s next turn. Shooting Phase. This benefit is not cumulative and cannot be
stacked with the bonus provided by a Cognis Signum.
A model with the Infantry Unit Type that selects a Legion Estoc
Jetbike as an upgrade must change its Unit Type to Cavalry
(Antigrav), keeping any other Unit Sub-types it previously had, Skytracker Augury
changes its Movement Characteristic to 16, and gains the Firing Broad-spectrum Augurs allow certain vehicles and emplacements to
Protocols (2), Battle-Hardened (1), and Hammer of Wrath (1) track targets moving at speeds the mortal eye cannot.
Special Rules.
A model armed with a Skytracker Augury gains all of the following
Legion Saturnine Terminator Armour benefits:
The technology for Exo-Armour was originally developed during
Mankind's Dark Age of Technology. These sealed environment suits A model with a Skytracker Augury may always shoot its weapons as
enabled maintenance crews of spacecraft to operate in extremely long as it is Claimed, even when unmanned.
hazardous environments such as hard vacuum, the interior of plasma or
fusion reactors, and in otherwise adverse atmospheric conditions. It was A model armed with a Skytracker Augury ignores the 24” limit to
from here that the Mechanicum started their work, and in short order line of sight when making Shooting Attacks, and the Ballistic Skill
they had created working prototypes, the first suits of which were Penalty normally applied while the Night Fighting rules are in
completed shortly before the beginning of the Great Crusade. effect.

By the end of the crusade, however, the inferno of war hungered for more When any enemy unit is deployed to the battlefield from Reserves, a
materiel, and into such flames were suits old and new cast… unit that includes at least one model with an Skytracker Augury
may make the Interceptor Advanced Reaction (see the Horus
Legion Saturnine Terminator Armour confers a 2+ Armour Save Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, page 309) without
and a 4+ Invulnerable save, as well as the Hammer of Wrath (1) expending a point of the Reactive Player’s Reaction Allotment. This
Special Rule. does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase,
but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three
A unit that includes any models with Saturnine Terminator armour Reactions limit in a given Phase.
may not make Sweeping Advances.

In addition, a model armed with Saturnine Terminator Armour is Tarantula Deployment

immune to the effects of both the Rad-Phage Special Rule and of The rugged nature of Tarantula platforms means that they can be
the effects of Rad Grenades and Rad Furnace wargear. deployed in a number of flexible ways - from orbital drop capsules, to
forward positions, and even hidden locations to allow them to catch
enemies unaware - until it is too late.
Oracle Array
These complex arrays mark enemy units with a hail of datasphere input, Concealed Positions
making them almost seem to glow with target priority warnings.
A unit with this upgrade has the Shrouded (4+) Special Rule until it
fires any of its weapons for the first time during the game.
A model equipped with an Oracle Array counts as having an Augury
Drop Capsules
In addition, a unit which has at least one model armed with an A unit with this upgrade has the Deep Strike Special Rule.
Oracle Array may designate a single enemy unit within 12” and line
of sight of the unit at the start of the controlling player’s Shooting
Phase. Until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, all Forward Deployment
friendly units with the same Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule as A unit with this upgrade has the Scout Special Rule. Note that the
the unit may add +1 to all To Hit rolls made against the designated unit cannot be placed into reserve.
unit during the Shooting Phase. This effect is not cumulative, and if
multiple units mark the same target unit, it has no additional effect.
Designating a unit in this way counts as a Shooting Attack for the
entire unit which designated an enemy unit in this way.
Teleportation Transponders
These arcane devices allow for the precise channelling of the otherwise
temperamental technologies used for precise teleportation.

A unit equipped with Teleportation Transponders counts as having

the Deep Strike Special Rule.

Base Sizing Chart
The units made available to all Legiones by this document may not immediately have an obvious base size to use for them - our recommendations
for these can be found below.


Model Base Size
Legion Indomitus Praetor Round, 40mm
Legion Indomitus Centurion Round, 40mm
Legion Saturnine Centurion Round, 50mm
Legion Indomitus Centurion Round, 40mm
Legion Indomitus Terminator Command Squad Round, 40mm
Legion Contemptor Centurion Round, 60mm
Legion Castra Ferrum Centurion Round, 60mm
Legion Land Raider Dionysus No Base
Legion Land Raider Tartaros No Base
Legion Saturnine Terminator Squad Round, 50mm
Legion Assault Veteran Squad Round, 32mm
Legion Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon Round, 60mm
Possessed Legionaries Round, 32mm
Legion Servo-Automata Maniple Round, 32mm
Legion Hussar Squadron Oval, 70mm x 25mm
Legion Sky-Seeker Squadron Flying, Round, 60mm
Legion Assault Support Squad Round, 32mm
Legion Novicii Squad Round, 32mm
Legion Rhino Advancer No Base
Legion Whispercutter Flying, Round, 60mm
Mutated Spawn Round, 40mm
Legion Storm Eagle Transporter Flying, Oval, 120mm x 92mm
Legion Sicaran Incinerator Squadron No Base
Legion Vindicator Thunderer Squadron No Base
Legion Fire Raptor Destroyer Flying, Oval, 120mm x 92mm
Early Great Crusade Havoc Squad
- Havoc Master Round, 32mm
- Legionary Weapons Team Round, 60mm
Legion Tartaros Heavy Destroyer Squad Round, 40mm
Legion Cataphractii Heavy Destroyer Squad Round, 40mm
Legion Banesword No Base
Legion Doomhammer No Base
Legion Orthrus Destroyer Squadron No Base
Basilisk Anti-Air Emplacement Battery No Base


Model Base Size
Luther Round, 40mm
Merir Astelan Round, 40mm
Inner Circle Indomitus Squad Round, 40mm
Fabius Bile Round, 40mm
Solomon Demeter Round, 40mm
Marius Vairosean Round, 40mm
Terata Enhanced Warriors Round, 32mm
Barbaras Dantioch Round, 40mm
Volk-Sa’ra’ram Round, 50mm
Barban Falk Round, 40mm
Warsmith Berossus Round, 40mm
Berossus, Interred Round, 60mm
Warsmith Toramino Round, 40mm
Dominator Tartaros Cohort Round, 40mm
Rhino Castellan No Base

Model Base Size
Targutai Yesugei
- On Foot Round, 40mm
- On Legion Shamshir Jetbike Flying, Round, 60mm
Shiban Khan
- On Foot Round, 40mm
- On Legion Shamshir Jetbike Flying, Round, 60mm
Ebon Keshig Cataphractii Cohort Round, 40mm
Wind Rider Brethren Flying, Round, 60mm
Varagyr Wolf Guard Tartaros Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Huscarl Indomitus Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Gendor Skraivok Round, 40mm
Contekar Cataphractii Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Nassir Amit Round, 40mm
Azkaellon Round, 40mm
Sanguinary Guard Round, 32mm
Castrmen Orth
- On Foot Round, 40mm
- Embarked Use Vehicle
Iron-Father Kardozia Round, 60mm
Lord Crius Round, 40mm
Gabriel Santar Round, 40mm
Helfather Covenant Round, 50mm
Iron Revenants Round, 32mm
Delvarus Round, 40mm
Triarii Phalanx Round, 32mm
Devourers Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Aeonid Thiel Round, 40mm
Red-Marked Squad Round, 32mm
Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Grave Warden Tartaros Terminator Squad Round, 40mm
Khenetai Isirian Cabal Round, 32mm
Sekhmet Tartaros Terminator Cabal Round, 40mm
Tarik Torgaddon Round, 40mm
Luperci Squad Round, 32mm
Rukal Breacher Squad Round, 32mm
Hol Beloth Round, 40mm
Sor Talgron Round, 40mm
Rhetorka Mher Squad Round, 50mm
Anointed Cohort Round, 40mm
Artellus Numeon Round, 40mm
Infernus Strike-Clade Round, 32mm
Ar’Kan Attack Speeder Flying, Round, 60mm
Firestorm Bombard Squadron No Base
Infernus Predator Squadron No Base
Nykona Sharrowkyn Round, 40mm
Navar Hef Round, 40mm
Raptors, Proto-Astartes Round, 32mm
Raptors, Mutated Round, 40mm
Deliverers Tartaros Squad Round, 40mm
Darkwing Gunship Flying, Oval, 120mm x 92mm
Omegon Round, 40mm

I - Dark Angels
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: THE LORD CYPHER.......................................... +50 POINTS
Secretly selected by the Knightly Order of Caliban, the bearers of the title "Lord Cypher" were shrouded in many secrets; once bestowed the selectee would
forever shroud themselves, never revealing their face again, and renouncing their name. Tasked with ensuring the Order’s traditions were upheld by all, the
Lord Cypher was known to show no emotion or personality - instead becoming the very embodiment of the customs, laws, and ways of The Order.

A Legion Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion, Legion Indomitus Centurion, or Legion Cataphractii Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Dark
Angels) Special Rule may be upgraded to a Lord Cypher Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed

Special Rules
The Lord Cypher, and all models in a unit he joins, gain the Fearless and Hatred (Everything!) Special Rules. In addition, The Lord Cypher increases
his leadership to 10. No more than one Lord Cypher Consul can be selected per army.

The Lord Cypher also gains the For Caliban and Terra! Special Rule.

Wargear: The Lord Cypher gains two Bolt Pistols and a Calibanite Warblade at no additional cost. The Lord Cypher may choose to replace their Bolt
Pistols with any of the options stated below at the costs shown:

● Volkite Serpenta ...........................................................................................................................................................................................+2 points

● Hand Flamer ................................................................................................................................................................................................+2 points
● Plasma Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................ +5 points
● Inferno Pistol ................................................................................................................................................................................................ +5 points
● Archaeotech Pistol ......................................................................................................................................................................................+10 points
● Disintegrator Pistol .................................................................................................................................................................................... +15 points

For Caliban and Terra!

Once per battle, at the start of one of the Controlling Players' turns, The Lord Cypher may take a Leadership test. If passed, select one friendly unit in
line of sight and within 18" - This unit gains Hatred (Everything!) until the beginning of the Controlling Player's next game turn, and automatically
regroups if it was already falling back or becomes unpinned if it was pinned. If the Leadership test is failed, the unit automatically regroups and
becomes unpinned if it was pinned, but gains no further bonuses.

Xenobane Cannons
Xenobane Cannons, otherwise known as Molecular Acid Cannons, were primarily a locked-away relic of the 1st legion; only to be used when the enemy seemed
particularly resistant to standard ordnance. These cannons utilised a specialised warhead containing a volatile cocktail of acids and other corrosives that are
anathema to electrical systems - as well as biological targets.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule may upgrade all Heavy Bolters in the unit for Xenobane
Cannons for a cost of +2 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule may upgrade all Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters in the unit
for Twin-Linked Xenobane Cannons for a cost of +2 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule may upgrade all Gravis Bolt Cannons in the unit for
Gravis Xenobane Cannons for a cost of +5 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule may upgrade all Gravis Heavy Bolter Batteries in the
unit for Gravis Xenobane Cannon Batteries for a cost of +5 points per weapon.

Range Str AP Type

Xenobane Cannon 36“ 5 5 Heavy 4, Poisoned (3+)
Gravis Xenobane Cannon 48“ 5 5 Heavy 6, Poisoned (3+), Twin-Linked
Gravis Xenobane Cannon Battery 48“ 5 5 Heavy 8, Poisoned (3+), Twin-Linked

LUTHER .......................................................... 150 POINTS
The Betrayer, Knight of Caliban
Luther 7 6 5 4 3 4 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Luther ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Artificer Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels*) Luther, an old knight of
● Calibanite Greatsword ● Independent Character Caliban. One of the few who
● Bolt Pistol ● Master of the Legion remembered life before the
Lion, or the Imperium of
● Iron Halo ● Relentless Man. Already a legend, there
● Frag Grenades ● Traitor were some who whispered
● Krak Grenades ● Secrets and Lies Luther may have been the one
● Damnation’s Destiny to unite the planet if not for
the coming of the Lion. This
● Warlord: The Fallen fate never came to pass,
however - and Luther instead
raised the Lion as if he were
*Luther does not pick one Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type at the start of the battle; instead, at his own child. Together they
the start of each of the Controlling Player’s turns one of the Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types
may be selected for him. Luther gains this Hexagrammaton Sub-type until the start of the defeated the great beasts,
Controlling Player’s next turn, at which point a new Sub-type may be chosen (or the one united the Knightly Orders of
currently in use retained). Caliban, and destroyed the
Knights of Lupus.

Secrets and Lies With the coming of the

Luther may not be selected as part of an army that also includes Lion El’Jonson. Imperium and the Crusade,
jealousy soon began to erode
the soul of the great knight,
culminating in an
Damnation’s Destiny unspeakable act; one that
An opponent may never claim any Victory Points from the Slay the Warlord secondary objective for even Luther himself was
Luther. In addition, Luther is never counted toward Attrition totals for units slain in missions ashamed of - conspiring to
where it is used. allow an explosive to claim
the life of the Lion and allow
Luther to take command of
the Legion. Unknown to all
Warlord: The Fallen but a few, the Lion uncovered
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Luther automatically has The Fallen as his Warlord Trait and may Luther's actions and all but
not select any other Warlord Trait. banished him to Caliban for
his treachery.
Luther and any units with the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule in a Detachment he is
selected in gains the Hatred (Dark Angels) Special Rule. Years of neglect turned Luther
and his men to bitterness and
Additionally, an army with Luther as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the eventually betrayal. Luther
opponent’s Assault phase as long as Luther has not been removed as a casualty. began studying ancient and
forbidden tomes, corrupting
his soul forever with the false
promises of Chaos. Whilst it is
Calibanite Greatsword Range Str AP Type not clear for whom Luther or
Calibanite Greatsword - +2 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending (4+), his angels truly fight for, the
Murderous Strike (5+) simple truth may be that they
only seek revenge on the one
who exiled them.

MERIR ASTELAN.......................................... 175 POINTS
Chapter-Commander, Last of the First
Astelan 7 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Astelan ● Infantry (Character, Unique, Stormwing)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Merir Astelan was but a child ● Artificer Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels)
during the unification wars ● Terranic Greatsword ● Independent Character
on old Terra. He was among ● Bolt Pistol ● Master of the Legion
the first 5000 recruits
inducted into the Legiones ● Iron Halo ● Relentless
Astartes programme and as ● Frag Grenades ● Independent Character
such fought on Terra during ● Krak Grenades ● Adamantium Will (3+)
the final phases of the ● Fortress of the Mind
reclamation of Humanity’s
homeworld. Displaying a ● Warlord: Inspirational Leader
natural gift for leadership,
politics, and strategic
acumen, Astelan was Fortress of the Mind
promoted to the rank of Any Psychic Power, whether friendly or enemy, that targets Astelan or a unit he has joined suffer a
Chapter Master in a relatively -2 penalty to the Psychic Check.
short space of time.

Initially, Astelan enjoyed the

favour of the Lion. This would Warlord: Inspirational Leader
come to a sudden end, If chosen as the army's Warlord, Astelan automatically has Inspirational Leader as his Warlord Trait
however, after the events of and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
the Byzanthis compliance. His
conduct was called into Any friendly unit which has the Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) Special Rule with line of sight to
question by his Calibanite Astelan may add +1 to their Leadership Characteristic.
counterparts, and these
challenges were enough to Additionally, an army with Astelan as its Warlord may make a single additional Reaction during the
have Astelan reassigned to the opponent’s turn in any phase as long as Astelan has not been removed as a casualty.
training garrison on Caliban.

As with many sent back to the

Dark Angels Fortress-home,
he saw this new posting as a
form of exile and such grew
bitter. Overtime he was
swayed by Luther, eventually
joining his cause - if only to
enact revenge upon Lion

INDOMITUS SQUAD................................... 260 POINTS
Order Cenobite Indomitus 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+
Order Preceptor Indomitus 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Order Cenobite Indomitus ● Order Cenobite Indomitus:
● 1 Order Preceptor Indomitus Infantry (Heavy)
● Order Preceptor Indomitus: Infantry
(Character, Heavy)
Wargear Special Rules The Horus Heresy was a long
and bitterly drawn out war
● Terranic Greatsword ● Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) that encompassed most of the
● Plasma-Caster ● Relentless galaxy in its fires. As a result,
● Legion Indomitus Terminator Armour ● Bulky (2) the stores of resources held by
● Stubborn most Legions was brutally
decimated, and with the
● Adamantium Will (3+) capacity to produce more war
● Order Exemplars materiel equally cut down,
● Chosen Warriors many Legions had to turn to
unfavourable solutions to
Dedicated Transport: continue their bloody
● An Inner Circle Indomitus Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a Legion campaigns. The seemingly
Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport or for a unit of 5 or more models a inexhaustible reserves of the
Legion Land Raider Spartan. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Dark Angels were no
Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. exception to this.

As a result of this, some of the

Inner Circle Knights
Options: Cenobium were forced to don
● An Inner Circle Indomitus Squad may include: lesser suits of Terminator
- Up to 5 additional Order Cenobite Indomitus ........................................+45 points per model plate to keep them going,
which more often than not
● One Order Cenobite Indomitus may take a: was the commonly
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points disregarded Indomitus
pattern plate. Such a decision
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Terranic Greatsword and Plasma-Caster for a: was not made lightly by such
- Thunder Hammer and Proteus Pattern Storm Shield^............................................ +15 points groups of Knights, but as their
Cataphractii suits became
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Terranic Greatsword for a: more worn down and more
- Thunder Hammer ..................................................................................................................... Free damaged, they were all but
forced into this inferior
● The Order Preceptor Indomitus may take a: armour.
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

^See page 18 of the Legacies of the Age of Darkness Document.

III - Emperor’s Children
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: KAKOPHONIX PRIME....................................... +40 POINTS
As the IIIrd Legion devolved greater and greater stimulation was required to illicit pleasurable responses from their damaged sensory organs and jaded minds.
The Kakophoni seek to overcome these limitations through the use of ever louder and more discordant sonic weaponry.

A Legion Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) Special Rule and the Traitor Allegiance may be upgraded to a Kakophonix Prime
Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Kakophonix Prime gains the Rising Crescendo, Choir of Screams, and Fearless Special Rules. The Kakophonix Prime also gains the Heavy Sub-
type, and increases his Leadership Characteristic to 10.

The Kakophonix Prime gains the Sonic Shrieker Surgical Augment and a Cacophony weapon (see Liber Hereticus page 161) at no additional points cost.
The Kakophonix Prime may not select a Bike or Jetbike.

Rising Crescendo
A Kakophoni Squad containing the Kakophonix Prime may ignore the effect of the Gets Hot Special Rule, and gain the Shell Shock (2) Special Rule
when using their Cacophony weaponry.

Choir of Screams
Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) Special Rule in a Detachment that contains a Kakophonix
Prime may exchange all Heavy Bolters in the unit for Sonic Blasters, at a cost of +5 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) Special Rule in a Detachment that contains a Kakophonix
Prime may exchange a Gravis Bolt Cannon for a Sonic Pulveriser for +10 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) Special Rule in a Detachment that contains a Kakophonix
Prime may exchange a Gravis Heavy Bolter Battery or Anvilus Autocannon Battery for a Sonic Decimator for +10 points per weapon.

Sonic Heavy Weapons

As the heresy ground on, the Cacophony’s sonic weaponry was refined and reproduced by the maddened minds of their wielders. Many more among the IIIrd
legion were lured in by such sensorily-indulgant weapons - and their use spread as a creeping blight across the once proud Emperor’s Children as a result.

Range Str AP Type

Sonic Blaster 36“ 7 5 Assault 3, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Deflagrate
Sonic Pulveriser 36“ 7 5 Heavy 5, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Deflagrate
Sonic Decimator 36“ 7 5 Heavy 8, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Deflagrate

FABIUS BILE .................................................. 150 POINTS
The Spider, Unmaker
Fabius Bile 7 5 5 4 4 3 4 2 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Fabius Bile ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Xyclosian Needler ● Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) There were many elements
● Power Sword ● Independent Character that led to the eventual fall of
● The Chirurgeon ● Relentless the Emperor’s Children into
the depths of depravity, some
● Artificer Armour ● Traitor subtle and insidious, some
● Refractor Field ● Lord of Abominations bold and brash, and some
● Narthecium ● Warlord: The Perfect Creations small and seemingly
● Frag Grenades insignificant. All of these were
instrumental in the Legion’s
● Krak Grenades fall - and most were
conducted with the aid of
Chief Apothecary Fabius Bile.
Lord of Abominations His own fall began in a
A Detachement containing Fabius Bile may ignore the 0-1 restriction on Terata Enhanced Warriors. comparatively small way;
experiments to try and
improve astartes gene-seed
using some harvested from
Warlord: The Perfect Creations wounded marines on Murder.
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Fabius Bile automatically has The Perfect Creations as his Warlord
This tinkering eventually led
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
to him altering those inducted
into Fulgrim’s inner circle,
All Terata Enhanced Warrior units in an army with Fabius Bile as the Warlord may select one gifting them with varied and
additional Genetic Enhancement. esoteric powers - such as
Eidolon’s ability to scream
Additionally, an army with Fabius Bile as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the with enough force to liquefy
opponent’s Movement phase as long as Fabius Bile has not been removed as a casualty. flesh and shatter bone.

