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Opinion TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol.16 No.

3 April 2005

Plasma renin and aldosterone

measurements in low renin
hypertensive states
Jean E. Sealey1, Richard D. Gordon2 and Franco Mantero3
Cardiovascular Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1300 York Ave, New York, NY, 10021, USA
University of Queensland Endocrine Hypertension Research Unit, Greenslopes Hospital, Greenslopes, Queensland, 4120, Australia
Unita Operativa di Endocrinologia di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche Univ.ta di Padova Via Ospedale 105, 35100, Padova, Italy

Plasma renin concentrations are extremely low, requir- Problems with plasma renin measurements
ing high sensitivity methods to detect low renin Identification of low plasma renin levels is complicated by
hypertensive states. Moreover, plasma prorenin must plasma prorenin, which can be inadvertently measured as
not cryoactivate to renin to avoid falsely high values. renin. Moreover, because renin circulates at 10K12 M,
The enzyme kinetic plasma renin activity (PRA) test has compared with 10K10 M for aldosterone and insulin, and
the required sensitivity, whereas direct renin assays and 10K7 M for cortisol, low renin levels are at or below the
PRA tests with short incubation times are usually not limits of sensitivity of even the most sensitive immunoas-
accurate enough. Test specificity is essential for plasma says. Fortunately, these are not insurmountable problems.
aldosterone. The Nichols Advantage aldosterone assay
is fast and automated but requires great attention to
quality control. Here, the impact of renin on the Plasma prorenin and its cryoactivation
aldosterone:renin ratio as a screening test for primary Approximately tenfold more prorenin than renin normally
aldosteronism is reviewed. A sensitive plasma renin test circulates in human plasma, with almost 100 times more
is essential for the diagnosis of low renin hypertensive being seen in some low renin patients. At temperatures
states and, currently, can be consistently achieved only below 258C, prorenin develops intrinsic renin activity, and
with the PRA radioimmunoassay. the prosequence becomes vulnerable to cleavage by
plasma enzymes, resulting in irreversible formation of
renin in vitro. The lower the temperature (short of
freezing) the more likely these processes are to occur,
Introduction albeit slowly [6,7].
Hypertension itself, through baroreceptor activity,
reduces renin secretion. Reciprocally, lack of suppression
of renin in the hypertensive patient indicates the presence Box 1. The spectrum of low renin hypertension
of renin-dependent hypertension [1]. Low renin hyperten- Low renin, low aldosterone
sion (Box 1) is usually caused by excess sodium retention Liddle’s syndrome
resulting from (i) intrinsic renal abnormalities or (ii) 11b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
inappropriate mineralocorticoid activity. Primary aldos- Licorice abuse
Ectopic adrenocorticotropin syndrome
teronism is the most common currently recognized form of
11-Desoxycorticosterone-secreting tumor
inappropriate mineralocorticoid activity, and the aldoster- 11b-Hydroxylase deficiency
one:renin ratio (ARR) is widely used to screen for this 17a-Hydroxylase deficiency
condition in hypertensive populations [2,3]. Because assay Activating mineralocorticoid receptor mutations
problems associated with commercially available methods Glucocorticoid resistance syndrome
Diabetic renal disease
were identified by participants of the First International
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
Workshop on Endocrine Hypertension in Ancona, Italy, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
4–6 April 2004, the authors were delegated the task of Gordon’s syndrome
exploring these issues [4,5]. Some elderly patients (O70 years)
Therefore, the present paper addresses technical
problems in the measurement of renin and aldosterone Low renin, normal aldosterone
Primary aldosteronism
that might prevent meaningful interpretation of plasma Gordon’s syndrome
levels. For renin, sensitivity is of paramount importance. Some elderly patients (O70 years)
For aldosterone, specificity and accuracy are essential,
particularly if an ARR is determined. Low renin, raised aldosterone
Primary aldosteronism
Corresponding author: Sealey, J.E. ( Gordon’s syndrome 1043-2760/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tem.2005.02.006
Opinion TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol.16 No.3 April 2005 87

Table 1. Effect of blank subtraction to the accuracy of PRA measurements in relation to Ang I generation time
Incubation Ang Ia PRA PRA minus blank (ng mlK1 hK1)
time (h) (pg 10 mlK1) (ng mlK1 hK1) BlankZ0 pg BlankZ5 pg BlankZ10 pg
1.5 10 0.65 0.65 0.33 0
3 10 0.33 0.33 0.16 0
18 10 0.06 0.06 0.03 0
Lowest point on standard curveZ10 pg; 10 ml plasma assayed in RIA.

