Knowledge Management and Process Innovation

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Knowledge management and process innovation: The knowledge

transformation path in Samsung SDI

Article in Journal of Knowledge Management · December 2002

DOI: 10.1108/13673270210450582


79 7,488

4 authors, including:

Seungkwon Jang Gee-Woo Bock

Sungkonghoe University Sungkyunkwan University


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Knowledge It is argued that the aims of knowledge
management and management (KM) are not to build
process innovation: knowledge management system (KMS) but
to enhance organizational competitiveness
the knowledge through capitalizing the potential value of
transformation path in knowledge (Kim, 1999; Wiig, 1997). But
many studies in this field are simply
Samsung SDI concerned with building KMS rather than
enhancing competitiveness itself. Thus, we
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, explore KM strategy ways in which we can
Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim review the literatures on KM research
critically. And we have also undertaken our
own case study.
The authors
For this purpose, we need to search for KM
Seungkwon Jang is an Assitant Professor, Department strategy with regard to gaining sustained
of Logistics and Information System, Sungkonghoe
competitive advantage for companies.
University, Seoul, Korea.
According to the resource-based view of the
Kilpyo Hong is an Assistant Professor, Department of
firm, the sustained competitive advantage is
Management, Cheonan University, Cheonan, Korea.
Gee Woo Bock is an Assistant Professor, School of inimitable and historical so that the nature of
Computing, The National University of Singapore, KM should fit to these constraints (Mata et
Republic of Singapore. al., 1995). In this study, we contend that the
Ilhwan Kim is General Manager in Samsung SDI, process innovation-based (PI-based) KM
Seoul, Korea. strategy provides the sustained competitive
advantage. We can highlight knowledge
Keywords transformation path (KT-Path) leading the
Knowledge management, Innovation chain reactions of innovation. This study is
based on our own case study of Samsung SDI
and other case studies.
Explores the connection between knowledge management
(KM) and process innovation (PI). Although these are
popular themes in the literature on management innovation,
there is not much discussions of these issues. On the one
PI-based knowledge management
hand, KM has been treated as a managerial fad that is strategy
mainly focused on knowledge generation, dissemination,
and utilization. Moreover , the advocates of KM seem to be
Since the 1990s, many Korean companies
concerned with building knowledge management systems have tried various types of management
(KMS). On the other hand, PI is regarded as an efficiency- innovation practices, notably PI.
oriented process redesign and re-engineerin g (or BPR), Nevertheless, these endeavors are more or
which seems to be nothing to do with KM. However, the less fruitless in the end. The reason why this
case study of Samsung SDI shows that in the real world KM has failed is that these innovative efforts are
is deeply linked with PI. For illustrating the KM strategy of not properly and carefully practiced, but are
Samsung SDI, uses the term ``PI-based KM’’. Sheds light on hastily implemented as a managerial fad.
two points: the features of process knowledge can be Thus, it is necessary to search for
studied in the sense that knowledge associated with process
connection and relationship between KM and
is dubbed ``process knowledge’’; and socio-cultural features
management innovation practices. In this
of KM should be illustrated in terms of knowledge
transformation path in the information space.
sense, we try to make connection and to find
out solutions of implementation of KM,
Electronic access simultaneously. We call this strategy the PI-
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is based KM in the sense that this connects PI
available at and KM. So far, there are not many studies relating
these two together. For instance, recently one
Journal of Knowledge Management
study criticized the current trend on KM
Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . pp. 479±485
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 1367-3270 researches in the sense that the themes of KM
DOI 10.1108/13673270210454582 and PI could not be linked properly (Choi
Knowledge management and process innovation Journal of Knowledge Management
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . 479±485

