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Received: 1 December 2019 Revised: 29 January 2020 Accepted: 29 January 2020

DOI: 10.1111/cmi.13189


When bacteria meet mitochondria: The strange case of the tick

symbiont Midichloria mitochondrii†

Fabrizia Stavru1,2 | Jan Riemer3 | Aaron Jex4,5,6 | Davide Sassera7

Unité de Biologie Evolutive de la Cellule Microbienne, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
CNRS ERL6002, Paris, France
Department for Chemistry, Institute for Biochemistry, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Population Health and Immunity Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Department of Medical Biology, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Fabrizia Stavru, Unité de Biologie Evolutive de Abstract
la Cellule Microbienne, Institut Pasteur, Paris, Mitochondria are key eukaryotic organelles that perform several essential functions.
France. Tel. +33-1-40613782.
Email: Not surprisingly, many intracellular bacteria directly or indirectly target mitochondria,
interfering with innate immunity, energy production or apoptosis, to make the host
Funding information
Australian National Health and Medical cell a more hospitable niche for bacterial replication. The alphaproteobacterium
Research Council, Grant/Award Number: Midichloria mitochondrii has taken mitochondrial targeting to another level by physi-
APP1126345; Department of Business and
Innovation, Victoria State Government, Grant/ cally colonising mitochondria, as shown by transmission electron micrographs of bac-
Award Number: Infrastructure; Human teria residing in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. This unique localization
Frontier Science Program, Grant/Award
Number: RGY0075/2017; Institut Pasteur, provokes a number of questions around the mechanisms allowing, and reasons driv-
Grant/Award Number: Infrastructure; ing intramitochondrial tropism. We suggest possible scenarios that could lead to this
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della
Ricerca, Grant/Award Number: Dipartimenti di peculiar localization and hypothesize potential costs and benefits of mitochondrial
Eccellenza Programme (2018-2022) colonisation for the bacterium and its host.


intracellular bacteria, Ixodes ricinus, Midichloria mitochondrii, mitochondria, symbiosis

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N bacterial ancestor, an event that was instrumental for the evolution of

eukaryotic cells and multicellularity (Gray, Burger, & Lang, 2001;
Symbiosis, the tight interaction of organisms from different species, is Roger, Muñoz-Gómez, & Kamikawa, 2017).
ubiquitous in nature, across all branches of the tree of life (Brucker & Despite their prevalence and foundational role in shaping eukary-
Bordenstein, 2012). Intracellular symbioses are among the most fasci- otic evolution, our knowledge of intracellular symbiosis between bac-
nating, as they clearly require constant and complex interaction teria and eukaryotic cells remains sparse. Recent studies have started
between the symbiont and its host (Wernegreen, 2012). All symbiotic to unveil the molecular basis of some specific cases of symbiotic
relationships can have important impact on both partners, and intra- bacteria–cell interactions (e.g. Douglas, 2014), but advances are lim-
cellular symbioses can also play key roles in the evolution of hosts and ited by the paucity of genetically amenable systems and culturable
symbionts (Archibald, 2015; Brucker & Bordenstein, 2012). The arche- symbionts. Arthropods are among the most studied symbiotic hosts,
type of intracellular symbiosis is the evolution of mitochondria from a due to their extreme species-richness, broad distribution and

Perspective for Cellular Microbiology Special Issue in honour of Pascale Cossart

Cellular Microbiology. 2020;22:e13189. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 of 9
2 of 9 STAVRU ET AL.