Because renin is remarkably stable in plasma at the PRA cut-off point for low plasma renin is 0.65 ng
room temperature, to avoid cryoactivation of prorenin, mlK1 hK1. Table 1 shows that 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1 is the
blood samples for renin should be processed for plasma limit of sensitivity if Ang I is generated for only 1.5 h.
at room temperature. Prorenin does not cryoactivate in However, if Ang I generation is extended to 3 or 18 h
frozen plasma, or during rapid freezing and thawing. the limits of sensitivity are lowered to 0.33 and
Thus, frozen plasma can be thawed in front of a fan 0.06 ng mlK1 hK1, respectively. Thus, by incubating
but never in a refrigerator. Plasma can be shipped on for 18 h it is possible to explore a tenfold range of
dry ice, but samples must not thaw during shipment. renin in the low renin range.
Bloods collected for renin measurement can be safely Table 1 illustrates that plasma per se can interfere with
kept in an unopened EDTA Vacutainer for up to 24 h the renin test, causing falsely high or low values. All
at ambient temperature. We recommend centrifuging commercially available PRA enzyme kinetic kits advocate
blood at room temperature and then freezing the measuring Ang I in native plasma (from here on called the
plasma, if necessary. ‘blank’) and subtracting it from Ang I measured after the
378C incubation. For low renin samples, the blank is not
Renin assay sensitivity Ang I but is primarily non-specific assay interference. The
Most commercial and hospital laboratories do not invest error of estimation of the blank can be as much as 100%.
the time or the technical skill required to perform the most Table 1 shows that if the blank is measured as 5 pg it could
sensitive plasma renin test – the plasma renin activity actually range between 0 and 10 pg. If the Ang I
(PRA) enzyme kinetic radioimmunoassay (RIA). In this generation step is carried out for only 1.5 hr, this range
approach, sensitivity is achieved by allowing renin to of error might result in PRA levels that ranged between 0
generate Ang I in plasma at 378C until enough angiotensin and 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1 – spanning the whole range of low
I (Ang I) is produced to be measured accurately by RIA. renin levels – by contrast, if an 18 h incubation is used
PRA is expressed as ng mlK1 hK1 of Ang I [8,9]. The PRA instead, the blank has very little impact on the final result.
enzyme kinetic RIA assay is unpopular because it is labor Thus, the shorter the Ang I generation time, the greater
intensive, not subject to automation and takes two days to the impact of the blank on the PRA level. Because the
perform in low renin patients. Both plasma renin and blank cannot be measured accurately – and might even
angiotensinogen levels influence the test. Therefore, it disappear during the 378C incubation [8] – the Sealey–
reflects the capacity of blood to generate angiotensin – the Laragh PRA method does not measure it but instead
active hormone of the renin–angiotensin system – which is generates Ang I long enough to make the blank
usually the required information. Some investigators irrelevant quantitatively, while at the same time
measure plasma renin concentration (PRC) instead of extending the range of renin levels that can be defined
PRA using an enzyme kinetic radioimmunoassay similar well into the subnormal range.
to that of PRA, in which excess angiotensinogen is added Therefore, if a PRA test is used, an 18 h Ang I
to plasma to eliminate the impact of changes in plasma generation step should be adopted for samples below
angiotensinogen [9–11]. 1.0 ng mlK1 hK1. This can be done easily by incubating
Reluctance to use the PRA or PRC assays has been overnight the sample that was previously used for the
heightened by the development of simpler, direct renin blank and running the RIA on the second day, if necessary.
sandwich radioimmunoassays [12–15] and a commercially Another type of plasma renin activity test, developed by
available (Nichols Institute Diagnostics, San Clemente, Paulsen and Jorgenson et al. [19], and used by Nussberger
CA, USA) automated sandwich chemiluminescent immu- et al. [20], is referred to as ‘antibody trapping’. Excess
noassay (irR). We have reported [16,17] that these antibodies are added to plasma during a 30 min Ang I
methods do not approach the sensitivity of the enzyme generation step at pH 7.4. The antibodies capture the
kinetic assays, although others have a more favorable formed Ang I and protect it from degradation by
point of view [18]. The key question is whether they are angiotensinases. This method is especially useful for
sensitive enough to detect low renin with sufficient measuring PRA in the presence of renin inhibitor drugs,
accuracy to be useful to the practicing physician. The because angiotensinase inhibitors commonly used in
answer is ‘maybe’, but not yet, without safeguards and enzyme kinetic assays disrupt the equilibrium of drug
improvements [16–18]. binding to plasma proteins or to renin. The disadvantage
of this technique for the identification of low renin
PRA measured by enzyme kinetic RIA patients is its lower sensitivity as a result of the use of
This method is the most sensitive as long as the Ang I pH 7.4 for Ang I generation. With the antibody trapping
generation step is prolonged to 18 h for samples with PRA method the cut-offfor low renin in the ambulatory patient will
!1.0 ng mlK1 hK1. In the Sealey–Laragh laboratory [1,6], probably be half of that at pH 7.4 (i.e. !0.33 ng mlK1 hK1).
88 Opinion TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol.16 No.3 April 2005