and Lee, 1999). But, they also cannot give us realized their needs of introducing KM and
the connection of these two in a concrete and implementing PI-based KMS. The whole
explicit manner. On the other hand, other picture of Samsung SDI’ s KM process is
researchers suggest that business process presented in Figure 1.
reengineering (BPR) can provide us with As shown in Figure 1, the huge amount of
good resources for KM (Hwang et al., 1998). information and knowledge has been
Probably BPR can be a methodology for generated as the outcome of PI
enhancing the process efficiency. But our implementation. The output of PI includes
study is rather different in that both PI and various kinds of knowledge, namely,
KM should be linked and we are stressing the knowledge on process itself, knowledge on
significance of the complementary nature of business contents and methods, relationship
the two. of business and people concerning process,
This study highlights the value of PI know-where, know-what, know-how, and so
concerning the viewpoint of KM. Unlike on. These types of knowledge are
other researches, we try to connect PI to KM automatically updated.
in which the two should be implemented in In Samsung SDI, knowledge is not stored in
parallel. The main theme of this paper is that the paper-forms, but is automatically stored in
KMS should be implemented with the electronic knowledge store system. But the
connection to PI in parallel, in order to knowledge that cannot be stored in the system
realize the real value of knowledge in such as PI-related know-how is registered
companies. We want to make the two points selectively by means of the knowledge
as follows: first, KM strategy should be monitoring system. The knowledge registered
considered with connection to the in the knowledge store is available for those
characteristics of process knowledge, which who want to use it at anytime and anywhere
are produced through PI and process through the Internet as well as the intranet.
implementation; and, second, KM strategy The company also organizes many forums such
should be considered socio-cultural features as the forum of knowledge sharing and the
of process knowledge. forum of the ’’best practices’’ by which
knowledge has been disseminated and
illustrated as the cases of management
Knowledge management innovation.
implementation strategy based on the Meanwhile, management innovation
characteristics of process knowledge related knowledge is shared with other
members of the company who are working in
Process knowledge is the knowledge and the dispersed places across the country and
information that are produced as the across the world. They are working in the
outcome of process innovation process same functional areas and the similar tasks
and innovative process practiced. These in the company. Moreover, they are
values of process knowledge are represented improving actively their productivity by
to be the reduction of lead-time, means of these interactive practices. And
enhancement of management efficiency, they are continuously looking for a new
reduction of information search cost so as to innovative management practice. Likewise,
enhance the competitiveness of the Samsung SDI has employed KMS for
company. knowledge as a valuable asset based on the
As a global company Samsung SDI characteristics of knowledge as argued in
(formerly Samsung Display Device) has this paper.
practiced PI for building core competency
and competitiveness. From the initial stage, Methodological knowledge of PI
the company has kept introducing and We coin the term the ’’methodological
adopting advanced processes using SAP R3 knowledge of PI’’ for representing the
(ERP package) rather than innovating their knowledge that is produced through PI.
own established systems and processes. Specifically, this type of knowledge derives
There are so many documents and manuals from analytical knowledge about process and
of PI practices so they need to have effective improved process based on internal
ways of handling these kinds of knowledge consensus. This process knowledge includes
and information. Afterward, they have the contents of specific tasks and their
Knowledge management and process innovation Journal of Knowledge Management
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . 479±485

Figure 1 Process innovation-based knowledge management in Samsung SDI

relationship, departments concerning task, of company names participating in bidding,

process-related information system, and the documents submitted for bidding,
output knowledge in this stage. evaluation papers for the bidding process,
We may also point out the three main the final evaluation paper, the information
characteristics of this knowledge. First, this about the personnel in charge of bidding,
type of knowledge is produced through and so on. In Samsung SDI, this knowledge
externalization that is transformed from tacit is called ’’ utilized knowledge’’ . It is reused
knowledge to explicit knowledge (Nonaka by other members of the company and by
and Takeuchi, 1995). Second, the value of someone who is in charge of these tasks
this knowledge is capitalized when the outside the company in order to facilitate
knowledge is distributed, shared and more effective and efficient task
internalized by the members who are in performance.
charge of the task. Third, this type of The characteristics of this sort of
knowledge is bound to the given context due knowledge can be summarized in two points.
to the characteristics of knowledge. When the First, this is not the process itself, but the
context has been changed instantly, the tasks related to performance. Second, unlike
process knowledge has been restructured and the capitalizing of the values of the explicit
adjusted to the changed context. Therefore, and tacit knowledge, this type of knowledge
the KMS should be implemented and should be combined with tacit knowledge
infrastructure is constructed toward the that is embodied in someone working for the
direction of capitalizing the value of the task, and explicit knowledge that is collected
process knowledge. Moreover, it is essential in the knowledge store. Therefore, the
for the KM implementation to distribute implementation of KMS should be
process knowledge and to secure the places constructed considering the features of
for sharing. process knowledge.
Nevertheless, what we have argued is not
Accumulative knowledge of PI only the significance of the features of
As a coined term, the ’’ accumulative process knowledge, but also the interactions
knowledge of PI’’ refers to the knowledge of individuals and groups. As shown in
that is an outcome of innovation process. It Figure 1, the significance of process
is automatically registered in the knowledge knowledge is tightly related to the human
store. For instance, after practicing the and organizational interactions. Otherwise,
improved bidding process we can get the list we may not get to the point of the lesson
Knowledge management and process innovation Journal of Knowledge Management
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . 479±485

