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This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered and executed by and between:


corporation created and operati ng under Republic Act No.
7916, as amended, w ith office address at Building No.5 DOE-
PNOC Complex, Energy Center, Rizal Drive. Bonifacio Global
City, Taguig City, represented herein by its Director General,
BGen CHARITO B. PLAZA MNSA, PhD, who is duly
authorized, and is hereinafter referred to as the "PEZA",


BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION, a government unit, created

under Chapter IV of Republic Act No. 6975, with office address
at the 7 th Floor, BFP National Headquarters. Agham Road,
Quezon City, represented herein by its Chief, DIRECTOR
LEONARD R. BANAGO, who is likewise duly authorized and is
hereinafter referred to as the "BFP".


WHEREAS, it is a well-entrenched constitutional principle that "The maintenance of

peace and order, the protection of life, liberty and property, and the promotion of the general
welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy";

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7916, as amended, or "The Speciol Economic Zone Act of
1995", expressly vests PEZA with the power to operate, administer, manage and develop
economic zones and to register, regulate and supervise the enterprises in the economic
zones in an efficient a nd decentralized manner;

WHEREAS, Rule XII, Section 5 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic
Act No. 7916, as amended, provides that PEZA adopts the Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP)
and its Impl ementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and such other regulations or issuances it
may promulgate for enfo rcement within the boundaries of each PEZA economic zone;

WHEREAS, PEZA has been enforcing and administeri ng the National Bu ilding Code of
the Philippines (NBCP), including the FCP, inside the PEZA econom ic zones by virtue Of
Presidentia l Decree (PO) 1786 issued on 15 january 1981, amend ing PO 66 (The Export
Processing Zone Authority [EPZAl Charter), in relation to Republic Act No. 7916, as amended
and Executive Order No. 282 dated 30 October 1995;

WHEREAS, upon the passage of Republic Act No. 9514, or the "Fire Code of the
Philippines of 2008", (Fep) its enforcement and administration is solely vested on the BFP
under the direct supervision and control of the Chief BFP;

WHEREAS, the sole authority of the BFP to enforce and administer the provisions of
R.A. No. 9514 was affirmed by the Secretary of justice under Opinion Nos. 8 and 29 dated 06
june 2017 and 29 july 2017, respectively;

Memorandum of Ag reement ~ twe!! n
PEZA ond the BFP

WHEREAS, cognizant of their respective legal mandates, PEZA and the BFP agree to
be dynamic partn ers in providing an adequate. effective. and efficient fire safety. protection
and response program inside the PEZA economi c zones and for PEZA-registered enterprises
hence, have agreed to enter into Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to define the respective
responsibilities of the herein parties with regard to the enforcement and administration of
RA 9514;

WHEREAS, PEZA and the BFP agree that there is a need to formulate and execute a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in order to ensure the enforcement and administration
of the provisions of R.A. 9514 and the effective formulation and implementation of an
adequate, effective and efficie nt fire safety, protection and response program inside the
PEZA economic zones because PEZA exercises exclusive administrative supervision over
PEZA-registered economic zones;

WHEREAS, Section 5 par. (e) of Republic Act No. 9514 provides that subject to the
approval of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Chief,
BFP is authorized to enter into Memoranda of Agreement with other departments, bureaus,
agencies, offices and corporations of the governme nt, as well as private institutions, in order
to define areas of cooperation and coordination and delineate responsibility on fire
prevention education, fire safety, fire prevention, fire suppression and other matte rs of
common concern;

WHEREAS, PEZA and the BFP agree that effective and efficient fire safety and
protection programs are im po rtan t features in promoting the country, particularly the PEZA
economic zones to foreign investors;

WHEREAS, the present Administration's thrust is to promote simplification of

government transactions, and inter-operability of government processes, and to strengthen
com munication and coordination among government agencies;

WHEREAS, PEZA and BFP are united in supporting this policy direction of the

NOW, THEREFORE, with their mutual consent the parties hereto agree to the
follolVingTERMS and UNDERTAKINGS which shall be applicable fo r all intents and purposes
of this covenant, as follows:


1. This Agreement shall govern the administration and implementation of the FCP in all
PEZA-administered economic zones in the country, including Information ~
Technology (IT) Parks and Centers, inclusive of the buildings, structures and facilities
of the PEZA-registered enterprises. However, for non-PEZA registered ente rpri ses
and PEZA-registered enterprises that are not entitled to any PEZA incentives, they are
to undergo the regular process of securing permits prescribed by the Local
Government Unit's (LGU's), the Business Permits Licensing Office, and Office of the
Building Officials, including clearances and certificates from the BFP.

