MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose The One Alternative That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Since all stars begin their lives with the same basic composition, what characteristic most determines how they will differ? A) location where they are formed B) time they are formed C) luminosity they are formed with D) mass they are formed with E) color they are formed with 2) What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply? A) Its core contracts, but its outer layers expand and the star becomes bigger and brighter. B) It contracts, becoming smaller and dimmer. C) It contracts, becoming hotter and brighter. D) It expands, becoming bigger but dimmer. E) Its core contracts, but its outer layers expand and the star becomes bigger but cooler and therefore remains at the same brightness. The following questions refer to the sketch below of an H-R diagram for a star cluster. Figure 17.2

3) Consider the star to which the arrow points. How is it currently generating energy? A) by gravitational contraction B) by hydrogen shell burning around an inert helium core C) by core hydrogen fusion D) by core helium fusion combined with hydrogen shell burning E) by both hydrogen and helium shell burning around an inert carbon core 4) Consider the star to which the arrow points. Which of the following statements about this star is not true? A) It is significantly less massive than the Sun. B) It is larger in radius than the Sun. C) It is brighter than the Sun. D) Its surface temperature is lower than the Sun's. E) Its core temperature is higher than the Sun's.

5) Based on its main-sequence turnoff point, the age of this cluster is A) less than 1 billion years. B) about 1 billion years. C) about 2 billion years. D) about 10 billion years. E) more than 15 billion years. 6) What two forces are balanced in what we call gravitational equilibrium? A) the electromagnetic force and gravity B) outward pressure and the strong force C) outward pressure and gravity D) the strong force and gravity E) the strong force and kinetic energy 7) No stars have been found with masses greater than 100 times our Sun because A) molecular clouds do not have enough material to form such massive stars. B) they would fragment into binary stars because of their rapid rotation. C) they would generate so much power that they would blow themselves apart. D) they shine exclusively at X-ray wavelengths and become difficult to detect. E) they are not bright enough to be seen nearby. 8) Which of the following is true about low-mass stars compared to high-mass stars? A) Low-mass stars are cooler and less luminous than high-mass stars. B) Low-mass stars are hotter and more luminous than high-mass stars. C) Low-mass stars are cooler but more luminous than high-mass stars. D) Low-mass stars are hotter but less luminous than high-mass stars. E) Low-mass stars have the same temperature and luminosity as high-mass stars. 9) When does a star become a main-sequence star? A) when the protostar assembles from a molecular cloud B) the instant when hydrogen fusion first begins in the star's core C) when the rate of hydrogen fusion within the star's core is high enough to sustain gravitational equilibrium D) when a star becomes luminous enough to emit thermal radiation E) when hydrogen fusion is occurring throughout a star's interior 10) How does the Sun generate energy today? A) nuclear fission B) nuclear fusion C) chemical reactions D) gravitational contraction E) gradually expanding in size

11) Which of the following is not an advantage of the Hubble Space Telescope over ground-based telescopes? A) It is closer to the stars. B) Stars do not twinkle when observed from space. C) It can observe infrared and ultraviolet light, as well as visible light. D) It never has to close because of bad weather. E) Observers on the ground can use it at any time of day (i.e., not only during their night). 12) The light radiated from the Sun's surface reaches Earth in about 8 minutes, but the energy of that light was released by fusion in the solar core about A) one year ago. B) ten years ago. C) a hundred years ago. D) a thousand years ago. E) a million years ago. 13) What are the standard units for luminosity? A) watts B) joules C) Newtons D) kilograms E) watts per second 14) Which of the following wavelength regions cannot be studied with telescopes on the ground? A) radio waves B) ultraviolet C) X rays D) both B and C E) both A and C

15) Suppose that you measure the parallax angle for a particular star to be 0.5 arcsecond. The distance to this star is A) 0.5 light-year. B) 0.5 parsec. C) 5 light-years. D) 5 parsecs. E) 2 parsecs. 16) Suppose the angular separation of two stars is smaller than the angular resolution of your eyes. How will the stars appear to your eyes? A) You will not be able to see these two stars at all. B) The two stars will look like a single point of light. C) The two stars will appear to be touching, looking rather like a small dumbbell. D) You will see two distinct stars. E) You will see only the larger of the two stars, not the smaller one.

17) Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding solar surface because A) they are regions where convection carries cooler material downward. B) strong magnetic fields slow convection and prevent hot plasma from entering the region. C) magnetic fields trap ionized gases that absorb light. D) there is less fusion occurring there. E) magnetic fields lift material from the surface of the Sun, cooling off the material faster. 18) Which of the following statements about spectral types of stars is true? A) The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its surface temperature. B) The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its color. C) A star with spectral type A is cooler than a star with spectral type B. D) A star with spectral type F2 is hotter than a star with spectral type F3. E) All of the above are true. 19) At approximately what temperature can helium fusion occur? A) 100,000 K B) 1 million K C) a few million K D) 100 million K E) 100 billion K 20) Why do astronomers need different telescope designs to observe across the electromagnetic spectrum? A) New telescopes incorporate new technology to increase their efficiency. B) Telescopes have to adapt to the greater distortion of the atmosphere at shorter wavelengths. C) Photons of different energy behave differently and require different collection strategies. D) because light pollution is worse at radio wavelengths than visible wavelengths E) Astronomers and engineers enjoy the challenge of making new telescope designs. 21) The overall fusion reaction by which the Sun currently produces energy is A) 3 H 1 Li + energy. B) 3 He 1 C + energy. C) 4 H 4 He + energy. D) 6 H 1 He + energy. E) 4 H 1 He + energy. 22) What is the average temperature of the surface of the Sun? A) 1 million K B) 100,000 K C) 10,000 K D) 6,000 K E) 1,000 K