The Spider, as he became

known by the IIIrd Legion,
Xyclosian Needler continued to experiment with
Range Str AP Type
Xyclosian Needler 12“ 2 - Pistol 3, Poisoned (3+), Pinning the biology and genetics of the
astartes, hoping to unlock the
secrets of the Emperor’s work
The Chirurgeon and potentially even the
The Chirurgeon provides Fabius Bile with the Feel No Pain (4+) and the It Will Not Die (4+) special Primarchs themselves. He
rules. In addition, whenever Fabius Bile attacks in the Assault Phase, he may make 3 additional created many creatures of a
attacks with the profile below. twisted and warped nature
during this time, calling them
Range Str AP Type his Terata, which he used to
The Chirurgeon - +1 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Shred, Breaching (5+)
great effect during the
boarding of the Sisypheum
and later at the Battle of
Iydris. His work on Eidolon in
particular continued when he
was commanded by Fulgrim
to resurrect the slain Lord
Commander. In this he took
great delight as he altered and
reworked his auditory

SOLOMON DEMETER ................................ 180 POINTS
The Martyr of Isstvan, Captain of the 2nd Company
Solomon Demeter 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Solomon Demeter ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Solomon Demeter was the ● Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
captain of the 2nd Company ● Bolt Pistol ● Independent Character
during the Great Crusade and ● Aquilius Longsword ● Master of the Legion
into the opening acts of the
Heresy. A member of the ● Artificer Armour ● Relentless
Brotherhood of the Phoenix, a ● Iron Halo ● Stubborn
fraternity only open to ● Frag Grenades ● Feel No Pain (5+)
ranking members of the ● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist
Legion, he was a well
respected figure in the legion ● Risen from the Ashes
as a whole. His pursuit of ● Warlord: Martyrs of Isstvan
perfection was reflected in his
wargear, which was crafted
and finished by him to Risen from the Ashes
exacting, bordering Solomon Demeter and any unit he joins have the Hatred (Traitors) Special Rule, but may not Run or
perfectionist, standards. This make Sweeping Advances.
led to his bolter having a
slightly higher rate of fire than
a standard issue bolter, and
both his chainsword and his Warlord: Martyrs of Isstvan
longsword having altered If chosen as the army's Warlord, Solomon Demeter automatically has Martyrs of Isstvan as his
hilts, so they could be wielded Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait (see Liber Hereticus page 152).
both with one hand or with
two, and the hilt of his
longsword was extensively Aquilius Longsword
worked so that it resembled a
Range Str AP Type
Aquilius Longsword - +2 - Melee, Duellist’s Edge (1), Two-Handed,
swooping eagle. Breaching (4+), Murderous Strike (6+)
During the Laeran campaign,
he survived a crash landing
into the ocean, so he was not
present at the discovery of the
Laer Temple and the daemon
weapon that was then wielded
by Fulgrim. Despite being
among the higher echelons of
the Legion, he was sent down
to Istvaan III to die for his
unwavering loyalty to the
Emperor. Wounded badly
during the firestorm after the
virus bombardment, he was
brought back to health by
Apothecary Varrus. By the
time he was back to fighting
strength, Saul Tarvitz had
been leading the remaining
loyalist Emperor’s Children
for a number of weeks, and so
he did not attempt to take
command and instead fought
where he could.

MARIUS VAIROSEAN .................................. 160 POINTS
First of the Choir, Captain of the 3rd Company
Marius Vairosean 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Marius Vairosean ● Infantry (Heavy, Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Cacophony Supreme ● Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) Marius’ descent into the
● Phoenix Rapier ● Independent Character embrace of Chaos came at the
● Sonic Shrieker Surgical Augment ● Traitor behest of his superiors, his
unwavering compliance to the
● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless orders of his Primarch and his
● Frag Grenades ● Fearless own need to be better, to be
● Krak Grenades ● Master of the Legion perfect. This eventually led to
● Artificer Armour ● Choir of Screams* him undergoing experimental
surgery at the hands of Fabius
● Iron Halo ● Warlord: Concert of the Damned Bile. Fabius chose to rewire
the pleasure centres of Marius’
brain, resulting in the
Warlord: Concert of the Damned previously grim warrior
When making an attack with an Assault Weapon, Marius and any unit he has joined may increase feeling constantly at the edge
the number of attacks made with that weapon by +1 (for example, a Shooting Attack with a Assault 5 of experiencing great
weapon would be counted as Assault 6 instead). sensations.

In addition, any Kakophoni Squad unit Marius is a part of gains the Line Sub-type. Initially Marius found the
most joy in expressing anger,
but was forced to keep his
rage in check, in concordance
Cacophony Supreme Range Str AP Type with the philosophy of the
Cacophony Supreme Legion. He finally found a
- Blasting Screech Template 8 5 Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Rending (5+), suitable way of experiencing
Concussive (2), Pinning, the sensations he desired after
Shell Shock (2), Deflagrate the performance of the
Maraviglia, an orchestral
- Shattering Wail 36“ 6 5 Assault 5, Gets Hot, Pinning, Shell work created by the
Shock (2), Deflagrate Remembrancer Bequa Kynska.

Thoroughly corrupted by the

powers of Slaanesh, the
*See the Legiones Consularis: Kakophonix Prime for this Special Rule. remembrancer conjured not
only daemonic presences
upon the stage, she also
infused the orchestra with the
power to produce effects
disorientating, stimulating
and thoroughly lethal. With
the deaths of the majority of
the orchestra
themselves in the resultant
orgy of deviancy, Marius was
the first Marine to move
forwards to lift an instrument
and play it, discovering its
unusual effects could be
directed, and the sensations
wielding its power produced.

ENHANCED WARRIORS............................ 130 POINTS
Terata 8 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 4+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Terata ● Infantry

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

The creations of Fabius Bile were ● Chainsword ● Stubborn
widely varied, from many limbed ● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless
wheels of flesh created from
● Bolter ● Feel No Pain (5+)
multiple test subjects stitched
together to those that defied all ● Scout Armour ● Traitor
logic of the natural or biological ● Frag Grenades ● The Mongrel Legion
order of the universe. Chief ● Krak Grenades ● Unstable Disposition
amongst these laboratory
● Genetic Enhancement
nightmares were the so-called
Enhanced Warriors, or Terata, as Options:
Fabius Bile called them. ● A Terata Enhanced Warriors unit may include:
Originally space marines, they - Up to 5 additional Terata............................................................................. +21 points per model
were so altered and removed from
the human template as to be ● The unit may select:
almost unrecognisable at times, - A single Surgical Augment (All Terata must have the same Augment)................... +25 points
were it not for the visible tattoos
and armour interface ports ● Any model in the unit with a Bolter may take a:
dotting their twisted, mutated - Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point
flesh. - Chain Bayonet....................................................................................................................+2 points

Most Terata were driven ● Any model in the unit may exchange its Bolter for a:
completely mad by the conversion - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
process, but those created from
the captured sons of Dorn ● Any model in the unit may exchange its Chainsword for a:
retained a measure of their sanity - Chainaxe .............................................................................................................................+2 points
and the ability to communicate. - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
This was more of a curse than a - Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points
blessing, however - as with
Captain Cassander, who was fully ● Any model in the unit may exchange its Chainsword and Bolter for:
aware and lucid as he tore into - Two Lightning Claws......................................................................................................+10 points
the ranks of the Iron Hands upon
the Sisypheum. ● For every 5 models in the unit, one may exchange its Chainsword for :
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
The Terata fought with any - Thunder Hammer .......................................................................................................... +20 points
weapons they were given, their
minds retaining the subconscious
training that all space marines The Mongrel Legion
are given upon induction into the This unit is considered to have the Legiones Astartes (Emperors Children) Special Rule for all rules
Legions. The Terata were also that interact with it, such as army selection, but cannot claim the bonuses provided by it. In
known to rip into their foes with addition, this unit may not be joined by any Independent Character except Fabius Bile.
tentacles grafted into the stumps
of their wrists, claws and spines
that had pushed through their
abused flesh, or even just Unstable Disposition
bludgeoning their foes to a bloody A unit with this special rule automatically passes the first failed Morale or Pinning test they are
pulp with the butts and barrels of called upon to make each turn.
their guns.

Genetic Enhancement
During Army Selection, each unit with this rule must choose one of the following enhancements. A
unit may only select one enhancement:

Quicksilver Speed: The unit adds +1 to its Movement and Initiative Characteristics.
Hardened Carapace: The unit adds +1 to its Toughness Characteristic, and gains a 3+ Armour Save.
Stimulant Overdrive: The unit adds +1 to its Strength Characteristic, and gains the Feel No Pain (4+)
Special Rule.

IV - Iron Warriors
Representing the multitudinous survivors who remained loyal to Terra following both the decimation of the Iron Warriors Legion, and then the culls enacted
by Perturabo following his declaration for the Warmaster Horus, a unique way of war was born among the survivors; The Iron Without.

Representing a departure from the norm for the Iron Warriors involved, The Iron Without was so named because it relied on mobility and guile to outwit an
enemy, to draw them into traps, pincer assaults, and counter-plays with which superior firepower could be used to crush them, even in the face of
overwhelming numbers.

First pioneered by Warsmith Barabas Dantioch during the Siege of the Schadenhold, this tactic would prove brutally useful against traitors of any stripe
during the long wars of the heresy.

● Legion Heavy Support Squads may be taken as non-Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Before the game begins, you must assign at least 3 Infantry or Cavalry units in a Detachment using this Rite of War to a Flanking Assault. Any
models assigned in this way automatically gain the Outflank Special Rule. You cannot assign a Lord of War to a Flanking Assault in this way.
● All Infantry and Dreadnought units in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Hatred (Traitors) whilst within 18” of the Detachment’s

● A Detachment using this Rite of War must include either a Warsmith, a Siege Breaker Consul, or Barabas Dantioch, and this model must be the
army’s Warlord.
● A Detachment with this Rite of War may only take a single Fast Attack choice.
● This Rite of War may only be selected for Detachments with the Loyalist allegiance.
● Any models in a Detachment using this Rite of War may not be assigned to a Deep Strike Assault or a Subterranean Assault.

Olympian Shrapnel Weapons

The Shrapnel weapons of the Iron Warriors were known and feared by Loyalist and Traitor, Human and Xenos alike. As the Heresy progressed, new
innovations in retrofitting such ammunition to larger weapons allowed ever more Shrapnel-shot to be expended...

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Special Rule may upgrade all Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters in the
unit for Twin-Linked Shrapnel Cannons for a cost of +2 points per weapon.

Any unit composed entirely of models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Special Rule may upgrade all Gravis Heavy Bolter Batteries in the
unit for Gravis Shrapnel Cannon Batteries for a cost of +10 points per weapon.

Range Str AP Type

Twin-Linked Shrapnel Cannon 24“ 5 6 Heavy 4, Twin-Linked, Pinning
Gravis Shrapnel Cannon Battery 36“ 5 6 Heavy 7, Twin-Linked, Pinning

BARABAS DANTIOCH................................. 175 POINTS
The Ironsoul, Lord of the Schadenhold, Masked in Silver
Barabas Dantioch 6 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Barabas Dantioch ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Plasma Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Warsmith Barabas Dantioch;
● Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer ● Master of the Legion a name that was supposed to
● Artificer Armour ● Master of Automata be a byword for failure, in
itself an irony as even when
● Iron Halo ● Independent Character given a final command,
● The Death Mask ● Loyalist Dantioch failed - for against
● Frag Grenades ● Hatred (Traitors) the odds, he simply refused to
● Krak Grenades ● Battlesmith (3+) die.
● Feel No Pain (5+) Dantioch’s journey began
● Lord of the Schadenhold with orders from Perturabo to
● Tetrach’s Chosen take the Gugann system at
● Warlord: The Iron Litany any cost - placing him and
the 51st Expeditionary Fleet
squarely in the path of a Hrud
The Death Mask migration. This folly would
Barabas Dantioch has the Fear (2) Special Rule, but this only applies to enemy units which contain lead to the deaths of almost
Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors). the entire fleet, for which
Dantioch was punished
despite obeying his father’s
orders to the letter. The
Lord of the Schadenhold aftermath of this left
Before the game begins, nominate up to two Fortifications or Terrain features in your deployment Dantioch physically crippled,
zone. The cover saves offered by these are increased by 1. though the psychological
wounds this left upon him
would be far worse. Peturabo
banished him for his perceived
Tetrach’s Chosen failings, and sent him to build
Barabas Dantioch may be included in an Iron Warriors detachment, or a detachment that has either a fortress - The Schadenhold,
the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) or (Imperial Fists) Special Rules. Barabas Dantioch retains his an impossible monolith to the
Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) rule, but may not be your Warlord in such a detachment. All units Emperor’s triumph - and one
in such a detachment treat Barabas Dantioch as Sworn Brothers - however Barabas Dantioch may that none beyond Dantioch
embark in Transports from the detachment. and his meagre company’s
remnants would ever see. His
first action was to ensure his
Warlord: The Iron Litany father’s wishes were true - he
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Barabas Dantioch automatically has The Iron Litany as his Warlord would never show his face
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. again, sealing it within a
death mask in the likeness of
his legion’s logos whilst it still
glowered from the forge.
Barabas Dantioch and any unit he joins gain the Fearless and Counter-Attack Special Rules.
When the word came that he
was to rejoin his father for the
long march to Terra, and to
assault the Palace itself,
For the purposes of Rites of War and mandatory unit selections only, Barabas Dantioch counts
as a Warsmith and a Siege Breaker. Dantioch’s mind was cast. He
refused, and when his
impossible fortress was
besieged, he bled his attackers
to the last for every inch, every
battlement, and every
causeway they tried to take
from him.

VOLK-SA’RA’RAM.........................................300 POINTS
Lightning-Corvis, Obliterax-Primus
Volk-Sa’ra’ram 7 5 6 5 6 5 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Volk-Sa’ra’ram ● Infantry (Heavy, Corrupted,
Monstrous, Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Volk was the commander of ● Fleshmetal Plating ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
the 786th Grand Flight during ● Morphogenic Weaponry ● Fearless
the later years of the Great ● Bulky (5)
Crusade and throughout most
of the Heresy. During the ● Traitor
events of the Heresy, Volk was ● Warlord: Obliteration Protocols
fighting on the world of Krade
against the Ultramarines
when the campaign was
abruptly interrupted. Argonis,
a Son of Horus emissary, had Fleshmetal Plating
come bearing orders from Fleshmetal Plating confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
Horus for Perturabo to find
and capture Angron. He had In addition, if a model with this wargear suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death Special
developed a close friendship Rule, it is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses 2 wounds for each unsaved
with Argonis during the Great Wound with the Instant Death Special Rule inflicted on it.
Crusade, which led to
Perturabo keeping Volk close
to his side during the hunt for
Angron. Morphogenic Weaponry
At the start of each turn of each of Volk-Sa’ra’ram’s Controlling Player’s turns, you must select two
Upon the world of Sarum, different ranged options and a single melee option from the lists below. Volk-Sa’ra’ram counts as
Volk was present at the being armed with these weapons until the start of your next turn. You may not make the same
interrogation of the bound selections two turns in a row.
daemon Sa’ra’am, who told Ranged Weapons Melee Weapons
the group of Angron’s
● Shrapnel Cannon ● Chainfist
location. The daemon broke
free of its bonds and possessed ● Heavy Flamer ● Graviton Maul
Volk, transforming him into ● Volkite Culverin ● Two Lightning Claws
what would later be known as ● Autocannon ● Power Lance
the first Obliterator. ● Plasma Cannon
● Multi-Melta
This creature, now known as
● Lascannon
Volk-Sa’ra’am, fought
alongside Perturabo against
the crazed World Eaters upon
the world of Deluge, and Warlord: Obliteration Protocols
during the Siege of Terra he If chosen as the army's Warlord, Volk-Sa’ra’ram automatically has Obliteration Protocols as his
worked with the Dark- Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
Mechanicum Magos Inar
Satarael to infect the systems When Volk-Sa’ra’ram targets an enemy unit as part of a Shooting attack, if that unit has already
of the Lion’s Gate spaceport been the target of a Shooting attack made by a friendly unit entirely composed of models with the
with a daemonic virus, Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Special Rule in the same phase, he may choose to fire twice when
hampering the defender’s making a Shooting Attack with any Heavy Weapon he is armed with, but all additional shots made
intelligence gathering and in this manner gain the Gets Hot Special Rule.
ability to mount an effective
defence. If the weapon already had the Gets Hot special rule, it instead Gets Hot on a roll of a 1 or 2.

In addition, an army with Volk-Sa’ra’ram as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the
Opposing Player’s Shooting phase as long as Volk-Sa’ra’ram has not been removed as a casualty.

BARBAN FALK .............................................. 180 POINTS
The Warsmith, Triarch of the Trident
Barban Falk 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Barban Falk ● Infantry (Heavy, Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Barban Falk was the
● The Warsmith’s Fist ● Relentless Warsmith of the 126th Grand
● Legion Cataphractii ● Independent Character Company in the latter parts of
the Crusade and the Heresy.
Terminator Armour ● Master of the Legion Raised to Perturabo’s Trident
● Servo-Arm ● Inexorable alongside Kroeger after the
● Cortex Controller ● Master of Automata death of Golg during the
● Battlesmith (3+) Battle of Phall and the
disgrace of Harkor at the first
● Bulky (2) Siege of Hydra Cordatus,
● Traitor Barban Falk quickly adapted
● Warlord: The Warsmith to his new role at the side of
his Primarch.

Warlord: The Warsmith Physically imposing, even by

If chosen as the army's Warlord, Barban Falk automatically has The Warsmith as his Warlord Trait the standards of the Astartes,
and may not select any other Warlord Trait. and notably when he was not
clad in his Cataphractii plate,
Whenever a friendly unit from the same Detachment as Barban Falk with the Legiones Astartes Barban Falk was feared as
(Iron Warriors) Special Rule within 12” of Barban Falk fails a Morale or Pinning test, they may much as respected among his
choose to re-roll it, but must accept the second result, even if it is worse. legion.

In addition, an army with Barban Falk as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the Opposing During the transit through
Player’s Movement phase as long as Barban Falk has not been removed as a casualty. the Eye of Terror, Falk
witnessed what seemed to be
the iron skull of his Legion in
the eddies of the Empyrean,
The Warsmith’s Fist Range Str AP Type which continued to haunt
The Warsmith’s Fist - x2 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Sunder, Exoshock (5+) him wherever he looked. Upon
the world of Amon nu-shak
Kaelis, at the Battle of Iydris,
he was contacted by a
daemonic entity, and using
For the purposes of Rites of War and mandatory unit selections only, Barban Falk counts as a the power of the Warp it
Warsmith and a Siege Breaker.
allowed him to focus and
command his forces after the
seeming fall of Perturabo.

In the aftermath of this battle,

he insisted on being referred
to simply as The Warsmith,
and refused to respond to the
name of Falk again. He was a
truly commanding presence
at the Siege of Terra, baulking
at Warsmith Kroeger’s blunt
tactics at taking the Lion’s
Gate spaceport, and became
increasingly disdainful of his
fellow Trident members,
seemingly viewing them as
lesser than him.

WARSMITH BEROSSUS* ........................... 160 POINTS
Warsmith Berossus 7 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Warsmith Berossus ● Infantry (Character, Unique*)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Berossus was the captain of ● Meltagun ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
the 2nd Grand Company by ● Olympian Reaper ● Master of the Legion
the outbreak of the Heresy. He ● Artificer Armour ● Independent Character
volunteered to command the
Iron Warriors forces at the ● Iron Halo ● Master of Automata
Battle of Phall, but Perturabo ● Cortex Controller ● Battlesmith (3+)
decided to take command ● Servo-Arm ● Traitor
himself, giving the task of ● Frag Grenades
planning the assault to First
Captain Forrix. Berossus was ● Krak Grenades
tasked with being Perturabo’s
adjutant, which ultimately
proved to be the cause of his Olympian Reaper
internment in a Dreadnought All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Range Str AP Type
Olympian Reaper - +1 3 Melee, Rending (5+), Shred
During the Battle of Phall,
Perturabo was certain that
the Imperial Fists forces were
under the command of First
Captain Sigismund, and so *Berossus’ two profiles represent him as he was in two different time-frames. As a result, an
ordered that he be captured army that contains Warsmith Berossus may never also contain Berossus Interred, and visa versa.
and brought to him alive.

Berossus was given For the purposes of Rites of War and mandatory unit selections only, Warsmith Berossus counts
as a Warsmith and a Siege Breaker.
intercepted intelligence that
the commander of the
Imperial Fists was in fact
Alexis Polux, and brought this
news to Perturabo, to his
undoing. The primarch, in his
unleashed fury, struck
Berossus with such force that
his armour was sundered in a
single blow, and he was left to
bleed to death on the deck of
the Iron Blood.

BEROSSUS, INTERRED*............................. 190 POINTS
Berossus, Interred 6 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Berossus, Interred ● Dreadnought (Character, Unique*)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Gravis Shrapnel Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Berossus was later interred
● Graviton Maul with in-built ● Reaping Blow (1) into a Castraferrum
Twin-Linked Shrapnel Bolter ● Ferromantic Deflector Dreadnought, and was
present upon Hydra Cordatus
● Frag Launchers ● Traitor at the reception of the
● Searchlights ● Support Squad Emperor’s Children
delegation, which included
the primarch Fulgrim himself.
He presented a pair of
Dedicated Transport: Imperial Fist captives to the
● Berossus, Interred may take a Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod as Dedicated Transport. If Phoenician, which later
taken this way, a transport does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its became members of the
points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Terata.

The fact that Berossus was

*Berossus’ two profiles represent him as he was in two different time-frames. As a result, an injured to the point of
army that contains Warsmith Berossus may never also contain Berossus Interred, and visa versa. internment in a Dreadnought
by his own commander was a
canker upon his psyche, and
over time he was driven slowly
mad with bitterness over the
course of the Heresy. He was
present at the traitor muster
at Ullanor, and took part in
the siege of the Lion’s Gate
spaceport, but he was reduced
to nothing more than a minor
line officer, his time in the
high favour of his primarch
gone, never to be won again.

WARSMITH TORAMINO........................... 160 POINTS
Master of the Stor-Bezashk
Warsmith Toramino 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Warsmith Toramino ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Born into one of the high ● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
ranking families upon ● Power Sword ● Master of the Legion
Olympia, Toramino was ● Three Phosphex Bombs ● Independent Character
raised to join the nobility of
the planet from birth.. Once ● Artificer Armour ● Traitor
Perturabo was discovered by ● Iron Halo ● Master of Automata
the Emperor, however, ● Cognis-Signum ● Battlesmith (3+)
Toramino was to have a ● Cortex Controller ● Warlord: Master of the Stor-Bezashk
different fate; elevation to the
Iron Warriors. Rising through ● Servo-Arm
the ranks, it was noted he ● Frag Grenades
showed expertise in the use of ● Krak Grenades
overwhelming support fire to
claim victory after victory.
Warlord: Master of the Stor-Bezashk
Raised to the rank of If chosen as the army's Warlord, Warsmith Toramino automatically has Master of the Stor-Bezashk
Warsmith, and Master of the as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
Stor-Bezashk, the legion’s elite
siege masters and engineers Whenever a friendly model from the same Detachment as Warsmith Toramino with the Legiones
Toramino became one of the Astartes (Iron Warriors) Special Rule and the Bombard Unit Sub-type makes a Shooting attack, it
most influential officers gains +1 to its Ballistic Skill.
within the Iron Warriors.
Despite this, the Warsmith In addition, an army with Warsmith Toramino as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the
was passed over for a position Opposing Player’s Shooting phase as long as Warsmith Toramino has not been removed as a
within the Trident, resulting casualty.
in a lack of care and outright
hostility against fellow
Warsmiths from him during
combat operations. After all, For the purposes of Rites of War and mandatory unit selections only, Warsmith Toramino
loss of communications and counts as a Warsmith and a Siege Breaker.
friendly fire were not
uncommon during sieges...