Direct renin tests has the potential for standardizing and increasing the
These tests measure the concentration of renin in plasma. accuracy of the renin test and eliminating the need for
In all direct renin tests, ‘low renin’ falls at or below the skilled laboratory technicians. Initially, the test showed
lowest point of the standard curve – the same range as the great promise and correlated well with the PRA in the low
blank in the PRA enzyme kinetic RIA. When radioactivity renin range. However, more recently, the test has shown
is used – as in the Bio-Rad Renin II kit (now marketed by many of the previously described shortcomings that
Schering; not available in the USA) – the counts at the cut- appear whenever clinically relevant values fall at or
off point for low renin are close to 1% of the total counts, below the lowest portion of the standard curve [i.e.
O20% of which are non-specific binding. With chemilu- variation in sensitivity between reagent lots, falsely high
minescence, the relative light units are also very low in values and the need for highly skilled maintenance of the
the low renin range. automated platform (Advantage machine)]. Physicians
Direct renin radioimmunoassays. In the best of have described patients with primary aldosteronism who
research laboratories – the direct renin sandwich radio- were at first misdiagnosed because the direct renin test
immunoassay can discriminate low from medium plasma did not detect the low renin level, whereas a subsequent
renin levels [13]. Ferrari et al. also seemed to show that a PRA test did. At the other end of the spectrum,
direct renin radioimmunoassay can identify low renin extraordinarily high direct renin levels have been
levels [21]. Thus, they showed a good correlation between found in patients who do not have proportionally
ARRs comparing the Bio-Rad direct renin radioimmuno- high PRA levels. Thus, to date, the direct renin test
assay and the Sealey PRA method. The surprising finding seems to exhibit occasional problems at both the high
is that in their study only one patient with documented and low ends of the standard curve sufficiently often
primary aldosteronism had low PRA according to the for this to be a serious concern.
Sealey/Laragh criteria (!0.65 ng mlK1 hK1) [1]. Using the Clinical tests are usually designed to encompass the
same PRA assay, Blumenfeld et al. [22] found in 82 clinical range but the direct renin test does not do that.
patients with primary aldosteronism that 71% with an Thus, w30% of untreated hypertensive patients have low
adenoma and 41% without adenoma had PRA renin levels (ambulatory PRA ranges from 0.1 to
!0.2 ng ml K1 h K1 . Mean PRA was 0.17 and 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1; direct renin from 2 to 5 mU mlK1),.
0.50 ng ml K1 hK1 in cured and non-cured patients, w60% have medium renin levels (ambulatory PRA from
respectively (difference, 0.33 ng mlK1 hK1; confidence 0.65 to 4.5 ng mlK1 hK1; direct renin 5 to 36 mU mlK1), and
interval, 0.14 to 0.52 ng mlK1 hK1; P!0.001). Thus, the w10% have high renin levels (ambulatory PRA 4.5 to
mean values in the Blumenfeld study were below the 50 ng mlK1 hK1; direct renin 36 to 400 mU mlK1). Supine
lowest value reported by Ferrari et al. (range 0.6 to values are usually w50% of those measured in ambulatory
1.23 ng mlK1 hK1). A possible explanation for the virtual patients. For the direct renin test, the cut-off for low renin
absence of patients with low renin in the Ferrari study, is 5.3 mU mlK1 (Table 2) but the lowest Advantage
which included nine patients with documented adrenal machine calibration point is 6 mU mlK1. Thus, more than
adenoma, is that prorenin cryoactivated before the renin 30% of all hypertensive patients fall below the lowest point
assay was performed. For whatever reason, this study did on the calibration curve, the portion of the standard curve
not succeed in exploring the low renin range that occurs in with the greatest errors. Therefore, it is not surprising
most patients with primary aldosteronism. that the test sometimes fails to detect suppressed renin
Thus, as with the PRA assay, direct renin assays also levels in patients with low renin hypertension.
require fastidious laboratory conditions to avoid the This leaves clinicians with a dilemma if they do not
possibility of falsely high values. Unfortunately, at have access to an accurate PRA test (such as the one
present, physicians cannot routinely expect a sufficiently performed by Quest Diagnostics in the USA under test
high degree of accuracy from commercial clinical # 01537N; Quest uses reagents from the Sealey–Laragh
laboratories. laboratory and follows their protocol). The question then
Direct renin chemiluminescence immunoassay. An remains: is no test better than a potentially inaccurate
automated chemiluminescence sandwich immunoassay test if there are no other options? The answer is to try as
for renin has recently been developed by Nichols Institute hard as possible to get an accurate PRA test (18 h
Diagnostics (NID) and has been marketed worldwide. This incubation) performed. If this is not possible, a direct