importance as pathogen vectors, but also due to their strong propen- membrane, causing calcium influx and thus indirectly leading to mito-
sity to harbour symbionts (Gil & Latorre, 2019). Many intracellular chondrial fission (Stavru et al., 2011). Some bacteria interact physically
mutualists of arthropods play fundamental nutritional roles, with mitochondria, establishing close contacts. Stable contacts have
supplementing the diets of hosts that feed on unbalanced substrates been detected between mitochondria and the avian pathogen Chla-
such as phloem sap or blood (Moran, McCutcheon, & Nakabachi, mydia psittaci, increasing concomitantly to bacterial replication. This
2008). Ticks are obligate hematophagous arthropods and appear to be led the authors to suggest that mitochondria might provide ATP for
a true ‘receptacle’ for a wide variety of both pathogenic and non- bacterial replication via the C. psittaci – encoded ATP-ADP trans-
pathogenic bacteria (Duron et al., 2017; Kernif, Leulmi, Raoult, & porter (Matsumoto, Bessho, Uehira, & Suda, 1991). In contrast, the
Parola, 2016). A portion of these tick-borne bacteria are maternally human pathogen Legionella pneumophila was shown to establish
inherited, obligate intracellular bacteria and are thought to be nutri- dynamic contacts with mitochondria that were lost at late timepoints
tional symbionts (Bonnet, Binetruy, Hernández-Jarguín, & Duron, of infection. In addition, these contacts were also observed upon
2017). Here, we will focus on Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii infection with avirulent L. pneumophila (deficient in the type four
(hereafter M. mitochondrii), a maternally inherited symbiont that can secretion system), leading the authors to propose that transient mito-
colonise the oocyte mitochondria of the tick Ixodes ricinus, one of the chondrial association with bacteria-containing phagosomes might rep-
most widespread ticks in Europe. resent a general, virulence-independent host response to infection
(Escoll et al., 2017). The recently described alphaproteobacterium
M. mitochondrii (Sassera et al., 2006) provides one of the most
2 | MITOCHONDRIA, AN EMERGING extreme examples of a physical interaction between an intracellular
T A R G E T F O R I N T R A C E L L U L A R BA C T E R I A bacterium and mitochondria.

Mitochondria originated when an ancestral proteobacterium entered

the ancestor of eukaryotic cells, a unique and crucial event for the 2.1 | Midichloria mitochondrii
evolution of eukaryotic life. Determining the nature of the bacterial
lineage giving rise to the ancestor of mitochondria is a highly debated Midichloria is a genus of obligate intracellular bacteria belonging to the
topic, and among other hypotheses (Martijn, Vosseberg, Guy, Offre, & order Rickettsiales, a group of alphaproteobacteria composed by
Ettema, 2018), one points at intracellular alphaproteobacteria of the intracellular bacteria (with one exception; Castelli et al., 2019), which
Rickettsiales order as possible candidates for the closest extant rela- includes human pathogens (e.g. many Rickettsia species; Parola et al.,
tives of the organelle, based on phylogenetic analyses (Andersson 2013; Weinert, Werren, Aebi, Stone, & Jiggins, 2009), mutualists
et al., 1998; Ferla, Thrash, Giovannoni, & Patrick, 2013; Fitzpatrick, (Hosokawa, Koga, Kikuchi, Meng, & Fukatsu, 2010; Landmann, 2019;