from the case of Samsung SDI. This is why more, we can get fewer exceptions. In
we want to move on to the next theme of contrast, the more exceptions, the less
socio-cultural factors concerning the KM codification. Therefore the dimension is
strategy. The human aspects of KM are paralleled with the dimension of tacit and
nothing but the socio-cultural factors of explicit knowledge (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
KM. 1995).
Second, the dimension of abstraction
(concrete-abstract) is related to someone who
Knowledge management is dealing with understanding the phenomena
implementation strategy based on requiring cognitive and conceptual
socio-cultural factors categorization. What we categorize as some
phenomena can make it a higher level of
When implementing the KMS, we should abstraction. And the abstraction is related to
consider the socio-cultural factors of process understanding the basic structure of
knowledge in the cognitive and utilization phenomena, whereas the concrete leads us to
process. Boisot (1995, 1998) has long been understand more or less practical and
working for the theme about socio-cultural individual things.
factors of knowledge and the KMS Third, there is the dimension of diffusion
implementation method. He mints his own (diffused-undiffused). This is often called the
theoretical framework as the I-Space, which dimension of information sharing. If we share
is using three dimensions, i.e. concrete- more knowledge, the knowledge is more
abstract, diffused-undiffused, and codified- diffused. And it can be applied to differences
uncodified. Based on the framework, he among the national cultures, such as Korean
suggests the I-Space can extend to various and Japanese culture.
themes. In this paper, when we explain the Let us move on to the issues of institutions
features of process knowledge, we use the and knowledge in the I-Space (Boisot,
notion of the I-Space as shown in Figure 2. 1995). We refer to the diagram of Boisot’ s
The I-Space is a theoretical framework for framework as shown in Figure 3. The
explaining and analyzing the dynamic bureaucracy is in the realm of abstract-
knowledge flow. The I-Space is basically a codified-undiffused, in which diffusion
three dimensional cube with regard to culture process can be performed by the central
and organization. control mechanism, notably, monthly
First, the dimension of codification deals financial report. The market is in the realm
with the subject of categorization. It sheds of abstract-codified-diffused. The typical
light on the theme of whether it can example of diffusion mechanism is based on
categorize the subject of phenomena and the price. The fief is in the realm of
experiences. And the categorization means concrete-uncodified-undiffused. The
’’ coding’’ . Through this, it is codified and example is personal memory and experience.
formalized. Therefore, when we can codify The clan is in the realm of concrete-
uncodified-(partially)-diffused. That is,

Figure 2 Knowledge types and process knowledge in the I-Space

Figure 3 Cultural patterns and the KT-Path in the I-Space

Knowledge management and process innovation Journal of Knowledge Management
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . 479±485

