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Managing and Leading Change


Institution Affiliation.




Managing and Leading Change

1.0 Table of contents

2.0 Introduction

Re-Buyer is an organization that is undergoing a period of change. To ensure that the

organization is successful in this transition, it is essential that they take a planned and structured

approach to change management. This report will discuss the importance of this change

initiative, the methods to change management, and the strategies for managing change resistance.

It will also provide recommendations on how Re-Buyer can effectively plan and implement

change. The change initiative at Re-Buyer has been successful in creating an environment that is

more collaborative, open-minded, and agile. Re-Buyer has implemented a comprehensive

training and mentorship program, emphasized continuous improvement, and fostered a culture of

open communication and problem-solving to achieve this. It has allowed the organization to tap

into the creative potential of its staff and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing business

landscape. The report will focus on two change models: Lewin's Change Model and Kotter's

Change Model. Both models provide a structured approach to managing change and can be used

to ensure that the process is effective and efficient. Additionally, the report will discuss strategies

for managing change resistance, such as overcoming opposition, engaging employees

effectively, and implementing change in stages. Finally, the information will provide

recommendations on how Re-Buyer can plan and implement change effectively. These

recommendations include providing practical training, developing a clear communication

strategy, and providing strong leadership. Additionally, the organization should ensure that

ethical and responsible approaches are taken, such as reducing costs without compromising

employee welfare.

3.0 Main body

3.1 The change initiative

Re-Buyer established an organizational change initiative to drive a shift in people and

culture. The goal was to create a more collaborative, open-minded, and agile environment. Re-

Buyer implemented several measures to achieve this, including training and mentorship

programs, emphasizing continuous improvement, and fostering a culture of open communication

and problem-solving.

Re-Buyer put in place a comprehensive training and mentorship program. Through in-

person and online courses, staff was taught communication, problem-solving, and change

management skills. Additionally, the organization provided mentors to each team to help guide

them through the change process and ensure that the desired outcomes were achieved.

Re-Buyer placed a strong emphasis on continuous improvement. It was done through

regular reviews and feedback sessions, where employees were encouraged to share their ideas

and opinions. Furthermore, it sought to empower staff to identify areas of improvement and

suggest solutions. It allowed for a culture of experimentation and learning from mistakes.

The organization sought to foster a culture of open communication and problem-solving.

To do this, it encouraged staff to speak up and share their experiences and opinions in meetings

and other forums. Additionally, the organization implemented regular surveys and feedback

sessions to understand how the team felt and what areas of improvement needed to be addressed.

3.2 Importance of the change


This change initiative is essential for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it provides Re-Buyer

with an opportunity to become more agile, which is critical in today's competitive business

environment. By creating an environment that is more collaborative, open-minded, and agile, the

organization can respond quickly to changes in the market and take advantage of new


It enables Re-Buyer to tap into the creative potential of its staff. Through training and

mentorship programs, the organization can empower its staff to share their ideas and opinions

and contribute to its success. Additionally, the culture of open communication and problem-

solving allows Re-Buyer to identify areas of improvement and develop innovative solutions.

It helps create an environment where staff feel more engaged and empowered. Re-Buyer

can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility by encouraging staff to share their thoughts

and opinions. It can increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover, leading to greater productivity

and improved performance.

It helps to ensure that Re-Buyer is in line with current best practices. The organization

can stay ahead by implementing a change initiative and remain competitive in an ever-changing

business landscape. Additionally, it can help ensure Re-Buyer complies with relevant regulations

and standards.

3.3 Analyzing, diagnosing, and justifying a need for change

By understanding the external environment, Re-Buyer can identify the need for change

and take the necessary steps to ensure its long-term success.

3.3.1 PEST analysis

Factors Opportunities Threats

Political A change in tax laws A change in tax laws A change in tax laws

or trade regulations could allow Re-Buyer could increase the

A change in the to reduce its tax cost of doing

political landscape burden and increase business and reduce

its profits. the organization's

Changing the profit margins.

political landscape A change in the

could open up new political landscape

markets and allow could lead to

Re-Buyer to expand increased uncertainty

its operations and and instability in the

increase its market markets and make it

share. more difficult for Re-

Buyer to plan for the


Economic A change in A change in Changing consumer

consumer spending consumer spending spending habits could

habits habits could also lead lead to reduced

A Change in the to increased demand demand for the

interest rates for certain products organization's

and services, products and services

providing the Re- and reduced profits.

