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This booklet belongs to (your full name):


Group Number / Team number:
Teacher’s name: H. Fouré-Joopen, M. Vigier




You will be graded for:

20% INDIVIDUAL participation in the 12-hour course (October 4-15, 2021)
Your responses to the questions in this booklet – (written)

40% INDIVIDUAL personal analysis (written)

Written synthesis: include at the end of this booklet; 400 to 500 words
Analysis based on the different aspects of this 12-hour course:
- See grading criteria in booklet on page 10

40% TEAM presentation (in-class: written PPT & oral presentation)

Final team presentation (instructions are below)

 Include your name on your work.

 Download the booklet on the LMS, save and label the file when as follows:
o Your Group - Your Team – Your Last Name & First Name – Booklet & Analysis
o Example of file label: Group A -Team 1-Vigier Mary-Booklet & Analysis.
 Send your work to your teacher in ONE file with your analysis included at the
end of your booklet.
 Deadline for your individual written assignments: booklet & analysis.
o Friday, October 29: (- ½ point for every day late).
Exercise 1, Monday, October 4th

 Identify the elements of diversity within your team in the boxes provided.

Team Diversity Participant Responses

1. Name: Qipeng WANG Age:21
Gender: Male
Nationality: China
Native language(s) spoken: Chinese
English proficiency: A2
French fluency: A1
Communication styles: outgoing
Learning & studying habits: Good
In Clermont or online: online
2. Name: PERRIOL Mathide Age:20
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Native language(s) spoken: French
English proficiency: B2
French fluency: C2
Communication styles:
Learning & studying habits: Good
In Clermont or online: in Clermont
3. Name: YINGXUAN XIEC Age:20
Gender: Female
Nationality: China
Native language(s) spoken: Chinese
English proficiency: B1
French fluency: A1
Communication styles:
Learning & studying habits: Good
In Clermont or online: in Clermont
4.Name:ZEHAO LYUK Age:20
Gender: Male
Nationality: China
Native language(s) spoken:
English proficiency: A2
French fluency: A1
Communication styles: Thinker
Learning & studying habits: 4good
In Clermont or online: online
5. Name: WENTING ZHANG Age: 21
Gender: Female
Nationality: China
Native language(s) spoken: Chinese
English proficiency: B1
French fluency: A1
Communication styles: Thinker
Learning & studying habits: Good
In Clermont or online: In Clermont
6. Name: MOREAU Caroline Age:20
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Native language(s) spoken: French
English proficiency: B2
French fluency: C2
Communication styles:
Learning & studying habits: Good
In Clermont or online: In Clermont
7. Name: Age:
Native language(s) spoken:
English proficiency:
French fluency:
Communication styles:
Learning & studying habits:
In Clermont or online:
8. Name: Age:
Native language(s) spoken:
English proficiency:
French fluency:
Communication styles:
Learning & studying habits:
In Clermont or online:

Exercise 2, Monday, October 4th


 Create a PPT file that you will complete after each exercise. You will show your
completed presentation to the class on Friday, October 15 th.
 The 1st slide: a map of your team’s diversity in the format of your choice (see samples your
teacher will present). Include the following elements of diversity within your team:
o Nationalities:
o Average age:
o Gender (males / females):
o Native languages:
o English fluency:
o French fluency:
o Communication styles:
o Learning & studying habits (attitudes to learning):
o In Clermont or online:

Exercise 3, Tuesday, October 5th

 Take the quiz below.

The Probability of Strong Faultlines Emerging in Your Team

This short survey will show you the probability of a strong faultline emerging in your team. Rate your
team’s composition against these four elements:

1. The number of nationalities in the team C

o a. Team members are all the same nationality.
o b. There is only 1 nationality.
o c. There are 2 nationalities.
o d. There are 2 or 3 nationalities.
o e. There are 4 or more nationalities.
2. The current age, education, and gender of the team members E
o a. The majority are the same gender and about the same age and have the same education
o b. The majority are the same gender and have the same education level but are of different
o c. The majority are of the same age and have the same education level and are both men
and women.
o d. The majority are the same age and gender and have different education levels.
o e. The team contains both men and women of different ages and education levels.
3. The current language fluency of team members D
o a. They all have the same level of English, and all speak French fluently.
o b. Most of the members of the team have the same level of English and speak French
o c. They all have similar levels of English and not everyone speaks French.
o d. They all have different levels of English, and some do not speak any French.
o e. Everybody speaks English and French but have different levels.
4. The values, communication styles, and attitudes to learning of the team. B
o a. All members of the team have very similar values, communication styles, and attitudes to
o b. Many members of the team share values, communication styles, and attitudes to
o c. There is a clear divide between sub-groups regarding values, communication styles, and
attitudes to learning.
o d. Many people have different values, communication styles, and attitudes to learning.
o e. There is a great deal of variety in values, communication styles, and attitudes to learning.

Your results (see scoring below): Scoring mostly a s and b s The team is relatively simple and
homogeneous, so it is unlikely that faultlines will emerge.

Low probability of faultlines emerging:

Scoring mostly a’s and b’s — The team is relatively simple and homogeneous, so it is unlikely that
faultlines will emerge. Scoring mostly e’s — The team is heterogeneous. Therefore, it is unlikely
that faultlines will emerge.
High probability of faultlines emerging:
Scoring mostly c’s and d’s — This team has a high potential for faultlines to emerge because a
medium degree of diversity tends to lead to the development of only a few fairly homogeneous

Adapted from: Gratton, L., Voigt, A., & Erickson, T. J. (2007). Bridging faultlines in diverse teams. MIT Sloan Review,

Questions to answer
 Do any faultlines appear in your team? Along which lines of diversity?
 See “Strategies for Managing English Language Challenges in Multicultural Teams” on LMS.
 Refer to the “Multicultural Teambuilding Theories and Concepts” for other strategies to
manage team faultlines.
 Which strategy/strategies do you find the most useful?
 Add a slide to your PPT presentation about any potential faultlines that might appear in
your team and suggested strategies for managing these potential faultlines.

Exercise 4, Tuesday, October 5th

Source: Adapted from Diversity Training Workshop - Janet and Milton Bennett

 Complete the questions individually and then share the answers with your team.

1. Name three cultural characteristics that you identify with the most from your culture:

A) China has a long cultural history

B) There are many traditional festivals in China

C) China is a land of courtesy

2. From the list of identifiers above, select the one you identify with the most and give an
China's inheritance of history and culture is very good, now there are many festivals are handed
down from ancient times

3. What do you like most about the cultural identifier/characteristic that you listed? What are you
proud of? Give examples.
I think it's Chinese etiquette. For example, we should let the elders go first when eating. I think it's
a good reflection of Chinese culture

4. What do you like least from your culture? Give an example.
I think it is the phenomenon of favoring sons over daughters in China. For example, in early China,
parents would favor sons over daughters, which I think is very bad.

5. List 2 or 3 stereotypes about your culture that do not apply to you and explain why.
1* Chinese people like drinking hot water,Many foreigners do not understand why Chinese
people like to drink hot water, but drinking hot water is considered good for health in traditional
Chinese medicine, and not everyone likes to drink hot water
2* The Chinese know kung fu , This is one of the things that bothers us, because almost
everyone asks us this question, but I'd say no

Add a slide to your PPT presentation about cultural characteristics and/or stereotypes within
your team.

Exercise 5, Tuesday, October 5th

BUCKET LIST (30 mins)
 A bucket list is a list of things you want to do or experience within your lifetime.
 Each person shares their bucket list (5 items).
1) Want to go to the North Pole to see the aurora
2) To go bungee jumping
3) To climb Mount Everest
4) Go surfing
5) Explore the Amazon
 The others ask questions and discuss everyone’s lists.

Add a slide to your PPT presentation with one or two items from each team member’s bucket



Bring an item that represents you and be prepared to

“show” it to your teammates and to “tell” how/why it matters to you

(Something original – not your iPhone!)

Your teacher will give you a demonstration.

Exercise 6, Friday, October 8th
SHOW & TELL (45 mins)

 Show your item to your team and tell why/how this item represents you and why/how it’s
important to you.

 Describe your item.
 My favorite object are my mobile phone helper,

 Explain how/why your item represents you and is important to you.

