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Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

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Refined convergent cross-mapping for disturbance propagation

analysis of chemical processes
Lei Luo a,b , Feifan Cheng a,b , Tong Qiu a,b,∗ , Jinsong Zhao a,b
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Industrial Big Data System and Application, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In chemical processes, determining the root causes of faults and disturbances is important for improving
Received 11 July 2016 process safety and economic profit. Recently proposed convergent cross-mapping (CCM) is suitable for
Received in revised form 15 March 2017 both linear and nonlinear systems. However, it cannot be directly applied to chemical processes. This is
Accepted 19 March 2017
because chemical processes possess characteristics, such as nonlinearity, high dimensions, continuity,
Available online 29 April 2017
and time delay, that are significantly different from ecosystems, where CCM is applicable. In this paper,
we propose refined CCM (RCCM), which integrates fast embedding dimension determinations with a
modified procedure to improve the speed of the calculation and accuracy of the analysis. Examples show
Convergent cross-mapping
Root cause
that RCCM fits chemical processes with the above characteristics. In addition, it shows better performance
Nonlinearity than other methods in finding the propagation paths of disturbances.
Time delay © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chemical process

1. Introduction is a superposition of a sine signal and white noise, then the CCF can-
not determine this causality because all of the values are too small
In chemical processes, disturbance propagation paths describe compared with the detecting threshold. In fact, the true correlation
ways in which disturbance signals consisting of stream flows and is zero, which means that the CCF cannot find the result. In another
control paths travel through the process. Root-cause identifica- method called the Granger causality (GC) test, variable x “Granger
tion of plant-wide faults and disturbances is important for safe causes” y if the prediction ability for y decreases when x is removed
and efficient operation of chemical processes. However, because from all possible causative variables of y. However, the GC test is
of the process complexity and existence of control loops and not suitable for coupled systems because it requires that the two
time delays, it is still difficult to determine the correct propa- variables for the test should be mutually independent, so the influ-
gation paths. Several methods have been proposed to solve this ence of one variable, such as x, on the other variable, such as y, could
problem. Most of these methods originate from cause-and-effect be eliminated by simply removing x from the original system. This
analysis approaches and are then utilized to identify the time- is impossible in a coupled system and the result is trustless when
delay relationships between the variables. Among the approaches the separability cannot be satisfied (Sugihara et al., 2012). Schreiber
to determine the correct propagation paths, the simplest approach (2000) proposed the transfer entropy based on the concept of infor-
is called cross-correlation analysis (Bauer and Thornhill, 2008). In mation entropy, aiming to pairwise measure the interactions of
this method, different values of the cross-correlation function (CCF) variables in a system. The transfer entropy is model-free and it
are obtained at different time delays. The best estimated time delay is widely used in cause-and-effect analysis of chemical processes,
and its corresponding cross-correlation are determined by the max- atmospheric science, civil engineering, neuroscience, and other
imum absolute value of the CCF. Although this method is practical fields (Bauer et al., 2007; Vicente et al., 2011; Xie et al., 2012; Zhang
and computationally efficient, it is too simple to identify nonlinear et al., 2013). However, because this method is a probability-based
causal relationships existing in the system. For example, Yang et al. method, the result accuracy is based on estimation of probability
(2010) found that if y = x2 with a time delay of one sample, where x density functions and the whole computational burden is very high.
Furthermore, the transfer entropy cannot always ensure the cor-
rect time-delay relationships between variables, so the arc sign in
signed directed graphs cannot be obtained (Yang et al., 2010). The k-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Uni-
nearest neighbor (KNN) method proposed by Stockmann and Haber
versity, Beijing 100084, China.
(2010) uses information about the nearest points that are close to
E-mail address: (T. Qiu).
0098-1354/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