Buyer with an A change in the

opportunity to expand interest rates could


its market share. lead to increased

A change in the costs for Re-Buyer,

interest rates could reducing its profits.

also lead to reduced

costs, providing Re-

Buyer with an

opportunity to invest

more in its


Socio-cultural A change in public A change in public A change in public

opinion or attitudes opinion or attitudes opinion or attitudes

A change in the labor may also allow Re- may decrease

market, such as Buyer to capitalize on consumer demand for

changes in wages emerging trends. the organization's

By offering products or services.

competitive wages A change in the labor

and benefits, Re- market, such as

Buyer can create a changes in wages,

more attractive may lead to an

working environment increase in labor

that can help to costs which could

attract and retain the harm the

best employees. organization's bottom



Technological A change in the A change in the Changing the digital

digital landscape digital landscape also landscape could lead

An introduction to presents an to Re-Buyer

artificial intelligence opportunity for Re- becoming outdated as

Buyer to stay ahead new technologies are

of the curve by introduced.

introducing modern Competitors may

tools and techniques have an advantage

to help the over the organization

organization become with more modern

more efficient and tools and techniques.

effective. The introduction of

The introduction of artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence could lead to job

also presents an losses and disruption

opportunity for the for staff, as Re-Buyer

organization to may be able to

improve its automate specific

performance. It can processes and tasks

increase accuracy and that humans

productivity while previously did.

freeing staff to focus


on more critical tasks.

3.3.2 SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Re-Buyer has established a culture of open Re-Buyer has not invested enough in training

communication, collaboration, and problem- and development programs to achieve the

solving, which has enabled it to become more desired outcomes.

agile and responsive to changes in the market. It has not taken sufficient steps to foster a

Re-Buyer has invested in training and culture of open communication and problem-

mentorship programs, which have helped solving, which could lead to missed

unlock its staff's creative potential. opportunities and inefficiencies.

Opportunities Threats

Re-Buyer can continue to invest in training The competitive business environment means

and development programs to ensure that staff Re-Buyer must stay ahead of the curve or risk

is equipped with the necessary skills to being left behind.

become more agile and responsive to changes Re-Buyer must remain compliant with

in the market. relevant regulations and standards or face

It can emphasize open communication and potential legal repercussions.

problem-solving to uncover new opportunities The threat of disruption from new

and identify areas of improvement. technologies could render the organization's

current strategies and processes obsolete.

3.4 Achieving the change readiness


Providing adequate training is essential to ensure change readiness in any organization.

Training should be tailored to the needs of Re-Buyer and should cover topics such as change

management, communication, problem-solving, and leadership. By equipping staff with the

skills and knowledge they need to manage change effectively, Re-Buyer can ensure that all

employees are ready for the change process (Asbari et al., 2021, pp.74-85).

Developing a communication strategy is also an essential component of change readiness.

A clear and effective communication strategy is necessary to ensure that all staff is informed and

up-to-date on the changes that are taking place. It can be done through various methods, such as

regular meetings, emails, and social media posts (Fachrunnisa et al., 2021, pp.1515-1535).

Finally, strong leadership is essential to ensure change readiness. Leaders should provide

a clear vision and direction and act as role models and mentors for their staff. Leaders at Re-

Buyer should ensure that their team understands the importance of the changes and that they are

equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to embrace and manage the transition.

3.5 Approach to change

This approach involves systematically identifying the need for change and developing a

plan to address the change (Rosenbaum et al., 2018, p. 78). This approach is beneficial for

several reasons.

A planned approach to change ensures that the difference is well-thought-out and well-

structured. By taking the time to identify the need for change and develop a plan to manage it,

the organization can ensure that the change process is effective and efficient.

It helps to ensure that all stakeholders are engaged and informed. By involving

stakeholders in the change process, the organization can ensure that everyone knows the changes

and their implications (Rosenbaum et al., 2018, p. 78).


It helps to ensure that the change process is managed most effectively. By developing a

plan to address the change, the organization can ensure that the process is handled in a way that

minimizes disruption and maximizes the chances of success (Rosenbaum et al., 2018, p. 78).

Finally, a planned change approach can help ensure that the organization remains

compliant with relevant regulations and standards. By planning out the change process, the

organization can ensure that the process meets the requirements set out by regulatory bodies.

