2019 Allen 2

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Instructions: Time : 3 Hours
Ÿ Calculators (in any form) and protractors are not allowed.
Ÿ Rulers and compasses are allowed.
Ÿ Answer all the questions.
Ÿ All questions carry equal marks.
Ÿ Answer to each question should start on a new page. Clearly indicate the
question number.
1. Let ABC be a triangle. Let r and s be the angle bisectors of ÐABC and ÐBCA, respectively. The
points E in r and D in s are such that AD || BE and AE || CD. The lines BD and CE cut each other at F.
The point I is the incenter of ABC. Show that if A, F and I are collinear, then AB = AC.

2. Let a, b, c and d be real numbers such that

c2 + 3d 2
a2 + 3b2 + = a + b + c + d – 1.

Find 1000a + 100b + 10c + d.

3. Find a prime p such that the number

(p2 – 4)2 – 117(p2 – 4) + 990

has a minimum digit sum.

4. All natural numbers are coloured using 100 different colours. Prove that you can find several
(no less than 2) different numbers, all of the same colour, that have a product with exactly
1000 different natural divisors.

5. let I be the incenter of DABC. Let D be the point of intersection of AI with BC and let S be the point
of intersection of AI with the circumcircle of ABC (S ¹ A). Let K and L be incenters of DDSB and
DDCS. Let P be a reflection of I with respect to KL. Prove that BP ^ CP.

6. Prove that if a, b, c are positive numbers with sum of 18, then

a b c 1
+ 2
+ 2
³ .
b + 36 c + 36 a + 36 4

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