input sample points to predict the actual outputs of those input ables of nonlinear systems to provide reliable detection of causal
samples, and it then finds the time-delay peaks by comparing the relationships.
predicted and actual values along the time axis. This method is According to the Takens embedding theorem, if two variables
thought to be faster than the transfer entropy and applicable for are causally linked in a dynamic system, their corresponding
nonlinear systems. However, in the KNN method, the important shadow manifolds Mx and My would be diffeomorphic to the man-
imputation number kimp is chosen to be 2, 4, or 6. This subjective ifold of the original system M. Here, Mx and My are reconstructed
selection cannot always ensure accurate results and it is difficult using lagged-coordinate embedding of time series x and y with
to apply in automatic detection. In addition, the KNN method can- embedding dimension E and time lags  x and  y . The elements of
not avoid the false-nearest-neighbor problem in high-dimensional Mx and My are denoted as xt and yt . Therefore, there is a consecutive
situations because of the absence of phase-space reconstruction. one-to-one mapping relationship between the points in Mx and My .
For the above methods, the result accuracy and calculation effi- For some specific points xt,1 , xt,2 ,. . .,xt,i in Mx , there must be corre-
ciency are two crucial aspects for evaluating their performance. sponding yt,1 , yt,2 ,. . .,yt,i points in My . If xt,1 converges to a specific
Most of these methods have shortcomings such as high computa- point xt0 , yt,i would also converge to the corresponding point yt0 in
tional burden or limited performance for linear or weak nonlinear My . Thus, once the process data is available, CCM attempts to find
systems. These methods cannot ensure correct results for causal- the nearest points for each xt,i in Mx and their mapping points in My
ity identification of coupled variables in strong nonlinear systems, to predict the corresponding value of yt,i , which is denoted as ŷt,i .
while recently proposed convergent cross-mapping (CCM) can The cross-mapping ability of x for y canbe  evaluated by the correla-
overcome this problem (Sugihara et al., 2012). CCM uses the dif- tion coefficient x→y between {yt } and ŷt . As the sample number
feomorphic features of coupled systems and converts the original L increases, ŷt,i converges, and so does y . Thus, x can be used to
causality detecting problem into comparisons between the mutual estimate y, and vice versa. However, if x and y are not coupled, the
prediction effects of embedding manifolds. Recently, Ye et al. (2015) accuracy of the prediction decreases owing to asymmetric infor-
found that CCM is also capable of distinguishing time-delayed inter- mation exchange between the two observed variables. Note that
actions between different process variables. In their method, if the unilateral causality in CCM is counterintuitive compared with
a time delay exists in the effect of an upstream variable y on a other methods, such as the transfer entropy. A higher value of x→y
downstream variable x then xt = f(yt−t ). CCM should have the best means that the variable x is more affected by y, so y tends to be a
detecting performance when two variable series are matched in cause of x.
accordance with t. However, in our previous study (Luo et al., Here, we describe the mathematical mechanism of CCM. The
2016), we found that because of significant differences in the variables are produced by an n-dimensional dynamic system:
embedding parameters between variables of continuous chemical
processes, directly applying CCM usually cannot obtain as accurate = f (X, U) (1)
results as when CCM is applied to ecosystems, especially when the dt
process is high-dimensional with complicated dynamic behaviors. Here, X and U are vectors of the variables and parameters: X = [x1 ,
In this paper, we refine the original CCM procedure and apply it x2 , . . ., xn ]T and U = [u1 , u2 , . . ., ul ]T . For example, taking the two
to a chemical process to determine the propagation paths and root variables x and y of X, each element of the corresponding shadow
causes of process faults and disturbances. In Section 2, we intro- manifolds of x and y are constructed according to
duce the original CCM and its refinement for chemical processes  
(RCCM). Compared with CCM, RCCM includes two modifications. M x,t = xt , xt−x , xt−2x , . . ., xt−(E−1)x (2)
First, it refines the manifold reconstructing process by using the  
M y,t = yt , yt−y , yt−2y , . . ., yt−(E−1)y (3)
time lag of the predicted variable to build both of the reconstructed
manifolds, which enables it to be more suitable for variables with First, Mx is used to predict My and evaluate the influence of y
significant differences in time lags, like the situation in chemical on x. If parameter u is stable according to the Takens embedding
processes where the data is usually from the distributed control theorem, Mx and My would be stable and they are diffeomorphic to
system and each variable fluctuates at different frequencies. In the manifold of the original system M. This will lead to a consecutive
addition, it integrates fast and accurate parametric determinations one-to-one mapping relationship between the points on in Mx and
for  and E in the flowchart. This step is important because there are My :
tens to hundreds of variables in a chemical process, so efficient and
automatic parameter determination procedures will greatly facili- lim M y,i → M y,k0 = 0 (4)
M x,i →M x,k0
tate the analysis. At the end of Section 2, we compare RCCM with
original CCM and provide the program flowchart of RCCM. In Sec- Thus, if we determine E + 1 points in Mx then
tion 3, we test RCCM on three examples to show its applicability
for chemical processes and its advantages over other well-known {M x,ki } = {M x,k1 , M x,k2 , . . ., M x,k(E+1) } (5)
methods. In example 1, we apply RCCM to a continuous stirred tank which are close to Mx,k0 . The value of My,k0 can then be estimated
reactor to show its applicability for chemical processes. In examples by {My,ki }:
2 and 3, we test RCCM for four different linear and nonlinear single-
input-single-output (SISO) systems and a benchmark model with M x,ki − M x,k0
nonlinear subprocesses. In Section 4, we test RCCM on a benchmark d(M x,ki , M x,k0 ) = exp − (6)
M x,k1 − M x,k0
process: the Tennessee Eastman process.