 I choose this product because I am a game fan, and this product can make me have a
better game experience when playing games

 Which item(s) presented by 1 or 2 of your classmates inspired you the most? Why?
I think it is Xie Yingxuan's bear, because now a person lives abroad, if there is a spiritual
sustenance will not be so lonely

 Add a slide to your PPT illustrating the different personal items that members of your
team showed to your group.

Exercise 7, Friday, October 8th

 You’re stranded on a deserted island with 14 objects, but you can only grab 3.
o 14 objects to choose from: bag of fruit and vegetable seeds, pocketknife, 100-foot
rope, bedsheet, bucket, 2 liters of kerosene, pen & paper, compass, matches, Bacardi
rum, hand axe, water purification tablets, flashlight, sleeping bag.
 In your team choose 3 items.
 Get back into the whole group to share your results.

 Add a slide to your PPT illustrating the three objects your team chose for survival on the
deserted island.

 Which 3 items did your team choose and why?
o 1) compass ,This will give us a sense of direction
o 2) 100-foot rope,The rope can protect us when we climb dangerous places
o 3) bag of fruit and vegetable seeds,This can give us a source of food
 Do you agree with the team results? Why or why not?

 I quite agree with our team, because it is the result of our discussion together, and all of these
can make us have a basic role in survival

Exercise 8, Friday, October 8th

 Individually, create 2 or 3 quiz questions and answers about your own culture.
1) How many years is the history of China? Answer: five thousand years
2) What do Chinese people eat on Mid-Autumn Festival? Answer: moon cake
3) There is a traditional sport on the Dragon Boat Festival in China. What is it?
Answer: Dragon boat rowing
 Work in your team to prepare a Kahoot quiz with cultural questions based on the team’s
different cultures.
 10 questions maximum per team.
 You will present your quiz to the other teams on Friday, October 15th.
 List your team’s questions and provide the correct answer to each question.

Exercise 9, Friday, October 8th


Checklist of Items to include in the PPT slides (10-12 slides):

 Cover Slide: Choose an original Team Name & Logo Find an original way to present your
team (name, slogan, expression, motto, emblem, etc.) to define your group and its
members, in all its diversity.
Include: Group Number, Team Number, and Full Names of Team Members

 Mapping of Team’s Diversity (Exercise 2)

 Potential Faultlines in Your Team (Exercise 3)
 Cultural Identity/Stereotypes/Characteristics in Your Team (Exercise 4) –
illustrations/images/captions/names of students per cultural characteristic
 “Bucket List” Items of Your Teammates (Exercise 5) – illustrations/images/captions/names
of students per item
 “Show & Tell” Items of Your Teammates (Exercise 6) – illustrations/images/captions/names
of students per item
 “Desert Island Scenario” Items Retained (Exercise 7) – illustrations/images/captions

Exercise 10, Friday, October 15th

 Did you win on any of the quizzes? What were your scores (if known)?
I can't remember the exact score

 Analyze your scoring (were you satisfied with your scores)? Why or why not?
I am not satisfied with my score, because I am not good at many questions. I need to know
more about the culture of other countries

Exercise 11, Friday, October 15th

FINAL TEAM PRESENTATION (75 mins for all teams to present)


 Create a presentation following the checklist in Exercise 9.
 Maximum time for the presentation = 15 min per team
 Be original and creative.
 Everyone must speak/participate.
 Do not put too much text or too little text in the PPT.
 Be dynamic – do not read your notes

GRADING CRITERIA FOR TEAM PRESENTATION (40% of your grade) – this is a group grade .
Contents: 14 points
 2 points – Name & logo (team name, expression, slogan, and/or motto): originality,
representation of all individuals in the group – and students’ names are included.
 12 points – All items on checklist are included – with pertinence and originality.
Format & style: 6 points
 3 points – Written formatting of PPT slides: clear, coherent, creative, professional.
 3 points – Oral presentation: clear, coherent, dynamic, spontaneous, positive, no reading,
participation of all members, timing respected (15 min per team maximum).