23) Which of the following is a principal advantage of CCDs over photographic film? A) CCDs allow long exposures (e.g., minutes or hours), and film does not. B) CCDs can record the colors of astronomical objects accurately, while film cannot. C) CCDs capture a much higher percentage of the incoming photons than does film. D) Images recorded with CCDs never require any image processing, while images recorded by film often do. E) CCDs can be attached to modern telescopes more easily than cameras. 4

24) Which of the following statements about the sunspot cycle is not true? A) The number of sunspots peaks approximately every 11 years. B) With each subsequent peak in the number of sunspots, the magnetic polarity of the Sun is the reverse of the previous peak. C) The rate of nuclear fusion in the Sun peaks about every 11 years. D) The cycle is truly a cycle of magnetic activity, and variations in the number of sunspots are only one manifestation of the cycle. E) The number of solar flares peaks about every 11 years. 25) How many helium nuclei fuse together when making carbon? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) varies depending on the reaction E) none of the above 26) The spectral sequence sorts stars according to A) mass. B) surface temperature. C) luminosity. D) core temperature. E) radius. 27) Which is closest to the temperature of the core of the Sun? A) 10,000 K B) 100,000 K C) 1 million K D) 10 million K E) 100 million K

28) If the distance between us and a star is doubled, with everything else remaining the same, the luminosity A) is decreased by a factor of four, and the apparent brightness is decreased by a factor of four. B) is decreased by a factor of two, and the apparent brightness is decreased by a factor of two. C) remains the same, but the apparent brightness is decreased by a factor of two. D) remains the same, but the apparent brightness is decreased by a factor of four. E) is decreased by a factor of four, but the apparent brightness remains the same. 29) What is the Sun made of? A) 100 percent hydrogen and helium B) 50 percent hydrogen, 25 percent helium, 25 percent other elements C) 70 percent helium, 28 percent hydrogen, 2 percent other elements D) 70 percent hydrogen, 28 percent helium, 2 percent other elements E) 98 percent hydrogen, 2 percent helium and other elements

30) A star's luminosity is the A) apparent brightness of the star in our sky. B) surface temperature of the star. C) lifetime of the star. D) total amount of light that the star will radiate over its entire lifetime. E) total amount of light that the star radiates each second. 31) You observe a star in the disk of the Milky Way, and you want to plot the star on an H-R diagram. You will need to determine all of the following, except the A) spectral type of the star. C) apparent brightness of the star in our sky. B) distance to the star. D) rotation rate of the star.

32) Which of the following statements best describes the two principal advantages of telescopes over eyes? A) Telescopes can collect far more light with far better angular resolution. B) Telescopes can collect far more light with far greater magnification. C) Telescopes have much more magnification and better angular resolution. D) Telescopes collect more light and are unaffected by twinkling. E) Telescopes can see farther without image distortion and can record more accurate colors. 33) A star of spectral type G lives approximately how long on the main sequence? A) 1,000 years B) 10,000 years C) 1 million years D) 100 million years E) 10 billion years 34) Which of the following could not be determined by an observation that uses only spectroscopy? A) the chemical composition of a distant star B) the speed at which a distant galaxy is moving away from us C) the surface temperature of a distant star D) the rotation rate of a distant star E) the size of a distant galaxy 35) Suppose you see two main-sequence stars of the same spectral type. Star 1 is dimmer in apparent brightness than Star 2 by a factor of 100. What can you conclude? (Neglect any effects that might be caused by interstellar dust and gas.) A) Without first knowing the distances to these stars, you cannot draw any conclusions about how their true luminosities compare to each other. B) The luminosity of Star 1 is a factor of 100 less than the luminosity of Star 2. C) Star 1 is 100 times more distant than Star 2. D) Star 1 is 100 times nearer than Star 2. E) Star 1 is 10 times more distant than Star 2.

36) Which of the following statements about degeneracy pressure is not true? A) Degeneracy pressure varies with the temperature of the star. B) Degeneracy pressure can halt gravitational contraction of a star even when no fusion is occurring in the core. C) Degeneracy pressure keeps any protostar less than 0.08 solar mass from becoming a true, hydrogen-fusing star. D) Degeneracy pressure arises out of the ideas of quantum mechanics.

Answer Key Testname: AST 264 EXAM2_VERSION(1).TST

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) D A B A D C C A C B A E A D E B B E D C E D C C B B D D D E D A E E E A

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