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Name: _________________________________________________

Blackout Poem Self-Assessment

Highlight/circle each section of the rubric of based on your blackout poem.

Criteria Emerging Developing Proficient Extending

Most of the poem is
Some of the poem is
The poem does not related to a topic.
related to the topic. The entire poem is
relate to a topic. The The poem may
The poem may related to a topic.
poem may be wander off topic or is
wander off topic The topic is clearly
scattered and too general. The
Focus often and/or the recognized and
contain several topic is not always
topic is not clear to engaging. The
topics throughout. clear to the reader.
the reader. Some of illustrations or
There are no Most of the
the illustrations or patterns add
illustrations or illustrations or
patterns add meaning to the
patterns present on patterns add some
meaning to the poem.
the poem. meaning to the
The poem uses
The poem uses
effective details from
The poem does not obvious or The poem uses
Detail the original passage
use details from the predictable details effective details from
that go beyond the
original passage. from the original the original passage.
obvious or
The poem is not
relevant or Some of the poem is
Organization Most of the poem is The poem is
presented logically. presented in a logical
presented in a logical presented in logical
There are missing order, but some
order. order.
details that distract details are missing.
the reader.
The page is used in
an artistic manner
The page is not used Some of the page is Most of the page is
that allows the poem
in an artistic manner used in an artistic used in an artistic
Publishing to stand out on the
and the poem is not manner that visually manner that visually
page and visually
visually reinforced. reinforces the poem. reinforces the poem.
reinforces the poem.
Neatness and effort Some neatness and Neatness and best
Neatness and the
are not evident. effort are evident. effort are evident.
best effort are
Reflect on the process of creating your blackout poem.

1. What was your final poetry statement that you chose?


2. What visual imagery did you create to accompany your poem?


3. What problems arose throughout the creative process? How did you resolve these


4. What aspects of creating your blackout poem did you enjoy? Which aspects would you
do differently?


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