Creevey, & McInerney, 2006; Sassera et al., 2011; Wang & Wu, 2015; Taylor, Bandi, & Hoerauf, 2005), reproductive parasites (Werren,
Williams, Sobral, & Dickerman, 2007). Mitochondria are essential Baldo, & Clark, 2008) and a number of less-studied lineages with
eukaryotic organelles responsible for vital functions including energy unknown interactions with their host (Castelli, Sassera, & Petroni,
production; biogenesis of iron–sulphur clusters, porphyrin and lipids; 2016). Midichloriae have been found in several tick species, including
anaplerotic reactions; amino acid metabolism and programmed cell I. ricinus (Beninati et al., 2004), Rhipicephalus bursa (Epis et al., 2008),
death (intrinsic apoptosis; Green, Galluzzi, & Kroemer, 2014). Amblyomma maculatum (Budachetri et al., 2018), among others (Cafiso
Most of our knowledge on mitochondria stems from model et al., 2016; Epis et al., 2008). These bacteria are among the most
organisms, essentially yeast or mammalian cells, and most key mito- abundant members of the microbiome in multiple tick species
chondrial functions and molecular machineries appear largely con- (Di Lecce et al., 2018; Duron et al., 2017; Hernández-Jarguín, Díaz-
served (Pernas & Scorrano, 2016; Westermann, 2010). Due to their Sánchez, Villar, & de la Fuente, 2018), suggesting a potentially mutual-
central role as metabolic and signalling hubs, mitochondria are a prime istic relationship (Lo et al., 2006) and mechanisms to avoid immune
target for intracellular bacteria, which can obtain nutrients from them recognition by the host.
or manipulate intrinsic apoptosis. Indeed, several intracellular bacteria, Among Midichloriae, the most studied is Candidatus Midichloria
associated with a range of eukaryotic hosts, can affect mitochondria mitochondrii (hereafter M. mitochondrii). Midichloria mitochondrii is
(reviewed in Spier, Stavru, & Cossart, 2019). The bacterial effects on present at high prevalence and abundance in females and immature
mitochondria include morphological and functional changes, as exem- I. ricinus ticks (Lo et al., 2006; Sassera et al., 2008). Ixodes ricinus is also
plified by the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria mono- a competent vector for a range of viral, parasitic and bacterial diseases
cytogenes, which induces fragmentation of the mitochondrial network of high medical impact (Lejal, Moutailler, Šimo, Vayssier-Taussat, &
while leading to a collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential Pollet, 2019; Moutailler et al., 2016; Reis, Cote, Paul, & Bonnet,
(Stavru, Bouillaud, Sartori, Ricquier, & Cossart, 2011). Several bacteria 2011). Diseases transmitted by I. ricinus include the highly virulent
target mitochondria through secreted proteins that act directly on the tick-borne encephalitis caused by the homonymous virus,
organelles. For example, Helicobacter pylori secretes the toxin VacA, rickettsioses, and Lyme disease caused by multiple Borrelia species
which is inserted in the mitochondrial inner membrane (Foo et al., (Boulanger, Boyer, Talagrand-Reboul, & Hansmann, 2019). Most char-
2010), while the Listeria toxin listeriolysin O inserts into the plasma acteristics of the host-symbiont relationship between I. ricinus and
STAVRU ET AL. 3 of 9

