Autumn 2023 Stationery and Materials

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Stationery and Materials

The table on the next tab indicates the materials and equipment requirements of each examination paper. If you requ
please use our online ordering facility at:

Qualifications included in this document

UK tab
International GCSE

International tab
International A Level
International GCSE

Advice on use of equipment

Please refer to the current Instructions for Conducting Examinations on the JCQ website for further information.

Candidate equipment
• The use of pale-coloured gel pens, blotting paper, correcting pens, fluid or paper is forbidden in all examinations
• Candidates must write in black ink or ball-point pen, unless the instructions on the front of the question paper stat

English dictionaries may not be used in any externally assessed examination unless specific instructions to the contrar
question paper. Note that this does not apply to candidates for whom an Access Arrangement application for the use
made and granted.

Mathematical formulae books

Any book of three- or four-figure mathematical tables can be used provided that the books are clean and do not help
including any material other than the tables.

Tables are available for download from our website

Mathematical tables are not permitted in non-calculator papers or particular sections of papers.

The regulations around use of calculators can be found on the mathematics page of our website
Alternatively please refer to the ICE document on the JCQ website.
Date Qualification Code Subject

30/10/23 International GCSE 4AA1 01 Arabic

30/10/23 International GCSE 4BA0 01 Bangla
English as a Second
31/10/23 International GCSE 4ES1 01
Further Pure
31/10/23 International GCSE 4PM1 01
02/11/23 International GCSE 4AC1 01 Accounting
02/11/23 International GCSE 4HB1 01 Human Biology
03/11/23 International GCSE 4CM1 01 Commerce
03/11/23 International GCSE 4EC1 01 Economics
06/11/23 International GCSE 4BI1 1B Biology

06/11/23 International GCSE 4ET1 01 English Literature

Science (Double
06/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1B
07/11/23 GCSE 1EN0 01 English Language
07/11/23 GCSE 1EN2 01 English Language 2.0
07/11/23 International GCSE 4CM1 02 Commerce
07/11/23 International GCSE 4EA1 01 English Language A

07/11/23 International GCSE 4EB1 01 English Language B

08/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 1F Mathematics

08/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 1H Mathematics

08/11/23 International GCSE 4AA1 02 Arabic

08/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 1F Mathematics A

08/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 1H Mathematics A

09/11/23 GCSE 1EN0 02 English Language

09/11/23 GCSE 1EN2 02 English Language 2.0

09/11/23 International GCSE 4EA1 02 English Language A

Information And
09/11/23 International GCSE 4IT1 01 Communication
Technology (ICT)

10/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 2F Mathematics

10/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 2H Mathematics

10/11/23 International GCSE 4HB1 02 Human Biology

10/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 2F Mathematics A

10/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 2H Mathematics A

13/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 3F Mathematics

13/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 3H Mathematics

13/11/23 International GCSE 4BS1 01 Business

Information And
13-17/11/23 International GCSE 4IT1 02 Communication
Technology (ICT)

13/11/23 International GCSE 4MB1 01 Mathematics B

14/11/23 International GCSE 4CH1 1C Chemistry

14/11/23 International GCSE 4GE1 01 Geography

Science (Double
14/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1C

15/11/23 International GCSE 4CN1 01 Chinese

15/11/23 International GCSE 4CN1 02 Chinese

15/11/23 International GCSE 4EC1 02 Economics

16/11/23 International GCSE 4HI1 01 History

16/11/23 International GCSE 4PH1 1P Physics

Science (Double
16/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1P
17/11/23 International GCSE 4BI1 2B Biology
Further Pure
17/11/23 International GCSE 4PM1 02
20/11/23 International GCSE 4AC1 02 Accounting
20/11/23 International GCSE 4CH1 2C Chemistry
21/11/23 International GCSE 4BS1 02 Business
English as a Second
21/11/23 International GCSE 4ES1 02
22/11/23 International GCSE 4PH1 2P Physics