2. This Agreement shall define areas of cooperation and collaboration between PEZA
and the BFP with respect to specific tasks allowed under the FCP to PEZA-registered
economic zones and PEZA-registered ente rpri ses.

Memofandum Of Agreement between
PEZA and the BfP

3. PEZA sha ll coordinate. collaborate and coo perate with the BFP to stre ngthen fire
prevention, fire respon se, fire investigation and co nduct of fire prevention education
and trai ning for PEZA fire safety practitioners/firefighters including those from
PEZA-registered enterprises and the conduct of information dissemination and other
activities necessary for the implementation ofRA 9514.

4. PEZA and BFP shall address complaint and· grievance by PEZA-registered

developers/operators and enterprises in accordance with their respective grievance
mechani sm. However, in cases where the compla int or grievance cannot be
addressed by the grievance machinery of either party, it shall be refer red to the
Oversight Committee for its proper disposition.

5. The Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) shall be a pre-requisite for the issuance
of Building Permits; and the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FS IC) shall be a pre-
requisite in the issuance of Occupancy Permits and Certificate of Annual Inspection


App licant A PEZA-Registered Enterprise covered by this MOA app lying for NBCP
permits and FCP clearances and certificates.

Application A preformatted prescribed form specified in thi s MOA


Backroom A working arrangement between the PEZA Office of the Building Official
Operation (OBO), including its concerned units, and the BFP, including its concerned
units, where applications and documentary requirements for building
permits and certificates of occupancy, and for FCP clearances and
certificates, are transferred and moved between PEZA and BFP, and from
one unit to another in their respective offices, for review, evaluation and
action without the physical interaction of the applica nt.

Building The Building Official apPointed by the Directo r General of PEZA The
Official (BO) Building Official sha ll be responsi ble for carrying out the provisions of "The
National Building Code of the Philippines", PD 1096, as we ll as the
enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.

Building A document issued by the BO to an owner/applicant to proceed with the

Permit construction, installation, add ition, alteration, re novation, conversion,
repair, moving, demolition or other work activity of a specific
project/building/structure or portions thereof after the accompanying
principal plans, specifications and other pertinent documents with the duly
notarized app lication are found satisfactory and substantially conforming
with the NBCP and its Implementi ng Rules and Regulations (IRR) and with
FSEC issued by BFP.

Certificate of A document issued by the BO to an owner after an annual inspection to

Annual ensure structural stability of the building and that all architectura l,
Inspection electrical, mechanical, plumbing/sanitary and fire safety standards under

Memorandum of Agreement bet ween
PEZA .1Id the BfP

NBCP and FCP are complied with and maintained prior to renewal of
Occupancy Permit

Certificate of The certificate issued by PEZA to an enterprise upon signing of its

Registration Registration Agreement with PEZA It is prima facie evidence that an entity
is registered with PEZA.

Co nstruction All on- site work done in the site preparatio n, excavation, foundation,
assembly of all components and installation of utilities, machineries and
equipment of buil dings/structures.

Digital An electronic signature consisting of a t ransformation of an electronic

Signature document or an electronic data message us ing an asymmetric or public
cryptosystem such that a person having the initial untransformed electronic
do cume nt and the signe r's public key ca n accurate ly deter mine: (a) whether
the transformation was created using the private key that corres ponds to
the signer's public key; and (b) whether the initi al electroni c document had
been altered after the transformation was made.

Electronic Any distinctive mark, characteristic and/or sound in electroni c form,

Signature representing the identity of a person and attached to, or logically associated
with, the electronic message or electronic document or any methodology or
proced ures employed or adopted by a person and executed or adopted by
such person with the intention of authenti cating or approving an electronic
data message or electronic document.