3.6 Change Models

3.6.1 Lewin's Change Model

Lewin's Change Model is a framework for understanding and managing change. It was

developed by psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1940s and has become one of the most widely used

models for change management (Hussain et al., 2018, pp. 123-127). The model consists of three

steps: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.

i. Unfreezing involves identifying the organization's current state and assessing the need for

change. During this phase, the organization should determine the current situation and

identify areas where change is needed (Burnes, 2020, pp. 32-59).

ii. Changing involves developing and implementing a plan to manage the change. During

this phase, the organization should identify the objectives of the change, develop a

strategy to achieve them, and implement the plan.

iii. Refreezing involves monitoring and evaluating the change process to ensure success.

During this phase, the organization should assess whether the change has been successful

and identify areas for further improvement.

3.6.2 Kotter’s Change Model


Kotter's Change Model is a framework for understanding and managing change. It was

developed by John Kotter in the 1990s and has become one of the most widely used models for

change management. The model consists of eight steps:

i. The first step in Kotter's Change Model is creating a sense of urgency. The organization

should assess the current situation and identify areas where change is needed. The

organization should then communicate the need for change to stakeholders and seek their


ii. The second step is forming a powerful guiding coalition (Kang et al., 2022, pp. 270-289).

The organization should identify key stakeholders and ensure they have the authority and

resources to lead the change process.

iii. The third step is developing a vision and strategy. The organization should create a plan

to achieve the desired outcome and communicate it to stakeholders.

iv. The fourth step is communicating the change vision. The organization should

communicate the vision and strategy to stakeholders and seek feedback.

v. The fifth step is empowering employees for broad-based action. During this phase, the

organization should ensure that employees are adequately equipped to implement the


vi. The sixth step is generating short-term wins. The organization should set short-term goals

and track progress to ensure they are met (Kang et al., 2022, pp. 270-289).

vii. The seventh step is consolidating gains and producing more change. The organization

should review its progress and identify areas where further improvement is needed.

viii. The eighth and final step is institutionalizing new approaches. The organization should

ensure that the changes are integrated into the organization's culture and that they are

maintained over the long term.

3.6.3 The preferred change

For Re-Buyer, the most effective approach to change is Kotter's Change Model. This

model is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it is comprehensive and provides a structured

framework for managing the change process. It makes it easier to identify the need for change

and develop a management plan. Secondly, the model emphasizes the importance of

communication and stakeholder engagement, which can help to ensure that all stakeholders are

informed and involved in the change process (Kang et al., 2022, pp. 270-289). Thirdly, the

model encourages the organization to set short-term goals and track progress, which can help to

ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved. Finally, the model emphasizes the importance of

institutionalizing the changes, which can help to ensure that the changes are maintained over the

long term. For these reasons, Kotter's Change Model is the most effective approach for Re-


3.7 Managing change resistance

3.7.1 Overcome Opposition

It can be done by identifying and addressing any potential concerns that employees may

have. It involves listening to the employees' concerns and taking them seriously. It will show that

the organization values its input and is open to discussing alternative approaches (Amaranton et

al., 2018, p. 311).

3.7.2 Effectively Engage Employees


This can be done by creating an environment of open communication and collaboration.

The organization should encourage employees to voice their opinions and share their ideas and

concerns. Additionally, the organization should provide employees with the resources and

support they need to understand the proposed changes, such as training and information sessions.

3.7.3 Implement Change in Several Stages

The organization should start by introducing small, incremental changes and gradually

increasing the changes' scope and complexity. It will help to ensure that employees can adjust to

the changes and become comfortable with them (Orji, 2019, pp. 102-114).

3.7.4 Communicate Change Effectively

The organization should ensure that employees are given all the information they need to

understand the changes and the reasons for the changes. Additionally, the organization should

provide employees with regular updates on the progress of the changes. It will help to ensure that

employees are kept informed and engaged throughout the process.

3.8 Debate on approaches to planning and implementing change

3.8.1 Effective cost cutting Vs. Employee welfare

When planning and implementing change, it is essential to ensure that ethical and

responsible approaches are taken. The organization must balance the need to reduce costs with

maintaining employee welfare. For example, the organization should consider ways to reduce

costs without compromising the quality of working conditions or job security for employees.

Additionally, the organization should ensure that any changes are implemented fairly and

transparently. Employees should be given adequate notice of the changes and the opportunity to

provide feedback on the proposed changes. Finally, the organization should strive to ensure the

well-being of employees during the change process by providing support and resources to help

them adjust.

4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, Re-Buyer's change initiative has created a more collaborative, open-

minded, and agile environment. The organization has seen a marked improvement in

communication and problem-solving, which has helped it to become more efficient and effective.