22/11/23 International GCSE 4FR1 01 French

22/11/23 International GCSE 4FR1 02 French

23/11/23 International GCSE 4HI1 02 History

23/11/23 International GCSE 4MB1 02 Mathematics B

24/11/23 International GCSE 4ET1 02 English Literature

24/11/23 International GCSE 4GE1 02 Geography

Stationery and materials required. (supplied by
Extract booklet included as insert within question
Paper 1: Reading, Summary and Grammar
Paper 1: Reading, Writing and Translation Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Insert is
Paper 1: Reading and Writing
included with the question paper.
Paper 1 Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 1: Introduction to Bookkeeping and
Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 01 Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 1: Commercial operations and associated
Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 1: Microeconomics and Business Economics Combined question and answer booklet
Paper: 1B Combined question and answer booklet
Question Booklet and Poetry Booklet inserts
Paper 1: Poetry and Modern Prose
enclosed in Answer Booklet

Paper: 1B Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Reading
Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing
text insert enclosed.
Paper 1: Non-Fiction Texts Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 2: Facilitating commerical operation Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Paper 1: Non-fiction Texts and Transactional Writing
Booklet enclosed.
Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Paper 1
Booklet enclosed.

Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Writing Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1F Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1H Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Reading

Paper 2: Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing
text insert enclosed.
Paper 2: Contemporary Texts Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 2: Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Writing Booklet enclosed.

Paper 1: Written Paper Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 (Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 (Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 02 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2F Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2H Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 3 (Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 3 (Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1: Investigating small businesses Combined question and answer booklet

Cover sheet and short treasury tag. Data files:

Paper 1 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 1C Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Resources
Paper 1: Physical geography
booklet enclosed.

Paper: 1C Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Listening

Paper 1: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Macroeconomics and the Global Economy Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Paper 1: Depth Studies
booklet enclosed.
Paper: 1P Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 1P Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 2B Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Financial Statements Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 2C Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 2: Investigating large businesses Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Listening
Paper 2: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.
Paper: 2P Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Listening
Paper 1: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Paper 2: Investigation and Breadth Studies
booklet enclosed.

Paper 2 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts Question Booklet insert enclosed in Answer Booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Resources

Paper 2: Human geography
booklet enclosed.
Notes and information

Candidates must have: Extract booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Insert Booklet for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 6
Calculators may be used.
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator
Candidates must have: Question Booklet (enclosed), Question Booklet and
Poetry Booklet from Part 3 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE
English Anthology (enclosed)
Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator

Candidates must have: Reading Text Insert (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,

protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, Formulae Sheet
(enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, Formulae Sheet
(enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.

Candidates must have: Reading Texts Insert (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,

protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Cover sheet and short treasury tag. Data files:
IMAGES folder
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,
protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Resource Booklet (enclosed), calculator

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Questions and Extracts Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator, Equation Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator, Equation Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler

Calculators may be used.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Calculator
Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator, Equation Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Questions, Sources and Extracts Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres,

protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing
paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Question Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates may take clean copies of set texts into the exam

