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INTRODUCTION (1 min or 1min15)

1. What is Game Theory?

2. What is its importance for understanding human behavior? Business decisions? And how does it fit
into sustainability? Example ?

3. What is the purpose of the presentation?

Explore the ethical and sustainable issues associated with Game Theory
Three key aspects: understanding human behavior, business decisions between two companies and the
application of ethics in a sustainability context.

4- Announcement of the plan + approach to the importance of Game Theory for ethics and

I- Understanding human behavior (2min)

1. Definition: role and analysis of human attitudes / Presentation of concepts: zero-sum games +

2. Dilemmas: examples in business and social life + cite example of the prisoner's dilemma

3. Introduce commercial applications: how does this concept help to understand different decisions taken in
several situations?

II - Case study (3min)

1. Find a case with: two companies and a business decision

2. Introduce: the context, the companies and the challenges of the commercial decision for each party

3. What goals for each company. Analysis of the strategies and motivations of each party + how can Game
theory be used to model the decisions of the two companies?

4. To go even further: how does the notion of CSR come into play? What ethical aspects are present in the
decisions? What impacts do these decisions have on sustainability?
III- How do ethics intervene in gaming strategies?
Sustainability and externalities (2min)

1. What sustainability issues (limited natural resources) in business and ethics? (Sustainability is an essential
aspect in business strategy: why?)

2. How does Game theory make it possible to model situations / contexts / conflicts within the framework of
these rare resources? (Here commercial example)

3. In the use of limited resources (sustainability) How do ethics intervene in the decision-making of
societies? (illustrate the essential and necessary role of ethics in defining sustainable gaming strategies)

CONCLUSION (45 seconds or 1min)

1. The triangular relationship between ethics, Game Theory and sustainability (within the decisions
and actions of the commercial world)

2. Debate : Question to the class? (to define)

Potential examples: How can ethics promote sustainability in business decisions? How can Game
Theory be a useful tool for businesses?

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