TARTAROS COHORT ................................. 225 POINTS
Dominator Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Dominator Tartaros ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) Under the callous and
● Thunder Hammer ● Relentless calculating leadership of their
● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Stubborn Primarch the Iron Warriors
endured and triumphed in the
● Hatred (Automata) worst of the Great Crusade’s
● Those Once Honoured war-zones, often securing
● Bulky (2) victory from atop a mountain
● Chosen Warriors of their own legion’s dead.
While the casualties in such
Dedicated Transport: engagements were often
● A Dominator Tartaros Cohort may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as Dedicated appallingly high, those that
Transport as long as it numbers no more than 5 models or a unit of any size may take a survived Perturabo’s cruel
Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. If taken this way, a transport does mathematical way of war
not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for emerged as uniquely skilled
as part of the army. and bitterly determined
warriors. Among these
veterans, those that caught
Options: the Primarch’s eye were
● The Dominator Tartaros Cohort may include: organised into the ranks of his
- Up to 5 additional Dominator Tartaros ................................................... +40 points per model elite bodyguard. Clad in the
cutting edge Tartaros
● For every five models in the unit, one model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter Terminator armour and
for one of the following: bearing the finest weapons
- Heavy Flamer ...................................................................................................................+10 points available to the Legion, the
- Reaper Autocannon ........................................................................................................ +15 points “Dominators” status would
- Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +25 points ultimately serve as no escape
from the grinding machine of
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Thunder Hammer for a: war. As the Heresy consumed
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points the Imperium and Perturabo
set his sights on the world of
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Combi-Bolter for one of the following weapons: Tallarn, the Dominators were
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points thrust into one of the most
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points brutal tests of will that the
Iron Warriors would endure.
Within the toxic atmosphere
*You may only include either a single Dominator Cohort or Dominator Tartaros Cohort in your of a dying world and arrayed
against an enemy as bitter
and determined as they were,
the chosen warriors of the
fourth were horrified to find
their new suits of Terminator
armor completely unsuited to
their unique way of war.
Discovering their armour's
agility and speed came at the
expense of the protection that
the older Cataphractii offered,
those warriors that weren’t
shattered and broken beneath
the tracks of Imperial tanks
were quick to readopt their
older suits, aware that under
their Lord, any gap in
protection would invariably
prove fatal.

RHINO CASTELLAN.......................................75 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Rhino Castellan 14 4 12 12 10 3 12

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Rhino Castellan ● Vehicle (Transport*)

DEDICATED Wargear Special Rules

TRANSPORT ● Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors)
Designed by Perturabo Shrapnel Bolter ● Repair
himself, the Rhino Castellan ● Smoke Launchers ● Infantry Transport
was a modified version of the
standard issue Astartes Rhino ● Armour Interlock
APC created to serve in the
Iron Warriors Legion. These
Rhinos featured unfolding
plates of adamantium and
mounted impact bracing, Access Points:
meaning that they could ● A Rhino Castellan has one Access Point on either side of the hull, and one Access Point at
quickly become a fortification the rear.
or a bunker complex, when
speed was necessary or more
traditional materials were not Options:
available. These Rhinos were ● A Rhino Castellan may take one of the following:
modular, meaning that - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Shrapnel Bolter............................................................. +5 points
multiple could be linked - Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer ........................................................................................ +5 points
together quickly to form large - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
fortification complexes. - Pintle Mounted Shrapnel Cannon ...............................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
This was used to great effect - Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta ........................................................................................ +20 points
in encircling enemy
fortifications within the span ● A Rhino Castellan may take any of the following:
of less than a standard hour, - One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
and forming effective and - Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points
easily defensible roadblocks in
the face of an enemy assault.
In the Battle of Iydris, several
hundred Castellans were Armour Interlock
deployed in the face of the If a model with this Special Rule is in base contact with another model with this Special Rule, then
Eldar assault, which any friendly models within 3" that claim an Intervening Model Cover Save from this model increase
counteracted the nature of the that save by one (i.e., from 6+ to 5+). This does not affect any Cover Save granted from any other
world’s stone to crack and source. This rule cannot increase a Cover Save to better than a 2+.
weaken when formed into
blocks for construction. These
fortified complexes proved
instrumental in the survival *A Rhino Castellan may be taken instead of a Legion Rhino Transport as a Dedicated Transport
of the Iron Warriors forces for any unit which may ordinarily select a Legion Rhino Transport.
that were fighting on the
surface of the world, without
which they would have been
swiftly cut down by the
superior numbers of the Eldar

V - White Scars
The image of the Zadyin Arga, calling down bolts of lightning from the Altak’s endless blue skies left an indelible mark on the psyche of many a member of the
Ordu. This has directly influenced the tactics employed by a number of Khans, with their troops held out of sight, hidden away for long enough for the enemy
to advance to the optimum position, before crashing down upon the unwitting foe. Their speed lends them greater strength and momentum, shots seem to hit
harder and blows land with more surety. Any enemies not caught by the initial strike feel the creeping hand of their demise on their shoulder, as the Scars
quickly change direction and hunt down those left alive.

● All models in a Detachment using this Rite of War with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule may add +1” to their Charge distance if
the unit they are in ends its move its maximum Movement distance from its starting position in the preceding Movement phase.
● All models in a Detachment using this Rite of War with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule may re-roll rolls of 1 to Wound and failed
Armour Penetration rolls, if the unit ends its move its maximum Movement distance from its starting position in the preceding Movement phase.
● Legion Outrider Squadrons and Legion Sky-Hunter Squadrons may be selected as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Legion Outrider Squadrons and Legion Sky-Hunter Squadrons taken as Compulsory Troops gain the Line Unit Sub-Type in a Detachment using
this Rite of War.
● All units with the Cavalry Unit Type and the Antigrav Unit Sub-type taken in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Shrouded (6+) Special
Rule if they moved in the preceding Movement Phase.

● All units with the Independent Character Special Rule must take a Legion Scimitar Jetbike, Shamshir Jetbike, Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike, or Legion
Spatha Combat Bike.
● If all units with the Cavalry Unit Type in a Detachment using this Rite of War are removed from play, your Opponent gains an additional +D3
Victory Points.
● You may only select Heavy Support or Lords of War choices if they have a Movement Characteristic of 16 or higher in a Detachment using this
Rite of War.
● Legion Outrider Squadrons or Legion Sky-Hunter Squadrons must be selected as Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of

Power Tulwars
The Ordu of Jaghatai was not only made up of those that lived and fought on the plains of the Altak, but was made up of many men drawn from the many
peoples of Chogoris. These varied warriors all brought an element of their own culture to the Ordu, and over time weapons of varying types were introduced.
Some were forgotten with their wielder’s deaths, but some found wider acceptance and usage within the White Scars.

One such weapon was the Power Tulwar. Smaller, thinner and lighter than the average power sword, they were typically suited to slashing attacks, which their
curved profile lent well to, but these weapons were still adept at finding the cracks and weak points in a foe’s armour. Their lighter weight allowed for much
faster strikes, and in many cases this meant that a White Scar warrior was able to land a mortal blow before the enemy had a chance to strike back with what
would not be considered a slow or ponderous weapon. These Tulwar were wielded both alone and in a pair, their versatility lending them great favour within
the Legion. Many a traitor legionary met their untimely end on the rising edge of a Chogorian Tulwar, as but one small element of the oath the Khagan swore
to the Emperor.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a Power Glaive for a Power Tulwar at no
additional points cost.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a Power Glaive and Bolt Pistol for
two Power Tulwars for +10 points.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a Power Glaive and Combi-Bolter for
two Power Tulwars for +10 points.
Range Str AP Type
Power Tulwar - User 4 Melee, Rending (5+), Sudden Strike (1)

When a model has two Power Tulwars, that model gains +2 attacks instead of the usual +1 attack for using an additional weapon in combat.

TARGUTAI YESUGEI ................................... 225 POINTS
Lord of the Zadyin Arga, Counsel of the Khagan
Targutai Yesugei 8* 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Targutai Yesugei ● Infantry (Character, Psyker, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Artificer Armour ● Legiones Astartes (White Scars) There were many figures of
● Master-Crafted Force Staff ● Independent Character repute within the Legions,
● Bolt Pistol ● Loyalist being larger than life
characters in many aspects.
● Iron Halo ● Master of the Legion The same can not quite be
● Psychic Hood ● Adamantium Will (3+) said of the White Scars, with
● Frag Grenades ● Relentless most not knowing much of
● Krak Grenades ● Master of the Zadyin Arga the enigmatic Legion
compared to those who had
● Cyber Hawk ● Warlord: Stormseer’s Fury held the burning torch of
humanity throughout the
Crusade. There were some
Options: exceptions to this, and
Targutai Yesugei was one
● Targutai Yesugei may take a: such example. Standing at the
- Legion Shamshir Jetbike.................................................................................................+30 points side of the Khagan since
before the coming of the
Imperium, he was the head of
Master of the Zadyin Arga the Zadyin Arga and gave
Targutai Yesugei always knows the Telepathy and The Storm’s Fury Psychic Disciplines, and may
counsel and mentorship to
not select any others. In addition, Targutai Yesugei may take a Dark Sons of Death unit as a Retinue
many within the Legion. He
as if he were a Legion Consul with the Stormseer upgrade.
was a venerable figure to the
warriors of the Ordu, having
stood as one of Jaghatai’s
Warlord: Stormseer’s Fury warriors for nigh on a
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Targutai Yesugei automatically has Stormseer’s Fury as his century, longer than most any
Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. other member of the Legion.
Targutai Yesugei and any unit he has joined gain the Hatred (Traitors) Special Rule. He embodied the twin tenets
of the Stormseers, with his
In addition, an army with Targutai Yesugei as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the restraint and limitation a
Opposing Player’s Shooting phase as long as Targutai Yesugei has not been removed as a casualty. model that many of his
students followed, particularly
those of the Zadyin Arga. He
stood in defence of the
*The additional Movement bonus grated by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule is Librarius at Nikea, speaking
included. of the important role that the
psychic members of the
Legions could serve. After the
ruling of the Emperor he
brought this news to the
Khagan, who acted as he was
ever want to do, and decreed
that the White Scars would
continue as they had always
done. The Zadyin Arga had
stood amongst the tribes of
the Altak for millennia, well
before the coming of the
Imperium and the secular
Imperial Truth, and so they
would continue to stand
amongst the Hordes of the
White Scars, resolute until the

SHIBAN KHAN ............................................. 200 POINTS
Khan of the Brotherhood of the Storm, Tachseer
Shiban Khan 7* 6 5 4 5 4 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Shiban Khan ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Very few warriors embodied ● Artificer Armour ● Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
the slow decline of the mood ● Mogoj Hadaas ● Independent Character
and temperament of the ● Bolt Pistol ● Loyalist
White Scars more than
Shiban Khan. A Chogorian ● Iron Halo ● Master of the Legion
native, he was found by ● The Shackles ● Relentless
Targutai Yesugei, who became ● Frag Grenades ● Inexorable
as to a mentor to the young ● Krak Grenades ● Tachseer
warrior during his Ascension
process. In particular he ● Furious Charge (1)
encouraged Shiban’s choice of ● Warlord: Lord of the Storm
Noble Pursuit, namely that of
Chogorian long form poetry. Options:
Shiban served with honour in
the Legion for many years, ● Shiban Khan may take a:
coming to be the Khan of the - Legion Shamshir Jetbike.................................................................................................+30 points
Brotherhood of the Storm by
the time of the Chondax
campaign. He had developed The Shackles
a close friendship with The Shackles grant Shiban Khan the Feel No Pain (4+) Special Rule. In addition, any attacks made in
Torghun, Khan of the the Assault phase targeting Shiban Khan always count Shiban Khan as having a Weapon Skill
Brotherhood of the Moon, Characteristic of 4.
who was a Terran initiate to
the Legion. It was Torghun
that convinced Shiban to Tachseer
attend a lodge meeting whilst A Legion Command Squad equipped with Legion Scimitar Jetbikes which has Shiban Khan selected
the Legion was stationed as its leader may exchange them for Legion Shamshir Jetbikes at no additional points cost.
above Prospero, which led to
the uncovering of the plot to
deliver the White Scars to the
Warmaster. Warlord: Lord of the Storm
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Shiban Khan automatically has Lord of the Storm as his Warlord
He wielded the masterfully Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
crafted guan dao Mogoj
Hadaas, made for Shiban by In a Detachment with Shiban Khan as your Warlord, any Cavalry unit may re-roll failed Shrouded
the Legion’s artificers after the Damage Mitigation rolls. Shiban Khan and any unit he joins automatically pass Dangerous Terrain
weapon he took up upon his tests.
Ascension was sundered by
the ork warboss Ulrau Hask In addition, an army with Shiban Khan as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the Opposing
upon the world of Chondax. Player’s Assault phase as long as Shiban Khan has not been removed as a casualty.
Whilst he wielded it with less
grace than he did before
taking on the Shackles, he lost
none of his killing power - as Mogoj Hadaas Range Str AP Type
many enemies found to their Mogoj Hadaas - +2 3 Melee, Master-Crafted, Rending (5+),
prompt end. Fighting for the Murderous Strike (6+)
length of the Heresy, Shiban
Khan stood as a figure the
Legion could rally around in
times of need, such as after *The additional Movement bonus grated by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule is
the disappearance of the included.
Khagan after the assault on
the Lion’s Gate.

CATAPHRACTII COHORT .......................... 225 POINTS
Kharash Cataphractii 7* 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Kharash Cataphractii ● Infantry (Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Power Glaive ● Legiones Astartes (White Scars) For those among the ranks of
● Legion Cataphractii ● Relentless the Ebon Keshig, the embrace
Terminator Armour ● Bulky (2) of their Terminator plate was
a burden of their duty as
● Kharash much as protection from the
● Stubborn fury of their enemies. Daring
● Feel No Pain (5+) the thickest of enemy fire to
bring ruin upon the enemy,
drawing fire from their less
Dedicated Transport: armoured brethren, the Ebon
● An Ebon Keshig Cataphractii Cohort may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Keshig were as to a slowly
Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 5 models or a unit of any size moving wall of ceramite
may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. If taken this way, a whenever they were formed
transport does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must and deployed.
still be paid for as part of the army.
To this end, at times the
Legion overseers of these
Options: oath-sworn warriors encased
● The Ebon Keshig Cataphractii Cohort may include: them in Cataphractii plate as
- Up to 5 additional Kharash Cataphractii ..................................................+45 points per model opposed to the more
commonly used Tartaros,
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Power Glaive for one of the following options: sacrificing yet more of their
- Combi-Bolter and Power Weapon.................................................................................. +5 points speed and mobility to offer
- Combi-Bolter and Power Fist ........................................................................................ +15 points them better protection
against the worst of their foe’s
● One Kharash Cataphractii in the unit may take a: ire. This bulky variant of
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points armour barely hampered their
swinging glaives, and they
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Combi-Bolter for one of the following weapons: were unto a storm of blades
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points when they finally lumbered
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points into combat.
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points

● Any model in the unit may take a:

- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

*The additional Movement bonus grated by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule is

WIND RIDER BRETHREN........................ 150 POINTS
Wind Rider 17* 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 7 3+
Storm Rider 17* 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Wind Riders ● Wind Rider: Cavalry (Antigrav)
● 1 Storm Rider ● Storm Rider:
Cavalry (Antigrav, Character)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

The so-called ‘weather magic’ ● Power Armour ● Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
of the Zadyin Arga is well ● Legion Scimitar Jetbike ● Stormseer’s Conclave
documented, as they conjure (with in-built Volkite Culverin^) ● Winds of the Storm
lightning and storms from
empty blue skies. Less well ● Bolt Pistol ● Stubborn
known however, is the deadly ● Chainsword ● Relentless
danger that lurks within some ● Rad Grenades ● Firing Protocols (2)
of the larger of these storms. ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
Flying out of the coalesced
maelstrom with contrails of ● Hit and Run
cloud streaming from their ● Deep Strike
jetbikes, the Wind Rider
Brethren are a hammer blow
to enemy infantry formations,
sending them reeling and Options:
scattering before their ● The Wind Rider Brethren may include:
onrushing doom. - Up to 3 additional Wind Riders..................................................................+45 points per model

Sent out to war only by the ● One Wind Rider may take a:
sanction of the Great Khan - Nuncio Vox .......................................................................................................................+10 points
himself, and always under the
direct command of the ● One Wind Rider may take a:
Stormseers, becoming one of - Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
the Wind Rider Brethren is no
position of honour, its ● For every three models in the unit, one model in the unit may exchange their Legion
members staying secluded Scimitar Jetbike’s in-built Volkite Culverin for a:
from the main body of the - Missile Launcher (with Rad Missiles only) ..................................................................+10 points
Legion. Their names are
remembered only in poem ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Chainsword for a:
and in song, such is the - Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
sacrifice of all of the - Power Glaive.....................................................................................................................+10 points
Karaoghlanlar. Despite this, - Two Power Tulwars ........................................................................................................+10 points
there is no member of the
Ordu that denies their ● The Storm Rider may exchange his Chainsword for a:
effectiveness and skill in - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
battle, and the sight of the red - Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points
armoured squadrons have - Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
rallied multiple failing ● The Storm Rider may exchange his Power Armour for:
assaults over the history of the - Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points
Great Crusade - and indeed,
the Heresy. ● The Storm Rider may take:
- Melta Bombs ...................................................................................................................... +5 points

*The additional Movement bonus grated by the Legiones Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule is

^The in-built Volkite Culverin replaces the Heavy Bolter normally in-built to a Legion Scimitar

Winds of the Storm
A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may only be joined by a Legion Centurion with the Legiones Consularis: Stormseer upgrade,
or by Targutai Yesugei. Legion Techmarines and Legion Apothecaries may not be assigned to a unit with this Special Rule unless they also have this
Special Rule.

Stormseer’s Conclave
A Wind Rider Squadron in a Detachment that includes a Legion Centurion with the Legiones Consularis: Stormseer upgrade and the Legiones
Astartes (White Scars) Special Rule (or Targutai Yesugei) may be selected as a Retinue Squad, instead of as a Fast Attack choice.

A unit selected as a Retinue Squad must be joined by a Stormseer Consul (or Targutai Yesugei), and they must be designated as the unit’s Leader.
A Wind Rider Squadron selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader, and the Leader may not voluntarily leave
the Retinue Squad during play. A Wind Rider Squadron selected as a Retinue Squad does not use up a Force Organisation slot and is considered part
of the same unit as the model selected as its Leader.

VI - Space Wolves
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: PRIEST OF IRON.................................................. +45 POINTS
Behind the mask of a reaving barbarian, the Priest of Iron is possessed of esoteric tech-mysticism that would put the arcane tech-adepts of Mars to shame.
Masterful artificers, they are responsible for supplying and maintaining the armouries of the Vlka Fenryka, marching to war with devastating armaments
when called upon.

A Legion Centurion, Legion Tartaros Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, or Legion Indomitus Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Space
Wolves) Special Rule may be upgraded to a Priest of Iron Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed

Special Rules
A Priest of Iron gains the Battlesmith (4+), Master of Automata, Legiones Thallaxes, and Runis Machinitor Special Rules.

A Priest of Iron gains a Machinator Array and a Helfrost Pistol at no additional points cost, and may select a Cortex Controller for +15 points. A Priest
of Iron may also select a Cyber Familiar for +20 points.

Runis Machinitor
Before the game begins, you may select up to two vehicles in the same detachment as the Priest of Iron. For the duration of the game, these vehicles
can move at up to Crusing speed in the movement phase, but are counted as not having moved for the purposes of their shooting attacks.

Helfrost Pistol
The esoteric Helfrost Pistols are a unique and rare armament in the halls of the Vlka Fenryka. Powered by rare crystals found only in the most remote corners
of the Fenrisian wilds, Helfrost Pistols fire a beam of sub-zero energy that can instantly encase enemies in blocks of ice close to absolute zero, colder than the
vacuum of space.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Special Rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a bolt pistol for a Helfrost Pistol for
+20 points.
Range Str AP Type
Helfrost Pistol 12“ 5 4 Pistol 1, Blind, Breaching (3+)

Varagyr Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Thegn Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Varagyr Tartaros ● Varagyr Tartaros: Infantry
● 1 Thegn Tartaros ● Thegn Tartaros: Infantry (Character)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● One of the following: Frost Axe, Frost ● Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Sometimes the best defence
Sword, or Frost Claw ● Fear (1) was a quick and brutal
● Combi-Bolter ● Relentless offence. In these
circumstances, the Varagyr
● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Counter-attack (1) would don their Tartaros
● Stubborn Terminator Armour to deliver
● Hammer of Wrath (2) the fury of the Wolf King to
● Lordsbane their enemies. When such
coldly withheld fury was
● Bulky (2) unleashed, it fell like a
thunderbolt against the foe.
Dedicated Transport: The charge of the Varagyr was
● A Varagyr Wolf Guard Tartaros Terminator Squad of no more than 5 models may take a terrible to behold, a tide of
Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Varagyr Wolf Guard armour-clad, beast skin-
Tartaros Terminator Squad of any size may instead take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a draped hulks propelled by
Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force superhuman strength and
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. inhuman ferocity.

Given sufficient momentum

Options: to aid their charge, the
Varagyr struck their foes like
● The Varagyr Wolf Guard Tartaros Terminator Squad may include: cannon shells, crushing and
- Up to 5 additional Varagyr Tartaros ......................................................... +40 points per model killing their enemies before
even their fearsome blades
● Any model in the unit may exchange his Frost Blade for a: struck.
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................+10 points Though all served the Wolf
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points
King faithfully and with fealty
as his guard, the Varagyr also
● One Varagyr Tartaros in the unit may take a:
took great satisfaction in
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
showing their superiority to
the petty lords and champions
● Any model in the unit may exchange its Combi-Bolter for one of the following weapons:
- Frost Weapon (Frost Axe, Frost Sword, or Frost Claw)................................................ +5 points of those they slew, vying to
- Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................................................... +5 points honour their master with the
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points trophies of the slain justly
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points anointed in the blood of the
- Reaper Autocannon ........................................................................................................ +15 points vanquished in the hopes of
making a tale worth the
● The Thegn Tartaros may exchange his Frost Blade for a: telling.
- Great Frost Blade .............................................................................................................+10 points

● The Thegn Tartaros may take a:

- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

VII - Imperial Fists
TERMINATOR SQUAD ................................300 POINTS
Huscarl Indomitus 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Thegn Tartaros 7 5 Huscarl-Master
4 4 4 Indomitus
2 4 3 9 2+6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Huscarl Indomitus ● Huscarl Indomitus: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Huscarl-Master Indomitus ● Huscarl-Master Indomitus:
Infantry (Character, Heavy)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

During their long fortification ● Power Weapon ● Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists)
and garrison of the Sol ● Vigil Storm Shield ● Stubborn
system, the capacity for ● Legion Indomitus Terminator Armour ● Relentless
production of new war
materiel dwindled as the ● Bulky (2)
Warmaster’s forces cut off ● Iron Bulwark
system after system from ● Huscarl Retinue
sending supplies to Terra. ● Deep Strike
This, coupled with the
Praetorian’s forces having to
pull out of those few Martian
forges loyal to the Emperor, Dedicated Transport:
meant that a number of the ● A Huscarl Indomitus Squad numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land
Legion had to turn to Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. A Huscarl
differing solutions to keep Indomitus Squad of any size may select a Legion Spartan Land Raider as a Dedicated
themselves armed and Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional Force
armoured Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.

