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FM 54-75




6 do you copy? Over”
“Bravo 6, Bravo 6 this is Tango Alpha
ng Lieutenant leading the recon
The jungle is quiet. Too Quiet. The you
experienced Green Berets who have all
team is a tad nervous. His men are all et.
However, the jungle is indeed too qui
been in country a lot longer than he.
Charlie is watching.
Everyone has that hinky feeling that
t do you got down there? Over”
“Copy Tango Alpha 6 this is Bravo 6 wha
jungle leaves flutter with bullets
BBBBBBRRRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!! Suddenly the angry
nks and zinging through the air like
flying and thwacking into the tree tru
in to return fire.
hornets. Then men hit the mud and beg
Riki Tik LT. We got Charlie popping
“I suggest you call in a dust off most
aro und us.” Ser gea nt Hen nin gs say s as he spits out his chew and shoulders
off all r gun
m grenade is launched from the bloope
his M79. His shoulder rocks as the 40m
s moving in the treeline.
and lobs over towards the many shadow
“Bravo 6 we got Charlie, BOO COO CHARLI

a rules supplement for ‘Battlespace the Ultr
Welcome to Battlespace Vietnam! This is Gam ing
ert Salters and published by Table Salt
Modern Solo Skirmish Game’ written by Rob d teams
back to the war in Vietnam. You’ll comman
Designs. This supplement takes the fight les
cial forc es, Gre en bere ts, Nav y SEA LS, LRR P and Marines as they patrol the mean jung
of spe
or the North Vietnamese regular Army.
in a hunt for the irregular Viet Cong forces
ace rule book as those are the rules used
To play the game you will need the Battlesp inal rule
has re-skinned the missions from the orig
for Battlespace Vietnam. This supplement late
and the ‘Nav y Sea ls’ exp ans ion to be mor e relevant to the fighting in Vietnam in the
book s, and
s new soldier cards, enemy cards, gear card
60s to early 70s. This supplement include ady
s or missions, the rules used are those of alre
sitrep cards but unless amended in the card
presented in Battlespace.
the Rolling Stones singing “I can’t get no
Drop a cassette in the deck and listen to Huey
le terrain and hit the deck running as the
satisfaction”. Set your table up with jung then
r gunner jerks a thumbs up over his M60 and
buzzes down touches in the mud. The Doo bab y, go
with hot jungle air. You’re on your own
the Huey jerks up and away, blasting you
get some!
Welcome to the ‘Nam!
NOTE: The circled card references are for randomly drawing your team up.

4 4 4 4

10 8 8 10

+2 +2 +1 +3

+2 +2 +2 +2

Lewis Alvarez Leclerc Brown

Initiative rolls of 15+ Leclerc will auto win Brown can carry up to 8pts
May make a free shooting hand to hand combat of gear.
attack or move. against any enemy with a
Threat Level of 10 or less.

2 3 4 5
NOTE: The circled card references are for randomly drawing your team up.

4 4 4 4

8 8 8 7

+2 +1 +2 +1

+2 +4 +1 +1

Red Bear Sampson Yamada O’Brian

Add +2 pts to the fire team’s Does not suffer -1 penalty When O’Brian is within a
overall pts for gear. for suffering 3 wounds. base length of cover, he
may move into the cover as
a free order.

6 7 8 9
NOTE: The circled card references are for randomly drawing your team up.

4 4 4 4

5 11 9 9

+1 +3 +2 +3

+1 +2 +2 +2

Johnson Mancuso Garcia Moore

If first shoot action Garcia does not suffer Moore may use 1 order to
results in a KIA, Mancuso from a weapon jam when give a soldier in LOS a
can make a 2nd shoot rolling a 1 on a shooting free advance order.
action for free. attack.

