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Appendix D


Dear respondents:
We kindly request your participation in the survey. To complete the form,

please provide the necessary information from Parts 1 and 2 of the

questionnaire. We appreciate your contribution to this empirical study and want

to assure you that any information you share will be treated with the utmost

sensitivity and respect by the researcher(s).

Your valuable involvement would surely influence the success of this

empirical undertaking.

Thank you,

The Researcher(s)

Profile of the Respondents

Age: ________ Gender: _________ No. of study hours ________

Frequency of exposures to digital media or games
( ) Everyday ( ) 5-7 days per week
( ) 1-2 days per week ( ) Others, ____________________
( ) 3-4 days per week
Note: Digital media may refer to websites, social media, online games,

digital images or music, videos, mobile apps, e-books, and the like
Level of Barriers Encountered by the Respondents
in Learning Mathematics
4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree
No. Abstract Concepts 4 3 2 1
1 I struggle to visualize and grasp mathematical concepts that
involve abstract notions such as functions, matrices, or
complex numbers.
2 I find it challenging to connect abstract mathematical ideas
to real-world applications or scenarios.
3 I often encounter difficulty in understanding the underlying
principles of abstract mathematical theories, like calculus or
algebraic proofs.
4 I feel overwhelmed when working with abstract symbols
and notations in mathematical equations, making it harder
to solve problems.
5 I lack confidence in my ability to explain abstract
mathematical concepts to other, suggesting a potential gap
in my comprehension.
No. Problem Solving 4 3 2 1
6 I often struggle to break down complex math problems into
smaller, manageable steps when attempting to solve them.
7 I find it challenging to apply the appropriate problem-solving
strategies or formulas to different types of mathematical
8 I feel uncertain about how to approach novel or unfamiliar
math problems that require creative thinking and
9 I experience difficulty in identifying the relevant information
and variables within word problems, making it harder to
devise effective solutions.
10 I lack confidence in my ability to systematically organize my
thoughts and reasoning while solving math problems,
leading to errors or confusions.
No. Inadequate Foundation 4 3 2 1
11 I struggle with current math concepts because I have gaps
in understanding basic mathematical principles from earlier
grade levels.
12 I find it challenging to comprehend advanced math topics
because I lack a strong foundation in fundamental
arithmetic and algebraic concepts.
13 I often encounter difficulty in applying fundamental
mathematical rules and operations which affects my ability
to solve more complex problems.
14 I feel unprepared to tackle higher-level math concepts
because I have not fully grasped key foundational concepts
introduced in earlier years.
15 I lack confidence in my mathematical abilities due to gaps in
my understanding of basic mathematical concepts,
hindering my overall progress.
No. Perception of Relevance 4 3 2 1
16 I struggle to see how the mathematical concepts taught in
class connect to real-life situations or practical applications.
17 I find it challenging to understand why certain mathematical
topics are important for my future studies or career
18 I often question the relevance of learning specific math
concepts as they appear disconnected from my personal
interests or daily life.
19 I feel unmotivated to engage with math lessons when I don't
perceive a clear connection between the subject matter and
my future goals.
20 I lack a sense of purpose or understanding when learning
certain math topics, making it harder to stay engaged and
perform well in class.
No. Lacks of Resources 4 3 2 1
21 I struggle to understand complex math concepts because
there are limited supplementary materials, such as practice
problems or explanatory videos.
22 I find it challenging to master certain math topics due to a
lack of easily accessible reference materials or textbooks.
23 I often encounter difficulty in preparing for exams or
assignments because there are insufficient resources to
help me practice and review.
24 I feel disadvantaged in my math studies as I don't have
access to online tutorials, interactive simulations, or other
digital tools that could aid my understanding.
25 I lack the necessary learning materials, like relevant
textbooks or workbooks, which impacts my ability to
reinforce and apply mathematical concepts effectively.
No. Language Barriers 4 3 2 1
26 I struggle to understand and interpret word problems in
mathematics due to unfamiliar or complex language usage.
27 I find it challenging to fully comprehend math concepts
when they are explained using technical language or
28 I often encounter difficulty in expressing my mathematical
ideas or reasoning clearly because of language barriers.
29 I feel hindered in my math studies when textbooks or
instructional materials are written in a language that is not
my first language."
30 I lack confidence in my ability to engage in classroom
discussions or ask questions about math concepts because
of language-related concerns.
No Peer Pressure and Stereotypes 4 3 2 1
31 I feel discouraged from openly expressing my interest in
mathematics due to social pressures or negative
stereotypes associated with being 'good at math'.
32 I find it challenging to focus on my math studies because
I'm concerned about how my peers might perceive me if I
excel in the subject.
33 I often experience anxiety or self-doubt when participating
in math-related activities because of the fear of not fitting in
with my peers.
34 I feel influenced by stereotypes that suggest certain
genders or groups are naturally better or worse at math,
affecting my self-confidence and motivation.
35 I lack the motivation to pursue advanced math courses or
seek extra help due to the belief that it might negatively
impact my social image.
No. Time Management 4 3 2 1
36 I often struggle to allocate sufficient time for math
assignments and study sessions, resulting in rushed or
incomplete work.
37 I find it challenging to balance my math studies with other
academic and extracurricular commitments, leading to time
constraints and stress.
38 I frequently encounter difficulty in estimating the amount of
time needed to complete math assignments accurately,
causing me to underestimate or overcommit.
39 I feel overwhelmed by the workload of math assignments
and study tasks, which affects my ability to effectively
manage my time and prioritize tasks.
40 I lack a structured approach to managing my time while
studying math, resulting in inefficient use of study sessions
and reduced comprehension of concepts.
No. Methods/Strategies employed by the Teachers 4 3 2 1
41 I struggle to grasp complex math concepts because the
teaching methods used by my teachers do not effectively
break down the material into understandable steps.
42 I find it challenging to engage with math lessons because
the teaching strategies do not incorporate real-life examples
or practical applications of the concepts.
43 I often encounter difficulty in understanding mathematical
theories and principles as the teaching methods do not
encourage active participation or interactive learning.
44 I feel disconnected from the subject matter because the
teaching approaches do not cater to different learning
styles, making it harder for me to absorb the information.
45 I lack motivation to excel in math due to teaching methods
that focus solely on rote memorization rather than fostering
a deeper understanding and critical thinking.

Thank you very much for the support that you have accorded on this empirical
study by participating in the survey. Rest assured that your personal responses
shall be treated with certain level of confidentially during the treatment of data.

-Maria Lourdes S.

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