One case of this, that became

more and more common as Options:
the Heresy went on, was the
Huscarls turning to ● The Huscarl Indomitus Squad may include:
Indomitus pattern plate. The - Up to 5 additional Huscarl Indomitus ...................................................... +55 points per model
sight of their rounded
pauldrons became a common ● Any model in the unit may exchange his Power Weapon for a:
sight upon the Phalanx by the - Solarite Power Gauntlet .................................................................................................+10 points
time of the Solar War, and
● The Huscarl-Master Indomitus may take a:
this armour held out as well
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points
as any Terminator plate
against the predations of
Samus and the daemons that
*You may only include either a single Huscarl Squad or Huscarl Indomitus Squad in your army.
followed in his wake.

VIII - Night Lords
GENDOR SKRAIVOK .................................. 200 POINTS
The Painted Count
Gendor Skraivok 7 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Gendor Skraivok ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The story of the Painted ● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes
Count is a tale of woe and ● The Daemon Sword (Night Lords)
inevitability, as those chosen ● Artificer Armour ● Master of the Legion
by forces beyond their ken are
led to their fates without hope ● Iron Halo ● Independent Character
of resisting it. ● Trophies of Judgement ● Traitor
● Frag Grenades ● Dirty Fighter*
The Painted Count and his ● Krak Grenades
family were in large part
responsible for the downfall of Options:
the Night Lords Legion. ● The
The Daemon
UNIT maySword
exchange their XRange
for one of the following
Str AP Type options:
Skraivok himself schemed to -The
Option 1 ......................................................................................................................................
Daemon Sword - +1 2 Melee, Master-Crafted, Free
replace initiates to the Legion - Option 2 ..............................................................................................................................
Duellists’s Edge (1), Spiteful Binding +5 points
with the unworthy, hive Spiteful Binding
gangers and common At the end of any Player’s Assault phase, if Skraivok has attacked in Melee against an enemy model
criminals, all whilst sending with a higher WS than his own, his controlling player must roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, Skraivok is
the real legion initiates to his immediately removed from play as a casualty. If he is removed in this way, the opposing player may
own noble family to further not claim VP towards Slay the Warlord.
their own lot. This covert act
of subversion saw the
Skraivok family rise above the
other nobles families and *See Sevatar’s entry in Liber Hereticus for the Dirty Fighter Special Rule.
gangs on Nostramo - even as
it earnt Curze’s ire.

Skraivok’s path was sealed

when he struck a pact with a
daemon, in an act designed to
utterly destroy one of his
underlings and further himself
in a single blow. Instead,
however, The Daemon Blade
he created as part of this pact
had now set its infernal sights
upon Skraivok himself…

Skraivok himself finally

seemed to have seized true
command when he killed his
Company Commander,
Krukesh the Pale - though for
this act, he was rewarded with
being entombed into the
labyrinth aboard the Nightfall
- the very same one
constructed originally to
imprison Vulkan. The
Daemon Sword manifested
itself next to him and led him
from the labyrinth, ready to
take his place taking the walls
at the Siege of Terra - and
meet his final fate…

TERMINATOR SQUAD ................................ 275 POINTS
Contekar Cataphractii 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Dissident Cataphractii 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Contekar Cataphractii ● Contekar Cataphractii: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Dissident Cataphractii ● Dissident Cataphractii:
Infantry (Heavy, Character)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Heavy Flamer or Volkite Cavitor ● Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) The armour and armaments
● Chainblade ● Relentless preferred by those amongst
● Legion Cataphractii ● Bulky (2) the Contekar elite were wide
and varied, with some opting
Terminator Armour ● Chosen Warriors for closer range Heavy
● Stubborn Flamers, and others having
● Lords of the Night chosen the longer range of the
● Deep Strike Volkite Cavitor. This variety
in preference extends to the
● Fear (1) choice of Terminator plate
Dedicated Transport: upon their bodies, and while
● A Contekar Cataphractii Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a the Contekar armoured in the
Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, faster Tartaros pattern
this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be armour were more commonly
paid for as part of the army. seen upon the battlefields of
the Horus Heresy, there were
those amongst their number
Options: that preferred the broad
shouldered, lumbering form of
● The Contekar Cataphractii Terminator Squad may include:
Cataphractii plate.
- Up to 10 additional Contekar Cataphractii............................................. +50 points per model
Warriors armoured in
● The Dissident Cataphractii may exchange his Chainblade for a:
- Escaton Power Claw........................................................................................................ +15 points Cataphractii tended to prefer
the longer range of the Volkite
Cavitors, allowing them to
keep up a continual wave of
death before their implacable
advance. Anything strong
enough or simply plain lucky
enough to survive this
oncoming wave of super-
heated death is swiftly cut
apart by the waiting blades of
the Contekar, their armour
proof against most anything
that their enemy can bring to

IX - Blood Angels
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: SERAPHIM MAJORIS.......................................... +45 POINTS
Amongst the angelic hosts of the Blood Angels, there exists a paradox; descending from on high with feathered wings and haloed in light, their aspect is of the
angels of ancient myth – until the hunger overtakes them, and the feeding begins in earnest…

A Legion Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Special Rule may be upgraded to a Seraphim Majoris Consul instead of selecting any of
the standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Seraphim Majoris gains the Flaring Heavenfall and Bloodlust of the Damned Special Rules.

The Seraphim Majoris gains an Angelus Pattern Jump Pack at no additional points cost.

Flaring Heavenfall
When a unit containing a Seraphim Majoris successfully completes a Deep Strike, all enemy units within 6” of a model with this Special Rule must
take an immediate Blind test with a -1 modifier to their Initiative Characteristic.

Bloodlust of the Damned

When a unit containing a Seraphim Majoris successfully destroys an enemy unit with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type, the unit gains the Rage (2)
Special Rule. For each additional unit destroyed in this way, increase the Rage Special Rule by +1 – to a maximum of Rage (4).

Angelus Pattern Jump Pack

The Angelus Pattern Jump Pack utilised an up-engined Mark IV thruster package, with higher quality thruster vanes to achieve more precise movement. The
real beauty of the Angelus, however, was its use of huge, seemingly ornamental wings to conceal additional anti-gravitic plating, which allowed the bearer to
carry their weight a little higher than normally possible. This additional assistance and buoyancy allowed the wearer to swing their full mass into combat;
charges from those equipped were often deadly as a result.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) and Independent Character Special Rules which could normally purchase a Legion Warhawk
Jump Pack may instead purchase an Angelus Pattern Jump Pack for +25 points.

At the start of the Controlling Player's Movement phase or when this unit is set up from a Deep Strike Assault, a model armed with an Angelus
Pattern Jump Pack may set their Movement Characteristic to 14 for the duration of the Controlling Player's turn (this is referred to as 'activating' the
Jump Pack). This allows the unit to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on their profile and gain any benefits of a
Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the benefit to Charge distance). In addition the unit may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain or
friendly and enemy models without penalty while using the Jump Pack, but may not end their movement within Impassable Terrain or within 1" of
any friendly or enemy models from another unit. If the unit ends or begins their movement within Dangerous terrain they must take a Dangerous
Terrain test when using the Jump Pack and treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.

The unit may still Run on a turn where their Jump Packs have been activated. When making a Run move after having activated their Jump Packs,
add their Initiative to 14 to determine how far they can move, ignoring terrain and other models when making a Run move as noted above, but they
may not make Shooting attacks or declare a charge in the same turn in which they have Run as per the normal rules of Running. Their Jump Pack
may not be activated to gain any bonus movement to their Movement Characteristic during a reaction.

A model equipped with an Angelus Pattern Jump Pack gains the Bulky (3), Deep Strike, and Hammer of Wrath (2) Special Rules. In addition, a model
with this wargear counts as having a Legion Warhawk Jump Pack for rules that affect that wargear (Like Sanguinius’s Warlord Trait).

NASSIR AMIT ................................................. 215 POINTS
The Flesh Tearer, Dominion of the 5th Shock Assault Company
Nassir Amit 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Nassir Amit ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Captain of the 5th company,
● Paragon Blade ● Independent Character Nassir Amit is one of the most
● Flaying Knife ● Master of the Legion brutal combatants in the
legion, having been censured
● Artificer Armour ● Relentless numerous times for his
● Iron Halo ● Rage (2) overreaching zeal in pursuing
● Frag Grenades ● Rampage (2) enemy forces. Serving
● Krak Grenades ● Stubborn alongside the World Eaters
during the Great Crusade, he
● Loyalist is a veteran of their
● Captain of the Bloody 5th gladiatorial fighting pits,
● Warlord: The Flesh Tearer infamous for going past first,
second and third blood all the
way to Sanguis Extremis. It
Captain of the Bloody 5th was here that he showed his
Any units with the Infantry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Special Rule in a
mettle with the wicked flaying
Detachment that also includes Nassir Amit, and which are not equipped with any pattern of
knives that became
Terminator Armour may be equipped with Flaying Knives at no additional points cost.
synonymous with his battle
company, earning him the
nickname ‘Flesh Tearer’.
Dawnbreaker Cohorts, Angel’s Tears, and Sanguinary Guard units, or any model with the Unique Despite all this, he was kept
Sub-type, may not be equipped with Flaying Knives in this manner. close by the Primarch
Sanguinius, who valued his
open honesty in the face of
Warlord: The Flesh Tearer social decorum and his
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Nassir Amit automatically has The Flesh Tearer as his Warlord willingness to do what he
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. thought was right, despite the
rules of the legion.
In a Detachment with Nassir Amit as your Warlord, Nassir Amit and any unit he has joined may
reroll all failed to Wound or Armour Penetration rolls on a turn in which they charge.
During the dark events of the
Signus Campaign, Amit was
the first to realise that they
In addition, an army with Nassir Amit as the warlord gains an additional reaction in the Opposing had been betrayed and Horus
Player’s Movement phase as long as Nassir Amit has not been removed as a casualty. had sent them into a trap,
much to the ire of his
Primarch. When Sanguinius
Flaying Knife later fell during the battle of
Range Str AP Type Signus Prime, Amit and his
Flaying Knife - User - Melee, Breaching (6+), Versatile company were among the
many that fell deep into a
Versatile: A weapon with this Special Rule grants a bonus attack to a model if they are armed with dark, blood-soaked wrath
two close combat weapons, regardless of whether their second weapon has the Specialist Weapon that saw both their allies and
Special Rule. enemies alike destroyed in a
haze of violence and murder…

AZKAELLON .................................................. 200 POINTS
Commander of the Sanguinary Guard, The Enduring Angel
Azkaellon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Azkaellon ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Stern and reserved, Azkaellon ● Encarmine Broadsword ● Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
commands the Sanguinary ● Bloodshard Boltgun ● Master of the Legion
Guard, the highest echelon of ● Artificer Armour ● Independent Character
Blood Angels, tasked with the
sole mission of protecting the ● Iron Halo ● Relentless
Primarch. As the highest ● Angelus Pattern Jump Pack ● Fearless
ranking member of the legion ● Frag Grenades ● Furious Charge (1)
besides Sanguinius himself, ● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist
Azkaellon had to shoulder
many burdens over the course ● Herald of the Primarch
of the Great Crusade, ● Artisans of War*
including the growing ● Warlord: Encarmine Paladin
number of cases of a
mysterious Red Thirst that
overtook members of their Herald of the Primarch
legion. Sanguinius and A model with this Special Rule must always issue or accept challenges whenever possible. When
Azkaellon feverishly hunted fighting in a challenge Azkaellon increases his Weapon Skill by 1 and his melee attacks gain the
for a cure to no avail, until Brutal (2) Special Rule.
Horus Lupercal, who had
discovered this curse many
years prior during the Great Warlord: Encarmine Paladin
Crusade, told them their If chosen as the army's Warlord, Azkaellon automatically has Encarmine Paladin as his Warlord
answer lay in the Signus Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait (see Liber Astartes page 250).
System. Upon arrival to
Signus Prime, the trap was
sprung. Their flagship Encarmine Broadsword
plummeted from the heavens The Encarmine Broadsword counts as ‘Power’ Weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
and the hordes of the warp
were unleashed upon them, Range Str AP Type
his Primarch laid low by the Encarmine Broadsword - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Duellist’s Edge (1)
daemon Ka’Bandha.

Azkaellon and his Sanguinary

Guard fell into the same rage *See the Sanguinary Guard unit profile for this Special Rule.
that overtook the legion,
laying waste to the daemonic
scourge that had overtaken
the world. After Sanguinius’s
healing at the hands of the
legion’s librarius and the
subsequent restoration of
sanity to the Blood Angels, it
was Azkaellon who hid the
evidence of their allies’
destruction at the hands of
Amit and his company from
the Primarch.At a time when
the Imperium was split in
two, the remaining loyal
legions would need all the
allies they could find…

0-1* SANGUINARY GUARD ...................... 200 POINTS
Sanguinary Guard 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Sanguinary Guard ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Encarmine Sword or Encarmine Axe ● Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Life-wards to the Angel
● Bloodshard Boltgun ● Chosen Warriors himself, the Sanguinary
● Artificer Armour ● Stubborn Guard were the most elite
veterans of the Legion,
● Angelus Pattern Jump Pack ● Artisans of War charged with the defence and
● Refractor Field ● Sanguinary Retinue guard of the Primarch himself
● Frag Grenades in battle and serving as
● Krak Grenades an honour guard for him on
political and diplomatic
Options: endeavours.
● The Sanguinary Guard may include:
- Up to 7 additional Sanguinary Guard ...................................................... +60 points per model Almost universally armed
with weapons unique to their
● Any Sanguinary Guard may replace their Encarmine Sword or Axe with a: austere order, the encarmine
- Perdition Weapon...................................................................................................................... Free blades were a symbol of
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................... +5 points Sanguinius’ trust in them and
their unbreakable loyalty to
● Any Sanguinary Guard may replace their Bloodshard Boltgun with a: him, superior to almost all
- Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points powered weapons the Legion
- Inferno Pistol ...................................................................................................................+10 points possessed. Their Angelus
pattern jump packs allowed
● One model in the unit may take a: them to fly alongside their sire
- Legion Standard.............................................................................................................. +20 points in battle, a host of golden
armour dropping from the
skies at prodigious speeds.
Artisans of War These unique jump packs
When a model with this Special Rule fights in the Assault phase, it may re-roll all to Hit rolls of 1. mean that the Sanguinary
Guard can redeploy
and reinforce with lightning
Sanguinary Retinue speed, with only speeding
A Sanguinary Guard may only be included in a Detachment if they are selected as a Retinue Squad.
aircraft and dedicated
They may only be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one model
antigrav speeders being able
with both the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Special Rules that is either
to outpace them, and none of
the Primarch Sanguinius, or is equipped with a Legion Warhawk Jump Pack. The model which
these possessed their agility
allowed the Sanguinary Guard to be selected must be the squad’s leader. A Sanguinary Guard unit
and manoeuvrability.
selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as its Leader, and the Leader
may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play. If the leader is deployed in a Deep Strike
Assault then this unit must be set up in Deep Strike Assault with them.

A Sanguinary Guard unit selected as a Retinue in this way does not use up a Force Organisation slot
and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as the leader.

Bloodshard Boltguns
Range Str AP Type
Bloodshard Boltguns 12“ 4 4 Assault 2

Encarmine Weapons
Encarmine Swords and Axes count as ‘Power’ Weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Range Str AP Type

Encarmine Sword - +1 3 Melee, Two-Handed, Rending (4+),
Murderous Strike (6+)
Encarmine Axe - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy,
Murderous Strike (5+)

X - Iron Hands
THE KEYS OF HEL................................................................................................ +30 POINTS
When these fell technologies were encountered during the Great Crusade, they were seized and locked away in the vaults beneath Medusa or buried on barren
rocks in lifeless star systems, their locations known only by the primarch and a select few Iron Fathers. Rumoured to be withheld even from the Mechanicum,
the existence of these technologies was known to few outside the Iron Hands Legion, and even within it few knew more than the names.

A Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor, Legion Indomitus Praetor, or Legion Tartaros Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special
Rule which has selected the Iron-Father upgrade may take The Keys of Hel. Only a model which is your Warlord may select this upgrade; if this
upgrade is selected you may not include Ferrus Manus in a Detachment which includes a model with this upgrade. A model with the Keys of Hel
gains the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Iron-Father gains the Keys of Hel Special Rule. A model with the Keys of Hel Special Rule may join a unit with the Ghola Sub-type even if they
would normally be prevented from doing so by any Special Rule.

Keys of Hel
During army selection, the Controlling Player may select any units with the Infantry Unit Type in the same Detachment as a model with this Special
Rule which also have the Legions Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule, and which do not already have the Ghola Unit Sub-type, and were not selected
as a HQ choice.

Units selected in this way may be given the Ghola Sub-type at a cost of +5 points per model. All models in a unit selected in this fashion must be so

Any Legion Techmarine Covenant or Legion Apothecarion Detachment may not be selected to gain this upgrade. Legion Techmarines may be
attached to a unit with the Ghola Subtype, and do not gain the Ghola Sub-type or any associated benefits as normal, apart from the Bitter Duty
Special Rule. Legion Apothecaries may never a join a unit with the Ghola Sub-type.


After the death of Ferrus Manus, some among his Legion saw his resistance to a wider supplanting of flesh with technology as one of the flaws that had
allowed him to be destroyed by the Traitors; for the impetuous rage that led him to his death was born of flesh and that flesh had failed him.

Thereafter, in the dark times that followed, some among the Iron Hands saw virtue in what had once been forbidden and, it is said, turned the keys to open
The Gates of Hel.

● Iron Revenants may be selected as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Iron Revenants taken as Compulsory Troops gain the Line Unit Sub-Type and the Heart of the Legion Special Rule in a Detachment using this
Rite of War.
● Any unit with the Ghola Sub-type in a Detachment using this Rite of War that has at least a single model within 12” of a Legion Techmarine or a
model with the Independent Character Special Rule as well as the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule may re-roll Feel No Pain rolls of 1.
● Thallax Cohorts (see Liber Mechanicum) may be selected as non-compulsory Troops choices in an Detachment using this Rite of War.

● A Detachment using this Rite of War must include a model with the Keys of Hel upgrade, or Lord Crius, as the Warlord.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include the Primarch Ferrus Manus.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select an Allied Detachment.
● In a Detachment using this Rite of War, all Compulsory Troops must be Iron Revenants.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select any Fortification choices.

Cybernetic Resurrection was one of the possible applications of forbidden technologies, restoring the dead to a facsimile of life. The Ghola, often called
Revenants, retained their memories and were capable of speech. Repeated resurrection was possible even after a Revenant was "killed" again. Revenants were
kept in a cryogenic state at sub-life support temperatures until they were awoken for battle, gradually getting slower the longer they spent away from the

The following rules apply to all models with the Ghola Sub-type:
• A model with the Ghola Sub-type suffers a -1 penalty to their Movement and Initiative Characteristics.
• A model with the Ghola Sub-type also gains the Heavy Unit Sub-type.
• A model with the Ghola Sub-type gains the Feel No Pain (5+) and Stubborn Special Rules.
• Successful Wounds scored by attacks with the Poisoned or Fleshbane Special Rules must be re-rolled against models with the Ghola Sub-type.

Medusan Zweihander
Every Iron Hand legionary knows the ways of Medusa. They understand the coldness of steel. They understand their weapon is their life, so before they ascend
they must offer it to the Legion. Every legionary must forge the weapon they take into battle.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule and the Character Sub-type may exchange a Power Weapon for a Medusan
Zweihander for +10 points.

The Medusan Zweihander counts as a ‘Power’ weapon for all rules which affect such weapons.
Range Str AP Type
Medusan Zweihander - +2 3 Melee, Two-Handed, Reach (1), Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)


In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.


● For every 5 models in the unit, one Immortal may exchange his Bolter for:
- Power Weapon .............................................................................................................................................................................................. +10 points

CASTRMEN ORTH ....................................... 85 POINTS
Castrmen Orth 7 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Castrmen Orth ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Castrmen Orth was an Iron ● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes
Hands Spearhead-Centurion ● Master-Crafted Power Maul (Iron Hands)
during the Horus Heresy. One ● Power Armour ● Master of the Legion
of the most highly decorated
tank commanders in the ● Cyber-Familiar ● Independent Character
Legion and the youngest to ● Refractor Field ● Loyalist
hold such a rank, Orth's ● Frag Grenades ● Spearhead Commander
'Subjugator' armoured ● Krak Grenades ● Warlord:
battalions were chosen to
Blessing of the Gorgon
fight alongside Avernii Clan
veterans to accompany Ferrus
Manus in his pursuit of Spearhead Commander
Fulgrim. Before the game begins, you must assign Castrmen Orth to a Vehicle (though a model with the
Knight, Titan, or Unique Sub-types may not be selected) in the same Army. The Vehicle must have
At the onset of the Drop Site a Front Armour value of at least 13. Whilst embarked in this way, Castrmen Orth should be
Massacre, Orth first took physically modelled on the tank he is embarked upon. Castrmen Orth does not take up any
charge of the Iron Hands Transport Capacity in a vehicle whilst assigned in this way and may not exit the vehicle unless it is
Super-Heavy Tank spearhead Immobilised or Destroyed. He is otherwise treated as a transported model if the vehicle is
and survived the destruction Destroyed. While assigned to a vehicle, it may use his Ballistic Skill Characteristic of 5, and may add
of his Fellblade Rashemion. +1 Strength to a single Battle Weapon it is armed with. A vehicle selected in this way to have
Afterwards, he took charge of Castrmen Orth assigned to it loses any variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule it possesses
the Sicaran tank Black Sun (if it has one), and gains the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule. A unit with Castrmen
and redeployed to take charge Orth assigned to it may not purchase a Legiones Decurion upgrade.
of loyalist fast-armour
elements in a successful
counterattack against a Warlord: Blessing of the Gorgon
Traitor flanking attempt. If chosen as the army's Warlord, Castrmen Orth automatically has Blessing of the Gorgon as his
Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
What ultimately happened to
Orth at the Massacre remains If Castrmen Orth is your army’s Warlord, then whilst Castrmen Orth is embarked upon a vehicle
a matter of conjecture, but it via the Spearhead Commander Special Rule, that vehicle gains +1 to the results it inflicts on the
has long been rumoured that Vehicle Damage table when making Shooting or Ramming attacks.
though badly disfigured he
survived, abandoning his Additionally, an army with Castrmen Orth as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during
name and rank in shame - the opponent’s Shooting phase as long as Castrmen Orth has not been removed as a casualty.
but not his burning desire for
vengeance against the
*If a Primary Detachment containing Castrmen Orth selects the Rite of War: Armoured
Spearhead, you must select Castrmen Orth to be your Warlord, instead of choosing a model to
gain the Master of Armour Warlord Trait and Master of the Legion Special Rule as normal.