diffusion is not in the whole but in a manage organizations, they use the network-
partial subset. The example is myth and based strategy, especially the traditional
tradition. extended family system in order to absorb
Based on the I-Space framework, the the complexity. In Chinese organizations,
process knowledge can be located in the the cognitive complexity is high, while the
codified and undiffused area which is relational complexity like feudal and clan
rather similar to the proprietary knowledge style complexity is moderate. Thus,
as shown in Figures 2 and 3. This knowledge they use the relational strategy to deal with
is the codified knowledge and the firm- cognitive complexity. In other words,
specific knowledge as well. Thus, it is closely relationship like the extended family system
related to the societal and organizational can be used for absorbing the cognitive
context. complexity.
In this way, we can notice the differences
between the Western and Chinese
Knowledge transformation path organizations when they deal with
(KT-Path) in the I-Space organizational complexity. While the
Western companies prefer the strategy of
The KT-Path means the transformation path reducing the complexity, Chinese
of different types of knowledge in the I-Space. organizations prefer the strategy of
Especially, the significance of the KT-Path is absorbing the complexity.
the knowledge transformation between tacit It can be argued that the differences
and explicit knowledge, which is necessary for among the national cultures are connected
knowledge creation in the organizational to the differences of the KT-Path.
level. For Korean companies, there are some One of the main arguments by Boisot
possible ways of the KT-Path such as A, B, C (1998) is to point out the differences
as shown in Figure 3. It is necessary to between the Western culture like
consider the characteristics of knowledge and English-speaking and French-speaking
cultural dimension in the I-Space in order to cultures and the East Asian cultures like
identify the most effective and efficient ways Chinese and Japanese cultures. That is to
for Korean companies. We may identify say, Anglo-American culture can be
cultural differences between the European located in the diffused-codified-abstract
countries and the East Asian countries, dimension, which is market-centered
furthermore the differences among Korea, knowledge; while the East Asian culture
Japan and China. may place in the diffused-uncodified-
For instance, Boisot and Child (1999) concrete realm of the I-Space, which is
compare the differences between the Western called clans-centered and fiefs-centered
organizations and Chinese organizations in knowledge.
terms of the KT-Path. According to them, the Applying this argument to KM, KMS in
Western organizations deploy the strategy of Anglo-American culture is constructed by
complexity reduction based on cognitive market-oriented, numerical and analytical
aspects. In the Western organizations, while approaches based on competition so as to fit
the cognitive complexity is lower than others, socio-culturally. In other words, complexity
the market-centered relational complexity is of knowledge is decreased by means of
higher. Because of this feature, the market codification and abstraction, this is called
order is deployed for reducing the relational cognitive strategy.
complexity based on codification and On the other hand, KMS in the East Asian
abstraction, which can be called ’’cognitive culture is constructed by relational,
strategy’’ . As an example, the transaction qualitative and wholistic strategy, which is
information in markets has been changed into based on relationship-centered and clan-
number and price specifically. Through this centered approach. And this system is
transformation, relational complexity can be adopted socially, because complexity of
reduced, that is the Western organizations’ knowledge is absorbed by the relationship-
strategy. centered strategy. Therefore the East Asian
On the other hand, Chinese organizations people prefer using well-documented papers
deploy so-called ’’ relational strategy’’ for and absorbing complexity of knowledge
absorbing complexity. When Chinese people based on relationship of extended family
Knowledge management and process innovation Journal of Knowledge Management
Seungkwon Jang, Kilpyo Hong, Gee Woo Bock and Ilhwan Kim Volume 6 . Number 5 . 2002 . 479±485

system to processing and elaborating Conclusion

information in terms of analytical
perspective that is mainly practiced in the We conclude that the PI-based KM can
Western countries. provide Samsung SDI with sustained
However, we can also illustrate cultural competitive advantages, which are inimitable
differences among three countries, namely competencies from other companies. The
Korea, Japan and China. For instance, China PI-based KM may become the firm-specific
may be closer to the fiefs whereas Japan is competencies because process knowledge itself
similar to the clans (Boisot and Child, 1999). has proprietary feature of knowledge for the
Korea is similar to China, but there are also company.
many differences (Hofstede, 1991). However, Thus, we suggest the implications of this
it is obviously a controversial issue to be study for implementing KMS effectively as
discussed further. follows:
What, then, is the more effective and efficient to bear in mind carefully the features of
way to transform the process knowledge for process knowledge when implementing
Korean companies? We suggest tentatively KMS;
to consider socio-cultural factors and
path A in Figure 3 because it is one of the
organizational culture when searching for
shortest ways to cultural change concerning the
the KT-Path concerning knowledge
three dimensions of knowledge in the I-Space.
cognition and utilization.
If Koreans follow the paths B and C, it takes a
much longer time and more energy because This study employs the novel notions like the
these paths engage two or three knowledge I-Space, the KT-Path and process knowledge
dimensions in the I-Space. There are many as theoretical building blocks for KM. With
possibilities for the KT-Path in the I-Space. these notions, we also suggest the KMS
Thus, the first thing we have to identify in this implementation strategy. Along with this
regard is to map any organization’ s institutional perspective, we criticize current researches as
position in the I-Space. And then, we have to well. It can be said that it is very difficult to
judge the right (or effective) KT-Path for find out the universal KM strategy fitting all
transforming the knowledge from tacit to cultural settings and organizational contexts.
explicit, or vice versa. In this regard, Electronic Thinking more critically, we can point out
Document Management System (EDMS) as a problems of normative and prescriptive
document-centered KM tool is a valuable tool design perspective for KMS as a generic
for Korean companies in that it is able to strategy. It is similar to the criticism against
transform process knowledge easily into explicit the established theories of management
knowledge. disciplines. These are so-called ’’rational’’
The case of Samsung SDI shows the fact perspectives that premise the best way for
that EDMS may become the infrastructure of managerial practices.
KM and accumulate and utilize process Although the study is an exploratory study,
knowledge. The company has regarded the we attempt to show an alternative viewpoint to
document as an important explicit knowledge KM. Moreover, we certainly think this
source in the organization, not simply as alternative perspective could be developed
information and data as such. Furthermore, further.
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