Individual Grades:
1) Booklet (20% of your grade) – recap (16 pts for contents / 2 pts for language / 2 pts format)
a. Team diversity mapping (Exercises 1 & 2) – 2 points
b. Faultline quiz/scoring + questions to answer (Exercise 3) – 2 points
c. Cultural identity, stereotypes, characteristics (Exercise 4) – 2 points
d. Bucket list (Exercise 5) – 2 points
e. Show & tell analysis (Exercise 6) – 2 points
f. Desert island analysis (Exercise 7) – 2 points
g. Cultural quiz questions to create (Exercise 8) – 2 points
h. Kahoot quiz competition responses to analyze (Exercise 10) – 2 points

2) Written analysis of multicultural teambuilding seminar (40% of your grade)

Written analysis: 600-800 words.

 Introduction – 100-200 words (6 points):
o Give a brief introduction about yourself, the 2-day session, your team & its
diversity, the activities carried out, etc. + outline of the 2nd section.
 Analysis – 300-400 words (8 points):
o Analyze your team’s dynamics, processes, task achievement, multicultural diversity,
different styles of communication, etc. using at least 2 theories/concepts as a basis
of your analysis – refer to the multicultural theories & concepts on the LMS
(presented on October 4th).
o Give precise examples from your team’s own experience to illustrate your analysis.
 Conclusion – 100-200 words (6 points):
o Explain how your team was successful / unsuccessful, etc.
o Make recommendations as to how your team could improve / could have improved
the dynamics, processes, task completion, etc.
o Explain whether you were satisfied or not, and why / why not.

Submit your completed booklet with your written analysis IN ONE WORD FILE to your teacher by
October 29th.


Hello teacher, I am the third group of Wang Qipeng. I am an outgoing and humorous person. I
usually like sports and make friends. In the cross-cultural team building course, four other
students in the class and I formed a team. I Our team consists of two Chinese, one Colombian, one
Sri Lankan and one Ukrainian. We are a multicultural team because we are all from different
countries and have different cultural backgrounds. In the team, I play the role of a thinker, I will
provide some ideas and find materials to assist teammates to complete the task

In this classroom activity, we carried out four series of activities respectively. The first one is
the "tree". Our team members need to write their own information, such as some hobbies, etc.,
some of which are false. We will let everyone look at the information of these team members. I
think this The activity is very meaningful, it makes us understand each other better, and it is very
interesting, which can make our team from unfamiliar to familiar, because we are a team, and it is
very important to establish a good atmosphere and relationship . The second activity is exchanging
gifts. In this event, I received a chocolate biscuit from Daniel, which touched me very much,
because in a party, Daniel vomited due to physical discomfort, but I helped him clean and take
care of him, So he would like to take this opportunity to say thank you, I think this is very good,
and I am very moved. In this activity, our classmates quickly shortened the distance between each
other. I think it is very good. It can not only understand the cultural customs of different countries,
but also cultivate the relationship between classmates. The third campaign is "100 Euros to
Spend". During the process, we shared our recommendations and finally had a group discussion to
decide the best. The fourth event is the MARSHMALLOW CHALLENGE. We did a good job in this
part, because our team cooperated very well, completed the task within the stipulated time, and
achieved the first result. The fifth event is Cave Rescue. We need to choose 6 people to rescue
from among the many candidates. To be honest, this is very difficult, because everyone has their
own ideas, so our solution is that everyone has to explain Let's talk about why this candidate was
chosen, and finally we got the final answer.

In the process of teamwork, because we come from different countries and have different
educational backgrounds, it is difficult in some aspects, but we have solved these problems very
well, first of all, language, communication is the first big team , so we have to first understand the
differences in languages, and finally we decided to adopt English as the main communication
language, which reduces communication barriers. Secondly, we adopted a team thinking method.
When encountering new tasks and challenges, the first thing we think of That is, we should think
of a way as a whole team. We will listen to everyone’s opinions in turn. Through the voting results,
the minority obeys the majority method, so that the follow-up work distribution will not fall apart.
We have also carried out detailed work on each part of the work. Let the people who are good at
do what they are good at, which not only improves our work efficiency, but also allows everyone
to participate in the production process, which also allows everyone in the team to have a
meaningful performance

I am very satisfied with my team's performance. I think the most important reason for my success
is that we are both good at communicating. When the team encounters a problem, we need to
find a solution together instead of just relying on one, which can make our work more efficient. Of
course, I think our group still has a lot to improve, such as organizing more activities and getting to
know each other.


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