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Original article 21

Serum activin-A as a predictive marker for postacne scarring

Ahmed Abdel-Barya, Eman Tayaeb, Basma Magdya, Tarek Husseina
Departments of aDermatology, Venereology Background
and Andrology, bClinical Pathology, Faculty of
Postacne scar is the most distressing sequelae of inflammatory acne vulgaris. It
Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria,
develops owing to abnormal wound healing process in response to inflammation.
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Activins are members of the family named transforming growth factors-b that are
Correspondence to Ahmed Abdel-Bary, MD,
involved in inflammation, immunity, and wound healing.
22 Ishak Street, Shods, Al-Raml, Alexandria,
Egypt Tel: +20 128 284 0574; Objective
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e-mail: To evaluate human activin-A as a predictive marker for postacne scarring and the
Received: 24 June 2022
effect of treatment with oral isotretinoin on its serum level.
Revised: 26 July 2022 Patients and methods
Accepted: 1 August 2022 A total of 40 patients who presented with either moderate or severe acne vulgaris
Published: 31 October 2022 were selected for this case–control study. Patients were classified into two groups:
Journal of the Egyptian Women's group A had no scarring and group B had postacne scarring. Group B patients were
Dermatologic Society 2023, 20:21–25 treated with oral isotretinoin therapy. Measurement of serum activin-A levels was
done using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique.
The mean serum level of human activin-A was significantly higher in patients
with postacne scarring (189.47±59.63 ng/ml) than patients without scarring (155.4
±41.19 ng/ml). Moreover, the mean serum level of human activin-A in group B was
significantly decreased after treatment with oral isotretinoin. Patients with serum
human activin-A level of more than 144.8 ng/ml are more liable to develop postacne
scarring with 80.0% sensitivity and 55% specificity.
Serum level of activin-A could be a good and reliable marker for the prediction of
those patients liable to develop postacne scarring, but more in-depth studies are
still required to detect the exact pathogenic action of activin-A in the development of
acne scars and to test the targeting of activin-A in an attempt to prevent postacne

acne, activin, isotretinoin, scar
J Egypt Women’s Dermatol Soc 20:21–25
© 2022 Egyptian Women’s Dermatologic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

isotretinoin is the most effective drug available for the

treatment of acne, but it has different undesirable side
Acne is a common inflammatory disease of the
effects, and its use is more recommended for those
sebaceous glands affecting mainly teenagers [1].
patients prone to develop postacne scar [8]. So, we
Increased production of sebum, changes of sebum
aimed to evaluate human activin-A as a predictive
lipid quality, altered follicular keratinization,
marker for postacne scarring and the effect of
proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes within the
treatment with oral isotretinoin on its serum level.
sebaceous glands, and inflammation are the main
pathogenic factors [2]. Postacne scar is the most
distressing complication of inflammatory acne Patients and methods
vulgaris, which affects the self-esteem and social The study included 40 patients presented with
relations of the patients [3]. Postacne scar develops moderate to severe acne vulgaris (according to global
due to abnormal wound healing process in response to acne grading system) [9], who did not receive therapy
inflammation [4]. Decreased deposition of collagen for at least 1 month either systemically or topically
results in the formation of atrophic scars; however, if before the study. Patients were selected from the
the healing response is exaggerated, hypertrophic scars Dermatology Outpatient Clinic and Dermatology &
develop [5]. Activins are members of the transforming
growth factor (TGF-b) family. It was found that
activins are involved in angiogenesis, inflammation, This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
immunity, and wound healing [6]. On the contrary, License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
it may induce fibrosis and scar formation in lung non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new
fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and arteriosclerosis [7]. Oral creations are licensed under the identical terms.

© 2022 Journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow DOI: 10.4103/jewd.jewd_32_22
22 Journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society, Vol. 20 No. 1, January-April 2023