d(M x,ki , M x,k0 )
M̂ y,k0 |M x = E+1
M y,ki (7)
i=1 j=1
d(M x,kj , M x,k0 )
2. CCM and RCCM
If L is sufficiently large to ensure that {Mx,ki } is sufficiently close
CCM was proposed by Sugihara et al. (2012) to determine the to My,k0 , the predicting ability of Mx for My will converge to a
interaction strengths between different variables in a nonlinear positive constant between 0 and 1:
ecosystem. This method is based on diffeomorphism theory and lim cov M y , M̂ y |M x = x→y (8)
uses the characteristics of the interactions between coupled vari- L→+∞
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 3

This procedure is the same for My predicting Mx , and the differ- M y,t = yt , yt−y , yt−2y , . . ., yt−(E−1)y (10)
ence between the predicting abilities x→y and y→x indicates an
asymmetric interaction between x and y. Compared with CCM, this refinement is more reasonable because
Fig. 1 shows a schematic illustration of CCM. Fig. 1A shows the when time series x is used to predict another series y, that is, cal-
bidirectional causality between x and y, in which Mx is diffeomor- culating the influence of y on x, only the effects of y on x in the
phic to My . When making predictions from x to y, the nearest points full frequency range of y should be considered. Thus, if there is a
in Mx (the yellow triangles in Fig. 1) are mapped to My , and the significant difference between the two frequencies, which means a
uncertainty of ŷt is low, which is also the same for the prediction significant difference between  x and  y , the corresponding man-
from y to x. Fig. 1B shows the asymmetric causality between two ifolds should be reconstructed with the time lag of the predicted
variables. Here, y is the result of x, so y does not have any influence variable  y .
on x and My is not diffeomorphic to Mx . The prediction from x to This assertion can be confirmed by the following example:
y fails with a high uncertainty of E owing to incomplete informa- xt+1 = 0.3xt + (1 + 0.3ut − yt · xt /5) (11)
tion about y in x, whereas the prediction from y to x still has good
accuracy because y contains information about x. yt+1 = 0.9yt + 0.02(xt−20 − 5.5) (12)
Compared with the KNN method, which is also based on nearest where ut is a random external disturbance in accordance with the
points information, CCM introduces a phase-space reconstruction 0–1 uniform distribution. Fig. 4 shows all of the outputs. It clearly
step that enables it to avoid the false-nearest-neighbor problem, as shows that x has a much smoother variation than x and u owing to
shown in Fig. 2. The left graph in Fig. 2 shows the manifold of a chaos the different strengths of the interactions between these variables,
system, where the best embedding dimension is E = 3. However, if which indicates that these variables should share different time lag
the embedding dimension decreases to E = 2, as in middle graph, the parameters. Fig. 5 compares the original reconstruction with the
nearest points are incorrect. The overlapping red and green points refined reconstruction, and it shows that the refined reconstruction
in the middle graph are not the nearest points compared with the produces better results. It shows that the time delay from x to y
left original manifold and the right graph (E = 3). tx→y = 0 while that from y to x ty→x =+20 points (the positive
In Sugihara’s paper (Sugihara et al., 2012), the dynamic model is time delay means y is behind x in time or y is caused by x after a
assumed to be an immediate action model, that is, there is no time time length of 20 points), which is in accordance with Eqs. (11) and
delay for information transferring from one variable to another, (12).
which is impractical, especially for other large-scale systems. For
example, in chemical processes, all of the units are connected by 2.2. Refinement 2: efficient and automatic parameter
pipelines through which raw materials and products flow from one determination
unit to another downstream destination. The result measured at
time t may be a consequence of an upstream variable at t − t, that There are two key parameters in the method: embedding
is, variabledownstream,t = f (variableupstream,t−t ). These time delays dimension E and time lag . For each chemical process, tens to
between different variables are the result of a comprehensive func- hundreds of variables need to be analyzed, which is a much larger
tion of multiple factors and they reflect the information of faults or number of variables than in ecosystems. This requires efficient and
disturbance propagation. Ye et al. (2015) proposed an approach to accurate parameter determination approaches. Here, we introduce
determine this time-delay relationship with CCM, and the main Cao’s improved FNN method (Cao, 1997) and linear autocorrela-
idea is shown in Fig. 3. When using a downstream variable x to tion function to determine E and  because of their relatively low
predict an upstream variable y, if there is no time delay between computation cost and good accuracy.
these variables, xt+1 would be a consequence of yt and the cross-
mapping ability of x for y will reach the maximum when the time 2.3. Determination of the embedding dimension
lag is 1. However, if there is a significant time delay t between the
two variables, xt+1 would be a consequence of yt−t and the peak of For a specific point M x,k0 , if a point in Mx can be found, like
the cross-mapping ability curve will move toward the right by t, M x,n(k0 ,E) , where n(k0 , E) is the integer that makes M x,n(k0 ,E) the
which is exactly the time delay from y to x. nearest point to M x,k0 when the embedding dimension is E, the
nearest distance will be
2.1. Refinement 1: refined manifold reconstruction (E)
distE,k0 = M x,k0 − M x,n(k (13)
0 ,E)

