Antenna Lec

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Antenna and Wave propagation

EEC 241 &EET 237

Chapter (4)


Prepared by :
Dr. Amaal Ashraf

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 2

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 3
Input resistance R in of linear wire antenna

 For lossless antenna (RL = 0).

 Then the power at the input terminals is equated to the power at the current maximum.

 Rin = radiation resistance at input (feed) terminals
 Rr = radiation resistance at current maximum
 I0 = current maximum
 Iin = current at input terminals
Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 4
• For a dipole of length l, the current at the input terminals (Iin)

• Thus the input radiation resistance can be written as

• The loss resistance can be written as

1 𝑙
Where 𝑅𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 =
2 𝜎𝐴
 Conductivity for copper 𝝈
 Area A is equal 𝐴 = 2𝜋𝑎 ∗ 𝛿
 Skin depth 𝜹

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 5

• The electric and magnetic field components of a half-wavelength dipole can
be obtained from by letting l = λ∕2.

• The time-average power density can be written as

• The radiation intensity can be written as

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 6

 Directivity
D = 2.1 dB

 The maximum effective area

 The radiation resistance

 The total input impedance for l = λ∕2 is equal to

 To reduce the imaginary part of the input impedance to zero, the antenna is matched
or reduced in length until the reactance vanishes.
 Depending on the radius of the wire, the length of the dipole for first resonance is
about l = 0.47λ to 0.48λ;
Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 7
Input Impedance of Transmission Line

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 8

Current Distribution of Dipole Antenna with Different Length

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 9

Elevation plane amplitude patterns for a thin dipole with sinusoidal current
distribution (l= λ/50, λ/4, λ/2, 3λ/4, λ).

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 10

Three-and two-dimensional amplitude patterns for a thin dipole of l = 1.25λ and
sinusoidal current distribution

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 11


For half wave length dipole l = λ∕2 find:

• The current distribution.
• The Electric field intensity.
• The Magnetic field intensity.
• The power density.
• The power intensity.
• The power radiated.
• The radiated resistance.
• The loss resistance if σ copper =108 s/m , the wire radius =5*10-4m,
frequency f=1GHZ
• Directivity.
• Efficiency and Gain.
• Draw the power radiated pattern for X-Y plane, and X-Z plane.

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Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 14

4.6 Quarter Wavelength Dipole

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 15

Fig. Quarter-wavelength monopole on an infinite perfect electric conductor.

Antenna EEC 241 & EET 237 16

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