Venereology Department of Main University Hospital Overall, 3 ml of venous blood was collected into plain
of Alexandria, Egypt. Moreover, 20 healthy individuals glass tubes. The tubes were allowed to coagulate at
(matching for age and sex) were included as a control room temperature and centrifuged immediately at
groups. 1000g for l0 min to remove the serum. The serum
samples were separated and kept at −20°C until use.
Concomitant skin/systemic inflammatory or The serum activin-A levels were measured by an
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autoimmune diseases, hepatic and renal insufficiency, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (catalog
hyperlipidemia, pregnancy, and lactation were the number: BEK1002) provided by Chongqing Biospes,
exclusion criteria. Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, China.
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All participants assigned informed consents and the The sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay
local ethics committee of Alexandria Faculty of technique was employed. Anti-activin-A antibody was
Medicine approved the study (the approval number first used for precoating of the 96 wells in the used
was 0106620, and the date of approval was 19-11- plate, whereas the detection antibodies were biotin
2020). conjugated (both were polyclonal). Patients’ samples
and biotin-conjugated detection antibody were added
Patients were divided into two groups: to the wells subsequently. Avidin–biotin–peroxidase
complex was then added. A buffer wash was done after
(1) Group A: 20 cases with moderate/severe acne each step to get rid of the unconjugate. HRP enzyme-
vulgaris without scarring. mediated reaction was visualized by TMB substrates.
(2) Group B: 20 cases with moderate/severe acne HRP catalyzes TMB to produce a blue color product.
vulgaris and postacne scarring. Then, an acidic stop solution was applied that gave a
(a) Group B patients with postacne scarring were yellow color. The density of the latter is proportionate to
graded using the Qualitative Scarring Grading the concentration of activin-A in the different samples
System [10]. Patients with mild atrophic or within the plates. Then, an acidic stop solution was used
hypertrophic scarring that is not obvious at for finalization of the reaction. Then, the absorbance was
more than or equal to 50 cm distance and calculated at 450 nm. Finally, serum activin-A
easily masked by makeup were classified as concentration in each sample was evaluated by
mild scarring. However, patients with comparing its OD to the standard curve.
moderate atrophic or hypertrophic scarring
that is obvious at more than or equal to 50 Statistical analysis
distance and not easily masked by makeup and The software package IBM SPSS, version 20.0, was
could be flattened manually by skin stretching employed (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, USA).
were classified as moderate scarring. Finally, Qualitative figures were expressed in terms of number
patients with severe atrophic or hypertrophic and percentage, whereas quantitative data were
scarring that is obvious at more than or equal expressed in terms of range (minimum and
to 50 cm distance and not easily masked by maximum), mean, SD, median, and interquartile
makeup and could not be flattened manually range. Testing the normality of distribution of the
by skin stretching were classified as severe used data was done using Shapiro–Wilk test. Level
scarring. of significance was judged at 5%.
(b) Group B patients were treated with oral
isotretinoin therapy (0.5 mg/kg body weight χ 2 test was employed to compare categorical data,
daily for 3 months) and followed up monthly whereas paired t test was employed for quantitative
during the treatment period by complete blood data. Comparison between two periods was done using
picture, hepatic and renal function tests, and Student t test for normally distributed data and
serum lipid profile. Mann–Whitney test for abnormally distributed ones.
On the contrary, comparison between the two groups
Measurement of serum human activin-A levels was done using Spearman coefficient test for
Serum human activin-A levels were measured for abnormally distributed data and Pearson coefficient
patients (groups A and B) and controls using test between normally distributed data. P value
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. Re- < 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
estimation of serum human activin-A levels in group B
patients was done after oral administration of Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was
isotretinoin for a period of 3 months. made, where sensitivity was plotted at the Y-axis,
Serum activin-A and postacne scarring Abdel-Bary et al. 23

whereas 1-specificity was plotted on the X-axis at Serum human activin-A level
variable cutoff values. Area below the curve The mean serum level of human activin-A was
indicates the diagnostic performance. Acceptable significantly higher in group B patients with
performance is more than 50, whereas 100% is the postacne scarring (189.47±59.63 ng/ml) than group
best performance. A patients without scarring (155.4±41.19 ng/ml).
Moreover, its level was significantly higher in both
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groups than control (110±25.07 ng/ml) (Table 2).

In the studied group, patients’ age ranged between 17 The mean serum level of human activin-A in group B
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and 30 years (mean=21.10±3.57), whereas in the significantly decreased after treatment with oral
studied group, patients’ age ranged between 19 and isotretinoin (122.8±27.43 ng/ml) (P≤0.001, paired t
24 years (mean=21.35±1.60). This difference was not test) (Table 2).
significant (P=0.248). Group A included seven (35%)
males and 13 (65%) females. Similar sex distribution Relation between serum human activin-A level and
was found in group B. Table 1 shows the distribution of other parameters among the studied cases
the cases included in the study according to age, sex, No significant difference was found in the serum
and duration of the disease. human activin-A level between males and females in
both groups A and B (P=0.074 and 0.478,
Grading of group B patients with postacne scaring was respectively). Moreover, no significant correlation
done, where seven (35%) patients had mild scarring, six was detected between serum human activin-A level
(30%) patients had moderate scarring, and seven (35%) and each of age of patients (group A: r=0.409,
patients had severe scarring. P=0.074, and group B: r=0.168, P=0.478) and

Table 1 The distribution of the studied cases according to age, sex, and duration of the disease
Group A (acne vulgaris without Group B (Acne vulgaris with Control group Test of P
scarring) (N=20) [n (%)] scarring) (N=20) [n (%)] (N=20) [n (%)] significance
Male 7 (35.0) 7 (35.0) 9 (45.0) χ 2=0.564 0.754
Female 13 (65.0) 13 (65.0) 11 (55.0)
Age (years)
Range 17.0–30.0 19.0–24.0 17.0–28.0
Mean±SD 21.10±3.57 21.35±1.60 22.60±3.44 F=1.429 0.248
Median (IQR) 20.0 (18.5–23.0) 21.0 (20.0–22.0) 22.0 (20.0–25.5)
Duration of disease (years)
Minimum–maximum 1.0–4.0 1.0–4.0
Mean±SD 2.30±0.98 2.80±1.01 U=146.0 0.149
Median (IQR) 2.0 (1.50–3.0) 3.0 (2.0–4.0)
χ 2, χ 2 test; F, one-way analysis of variance test; IQR, interquartile range; U, Mann–Whitney test.