In the method of Ye et al. (2015), all of the reconstructed man- When the embedding dimension increases to E + 1, the distance
ifolds share the same time lag of  = 1. This does not affect the between these two points will increase to
accuracy of the results because the data is from an ecosystem or (E+1)
distE+1,k0 = M x,k0 − M x,n(k (14)
other discrete models with relatively close time lags of variables. 0 ,E)

However, for chemical processes, the time lags become much larger For R between 10 and 50, if
with significant differences. Their method is not able to obtain
(distE+1,k0 − distE,k0 )
a precise estimation of the time delays and it cannot be directly >R (15)
applied in this situation. In their method, manifolds Mx and My are distE,k0
reconstructed according to Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively, and then then M x,n(k0 ,E) is thought to be a false nearest neighbor of M x,k0 . For
included in the calculation. This treatment can obtain good results an actual observed sequence, E starts from 2. For all points in Mx ,
when  x and  y are close. However, if there are significant differ- if the ratio of the false nearest neighbor no longer increases, the
ences between the values of these time lags, the results will be corresponding E should be chosen as the appropriate embedding
inaccurate (see the example shown on the left of Fig. 5). Here, we dimension.
introduce a refinement on the original CCM procedure when using Some papers have pointed out that the original FNN method is
x to predict y or to find if y causes x. The manifolds Mx and My are subjective because the threshold of R is difficult to determine and it
both reconstructed with the time lag of the predicted variable  y : has a significant influence on the final result. Furthermore, the FNN
  method may be not applicable for some systems under random
M x,t = xt , xt−y , xt−2y , . . ., xt−(E−1)y (9)
disturbances. Several modifications of the original FNN procedure
4 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of CCM (Sugihara et al., 2012).

Fig. 2. Illustration of the false-nearest-neighbor problem.

Fig. 3. Schematic of the time-delay detection method of Ye et al. (2015).

L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 5

Fig. 4. Outputs of Eqs. (11) and (12).

Fig. 5. Comparison of Ye’s method and RCCM.

have been performed, and the modified method is used in this paper By investigating the variation of the variable
(Cao, 1997; Shun et al., 2015).
ā(E + 1)
To overcome the shortcomings of the FNN method, we define A(E) = (18)
the best embedding dimension where A(E) stops changing and con-
a(k0 , E) = , k0 = 1, 2, 3, . . ., L − E (16) verges to 1 can be determined.
2.4. Determination of the time lag of each variable
where L is the element number of manifold Mx . The mean value of
a is As previously discussed, chemical process data from the
distributed control system is continuous and very large with signif-
icantly different time lags between different variables. The choice
of the time lags significantly affects the results. If the time lags are
ā(E) = a(k0 , E) (17)
L − E too small, the points in each reconstructed manifold will be highly
k0 =1 correlated and the manifold cannot sufficiently unfold. If the time
6 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

lags are too large, there will be no relationships between the points Table 1
Parameters of the CSTR model.
and the reconstructed manifold will lose its continuity. There are
mainly two ways to determine the time lags of time series: the Parameter Value Unit
mutual information method and the linear autocorrelation func- F 100 L/min
tion. In this paper, the linear autocorrelation function is chosen V 100 L
because of its lower calculation burden. k1 7.2 × 1010 1/min
The time lags of x are determined by the following function: k2 5.2 × 1010 1/min
E1 /R 8750 K
E2 /R 8750 K
1 N−
N n=1 (xn+
− x̄) (xn − x̄)
C() = N−
N n=1 (xn
− x̄)2 Table 2
Parameters of RCCM for example 1.