Estimated Meas ures the value of the construction installed or erected at a given
Va lu e of the lo cation and may also be considered as the cost of construction including
Building! architectural and engi neering work and labor cost as stipulated in the
Structure Building Permit Appli cation Form as duly notarized.

Fire Safety A document iss ued by the BFP as a pre-requisite for the grant of Buil ding
Evaluation Permit by the Office of Building Official upon determination that the
Clearance evaluated plans are compli ant with RA 9514 and its IRR.

Fire Safety A docu ment issued by the BFP upon determi ni ng that the req uired fire safety
Inspection construction are in place, and fire protective and/or warning system are
Clearance properly installed in accordance with the approved plans and specification s
(FS IC) and in compliance with RA 9514 and its IR R.

Joint A composite team whose members come from PEZA and BFP authorized by
Inspection their resp ective agencies to conduct joint inspection of PEZA-registered
Team OIT) Enterprises, the purpose of which is for the PEZA Office of the Building
Official to conduct inspection of the facilities in relation to NBCP
requirements and BFP to conduct inspection of the same facilities in relation
to FCP requirements at the same time, for ease of doing business, instead of
separate inspection at different times by either PEZA aBO and BFP.

Memo'lindum of AgrHmeM between
PEZA Ind the BFP

Notice to A document issued by 8FP and the PEZA 80 requiring the owner or the
Comply occupant to correct defects or deficiencies revealed during inspection
(NTC) within the appropriate or prescribed period.

Notice of A document issued by the SFP if the applicant fails to comply with the
Disapproval required documents or fire safety requirements of RA 9514 and its IRR.

Non-PEZA An entity with no Certifi cate of Registration issued by PEZA, and operating
Registered inside PEZA Economic Zones.

Occupancy A docum ent issued by the Building Official certifying that the
Permit (OP) building/structure was co mpleted and can be occupied/used in accordance
with the approved use.

Office of the The Office authorized by PEZA to enforce the provis ions of the NBCP and its
Building IRR in the PEZA Economic Zones under the provisions of thi s MOA as well as
Official the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.

One·Stop The single common site or location designated for the PEZA Office of the
Shop Co- Building Official and BFP for the processing of app lications for NBCP Permits
location Site an d FCP clearances and certificates, respectively.

PEZA Special economic zones, including I.T. Parks and Centers, Tourism economic
Economic zones, Medical Tourism Parks and Centers, and other types of economic
Zones zones, proclai med by the President of the Philippines in accordance with RA
No. 7916, as amend ed, and are ad mini stered by the PEZA.

PEZA- An entity, including Developers/Operators of PEZA economic zo nes and I.T.

Registered Parks and Centers, in possession of a Certifica te of Registration issued by
Enterprise PEZA. However, thi s MOA shall not cover PEZA· Registered Enterprises not
entitled to any PEZA incentives and are th erefore required to secure their
NBCP permits directly from the LGU's Building Official and their FCP
certificates/clearances directly from BFP. To this end, PEZA shall regu larly
provide BFP with the list of PEZA· Registered Enterprises not entitl ed to any
PEZA incentives.

Processing The time spent by an applicant from the submission of application,

Time evaluation, inspection, issuances of NBCP and Fep permits, including
transaction time, and travel time, if appli cable.


1. PEZA sha ll endorse to the BFP within the period prescribed in this MOA all
applications for building permit, occupancy permits, and certificate of annu al
Memorandum of Agreement between
PEZA and the BfP

inspection for purposes of the issuance of FSEC and FSIC. Upon endorsement, the BFP
shall acknowledge rece ipt of the documen ts an d PEZA shall provid e th e inspection
dates. PEZA shall not iss ue said permits unl ess the BFP has issued the required FSEC,
FSIC, and FCP related clea rances;

2. PEZA shall provide the BFP with th e site development pl an of the eco nomic zo nes
including the fire protection plan and/or fire response ma nage ment plan, for proper
coordination and fa miliarization in case of fire incidents. However, site development
plan for PEZA· Registered Enterprises, including Deve lopers of PEZA econo mic zones
that are not entitled to any PEZA incentives as provided in the list to be submi tted by
PEZA to BFP, sha ll be secured by the BFP from the LGU's Office of th e Building Official.