Table 2. Cut-off values for identification of low renin in ambulatory patients and relationships between various renin and
aldosterone units
PRA (ng mlK1 hK1) PRA (pmol lK1 minK1) IrR (mU mlK1) IrR (ng lK1)
Low renina !0.65 !8.3 !5.3 !3.4
Relationship between renin units 1 12.8 8.2 5.2
0.810 6.3 4.3
1.2 16 10 6.7
1.9 24 16 10
PA (ng dlK1) PA (pmol lK1)
Relationship between aldosterone units 10 280
3.6 100
Cut-off values for low renin are calculated from a PRA value of 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1 [1]. PRA levels are expressed as the rate of Ang I generation, in which Ang I can be reported
as either mass units (ng mlK1 hK1) or molarity (pmol lK1 minK1). Immunoreactive renin (irR) levels are usually reported as mass units in terms of either mU mlK1 or ng lK1.
Aldosterone levels are reported as either mass units (ng dK1) or molarity (pmol lK1).
Opinion TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol.16 No.3 April 2005 89

renin test can be ordered, which is better than a PRA test Lack of precision will lead to failure to identify patients
that utilizes a short incubation time (less than 3 h) with with truly suppressed aldosterone levels as a consequence
blank subtraction. However, direct renin tests can reliably of sodium-volume excess. For patients with borderline
tell only whether the renin level is high or not, and cannot increases in aldosterone, crossreacting steroids or other
accurately measure within the low range because it falls assay-related problems will artificially increase the ARR,
below the lowest calibration point of the machine. the screening test most often used to identify patients with
primary aldosteronism. In such cases, the clinician will be
Plasma aldosterone measurements faced with the dilemma of whether or not to proceed to an
Plasma aldosterone levels are orders of magnitude lower aldosterone suppression test.
than those of other circulating steroids, making plasma For those who use commercially available aldosterone
aldosterone difficult to measure accurately because speci- RIA kits it is important to ensure (i) that the antibody has
ficity is of paramount importance. This can be overcome not been changed without notice and (ii) that the antibody
only by using antibodies with very high sensitivity and is specific enough to detect low aldosterone levels with
specificity. accuracy, even in the presence of high levels of cross-
The NID Advantage aldosterone chemiluminescent reacting steroids. For the physician or laboratory with the
immunoassay is gaining popularity because it provides a appropriate resources, concurrent testing of the aldoster-
result in less than an hour, with minimal input from the one level in a control pool of pregnancy plasma with
technician, being fully automated and preprogrammed. known aldosterone content can be a useful control,
The patient’s plasma aldosterone first interacts for 10 min because pregnancy plasma has high levels of crossreacting
with an aldosterone antibody, before a second, acridinium steroids. It would be even more useful if commercial
(for chemiluminescence)-labeled aldosterone antibody is laboratories were mandated to report with each aldoster-
added. Competition for binding occurs for 10 min. The one result the aldosterone level in an international
chemiluminescent activity of the bound complex adherent standard created for the assessment of crossreactivity.
to magnetic particles is then measured. Ingenious in For those using the NID Advantage assay, full attention to
design, the method depends on perfect functioning of all recommended quality control steps is essential, as is
equipment and critical quality control. Because the immediate discussion of unexpected or unexplained
system is fully automated, only two ‘calibrators’ (run in results with the manufacturer, as problems are progress-