Table 2 Comparison between patients and control according to human activin-A serum level (ng/ml)
Group B (acne vulgaris with scarring) (N=20)
Group A (Acne Before treatment After treatment Control group F (P) P
vulgaris without (N=20)
scarring) (N=20)
Activin-A level (ng/ml)
Range 90.14–274.0 131.3–335.2 69.14–170.9 61.36–166.1

Mean±SD 155.4±41.19 189.7±59.63 122±27.43 110.6±25.07 F=16.082 P1=0.045 ,
∗ ∗
P<0.001 P2=0.006 ,

Median (IQR) 144.4 (133.1–175.3) 164.1 (148.8–217.8) 124.4 (99.9–141.7) 111.9 (99.47–124.4)
t 6.217

P0 <0.001
IQR, Interquartile range; t, paired t test. F, F for one-way analysis of variance test, pairwise comparison between each two groups was
done using post-hoc test (Tukey). P0: P value for comparing group B before and after treatment. P1: P value for comparing between group
A and group B. P2: P value for comparing between group A and control group. P3: P value for comparing between group B before
treatment and control group. ∗P value < 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
24 Journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society, Vol. 20 No. 1, January-April 2023

Table 3 Relation between human activin-A serum level (ng/ml) and grading of acne scarring in group B patients (N=20)
Activin level (ng/ml) in group B (acne vulgaris
with scarring)
N Median (IQR) Mean±SD F P
Grading of scarring
Mild 7 139.8 (131.3–153.9) 142.4±9.64
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Moderate 6 164.1 (146.1–199.5) 170.0±20.42 19.320 <0.001
Severe 7 229.0 (207.5–335.2) 254.0±54.77
F, F for one-way analysis of variance test. ∗P value less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
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duration of the disease (group A: r=0.069, P=0.772, Figure 1

and group B: r=0.341, P=0.142) in both groups.

In group B patients with postacne scarring, the mean

serum human activin-A level was significantly higher
in patients with severe scarring (254.0±54.77 ng/ml)
than those with moderate and mild scarring (170.0
±20.42 and 142.4±9.64 ng/ml, respectively) (Table 3).

Receiver operating characteristic curve was done to

detect the cutoff value to discriminate between those
patients liable to develop postacne scarring and others
not liable. Patients with serum human activin-A level
of more than 144.8 ng/ml are more liable to develop
postacne scarring with 80.0% sensitivity and 55%
specificity and overall accuracy of 69.5% (Fig. 1).

ROC curve to discriminate between scarring and non-scarring acne
Acne scarring can affect any patient with acne, vulgaris using human activin-A serum level. ROC, receiver operating
regardless of severity, and represents a great characteristic.
psychological burden on their lives [11]. Thus, early
recognition of those liable to develop postacne scarring
is strongly needed. therapeutic target for the prevention of scarring in
patients with acne.
Activin-A, one of TGF-b family, is a final step in the
pathway to fibrosis. It is stimulated by many factors The exact pathogenic role of activin-A in inducing
such as TGF-b1, tumor necrosis factor-α, endothelin, scarring is not completely understood, but it had been
and interleukin-13 [12]. TGF-b stimulates found that activin-A stimulates the production of
myofibroblasts to produce activin-A, and activin-A profibrotic factors, such as tumor necrosis factor-α,
can stimulate the production of TGF-b by endothelin, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1
fibroblasts [13]. [16]. Moreover, activin signaling can promote the change
of fibroblasts from normal state to scar forming [17].
In this study, serum level of activin-A in patients who
developed postacne scarring patients was significantly In this study, serum level of activin-A significantly
higher in comparison with patients without scarring declined after treatment with isotretinoin in patients
and healthy control, which sheds light on its role in with acne vulgaris. This is in accordance with
the pathogenesis of postacne scarring. In agreement Shigematsu and Tajima [18], who concluded that
with our results, Moon et al. [14] found that TGF-b1 isotretinoin may have antifibrotic effects, and
was elevated in patients prone to develop acne Haxsen et al. [19], who showed that retinoids
scarring. Moreover, Mukhopadhyay et al. [15] decrease TGF-b gene expression in smooth muscle
found increased expression of activin in keloids and fibers of the blood vessels. To the best of our
hypertrophic scars. So, activin-A could be a good knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the
Serum activin-A and postacne scarring Abdel-Bary et al. 25

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