3. PEZA shall allow SFP liaison personnel, plan eva lu ators, fire safety inspectors,
assessors and collectors to co· locate with the former following the one·stop·shop
policy established in this MOA.

4. PEZA shall address, docume nt, and monitor any com ment or co mplain t regarding the
co ndu ct of any inspectio ns under this MOA from PEZA·registered enterprises.


1. The BF? shall be res po nsible for the implementation of the Fire Code of the
Phili ppines (FCP) among PEZA·registered enterprises.

2. The SFP shall issue the FSEC, FSI C. and other FCP-related clearances within the
period prescribed in this MOA to all fire safety compliant PEZA-Registered
enterprises. Further, the SFP shall immediately furn is h PEZA origi nal copies of all
FSECs and FS ICs that it issued to PEZA-Registered Enterprises withi n the period
prescribed in this MOA

3. The SFP shall continu e to respond immediately to fire incidents which may occur
inside PEZA Economic Zones. The BFP, as maybe deemed necessary, may all ow the
assistance of the PEZA Building Officials in the cond uct of fire investigations.

4. The SFP shall give prior ity to applications for new faci lities of PEZA-registered
enterprises to ensure that they are able to operate on time. The SFP sha ll act on the
application within the prescribed number of days specified in this MOA and issue
either FSEC or Notice of Disa pproval (NOD) and FSIC or Notice to Comply (NTC)
within that period.



1.1. Application Form. A preformatted form for building perm it appli cations sha ll be
prescribed for all ?EZA-registered enterprises (Annex 1). Fou r (4) copies of the
application form for building permit, duly notarized, shall be submi tted with the
required documents as described in Section V.1.2 of this MOA

1.2. Documentary Requi rements. In applying for a bu ildi ng permit, the applicant s hall be
required to submit the follo wing documents together with the application fo rm:

Memorandum of Agreement between
PEZA , tid the BfP

a.) Four (4) sets of the proposed building plans and other documents prepared,
signed and sealed over the printed names of du ly licensed a nd registered
professionals, as stipulated under Section 302 (3) of the lRR of the NBCP:

Four (4) sets of the following:

(i) Architectural Documents
(ii) Civil /S tructural Do cuments
(iii) Electrical Documents
(iv) Mechanical Documents
(v) Sanitary Documents
(vi) Plumbing Documents
(vii) Electronics Documents
(viii) Detailed Project Cost Estimate
(ix) Technical Specifications
(x) Fire Protection Plan (if appli cable)

b. Soft copy of proposed bu ilding plans including the documents enumerated in

the preceding paragraph.

c. Three (3) photocopies of valid licen ses of all invo lved professional s (e.g.
Professional Tax Receipt and the Professional Regulation Commission
identification ca rd);

1.3. Steps in Securing Building Pe rmit. PEZA and BFP are enjoined to conside r the
applicants' perspective in designing the procedures for securing a building permit
and FSEC respectively, bearing in mind the Duterte ad mini stration's promotion of
"people-centered" governance that espou ses simplification of government
transactions. Hence, the PEZA and the BFP are directed to ensure that, from the
perspective of an applicant, a maximum of four (4) steps, shall be followed in
securing a building permit:

Stept: Submissi on of Application Forms and Do cu mentary

Requirem ents;

Step Z: Receipt of the Order of Payment;

Step 3: Payment of Fees and Charges; and

Step 4: Cla iming of the Building Perm it with the FSEC.

Annex 2 contains the flow chart followed by the PEZA in processing building
permits and the BFP in process ing FSEC applicatio ns.

1.4. PEZA's aBO shall receive the application and check for the completeness of the
Documentary Requirements aforementioned. Thereafter, PE ZA aBO shall endorse
three (3) sets of the application with complete documentary requireme nts specified
above to the BFP.

