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Temple Run

Temple Run is a relatively simple endless runner, The player has 3 movement
options available to them, This being Turn Left, Turn Right and Jump. The running
aspect happens on its own and is not under the players control, Players are
rewarded for collecting coins and gaining a higher run distance based on how long
they can last.

-Inputs/Outputs (Observations) In a game life this all observations are discrete

meaning its 0 or 1 , This can include Jumping and Turning, The Agent would need to
be given a line trace for what lies ahead as well as a Wider close line trace to detect
coins in the 3 different lanes the game provides,

Temple Run 1
2 Side line traces can be given to
determine when the agent should turn
however this can be limited to only 2
traces that being front or left

without the additional right trace, If the

agent detects a collision on the front
and the left it should automatically turn
right, This eliminates the need of 3
directional line traces

Assigning a score

The agent will be given an overall score

on every second survived, and every
coin collected, However a negative
score will be given on obstacle collision
and wrong or no turning, A score will
only be given for jumping as jumping
should be encouraged to the agent as
well as if after turning the agent can still
run, this will encourage turning in a
direction with no collisions.

Temple Run 2

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