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Freeport Goods and services

1)The Broken Inn- carousing for rumors, lodging,recruiting hirelings and specialists

2)Three Kingdoms-Barracks- House specialists and retainers, possible commerical

applications, storage of loot, house extra pcs, or npcs. 4000 gold

3)Constable Herron-O'sffice-Bounties and other work sometimes available

4)Southwood General Goods/ Arms and Armor- All standard arms and goods available
for twice the stated rates and fabricate or special order as needed. Tradesmen for hire.

5)One Eyes Money-changing- commodities traded for form of choice for a 12 percent fee
insured lock boxes available for 500 gold a year.

6)Church Of Order- Holy water available 3X rate, consultation and healing/ restorative
magic available for generous donations

7)Wandering Elf Farms- Livestock and food needs, iron rations, spirits, tracking /
path finding and tracking services available

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