1.5. As part of the backroom operations, PEZA's aBO and the BFP shall simultaneously
evaluate within the prescribed period in this MOA the plans submitted for the
issuance of building permits a nd FSEC, respectively. Once evaluated o r approved, the
BFP sha ll ret urn two sets of stampe la ns to PEZA's aBO.

Ml!ffiOflindum Of Agreement between
PEZA 1111(1 the 8FP

1.6. PEZA and BFP shall formulate and use an evaluatio n checklist (Annex 3) for
assessing the proposed building's compliance with the NBCP and FCP provisions,
respectively. Evaluation of submissions shall be in accordance with the appropriate
prescribed checklists and plan evaluation procedures.

1.7. To minimize face-to-face interaction between an app licant and any ent ity of the
government, PEZA and the BFP are encouraged to automate/computerize systems,
processes and/or procedures re lated to the steps specified in Section 1.3 of this MOA.
PEZA and the BFP are enjoined to develop an automated system for the submiss ion
and processing of building permit applications.

1.8. Processing Time. PEZA and BFP shall evalu ate bu il ding permit applications, with
complete documentary requirements, within a maximum period of five (5) working
days. The said five (5) day period shall be inclusive of the BFPs processing of the
app lication for FSEC. The BFP shall process the application for Fire Safety Eva luation
Clearance (FSEC) within a maximum period of three (3) working days from receipt
of the endorsement from PEZA.

For application that complies with the req uirements of NBCP, FCP, and its referral
codes, PEZA shall release the Building Permit with the FSEC after payment of
appropriate fees and charges.

For ap plication with de fici encies, Building Permit shall still be issued subject to the
app li cant's compliance during construction with the req uirements as prescribed in
the bu ilding permit evaluation checklist and fire safety checklist on Building Plans
issued by PEZA and BFP, respectively, after payme nt of appropriate fees and charges.

1.9. Assessment of Fees. After the evaluation of the building permit appli cation, the
PEZA and the BFP, shall simultaneously prepare an Orde r of Payment that will be
issued to the app lica nt at the sa me time, specifyi ng the fees that the applicant is
obl.igated to pay in accordance with the provisions of the NBCP and the FCP,
respectively. The PEZA and the BFP shall put in place the necessary meas ures to
imp lement a one-time assessment of building-related fees and charges.

The fire code fees for the issuance of FSEC shall be based on the estimated va lu e of
the buil ding or structure declared by the owner or applica nt as stated in the
application form duly notarized.

1.10. payment of Fees. The PEZA and the BFP shall jOintly implement a one-time
payment of fees and charges related to building permit app licatio ns. All related fees
shall be paid by the applicant in the deS ignated PEZA co-loca tion site.

The PEZA and BFP are enjoined to establis h a system of online payment of fees and
related charges and other electronic payment scheme to facilitate the one-time
assessment and payment of building permit-related fees and charges.

1.11. Signatories. The Building Official shall sign and issue the buil ding permit.
Technical staff members are, however, enjoined to sign the review or evaluation
sheets (Annex 4) of the techni cal documents they were assigned to eval uate fo r
reference of the Building Official.

Memorandum of Ag reement between
PE ZA and the BFP


2.1. Application Form. A preformatted form for OP applications shall be prescribed for all
PEZA-registered enterprises (Annex 5). Three (3) copies of the application form
shall be submitted with the required documents as described in Section 2.2 below.

2.2. Documentary Requirements. In applying for OP, the applicant shall submit the
following documents:

a. Three (3) copies of duly notarized Certificate of Completion using the form in
Annex 6, signed by the owner/applicant and signed and sealed by the duly
licensed Architect or Civil Engineer in-charge of construction, together with
the approved plan and specifications and one copy of the construction
logbook. If the construction was undertaken through a contract, the
Certificate of Completion shall be signed by the contractor/Authorized
Managing Officer;

b. One (1) photocopy of the issued Building Permit and the issued ancillary

c. Owner's photocopy of Fire Safety Checklist and its corresponding FSEC;

d. Three (3) photocopies of the valid licenses of all involved professionals (e.g.
Professional Tax Receipt and the Professional Regulation Commission
identification card); and

e. Photograph of the completed structure showing front, sides, and rear areas.

