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In our lives, we sometimes make decisions about different things. As an aspiring

professional accountant, I decided to do my best to absorb the concepts well to help me pass my
pre-retirement exam. So far I may have made a mistake. Still, I try to live my life according to
the virtues that lie within me and the lessons I learn from all my experiences. I hope that in time
we will become virtuous people who know and do what is right and avoid and do not commit
wrong. A decision can save a lot of people, it can cost a lot of people, and the results of a
decision can surprise you. A passage in Nicomachus' Ethics states: Life brings us one bad time
after another, each time piercing our hearts with more pressure. As a result, we can be timid in
the face of life. Prevent others from trampling on the rights of the unfortunate people, animals,
environment, etc. they see beneath them, even in the presence of powerful people and those
whom we thought were allies in life. I hoped I could find the courage.When I recall my traumatic
memories,I hope I have the courage to face them and show that the bad guys are never ours.On
the one hand , life also gives us fleeting moments that prompt us to recklessly do what we want. I
hope you will try to.

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