M. mitochondrii are those common to nutritional mutualisms: high species (Diplonema japonicum and Diplonema aggregatus), whose bac-
prevalence, widespread distribution, transovarial transmission, low terial endosymbionts were the founding members of the new genus
symbiont genetic diversity and symbiont genome reduction while ‘Candidatus Cytomitobacter’ (Tashyreva et al., 2018). The most parsi-
retaining B vitamin synthesis genes (Al-Khafaji et al., 2019; Lo et al., monious explanation to multiple phylogenetically unrelated bacteria
2006; Sassera et al., 2011). invading or interacting very closely with mitochondria is the parallel
Although it is largely unknown whether M. mitochondrii plays a independent evolution of these interactions, while a potential alterna-
role in pathogen transmission, or is itself productively transmitted tive would be an event of horizontal transfer of genes that mediate
through blood feeding (Bazzocchi et al., 2013; Cafiso et al., 2019; IMT. Future studies will uncover whether these bacteria employ com-
Mariconti et al., 2012; Serra et al., 2019), one study found a positive mon strategies to colonise mitochondria. In any case, the localization
correlation between levels of the Midichloria symbiont of a different of bacteria in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) raises the
tick species (Amblyomma maculatum) and the presence of the patho- question of the physiological reasons and advantages this localization
gen Rickettsia parkeri (Budachetri et al., 2018). However, what makes might have. Here, we put forward hypotheses, focusing on the
the interaction between M. mitochondrii and its host unique is the M. mitochondrii–I. ricinus system and drawn from our knowledge of
astonishing observation that M. mitochondrii is not only present in the mitochondrial IMS biology in model systems. In addition, our own
cytoplasm, but a portion of its population colonises the inter- unpublished transcriptome data of M. mitochondrii and/or I. ricinus
membrane space of mitochondria (Figure 1) and appears to lead to also support to a certain degree the existence of signalling and meta-
mitochondrial matrix condensation (Sacchi et al., 2004). Such peculiar bolic pathways, as well as of homologues of the proteins that are
localization, never reported in any other animal cell, raises major ques- mentioned in the following paragraphs.
tions: (i) How and why does M. mitochondrii get into mitochondria and
how do mitochondria respond? (ii) What is the role of M. mitochondrii
in the cell, and does this benefit the host? (iii) Why does invasion of 3.1 | The IMS as a protected space: Avoiding
mitochondria not lead to cell death? In the following paragraphs, we cytosolic host defence mechanisms and modulating
will address these questions by summarising the available data and apoptosis
putting forward hypotheses and experimental approaches to
test them. One possible explanation for the localization of M. mitochondrii in the
IMS is that IMT can offer protection by escaping cytosolic defence
machineries based on innate immune recognition or xenophagy. As, in
3 | MITOCHONDRIA AS AN UNEXPECTED contrast to other tissues, mitochondria are usually quite dormant in
E CO LO GI C A L N I C H E oocytes (Tiwari et al., 2015), they could represent a protected space
without much reactive oxygen species production taking place. In
The origin and evolution of the intramitochondrial tropism (IMT) dis- addition, IMS localization potentially confers the ability to actively
played by M. mitochondrii are currently unknown. Another Midichloria suppress dangerous pathways originating from mitochondria. For
symbiont was reported to be capable of IMT, in R. bursa ticks (Epis example, it might give the bacterium the capacity to modulate the
et al., 2008). Although Midichloria are the only bacteria capable of host mitochondrion so as to avoid apoptosis induction (Tiwari et al.,
intramitochondrial tropism in a metazoan organism described to date, 2015), e.g. by suppressing cytochrome c release and preventing cris-
other bacteria have been reported as intramitochondrial or very tae remodelling (Polčic, Mentel, Gavurníková, & Bhatia-Kiššová,
closely associated to mitochondria in protists. Examples for 2017). This could allow the suppression of mitophagy and Ca2+ signal-
IMT/mitochondrial association are found in bacteria that colonise the ling, which eventually might result in Ca2+ overload in mitochondria,
protists Halteria geleiana (Yamataka & Hayashi, 1970), Urotricha ovata followed by permeability transition and cell death (Orrenius,
Kahl (de Puytorac & Grain, 1972) and more recently two Diplomonas Gogvadze, & Zhivotovsky, 2015). In addition, intramitochondrial