10 J Q K
Pts 3 Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts 5

Team Leader Radio Operator M60 MG SNIPER

All soldiers in his AoE Any soldier within AoE This soldier can May reroll shooting
can use his initiative of this soldier may re- perform suppression attacks.
rating for activations. roll failed initiative for 1 order. This weapon
rolls. deals 2 wounds. This weapon deals 2
Except this soldier. This soldier receives a
-2 to his accuracy.
Pts 3 Pts 4 Pts 3 Pts 3

Shotgun Flack Vest M79 M203

Allows locked doors to Any wound from a Grenade launcher only. Rifle attachment.
be opened automatically. Freg grenade, or High 2 orders. All targets 2 orders to use grenade
If fired at point-blank Explosive is ignored in AoE receive 1 wound. launcher. All targets
range, deals 3 wounds to on a D6 roll of 5-6. Target must be in LOS. in AoE receive 1 wound.
1-3 targets. Does not have to be a Target must be in LOS.
model. Does not have to be a

Qty: Qty:
2 2
Pts 3 Pts 2 Pts 4 Pts 3

M72 LAW Suppressor Starlight Scope SMG

2 orders to fire. Pistol, Rifle or SMG Sniper Only. At point blank range
Ignores cover modifiers. attachment. Soldier may shoot 3 times,
Must have LOS to target. will not lose stealth Weapon ignores night rerolling failed hits.
D6 Wounds. when shooting. modifiers.

1 Noise Marker only.

Qty: Single Shot

Pts 1 Pts 2 Pts 2 Pts 2

Smoke Grenade Frag Grenade 40mm Grenades Frag Grenade

1 Order. Blocks LOS 1 Order. Uses Thrown Extra grenades for 1 Order. Uses Thrown
through target AoE. Arc. All targets in AoE the M79 and the M203 Arc. All targets in AoE
Smoke lasts until next receive 1 wound. Grenade Launchers. receive 1 wound.
Clear Phase.
Also used for signals in

Qty: Qty: Qty: Qty:

2 2 2 2
Pts 1 Pts 3 Pts 2 Pts 2

Smoke Grenade MEDIC Tourniquet Combat Knife

1 Order. Blocks LOS 2 Orders. Perform 1 Order. Roll D6, on 5+ This soldier has a +1 to
through target AoE. medical aid on a soldier remove 1 wound from self hand to hand combat.
Smoke lasts until next in base contact. Remove or another soldier in Only one knife allowed
Clear Phase. 1 wound. If less than base contact. in a soldier’s loadout.
Also used for signals in 3 wounds remove -1
penalty. If failed, the tourniquet
scenarios. is not used.
Can not perform
Qty: medical aid on Qty:
2 them self. 1
Pts 2 Pts 3 Pts 2 Pts 2
Translator Indigenous Scout
2 3 Tourniquet Combat Knife
11 9
1 Order. Roll D6, on 5+ This soldier has a +1 to
0 remove 1 wound from self hand to hand combat.
-1 or another soldier in Only one knife allowed
+2 base contact. in a soldier’s loadout.
-1 Montagnard Soldier.
ARVN Soldier. Operates as a team member If failed, the tourniquet
Operates as a team member until KIA. On successful is not used.
until KIA. +3 to any initiative roll, look at
Civilian reaction rolls. the top 2 sitrep cards, Qty:
reshuffle one. 1
Only 1 per game.
Only 1 per game.
12 13 12 12

NVA Soldier NVA Leader NVA Soldiers NVA LMG

Straggler, AK47 Straggler, AK47 Element, AK47 Straggler, LMG
Roll D6
Roll D6 All NVA within AoE D3+2 Soldiers in 1-4: Fire for Effect on
1-4: 1 NVA Soldier of leader receive a AoE of each other. nearest target in LOS
5-6: 2 NVA Soldiers +1 to their TL. causes 2 wounds.
5-6: Suppressive fire
on nearest target in LOS
and all in AOE.
2 3 2 2
9 10 9 11

Vietcong Fighter Vietcong Cadre Vietcong LMG Vietcong Sniper

Straggler, AK47 Straggler, AK47 Straggler, LMG Straggler, LMG
Roll D6 If sniper does not
Roll D6 All NVA within AoE 1-4: Fire for Effect on move his Threat
1-4: 1 VC Soldier of leader receive a nearest target in LOS Level is at +1.
5-6: 2 VC Soldiers +1 to their TL. causes 2 wounds.
5-6: Suppressive fire
on nearest target in LOS
and all in AOE.
1 1 2
11 10 12 12
Element, HMG Element, AK47 Straggler, RPG Straggler, Rifle
Roll D6 Must remain stationary Must be stationary to
1-4: Fire For Effect: to fire. Must have LOS fire. Fire on nearest If sniper does not
allocate D3 hits or a Leader with LOS to target in LOS. All move his Threat
evenly to all in AOE. fire at nearest target. within AOE of target Level is at +1
5-6: Suppression Fire Allocate D6+1 hits
receive 1 wound.
Choose nearest enemy evenly to all within
target in LOS. AoE of target.