Tfl cin cA cB cc
Time lag  1 1 25 46 43
Embedding dimension E 7 7 7 7 7

x̄ = xn (20)
n=1 3. Application of RCCM to chemical processes

 0 , whose corresponding C() reaches zero first, is chosen to be 3.1. Example 1: a CSTR model
the time lag of the embedding manifold. This ensures sufficient
extension of the reconstructed manifold Mx and simultaneously Before further application, we tested RCCM on some simple
maintains the relationships of the variables. examples to verify its applicability to chemical processes and to
The above two refinements enable RCCM to process the detect- show its advantages over other methods, such as CCF and the trans-
ing ability of the chemical process. Its accuracy is determined by fer entropy.
the sample length L. As shown in the left graph of Fig. 6, a suffi- Example 1 is from the paper of Kuehnert and Beyerer (2014).
ciently large L value will ensure that the results of RCCM converge This example is for a continuously stirred tank reactor, in which
to an accurate value. However, a large L value will also result in reactant A reacts to give immediate product B and then product
a heavy computational burden. RCCM also adopts other methods, C. The concentrations of the reactants are cA , cB , and cC , the feed
like the k–d tree algorithm, to accelerate the process of finding the concentration is cin , and the fluid temperature is Tfl . The differential
nearest points, which helps to reduce the overall computation time, equations of the CSTR reaction model are
as shown in the right graph of Fig. 6. Although the time cost also F
increases, it growth is linear with increasing L. Compared with the ċA (t) = − k1 cA e−E1 /RTfl (22)
V (cin (t) − cA (t))
transfer entropy, RCCM is much faster. In our program, the transfer
entropy takes tens of seconds to obtain the result at each time delay ċB (t) = k1 cA e−E1 /(RTfl ) − k2 cB e−E2 /(RTfl ) − (23)
point (L = 500, embedding dimensions k = 1 and l = 1, and prediction VcB (t)
horizon h = 20). F
ċC (t) = k2 cB e−E2 /(RTfl ) − (24)
VcC (t)
The relevant parameters are given in Table 1.
2.5. Computational procedure of RCCM The mean values of cin and Tfl are 1 mol/L and 350 K, respectively.
cin is superposed with white noise having N(0,3 K2 ) and Tfl is super-
The complete flowchart of RCCM is shown in Fig. 7. It adopts imposed with white noise having N(0, 0.1(mol/L)2 ). All of the inputs
a pairwise detecting procedure, which is also used by the transfer and outputs are shown in Fig. 8. As the disturbance propagates
entropy and other methods. toward the downstream variables, the outputs become smoother
Before performing the calculation to identify the time delay rela- and cB and cC are strongly related, while cA is negatively correlated
tionship between two variables such as x0 and y0 , parameters, such with these two variables. There is no other information provided
as the sample length L, time interval dt, and maximum iteration in this figure and a calculation based on RCCM was performed to
number N, must be set. The time lags x0 and y0 and the embedding reveal the potential relations between the variables.
dimension E should also be calculated. According to the flowchart in Fig. 7, parameters  and E should be
In the first step, variable x0 will be used to predict y0 . Time appropriately determined before the main calculation. Fig. 9 shows
delay detection starts at t1 and finishes at t2 = t1 + Ndt. After each that the downstream variables in example 1 have greater time lags
step of the calculation, the prediction variable x0 will be translated than those of upper streams, which is in agreement with the out-
toward the positive direction of time t for a time interval dt, and puts in Fig. 8, and all of the curves of A(E) are almost the same
then Mx0 will be reconstructed again and input into the calculation. and converge to 1 after E = 7. Therefore, in this model, the best E
When the iteration number reaches N, the results are recorded as value for each variable is chosen as E = 7 and relevant computational
x0 →y0 ,t1 +ndt , where n = 1, 2, . . ., N, and the two variables x0 and y0 parameters are summarized in Table 2.
are exchanged and the time-delay detecting calculation is repeated Table 3 shows the results of RCCM for this example. In each dia-
starting at −t2 and finishing at −t1 . In this step, after each calcu- gram, the x axis is the integration time with unit dt = 0.1, while the y
lation, the prediction variable y0 will move toward the negative axis is the cross-mapping ability ¯ x→y . In this table, the variables in
direction of time by −dt. The results of the second step are recorded the columns denote the predicted y variables, while the variables in
as y0 →x0 ,−t1 −ndt , where n = 1, 2, . . ., N. Finally, the cross-mapping the rows are the predicting x variables. There is no significant value
values at each time delays are in the whole delay time interval when including Tfl and cin in the
calculation, which indicates that there is no relationship between
x0 →y0 ,t1 +ndt + y0 →x0 ,−t1 −ndt these two variables. When calculating the relationship between
¯ x0 →y0 ,t1 +ndt = (21)
2 Tfl and cA , cB , or cc , peaks appear when the time delay equals −1.
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 7

Fig. 6. Variation of y→x and the time cost with the sample length.