2.3. In cases when there are changes in the approved building plans, three (3) sets of As-
Built Plan are required to be submitted to the PEZA OBO, reflecting all the
changes/modifications/alterations/amendments made as an additional document.

2.4. The applicant, if required, shall secure clearances or certificates from utility
companies, independently and after the issuance of the OP. Such clearances therefore
shall not be considered requirements for the issuance of the OP.

2.5. Steps in Securing Occupancy Permit. PEZA and the BFP are enjoined to consider the
applicants' perspective in designing the procedures for securing the OP and FSIC,
respectively. The following shall be considered as the maximum steps in securing OP
by an applicant:

. Step 1: Submission of the Application Forms and Documentary Requirements as

provided in Section V.2.2;

Step 2: Receipt of the Order of Payment;

Step 3: Payment of Fees and Charges; and

Step 4: Claiming of the OP.

Annex 7 contains th e flow chart for processing the OP including the process of
the BFP in evaluating the FSIC fo OPs.

Memorandum of Agreem~nt between
PEZA and the 6fP

2.6. As part of the backroom operations, the PEZA shall evaluate the documents
forwarded by the PEZA receiving officer at the one-stop-shop co-location sites. The
PEZA receiving office r sha ll provide three (3) sets of the s ubmitted documents to BFP
at the OSCS for processing and issuance of the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
(FS IC). In addition, the PEZA and the BFP are requ ired to form a joint inspection team
for the conduct of required inspection of the structure in relatio n to NBCP and FCP
requirements, respectively. The PEZA and BFP sha ll coordinate in organizing the
inspection team, preparing and synchronizing the schedules of the inspection team
members. In the event that the jOint inspectio n is not feasible, each party may
conduct their own inspection. In such case, the inspecti ng party shall, prior to
inspection, notify the other party of the schedule of said inspection.

2.7. The evaluation sheet that PEZA may use in the review and processing of Occupa ncy
Permit applications is attached as Annex 6.

2.B. Pursua nt to Section 309 (4.a) of the IRR of the NBCP, a partial Occupancy Pe rmit may
be iss ued for the use or occupancy of a portion or portions of a building or structure
prior to the completion of the entire buil ding or structure, thro ugh the prope r
phasi ng of its major independent portions without posing hazards to its occupants,
the adjacent building residents and the general public. Consistent w ith this, the BFP
may issue the appropriate FSIC consistent with the portion or portio ns of a bu ilding
or structure in the applied for the OP, provided that all the fire safety requ irements
in the IRR of RA 9514 and Fire Safety Checklist are already install ed and operational
on the subject app li cation for the Partial OP.

2.9. To min im ize face-to-face interaction between an appli cant and any entity of the
government, PEZA and the BFP are encouraged to develop an
automated/computerized application system that allow on line applicatio n for OP,
further streamlining the steps in Section V.2.5.

2.10. Signatories. The PEZA Building Official shall be the Signatory to the OP. Technical
staff members are, however, enjoined to sign the review or evalu ation sheets of the
technical documents they were assigned to evaluate fo r refere nce of the PEZA
Buil ding Official.

2.11. Processing Time. PEZA and BFP, functio ning as one un it, shall evaluate all
applications for OP, and other related certificates, within a maximum pe riod of five
(5) working days from receipt of an appli cation form with complete documentary
requirements. The BFP shall process the Fire Safety Ins pection Certificate (FSIC)
within a maximum period of three (3) working days and transmit to PEZA the FS IC.
App li cations with deficiencies sha ll be issued an occupancy inspection checkli st and
notice of disapproval, by the PEZA and BFP, respectively, stating all deficiencies.

2.12. Assessment of Fees. After final inspection by the PEZA and receipt of the BFP after-
inspection report, the PEZA and the BFP shall simultaneously prepare an Order of
Payment for applications that pass their require ments, specifying the fees that the
appli cant is obligated to pay in accorda nce with the provisions of the NBC P and the
FCP, respectively. The two orders of payment shall be issued to the app licant at the
sa me time. For this pu rpose, the BFP shall assign a staff who shall be co-located at
the PEZA one-stop-sho p co-location site.