2 2
2 2
Regroup Regroup Hold Position Hold Position

All active soldiers All active soldiers If this card is drawn If this card is drawn
in the fireteam may in the fireteam may during the sitrep phase, during the sitrep phase,
make a free move order make a free move order enemies will not move enemies will not move
immediately. immediately. during the sitrep phase during the sitrep phase
this turn (enemies will this turn (enemies will
If there are two or more If there are two or still make an attack if still make an attack if
fireteams in the mission more fireteams in the they’re able to do so). they’re able to do so).
area, choose one fireteam mission area, choose
to regroup. one fireteam to regroup.
Charge! For Vietnam! Sniper! Contact Rear!
Place 1 enemy sniper on
the highest elevation
All enemies on the board All enemies have +1 to furthest from the soldiers Enemy (Straggler or
will move to attack the their Threat Level until with LOS. This enemy Element) nearest to
nearest soldier. the end of the turn. sniper will activate the last soldier that
before each Sitrep phase. attempted an initiative
If they can not reach a roll, moves and attacks
soldier they will shoot When the sniper activates, nearest soldier in LOS.
instead. (staying on elevation)
he will move toward Discard this card and
the nearest soldier and shuffle discard pile
attack a soldier in LoS.
back into Sitrep deck
Keep this card in play
until the sniper is KIA.
Contact Rear! MINE! Contact! Contact!
Threat Level 9
(Roll immediately)
Enemy (Straggler or All enemy elements All enemy elements
Element) nearest to activate. They will move activate. They will move
The first soldier that toward the nearest soldier toward the nearest soldier
the last soldier that attempted an initiative
attempted an initiative and make an attack. If and make an attack. If
roll this turn has stepped there are no soldiers in there are no soldiers in
roll, moves and attacks onto an mine. If failed, the LOS after the move, the LOS after the move, the
nearest soldier in LOS. soldier receives 3 wounds. enemy elements will make a enemy elements will make a
All models in the AoE second move. second move.
Discard this card and are knocked prone if the
shuffle discard pile soldier fails.
back into Sitrep deck
Remove this card from the game.
Contact! Dinky Dau! Didi Mau! Dung Lai!

All enemy elements Threat Level 10 Threat Level 8 An enemy furthest from the
activate. They will move (Roll immediately) (Roll immediately) last soldier to attempt an
toward the nearest soldier initiative roll becomes
and make an attack. If The soldier furthest from If failed, the game has an objective. Capture him
there are no soldiers in by defeating him in hand
the enemy rolls. If failed one less turn. If the
LOS after the move, the to hand combat. Soldier
he trip and falls prone. scenario has no turn
enemy elements will make a receives a +1 to rolls for
second move. limit, ignore this card. the rest of the game.

Remove card from the game. Remove card from the game.
Contact Front! Contact Front! Contact Front! Movement!