F I G U R E 1 Transmission electron micrograph of I. ricinus oocytes colonised by M. mitochondrii. A Low magnification image displaying cytosolic
and mitochondrial M. mitochondrii. B Mitochondrial intermembrane space localizationof a single bacterium. C Multiple bacteria colonize an inflated
intermembranespace, while the mitochondrial matrix is highly condensed. Courtesy of EmanuelaClementi and Luciano Sacchi
4 of 9 STAVRU ET AL.

M. mitochondrii might also modulate the immune response by but are distributed among cells of the early embryo. This might there-
preventing the release of mitochondrial DNA that is known to induce fore also form a way for the bacterium to efficiently spread to multiple
the innate immune response (Nakahira et al., 2011). tissues in the next generation.

3.1.1 | The IMS: A microreactor? 4 | S C E N A R I O S F O R M I T O C H O N D RI A L

In addition to providing protection, the physical and chemical conditions
of the IMS might constitute a favourable environment for Electron micrographs (EM) support inference of various possible scenarios
M. mitochondrii. In particular, the proximity to the mitochondrial respira- for the life cycle of M. mitochondrii. Similar work has been instrumental to
tory chain might under certain conditions provide more suitable condi- understand the life cycle of now well-characterised intracellular bacteria,
tions for bacterial growth. For example, it has been reported in including pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes (Tilney & Portnoy, 1989)
mammalian cells that inside mitochondria, close to the respiratory chain, or symbionts like Wolbachia, a member of the order Rickettsiales, like
the temperature can be significantly above that of the cytosol (Chrétien M. mitochondrii (Avakyan & Popov, 1984). Wolbachia accumulate inside a
et al., 2018). Whether this temperature difference is also found in tick host-derived vacuole (e.g. Fischer, Beatty, Weil, & Fischer, 2014). It
oocyte mitochondria remains an open question. While the overall GC appears that cytosolic M. mitochondrii do not (see Figure 1; Sacchi et al.,
content of M. mitochondrii (37%) does not seem to be specifically tai- 2004). However, it is also possible that M. mitochondrii resides only tem-
lored for high temperatures, this needs to be confirmed by comparative porarily in a vacuole, which might allow the bacterium to escape into the
analysis of its 16S rRNA GC content with that of non-mitochondrial cytosol or fuse with the mitochondrial outer membrane, resulting in its
Midichloriae (Wang, Xia, & Hickey, 2006). The IMS might also serve as observed IMS localization (Figure 2). Alternatively, cytosolic bacteria could
a hub to exchange metabolites between host and bacterium. Indeed, directly enter mitochondria, possibly hijacking mitochondrial fusion.
ATP concentrations in the IMS are comparatively high and might be Unfortunately, EM precludes the analysis of dynamic events, and there-
used directly by the bacterium. The existence of a putative ATP-ADP fore validation of either model critically depends on the ability to perform
translocase in the bacterium supports this hypothesis, although functional tests, and on the ability to manipulate M. mitochondrii in vitro,
M. mitochondrii appears to have retained the ability to synthesise ATP which is yet to be developed.
(Sassera et al., 2011). In contrast, several other obligate intracellular Once inside mitochondria, M. mitochondrii appears to manipulate
bacteria, which display highly reduced genomes, have lost the ability to the contacts that normally keep the inner and outer membrane at a
synthesise nucleotides and therefore rely on ATP import from the host constant distance of about 20 nm, sometimes leading to substantial
(energy parasitism, shown, e.g. by Chlamydiae; Trentmann, Horn, van separation of the inner and outer membrane (Figure 1C; Sacchi et al.,
Scheltinga, Neuhaus, & Haferkamp, 2007), Lawsonia intracellularis 2004). Three-dimensional (3D) analyses and quantitative light micros-
(Schmitz-Esser et al., 2008) and Rickettsia prowazekii (Winkler & copy will be required to address whether M. mitochondrii modulates
Daugherty, 1984). In addition, the inner mitochondrial membrane and mitochondrial dynamics in addition to affecting mitochondrial ultra-
the IMS are important sites for cellular lipid metabolism, and the bacte- structure. Such approaches will also be instrumental to determine the
rium might benefit from direct lipid supply. Moreover, its positioning in proportion of cytoplasmic versus mitochondrial M. mitochondrii. Strik-
the IMS might allow the bacterium to influence AMP signalling ingly, several examples of mitochondria colonised by more than one
to potentially increase mitochondrial biogenesis, that is in part driven bacterium have been reported, suggesting either multiple rounds of
by the IMS-localised adenylate kinase 2 enzyme (Dzeja & Terzic, 2009). invasion or bacterial division within the IMS. The presence of multiple
bacteria appears correlated with altered mitochondrial ultrastructure,
up to drastic mitochondrial matrix condensation (Figure 1C; Sacchi
3.1.2 | The IMS as shuttle for transfer to the next et al., 2004), and it is reasonable to expect these alterations to affect
generation mitochondrial function. Surprisingly, these mitochondrial changes do
not correlate with an apparent induction of cell death. We hypothe-
Transovarian transmission to the next generation is clearly the reason size that the bacterium actively counters apoptosis, similar to other
why many intracellular symbionts reside in female reproductive obligate intracellular bacteria (Rudel, Kepp, & Kozjak-Pavlovic, 2010).
organs, however in the specific case of M. mitochondrii an additional While several tick species harbour bacteria belonging to the
factor contributing to its accumulation in oocytes could be the high Midichloria genus, currently the only complete genome available for this
number of mitochondria found in oocytes (up to 100 times more than genus is that of M. mitochondrii. The reduced genome of M. mitochondrii
in an epithelial cell (Monnot et al., 2013). A last hypothesis on the rea- (1.2 Mb) is typical of rickettsial endosymbionts (Sassera et al., 2011).
son for the IMS localization is that mitochondria in general might Comparative genomics between M. mitochondrii and closely related spe-
serve as shuttles that allow M. mitochondrii to efficiently pass from cies that do not display IMT (e.g. Midichloria from Ixodes holocyclus;
one generation to the next. The bacterium would then hijack the obli- Beninati et al., 2009; Castelli et al., 2016) will therefore be instrumental
gate maternal inheritance of mitochondria to ensure its own transmis- to uncover whether specific genes are associated with the unique ability
sion. After fertilisation, mitochondria initially do not have to divide of the symbiont to invade mitochondria. However, the M. mitochondrii
STAVRU ET AL. 5 of 9