IRON-FATHER KARDOZIA ......................300 POINTS
Immortal, The Twice-Dead
Kardozia 8 6 5 7 7 6 4 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Kardozia ● Dreadnought (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Gravis Power Fist with ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Kardozia, The Immortal was
in-built Graviton Shredder ● Master of the Legion once a simple tech marine of
● Gravis Chainfist with ● Independent Character clan Garrsak. During the
in-built Graviton Shredder Caldera campaign, Centurion
● Loyalist Bion was slain by the
● Machinator Array ● Battlesmith (3+) denotation of his Land Raider
● Atomantic Deflector ● Hatred (Traitors) Achilles from an unknown
● Iron Halo ● Feel No Pain (6+) Aeldari weapon. Kardozia was
the only survivor of the
● Warlord: Gorgon Plating explosion and quickly took
command of the company. He
continued to push through
Warlord: Gorgon Plating until reinforcements from the
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Kardozia automatically has Gorgon Plating as his Warlord Trait Death Guard and
and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Salamanders legions came
and assisted in his push to
Before the game begins, you may select up to 3 vehicles in the same detachment as Kardozia with save his father. At battle’s end,
both the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule and the Vehicle type. For the duration of the before he fell unconscious
game, these vehicles gain a 5+ Invulnerable save. If a vehicle already has an Invulnerable Save, you from his wounds, he broke
must choose which you are using before any saves are rolled. rank and pushed the first
captain out of the path of an
In addition, an army with Kardozia as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the Aeldari War Walker’s Bright
opponent’s Movement phase as long as Kardozia has not been removed as a casualty. lance. His body was broken -
but Kardozia survived…

Upon awakening in his new

body, he was left a message to
take his new Patrol Cruiser
and make sure their rear lines
were covered while the main
bulk of the legion headed for
Istvaan. The Forge-Lord of his
new ship, Ranous Waylema,
gave him updates on the
current affairs of the Great
Crusade, and what was
known of the betrayal of the
Warmaster and his traitor
legions. When he learned of
what had befallen the Iron
Hands, and his Primarch
Ferrus Manus' death,
Kardozia took his Patrol
Cruiser, as well as the three
squads he had under his
command, and began
targeting the supply convoys
of Horus.

LORD CRIUS................................................ 200 POINTS
The Returned, The Vengeance of The Dead
Lord Crius 6* 6 5 5 5 4 4* 3 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Lord Crius ● Infantry (Ghola, Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Lord of Clan Kadoran, First ● Vengeance of the Dead ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
Vexilla of the Tenth Legion, ● Bolt Pistol ● Independent Character
and Solar Emissary of Ferrus ● Artificer Armour ● Master of the Legion
Manus, Crius was a member
of the Crusade Host on Terra. ● Iron Halo ● Hatred (Traitors)
Lord Crius was freed by order ● Krak Grenades ● Relentless
of Dorn following the death ● Frag Grenades ● Bulky (2)
of the Gorgon with a duty to ● Loyalist
hunt down and reunite with
survivors of the great ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
massacre that had occurred ● The Keys of Hel
on Istvaan V, aided by an ● Warlord: The Revenant’s Revenge
accompanying Templar of the
VII named Boreas.

Months passed following his Warlord: The Revenant’s Revenge

departure until they found the If chosen as the army's Warlord, Lord Crius automatically has The Revenant’s Revenge as his
Thetis, an Iron Hands vessel Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
emitting a summons to war -
Ignarak. These Iron Hands Lord Crius may select up to 3 Ghola units in his detachment. In addition to the other bonuses they
they had encountered were receive as part of the Ghola Sub-type, they gain the Rage (2) Special Rule, but lose the Line Sub-type
not of Clans. They were now if they had it, and may not be joined by any Independent Characters except Lord Crius or a Iron-
born of broken worlds, of Father with the The Keys of Hel Special Rule.
Istvaan, Agromis, and beyond.
The strength of the Thetis was In addition, an army with Lord Crius as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during the
forged in vengeance and opponent’s Assault phase as long as Lord Crius has not been removed as a casualty.
obliteration. Aboard the
vessel, The Keys had been
turned, arcana once hidden
unlocked, necromantic Vengeance of the Dead Range Str AP Type
technologies in open use. Vengeance of the Dead - x2 2 Melee, Brutal (3), Specialist Weapon,
Where Crius felt conflicted at Unwieldy
this revelation, Boreas was
filled with anger, the two
coming to blows over the
matter. Both were severely *The Characteristic penalties inflicted by the Ghola Sub-type are already applied.
wounded in the bout; Crius
unto the point of death,
leaving him only the option to
seek the embrace of an Iron

Boreas eventually awoke in a

black robe and chains, whence
he was returned to the edge of
the Sol System. Crius had
been reunited with his own,
and was to wage a war
amongst the stars against the
betrayers of the Imperium.
Boreas was left with his
Legion and a summons, a
singular word to bring Crius
and his allies back to Terra
when they needed them most.

GABRIEL SANTAR........................................220 POINTS
Equerry of Ferrus Manus, First Captain of the Iron Hands
Gabriel Santar 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 6* 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Gabriel Santar ● Infantry (Character, Heavy, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Claws of the Iron Forge* ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Gabriel Santar was a Captain
● Legion Cataphractii ● Independent Character of the Avernii-Clan
Terminator Armour ● Master of the Legion Companies, which were an
elite formation of the Iron
● Cyber-Familiar ● Stubborn Hands clad in Terminator
● Grenade Harness ● Relentless Armour. His own armaments
● Battle-Hardened (1) included hand-crafted
● Bulky (2) Terminator Armour with a
pair of Lightning Claws he
● Loyalist named the Claws of the Iron
● Warlord: Fist of the Gorgon Forge.

Gabriel was often witnessed

Warlord: Fist of the Gorgon to clash with Lord
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Gabriel Santar automatically has Fist of the Gorgon as his Warlord Commander Amadeus
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. DuCaine, viewing him as a
relic of the past should have
Gabriel Santar and any models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) Special Rule in a unit he been left to die. During the
has joined gain the Furious Charge (1) Special Rule and may ignore the first Wound inflicted on Fall of the Lords of Gardinaal,
that unit in each Phase. No Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls are made for this Wound; it is simply Santar was grievously
discarded, and no other Special Rules or abilities may be triggered because of it. wounded during a surprise
bombing on the Fist of
In addition, an army with Gabriel Santar as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during Iron and a large part of his
the opponent’s Assault phase as long as Gabriel Santar has not been removed as a casualty. left side and lower torso were
replaced entirely by bionics.

Santar was once again badly

Claws of the Iron Forge Range Str AP Type wounded along with ten of his
Claws of the Iron Forge* - +1 3 Melee, Shred, Breaching (4+), Morlocks when Fulgrim was
Murderous Strike (5+) forced to escape after
enraging Ferrus Manus with
an offer to join Horus in
*The Claws of the Iron Forge are treated as ‘Power’ Weapons for all rules that affect such weapons, and rebellion. Not long after, the
grant two bonus attacks for Gabriel Santar in the manner of Lightning Claws. These are included in his disaster on Istvaan V
profile. occurred, and Santar’s fate
was said to be sealed…

0-1 HELFATHER COVENANT ................270 POINTS
Helfathers 5* 4 4 4 5 3 2* 2 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Helfathers ● Infantry (Ghola)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

The Helfathers are the ● Gorgon Terminator Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands)
custodians of the Iron ● Power Fist ● Relentless
Council, the governing body ● Proteus Assault Cannon^ ● It Will Not Die (5+)
of the Iron Hands Legion.
Helfathers are regarded as ● Missile Launcher ● Firing Protocols (2)
heavily augmented, even by (with Frag and Krak Missiles) ● Hammer of Wrath (1)
the standards of the Xth ● Bulky (3)
legion, and are never seen ● Chosen Warriors
without their Terminator
Armour. Their black- ● Agesine Protocols
armoured forms are without ● Helfather Retinue
trim or clan mark, and their
bodies are almost completely Options:
augmetic in nature - said to
be bonded to the very suits ● Any model in the unit may take a:
they inhabit permanently. - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points

Dark rumours abound both ● Any model in the unit may take a:
within the legion and without - Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points
that the Helfathers are omens
of death, and anything that
threatens the Iron Father they Agesine Protocols
protect is all but dead. Utterly A model with this Special Rule may never make a Sweeping Advance.
unflinching, unshakeable in
purpose, and with a machine-
like presence similar to the Helfather Retinue
Battle-Automata of the A Helfather Covenant may only be included in a Detachment if they are selected as a Retinue
Mechanicum, many whisper Squad. They may only be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least one
their arrival signals a change model with the Master of the Legion, Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands), and the Keys of Hel Special
in the heart of the sons of Rules. The model which allowed the Helfather Covenant to be selected must be the squad’s leader.
Ferrus, and of the awakening A Helfather Covenant unit selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed with the model selected as
of the Keys of Hel... its Leader, and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad during play.

A Helfather Covenant unit selected as a Retinue in this way does not use up a Force Organisation
slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as the leader.

*The Characteristic penalties inflicted by the Ghola Sub-type are already applied.

^See page 18 of the Legacies of the Age of Darkness Document.

IRON REVENANTS ........................................ 130 POINTS
Iron Revenant 6* 4 4 4 4 2 3* 2 8 3+
Iron Spectre 6* 4 4 4 4 2 3* 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Iron Revenant ● Iron Revenant: Infantry (Ghola)
● 1 Iron Spectre ● Iron Spectre: Infantry (Character, Ghola)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) The dead of Istvaan brought
● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless back a second chance at
● Power Armour vengeance. Their bodies
become more machine-like as
● Frag Grenades they stand back up ready to
● Krak Grenades take orders once again.
Known as “Ghola” or
“Revenants”, these resurrected
Iron Hands Legionaries still
Dedicated Transport: retained their memories and
● An Iron Revenant Squad of any size may take a Legion Rhino Transport as a Dedicated were even capable of speech
Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force and coherent thought, though
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. they were emblematic of that
which had long been
considered Maletek Incarna,
Options: the incarnation of heretek
● The Iron Revenants may include: technology, by the
- Up to 5 additional Iron Revenants.............................................................+18 points per model Mechanicum.

● Any model may take a: When not awakened, they

- Chainsword ........................................................................................................................+2 points were kept within a cryogenic
state at sub-life support
● Any model may replace their Bolter with a: temperatures until they were
- Rotor Cannon ....................................................................................................................+2 points needed for battle. Over time,
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points however, these Revenants
- Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points gradually became slower and
- Combi-Bolter...................................................................................................................... +5 points slower the longer they spent
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points away from their cryo-stasis
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points chambers.
- Volkite Caliver..................................................................................................................+10 points
Through the use of such
● For every five models in the unit, one Iron Revenant may exchange their Bolter with one forbidden techniques,
of the following options: repeated resurrection was
- Graviton Gun ...................................................................................................................+10 points possible even after a Revenant
- Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points was “killed” again. As they
- Volkite Culverin............................................................................................................... +15 points marched across the war torn
- Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points worlds of the Imperium only
one never-ceasing chant could
● The Iron Spectre may take one of the following: be heard.
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points “Death to the Warmaster!”
- Thunder Hammer .......................................................................................................... +20 points

*The Characteristic penalties inflicted by the Ghola Sub-type are already applied.

XII - World Eaters
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: LANISTUS ................................................................ +35 POINTS
The World Eaters exalted in single gladiatorial combat, taking a savage pride in its brutality. The finest combatants often rose through the ranks, and were
occasionally assigned as Lanistii to train new recruits to their exacting standards of relentless and insane hyper-violence.

A Legion Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Special Rule may be upgraded to a Lanistus Consul instead of selecting any of the
standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Lanistus gains the Familia Gladiatorium Special Rule.

The Lanistus replaces his Chainsword with a Cadere Weapon (or a pair of Falax Blades) at no additional points cost.

The Lanistus may not select a Legion Spatha Combat Bike, Legion Scimitar Jetbike, Legion Warhawk Jump Pack, Bolter, or a Minor or
Magna Combi-Weapon.

Familia Gladiatorium
During Army Creation, a Detachment that includes a Legiones Consularis Lanistus may select a single Legion Tactical Squad or Legion Despoiler
Squad with the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Special Rule in the same Detachment as the Lanistus. The Lanistus must join this unit before the
game begins and may not leave it for any reason during the battle. No other models with the Independent Character Special Rule may join the unit.
The unit loses the Line Sub-type.

Whilst the Lanistus is alive, all models in the unit (including the Lanistus) gain the Furious Charge (1) and Counter Attack (1) Special Rules. The unit
also gains the Savage Arsenal Special Rule.

Savage Arsenal
Any model in a unit with this Special Rule may exchange a Chainsword for a Single Cadere Weapon, at a cost of +10 points per weapon.

DELVARUS ....................................................... 175 POINTS
Captain of the 44th Company, Lord of the Triarii
Delvarus 7 6 5 4 4 2 5 4 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Delvarus ● Infantry (Character, Heavy, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Shield Breaker ● Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Delvarus was born on the
● Iron Jaw ● Traitor jungle planet of Novus
● Bolt Pistol ● Stubborn Principia, a world conquered
by the then-‘War Hounds’ in
● Artificer Armour ● Relentless the early days of the Great
● Boarding Shield ● Independent Character Crusade. He quickly gained a
● Frag Grenades ● Never Back Down* reputation as undefeated in
● Krak Grenades the fighting pits, and on one
occasion, when paired with
Imperial Fists First Captain
Sigismund, won every fight to
Shield Breaker first blood within thirty
Range Str AP Type
Shield Breaker - +1 3 Melee, Specialist Weapon, seconds. He fought in the
Breaching (5+), Duellist’s Edge (1), infamous Ghenna Massacre,
Murderous Strike (6+) with most of his squad and
his captain wiped out, but
even as a mere sergeant held
Iron Jaw Range Str AP Type out against the hordes of
Iron Jaw - User 4 Melee, Shred, Breaching (5+), Gluttony abominable intelligence
Gluttony: When a model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule attacks, they make a single
additional attack with this weapon - but may not assign any other attacks to it. Going on to lead the 44th
Company, ship boarding
specialists known as the
Triarii, and tasked with the
defence of the Conqueror. He
*See page 108 of the Liber Hereticus. was shot by Shipmistress
Lotara Sarrin after he led his
Triarii on a planetary assault
over Armatura and confined
to his quarters. He was then
made to fight twenty six back
to back pit fights, much
higher than the normal limit
of eight, which ended with the
disgrace of Kargos sparing his
life despite the duel being to
the death.

TRIARII PHALANX ....................................... 140 POINTS
Triarii 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 3+
Dekadarch 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Triarii ● Triarii: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Dekadarch ● Dekadarch (Heavy, Character)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

During the great crusade ● Chain Axe ● Legiones Astartes (World Eaters)
there were few missions where ● Boarding Shield ● Stubborn
the close quarters savagery of ● Power Armour ● Relentless
the World Eaters excelled
more than the boarding ● Bolt Pistol
action. Despite the ferocity ● Frag Grenades
amongst their line units, even ● Krak Grenades
amongst the brutal ranks of
the twelfth specialist
companies emerged explicitly Dedicated Transport:
ready to take on the terrible ● A Triarii Phalanx of no more than 10 models may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus
task of void combat. Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A unit of more than 10 models may take a Legion Land
Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, the transport does not
Drawing from both the use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as
gladiator armouries of the part of the army.
World Eaters and the
traditional boarding tools of
the Legiones Astartes, the Options:
Triarii were renowned as a ● The Triarii Phalanx may include:
force unrivalled in their ability - Up to 10 additional Triarii .......................................................................... +23 points per model
to fight within the
claustrophobic depths of void ● Any model may take any of the following:
ships. - Bolter ...................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Sarissa Spear ....................................................................................................................... +5 points
As eager for battle and as
terrifying as any World Eater, ● For every five models in the unit, one Triarii may select one of the following options:
their savagery melded with - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
their tempered - One Falax Blade ................................................................................................................. +5 points
discipline to make them a - Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
truly worthy foe. Few - Lascutter ........................................................................................................................... +15 points
opponents could resist their
stoic wall of boarding ● The Dekadarch may exchange their bolt pistol with one of the following:
shields or the opportunistic - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
and terrible rush of ceramite - Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
and chainaxe that - Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
characterised their way - Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
of war. - Thunder Hammer .......................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Dekadarch may take:

- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points

● The Dekadarch may exchange their Power Armour for:

- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

Sarissa Spear
Range Str AP Type
Sarissa Spear - +1 3 Melee, Rending (5+), Reach (2),
Specialist Weapon, Phalanx Formation

Phalanx Formation: A weapon with this Special Rule may only be used during the first round of
each close combat.

TERMINATOR SQUAD .................................325 POINTS
Devourer 6 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Devourers ● Infantry (Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Two Mansplitter Blades ● Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Within the ranks of the
● Legion Cataphractii ● Bulky (2) Legiones Astartes there were
Terminator Armour ● Relentless few duties as honoured as
those entrusted to guard the
● Chosen Warriors life of their respective
● Fearless primarch. Despite their initial
● Feel No Pain (5+) hallowed role within the
● Hatred (Everything!) twelfth legion, in the centuries
after uniting with his warriors
● Rampage (1) and as Angron began to
● Fleet (1) descend further into the
● Bitter Duty influence of his mindless rage,
● Devourer Retinue the Devourers slowly began to
emerge as an exception to this
Dedicated Transport:
● A Devourer Terminator Squad numbering five models or less may take a Legion Land As the nails bit deeper and
Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A Devourer Terminator Squad further threw him into blind
numbering ten models or less may select a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated blood-lust Angron’s rapid
Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force berserk charges frequently
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. outpaced the speed and
ability of his bodyguards,
leaving them behind to clean
Options: up the carnage in his wake
● The Devourers Terminator Squad may include: and staining them with a
- Up to 7 additional Devourer...................................................................... +60 points per model reputation as a dishonourable
● Any model in the unit may exchange one Mansplitter Blade for one of the following:
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................... +5 points While his wanton aggressive
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................+10 points blood-lust had reduced the
prestige of the Devourers
● Any model in the unit may exchange two Mansplitter Blades for: within the twelfth legion, they
- Two Lightning Claws......................................................................................................+10 points were nonetheless extremely
- A single Caedere Weapon (or a pair of Falax Blades) ................................................. +15 points potent warriors, admitted
only by a direct challenge to
an existing member of the
Devourer Retinue order or by a brawl to the
A Devourer Terminator Squad may be included in a Detachment as a Retinue Squad instead of an death amongst the legion’s
Elites Choice. They may only be selected as a Retinue Squad in a Detachment that includes at least warriors.
one model with the Master of the Legion and Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Special Rules. The
model which allowed the Devourer Terminator Squad to be selected as a Retinue must be the
squad’s leader. A Devourer Terminator Squad unit selected as a Retinue Squad must be deployed
with the model selected as its Leader, and the Leader may not voluntarily leave the Retinue Squad
during play.

A Devourer Terminator Squad selected as a Retinue in this way does not use up a Force
Organisation slot and is considered part of the same unit as the model selected as the leader. If a
Devourer Terminator Squad is selected in this way, they lose the Bitter Duty Special Rule.

Mansplitter Blades
Range Str AP Type
Mansplitter Blades - User 2 Melee, Murderous Strike (5+),
Weighted Edge

Weighted Edge: Any attacks made with a weapon with this Special Rule are made at Initiative 2.

XIII - Ultramarines
Lord Guilliman, like many of his brothers, never dared to admit openly he had imagined the possibility of the legions fighting one another - and even went as
far as to openly shame any Legionnaires who showed even a hint of these treasonous thoughts. Whether or not this was foreseen by The Emperor, the dark
days came all the same, and with legion fighting legion, brother against brother, even he could no longer deny the effectiveness of tactics designed to combat
the astartes.

Across the galaxy, the one thing that was in the XIIIth favour were the deeds of a singular sergeant, whose dedication to a one-in-a-billion possibility could be
said to have saved the legion. For this great deed, the Red Mark that was originally a symbol of shame and censure became one of the highest honours in the
Legion. These marines would go on to further teach and lead their brothers through the darkest days of the Heresy.

● All models in a Detachment using this Rite of War with the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) Special Rule gain the Hatred (Traitors) Special Rule.
● Red-Marked Squads may be selected as Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Red-Marked Squads taken as Compulsory Troops gain the Line Unit Sub-Type in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
● Models with the Independent Character Special Rule in a Detachment using this Rite of War may purchase the Brothers in Censure Special Rule
for +10 points (see the Red-Marked Squad for the Brothers in Censure Special Rule).

● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include the Primarch Roboute Guilliman.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War may not select an Allied Detachment.
● In a Detachment using this Rite of War, you must select Aeonid Thiel as your Compulsory HQ choice, and he must be your Warlord.

AEONID THIEL............................................. 115 POINTS
Sergeant of the Ultramarines 13th Chapter, 135th Company, Censured
Aeonid Thiel 7 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Aeonid Thiel ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Artificer Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) Marked for censure for his
● Bolter ● Independent Character theorising of combat between
● Bolt Pistol ● Loyalist space marines, Aeonid Thiel
was aboard the Ultramarines
● Electromagnetic Longsword ● Stubborn flagship Macragge’s Honor at
● Power Sword ● Preferred Enemy (Legiones Astartes) the time the betrayal at Calth
● Frag Grenades ● Every Door a New Horror occurred. During the battle,
● Krak Grenades ● There’s No Room for Honour Here Macragge’s Honor was
invaded by a horde of
● Distrusted By Our Own^ daemons summoned from the
● Warlord: The Aegis of Wisdom Warp.