Additionally, the initiative has helped to foster a culture of experimentation and learning from

mistakes, as well as allowing the organization to tap into the creative potential of its staff. The

organization must continue to invest in this initiative to remain competitive and ensure its long-

term success. To do this, the organization should ensure that all staff is adequately trained and

equipped to manage the change process. Additionally, strong leadership is essential to ensure

that the initiative is booming, and the organization should ensure that its leaders are open to

feedback and ideas from their staff. Finally, the organization should invest in an effective

communication strategy to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the

process. A planned approach to change is an effective way of managing change, and Re-Buyer

should utilize models such as Lewin's Change Model and Kotter's Change Model to ensure that

the process is managed effectively. Overall, Re-Buyer's change initiative has created a more

collaborative, open-minded, and agile environment. To ensure that the industry is successful

long-term, the organization should continue to invest in training, mentorship, and

communication. Additionally, it should ensure that its leaders provide strong leadership and are

open to feedback and ideas from their staff.

4.2 Recommendations

To ensure its long-term success, Re-Buyer should take the following actions:

1. Invest in training and mentorship programs: In order to make sure that all staff members are

properly prepared to handle the transition process, Re-Buyer should keep investing in training

and mentoring programs. The company should also assign mentors to each team in order to

support them throughout the transformation process and guarantee that the intended results are


2. Invest in an effective communication strategy: To make sure that all stakeholders are aware of

the situation and actively involved in the process, the company should invest in an efficient

communication plan. In addition to making sure that staff has access to a consolidated source of

information regarding the changes, it may be done via frequent meetings, emails, and social

media postings.

3. Provide strong leadership: It is the responsibility of the company to make sure that its

executives exercise effective leadership and are receptive to suggestions and criticism from their

personnel. As well as serving as mentors and role models for their people, leaders should provide

a clear vision and direction.

4. Monitor and evaluate the change process: To make sure the change process is successful, the

company should monitor and assess it often. Reviews, questionnaires, and regular feedback

sessions may all be used to accomplish this.

By taking these actions, Re-Buyer can ensure that its change initiative is successful in the

long term. Additionally, it can help to ensure that the organization remains competitive and

compliant with relevant regulations and standards.


5.0 References

Amarantou, V., Kazakopoulou, S., Chatzoudes, D. and Chatzoglou, P., 2018. Resistance to

change: an empirical investigation of its antecedents. Journal of Organizational Change

Management, p. 311.

Asbari, M., Hidayat, D.D. and Purwanto, A., 2021. Managing employee performance: From

leadership to readiness for change. International Journal of Social and Management

Studies, 2(1), pp.74-85.

Burnes, B., 2020. The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied

Behavioral Science, 56(1), pp.32-59.

Fachrunnisa, O., Siswanti, Y., Qadri, E., Mustofa, Z. and Harjito, D.A., 2019. Empowering

leadership and individual readiness to change: The role of people dimension and work

method. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 10(4), pp.1515-1535.

Hussain, S.T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.H. and Ali, M., 2018. Kurt Lewin's

change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in

organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), pp.123-127.

Kang, S.P., Chen, Y., Svihla, V., Gallup, A., Ferris, K. and Datye, A.K., 2022. Guiding change

in higher education: An emergent, iterative application of Kotter’s change model. Studies

in Higher Education, 47(2), pp.270-289.

Orji, I.J., 2019. Examining barriers to organizational change for sustainability and drivers of

sustainable performance in the metal manufacturing industry. Resources, Conservation

and Recycling, 140, pp.102-114.


Rosenbaum, D., More, E. and Steane, P., 2018. Planned organizational change management:

Forward to the past? An exploratory literature review. Journal of Organizational Change

Management, p. 78.

6.0 Appendix

Action Plan

1. Invest in training and mentorship programs:

 Develop comprehensive training and mentorship programs

 Provide mentors to each team to help guide them through the process of change

 Ensure that staff are adequately equipped to manage the change process

2. Invest in an effective communication strategy:

 Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and

engaged throughout the process

 Provide staff with regular updates on the progress of the changes

 Ensure that staff have access to a centralized source of information about the changes

3. Provide strong leadership:

 Ensure that leaders provide clear vision and direction

 Ensure that leaders act as role models and mentors for their teams

 Ensure that leaders are open to feedback and ideas from their staff

4. Monitor and evaluate the change process:

 Regularly monitor and evaluate the change process

 Conduct regular feedback sessions, surveys, and reviews

 Identify areas where further improvement is needed

By taking these actions, Re-Buyer can ensure that its change initiative is successful in the long

term. Additionally, it can help to ensure that the organization remains competitive and compliant

with relevant regulations and standards.

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