Preload Installer

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02-24 02:51:37.

626 :
02-24 02:51:37.626 : mProgressTimeoutRunnable started
02-24 02:51:44.418 : onReceive [Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
flg=0x50000010 (has extras) }]
02-24 02:51:44.420 : User unlocked and real home found; let's do preloadInstaller!
02-24 02:51:44.517 : setPrefCurrentContext to :
02-24 02:51:44.518 : disableNotifications
02-24 02:51:44.531 : persist.sys.storage_preload :
02-24 02:51:44.531 : getFotaFlag from SharedPreference : false
02-24 02:51:44.531 : previously, Something's wrong.. mounting hidden as first
02-24 02:51:45.563 : setPrefFotaUpgrade to : false
02-24 02:51:45.585 : PreloadInstaller Start : Fota=false
02-24 02:51:45.585 : omcEtcPath : /product/omc/AFR/etc/uninstall_preloadpkg.lst
02-24 02:51:45.588 : ActivityManager.getCurrentUser() = 0
02-24 02:51:45.588 : cscCode : AFR
02-24 02:51:45.590 : apk count is 0. call setDisabled();
02-24 02:51:45.601 : write-Set package state to disabled
02-24 02:51:45.617 : grantPermission file path :
02-24 02:51:45.618 : call setGrantPermissions
02-24 02:51:45.707 : write-Intent.CATEGORY_HOME is called.
02-24 02:51:45.708 : enableNotifications
02-24 02:51:45.728 : write-finish() is called.
07-22 08:36:54.861 :
07-22 08:36:54.862 : onReceive [Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
flg=0x50000010 (has extras) }]
07-22 08:36:54.865 : User unlocked and real home found; let's do preloadInstaller!
07-22 08:36:54.920 : setPrefCurrentContext to :
07-22 08:36:54.922 : disableNotifications
07-22 08:36:54.964 : persist.sys.storage_preload : 2
07-22 08:36:54.965 : getFotaFlag from SharedPreference : false
07-22 08:36:54.966 : setPrefFotaUpgrade to : true
07-22 08:36:54.981 : fota - mount hidden area using persist values.
07-22 08:36:55.995 : PreloadInstaller Start : Fota=true
07-22 08:36:55.996 : omcEtcPath : /product/omc/AFR/etc/uninstall_preloadpkg.lst
07-22 08:36:55.998 : ActivityManager.getCurrentUser() = 0
07-22 08:36:55.999 : cscCode : AFR
07-22 08:36:56.008 : apk count is 0. call setDisabled();
07-22 08:36:56.025 : write-Set package state to disabled
07-22 08:36:56.163 : write-Intent.CATEGORY_HOME is called.
07-22 08:36:56.164 : enableNotifications
07-22 08:36:56.175 : write-finish() is called.

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