2.13. Payme nt of Fees. The PEZA and the SFP sha ll jOintly imp lement a one-time
payment of fees and charges re lated to applications for OP. As provided under Section
Memorandum of Agreement between
PEZA and the 8FP

V.1.l0 ab ove, PEZA and the BFP are also encouraged to establish a system of online
pa~ment of fees and related charges and other electronic payment schemes.

2.14. PEZA OBO sha ll issue the OP together with the FSIC and other rel ated
certificates/clearances upon payment of the required fees by the app licant.

2.15. Inform ation Shari ng. PEZA shall provide certified tru e copy of all iss ued OPs to the
BFP on a monthly basis. PEZA and the BFP are thu s encouraged to
automate/computerize their databases and ensure capacities for data and
informa tion sharing.



1. No certifi cate of ann ual inspection shall be issued by PEZA wi thout a valid FSIC iss ued
by the BFP.

2. PEZA and the BFP shall form a joint inspection team fo r the conduct of joint inspection
of the structure in relation to requirements of the NBCP and FCP, respective ly. The
PEZA an d BFP shall coordinate in organ izing the inspection team, preparing and
synchro nizing th e schedules of th e inspection team members. In the event that the
jOint inspectio n is not feasible, each party may conduct their own inspection. In s uch
case, the inspecting party shall, prior to inspection, noti fy the other party of the
schedul e of sa id inspection.

For the purpose of condu cting the ini tial jOint inspection un der this MOA, PEZA sha ll
endorse to the BFP the list of PEZA registered entities to be inspected within fifteen
(15) days from signing of this MOA together with the schedu le of jOint inspection.

For PEZA*registered enterprises that co mply with the fire safety requirements of the
FCP, the BFP shall iss ue and transmit the FSIC tQ PEZA w ith in two (2) days from
inspection. Fo r non*compliant PEZA*registered entities, the procedure for
adm ini strative courses of action prescribed in the Fep s hall be followed. In such
event, the BFP shall inform PEZA of the deficiencies of the PEZA*registered ~
Enterprises and the contemplated adm inistrative actio n to be take n.

3. Assessment of Fees. Fee charged for the conduct of fire safety inspection shall be
equivalent to ten percent (10 %) of all fees charged by PEZA aBO for the issuance of
certifica te of annual inspection.

4. Payment of Fees. The PEZA and the BFP shall jOintly implement a one*time payment
of fees and charges related to the iss uance of certificate of annua l inspection and FSIC.
As provided under Section V. l.lO above, PEZA and the BFP are also encouraged to
establish a system of online payment of fees and related charges and other electronic
payment schemes.


1. There shall be establis hed one*stop*shop co-location site in all PEZA OBOs.

2. The BfP sha ll assign liaison officer, assessor and co llector in all PEZA one-stop-shop
co*location sites.

Memo randum of Agreement between
PEZA and the BFP

3. The PEZA shall provide working space for BFP personnel co-located at the PEZA one-
stop-shop co-location sites.



1. The BFP shall continue to respond immediately to fire incidents which may occur
inside the PEZA economic zones. In such event, PEZA shall allow the BFP to enter the
economic zones without any restrictions and provi'de the respo nding unit nece ssary
information and assistance in the conduct of fire suppression.

2. In all fi re incidents in PEZA-registered enterprises, the BFP shall be responsible for

the fire investigation without prejudice to the cooperatio n and ass istance ofPEZA.

3. The BFP sha ll conduct fire drills and lectures in all PEZA Economic Zones and all
PEZA-registered enterprises at least twice a year. BFP shall inform PEZA of the
schedul e of said fire drills. For lectures, PEZA shall organize PEZA enterprises for
lectures to be conducted by BFP in accordance with programs and schedules agreed
upon by both parties.


This MOA may be ame nded or modified by the parties, provided that any amendment
or modification sha ll be mutually agreed upon within Fifteen (IS) working days to be
reckoned from the date of receip t by the other party of the written proposal of the subject
modifications or amendments.