F I G U R E 2 Different scenarios for the

life cycle of M. mitochondrii. To date no
electron micrographs have shown
M. mitochondrii entering cells, this could
occur upon colonization of other tissues or
during horizontal transmission. After cell
invasion, the bacterium (green) either
escapes from the phagosome (1) or remains
phagosome-bound (2). After escape,
different scenarios could result in
colonization of the mitochondrial
intermembrane space: (a) the bacterium and
its outer membrane fuses with the
mitochondrial outer membrane. (b) The
mitochondrion“phagocytoses” the cytosolic
bacterium. (c) The phagosomal membrane
enclosing the bacterium fuses with the
mitochondrial outer membrane. (d) The
mitochondrion “phagocytoses” the
phagosome containing the bacterium, which
would result in two host-derived membranes
in addition to the bacterial membranes

genome already unveiled an intriguing and surprising finding: the pres- experimental testing. Ecological studies detected high prevalence and
ence of flagellar genes, including components of the motor and export low genetic variability of M. mitochondrii (Al-Khafaji et al., 2019; Lo
apparatus (Sassera et al., 2011). Even though the flagellum of et al., 2006), suggesting it could be beneficial to I. ricinus, however this
M. mitochondrii has never been visualised, hook and filament proteins has not yet been proven experimentally, and its specific impact on the
have been detected experimentally (Mariconti et al., 2012). A typical host cell or host physiology are unclear, as are the mechanisms of
PAMP (pathogen associated molecular pattern), the flagellum can be interaction with mitochondria. A current hypothesis is that the bacte-
recognised by Toll-like receptor family proteins, which are highly con- rium improves host cellular respiration during blood feeding, during
served in eukaryotes (reviewed in Leulier & Lemaitre, 2008). Conse- which ixodid ticks are thought to enter a hypoxic state. Indeed, the
quently, flagellar genes have been lost or are not expressed in several M. mitochondrii genome has been found to encode a complex IV cbb3
intracellular bacteria or endosymbionts, including most members of the cytochrome oxidase that allows oxidative phosphorylation at low oxy-
Rickettsiales (Toft & Fares, 2008). Given the immunogenicity and signifi- gen tension (Sassera et al., 2011). This intriguing finding, together with
cant energetic cost associated with flagellar synthesis (Toft & Fares, the presence of a bacterially encoded ATP transporter and an
2008), it is likely that M. mitochondrii flagella play an important role in observed increase in the bacterial population in response to low oxy-
the bacterial life cycle. Such role may be difficult to imagine, if we only gen tension and high metabolic needs in the host has led to propose
think about the motility function of this structure, but flagella have that M. mitochondrii could assist the tick cellular respiration during this
recently been shown to have also other functions, in particular bacterial specific stage of its life cycle (i.e. feeding; Sassera et al., 2008). In addi-
adhesion and invasion (Haiko & Westerlund-Wikström, 2013) and sym- tion, M. mitochondrii might also provide I. ricinus with metabolites or
biotic interactions (Shimoyama, Kato, Ishii, & Watanabe, 2009). Alterna- vitamins, as recently proven for another intracellular symbiont of the
tively, the flagellum of M. mitochondrii might actually represent a type Francisella genus, which provides B vitamins to its host, the African
three secretion system that could mediate adhesion (e.g. to mitochon- soft tick Ornithodoros moubata (Duron et al., 2018). Ixodes ricinus
dria) or contribute to host cell manipulation through the secretion of bac- apparently lacks all enzymes for porphyrin (haem) biosynthesis except
terial proteins, similar to other intracellular bacteria (Ashida, Toyotome, for the last three enzymes (Perner et al., 2016). Curiously, the first of
Nagai, & Sasakawa, 2007; Mueller, Plano, & Fields, 2014; Waterman & the enzymes encoded in the I. ricinus genome is coproporphyrinogen
Holden, 2003; Zhang et al., 2012). The flagellum might thus be the key III oxidase (CPOX). In higher eukaryotes, this enzyme is localised in
to the interaction between the symbiont and the organelle. the IMS and it is tempting to speculate that M. mitochondrii provides
precursors for this enzyme. M. mitochondrii might also play a role in
the regulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) produc-
5 | P O S SI B L E I M P L I C A T I O N S O F tion. Functionally, ROS detoxification by antioxidants has been shown
M I T OCH O N DR I A L CO LO N I SA TI ON BY to play a role in maintaining fertility/fecundity in Drosophila (Parkes,
M . M I T O C H O ND R I I Kirby, Phillips, & Hilliker, 1998) and mosquitoes (DeJong et al., 2007),
and maternally inherited arthropod symbionts such as Wolbachia have
Genomic information allows to formulate hypotheses concerning the been shown to regulate ROS levels (Zug & Hammerstein, 2015). In
impact of M. mitochondrii on its host physiology, which await ticks, an example of ROS manipulation by bacteria is given by the
6 of 9 STAVRU ET AL.