Table 3
RCCM results of the CSTR model (x is the predicting variable and y is the predicted variable).

x y

cin cA cB cC


cin −

cA − −

cB − − −

According to Fig. 3, negative time delays indicate that disturbance Fig. 10 shows the detected disturbance propagation paths in
passes from the prediction variable Tfl to cA , cB and cc after a time the CSTR model. The first number in the parentheses is the cross
unit dt. In other words, these three variables are all influenced by Tfl mapping ability when using a downstream variable to predict an
and the corresponding time delay is dt. However, when including upstream variable, which also indicates how much the downstream
cin in the calculation with cA , cB and cc , only cA is influenced by the variable is affected by the predicted upstream variable. The sec-
disturbance of cin and the time delay is also −dt, while cB and cc do ond number in the parentheses is the corresponding time delay
not affect cin . This table also shows that cA , cB and cc all simultane- between these two variables.
ously vary and there is no time delay relationship between them. Example 1 shows that for a simple nonlinear CSTR model, RCCM
The results are summarized in Fig. 10, which are in agreement with can easily determine accurate time lags and embedding dimensions
the structure of Eqs. (22)–(24), because the feed cin only appears in for each variable with the aid of the linear autocorrelation function
the first equation but the temperature Tfl has a direct influence on and Cao’s FNN method. It then determines the correct root cause of
cA , cB and cc . the disturbance in a dynamic system as well as the strengths of the
upstream variables influencing the downstream variables. Because
8 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

Fig. 7. Flowchart of RCCM.

the other examples given in previous CCM papers mainly focus on In all of the simulations, the input u(k) randomly varies, between
ecosystems or other discrete systems, this example shows that the −1 and 1. White noise ε(k) with a mean value of 0 and a standard
principle of CCM is also suitable for continuous processes, such as deviation 0.05 is superposed on the output. Table 4 lists the final
chemical processes, after some necessary modifications. results of the four systems detected by RCCM. It shows that this
method is suitable for both linear and nonlinear systems and all of
the time-delay detecting results are equal to the true values.
Table 5 also compares the results of different methods: the ARX
3.2. Example 2: time delay detection for four SISO systems method, the CCF, the transfer entropy, the KNN method, and RCCM,
where some results are from Stockmann et al. (2012).
Stockmann and Haber (2010) evaluated the performance of dif- From Table 5, among these five time-delay detection methods,
ferent time-delay detecting methods for four linear and nonlinear the ARX method and CCF are only suitable methods for linear sys-
SISO systems. In this part, RCCM will be added to the calculation tems. The transfer entropy can determine the correct time delays
and its performance for time delay detection will be evaluated and for both types of systems with the aid of manual parameter adjust-
compared with other methods. Schematic diagrams of each sys- ment, so it is difficult to apply this method to fully automated
tem and their corresponding outputs are shown in Figs. 11 and 12,
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 9

Fig. 8. Inputs and outputs of the CSTR model.

Fig. 9. RCCM calculation parameters of the CSTR model.

detection. The KNN method and RCMM are the only two methods
that are adequate for both linear and nonlinear systems.
The KNN method and RCCM both have similar principles. They
attempt to find the nearest approximation to a specific input and
then compare the predicted output with the actual output. If the
embedding dimension of RCCM decreases to 1, it will degenerate
to the KNN method to some extent. However, some papers have
shown that the estimation of the nearest approximation in the
KNN method may be incorrect for some high dimensional systems
with strong nonlinear characteristics, which is called the false near-
est neighbor problem (Krakovská and Mezeiová, 2015; Rhodes and
Morari, 1997). This problem can be solved by an appropriate esti-
mation of E in the RCCM procedure, while the KNN method cannot
Fig. 10. Detected disturbance propagation paths in the CSTR model. avoid this problem and may be inaccurate for some high dimen-
sional nonlinear cases. In the next example, a significant difference
between these two methods will be shown.
10 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

Fig. 11. Process types. The sample time is t = 1 in all of the simulations and x(k)q−d = x(k − d).

Fig. 12. Outputs of the four SISO systems.

Table 4
Time-delay detection results of four different SISO systems calculated by RCCM (L = 800).

