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Use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Predict

Locations of Anopheles darlingi-Positive Breeding Sites Within the
Sibun River in Belize, Central America

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J. Med. Entomol. 43(2): 382Ð392 (2006)

ABSTRACT Previous studies have identiÞed several anopheline species integral to the transmission
of malaria in Belize. The highly efÞcient vector, Anopheles darlingi Root, is currently considered the
most important. The preferred larval habitat of An. darlingi has been described as ßoating detritus
patches, which are commonly associated with overhanging spiny bamboo, Guadua longifolia (E.
Fourn.), along river margins. The objectives of this study were to use remote sensing and geographic
information system (GIS) tools to 1) deÞne the landscape features (i.e., river curvature, land cover,
and house locations) associated with An. darlingi-positive breeding habitats and 2) determine the
association between cleared land cover and the growth of spiny bamboo. A systematic survey was
conducted in which all detritus patches of at least 1 m2 were sampled, mapped using GPS, and
characterized by cause of habitat lodging. Bamboo stretches growing along the river margins also were
mapped. Spatial analyses of satellite imagery found no associations between river characteristics or
land cover with positive An. darlingi habitats. In addition, there was no signiÞcant difference in cleared
versus forested land cover in relation to the presence or absence of bamboo. Results indicate that the
average distance from homes to negative habitats was signiÞcantly greater than from positive detritus
mats. Based on the land cover and river characteristics used, our results do not support the use of
remote sensing as a predictive tool to locate speciÞc areas within rivers positive for An. darlingi

KEY WORDS Anopheles darlingi, larval habitats, remote sensing, GIS, Belize

THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF vector research is to deÞne vector bionomics (Clarke et al. 1996). Additionally,
parameters that can be used to predict high-risk areas because mosquito habitats are inßuenced by land-
to target control efforts and to prevent disease trans- scape changes, natural or artiÞcial, it is vital that the
mission. This includes the ability to detect breeding relationship between land cover and breeding sites be
habitats through remote sensing techniques. The use determined to better understand the impact on dis-
of remotely sensed data to predict areas at high-risk ease transmission. Remote sensing and GIS technol-
for vector populations is based on the relationship ogies have been successfully used in many vector
between speciÞc environmental variables (i.e., emer- disease studies to detect mosquito breeding habitats
gent vegetation, precipitation, and surface water) (Hayes et al. 1985, Hay et al. 1998), predict the den-
and individual vector species (Andre et al. 1995). By sities of anopheline vectors (Wood et al. 1991, Pope
combining this information with spatial data, using et al. 1994, Roberts and Rodriguez 1994, Rodriguez
geographic information system (GIS) tools, the re- et al. 1996), and classify the risk of malaria transmis-
searcher can then determine high-risk areas for dis- sion (Beck et al. 1994, Washino and Wood 1994, Carter
ease transmission based upon speciÞc parameters et al. 2000).
such as proximity to land cover types and known Previous studies in Belize have incriminated Anoph-
eles darlingi Root as an important malaria vector. This
assessment is based on endophagic and anthropophilic
The opinions and assertions contained in this article are not to be
considered as ofÞcial or as reßecting the views of the Department of
characteristics as well as relatively high natural ma-
Defense or the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. laria infectivity rates (Komp 1940, Kumm and Ram
1 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, 1941, Achee et al. 2000, Grieco 2001, Roberts et al.
MD 20814. 2002). An. darlingi also is considered the most efÞcient
2 Ministry of Health, Vector Control OfÞce, Orange Walk Town,

Orange Walk, Belize.

malaria vector in the New World (Foote and Cook
3 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University 1959), and, where it occurs, it has been found to be the
CaliforniaÐDavis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616. major or only vector of human malaria in South Amer-

0022-2585/06/0382Ð0392$04.00/0 䉷 2006 Entomological Society of America


ica (Forattini 1962, Deane 1986, Lourenco-de-Oliveira The information gathered in the current study was
et al. 1989). Previous research on An. darlingi in cen- used to inform the Ministry of Health as to the effec-
tral Belize has shown presence of larvae in ßoating tiveness of remote sensing and GIS technologies as a
mats of detritus within freshwater river systems. These tool for use in the malaria control program in identi-
mats were composed of sticks, leaves, and seeds (Man- fying high-risk areas for An. darlingi breeding sites.
guin et al. 1996). In particular, the mats were found in
association with overhanging spiny bamboo, Guadua
Materials and Methods
longifolia (E. Fourn.), growing along riverbanks. The