Thiel quickly discovered that

Every Door a New Horror the daemons were more
Whilst Aeonid Thiel is locked in combat with an enemy unit that has the Corrupted or Daemon vulnerable to fire and melee
Unit Sub-type, he gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. weapons than traditional
firearms, and armed with this
knowledge, he fought his way
There’s No Room for Honour Here to the bridge where he saved
Whenever an enemy model accepts a challenge issued by Aeonid Thiel or Aeonid Thiel accepts a the life of Chapter Master
challenge, he may make a Shooting attack at his opponent with his Bolt Pistol before the combat Marius Gage who was about
begins. The Bolt Pistol gains the Concussive (1) Special Rule for that Shooting attack. Any wound to be killed by a particularly
inflicted from this attack is resolved before the combat begins. vicious daemon.

Thiel later fought by the side

of the Primarch when he and
Warlord: The Aegis of Wisdom fifty other Ultramarines
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Aeonid Thiel automatically has The Aegis of Wisdom as his joined an attack led by
Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait (see Liber Astartes page 292). Roboute Guilliman to take
back an orbital platform
occupied by Kor Phaeron and
his guard of Gal Vorbak.
Electromagnetic Longsword Having fought bravely to
Range Str AP Type defend Guilliman and the
Electromagnetic Longsword - +1 2 Melee, Murderous Strike (6+), Macragge’s Honor, Thiel
Duellist's Edge (1) headed to the surface of Calth
where he stayed for many
years, continuing the fight
against the Word Bearers.
Thiel formed the Red-Marked,
^See the Red-Marked Squad unit profile for this Special Rule. a group of censured veterans
whose name came from the
red painted on their helmets
and faces. This elite group of
marines dedicated themselves
to ridding Imperial Secundus
of Traitor’s lingering on its

RED-MARKED SQUAD ............................... 135 POINTS
Red-Marked 7 5 5 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+
Red-Marked Sergeant 7 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Red-Marked ● Red-Marked: Infantry
● 1 Red-Marked Sergeant ● Red-Marked Sergeant:
Infantry (Character)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Formed near the end of the ● Power Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines)
Shadow Crusade by Sergeant ● Bolter ● Stubborn
Aeonid Thiel, the Red-Marked ● Bolt Pistol ● Chosen Warriors
were a group of rogue
veterans dedicated to rooting ● Chainsword ● Relentless
out renegade traitor elements ● Frag Grenades ● Brothers in Censure
within the borders of ● Krak Grenades ● Distrusted By Our Own
Ultramar. Frustrated by the
way his superiors were
managing the increasing Dedicated Transport:
traitor warband activity in ● A Red-Marked Squad of no more than 10 models may take a Legion Rhino Transport or a
the realm, Thiel decided to Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. A unit any size may take a
take matters into his own Legion Storm Eagle Gunship as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, the
hands. Originally consisting transport does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must
of only volunteers and formed still be paid for as part of the army.
from legionaries who had
been placed under censure,
Thiel led a small group of Options:
warriors in a mission to ● The Red-Marked Squad may include:
determine the cause of a series - Up to 10 additional Red-Marked................................................................+22 points per model
of listening outposts in the
sector to go silent. ● Any Red-Marked may take a:
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
During the mission, several
traitors attempted to confuse ● Any Red-Marked may take a:
the Ultramarines by donning - Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points
their iconic cobalt blue armor
stolen from fallen brothers. ● Any Red-Marked may take a:
This caused Thiel and his men - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points
to hesitate when faced by
them, losing warriors as a ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Chainsword for one of the following options:
result. After the devastation, - Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................+2 points
Thiel decided that a distinct - Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
visual queue was needed to - Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
instantly recognise friend
from foe, even when faced ● Any model in the unit may exchange a Bolter for one of the following options:
with traitors in stolen - Astartes Shotgun ....................................................................................................................... Free
Ultramarine armor. The Red- - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
Marked were named for their - Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
distinctive red painted - Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points
helmets and faces, usually
used as a mark of censure ● For every five models in the squad, one Red-Marked may exchange their Bolter for one of
among the legion. Due to the following:
their unconventional ways, - Nemesis Bolter................................................................................................................... +5 points
the Red-Marked eventually - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
defeated the traitors behind - Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles) ..............................................+10 points
the ‘Nightfane’ plot and - Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
continued to patrol the - Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
borders of Ultramar, - Lascutter ........................................................................................................................... +15 points
defending it against gathering
threats. ● The Red-Marked Squad may take:
- Melta Bombs .................................................................................................................... +25 points
- Legion Warhawk Jump Packs ........................................................................................+45 points

● The Red-Marked Sergeant may exchange their Power Armour for:

- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

Brothers in Censure
A unit that includes any models with this Special Rule may only be joined or be joined by models which also have this Special Rule, and may not be
joined by, or join, units which do not. If joined by Aeonid Thiel, the unit gains the Preferred Enemy (Legiones Astartes) Special Rule.

Distrusted By Our Own

A unit with this Special Rule can never benefit from any positive modifiers to its Leadership from any friendly units, unless it is from a unit with the
Brothers in Censure Special Rule, or from the effects of The Red Marked Rite of War. It may still use Aeonid Theil’s Leadership Characteristic, if he
joins the unit.

XIV - Death Guard
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: ALCHYMUS............................................................. +35 POINTS
The Death Guard Legion fostered a strange fascination with the alchemistry of death – the design, synthesis and distribution of myriad toxins and phages
suitable to scour the enemies of Man from their intra-galactic holdfasts.

A Legion Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) Special Rule may be upgraded to an Alchymus Consul instead of selecting any of the
standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Alchymus gains the Alchem Munitions and Withering Aura Special Rules.

The Alchymus gains Toxin Bombs at no additional points cost.

The Alchymus may not select a Legion Spatha Combat Bike, Legion Scimitar Jetbike, or Legion Warhawk Jump Pack.

In addition, for the purposes of the Rite of War: Creeping Death, a Legion Centurion with this upgrade may be selected instead of a Legion
Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Siege Breaker Legion Consul upgrade to fulfil the Limitation

Alchem Munitions
The Alchymus, and any unit they join, gain the Poisoned (3+) Special Rule for all melee attacks, and the Fleshbane and Gets Hot Special Rules for all
ranged attacks made with Bolt and Auto Weapons.

Withering Aura
Any model locked in a combat with an Alchymus which does not have the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) Special Rule suffers a -1 penalty to their
Strength Characteristic for the duration of the combat.

TERMINATOR SQUAD ................................160 POINTS
Deathshroud Cataphractii 6 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 2 Deathshroud Cataphractii ● Infantry

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Alchem Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) There were times when speed
● Power Scythe ● Relentless was not necessary in the
● Legion Cataphractii ● Deathshroud Retinue Deathshroud’s endless
responsibility of being one of
Terminator Armour ● Bulky (2) the chosen. As according to
● Battle-hardened (1) Mortarion’s teachings, there
● Stubborn were times when outlasting
● Chosen Warriors the relentless weight of fire of
your enemies was key to
Dedicated Transport: victory.
● A Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may
take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated In these circumstances,
Transport, this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost Tartaros Terminator
must still be paid for as part of the army. Armour’s would be stored in
favour of patterns that were
better able to protect the elite
Options: cadres of the Deathshroud.
● The Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Squad may include: The Artificer-crafted
- Up to 8 additional Deathshroud Cataphractii........................................ +80 points per model Cataphractii Pattern
Terminator Armour they wore
● Any model in the unit may be given any of the following: was of the highest quality,
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points which presented a foreboding
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points appearance.

This increased protection

enabled the Deathshroud in
their sacred duty; for at least
two of their number must be
within forty-nine paces from
Mortarion, the extra
protection they gained made
this easier, at a cost of speed.

TERMINATOR SQUAD ................................ 225 POINTS
Grave Warden Tartaros 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Chem-Master Tartaros 7 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Grave Warden Tartaros ● Grave Warden Tartaros: Infantry
● 1 Chem-Master Tartaros ● Chem-Master Tartaros:
Infantry (Character)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

While their Cataphractii ● Assault Grenade Launcher ● Legiones Astartes (Death Guard)
brothers were masters of the ● Power Fist ● Relentless
rolling wave of destruction, ● Death Cloud Projector ● Bulky (2)
the Tartaros Pattern
Terminator Armour allowed ● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Shrouded in Death
the Grave Wardens who chose ● Firing Protocols (2)
to take to battle within it ● Shrouded (6+)
more finesse to their methods ● Stubborn
of dealing death.
Dedicated Transport:
The increased agility it offered ● A Grave Warden Tartaros Terminator Squad numbering no more than 5 models may take a
allowed the Grave Wardens to Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport,
quickly strike the heart of an this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be
enemy formation with their paid for as part of the army.
chemical weapons, before
effecting a withdrawal just as
quickly. All that would be seen Options:
of them were massive forms ● The Grave Warden Tartaros Terminator Squad may include:
darting through enemy lines, - Up to 5 additional Grave Warden Tartaros ............................................. +40 points per model
butchering anything that
dared to oppose their ● Any model in the unit may exchange his Power Fist for a:
armoured bulk. As the - Chain Fist............................................................................................................................ +5 points
screams and choking died out,
their renewed offensive waves ● For every five models in the unit, one Grave Warden Tartaros may exchange his Assault
would hammer home, and Grenade Launcher for the following:
death for the remaining - Heavy Alchem Flamer....................................................................................................... +5 points
would follow. Speed, whilst
not normally a priority for the ● The Chem-Master Tartaros may exchange his Assault Grenade Launcher for one of the
XIVth, was nonetheless following:
something even the Death - Combi-Bolter.............................................................................................................................. Free
Guard could admit the use of. - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points

● The Chem-Master Tartaros may exchange his Power Fist for a:

- Power Scythe.............................................................................................................................. Free

● The Chem-Master Tartaros may take a:

- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

XV - Thousand Sons
The Thousand Sons were renowned for tampering with psychic abilities, forbidden lore, and the ephemera of the warp. In this way, they could often perform
feats others could only dream of - for theirs was the summoning of the very flow and ebb of the universe, the anger and wrath of time itself, and the breaking
of the earth beneath their enemies’ feet.

A model with the Psyker Sub-type and the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) Special Rule which would normally be permitted to select a Psychic
Discipline from the options presented in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook may instead select one of the following unique
disciplines. If they do so, they gain all powers, attacks and other rules included as part of that Discipline.

Magnus the Red always knows these Psychic Disciplines in addition to the Disciplines from the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook.

Psychic Discipline: Sinistrum

A Psyker with this Discipline gains all the listed Powers, weapons and other Special Rules, as well as the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon (see
page 322 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook).

Ancient Fury (Psychic Weapon)

Calling out to the maelstrom, the psyker summons forth a torrent of rage and manifests it in reality. The form it takes can vary, but it is usually a glowing
humanoid figure the size of a contemptor dreadnought, which bellows with anger as it rampages forward, destroying everything in its path.
Range Str AP Type
Ancient Fury 18” 6 4 Assault 1, Heavy Beam, Breaching (5+), Psychic Focus

Wrathful Fire (Psychic Weapon)

The flames of battle itself and the fiery rage within the caster’s soul are called forth, and this fire leaps from mind to mind, burning those who would defy the
will of the Thousand Sons - in their very minds.
Range Str AP Type
Wrathful Fire 18” 5 3 Assault 1, Blast (3”), Crawling Fire, Psychic Focus

Veil of Time (Psychic Power)

Pulling at the strands of fate which interweave reality, the psyker warps the fabric of reality to his own ends.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power may choose to take a Psychic Test. If the test is passed, select a single friendly
unit within 6” – this unit gains the Shrouded (5+) and Fleet (2) Special Rules until the start of the Controlling Player’s Next Game Turn. If the test is
failed, then the target unit gains no benefit and the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.

Psychic Discipline: Geomancy

A Psyker with this Discipline gains all the listed Powers, weapons and other Special Rules, as well as the Aetheric Lightning Psychic Weapon (see
page 322 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook).

Sundered Earth (Psychic Weapon)

The psyker compels the earth itself to rebel - and the earth obeys. Churning gouts of soil and stone issue forth, and the ground opens up as a yawning maw to
swallow its victims whole.
Range Str AP Type
Sundered Earth 24” 5 4 Assault 1, Barrage, Ignores Cover, Massive Blast (7”), Psychic Focus

Warp Quake (Psychic Power)

Touching palms flat to the ground, the psyker propels waves of immaterial force through it. In response, terra firma rebels, shudders, and is sundered by the
energies poured into it.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power may choose to take a Psychic Test. If the test is passed, select a single single
enemy unit, Building, Ruin, or Fortification within 24”.

If this unit is a Vehicle, Building, Fortification, or ruin, roll a D6 – on a roll of 1, nothing happens. On a roll of 2-4, it suffers an immediate Glancing
Hit. On a roll of a 5 or 6, it suffers an immediate Penetrating Hit. Attacks with this weapon have no AP value.

If the selected unit is not any of the types listed above, each model must take an immediate Initiative Test with a -1 modifier. If they fail, they suffer a
single wound with an AP value of 4, and the unit they are in is immediately counted as having failed a Pinning Test.

If the test is failed, then a target unit may not be selected, and the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.

Achea Force Stave
Some warriors of the Xvth legion eschew more common variants of Achean Force Weapons, instead preferring the length of a stave to allow them to strike
their enemies before they themselves may be put at risk.

Any model which would be eligible to select an Achea Pattern Force Weapon may choose to select an Achea Force Stave instead of the options found
in Liber Hereticus, in the Achea Pattern Force Weapons section.

An Achea Force Stave counts as a ‘Force’ weapon for all rules which affect such weapons.
Range Str AP Type
Achea Force Stave - +1 3 Melee, Reach (1), Achaen Force

KHENETAI ISIRIAN CABAL....................... 175 POINTS
Khenetai Isiran 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+
Khenetai Isiran-Master 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Khenetai Isirans ● Khenetai Isiran: Infantry (Psyker)
● 1 Khenetai Isiran-Master ● Khenetai Isiran-Master:
Infantry (Character, Psyker)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

Like their foot-slogging ● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)
brethren, the Isirians were ● Two Achea Force Swords ● Chosen Warriors
part of the Order of the Crow ● Frag Grenades ● Warriors of the Khenetai
and served as the guardians of
the five Prosperine Cults. ● Krak Grenades
Their way of war differed, ● Power Armour
however, in the speed at ● Legion Warhawk Jump Pack
which they engaged the
enemy - for they took flight
on Jump packs, swords Options:
singing, ready to close with ● The Khenetai Isirian Cabal may include:
the enemy to deadly effect. - Up to 5 additional Khenetai Isirans .......................................................... +30 points per model

The Khenetai Isirian warriors ● For every 5 models in the unit, one model may exchange their Bolt Pistol for one of the
were psychically bound to one following:
another, and their elite were - Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points
the initiates of the Cult's inner - Aether-Fire Pistol.............................................................................................................+10 points
secrets and arts. They were
trained to be able to very ● The Khenetai Isiran-Master may exchange his Power Armour for:
quickly use their innate Psyker - Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points
abilities, and were only 2nd to
the Sehkmet in terms of speed ● The Khenetai Isiran-Master may take:
with which they could call - Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points
forth their powers.

TERMINATOR CABAL.................................250 POINTS
Sekhmet Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Sekhmet Inceptor Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Sekhmet Tartaros ● Sekhmet Tartaros: Infantry (Psyker)
● 1 Sekhmet Inceptor Tartaros ● Sekhmet Inceptor Tartaros:
Infantry (Character, Psyker)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) None of the Sekhmet were
● Achea Pattern Force Weapon ● Relentless ranked below the Thousand
● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Bulky (2) Sons Cult grade of
Philosophus, the final Cult
● Stubborn rank a warrior could hold
before facing the Dominus
Liminus. Each Astartes was
able to mentally transcend his
physical and emotional
Dedicated Transport: weaknesses; achieving a form
● A Sekhmet Tartaros Terminator Cabal numbering no more than five models may take a of emotional purity that
Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated resulted in warriors who were
Transport. A Sekhmet Tartaros Terminator Cabal of any size may select a Legion Spartan both fearless and willing to
Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an follow orders immediately
additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the and unquestioningly. This
extraordinary level of
discipline was commented on
by some of the other
Options: Primarchs who witnessed the
● The Sekhmet Tartaros Terminator Cabal may include: Sekhmet in action during the
- Up to 5 additional Sekhmet Tartaros .......................................................+45 points per model Great Crusade. Jaghatai Khan
of the White Scars Legion
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter for a: commented that the Sekhmet
- Volkite Charger..................................................................................................................+2 points were no better than
- Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points automata, whilst, in a similar
- Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points vein, Ferrus Manus of the Iron
Hands Legion likened them to
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Achea Pattern Force Weapon for a: robots, though some within
- Lightning Claw .................................................................................................................. +5 points the Thousand Sons suspected
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points that knowing the Iron Hands'
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points affinity for technology and
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +15 points cybernetic augmentation, this
comment may have been
● The Sekhmet Inceptor Tartaros may take a: meant as a compliment.
- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points Leman Russ, the Great Wolf
of the Space Wolves Legion,
● The Sekhmet Inceptor Tartaros may select: showed disdain for what he
- A single Psychic Discipline from the Core Psychic Discipline list perceived as the Sekhmet's
(see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, page 322) ..................................... +25 points perceived "lack" of fighting
spirit and esprit de corps due
to their taciturn natures.
While all of this may have
been true with those dawned
in Cataphractii armour, the
others in Tartaros displayed a
fury only seen in the World
Eaters Legion. The fury was
contained, it was controlled,
and it was released through
the multitude of psychic
storms the Thousand Sons
Legion could release on any

XVI - Sons of Horus
Those that serve amongst the Rukal Breacher Battalion are often considered to be some of the most brutal warriors of the XVI Legion – possessed of a unique
menace and hyper-lethality in combat that goes unmatched outside of the 1st Company. The Rukal are often deployed in support of other forces, particularly
during boarding actions and siege operations.

● Models with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) Special Rule taken as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Rage (2) Special Rule
when they successfully Charge an enemy unit which is already locked in combat with one or more units or an enemy unit that is the target of at
least one other Charge in the same Charge sub-phase.
● Rukal Breacher Squads may be selected as Troops choices for Detachments using this Rite of War.
● Rukal Breacher Squads selected as Compulsory Troops choices for Detachments using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.
● Any unit with the Infantry (Heavy) Sub-type equipped with Boarding Shields gains the Chosen Warriors Special Rule.
● Any unit with the Infantry (Heavy) Sub-type equipped with Boarding Shields gains the Heart of the Legion Special Rule.

● A Detachment using this Rite of War must take a Legion Centurion with the Legiones Consularis: Dark Emissary upgrade as a HQ choice, in
addition to the Legion Praetor or other characters whose presence allows for the use of a Rite of War.
● A Detachment with this Rite of War must be of the Traitor Allegiance.
● A Detachment using this Rite of War must include more units with the Heavy Sub-type than without.

TARIK TORGADDON ................................. 170 POINTS
Captain of the 2nd Company, Mournival-Brother, The Joker
Tarik Torgaddon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Tarik Torgaddon ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) As quick with his wit as he
● Banestrike Bolter ● Independent Character was with his sword, Tarik
● Paragon Blade ● Master of the Legion Torgaddon was the jovial
heart of Warmaster Horus’s
● Artificer Armour ● Relentless chosen council, serving
● Iron Halo ● Counter-Attack (2) alongside Garvil Loken as the
● Frag Grenades ● Loyalist moral center of the
● Krak Grenades ● Warlord: Speartip Strike Mournival.

Following chaplain Erebus’s

Warlord: Speartip Strike plot at Davin and the swaying
of Horus to the will of the
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Tarik Torgaddon automatically has Speartip Strike as his Warlord
dark gods both captains
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
found themselves
unknowingly marked for
Once per game at the start of their turn, the Controlling Player may have Tarik Torgaddon use death by the will of their
this ability. For the duration of that player turn, Tarik Torgaddon and any unit he is part of gain beloved Primarch and former
the Fleet (2), Furious Charge (1) and Preferred Enemy (Independent Characters) Special Rules. comrades.

In addition, an army with Tarik Torgaddon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during However, if Horus expected a
their opponent’s Movement phase as long as Tarik Torgaddon has not been removed as a casualty. warrior such as Tarik to die
ignobly in the Virus Bombing,
he would be more than
disappointed. When the
massacre on Istvaan III was
curtailed by the advance
warning provided by a
defecting captain of the
Death Guard, Tarik and his
fellow Luna Wolf captain
rallied their warriors for a
skilled and tenacious defence
of the shattered Choral City.
Despite the skill and ferocity
of the loyalists there was no
hope for victory on Istvaan
III. When the traitors finally
broke through the defences of
their former brothers, the
warriors of the Mournival
found themselves paired
against the blades of their
former kin.

While Loken ultimately

escaped the planet alive, Tarik
was slain by the blade of his
former brother “Little Horus”
Aximand, falling alongside so
many of his brothers on the
surface of Istvaan III, the first
victims of the Horus Heresy.

LUPERCI SQUAD ............................................175 POINTS
Twin Flame 8 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 5 Twin Flames ● Infantry (Corrupted)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

A horrifying symbiosis of man ● Banestrike Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus)
and daemon – the Luperci, or ● Horrific Appendages ● Relentless
‘Brothers of the Wolf’ in ● Frag Grenades ● Chosen Warriors
Cthonian - were the depraved
product of Maloghurst the ● Krak Grenades ● Rage (2)
Twisted and his dark ● Power Armour ● Feel No Pain (6+)
experiments in the aftermath ● Counter-Attack (1)
of the Drop Site Massacre at ● Freakish Agility
Isstvan V.
● Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
An unnatural blur amidst the ● Traitor
ruins, a shadow flitting
between shattered columns, Dedicated Transport:
the Luperci are possessed of
an unnatural agility – ● A Luperci Squad of any size may select a Legion Termite Assault Drill or Legion Dreadclaw
shifting across the battlefield Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an
additional Forge Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the
and past enemy lines with army.
absolute ease.

