Good Morning Class

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Good morning class. Here are the questions for our Pre- Midterm Exam.

1. Define in your own words what is literature?

I regard literature as the best simulator machine since it puts us through countless
situations that we could never experience. It enables us to speed time so that we can
watch the arc from childhood to old age. Literature is the origin of all things and it
mirrors the globe, allowing us to travel across continents, civilizations, and centuries.
Also, inside its pages and between its two covers, literature combines meaning,
escapism, entertainment, psychology, a secret friend, a teacher, and a tool for
developing one's imagination. That is literature.
2. Why is literature considered life?
Literature is a reflection of a human life because the tale of a human lies within
the words in the book. It is an embodiment of words based on human tragedies and
experiences, desires, and feelings. Every aspect of a writer's soul, every event of his life, and
every mental quality is vividly depicted in his works.

3. As a nursing student, what is the relevance of our subject?

Literature has a more profound impact on us as a people than simply expanding our
vocabulary. The reader gets to live the lives of hundreds to thousands of other people
while the human being is only allowed to have one life. With literature, we might
experience the life of a poor orphan, passionate love stories like The Notebook, or
family affection like in Little Woman. We can experience a devastating loss when we
lost Dumbledore in Harry Potter series and this is just me scratching the surface. These
experiences, by putting on someone else’s shoes, we learn to feel empathy for others
whose experience are far different from our own. This imports values like truths,
wisdom, kindness, and responsibility. And these values are what the nursing profession
must possess.
As nursing students, it is crucial for us to understand the historical background of
nursing, the lives of the nursing theorists, and how each theory was developed. It's
crucial for us because it gives nurses a foundation for reasoning behind healthcare
decisions. The direction of evidence-based research ultimately results in best practices,
policies, and the assessment of patient care by nurses.
4. What made Francisco Baltazar write Florante at Laura?

Francisco Baltazar wrote Florante at Laura because he wanted to express what he had experience during
the time of Spanish Colonization. He intended to portray the particular suffering and experiences that
the Filipino people went through at the time. Which is why Florante at Laura has gained recognition as a
powerful work of patriotism that portrays the struggles of the Filipino people under the repressive
Spanish colonial authority because the characters and surroundings have been seen as symbolic.
5. What are the symbolism of the major characters of the story. Explain each

With a description of a dark, deadly, desolate forest in the kingdom of Albania, home to serpents,
basilisks, hyenas, and tigers, Florante was tied to a tree at the opening of the story. Florante then
represents the Philippines because, like Florante, who was chained, the Philippines was also held captive
for 333 years. The pain Florante endured at the hands of Adolfo was analogous to the suffering and
enslavement the Philippines also experienced.

Aladin – When Aladdin protected Florante from the lions in the forest, he represents Americans. Aladin
arrived and became Florante's savior, freeing him when the weak and bewildered Florante believed
there was no hope of rescue. We all know that the Spanish-American War gave the Philippines its
freedom. When the Spanish fleet was defeated by the Americans in Manila Bay, Aguinaldo was given the
chance to declare the Philippines independent on June 12.

Adolfo – Adolfo stands in for Spaniards. He was a traitor and was extremely jealous of Florante's
success. Even more, he made Laura his queen by force. The Spaniards shared the same traits of Adolfo.
The Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards because they considered it as a gateway to the riches of
the East Indies (Spice Islands). Even though lives were at risk, they were jealous of what the Philippines
possessed and wanted to conquer it. Also, numerous Filipinas experienced sexual assault at the hands of
parish priests during the Spanish Colonization, just as Adolfo tried to rape Laura until someone helped to
save Laura.

Flerida – As the person who freed Laura from Adolfo's grasp, Flerida represents justice.
Flerida is a courageous and resilient woman who is equipped to handle the difficulties in
her life. She refuses to agree to the sultan's proposal of marriage despite his love for
her. Only Flerida have the bravery to confront the sultan.
Laura- aiming to be free from the hand of adolfo, she symbolizes freedom. Laura symbolizes freedom
gained by the Philippines when they gained independence from the Spaniards (Adolfo).

She represents freedom as she struggles to break free of Adolfo's control. The freedom the Filipinos
attained after their independence from the Spaniards (Adolfo) is represented by Laura.

6. Are there many Adolfos in our society? Cite a situation.

Adolfos are prevalent in our society. Many Filipinos who are active in huge social circles exhibit the crab
mentality, a harmful mentality. Many Filipinos with this mentality would be extremely resentful and
envious if someone they knew started to achieve goodness in life and start to fulfill their dreams. I
realize that crab mentality partly explains the state of school competition in the Philippines. The
boiling pot represents the school, while the crabs are the students competing to get to the top.
Crab mentality creeps in and destroys competition, to the detriment of the school ranking. In this
situation, the players are of similar size and might, with those who are behind engaging in unfair
conduct to pull down the others who are ahead.

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