duplicate) are used to correlate the ‘relative light units’ of ively ironed out. For clinicians referring patients to
the user’s system with those of a ‘Master System’ specific laboratories using the assay, your recognition and discus-
for each new batch of reagents; but are two enough? The sion of clinically puzzling results will be essential to its
system depends upon photomultiplier tubes to measure further improvement.
(in 2 s) the chemiluminescence that develops. Because no
two photomultiplier tubes are alike, this introduces a The aldosterone:renin ratio
potential problem not inherent in RIAs, and makes The ARR screening test for patients with primary
regular calibration crucial. One of the authors (RDG) aldosteronism is based on the premise that plasma renin
experienced a photomultiplier tube problem, which was is the primary determinant of circulating aldosterone
unrecognized for some months, despite routine quality levels, and that above a particular cut-off point the ratio is
control tests. During this time, results were considered a measure of autonomy of aldosterone secretion. Table 3
uninterpretable by clinicians. New photomultiplier tubes gives the approximate cut-off values for a positive ARR
solved the problem. test for various plasma aldosterone and plasma renin
The manufacturers recommend that each laboratory units [2,3,9]. However, given the variations in method-
should establish its own normal range but they also ology, the best approach would be for each laboratory to
(i) supply normal ranges for ‘ambulatory’ levels at establish its own criteria.
08.00–10.00 h (when peak aldosterone levels normally The ARR screening test has proved useful but has its
occur) established after 15 min of ambulation, and ‘supine’ limitations [23]. It is important to remember that
levels that were drawn after 30 min recumbency, and adrenocorticotropin and body potassium levels increase
(ii) provide evidence that levels in EDTA plasma aldosterone without affecting renin; changing posture
(1.5–47.4 ng dlK1) are slightly lower than in serum affects renin faster than aldosterone. Moreover, b-adre-
(3.1–53.9 ng dlK1). Using this test we have seen higher nergic blockers, a-methyl DOPA and clonidine give false
aldosterone values than with traditional assays, particu- positive results; converting enzyme inhibitors, angio-
larly at and above the upper end of the normal range. tensin receptor blockers, diuretics and aldosterone recep-
Precision at the upper and lower ends of the normal range tor blockers give false negative results. Stowasser et al.
might prove to be an ongoing problem. recommend drawing blood at midmorning, after patient

Table 3. Cut-off values for a positive ARR using various renin and aldosterone unitsa
Aldosterone ng mlK1 hK1 pmol lK1 minK1 mU mlK1 ng lK1
ng dlK1 27 2.1 3.3 5.4
pmol lK1 750 59 90 150
Reformatted from Ferrari et al. [21]. ARR results below these values are thought to rule out primary aldosteronism. PRA results are expressed as a rate of Ang I generation in
which the Ang I is reported as either mass units (ng mlK1 hK1) or molarity (pmol lK1 minK1). Immunoreactive renin (irR) levels are usually reported as mass units in terms of
either mU mlK1 or ng lK1.
90 Opinion TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol.16 No.3 April 2005

Table 4. Impact of different plasma renin or plasma aldosterone (PA) levels on the ARR
Constant plasma aldosterone of 20 ng lK1 Constant plasma renin of 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1
PRA (ng mlK1 hK1) ARR D ARRa PA (ng dlK1) ARR D ARR
1 20 20 31
0.9 22 2 21 32 1
0.8 25 3 22 34 2
0.7 29 4 23 35 1
0.6 33 4 24 37 2
0.5 40 7 25 38 1
0.4 50 10 26 40 2
0.3 67 17 27 42 2
0.2 100 33 28 43 1
Change in ARR caused by a 0.1 ng mlK1 hK1 decrease in PRA or by a 1 ng dlK1 increase in PA.