Linear static SISO Linear dynamic SISO Nonlinear static SISO Nonlinear dynamic SISO
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 11

In general, example 2 shows the advantages of RCCM over other Table 5

Results of time delay analysis.
methods, such as the ARX method, CCF, and transfer entropy, in
time delay detection for both linear and nonlinear systems, and it Process Method
can also be applied to automated detection.
ARX CCF Transfer KNNb RCCMc True
3.3. Example 3: a benchmark process with unmeasured entry and
Linear static SISO 5 5 5a 5 5 5
nonlinear static subprocesses Linear dynamic SISO 5 5 6a 5 6 6
Nonlinear static SISO 3 3 5a 5 5 5
Fig. 13 shows a benchmark process taken from Stockmann et al. Nonlinear dynamic SISO 1 −4 5a 5 6 6
(2012), which is a generalized plant consisting of the unmeasured a
Manual adjustment must be performed for the results.
entry S0 and five sub-processes S1 − S5 . Many industrial processes b
kimp = 4.
are believed to be able to be expressed by this generalized scheme, All of the time lags are set to 1 and E = 8.
although the number of subprocesses can be different. Because of
the existence of a loop in the flowchart from S5 to S1 , a distur- Table 6
bance arising in one subprocess will eventually lead to plant-wide Parameters of each subprocess.
fluctuation. Here, S0 is uniformly distributed between −1 and 1 Parameter Number
and all of the outputs of subprocesses S1 − S5 are superposed with
white noise with a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 2 3 4 5

0.1. Subprocesses S1 − S5 are all in accordance with nonlinear static Ai 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 6
functions: Bi 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

Ai q2
Si = , i = 1, 2, . . ., 4 (25)
1 − Bi q2
tions with positive and negative time delay. Table 8 gives all of the
where parameters Ai and Bi of each subprocess are listed in Table 6. detected time delays and the corresponding mapping abilities. The
Table 7 lists the final results of example 3, where L = 1000. results indicate a circle path of disturbance propagation, which is
The diagrams on the main diagonal show the significant effects of in accordance with the parameters in Fig. 13.
the upstream processes on the downstream processes, and these The CCF, KNN method, and transfer entropy were also consid-
effects rapidly decrease in the following processes because of the ered, and Table 9 lists their final results when including the output
disturbances introduced by ε in each output of Si . Diagrams S1 − S5 of S1 in the calculation with S2 − S5 . It shows that the former two
and S2 − S5 reveal the existence of a loop in the flowchart, because methods cannot obtain the correct time delays. Although there
in each diagram, different peaks are simultaneously present at posi- is a significant peak when using CCF to calculate the relationship

Table 7
Results of example 3 calculated by RCCM.

x y

S2 S3 S4 S5


S2 –

S3 – –

S4 – – −
12 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

Fig. 13. Benchmark process with unmeasured entry S0 and five nonlinear static subprocesses.

Table 8 The data used in this case was generated by the Matlab program
Time-delay detection results of example 3 (x→y , tdelay ).
“Mode 1 Init”.1 This program was realized in Matlab Simulink and
x y the data was generated with normal operating conditions (sample
time 1.8 s and time length 720 h). The model has 41 measured vari-
S2 S3 S4 S5
ables and 12 manipulated variables. However, in this case, only the
S1 (0.18,−2) (0.072,−6) (0.063,−8) (0.10,−12),(0.22,6) measurements with “XMEAS” are considered and variables 23 to
S2 – (0.51,−4) (0.15,−6) (0.092,−10),(0.074,8)
S3 – – (0.60,-2) (0.16,−6)
41 are excluded because of their long sampling intervals. There-
S4 – – – (0.19,−4) fore, only measurements 1 to 22, which are process variables such
as flowrates, the temperature, the pressure, and the liquid level,
are considered (Table 10). The threshold for the significant RCCM
mapping ability is set to ¯ x→y = 0.5 and E = 6. The time lag of each
between S1 and S4 , its position is not in agreement with the model variable is shown in Fig. 16.
in Fig. 13. The KNN method loses its sensitivity in this case and all of The actual outputs of XMEAS (1)–(22) are listed in Fig. 15. In
the results are almost the same. Only the transfer entropy can pro- each graph, the x axis is the time in hours. Although some of the
duce as accurate time delay results as RCCM (Table 9). However, it variables are easily determined to have causal relations with other
takes nearly 10 min to obtain the results of one figure, while RCCM variables, it is still necessary to use RCCM to determine the hidden
takes only 5 s. For the transfer entropy, to find the time-delay peak, plant-wide propagation paths of the disturbance.
L = 500, the embedding dimensions of x and y are k = 1 and l = 1, and After eliminating redundant relations, most of the variables
h varies from −14 to 14. This example shows that both RCCM and have significant time-delay relationships with each other and some
the transfer entropy are reliable approaches for time-delay analy- underlying loops also appear (Fig. 16). For example, the reactor feed
sis of nonlinear systems, but RCCM is much faster than the transfer rate, which is influenced by the reactor cooling water outlet tem-
entropy. perature and the feed rate of reactant A, has a significant effect on
In conclusion, we have used examples 1–3 to show that RCCM the reactor level, compressor work, and recycle flow. The compres-
is suitable for detection of disturbance-propagation paths in both sor recycle valve can also be manipulated to control the reactor feed
linear and nonlinear systems. With the aid of the linear autocorre- rate to maintain a steady reactor level.
lation function and FNN method, the calculation parameters  and Compared with the transfer entropy (Shu and Zhao, 2013),
E can be easily determined and give accurate time delay results, RCCM can find more information hidden in the Tennessee East-
which are in agreement with the parameters given in the model. In man process, especially some potential loops in the system. The
the next section, to testify its applicability for chemical processes, final result shows that when operating at the normal steady state,
RCCM will be applied to a benchmark example in chemical engi- the disturbance of the whole plant is probably caused by some inlet
neering with a much more complex structure than the above cases: streams, such as the feed rates of A (stream 1 in Fig. 14) and A and
the Tennessee Eastman process. C (stream 4 in Fig. 14). This is because when these feed rates are
used to perform a RCCM calculation with other variables, the max-
imum value is always obtained at the negative time-delay interval,
3.4. Case study of the Tennessee Eastman process
which means that they tend to be the upstream variables of other
variables and there are always pathways from these two sources to
The Tennessee Eastman process is a model proposed by Downs
other variables. However, some downstream variables also affect
and Vogel (1993) based on an actual chemical process. It is a bench-
the upstream variables because of the feed-back control loop.
mark process for fault detection and diagnosis. Its flowchart is
It should be point out that some causal relations that should
shown in Fig. 14. There are five major unit operations in this pro-
exist according to the inference based on the flowchart are not
cess: a reactor, a product condenser, a vapor–liquid separator, a
captured by RCCM. For example, the stripper level, which should
recycle compressor, and a product stripper. First, reactants A, D,
have a significant effect on the product flow rate, actually has lit-
and E are mixed and fed into the reactor, generating liquid prod-
tle relation with stream 11 in the results of RCCM. The value of
ucts G and E. The products are then cooled through the condenser
the cross-mapping ability calculated from the stripper level to the
and flow into the vapor–liquid separator. Some of the vapor prod-
product stream (stream 11) is only about 0.4, which is below the
uct is compressed and recycled to the reactor and the rest is purged
threshold of 0.5 and is thus rejected by the program. The reason for
to avoid accumulation of inert product B and byproducts. The liq-
uid product of the separator is pumped into a striper to strip the
reactants and deliver them back to the reactor. The products of the
stripper (G and H) are then sent to downstream units. 1
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 13