Candidates must have: Resource Booklet (enclosed), calculator

Date Qualification Code Subject

09/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI11 01 Biology

09/10/23 International Advanced Level WMA11 01 Mathematics

10/10/23 International Advanced Level WBS11 01 Business

10/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH11 01 Chemistry

11/10/23 International Advanced Level WEC11 01 Economics

11/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH11 01 Physics

12/10/23 International Advanced Level WAC11 01 Accounting

12/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI12 01 Biology

12/10/23 International Advanced Level WST01 01 Mathematics

13/10/23 International Advanced Level WBS12 01 Business

13/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH12 01 Chemistry

13/10/23 International Advanced Level WMA12 01 Mathematics

16/10/23 iLowerSecondary LCP11 01 Computer Science

16/10/23 International Advanced Level WME01 01 Mathematics

16/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH12 01 Physics

16/10/23 iPrimary JCP11 01 Computer Science

17/10/23 iLowerSecondary LEH11 01 English

17/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI13 01 Biology

17/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH13 01 Chemistry

17/10/23 International Advanced Level WEC12 01 Economics

17/10/23 iPrimary JEH11 01 English

18/10/23 iLowerSecondary LMA11 01 Mathematics

18/10/23 International Advanced Level WBS13 01 Business

18/10/23 International Advanced Level WMA13 01 Mathematics

18/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH13 01 Physics

18/10/23 iPrimary JMA11 01 Mathematics

19/10/23 iLowerSecondary LSC11 01 Science

19/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI14 01 Biology

19/10/23 International Advanced Level WST02 01 Mathematics

19/10/23 iPrimary JSC11 01 Science

20/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH14 01 Chemistry

20/10/23 International Advanced Level WEC13 01 Economics

20/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH14 01 Physics

23/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI15 01 Biology

23/10/23 International Advanced Level WMA14 01 Mathematics

24/10/23 International Advanced Level WBS14 01 Business

24/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH15 01 Chemistry

24/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH15 01 Physics

25/10/23 International Advanced Level WBI16 01 Biology

25/10/23 International Advanced Level WEC14 01 Economics

26/10/23 International Advanced Level WCH16 01 Chemistry

26/10/23 International Advanced Level WME02 01 Mathematics

27/10/23 International Advanced Level WAC12 01 Accounting

27/10/23 International Advanced Level WPH16 01 Physics

30/10/23 International GCSE 4AA1 01 Arabic

30/10/23 International GCSE 4BA0 01 Bangla

English as a Second
31/10/23 International GCSE 4ES1 01

31/10/23 International GCSE 4PM1 01 Further Pure Mathematics

02/11/23 International GCSE 4AC1 01 Accounting

02/11/23 International GCSE 4HB1 01 Human Biology

03/11/23 International GCSE 4CM1 01 Commerce

03/11/23 International GCSE 4EC1 01 Economics

06/11/23 International GCSE 4BI1 1B Biology

06/11/23 International GCSE 4ET1 01 English Literature

06/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1B Science (Double Award)

07/11/23 GCSE 1EN0 01 English Language

07/11/23 GCSE 1EN2 01 English Language 2.0

07/11/23 International GCSE 4CM1 02 Commerce

07/11/23 International GCSE 4EA1 01 English Language A

07/11/23 International GCSE 4EB1 01 English Language B

08/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 1F Mathematics

08/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 1H Mathematics

08/11/23 International GCSE 4AA1 02 Arabic

08/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 1F Mathematics A

08/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 1H Mathematics A

09/11/23 GCSE 1EN0 02 English Language

09/11/23 GCSE 1EN2 02 English Language 2.0

09/11/23 International GCSE 4EA1 02 English Language A

Information And
09/11/23 International GCSE 4IT1 01 Communication
Technology (ICT)

10/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 2F Mathematics

10/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 2H Mathematics

10/11/23 International GCSE 4HB1 02 Human Biology

10/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 2F Mathematics A

10/11/23 International GCSE 4MA1 2H Mathematics A

13/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 3F Mathematics

13/11/23 GCSE 1MA1 3H Mathematics

13/11/23 International GCSE 4BS1 01 Business

Information And
13-17/11/23 International GCSE 4IT1 02 Communication
Technology (ICT)

13/11/23 International GCSE 4MB1 01 Mathematics B

14/11/23 International GCSE 4CH1 1C Chemistry

14/11/23 International GCSE 4GE1 01 Geography

14/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1C Science (Double Award)

15/11/23 International GCSE 4CN1 01 Chinese

15/11/23 International GCSE 4CN1 02 Chinese

15/11/23 International GCSE 4EC1 02 Economics

16/11/23 International GCSE 4HI1 01 History

16/11/23 International GCSE 4PH1 1P Physics

16/11/23 International GCSE 4SD0 1P Science (Double Award)