Serving as a pale imitation of

the Word Bearers’ own Gal
Vorbak, the Luperci served as ● The Luperci Squad may include:
devastating shock troops in - Up to 5 additional Twin Flames ................................................................. +35 points per model
Warmaster’s armies – first
bringing death and ● For every five models in the unit, one model may exchange their Banestrike bolter for one
destruction to the servants of of the following:
the False Emperor on the - Meltagun...........................................................................................................................+10 points
battlefields of Molech.

Freakish Agility
This unit may move through other units, both friendly and enemy, as if they were not present -
however the unit must end its movement with all models at least 1” away from an enemy model,
and no model within the unit may overlap their base with the base or hull of any other model.

Horrific Appendages
Range Str AP Type
Horrific Appendages - +2 4 Melee, Breaching (5+)

RUKAL BREACHER SQUAD ........................175 POINTS
Rukal Breacher 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+
Rukal Breacher Sergeant 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Rukal Breachers ● Rukal Breacher: Infantry (Heavy)
● 1 Rukal Breacher Sergeant ● Rukal Breacher Sergeant:
Infantry (Character, Heavy)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Bolt Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) The bloodied fist of the Sons
● Chainaxe ● Relentless of Horus, the Rukal Breachers
● Boarding Shield ● Feel No Pain (5+) were specialists in ship
boarding actions and urban
● Frag Grenades ● Counter-Attack (1) warfare. Each of them was a
● Krak Grenades bitter fighter, used to the
● Breacher Charges chaos of close confined
● Power Armour warfare, and each had seen a
multitude of engagements
and battered their way
Dedicated Transport: through to the end. This was
● A Rukal Breacher Squad of any size may select a Legion Termite Assault Drill or Legion evidenced on their armour, as
Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does the Rukal Breachers preserved
not use up an additional Forge Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for any splash of enemy blood
as part of the army. upon their armour where they
could, to better show new foes
what lay in store for them.
● The Rukal Breacher Squad may include: They trained and drilled
- Up to 5 additional Rukal Breachers ........................................................... +25 points per model extensively with their
boarding shields, beyond the
● Any model may exchange its Chainaxe for one of the following: level of line Astartes, and this
- Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points resulted in a formation tighter
- Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points and better equipped to deal
with any threats an enemy
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolt Pistol for a: warship could throw at them.
- Hand Flamer ...................................................................................................................... +5 points The Rukal Breachers
advanced in a storm of
● The Rukal Breacher Sergeant may take one of the following: roaring chainblades and
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................ +15 points fizzing power fields,
- Thunder Hammer .......................................................................................................... +20 points butchering their way through
whatever rapidly formed
● The Rukal Breacher Sergeant may exchange his Power Armour for: defence force the beleaguered
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points foe could muster. This was
their element, and the ever-
● The Rukal Breacher Sergeant may take: increasing blood splashes
- Melta Bombs ....................................................................................................................+10 points upon their armour were ever
testament to this.

XVII - Word Bearers
HOL BELOTH ................................................ 215 POINTS
Chapter-Captain of the Graven Star, The Death of Serenity Alpha
Hol Beloth 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Hol Beloth ● Infantry (Character, Corrupted, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Among the Word Bearers ● Warpfire Pistol ● Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
legion there were few more ● Master-Crafted Power Fist ● Independent Character
ambitious field commanders ● Artificer Armour ● Traitor
than Hol Beloth. Rising to
prominence in the compliance ● Iron Halo ● Master of the Legion
campaign following the ● Tainted Blade ● Relentless
burning of Monarchia, Hol ● Frag Grenades ● Hexapentic Ward
Beloth was personally ● Krak Grenades ● Goading to Slaughter
responsible for the destruction
of dozens of cultures in the ● Warlord: Exhortation of Battle
name of the Emperor. Leaving
behind a string of subjected Goading to Slaughter
worlds, the Chapter Captain So long as Hol Beloth is on the table and not Falling Back, then once per game his controlling player
of the Graven Star was well can declare the use of this ability at the beginning of their Assault phase. All models in the army
on his way to prominence with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) Special Rule may choose to set their Weapon Skill as 5
among not only his own for the duration of the Assault phase.
legion but the Great Crusade
as a whole.
Hexapentic Ward
Spurred to even greater
Hol Beloth may ignore the first wound suffered during the game as a result of any failed Save, even
heights of ambition by High
if that wound would normally inflict Instant Death.
Chaplain Erebus and his
followers, Hol Beloth took
command of the surprise
attack on the Ultramarines at Warlord: Exhortation of Battle
Calth, where he burned the If chosen as the army's Warlord, Hol Beloth automatically has Exhortation of Battle as his Warlord
worlds defences in the name Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
of the primordial truth.
Unfortunately for the Once per game, at the start of any of the Controlling Player’s Assault Phases, you may declare you
ambitious commander, he will activate Hol Beloth’s Exhortations. Until the end of the turn, Hol Beloth and any unit he has
was not fully aware of the joined gain +1 to their Weapon Skill Characteristic.
High Chaplain’s plans, and
would meet his ultimate fate In addition, an army with Hol Beloth as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during their
in the tunnels beneath the opponent’s Assault phase as long as Hol Beloth has not been removed as a casualty.
doomed worlds surface.

SOR TALGRON .............................................. 175 POINTS
Captain-Apostle of the 34th Company, The Warmonger
Sor Talgron 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Sor Talgron ● Infantry
(Character, Corrupted, Psyker, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Artificer Armor ● Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) Talgron, Captain of the 34th
● Iron Halo ● Independent Character Company was dispatched to
● Bolt Pistol ● Master of the Legion Terra, to maintain a Word
Bearers presence in the Sol
● Tenebrum ● Relentless system and assure the
● Frag Grenades ● Traitor Emperor of Lorgar's loyalty.
● Krak Grenades ● Fires of Faith Sadly, the truth was to
● Warlord: Enslaved by Darkness covertly pave the way for the
eventual invasion. When news
reached Terra that Horus had
betrayed the Imperium Dorn
Fires of Faith summoned Talgron to the
Sor Talgron gains the Anathemata and Diabolism disciplines (see pages 106 and 309 of Liber palace and ordered him and
Hereticus, respectively). In addition, Sor Talgron counts as an Esotericist and therefore allows any his garrison to join the rest of
army with the Traitor allegiance that he is part of to select Ruinstorm Daemon units as described by the XVIIth Legion in
the Esotericist entry on page 106 of Liber Hereticus. mustering for the loyalist
counterattack at Istvaan V.
Dorn also released Talgron's
old mentor Volkhar Wreth,
Warlord: Enslaved by Darkness who was serving on Terra as
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Sor Talgron automatically has Enslaved by Darkness as his the only Word Bearer
Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait (see Liber Hereticus page 304). representative in the Crusader
Host. Before leaving the
palace, Talgron lured Wreth
Tenebrum into an ambush and along
Range Str AP Type with Dark Apostle Jarulek
Tenebrum - +2 3 Melee, Rending (5+), Force converted him into a living
conduit that would allow
daemons to breach the palace
when the correct time came.
Talgron left Terra shortly
after, commanding the 34th
Company in the Shadow
Crusade. During the
Percepton Campaign Talgron
hunted down a team of
Ultramarines that had
retreated to an underground
bunker but was too late to
prevent them from triggering
a bombardment of phosphex
bombs that burned away all
life on the planet. His flesh
melting into his armour,
Talgron was rescued from the
surface and died on the
apothecary's slab, but in near-
death experienced a vision of
Lorgar that opened his mind
to the wonders of Chaos and
allowed him to live. His body
rebuilt with a mixture of
augmetics and Warp-
mutations, Talgron became a
Dark Apostle.

0-1 RETORKA MHER SQUAD ..............300 POINTS
Retorka Mher 7 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 3 Retorka Mher ● Infantry (Corrupted)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

The Rhetorka Mher were a rare ● Twin-Linked Boltspitter ● Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers)
breed among an already limited ● Two Tainted Talons ● Relentless
few - the last few members of the
● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Chosen Warriors
Serrated Sun’s Veterans who had
worn Terminator armour before ● Rage (2)
their disastrous voyage into the ● Feel No Pain (5+)
eye. ● Bulky (4)
● Traitor
After their so called ‘Ascension’,
the veterans found themselves
changed, and in time were gifted Dedicated Transport:
a new name - the Rhetorka Mher, ● A Rhetorka Mher Squad of any size may select a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a
“Those Elevated Beyond” in old Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Forge
Colchisian. These immense, Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.
hulking beings found themselves
in a similar state to the Gal
Vorbak - bound to their armour, Options:
and in possession - or possessed
● The Rhetorka Mher Squad may include:
by - a soul-passenger, a daemon
- Up to 2 additional Rhetorka Mher ............................................................+95 points per model
with which they shared their flesh.
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Twin-Linked Boltspitter for one of the
In time, the Rhetorka Mher found following:
that just like their power- - Heavy Flamer ...................................................................................................................+10 points
armoured brothers, they too could - Warpfire Blaster ...............................................................................................................+10 points
summon forth their own
horrifying forms for battle, ● One model in the unit may exchange their Twin-Linked Boltspitter for:
becoming twisted and clawed, - Warpfire Cannon............................................................................................................. +25 points
bestial but evermore powerful.
● One model in the unit may exchange their Twin-Linked Boltspitter and one Tainted Talon
- Tainted Claw ....................................................................................................................+30 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange a Tainted Talon for one of the following weapons:
- Power Weapon ........................................................................................................................... Free
- Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points

ANOINTED COHORT ................................. 250 POINTS
Anointed 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+
Anointed Champion 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Anointed ● Anointed: Infantry
● 1 Anointed Champion ● Anointed Sergeant: Infantry (Character)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Combi-Bolter ● Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) Amongst the zealous warrior
● Tainted Weapon ● Adamantium Will (4+) cults of the Word Bearer’s
● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Feel No Pain (5+) there are few who carry out
their Primarch’s will with
● Line Breakers greater zeal and skill of arms
● Relentless than the fanatical ranks of
● Stubborn the Anointed.
● Bulky (2)
Marching steadfastly through
● Retinue hails of loyalist fire with
perverse chants of glory and
Dedicated Transport: prayers to perfidious beings
● An Anointed Cohort numbering no more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider on their lips, these warriors
Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. An Anointed cut a bloody swathe through
Cohort numbering more than five models may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a all that oppose them with
Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force righteous fury. Their dark and
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. tainted weapons cleave
through the flesh of Imperial
citizen, soldier, and Astartes
Options: with equal ease and contempt
● The Anointed Cohort may include: and the heavy boots of their
- Up to 5 additional Anointed .......................................................................+45 points per model Terminator armor pulverise
what little remains of the
● Any Anointed may take a: bodies of their foes. What few
- Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points foes are left broken and dying
by the terrible and unyielding
● Any Anointed may take a: assault of Lorgar’s chosen
- Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points warriors are quickly snatched
up by the scavenging trail of
● Any Anointed may take a: giggling cultists and offered in
- Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points dark and terrible rituals as
tribute to their dark gods.
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Tainted Weapon for one of the following: Such is the unholy war that
- Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points the Word Bearers wage.
- Thunder Hammer .......................................................................................................... +20 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter for one of the following:
- Warpfire Pistol ................................................................................................................... +5 points

● For every five models in the unit, one Anointed may exchange his Combi-Bolter for one of
the following:
- Heavy Flamer ..................................................................................................................... +5 points
- Plasma Blaster .................................................................................................................. +15 points
- Reaper Autocannon ........................................................................................................ +15 points

● Any model in the unit may exchange both their Combi-Bolter and Power weapon for:
- Two Tainted Talons ....................................................................................................... +20 points

● The Anointed Sergeant may a:

- Grenade Harness .............................................................................................................+10 points

Line Breakers
Once per game, when determining combat resolution scores for a combat that includes a unit with
this Special Rule, you may add the total of all remaining Wounds the unit has to its score for
determining how many Wounds were inflicted.

XVIII - Salamanders
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: THE PYRE GUARD.............................................. +35 POINTS
The Pyre Guard were the highest echelon of the Salamanders Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy and as such served as Vulkan's personal
Honour Guard. Chosen for qualities which were described by Vulkan as having “...more fire, more fury. Like the volcanoes of ancient Nocturne, they were
perpetually on the brink of eruption. Even the Pyroclasts weren't as volatile!” This warlike attitude is exemplified by the Pyre Guard's war-mantra;
'Eye-to-Eye, Tooth-to-Tooth!'.

A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, Legion Indomitus Centurion, or Legion Tartaros Centurion with the Legiones Astartes
(Salamanders) Special Rule may be upgraded to Pyre Guard Consul instead of selecting any of the standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits
listed below:

Special Rules
The Pyre Guard gains +1 to their Weapon Skill Characteristic, as well as the Never Back Down Special Rule (See Liber Astartes page 108). The Pyre
Guard may apply the Master-Crafted Special Rule to a single Melee Weapon they are armed with at no additional points cost.

For the purposes of Rites of War, the Pyre Guard is counted as a Legion Champion.

The Pyre Guard replaces their Refractor Field for an Iron Halo, and their Bolter for a Minor or Magna Combi-Weapon, at no additional points cost.

The Pyre Guard may purchase a Dragonscale Storm Shield for +10 points.

Conflagration Melta Weapons

The masters of the flame, the Salamanders legion were well-known for their expertise in the crafting of heat-based weaponry. Through Vulkan’s endless
knowledge and his sons’ dedication, masterpieces of flame and melta weapons were born, burning like stars on the battlefield.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Special Rule may exchange a Meltagun for a Conflagration Meltagun for +5 points.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Special Rule may exchange a Multi-Melta for a Conflagration Multi-Melta for +10 points.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Special Rule may exchange a Gravis Melta Cannon for a Conflagration Melta Cannon for
+10 points.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Special Rule may exchange a Cyclonic Melta Lance for a Conflagration Melta Lance for
+10 points.

All Conflagration Melta weapons count as ‘Melta’ weapon for all rules which affect such weapons.
Range Str AP Type
Conflagration Meltagun 18“ 9 1 Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta)
Conflagration Multi-Melta 30“ 9 1 Heavy 1, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-Linked
Conflagration Melta Cannon 30“ 9 1 Heavy 2, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-Linked
Conflagration Melta Lance 24“ 9 1 Heavy 4, Armourbane (Melta)

Magma Plating
Some vehicles crafted by the Salamanders were masterworks themselves, and the rare alloys used in their construction allowed them to turn aside grievous
blows from any attack save the most deadly.

Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Special Rule and the Vehicle Unit Type may purchase Magma Plating for +15 points.

Models equipped with Magma Plating gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save against any Hull Points of damage inflicted by a weapon of the Flamer, Plasma,
Melta, or Volkite Types.

ARTELLUS NUMEON................................. 205 POINTS
Commander of the Pyre Guard, Equerry to the Primarch Vulkan
Artellus Numeon 7 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Artellus Numeon ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Ryuunokasai ● Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) Born on Terra, Numeon was a
● Bolt Pistol ● Independent Character veteran member of the Legion
● Artificer Armour ● Precision Strikes (5+) by the time of the Horus
Heresy and served as Captain
● Mantle of the Elder Drake ● It Will Not Die (5+) of the 1st Company
● Iron Halo ● Master of the Legion Firedrakes, Equerry to the
● Frag Grenades ● Relentless Primarch Vulkan, and
● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist commander of the elite Pyre
● Stubborn
● Warlord: Nocturne’s Fury Following the Drop Site
Massacre, Numeon and a
small number of Salamanders
Warlord: Nocturne’s Fury survived, fearing Vulkan
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Artellus Numeon automatically has Nocturne’s Fury as his Warlord death and vowing vengeance
Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. on the traitor forces. Numeon
organised the retreat of the
Artellus Numeon and any unit he has joined gain the Furious Charge (2) Special Rule. remaining Salamanders (as
well as surviving Raven Guard
In addition, an army with Artellus Numeon as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during and Iron Hands) off Istvaan V
their opponent’s Assault phase as long as Artellus Numeon has not been removed as a casualty. and onto the warship Fire
Ark. For the next several
months, the Fire Ark
conducted hit-and-run raids
Ryuunokasai against traitor forces,
Range Str AP Type harrying them without pause
Ryuunokasai (Ranged) 18“ 5 5 Assault 2, Master-Crafted, Deflagrate or rest.
Ryuunokasai (Melee) - +1 3 Melee, Murderous Strike (5+),
Rending (4+), Specialist Weapon,

STRIKE-CLADE SQUAD ............................. 130 POINTS
Strike-Clade 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 7 3+
Firehost 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Strike-Clades ● Strike-Clade: Infantry (Skirmish)
● 1 Firehost ● Firehost: Infantry (Skirmish, Character)

FAST ATTACK Wargear Special Rules

While Lord Vulkan did not ● Power Armour ● Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
approve of the use of ● Two Dragon’s Breath Pistol ● Bitter Duty
Destroyers in his legion, some ● Melta Bombs ● Stubborn
of his more aggressive
sons noted their effectiveness ● Chainsword ● Infiltrate
on the battlefield. They dared ● Frag Grenades
not use Rad weapons, fearing ● Krak Grenades
their father’s wrath being
brought down upon them; but
their rapid, precision search- Dedicated Transport:
and-destroy tactics became ● An Infernus Strike-Clade may take a Legion Rhino Transport or Legion Termite Assault
instrumental to the legion’s Drill as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an
success in multiple assaults. additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the
As the crusade ground on,
Vulkan became more and
more open to the idea of these Options:
“Strike-Clades”. Sadly, as the ● The Infernus Strike-Clade may include:
Heresy began, the Clades were - Up to 5 additional Strike-Clades ............................................................... +20 points per model
not prepared for the
devastation that would ● Any Strike-Clade may take a:
decimate their legion. Most of - Legion Vexilla...................................................................................................................+10 points
the Clades, along with their
brothers, were wiped out at ● Any Strike-Clade may take a:
the Drop Site Massacre. Only - Nuncio-Vox.......................................................................................................................+10 points
a few squads were able to
escape with the Shattered ● Any Strike-Clade may take a:
Legions - and taking the - Augury Scanner ...............................................................................................................+10 points
name ‘Infernus’, they vowed
to bring the rage of Nocturne ● For every five models in the unit, one Strike-Clade may exchange their Two Dragon’s
onto the Traitors. Breath Hand Flamers for one of the following:
- Dragon’s Breath Flamer............................................................................................................ Free
- Conflagration Meltagun.................................................................................................+10 points
- Conflagration Multi-Melta ............................................................................................ +25 points

● The Firehost may exchange his Chainsword with one of the following:
- Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................+2 points
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points
- Lightning Claw ................................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................ +20 points
- Thunder Hammer ........................................................................................................... +25 points

● The Firehost may exchange his Power Armour for:

- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

0-1 AR’KAN ATTACK SPEEDER ............ 150 POINTS
Ar’Kan Attack Speeder 16 4 4 4 7 4 4 2 8 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Ar’Kan Attack Speeder ● Calvary (Anti-Grav, Heavy, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Conflagration Melta Cannon ● Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) An example of Vulkan's skill
● Two Dragon’s Breath Heavy Flamers ● Graviton Backlash as artisan, the Ar’Kan was a
● Artificer Armour ● Deep Strike variant of the widely used
Javelin Attack Speeder. The
● Chainsword ● Outflank vehicle's armor was reinforced
● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless at the front and coated with a
● Firing Protocols (4) heat-resistant alloy, its secrets
● Harbingers of the Legion only known to the forge
masters of Nocturne, the
● Hit & Run home-world of the
Salamanders. This additional
heat-shielding was needed not
Graviton Backlash to withstand enemy fire, but
If a model with this Special Rule was not locked in combat on the previous turn, any model making instead to be able to mount
a melee attack against the model suffers -1 to any to Hit rolls they make against it. and fire its front facing
Conflagration Melta Cannon.

Without this protetction, the

speeder would all but
disintegrate within a few
shots, and even the highly
heat-resistant metals used by
the Salamanders were in need
of replacement after each
engagement of the Ar’Kan;
the costs inflicted as a result
meant the Ar’Kan was
incredibly costly to maintain
as an asset in their armoury.
By the beginning of the
Heresy, only a single one of
these speeders was ever

SQUADRON .....................................................230 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Firestorm Bombard 8 4 12 12 10 5 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Firestorm Bombard ● Vehicle (Bombard)

HEAVY SUPPORT Wargear Special Rules

Siege Warfare and slowly ● Centerline Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (Salamanders)
grinding assaults were the Firestorm Canister Launcher ● Move Through Cover
preferred methods of war of the ● Two Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters
IVth and XIVth legions, but
learning and adapting to ● Smoke Launchers
situations was a gift Vulkan knew ● Magma Plating
to treasure.

