Safety E-News Bulletin Q2 2013-2014

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 “Safety First ” – One Day Training Program

 Kodiyu
 Preventive aspects of Critical Health Issues Program By Dr. Santwani
 CFT – Pressure Vessel
 Work Permit Training Program for Middle Management Staff
 Leval-2 Mock Drill in Chlorine handling area
 Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign at Mithamahal
 Bimonthly Contractor Communication Meeting
 Contractor Employee Communication Meeting
 CFT – Safety Glasses
 Vehicle Audit at Entrance Gate.
 IMS Audit by Intertek
 Training On Defensive Driving to Drivers
 Awareness Program – Onsite Emergency Plan
 Training on Safe Operation Of Battery Operated Trolley
“Safety First” – One Day Training Program

To achieve excellence in Safety, Our Sr. Leadership and Team Safety

continuously putting efforts with new interventions. Providing relevant and
need based safety training to our employees. Continue with this Journey of
Excellence, Safety team have come-up with the basket of Relevant Training for
Management & Officers Cadre employee and launch this One Day Training
Program, “SAFETY FIRST”. First session was conducted on date 11 July, 2013
at Gayan Sagar in which 39 participants took training.

“SAFETY FIRST” Training module contains topic like:

 Policy and Organization
 Implementation and Operations
 Behavioural safety
 Emergency Preparedness
 Handling of Hazardous Chemicals
 Industrial Hygiene & Health
 Fire & Emergency Control

To build excellent safety culture in organization safe behavior is one of the

essential factors. “Kodiyu” – A Behavioural Safety Training Program by
faculties from M/s Aakar Charitable Trust was conducted from 10th June to
15th June 2013.

Preventive aspects of Critical thHealth Issues

Program By Dr. Santwani (11 July 2013)

To bring awareness among employees on prevention against life style

diseases expert from Jamnagar Dr.Santwani was invited to conduct half day
awareness session on preventive aspects of critical health issues. From
various work levels total 66 participant took part in this session.

CFT – Pressure Vassal

To check healthiness of pressure vessel a CFT lead by Mr B G Modhvadia

(Head – Instrumentation) was constituted which includes team members
from operation and services department. Team presented their findings in
Apex Safety Committee.

Work Permit Training Program for Middle

Management Staff

Work permit is one of the tools for safe execution of jobs inside the plant. To
enhance awareness among line managers two half day sessions were
organized by safety department. Section of half day on date 1st & 2nd
August, 2013 was organized with faculty Mr D K Thakur which was attended
by 83 line managers.
Level-2 Mock Drill in CCG

To check our response & alertness against emergency Level 2 Mock drill held
on Saturday-10th Aug-13 at CC Group. Chlorine Tonner area and Bullet area
is chose as effected area total 16 observer is there to observer various plant
and emergency services activity. Emergency is found at 10.39 AM and
declare All clear at 11.01 AM.
Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign at
To increase awareness of safety in township a traffic Safety Awareness
Campaign was held near Mithamahal on 23rd August, 2013. SC 7 along with
safety pros, Town admin officials and school teachers were present during
the campaign. They conveyed message on wearing Crash Helmet while
riding two wheelers. Banners and hoardings on traffic safety were used for

Bimonthly Contractor Communication


For an effective communication between management and contractor

Bimonthly contractor communication meeting was held on 24th August,
2013 at auditorium. Mr. A.T.Dani & Mr. R J Buch were present during the
Agenda for the meeting : Safety Pause, Learning from past incidents, safety
index criteria for contractors ,site specific JSA.
Contractor Employee Communication

Contactor communication meeting is a platform through which leadership

team interact with contractor workers. It was arranged on 27th August,
2013 at erection department shed. During communication meet Mr. D K
Thakur shared plant safety performance and introduced Safety cross. Mr.
Kiran Valand shared tips on workplace safety & Mr. Varun Raolji shared
incidents on hand injuries and tips on how to prevent them. Mr. Ashok Dani
& Mr. Prakash Thaker communicated on Ethics and Safety culture
CFT - Safety Glasses

To improve compliance of eye protection a CFT is working which does

counseling with work force and suggests improvement plans.
Key deliverables of CFT are:
 Spot survey compliance audit.
 Counselling and sensitizing people towards workplace hazards.
 Safety Talk
 Training and education

Vehicle Audit at Entrance Gate

For improving traffic safety compliance vehicle inspection was carried out
on 4th September, 2013 in morning at Gate no 2 total 13 vehicles were
inspected and vehicles which were not confirming to standards were sent

IMS Audit by Intertek

Intertek Surveillance audit was done on 10th to 13th September ISO

9001,ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems.
Defensive Driving Training to drivers