This MOA shall take effect after (30) days after the date of signing by t he parties and
shall be binding for all intents and purposes unless sooner abrogated, repealed, amended or


1. The parties are well aware that every situation cannot be provided for in this
Agreement and upon the occurrence of such situation for which th ere is no specific
provision in this MOA or there is no agreement in the application thereof, th e parties
shall forthwith meet to resolve the matter immediately, amicably, and in good faith
giving top-most priority to effective public service.

2. The parti es shall at all times exercise good fait h in the performance of their
obligations and the exercise of their rights under this MOA and no termination hereof
sha ll be availed except in case of serious and material breach, so that no party may be
unduly deprived of its rights under this Agreement.


1. There is hereby created an oversight committee to be composed of the following:

a:- Director General of PEZA and Chi f, BFP as Co-chair; and

Memorandum of Agreement between
PEZA Ind the BFP

b, Two represe ntatives from PEZA and two' represe ntatives from SFP to be
designated by their respective Heads as Members.

2. The fun ctions of the oversight comm ittee shall be as fo ll ows:

a. To ensure that the terms and co nditions in this MOA are faithfully observed
and complied with;

b. To oversee and monitor the imp lementation ofthi s MOA;

c. To develop contin uing programs to ens ure the efficient imp lementation of
this MOA;

d . To act on issues and concerns which each party may raise in relation to the
implementation of th is MOA;

e . To propose amendments and modifications of this MOA.


1. loint Initial Briefing Seminars for PEZA· Registered Enterprises. With in the thirty
(3 0) day period pri or to the effectivity of this MOA, PEZA shall orga nize PEZA·
Registered Enterprises for a joint briefi ng by PEZA and SFP on thi s MOA.

2. Turn·over of Documents. PEZA shall transmit to the SFP copies of all pending
applications fo r bu ilding pe rmit and occupancy permit, includi ng the co mplete list of
PEZA-registered economic zones and enterprises, within thirty (30) days after the
signing of this MOA.

2. FSIC Vali dity. All expired FSIC issued by PEZA shall no longe r be renewed by PEZA; a ll
unexpired FS IC issued by PEZA shall be considered vali d but only up to the unexpired
portion. For this purpose, PEZA shall furnish the SFP with the list of all issued FS IC
indicating the cor responding date of issuance.

3. Corrective Measures. In instances that corrections to violations of the FCP are

required, said corrections shall be made in a manner not to prejudice the
respo nsibili ties of the BFP under existing laws and underm ine economic interest of
PEZA- registered enterprises.

IN. W;J"NESS WH EREOF. the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this
Jr1!A.rtN_'~8..c?\l~1lI!.t . Philippi nes.



Memorandum or Agreement between
PEZ.., and the SF?

By: By:

BGen C SA, PhD Dir. LEONA~

irector General, PEZA


Officer-In-Charge, D1LG

Signed in the Presence of:

. l41h7 . ~ -
Dep uty Director General for Operations, Assistant Secre a or BFP, BIMP, 9111
PEZA Patrol 17,DILG


Republic of the Philippines)

Quezon City ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, this JAN 1 9 7111R • pe rsonally appeared the following:

Competent Evidence of Identity Date/Place of Issue

CHARITO B. PLAZA Passport No. P3253942A 06-01-20171 Manila

LEONARD R. BANAGO BFP!D. No. 18-B88014 10-03-2017/Quezon City

both known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the foregOing
instrument and acknowledge to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed as
well as the entities herein represented.

Said instrument refers to a Memorandum of Agreement consisting fourteen (14)

pages, including this page, signed by the parties on each and every page hereof and seakd
with my notarial seal.

Doc. No. ~
Page No. ~
PF -
I.~ JR.
Book No. L , BFP...HQ Agham ROAld, Quezon City
Series ofi.Z01B. ADM. MATTER NO. NP-343
Ron of Attorney Ho.e3066
14 lOP Ufdrne No. 013111; OM2·2015
PTR No. 5522934: 01043.2018; Quezon City
MellE Cornpll.~ No. V 0014837
Comml..ion ExpifM on OKembtr 31 2fj18

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