A straggler enters the A straggler enters the A straggler enters the A straggler enters the
mission area from the mission area from the mission area from the game from the nearest
nearest building or nearest building or nearest building or terrain feature closest
terrain feature to the terrain feature to the terrain feature to the to the soldier with the
soldier with the highest soldier with the highest soldier with the highest highest initiative.
initiative and attacks the initiative and attacks the initiative and attacks the
nearest soldier in LOS. nearest soldier in LOS. nearest soldier in LOS.
If two or more soldiers
If two or more soldiers If two or more soldiers If two or more soldiers have an equal initiative,
have an equal initiative, have an equal initiative, have an equal initiative, the player must choose one
the player must choose one the player must choose one the player must choose one of the soldiers.
of the soldiers. of the soldiers. of the soldiers.
Boo-Coo Boo-Coo Choi Oi! Movement!
Movement! Movement!
All stragglers move and All stragglers move and The straggler nearest to A straggler enters the
attack the closest soldier attack the closest soldier the last soldier to attempt game from the nearest
in LOS preferring targets in LOS, preferring targets an initiative roll, is terrain feature closest
not in cover. not in cover. equipped with an LMG. to the soldier with the
This straggler will use highest initiative.
suppression fire when
he attacks and will not
move until there are no If two or more soldiers
soldiers in LOS. He targets have an equal initiative,
the nearest soldier in LOS the player must choose one
preferring those not in of the soldiers.
Boo-Coo Xin Loi! Punji Pit! Booby Trap!
Charlie! The last soldier that
attempted an initiative
A D3+2 Enemy Element Monsoon rains fall. The last soldier that
roll must roll against a
enters the board from a All enemies outside are attempted an initiative
Threat Level of 10.
random board edge that was at +2 Threat Level. If this roll must roll against a
not the edge the soldiers card is drawn again the Threat Level of 10. If failed, the soldier
started from. weather clears. receives 1 wound and
If failed, the soldier enemies are alerted.
If this card is drawn a receives 2 wounds. If the
second time, remove it soldier is not outdoors, An enemy element of D3+2
from the game. ignore this card. men enters the board
from a random board
Remove card from the game. edge furthest from the
Remove card from the game.
Enemy Weapons Enemy Weapons
Element Element
NVA Roll a D6 NVA Roll a D6
1: Mortar 2: HMG 1: Mortar 2: HMG
3-5: LMG 6: RPG 3-5: LMG 6: RPG

Enter via terrain Enter via terrain

feature nearest soldier feature nearest soldier
with lowest initiative. with lowest initiative.
Fire on Nearest target Fire on Nearest target
in LOS. in LOS.

Remove this card from play. Remove this card from play.
The Deuce and a half pulls up fast and barrels through the sandbagged
checkpoint as the guards wave it on. Once inside the compound it screeches to a
halt in a heap of thick reddish dust.

A rough looking Sergeant with a Green beret on his head, throws open the
canvas above the rear gate and begins barking orders.

“Alright you jerk offs you got 5 seconds to get off my truck and 4 of them
are gone! Move it! Move it! Move it!”

The men groan. R & R in Saigon is over and it’s back to the ugly side
of Vietnam. As you follow the others off the truck the Sergeant grabs your

“You son had better gear up and gear up fast. LT wants you in his Hootch
for a mission brief. We’re dusting off in three hours. We’re going deep man,
deep into Indian country. Uncle Ho’s trail man. You better have your shit
ready” He slaps your back, smiles and barks at some of the other guys still
lingering around obviously with hangovers.

“Welcome back to the ‘Nam.”

The 10 missions here are the original scenarios provided in the ‘Battlespace ultra
modern solo skirmish’ rules and it’s expansion ‘Battlespace Navy Seals’. I have just re-
skinned them to make them more appropriate for action in Vietnam’s jungles, villages
and Cities. Hopefully I haven’t made too many changes that upset the balance of Robert
Salters original mission scenarios. As before, these are meant for 3 x 3 table top play.
However, they may work on either 2 x 2 or 4 x 4. You are encouraged to add or change
the features to whatever jungle type terrain you have.

Your tour of duty continues. Good luck man.

Mission 1: Helo Down.
A Huey has crashed. Command has aborted your recon team’s previous
patrol mission and sent you to the crash site to retrieve the bird’s
personnel if possible. The enemy in the area are local Viet Cong
fighters, no NVA soldiers. They were the ones firing on the Huey that
brought it down.

The board can be 2’ x 2’, 3’ x 3’ or 4’ x 4’.

Your Recon team consists of 6 soldiers. You must move to the crash
site from your deployment point on the trail, clear any enemy, and
retrieve any survivors and exfil them off the board.

The terrain is jungle vegetation with patches of elephant grass,

some muddy clearings and some very dense impassible thickets. The
Helo has come down on a clearing. The trail stretches from the de-
ployment point to the exfil board edge is a stretch of 2 man wide

For a successful mission at least 3 of your team must exfil from the
board with any survivors.

When one of your team members reaches base contact with the helo
wreck, you ‘search’ it by rolling a D20.
1 – 5 = All passengers and crew are missing.
6 - 12 = All passengers and crew are KIA.
11 – 20 = There is only 1 survivor, a soldier
passenger, he is wounded. He will have
to be carried by at least 1 team mem-
Mission 1



Helo Wreck Site Jungle Trail

ES Enemy Straggler Thick Jungle &

EE Enemy Element Elephant Grass

Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Exfil Area
Mission 2: Find the Cadre.
Intelligence has discovered a Viet Cong Cadre operating in the
village of Bac Noi. Your 6 man SOF team has been assigned to
infiltrate Bac Noi at night, find the Cadre, and eliminate him.

