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Jueves 9 de noviembre 2023

Name: Gael Emiliano Enríquez Castillo

My partner: Rene

CONVO TOPIC: I have a problem with my parachute

Video link:

Convo strategies you studied for this conversation:

1) In this video I practice my pronuciaction because in other videos I had mistakes in this.

2) In this video I need to practice new vocabular because in my case I never use word like
Parachute, fly and other new words.

Here are three things I said/did during the conversation that I’m happy about/proud of:

I am going to demand to the company because this situation was really bad experience for me

I never use a parachute because I don´t want to live this experience.

I get on the floor I was really happy.

“Mistakes are OK. Mistakes help me to learn. I’m not afraid of Mistakes!”
Here are some things I said that I want to correct:

EXAMPLE: I went to shopping in Sakae → I went shopping in Sakae

I don´t have --------------- > I didn´t have

I am really bad ----------- > I would be really bad

I could be a accident ------------ > I could be an accident
I used my new conversation strategy times.

Here are some old conversation strategies that I used too:

1. I used to practice the new vocabulary to learnt this.

2. I used to speak in front of the mirror my conversation.
3. I used to watch many movies in English.


Useful things your partner said:

He told an imaginary situation that made me laugh too hard, what he meant seemed too

funny to me.

A comment for your partner

You are so fluid in English for me you are so good in English.

Goals for this convo were: GOALS FOR MY NEXT CONVO:

For this Convo I wanted to learn new

vocabulary and speak better I can do it but I
can improve it.
For my next Convo I want to have a
perfect video without mistakes.

On a scale of A+, A, B, C, D, F, I would give myself an for may part in this conversation. On the
back of this paper, write a note to your teacher. Explain your opinions about this conversation or
this class.

I put “A” because my video was so good but I can improve it.

Erick and Gael conversation

Erick - So Gael, lets imagine the next situation,

Gael- Imaginary situation

Erick - of course imaginary situacion not real. Lets imagine its your birthday, as an auto gift of
birthday you decide to contract a skydive company to do skydive so, you enter to the plane, you
fly, and when you are in the sky they told you the instructions to open the parachute, you
understood everything, that’s ok, so you jump but when you are falling in the sky

Gael - Okay

Erick -When you are falling you are remember(remembering) the instructions so you do it but
what happen? it happens nothing the parachute is not work (working)

Gael - I don´t have a parachute

Erick -You are trying to open it but doesn’t pulls up, so you remember that you have an extra
parachute of emergency so you pull it and it works, so you get to the floor safe and sound, but
you are super angry because you were about to die, what do you (you do) next ?

Gael - When I get on the Floor, I am going to call to emergency, I am really really bad and
obviously later I am going to demand to the company. The bad situations was so difficult. I can
ask you I signed a contract.

Erick - Let’s suppose you signed that contract

Gael - Because I signed a contract, I can not demanded it when you signed a contract you need
to read the document and obviously in the document, in one part of the company said you can
not demand to the company for theses situations and obviously you have a list where you can
read what things you can not do.

Erick - Survive

Gael - I signed a contract but in this case I can´t demand because I signed the contract. in my
opinion I never do this. It´s a bad situations where you find out an accident.
Erick - I think that in my case in the supposition that we signed a contract in which it said that
we can´t demand the company at least we have to inform that (to) the skydiving company that
the other parachutes are not working well so maybe another person did (could do) the same
thing that jumps and the principal parachute didn’t (doesn’t) work well but also the emergency
doesn't worked so I have to inform that because I don't want someone's death in my conscience.
So I think that more than demand the skydive company I inform of the error of the parachutes

Gael - Yes, because the company has a problem with the services I could be a accident or I could
other things.

Erick - Yeah very hard situation

Gael - Thank you so much for your information situation.

Erick - thank you

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