Management Booklet

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TEAM NAME Shepherd


This booklet is a document where you will log your answers to the exercises/ assignments/ questions
presented throughout the course. You are expected to input your answers as we go through the sessions.

→ Include your name on your work

→ File labeling:
o Put your name in the file subject as follows: Your Last Name & First Name–GPST
o Example of file label: MIKLUHA Karin-GPST Management-Booklet.pdf
→ Send your work to the teacher in ONE file, and a pdf format

Deadline for submitting via email your booklet in a pdf format: December 20th :(1/2 point deducted for
every late day).

Please note that exercises are either performed individually (individual work) or as a team (collective work).


For this module you will be graded as follows:

a. 40% TEAM presentations (oral group presentation + role play)

b. 20% Booklet: other team exercices
c. 40% Booklet: individual written analyses

Grading criteria for a) see further in the booklet.

Grading criteria for b) ● Contents: 5 pts - pertinence of the analyse. 5pts - application of
and c) the concepts/ theories explained in class
● Format: 5 pts - proper writing in the English language. 5 pts -
structured and professionally written text



EXERCISE 1 (collective work)

In the table below, indicate your team members’ details and yours. Use the Common Framework of Reference
for Languages for the English level (see LMS).

Present yourself to the team and explain what strengths you think you have and why. Discuss with your
group about each other’s strengths and potential complementary roles in your team

Write in the table strengths and potential complementary roles (use the explained theories) in your team (2-3
per person)

Team members Strengths Complementary roles

Name: LiI Wanqi Strength 1:Be good at making Role 1:The coordinator
Age:21 slides
Gender:female Role 2:impeller
Nationality:China Strength 2:Be good at
Province:Guangdong socializing Role 3:
English level:B2
Strength 3:
Name: WANG Qipeng Strength 1:3. Good Role 1:The coordinator
organizational skills
Strength 2:Strong personal Role 2:Informant
Gender: male ability
Nationality:China Strength 3: Role 3:

English level:B1
Name:Feng Hai Strength 1:Calm and strong Role 1:Supervisor
Role 2:Perfecter
Strength 2:careful
Province:Guangdong Role 3:
English level:B1
Strength 3:
Name: Chen Danyi Strength 1:good at Role 1:coordinator
Age:19 communication
Gender:female Role 2:Informant
Nationality:China Strength 2:independent thinking
Province:Guangdong Role 3:Technician
English level:B1 Strength 3:obeying the team's

Name: Zhang Ruonan Strength 1:read Role 1:

Strength 2:summarize Role 2:
Province:Guangdong Strength 3:communicate Role 3:
English level:B1

Name: Strength 1: Role 1:

Gender: Strength 2: Role 2:

Province: Strength 3: Role 3:
English level:

EXERCISE 2 (Individual work)

The assignment is about motivation and is to be prepared for session 2.

→ Prepare 2 interviews with people in your personal network:

o A job they were satisfied with
o A job they were dissatisfied with

→ Ask them to give reasons & factors for their satisfaction & dissatisfaction
o Carry out your interviews
o Prepare a 1-page synthesis of the results of your interviews

Interviewee: Li Wanqi
Most satisfying job: manager of the company's marketing department
Reasons: The first is because this job fits with the major she studied in university.
The second is because this job can exercise her professional skills
The third is that she enjoys working in the company very much, because
the company's environment and treatment of employees are better, and the salary
is reasonable.
Most dissatisfied job: waiter
Reason: First, she thinks this job is too hard
Secondly, she feels that it has nothing to do with the major she is studying
and cannot improve herself
Third, she feels that the salary is not high
Interviewee: Chen Danyi
Most satisfying job: office assistant
Reason: First of all, this is a company with good employee benefits, and employees
will not have too much work pressure
Secondly, interested in this industry
Finally, in the true sense, for the first time, a paid job
Most dissatisfied job: accounting
Reason: First, there are a lot of bills to be checked, especially at the beginning and
end of the month
Second, the tasks are too many and boring, and you need to be very careful to not
make mistakes, and the pressure is high
Third, it takes a long time to be eligible for promotion

Summarize: Chen Shanyi is interested in working as an assistant and has some

working experience, but her shortcoming is that she cannot deal with some
complicated bills. Li wanqi's work experience is also very rich, cheerful personality
is her characteristics, in some physical work, she is relatively excluded

Insert below the results of your interviews



EXERCISE 3 (collective work)

Watch the video and take notes. Debrief the video within your team.

What are the keywords from the


What was the message ? Write your team analysis here: : Our team believes that
Do you agree/ disagree? encouragement needs a standard and should not be too
Why? much. Sometimes appropriate criticism can motivate
I agree with this point of employees to work harder.
view, because
employees' lack of
motivation is largely
influenced by the
company and the leader.
Encouraging them is the
responsibility of the
leader and also helpful
to the future
development of the

EXERCISE 4 part 1 (collective work)

Start preparing the slides for the oral group presentation. Follow the assignment details presented in class
and described below. The slides must be ready for session 3.