The Village consists of 6 huts but the Cadre is reported to be either

in one of the three huts in the center of the vil.

You will move from the deployment point and infiltrate each objective
building and find the Cadre to eliminate him.

You have 8 turns before dawn to accomplish this mission and reach the
exfil point with at least 1 team member.

When you infiltrate inside an objective building, roll a D6. On 5+

you find the cadre and an NVA soldier who is his bodyguard. If you
do not find him in the first building, the second one is a 4+ to find
him. If you do not find him in the second building either, it is a 3+
to find him in the 3rd. If you do not find him in the third, he either
was never there or got a tip you were coming and fled.

If you roll a ‘1’ on the D6 while searching a building, there is a

booby trap in the building. Draw the booby trap sitrep card and play
it on whomever infiltrated the building and caused the D6 roll.
Mission 2



Bac Noi Village

Civilian Objective Jungle Trail

ES Enemy Straggler Thick Jungle & Trees

D6 D6 Size Enemy Element

EE Village Building

Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Exfil Area

Terrain: Village huts with dirt trail and clearing running through.
Surrounded by jungle, clearings and rice fields.
Mission 3: Ambush!
Your team was escorting a squad of ARVN in two fast moving Deuce ‘n a
halves. The trucks however were not fast enough and were hit on the
road to Firebase Elvira by a well laid ambush of NVA soldiers.

Many of the ARVN were killed as they ‘Didi Mau’d’ out of there. Now
only your 6 man team is left in the perimeter set up around the trucks.

You must hold out for 5 turns as an inbound reaction team mounted in
APC’s is headed in after receiving your call for assistance.

You must have at least 1 man of your team alive at the end of turn 5.
Mission 3


Sniper on Roof

Ambush Zone Road Thick Jungle & Trees

ES Enemy Straggler (NVA) Truck

2 EE 2 Man Enemy Element (NVA)
Sn Enemy Sniper (NVA) Elevation
Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Colonial French Building

Terrain: Gravel or packed dirt road. Slight hill almost the fill length
of the board on one side of the road. One colonial French watch
tower or building. Surrounded by thick jungle, some mud clearing
and patches of elephant grass.
Mission 4: Rescue.
Informants have passed on an urgent tip to command. The Viet Cong
have gathered three captured American helicopter crewmen into a
temporary holding pen in the village of Dai Binh. They are waiting
to transfer them to a NVA patrol that will take them across the
Cambodian border for the long trek up the Ho Chi Minh trail to a North
Vietnamese prison camp.

Command has given your 6 man team the go ahead for a rescue. You have
7 turns to do so.


1. Eliminate the VC guarding the prisoners by the end of turn 5.

2. When the POW’s are within the area of the maneuver card with a
soldier, that soldier can ‘Pop red smoke’ as an action. (Note,
each soldier carries smoke in this mission)
3. On the next turn after popping smoke, the team must lead the
rescued POW’s to the exfil.
4. POW’s are treated as soldiers when being fired on by the enemy.
5. At least one POW must make it to the exfil for the mission to be
a success.
Mission 4


Dai Binh Village

POWs Jungle Trail Thick Jungle & Trees

ES Enemy VC Stragglers Village Huts

3 EE 3 Man Enemy Element
Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Exfil Area

Terrain: Dirt trail and clearing. Mixed jungle of thick vegetation,

mud clearings, Elephant grass patches and dense thickets.
Mission 5: Didi Mau boys!
Your 6 man team is on a recon patrol through the deserted village
of Mung Tau. The Village is surrounded by thick jungle clad hills
behind which runs a shallow stream.

Your team is positioned in the remains of a burned out Colonial

French country house near several Vietnamese huts. Above you an
OH-6 ‘Little bird’ had just did a fly over of your position.

Your PRC radio crackles to life. “Romeo Bravo 1 this is Lima Bravo
6 over.” You acknowledge. “Romeo bravo I would suggest you didi
out of that area. It’s swarming with Charlie heading towards the
Vil. Looks like Main force NVA. Over.” Well, looks like things are
going to get interesting. “Copy Lima Bravo 6. Out.” Time to get a
move on.