The XVIIIth Legion witnessed the

capabilities of the Arquitor Options:
Bombard across many worlds of ● A Firestorm Bombard Squadron may take:
the galaxy and decided they could - Up to one additional Firestorm Bombard .................................................................+210 points
add the fury of Nocturne to its
machine spirit. Its abilities as a ● Any Firestorm Bombard may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted Heavy Bolters for
front line Infantry support vehicle one of the following options:
and to launch Firestorm Canisters - Two Sponson Mounted Dragon’s Breath Heavy Flamers ................................................... Free
directly into bunkers was - Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points
invaluable to the Salamanders - Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Culverins ..................................................................+10 points
legions when confronted - Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................ +15 points
entrenched enemies. While the
new armament didn’t have the ● Any Firestorm Bombard may take one of the following:
raw destructive capabilities of the - Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points
Morbus Bombard or Spicula - Pintle Mounted Dragon’s Breath Heavy Flamer........................................................... +5 points
Rocket systems, its ability to melt - Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points
through any fortification, - Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
building, or weapon only - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
cemented its place in their - Pintle Mounted Conflagration Multi-Melta .............................................................. +20 points
● Any Firestorm Bombard may take any of the following:
- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

Firestorm Canister Launcher

Range Str AP Type
Firestorm Canister Launcher 8-36“ 6 4 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5“),
Crawling Fire, Lingering Death,
Breaching (5+)

SQUADRON .....................................................160 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Infernus Predator 14 4 13 12 10 3 -

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Infernus Predator ● Vehicle

Wargear Special Rules HEAVY SUPPORT

● Turret Mounted ● Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) The versatile chassis of the
Magna Dragonstorm Cannon ● Move Through Cover Legion Predator allowed the
● Two Sponson Mounted more technically-minded
Dragon’s Breath Heavy Flamers legions to create weapons that
complimented their preferred
● Smoke Launchers methods of warfare. While
● Magma Plating Lord Vulkan resented the idea
of collateral damage, there
were some worlds that
Options: required it, to clear the taint
● An Infernus Predator Squadron may take: of the alien - and worse.
- Up to two additional Infernus Predators...................................................................+140 points
The Infernus Predator
● Any Infernus Predator may exchange both of their Sponson Mounted Dragon’s Breath Squadrons were brought out
Heavy Flamers for one of the following options: of the Salamander’s
- Two Sponson Mounted Autocannons .........................................................................+10 points armouries to raze worlds to
- Two Sponson Mounted Volkite Culverins ..................................................................+10 points the ground in the name of
- Two Sponson Mounted Lascannons............................................................................ +15 points The Emperor as a result.
- Two Sponson Mounted Conflagration Multi-Meltas............................................... +20 points Endless tinkering had resulted
in a vastly improved version
● Any Infernus Predator may take one of the following: of the Dragonstorm Cannon,
- Pintle Mounted Twin-Linked Bolter.............................................................................. +5 points and the vehicles it was
- Pintle Mounted Dragon’s Breath Heavy Flamer........................................................... +5 points mounted on came to be
- Pintle Mounted Combi-Weapon (Any Type) ..............................................................+10 points known as Infernus Predators.
- Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolter........................................................................................+10 points
- Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher ................................................................................. +15 points
- Pintle Mounted Conflagration Multi-Melta .............................................................. +20 points

● Any Infernus Predator may take any of the following:

- One Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile ....................................................... +5 points
- Searchlights ........................................................................................................................ +5 points

Magna Dragonstorm Cannon

Range Str AP Type
Magna Dragonstorm Cannon Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Breaching (6+), Torrent (18“),
Pinning, Dragon’s Breath

XIX - Raven Guard
NYKONA SHARROWKYN........................... 215 POINTS
Shade-Walker, One of the Shattered
Nykona Sharrowkyn 7 6 6 4 4 3 5 5 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Nykona Sharrowkyn ● Infantry (Character, Unique)

HQ Wargear Special Rules

Nykona Sharrowkyn was an ● Needler Sniper Rifle ● Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
Astartes that held accolades ● Bolt Pistol ● Independent Character
very few others could claim by ● Power Sword ● Relentless
the end of the Heresy. A
veteran member of the Raven ● Artificer Armour ● Shrouded (4+)
Guard Legion by the outbreak ● Refractor Field ● Hit and Run
of the Heresy, he had the ● Melta Bombs ● Loyalist
ability to wraith-slip, ● Frag Grenades ● Warlord: Vital Strike
seemingly being able to avoid
light entirely and meld with ● Krak Grenades
shadow, giving him an almost
phantasmic ability in
infiltration. Deployed to the Options:
surface of Istvaan V, and ● Nykona Sharrowkyn may take:
severely wounded in the Drop - Infravisor ..........................................................................................................................+10 points
Site Massacre, he was rescued
by the Iron Hand Sabin
● Nykona Sharrowkyn may exchange his Needler Sniper Rifle and Power Sword for:
Wayland, and joined the crew
- Two Paragon Blades and a Corvid Pattern Jump Pack: ............................................+50 points
of the Sisypheum. He was
instrumental in the seizing of
the Kryptos machine, which
allowed him and his new Warlord: Vital Strike
brothers to decipher traitor If chosen as the army's Warlord, Nykona Sharrowkyn automatically has Vital Strike as his Warlord
communications. Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait.

Using this, he was present at When rolling to wound with any weapon with the Rending, Breaching or Murderous Strike
Fulgrim’s presentation upon Special Rules, Nykona Sharrowkyn and any unit entirely composed of models with the Legiones
Hydra Cordatus, where he Astartes (Raven Guard) he has joined treat those rules as being one point lower than the profile on
shot the Phoenician in the their weapon - for example, a weapon with Breaching (4+) would be counted as Breaching (3+).
head with his sniper before
making good his escape. He
duelled with Lucius aboard In addition, an army with Nykona Sharrowkyn as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction
the Sisypheum whilst the ship during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as Nykona Sharrowkyn has not been removed as a
was in the Eye of Terror, casualty.
cutting the swordsman’s face,
but was prevented from
landing a killing blow. He Needler Sniper Rifle Range Str AP Type
succeeded in slaying Lucius Needler Sniper Rifle 72“ 1 4 Heavy 2, Sniper, Poisoned (2+),
during the Battle of Iydris, Breaching (3+)
plunging blades through both
of his hearts and leaving his
corpse on the crone world. He
and the crew of the
Sisypheum reached Terra
before the Solar War, to stand
against the traitors and
avenge their fallen brothers.

NAVAR HEF................................................... 160 POINTS
Lieutenant of the Raptors
Navar Hef 7 5 5 5 5 3 6 4 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Navar Hef ● Infantry (Character, Skirmish, Unique)

Wargear Special Rules HQ

● Two Dark Talons ● Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard*) Navar Hef was a squad sergeant
● Bolter ● Independent Character raised to the Raven Guard Legion
after the Drop Site Massacre, as
● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless
part of the Raptor project. He had
● Artificer Armour ● Fearless received the corrupted gene-seed,
● Refractor Field ● Fleet (1) and along with some hundreds of
● Frag Grenades ● Feel No Pain (5+) his brothers was twisted and
mutated by the corruption in his
● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist
genes. He retained his sanity and
● Raptor Lieutenant his loyalty to his Primarch, as
● Warlord: No Witnesses proven in his defence of
Ravendelve against the Alpha
Legion, and was promoted to
Raptor Lieutenant become the lieutenant in
Navar Hef may only join units of Raptors, Proto-Astartes or Raptors, Mutated. command of the mutated
Raptors. His first major
engagement was in the siege of
the Perfect Fortress, where he led
Warlord: No Witnesses
his twisted brothers alongside his
If chosen as the army's Warlord, Navar Hef automatically has No Witnesses as his Warlord Trait
Primarch and his Legion.
and may not select any other Warlord Trait.
He served Corax for the
Navar Hef and any model in a unit he is part of that has the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) remainder of the Heresy, but
special rule gain +1 to their Weapon Skill Characteristic on any turn in which they make a sought death in battle to end the
successful charge which is not Disordered. suffering he was under from the
mutations of his body. He later
In addition, an army with Navar Hef as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during their came across a small force of Space
opponent’s Assault phase as long as Navar Hef has not been removed as a casualty. Wolves under the command of
Arvand Woundweaver, who had
been sent by the Sigillite to watch
Dark Talon Corax. Not wanting to damn his
Range Str AP Type Legion and his Primarch with his
Dark Talon - +1 3 Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon, appearance and the appearance
Rending (5+), Murderous Strike (6+) of his brothers, he slew the Space
Wolves and concealed the
evidence. He later told Corax of
what he had done before the
Battle of Yarant. It was during
*All models in this unit gain the Falcons Special Rule as part of the Legiones Astartes (Raven this battle it seemed his wish for
Guard) Special Rule, and may not gain any other Special Rule from it.
death would be answered, but it
was stolen from him at the last
moment when Corax ordered a
retreat, refusing to throw their
lives away.

RAPTORS, PROTO-ASTARTES .................. 225 POINTS
Raptor 8 5 4 5 5 2 5 2 7 3+
Talon Leader 8 5 4 5 5 2 5 2 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Raptors ● Raptors: Infantry (Skirmish)
● 1 Talon Leader ● Talon Leader: Infantry
(Skirmish, Character)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

The Raptors were born of the ● Chainsword ● Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard*)
Emperor’s own science, taken ● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless
from Terra by Corvus Corax ● Bolter ● Stubborn
and surviving members of the
Raven Guard Legion, having ● Power Armour ● Loyalist
escaped from the killing fields ● Frag Grenades
of the Drop Site Massacre. By ● Krak Grenades
unlocking some of the secrets ● Melta Bombs
of the Emperor’s genius of the
Primarch project, Corax
and his Apothecaries were Options:
able to create a new gene-seed ● The Raptors, Proto-Astartes unit may include:
for the Raven Guard Legion, - Up to 5 additional Raptors ......................................................................... +40 points per model
and legionaries that carried
this seed were named the ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Chainsword for one of the following:
Raptors. - Heavy Chainsword ............................................................................................................+2 points
- Charnabal Weapon............................................................................................................ +5 points
The Raptor gene-seed allowed - Power Weapon ................................................................................................................... +5 points
for recruits to be raised to full
Astartes in a much shorter ● For every five models in the unit, one Raptor may exchange his Chainsword for:
timeframe, and to a level - Power Fist ......................................................................................................................... +15 points
beyond that of regular, mass
produced Astartes. This was ● For every five models in the unit, one Raptor may exchange his Bolter for:
doubly beneficial for the - Flamer ................................................................................................................................. +5 points
Raven Guard, plagued as they - Volkite Caliver..................................................................................................................+10 points
had been with a more - Plasma Gun.......................................................................................................................+10 points
unstable geneseed, and it - Meltagun........................................................................................................................... +15 points
allowed them to start
rebuilding their legion after ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolt Pistol for one of the following:
the harrowing it had received - Hand Flamer ......................................................................................................................+2 points
at Istvaan to better strike - Volkite Serpenta................................................................................................................. +5 points
back at the traitor legions. - Plasma Pistol ....................................................................................................................+10 points

This was demonstrated with ● Any model in the unit with a Bolter may take one of the following:
great effect in the sacking of - Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point
the Perfect Fortress, the first - Chain Bayonet....................................................................................................................+2 points
real chance the reforged
Raven Guard had to seek ● Any model in the unit may exchange both their Bolter and Chainsword for:
revenge for their fallen - Two Raven’s Talons........................................................................................................ +20 points
● The Talon Leader may exchange their Power Armour for:
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points

*All models in this unit gain the Falcons Special Rule as part of the Legiones Astartes (Raven
Guard) Special Rule, and may not gain any other Special Rule from it.

RAPTORS, MUTATED ..................................250 POINTS
Raptor 8 5 4 5 5 2 5 3 7 3+
Talon Leader 8 5 4 5 5 2 5 3 8 3+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Raptors ● Raptors: Infantry (Skirmish)
● 1 Talon Leader ● Talon Leader: Infantry
(Skirmish, Character)

Wargear Special Rules ELITES

● Raptor Claws ● Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard*) The Raptor project had been a
● Bolt Pistol ● Relentless resounding success, with new
● Bolter ● Fearless Astartes beginning to swell
the ranks of the Raven Guard
● Power Armour ● Fleet (1) Legion. Initially unbeknownst
● Frag Grenades ● Feel No Pain (5+) to the Legion Apothecaries
● Krak Grenades ● Loyalist however, was that a small
number of Alpha Legionnaire
operatives had corrupted the
Options: Raptor gene-seed reserves.
● The Raptors, Mutated unit may include:
- Up to 5 additional Raptors ..........................................................................+45 points per model This was revealed in violence
and blood, with a large
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolter for: number of new Raptor
- Astartes Shotgun ...............................................................................................................+2 points marines mutating viscerally,
their bodies rebelling against
● For every five models in the unit, one Raptor may take one of the following: them as they twisted and
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points grew. Those that had been
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................ +20 points driven insane by this
mutation had to be put down,
● Any model in the unit with a Bolter may take one of the following: but some retained their sanity
- Bayonet .................................................................................................................................+1 point and so were allowed to live.
- Chain Bayonet....................................................................................................................+2 points Corax viewed them not as
twisted horrors, but still as his
● Any model in the unit may exchange both their Bolter and Raptor Claws for: sons, and so the Raptors that
- Two Raven’s Talons........................................................................................................ +20 points still had the clarity of mind
and strength of body to fight
● The Talon Leader may exchange their Raptor Claws for one of the following: were allowed to serve their
- Power Weapon .................................................................................................................+10 points Primarch and their Legion.
- One Raven’s Talon...........................................................................................................+10 points
- Power Fist ........................................................................................................................ +20 points Their first major engagement
was in the siege of the Perfect
● The Talon Leader may exchange their Power Armour for: Fortress, where reports tell of
- Artificer Armour ..............................................................................................................+10 points horrific shadows flitting from
one pool of darkness to
another, leaving a trail of
traitor dead in their wake.
*All models in this unit gain the Falcons Special Rule as part of the Legiones Astartes (Raven These mutated Raptors
Guard) Special Rule, and may not gain any other Special Rule from it. continued to fight for the
duration of the Heresy, but
with the corrupted gene-
Raptor Claws Range Str AP Type seed destroyed, their numbers
Raptor Claws - +1 - Melee, Specialist Weapon, Breaching (5+) only dwindled over the course
of the war.

TARTAROS SQUAD...................................... 210 POINTS
Deliverer Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+
Deliverer Chieftain Tartaros 7 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 4 Deliverer Tartaros ● Deliverer Tartaros: Infantry
● 1 Deliverer Chieftain Tartaros ● Deliverer Chieftain Tartaros:
Infantry (Character)

ELITES Wargear Special Rules

In the early days before their ● Power Weapon ● Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard)
unification with Corvus ● Combi-Bolter ● Stubborn
Corax, the nascent XIXth ● Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour ● Relentless
Legion was taken under the
wing of the Primarch Horus. ● Bulky (2)
Despite the limited numbers ● Corax’s Shame
of warriors, the legion quickly ● Deep Strike
gained the favor of the future
warmaster and developed a
unique talent for brutally Options:
efficient decapitation strikes ● The Deliverer Tartaros Squad may include:
on enemy formations and - Up to 10 additional Deliverer Tartaros ..................................................... +35 points per model
leadership. Flourishing under
the ranks of the Luna Wolves ● Any model in the unit may exchange their Power Weapon for one of the following:
and particularly the 1st - Power Fist .........................................................................................................................+10 points
Company elite, the Deliverers - Chainfist............................................................................................................................ +15 points
blended the brutal ganger
ways of the Cthonians with ● For every five models in the unit, one Deliverer Tartaros may exchange his Combi-Bolter
their own gene-seed’s for one of the following:
penchant for lightning fast - Heavy Flamer ...................................................................................................................+10 points
ambushes, ultimately creating - Plasma Blaster .................................................................................................................. +15 points
a unique and terribly efficient - Multi-Melta ...................................................................................................................... +25 points
way of war.
● Any model in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter for:
When the Raven Guard - Minor Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................... +5 points
finally found their Primarch - Magna Combi-Weapon ..................................................................................................+10 points
and emerged as a legion all
their own the Terran-born ● Any model in the unit may exchange both their Combi-Bolter and Power Weapon for:
amongst their ranks were - Two Raven’s Talons.........................................................................................................+10 points
disappointed to find their new
lord contemptuous of their
brutal and unsubtle way of *You may only include either a single Deliverers Squad or Deliverers Tartaros Squad in your
war. While Corvus was loathe
to call in the terrible sword of
the Deliverers, they
nonetheless worked hard to
adopt their hard-hitting
nature to the swift and
stealthy ranks of the XIX
Legion, frequently eschewing
their bulky Cataphractii for
the more nimble and cutting
edge Tartaros Terminator
armor and relentlessly drilling
in the hit and run tactics
which would make the Raven
Guard a ruthless thorn in the
side of the traitors throughout
the entirety of the Horus

DARKWING GUNSHIP ................................ 225 POINTS
Armour Transport
M BS Front Side Rear HP Capacity
Darkwing Gunship 18 4 12 12 12 4 18

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Darkwing Gunship ● Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)

Wargear Special Rules FAST ATTACK

● Hull (Front) Mounted ● Legiones Astartes The tech-adepts of Kiavahr
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (Raven Guard) jealously guarded the secrets
● Hull (Front) Mounted Vengeance ● Deep Strike they’d harboured since long
Launcher with Eclipse Missiles into Old Night, and only
● Outflank provided use of them to their
● Two Wing (Front) Mounted Twin- ● Assault Vehicle Raven Guard lords, using the
Linked Lascannon ● Power of the Machine Spirit supposed sovereignty of the
● Shroud Bombs ● Night Vision Legion as a shield to the
● Kiavahran Repulsor Field knowledge-hungry
Mechanicum. This matter
was not yet resolved at the
Access Points: outbreak of the Heresy, when
● The Darkwing Gunship has four access points; one on each side and one each at the front it was swept aside in favour of
and rear. much more pressing matters.

A significant proportion of the

Options: technology of Kiavahr denotes
● A Darkwing Gunship may exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked the creation and operation of
Heavy Bolter for: field generators, to shield and
- Hull (Front) Mounted Missile Launcher with Eclipse Missiles................................+10 points to cloak those within them.
These are predominantly used
by the Raven Guard Legion to
increase the stealth
Kiavahran Repulsor Field capabilities of their war
All Shrouded Damage Mitigation rolls made by a unit with this Special Rule have their result machines and vehicles, hiding
improved by 1, granting the unit the Shrouded (6+) Special Rule if it does not already have it. thruster flares, throwing off
Additionally, when targeted by an enemy unit during the Interceptor Reaction, the enemy unit targeting reticles and blurring
must pass an Initiative test. If this succeeds, proceed as normal. If it fails, the enemy unit’s Ballistic silhouettes.
Skill is reduced by 1 for the duration of the Interceptor attacks.
The Darkwing variant of the
Storm Eagle gunship is fitted
Eclipse Missiles Range Str AP Type with a number of esoteric and
Eclipse Missiles 48“ 4 5 Heavy 2, Large Blast (5”), Blind, ill-understood systems, from
Shock Pulse quantum field repellors to rad
shielded armour to Eclipse
missiles mounted to the front,
all to aid in the stealth
insertion of Raven Guard
units to the heart of battle.
These additional systems
require greater maintenance,
and some of the transport
capacity has had to be
sacrificed to accommodate
this. Due to its role in
inserting small elite units into
battle, this lowered capacity is
not seen as much of a
downside, and all Chapters
within the Legion maintain a
stock of these prized war

XX - Alpha Legion
LEGIONES CONSULARIS: ANIMATUS ............................................................. +50 POINTS
The Animatus are a secretive order of duellists within the Alpha Legion, tasked with observing, learning and reporting back on the fighting techniques of other
legions. The Animatus are skilled in mimicking their opponents and developing skills to nullify the strengths they encounter; as a result, they are deadly
warriors to face in melee that few can face and survive.

A Legion Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) Special Rule may be upgraded to an Animatus Consul instead of selecting any of the
standard Consul upgrades, gaining the benefits listed below:

Special Rules
The Animatus gains the Effigist of Contempt Special Rule.

The Animatus gains The Hydra’s Teeth at no additional points cost.

The Animatus may not select a Legion Spatha Combat Bike or Legion Scimitar Jetbike.

Effigist of Contempt
A model with this Special Rule must declare or accept any Challenge, whenever it is possible for them to do so.

When Engaged in a Challenge, a model with this special rule may choose to increase their Weapon Skill and Initiative Characteristics to match that
of their opponent for the duration of the Challenge.

The Hydra’s Teeth

These paired blades were forged as part of the process of tutelage all Animatii underwent during their training. Barbed, serrated, and deadly, these blades were
laced with adaptive venoms and toxins that gained in potency with each victim slain.
Range Str AP Type
Hydra’s Teeth - +1 2 Melee, Paired Weapons, Two-Handed, Murderous Strike (5+)

OMEGON........................................................ 450 POINTS
Primarch of the Alpha Legion, The Second Soul, The Hidden Face
Omegon 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+

Unit Composition Unit Type

● 1 Omegon ● Primarch (Skirmish, Unique*)

Wargear Special Rules PRIMARCH

● The Basilisk’s Raiment ● Legiones Astartes (Alpha Legion) Omegon is an enigmatic
● The Whispering Death ● Master of the Legion figure within the annals of the
● The Pale Sword ● Adamantium Will (3+) Heresy, and no account or
tale of him can be recounted
● The Hydra’s Spite^ ● Pathfinder with any degree of certainty.
● Frag Grenades ● Move Through Cover Even the account of
● Krak Grenades ● Shrouded (5+) Alpharius’ life, supposedly
● Melta Bombs ● Walker in Shadow penned by the Primarch’s own
hand, begins with the words
● Shroud Bombs ● Marksman’s Tutelage “This is a Lie”. There are a
● Three Venom Spheres small number of facts that are
verifiable, even if only within
the legion, to an extent; the
Marksman’s Tutelage existence of the twin
Whenever Omegon, or any member of a unit he has joined, makes any attacks as part of a Shooting Primarchs is one of them. It is
Attack, the range of any Weapons is not restricted or affected by the Night Fighting rules, Shroud not known how there came to
Bombs, or any other Special Rule. In addition, no model may make Shrouded rolls to negate be two Primarchs of the
Wounds inflicted by Omegon’s Shooting attacks. twentieth Legion, whether
they were split in the Warp in
their gestation pod, or
Walker in Shadow whether they had always been
This Special Rule grants Omegon the Deep Strike, Scout, and Infiltrate Special Rules. These Special twins in the Emperor’s
Rules may be conferred to a single unit which must join Omegon via the chosen deployment designs. No matter the source
method. On the turn in which a unit which uses this Special Rule enters the battle, they also gain of their unique disposition,
the Shrouded (4+) Special Rule for the duration of the turn. they were undoubtedly a
powerful force amongst both
the loyal and traitor legions
embroiled in the Heresy.
The Basilisk’s Raiment In battle, Omegon was the
The Basilisk’s Raiment provides Omegon with a 2+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In opposite of his brother,
addition, whenever Omegon makes a Cover Save, add +1 to the roll. seeking to bring down
command structures from
afar where possible, and
instructing his sons in how to
The Pale Sword do the same. He also bore
The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Power’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. weapons and wargear with a
Range Str AP Type seemingly similar origin to
The Pale Sword - User 1 Melee, Fleshbane, Instant Death, Alpharius - of note, his
Duellist’s Edge (1) sword’s effects on living
matter were the twin of his
brother’s spear.
The Whispering Death
The weapon listed here is counted as a ‘Bolt’ weapon for those rules that affect such weapons. The It is said that Omegon acted
Whispering Death may not be fired in any Shooting Attacks made as part of a Reaction. in the interests of the
Range Str AP Type Imperium while his brother
The Whispering Death 72“ 7 1 Heavy 3, Sniper, Sunder, Pinning, Alpharius acted for the
Shell Shock (2), Brutal (2) Warmaster, though whatever
the veracity of such a claim
may be, the only truth that
can be ascertained with full
*Omegon is Unique – but dare not walk the field of battle openly where Alpharius also treads, certainty is that nothing can
for fear of revealing their greatest secret. As a result, an army that contains Alpharius may never be certain, and so even these
also contain Omegon, and visa versa. accounts may be nothing but
^See page 336 of the Liber Hereticus.

“I remember the Imperium as it was meant to be, as it could have been, and
unlike the Emperor, I have no gilded wonder to keep me, and soon I shall pass.”

We Remember.

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