Table 5. Plasma aldosterone (PA): how low can PA be for a positive ARR?a
PRA Immunoreactive renin Plasma aldosterone
ng mlK1 hK1 pmol lK1 minK1 mU mlK1 ng lK1 ng dlK1 pmol lK1
0.15 1.9 1.2 0.8 3.8 114
0.25 3.3 2 1.3 6.8 188
0.5 6.5 4 2.5 13.5 375
Cut-off for low renin is a PRA of 0.65 ng mlK1 hK1 b
1.0 13 8 5 27 750
2.5 32 20 12.5 63 1875
5.0 64 40 25 125 3750
See Table 3 for definitions of positive ARRs. Ferrari et al. [21] do not calculate the ARR below an aldosterone lower limit of 650 pmol lK1.
Laragh [1].

ambulation for at least 2 h, then seated for 5–15 min [3], PRA enzyme kinetic assay. Low plasma renin levels can be
as discussed elsewhere in this issue of TEM. detected by automated or manual direct renin tests that
Errors in the measurement of aldosterone or renin can utilize the sandwich radio- or chemi-luminescent immu-
have a devastating effect on ARR and render it unin- noassay technique but with lesser accuracy and
terpretable. Because plasma renin is in the denominator reproducibility.
it can have a large influence on the ratio (Table 4). Thus, Specificity is of greater importance with the plasma
in a patient whose PA is 20 ng dlK1 and whose PRA aldosterone test. Commercial laboratories could provide
is 1 ng mlK1 hK1 a 0.1 ng mlK1 hK1 decrement in PRA assurance of specificity if an international standard were
increases ARR by 2 units. Between 0.5 and 0.4 ng mlK1 hK1 made available for the assessment of crossreactivity.
the same decrement increases ARR by 10 units. Between DISCLOSURE: Quest Diagnostics currently purchases
0.3 and 0.2 ng mlK1 hK1 it increases the ARR by 33 units. its reagents for the PRA test from the Cardiovascular
Thus, the usual range of error of PRA and irR measure- Center Laboratory, Weill Medical College of Cornell
ments in this low range of renin that is found in most University. Quest Diagnostics performs the PRA test as
patients with primary aldosteronism can lead to large described by Sealey et al. [6]. Sealey and Laragh have no
changes in the ARR ratio. By contrast, because plasma financial arrangement or contract with Quest Diagnostics
aldosterone is in the numerator of the ARR, it has much but from time to time have served as consultants.
less impact on the ratio (Table 4).
Most groups who use ARR as a screening test use a
minimum cut-off of plasma aldosterone below which ARR References
should not be calculated (e.g. 650 pmol lK1 in Ferrari et al. 1 Laragh, J.H. (2001) Laragh’s 25 lessons in pathophysiology and 12
[21]) because when plasma renin levels are very low, clinical pearls for treating hypertension: closing summary, summary
plasma aldosterone levels as low as 114 pmol lK1 might abstract, and table of contents. Am. J. Hypertens. 14, 1173–1177
result in a positive ARR (Table 5). 2 Gordon, R.D. (2004) The challenge of more robust and reproducible
methodology in screening for primary aldosteronism. J. Hypertens. 22,
In summary, to obtain an accurate ARR it is essential to
have an accurate estimate of plasma renin levels and to 3 Stowasser, M. and Gordon, R.D. (2004) The aldosterone–renin ratio in
identify a lower limit for circulating plasma aldosterone screening for primary aldosteronism. Endocrinologist 14, 267–276
levels. It is also essential to control for, avoid or take into 4 Mantero, F. (2001) The endocrinology of hypertension: basic concepts
account all those factors that can influence the ratio and and diagnostic procedures. In Endocrinology and Metabolism (Pinch-
era, A., ed.), pp. 349–353, McGraw-Hill
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from the First International Workshop on Endocrine (2nd edn) (Laragh, J.H. and Brenner, B.M., eds.), pp. 2145–2162,
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As part of this enterprise, Elsevier has given 185 journals to Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA). More than 100
institutions are now registered for the scheme, which aims to provide developing countries with free access to vital research that will
ultimately help increase crop yields and encourage agricultural self-sufficiency.

According to the Africa University in Zimbabwe, AGORA has been welcomed by both students and staff. ‘It has brought a wealth of
information to our fingertips’ says Vimbai Hungwe. ‘The information made available goes a long way in helping the learning, teaching
and research activities within the University. Given the economic hardships we are going through, it couldn’t have come at a better time.’

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