The enemy consists of an NVA leader, NVA elements and stragglers.

You and your team need to exfil most Riki Tik.

You have 7 turns to get your team to the exfil. At least 2 of them
must make it to tell the tale.with any survivors.

When one of your team members reaches base contact with the helo
wreck, you ‘search’ it by rolling a D20.
Mission 5




Mung Tau Village

Civilians Clearing Village Huts

ES = Enemy VC Stragglers
LDR = Enemy Leader
3 EE = 3 Man Enemy Element Hills
D3+2 EE = D3+2 Man Enemy Element
Deployment Area: Maneuver Card
Exfil Area

Terrain: Mixed Jungle, thick patches, mud clearings, elephant grass,

rice paddies, Hills
Mission 6: Intel Hunt.
Command has given your 6 man team the go ahead for a nighttime raid
on a Viet Cong training camp just across the border in Cambodia.
There are 4 objectives to be searched. These consists of 1 Major
intel objective and 3 minor intel objectives.

Intelligence says the camp is not currently active that only a few
VC guards are in the area. Of course you’ll believe that when hell
freezes over.

Gaining all objectives will give you bonuses for any later missions.
There is no turn limit, however you can not exfil until you have
located the major intel objective.

After turn 8 you will begin drawing 2 sitrep cards per sitrep phase.
Use 4 identical objective markers. Put an ID under one to mark it
as the major objective. Turn them upside down, scramble them around
before blindly placing them on the board.

No NVA soldiers or the VC Cadre are used in this mission.

If the team finds the major objective, and at least 1 man gets off the
board they get 4 extra gear points for the next mission.

For each minor objective the team finds, and at least 1 man gets off
the board you can negate one sitrep card drawn on the next mission.

To find the objective a man must be in base to base contact with the
objective marker and perform a ‘search’.
Mission 6




Road French House Spider Holes

ES = Enemy VC Stragglers French Colonial
2/3 EE = 2 or 3 Man VC Enemy Element

Objectives Dugout Shelters Hill

Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Exfil Area

Terrain: Mixed Jungle, thick patches, mud clearings, elephant grass,

Plantation rows, hills
Mission 7: Two birds in the bush.
Intelligence has found out that a Colonel Do Quang Ho of the local Main
force VC regiment is heading via Sampan to the village of Muoy Doc on a
muddy backwater of the Mekong river. He is picking up arms and ammo from
a secret enemy weapons cache in an old abandoned French plantation.

Your 6 man team will split into two 3 man teams designated Alpha and
Bravo teams.

Alpha teams mission is to take and destroy the weapons cache at objective
Alpha. Objective Alpha has a 4 man Main Force VC element guarding it.
Two members of Alpha team carry a C4 explosive. To set the explosive
they must be in base contact with the building the cache is in and ‘place
explosive’ as an action. To set off the explosive is a Free action.
Anyone within the building when it goes off is KIA. Anyone within the
walled compound when it goes off receives D3 wounds. After they plant
the explosive they can exfil or aide Bravo team.

Bravo teams mission is to capture Colonel Do. Do’s Sampan is at the

dock. He will be moving with a 4 man main force Viet cong element from
his Sampan to the walled compound where the weapons cache is, then back
to the Sampan. Bravo team must make base to base contact with Colonel Do
and win a Fight to subdue him and drag him to the exfil.

If the weapons cache is destroyed, Colonel Do will didi mau back to his
sampan and be gone.

Colonel Do is classed as an NVA leader. All main force Viet Cong are
also classed as NVA soldiers.

If Alpha team exfils and the weapons cache is not destroyed the mission is

If Colonel Do makes a round trip from the sampan to the weapons cache and
then back to the sampan, the mission is failed.

If Colonel Do makes it back to his sampan he is not captured and the

mission is failed.

