Camp Ball

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Camp Jupiter

Aut vincere aut mori/Either win or die (CJ …

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Stream Classwork People


you to

Camp Jupiter our


Aut vincereSta!s
the 10 th of win or die (C…
And ends on the 28 th of
Please post you
Theme: A
ou"its in Camp
Feel something
welcomed to to your
Hope to see
- Annayour hea!s
you there!
and Lexie

A n n o u n c e m e n t : ' s o r r y f o r t a k i n g s o l o n g ! I h a v e o n e …'

Anna McLean


sorry for taking so long! I have one week left at

school, and my mum has something planned
each day. now, I said I have a ball planned! let me
oAcially invite you!

christmas ball camp jupi…

4 class comments

Lynn 07:58
If this was my thing if think I’d be cool.
But I’m excited for everyone else who
will like it

Addison 08:03
Mind if I crash? I know I'm not really in
CJ but it sounds like fun

Anna McLean 10:32 ofc Addison,
your welcomed to. All is welcomed

Anna McLean 10:33 yeah ik I hat
you mean! What type of thing do you
wanna do here tho? Just so I have an
idea on what to do next!

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : ' T h e g a r d e n c a f e n e e d s o n e m o r e t h i n g , …'

Anna McLean

1 Dec

The garden cafe needs one more thing, so I’ll post

it later! The code for new Rome is 5dtnrvn
Everything else starts tomorrow, I still have
school and my Christmas tree to put up!

6 class comments

shae B 1 Dec

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A n n o u n c e m e n t : ' H a p p y f i r s t o f D e c e m b e r ! R o m a n s , i t ' s …'

Anna McLean

1 Dec

Happy ]rst of December! Romans, it's the

Christmas season, and I am prepared for this.
]rstly, I would like to oAcially open New Rome,
which will have something new every day, from
new Rome, you will eventually have access to the
university, garden cafe, and Senate House (Where
we will vote for our new centurions), along with
whatever else lexie and I create. New Rome is
where you can access everything!
For this Months Birthdays, and every important
birthday from today, The garden cafe will be
holding a party, where all can come and role play
it out, the party invitations are to go out 3 days
before the birthdays. The garden cafe will also
have a Christmas menu for you guys to use and
role-play with!
A Christmas ball will open up on the 10th, if you
would like this ball to hold any special events
please send me a message, or leave a comment
here! and post your out]ts here in camp jupiter, a
invitation will be out tomorrow.
Oh and before I forget, Christmas art will be
posted in the garden cafe, and a riddle a day will
be posted here in Camp Jupiter, with the answers
to them at the end of the week, starting next
week! New years will follow shortly after
Christmas, meaning another ball will follow, along
with the grand opening of the senate house,
where quest will be given to those who are
active, votes will happen, and everyone can
suggest their ideas! During the new year ball,
which will start on my birthday on the 29th, there
will be ]reworks, parties, dresses and so much
more. if I am missing anything you guys would
like please tell me!

Praetors of camp Jupiter

10 class comments

Evie C 1 Dec
I’m sooo excited!

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Post by Sama Serial

Sama Serial

1 Dec

The codes

Nov 30, 2022 at 9:34 P…

1 class comment

Isabella Gigliotti 1 Dec

Ah I’m sorry to ask again but what’s the
code for the Camp Half blood

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Post by Isabella Gigliotti

Isabella Gigliotti

30 Nov

Hey everyone! I’m kinda stupid and accidentally

unenrolled in the Camp half blood classroom
does someone have the code lol!

5 class comments

Isabella Gigliotti Yesterday

It’s not working!

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Post by Pres “Co-Director”

Pres “Co-Director”

25 Nov

Hi guys! Me and one of my online friends have

made this thingamajig here’s the Google
classroom code if you’re interested! d35p335

 Pin by Greek Demigod o…

2 class comments

Anagha Gunda 28 Nov


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A n n o u n c e m e n t : ' O K P r e s l e y n o w I g e t w h a t y o u w e r e …'

Lexie Di’Solace

23 Nov

OK Presley now I get what you were saying , no

my phone is actually missing I still haven’t found
it I’m using my iPad

7 class comments

Anna McLean 25 Nov

yeah she has, but its dead and it shows
up at a random house. fingers cross that
you get a new one Lexie!

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Post by Maria Gigme

Maria Gigme

22 Nov

Hi everyone! I'm very sorry to say this, but I dont

think i can stay on classrroom and id rather not
no offense bc im very busy and i dont rlly have
time for these google classrooms:(
Love yall, but could someone remove me? it wont
work for me, im sorry

6 class comments

Sama Serial 24 Nov


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Post by Sama Serial

Sama Serial

18 Nov

Is any one alive

9 class comments

Stella Wolf 27 Nov

I feel you, girl .

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Post by Sama Serial

Sama Serial

18 Nov

Iam bored

2 class comments

Sama Serial 19 Nov

Hahaha yah

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