Availability of Raw material plays very important role to achieve our

production targets and overall growth of company, our raw materials like coal
& lime stone being transported from Okha port to our plant through trucks,
because of this daily number of trucks are coming inside the plant which
creates many traffic related issues, to deal with this traffic safety rules and
procedure are in place.
To make familiar with company’s traffic rules, procedure & other safe driving
techniques on 11th September, 2013 at Okha training program was organized
on defensive driving for drives that are carrying raw material. Informative
video clippings were shown to the participants.
Topics Covered
• Traffic Incident sharing
• Defensive Driving Techniques
• Safe Driving techniques during night hours
• Safe Driving techniques during monsoon season etc.
• Safety rules and procedures to be followed inside the plant.
Awareness Program – On Site Emergency
To increase awareness on individual role during emergency two sessions
were conducted on 17th & 19th September, 2013. Mr Nalin Chaudhary
delivered session on site emergency plan which covers type of emergency
and what is role of responders. In two sessions 95 managers were covered.

Training on Safe Operation of BOT

For the Safe use of Battery Operated Trolley one training program conducted
on 24th September, 2013 for BOT drivers. Mr. D K Thakur & Mr. Varun Raolji
& Mr. Kiran Valand took the session. It covered topics like how to operate
BOT, take care of parts of BOT, Safe method of driving etc. Total 9 drivers
took part in the program.

Diwali Safety Tips

Diwali is thoroughly enjoyed by people of all age groups as they love the
sparkle of fireworks. The earthen lamps that we light on Diwali night are
generally placed on balcony and window ledges. So ensure that these are
not near any flammable material like wood, cloth or paper. Usually,
decorative lights are used on special occasions only and as such not much
care is given to one's life. The electric lights should never be tied to any
metal poles as any current leak can energize the pole and give a shock to
anyone who touches the pole.
All incidents due to fireworks occur as a result of carelessness, negligence
and ignorance. But these can certainly be avoided by observing some very
simple precautions. All of us enjoy the pleasure of light and sound but
when disaster strikes the injured has to bear the cross. If you're going to
set off fireworks at home this year, please take a few minutes to read
through the guidelines.
 Look for an open space and ensure there are no combustible and
inflammatory things around. If so remove them at once
 Always buy fireworks from licensed and reliable sellers
 Keep small children away from the bursting area
 Use a sparkler, agarbatti or a long fire wood to burst a cracker as they
keep you at a safe distance and do not possess open flames
 Read the label on the crackers and follow the instructions carefully.
 While igniting aerial fire works like rockets ensure that they are not
facing any opening like an open window, door or an open building
which may cause fire accidents.
 Keep fireworks stock away while lighting a particular firework.
 Wear footwear while lighting fireworks.
 Keep and a bucket full of water handy.
 Be Prepared for Emergency Organize a community display of
fireworks rather than individuals handling crackers.
 Keep first aid & two buckets of water handy. In the event of fire,
extinguish flame by pouring water from the buckets. Every major fire
is small when it starts Light only one firework at a time, by one
person. Others should watch from a safe distance.
 In case of burns, pour large quantity of water on the burnt area.
 In case of major burns, after extinguishing the fire, remove all
smouldering clothes. Wrap the victim in a clean bed sheet.
 The patient should immediately take to the hospital. Don't panic.
 In case of eye burns, wash the eye with tap water for 10 minutes and
take the victim to a hospital.
 Don’t wear Nylon clothes prefer cotton while bursting crackers.
 Strictly avoid using matches and lighters for bursting crackers as they
have open flames which can be dangerous
 Never ignite aerial fireworks (like rockets) if there is any overhead
obstruction present like trees and wires etc. & Always keep eye on your
children when they use fireworks.
 Never ever leave a lit match, agarbatti or sparkler s near unused
 Never experiment with crackers or make your own fire works
 Avoid bursting fireworks on roads
 Never ever light a cracker in your hand. See to it that you put it down
and ignite it.
 Don't keep your face close to the cracker while trying to ignite it.
 Do not throw fireworks at people
 Never give ANY firework item to small children
 Never try to burst crackers indoors or from inside a vehicle.
 Do not have fireworks in your pocket while igniting another
 Do not tend to burst crackers when someone else is trying to ignite one
 When crackers take time or do not ignite immediately, do not indulge in
trying to burst them. Rush to a safe place immediately. Throw some
water to diffuse them.
 Don't wear loosely hanging clothes; secure all clothes properly.
 Don't ignite fireworks in any container.
 Don't approach immediately to the misfired fireworks.
 Don't apply any cream or ointment or oil on burnt area

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