If the weapons cache is destroyed and 1 man of Alpha team makes it off
the board, you can take an extra 2 men or 4 more gear points on the next

If Colonel Do is captured and removed from the board, you can negate 3
sitrep cards in the next mission.
Mission 7



Road Vietnamese Huts Old French

Colonial Walled Yard
LDR = Enemy Cadre Leader
2/4 EE = 2 or 4 Man Enemy Element Old French
Objectives Vietnamese

Alpha & Bravo Deployment

Exfil Area

Terrain: French Colonial Buildings,Stone Walls, Vietnamese Huts, Dirt

Trail, Tree Orchard, Jungle, Muddy River Boat Landing, Sampan.
Mission 8: Block them holes!
A regular infantry company of the 25th infantry division has been
harassed by fire from the village of Duoc Hoi. When they swept the
vil, they foundnd nothing. The problem has been kicked up to SOF

Your 6 man team is being sent in to Duoc Hoi to search the 5

locations the infantry have reported taking fire from. Command
believes there are tunnel entrances or spider holes hidden at
these locations.

A man must make base to base contact with the objective marker
then do a ‘search’ action to discover the tunnel entrance.

Each man will carry 1 Grenade as free gear. It takes one grenade
dropped in base to base contact with the objective to collapse the
tunnel entrance. If you run out of grenades, you will not be able
to blow the tunnel entrances and the mission will fail. Grenades
can be scavenged from KIA soldiers who still have the gear on
them. You can of course take extra grenades with your load out.

The enemy are only VC fighters, no Cadre. They can spawn from the
objectives unless the objective has been blown. They can still
spawn from the board edges unless all objectives have been blown.

Once all objectives are blown do not draw anymore sitrep cards in
the game. Any VC still in play will retreat off the board. Once
there are no VC left on the board, the game ends.

If you run out of grenades and have no means to destroy the

objectives, you must exfil back off your deployment zone to end the
game. Your mission has failed.
Mission 8


Duoc Hoi Village

Civilians Clearing Vietnamese Huts

ES = Enemy VC Stragglers
River Bank
2/3 EE = 2 or 3 Man Enemy Element
Deployment Area: Maneuver Card Hill

Objective Pig Corral

Terrain: Mixed jungle, some thick patches, some scrubby, clearing,

dirt trail, hill, river bank, tunnel entrances.
Mission 9: Chào buổi sáng Việt Nam!
(Good Morning Vietnam!)
Radio Pleiku has fallen! The entire country is under siege. NVA
regular units and Viet Cong units have attacked every major city and
base in country.

As chaotic as the command post is, you’ve been given a mission on the
fly. Go retake Radio Pleiku and get those commie bastards off the air!

Your team is now 8 men strong plus you’ve been given an ARVN
translator (take the card from the Gear deck). There will be
Civilians in the way. Some hostile, some friendly but mostly just in
the way! You start off the board at your deployment point.

An NVA leader is in the Radio Pleiku building. He is your objective.

You must kill him and his 3 man element escort. The radio station is
heavily defended. The game ends when the NVA leader is killed as all
other NVA in the area will didi mau to their nearest command element
off the board. The game also ends if all your men are KIA. If you can
not win the mission you can save your men by exfil off any board edge.
The mission will then be a fail.

If you kill the NVA leader, you receive an extra 4 Gear points for
the next mission, and may negate any 2 sitrep cards in that game.
Mission 9





City Buildings Deployment Area

Walled Compound Objective

French Radio Building
ES = NVA Straggler
MG = NVA MG Team
Sandbag line w/ gate
LDR = NVA Leader


Statue or Fountain

Terrain: Urban
Mission 10: Counter attack at Plei Me!
The NVA and Viet Cong are attacking everywhere in Vietnam during
the TET holiday. At dawn a strong force besieged the Special
Forces camp at Plei Me.

One two man Observation Post on a small hill beyond the SF post
has been under attack all morning. They need help.

Your 5 man team has been given the job. You have to sally
outside the wire and reach the two cut off men and bring them
back to the post.

You must come onto the board at the deployment point off board.
Once you reach the two cut off men, all of you must move to the
exfil point. At least one of the cut off men must make it off the
board with someone from the reaction team to win.

The enemy are all NVA soldiers. While the NVA leader is alive,
you draw 2 sitrep cards in every sitrep phase.
Mission 10 5





Sandbag Fighting Position Hill

ES = NVA Stragglers
2/3 EE = 2 or 3 Man NVA Element
LDR = NVA Leader

Deployment Area: Maneuver Card

Exfil Area Objective

Terrain: Jungle, Lots of jungle, a clearing, hill is lightly vegetated.

Dirt Trail.

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