EXERCISE 4 part 2 (Oral group presentation)


A manager is interacting with an employee who seems to lack motivation. The employee justifies
this by citing an insufficient level of pay and asks for a pay rise.
 Quickly explain the theory you have been assigned
 Then explain how a manager could use the notions from your theory to respond favorably or unfavorably
to the employee’s request.
 You can add a constraint/ scenario


● Create a presentation in ppt format, with an introduction slide about your team
● Present your work on 3-4 slides
● Each group has 5 minutes to make a presentation including
○ Brief explanation of your theory
○ Show the link between “pay” and the concepts & principles of your theory.
■ Is “pay” a motivating factor in your theory? If so, show how pay triggers motivation,
according to the notions of your theory.
■ If “pay” is not included as a motivating factor in your theory, show what triggers

motivation according to your theory, instead of pay.


○ Provide a response to your employee’s request for a pay rise to stimulate his/her
motivation. Be as convincing as possible by supporting your response to your
employee with notions/concepts/principles from your theory.
● Everyone needs to speak during the presentation and everyone needs to participate in the
preparation of the work.

GRADING CRITERIA (40% of your grade) – this is a group grade

 4 pts for the written style and structure: written quality (clear and structured slides), respect for
timing / time management
 4 points for precise oral speaking quality (+ choice of vocabulary)
 6 points for your explanation of the theory: using precise vocabulary & terminology, paying
attention to the clarity of explanation
 6 points for relevant response to the situation

EXERCISE 5 (individual work)

Indicate the name of the leader you chose and the keyword(s) associated with it. Explain in about 100-200
words why/ reasons of your choice using the leadership concepts regarding power.

Elon Musk
Name of the leader
The leader I would like to introduce is Musk. Musk not only created the
Why/reasons of your
world-famous new energy vehicle brand (Tesla), but also the founder of
choice using the
space X. I choose him for a very simple reason. Now he has nearly
leadership concepts re
110,000 employees all over the world, which shows that he is a very
outstanding leader. Moreover, he has also done the industry that many
people can't imagine nowadays, entering the space, and he has
successfully fulfilled his dream.

EXERCISE 6 – part 1 (collective work)

Management Styles Role Play: Teamwork – “Sales Manager” + “Sales Team” participants at sales team


 The Sales Manager-Auvergne for each “company” has organized a meeting with the team of sales


 It’s the beginning of the year 2021. The Sales Manager-France has set a turnover target of €750,000
for you to reach in 2022, which is 50% higher than last year’s figure. You accepted this target
because your activity is developing steadily and you have just increased your sales team; so you are
convinced of your capacity to reach this goal collectively. Moreover, you have obtained a financial
package of €5,000 that you will be able to give out in annual bonuses if you reach the target.
 You have scheduled a meeting with your sales team tomorrow so as to present them your new
objectives. You take advantage of this opportunity to give them the new weekly reporting
instructions: thanks to new software that headquarters has chosen to replace the present
software, you will now have to report the sales information every Friday (whereas the reporting
was twice a month before).


 Organizational changes in sales reporting methods and approach starting in May 2022


 10-minute sketch per team – without saying the management style you have been given until the

Your Sketch in 3 Parts

 Introductions
o Each person introduces her/himself based on the role that you have been assigned within
your own team – use your real name (and not a fictitious name) so that I know who
you are.
 The Sales Team Meeting
o The Sales manager starts the meeting by presenting the objective (it is not necessary
to explain all the details of the context) – briefly summarize the objective and adopt the
management / leadership style that you have been assigned.
o Each participant reacts to the meeting objective based on the role you have been assigned in
order to show your ability (inability) and your willingness (unwillingness) to carry out
the team project based on your individual profile and characteristics.
o The Sales manager concludes the meeting adopting the management style he/she has
been assigned.
 Conclusion
o Briefly explain the management style & behavior used to meet the team objective.

This is an oral grade and counts within your 20% classwork.

Optional (for extra points):
 Written script of your sketch
 PPT slide (1 or 2 slides) for your conclusion

EXERCISE 6 – part 2- Role Play

Role play presentation by teams

EXERCISE 7 (individual work)

Keep track of your team’s answers on the Kahoot quiz. Debrief and analyze with your team members the quiz’
group results.

What were your scores on the quiz?

Our score was 6120, eight wrong questions
How many answers did you get

The idea that personality, social, or even physical

Which one and why?
traits determine good leadership is associated with?
Discuss the given answers with your We got it wrong because we didn't understand the
team knowledge

Analyze your scoring. Write your analysis here: I am not satisfied with
the result this time, because we failed to get a
Were you satisfied with your scores? high score. I think the most important reason is
our lack of knowledge in this aspect, so I think
Why or why not?
we should supplement more knowledge in
future study

EXERCISE 8 (individual work)

Cultural differences can have a significant impact on nonverbal communication. Do you agree/disagree?
Argue in support of your stance (You may relate this to your future profession if you wish).

Your analyse:
I quite agree with this view, first of all, the differences of culture in
business negotiation is a very important link, in the face of your
customers, you should do is to respect other people's culture, only in this
way can help you after the talk, for example in my job in the future, I
need to do business with, that I should do my homework in advance,
understand Japanese culture, Know what to do and what not to do

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