17/11/23 International GCSE 4BI1 2B Biology

17/11/23 International GCSE 4PM1 02 Further Pure Mathematics

20/11/23 International GCSE 4AC1 02 Accounting

20/11/23 International GCSE 4CH1 2C Chemistry
21/11/23 International GCSE 4BS1 02 Business
English as a Second
21/11/23 International GCSE 4ES1 02

22/11/23 International GCSE 4PH1 2P Physics

22/11/23 International GCSE 4FR1 01 French

22/11/23 International GCSE 4FR1 02 French

23/11/23 International GCSE 4HI1 02 History

23/11/23 International GCSE 4MB1 02 Mathematics B

24/11/23 International GCSE 4ET1 02 English Literature

24/11/23 International GCSE 4GE1 02 Geography

Stationery and materials required. (supplied by
Title Pearson)
Unit 1: Molecules, Diet, Transportation and
Combined question and answer booklet.

Pure Mathematics 1 Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 1: Marketing and People
booklet enclosed.
Unit 1: Structure, Bonding and Introduction to
Combined question and answer booklet
Organic Chemistry
Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Unit 1: Markets in Action
booklet enclosed.

Unit 1: Mechanics and Materials Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 1: The Accounting System and Costing
booklet enclosed.
Unit 2: Cells, Development, Biodiversity and
Combined question and answer booklet.

Statistics S1 Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 2: Managing Business Activities
booklet enclosed.
Unit 2: Energetics, Group Chemistry,
Combined question and answer booklet
Halogenoalkanes and Alcohol

Pure Mathematics 2 Combined question and answer booklet

iLowerSecondary: Computer Science

Combined question and answer booklet
Achievement Test

Mechanics M1 Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 2: Waves and Electricity Combined question and answer booklet

iPrimary: Computer Science Achievement Test Combined question and answer booklet

iLowerSecondary: English Achievement Test Source Booklet (enclosed)

Unit 3: Practical Skills in Biology I Combined question and answer booklet.

Unit 3: Practical Skills in Chemistry Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 2: Macroeconomic Performance and Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Policy booklet enclosed.

iPrimary: English Achievement Test Source Booklet (enclosed)

iLowerSecondary: Mathematics Achievement

Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 3: Business decisions and strategy
booklet enclosed.

Pure Mathematics P3 Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 3: Practical Skills in Physics I Combined question and answer booklet

iPrimary: Mathematics Achievement Test Combined question and answer booklet

iLowerSecondary: Science Achievement Test Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 4: Energy, Environment, Microbiology and
Combined question and answer booklet

Statistics S2 Combined question and answer booklet

iPrimary: Science Achievement Test Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria and Further Organic
Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Unit 3: Business behaviour
booklet enclosed.

Unit 4: Further Mechanics, Fields and Particles Combined question and answer booklet

Unit 5: Respiration, Internal Environment, Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Coordination and Gene Technology booklet enclosed.

Pure Mathematics P4 Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 4: Global business
booklet enclosed.
Unit 5: Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen
Combined question and answer booklet
Unit 5: Thermodynamics, Radiation,
Combined question and answer booklet
Oscillations and Cosmology

Unit 6: Practical Skills in Biology II Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 4: Developments in the global Economy
booklet enclosed.

Unit 6: Practical Skills in Chemistry II Combined question and answer booklet

Mechanics M2 Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Source

Unit 2: Corporate and Management Accounting
booklet enclosed.

Unit 6: Practical skills in Physics II Combined question and answer booklet

Extract booklet included as insert within question

Paper 1: Reading, Summary and Grammar
Paper 1: Reading, Writing and Translation Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Insert is
Paper 1: Reading and Writing
included with the question paper.