pathogen A. phagocytophilum, which has recently been shown to CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST

inhibit ROS production and apoptosis to preserve its replicative niche The authors declare no conflict of interest.
(Alberdi et al., 2019).
Primary draft: F.S., with contribution by J.R. and D.S. Figure 2 drafted
6 | MIDI CHL O RIA M IT OCHONDRI I I N N O N - by F.S., layout and final preparation A.J. All authors edited the
O V A R I A N TI S S U E S manuscript.

Recently M. mitochondrii has been detected in other tick organs, includ- OR CID
ing salivary glands (Mariconti et al., 2012), malpighian tubules, tracheae Fabrizia Stavru
and guts (Olivieri et al., 2019). This finding led to hypothesize different
functions for the bacterial populations residing in different organs. RE FE RE NCE S
Midichloria mitochondrii subpopulations could not just be supplying Alberdi, P., Cabezas-Cruz, A., Prados, P. E., Rayo, M. V., Artigas-
essential nutrients to the host but also enhance the reproductive fit- Jerónimo, S., & de la Fuente, J. (2019). The redox metabolic pathways
function to limit Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection and multiplica-
ness, helping in anti-oxidative defence, energy production, water bal-
tion while preserving fitness in tick vector cells. Scientific Reports, 9,
ance and homeostasis. More ‘selfish’ reasons for the multiple 13236.
localizations include ensuring both vertical transmission (M. mitochondrii Al-Khafaji, A. M., Clegg, S. R., Pinder, A. C., Luu, L., Hansford, K. M.,
in oocytes) and horizontal transmission to the vertebrate host during Seelig, F., … Makepeace, B. L. (2019). Multi-locus sequence typing of
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the blood meal (M. mitochondrii in salivary glands), as well as optimiza-
across Europe reveals evidence of local co-cladogenesis in Scotland.
tion of energy parasitism. While giving some answers, these findings Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 10, 52–62.
also open a novel question: Is M. mitochondrii localised also in mitochon- ttbdis.2018.08.016
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tron microscopy a frustrating endeavour, and correlative approaches
sequence of Rickettsia prowazekii and the origin of mitochondria.
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aspects of mitochondrial biology are unknown and 30% of mitochon-
Bazzocchi, C., Mariconti, M., Sassera, D., Rinaldi, L., Martin, E., Cringoli, G.,
drial proteins have an unknown function. Studying the crosstalk … Epis, S. (2013). Molecular and serological evidence for the circula-
between M. mitochondrii and mitochondria might provide novel insight tion of the tick symbiont Midichloria (Rickettsiales: Midichloriaceae) in
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 70, 2596–2602.
Beninati, T., Riegler, M., Vilcins, I.-M. E., Sacchi, L., McFadyen, R.,
This review is dedicated to Pascale Cossart, thanking her for her long-
Krockenberger, M., … Lo, N. (2009). Absence of the symbiont Can-
standing mentorship and support. We would like to thank Luciano didatus Midichloria mitochondrii in the mitochondria of the tick Ixodes
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Figure 1, Claudio Bandi for planting the seed of this collaboration, 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2009.01757.x
Bonnet, S. I., Binetruy, F., Hernández-Jarguín, A. M., & Duron, O. (2017).
Sarah Bonnet for critical reading of the manuscript and the Human
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Medical Research Council (APP1126345) and infrastructure support Boulanger, N., Boyer, P., Talagrand-Reboul, E., & Hansmann, Y. (2019).
funding through the Victorian state government. D.S. acknowledges Ticks and tick-borne diseases. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 49,
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Dipartimenti di Eccellenza Programme (2018–2022)—Department of in Ecology & Evology, 27, 443–451.
Biology and Biotechnology ‘L. Spallanzani’, University of Pavia. 2012.03.011
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(2018). The tick endosymbiont Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii
colleagues whose work we could not cite for space reasons.
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