Table 9
Comparison of the different methods (the x axis is the time delay and the y axis is the detected result).

Methods Variables

x : S1 , y : S2 x : S1 , y : S3 x : S1 , y : S4 x : S1 , y : S5



Transfer entropy

Fig. 14. Flowchart of the Tennessee Eastman process.

this detection failure is mainly the noise existing in the output of force, it can lead to the “generalized synchrony” phenomenon,
stream 11. which will make RCCM unable to distinguish between bidirectional
This benchmark example shows the effectiveness of RCCM for and unidirectional causalities. Furthermore, our calculations also
complex nonlinear chemical processes. However, there are still find that a large value of E will decrease the significance of the
some limitations for its application. As pointed out by Ye et al. results and cause redundant peaks during detection, which can
(2015), this method is more suitable for systems with weak to mod- increase the difficulty of causal-relationship extraction. We will pay
erate coupling strengths. For systems under strong unidirectional more attention to these problems in future work.
14 L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16

Table 10
Variables used in the Tennessee Eastman case study.

Variable name Variable number Variable name Variable number

A feed (stream 1) XMEAS(1) Product separator level XMEAS(12)

D feed (stream 2) XMEAS(2) Product separator pressure XMEAS(13)
E feed (stream 3) XMEAS(3) Product separator under flow (stream 10) XMEAS(14)
A and C feed (stream 4) XMEAS(4) Stripper level XMEAS(15)
Recycle flow (stream 8) XMEAS(5) Striper pressure XMEAS(16)
Reactor feed rate (steam 6) XMEAS(6) Stripper underflow (stream 11) XMEAS(17)
Reactor pressure XMEAS(7) Stripper temperature XMEAS(18)
Reactor level XMEAS(8) Stripper steam flow XMEAS(19)
Reactor temperature XMEAS(9) Compressor work XMEAS(20)
Purge rate (stream 9) XMEAS(10) Reactor cooling water outlet temperature XMEAS(21)
Product separator temperature XMEAS(11) Separator cooling water outlet temperature XMEAS(22)

Fig. 15. Outputs XMEAS (1)–(22) of the Tennessee Eastman process (the x-axis is the sample number).
L. Luo et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 106 (2017) 1–16 15

Fig. 16. Time delay results of the Tennessee Eastman process.

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