Paper 1 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1: Introduction to Bookkeeping and

Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 01 Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 1: Commercial operations and
Combined question and answer booklet
associated risks
Paper 1: Microeconomics and Business
Combined question and answer booklet
Paper: 1B Combined question and answer booklet
Question Booklet and Poetry Booklet inserts
Paper 1: Poetry and Modern Prose
enclosed in Answer Booklet

Paper: 1B Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Reading
Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing
text insert enclosed.

Paper 1: Non-Fiction Texts Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Facilitating commerical operation Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1: Non-fiction Texts and Transactional Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Writing Booklet enclosed.
Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Paper 1
Booklet enclosed.

Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Writing Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1F Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1H Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Reading

Paper 2: Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing
text insert enclosed.

Paper 2: Contemporary Texts Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Poetry and Prose Texts and Combined question and answer booklet. Extract
Imaginative Writing Booklet enclosed.

Paper 1: Written Paper Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 (Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 (Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 02 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2F Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2H Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 3 (Calculator) Foundation Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 3 (Calculator) Higher Tier Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 1: Investigating small businesses Combined question and answer booklet

Cover sheet and short treasury tag. Data files:


Paper 1 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 1C Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Resources
Paper 1: Physical geography
booklet enclosed.
Paper: 1C Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Listening
Paper 1: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 2: Macroeconomics and the Global
Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Paper 1: Depth Studies
booklet enclosed.

Paper: 1P Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 1P Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 2B Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Financial Statements Combined question and answer booklet

Paper: 2C Combined question and answer booklet
Paper 2: Investigating large businesses Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Listening
Paper 2: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.

Paper: 2P Combined question and answer booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Listening

Paper 1: Listening
CD or downloaded MP3 files.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing Combined question and answer booklet
Combined question and answer booklet. Source
Paper 2: Investigation and Breadth Studies
booklet enclosed.

Paper 2 Combined question and answer booklet

Paper 2: Modern Drama and Literary Heritage
Question Booklet insert enclosed in Answer Booklet

Combined question and answer booklet. Resources

Paper 2: Human geography
booklet enclosed.
Notes and information
Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,
HB pencil
Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae
and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,


Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, HB

pencil, ruler
Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae
and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, Data

Booklet, ruler
Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae
and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae

and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator
Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,

HB pencil

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in

centimetres and millimetres, protractor,
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae

and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, pen, HB pencil,
eraser, protractor, compasses. Tracing Paper
may be used.
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,
HB pencil
Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae
and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, Data
Booklet, ruler

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Scientific article

(enclosed), scientific calculator, ruler, HB pencil
Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae
and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, Data

Booklet, ruler

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler,

HB pencil

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Mathematical Formulae

and Statistical Tables (Yellow), calculator

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Scientific calculator, ruler

Candidates must have: Extract booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Insert Booklet for Part 1,
Part 2, Part 3 and Part 6 (enclosed)

Calculators may be used.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator

Candidates must have: Question Booklet
(enclosed), Question Booklet and Poetry Booklet
from Part 3 of the Pearson Edexcel International
GCSE English Anthology (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator

Candidates must have: Reading Text Insert

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in

centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, Formulae
Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Reading Texts Insert

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates must have: Source Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in

centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator,
Formulae Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator,
Formulae Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator,
Formulae Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator,
Formulae Sheet (enclosed). Tracing paper may be
Candidates do not need any other materials.
Candidates must have: Cover sheet and short
treasury tag. Data files: EVIDENCE, FITNESS, WEB
IMAGES folder
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler
Candidates must have: Resource Booklet
(enclosed), calculator
Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Questions and Extracts

Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator,
Equation Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator,
Equation Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates must have: Calculator, ruler

Calculators may be used.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Calculator
Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Ruler, calculator,

Equation Booklet (enclosed)

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates do not need any other materials.

Candidates must have: Questions, Sources and
Extracts Booklet (enclosed)
Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in
centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of
compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator.
Tracing paper may be used.
Candidates must have: Question Booklet
Candidates may take clean copies of set texts
into the exam
Candidates must have: Resource Booklet
(enclosed), calculator

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