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Beyond the Cosmos: W h at Recent Discover es Reveal about God i

Dr. Hugh Ross Reasons to Bel ieve ( 2/4/02 Azusa Pac c Univers ifi ity Formatted and edited by Dr. Les ie Wickman, CRIS, APU l

Test a l th ngs; ho d fast to what i good. l i l s - 1 Thesso onians 5:21 l

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

1. galaxy s ze i .1 2. galaxy type .1 3. galaxy locat on i .1 4. star distance from galaxy center .2 5. star distance from spira arms l .1

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

6. proximity to supernova event 7. t ming of the supernova event i 8. number of stars 9. star birth date 10. star age 11. star mass .01 .01 .2 .2 .4 .001

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

12. star luminos ity vs. speciat ion 13. star co lor 14. supernovae rates & locat ions 15. W hite dwarf binary types, rates & locat ions .0001 .4 .01


Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

16. planetary distance from star 17. i l nc inat ion of planetary orbit 18. axis t l it 19. rotation period 20. change in rotat ion per iod 21. orbit eccentr c i ity .001 .8 .3 .1 .05 .3

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

22. surface grav ity (escape ve loci ty) 23. tida force l 24. magnet f ld ic ie 25. albedo 26. dens ty i 27. thickness of crust .001 .1 .01 .1 .1 .01

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

28. oceans-to-cont inents rat io 29. change in oceans-to-cont. rat io 30. g obal di l stance of cont inents 31. astero d & comet co l s on rates i li i 32. change in a. & c. co l s on rates li i 33. body mass colid l ing with Earth 34. t ming of body co l s i s l i ion .2 .1 .3 .1 .1 .002 .05

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

35. pos ition & mass of Jupiter 36. major p lanet eccentr ities ic .01 .1

37. major p lanet orbital stabi i i l t es .1 38. drift in major planet distances .1 39. so l minera izat i l ion .1

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

40. atmospher transparency ic 41. atmospher pressure ic 42. atm. e lectr discharge rate ic 43. atm. temperature gradient 44. carbon dioxide level in atm. 45. oxygen quant ity in atm. .01 .1 .1 .01 .01 .01

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

46. ozone quant ity and locat ion 47. water vapor leve in atmosphere l 48. oxygen to n itrogen rat o in atm. i 49. quant ity of greenhouse gases .01 .01 .1 .01

Probabi i for P anet Parameter l ty l to be in range needed to support l ife

50. tectonic act ity iv 51. rate of decl in tectonics ine 52. vo lcanic act ity iv 53. rate of decl in vu ine lcanism .1 .1 .1 .1

W h at al this means l
dependency factors: 10,000,000,000. longev ity requirements: .0001 Probabi i y for a l 53 parameters: lt l less than 1 in 1068. M aximu m number of p lanets i un verse: n i 1022. Less than 1 in ten bi l tr lion tr lion tr lion lion i l il il chance for one such p lanet to exist anywhere in the cosmos !

A super ntel i lect has monkeyed with physi , as well as w th cs i chemistry and bio logy .
- Sir Fred Hoyle, The Universe

It seems as though somebody has f ine-tuned nature numbers to s make the Uni verse.
- Pau Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint l

As we survey a l the ev l idence, the thought ins istent ar ses that ly i some supernatura agency or l rather Agency must be invo lved.
- Georges Greenste in, The Symbiot ic Universe

The i mpress ion of des gn i i s overwhelming .

- Pau Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint l

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