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role of spiny bamboo in An. darlingi habitat preference Study Site. A 48-km stretch along the mid-reaches
has been explored previously (Achee 2004), and re- of the Sibun River was chosen as the study site
sults suggest that bamboo does not serve as a selection based upon availability of satellite imagery, land
criterion but rather facilitates lodging of detritus cover changes because of deforestation, and known
patches by disrupting surface water ßow. Considering presence of An. darlingi larval populations from pre-
these conclusions, the total contribution of bamboo to vious Þeld studies (Manguin et al. 1996). The start of
formation of An. darlingi breeding sites needed to be the transect was located at the Sibun River bridge
quantiÞed along with other landscape features that along the Hummingbird Highway (17⬚06⬘N, 88⬚39⬘W)
could be used to predict habitat location. and ended at the village of Churchyard in Belize Dis-
Based on studies that have identiÞed the environ- trict (17⬚09⬘N, 88⬚37⬘W) (Fig. 1). The Sibun River
mental determinants of several important vector spe- runs in a northeasterly direction across the central
cies in Belize (Rejmankova et al. 1993), remote sens- part of Belize within both the Cayo and Belize polit-
ing has successfully been used to predict the presence ical districts. The watershed can be located geograph-
and abundance of both adult Anopheles pseudopunc- ically between 16⬚ 52⬘ by 17⬚ 29⬘ N latitude and 88⬚ 15⬘
tipennis Theobald (Roberts et al. 1996) and Anopheles by 88⬚ 49⬘ W longitude and is situated in a diverse
albimanus Wiedemann populations (Rejmankova et geological setting (Sibun Watershed Association).
al. 1995) as well as the presence of both Anopheles The Sibun River has its headwaters in the Maya Moun-
punctimacula Dyar & Knab and Anopheles vestitipennis tains with maximum elevations of 960 m. The river
Dyar & Knab larval habitats (Rejmankova et al. 1998). passes through riparian forest, a karst limestone belt,
Although recent studies in Belize have successfully coastal marsh, and mangroves and empties into the
been able to predict the presence and abundance of Caribbean Sea. Forestry and agriculture are pre-
adult An. darlingi at individual houses based on the dominant land uses along the mid-reaches with de-
distance from rivers (Roberts et al. 2002), there have veloped citrus plantations dominating. There are a
been no published reports on the evaluation of remote total of 11 established villages (estimated population
sensing to detect speciÞc areas within rivers at high of 3,000) along the Sibun River Watershed, but dis-
risk for larval habitat formation using river character- persed undocumented human settlements can be
istics, land cover or bamboo as indicators. found throughout the area (Sibun Watershed Associa-
Like most developing countries, Belize is experi- tion).
encing an increase in landscape changes primarily Habitat and Larval Survey. Two teams consisting of
because of deforestation as a result of the expansion of two to three technicians each ßoated the river transect
pastureland, citrus orchards, road construction, hy- using canoes in September 2002. One team surveyed
dropower development, and logging (Wright 1996). the left riverbank, whereas the other team surveyed
The effect of deforestation can either increase or de- the opposite margin. All detritus patches at least 1 m2
crease malaria transmission, depending on the result- were sampled. After marking the location of the hab-
ing larval habitat formation and the bionomics of vec- itat with Garmin III hand-held global positioning sys-
tor species within the cleared area (Walsh et al. 1993, tem (GPS) units (Garmin International Inc., Olathe,
Patz et al. 2000, Conn et al. 2002). Environmental KS), habitat attributes, including size, detritus com-
responses to land clearing along river systems may position, and cause of lodging, were recorded. Habi-
include opportunistic growth of secondary vegetation tats were sampled for anopheline larvae by using stan-
commonly found in alluvial soils, such as bamboo, that dard plastic larval dippers (BioQuip, Gardena, CA.). A
is associated with An. darlingi larval habitats (Manguin total of 30 dips were taken from each habitat, and
et al. 1996). Studies in northern Belize have reported larvae were placed into 177.4-ml (6-oz) plastic Whirl-
that land cleared for agricultural purposes in proximity pak bags (BioQuip). It should be noted that previous
to marshes has inßuenced the composition and density studies (Manguin et al. 1996) found no associations
of particular vegetation types (Johnson and Rejman- between positive debris patches and either pH or
kova 2005).Until the current study, no research has conductivity; therefore, water samples were not taken
been performed in Belize to deÞne the inßuence of during the present survey. At the end of each day, the
land cover on the presence of spiny bamboo. larvae were transferred into screw-top vials contain-
The primary objectives of the present research ing 80% ethanol, and vials were labeled with a unique
were to deÞne those river characteristics and land- habitat identiÞcation code. Larvae were later identi-
scape features that contribute the most to detritus mat Þed to species (Clark-Gil and Darsie 1983), and the
lodging and distribution (i.e., promote An. darlingi number sampled from each habitat was recorded.
larval populations) and to deÞne the association be- Data were downloaded from the GPS units into Map-
tween land cover and the presence of spiny bamboo. Source 3.02 software (Garmin International Inc.)

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Fig. 1. Survey of An. darlingi larval habitats was conducted along both sides of the Sibun River within a transect that started
at the Hummingbird Highway (HH) and ended at the village of Churchyard. Sampling was conducted to deÞne the
associations between river characteristics and land cover features with the presence of breeding sites.

where point (i.e., habitat locations) and line (i.e., Satellite Imagery. Both SPOT (SPOT Image Corp.,
river) themes were created using data points of de- Chantilly, VA) and IKONOS (Space Imaging, Inc.,
tritus mats and the Sibun River as determined by the Thornton, CO) images were used in the study. The
Þeld survey. Themes were then transferred into Arc- SPOT scene with 10-m panchromatic resolution and
View GIS 3.2 geographical information system soft- 20-m multispectral resolution was acquired on 10 Sep-
ware (ESRI Inc., Reston, VA.) and PCI Geomatica tember 1998 with corner coordinates of upper left
remote sensing software (PCI Enterprises, Richmond (UL) (89⬚ 06⬘ 30.42⬙ W, 17⬚ 33⬘ 51.83⬙ N) and lower
Hill, Ontario, Canada) for further spatial analyses. right (LR) (88⬚ 21⬘ 54.22⬙ W, 16⬚ 56⬘ 22.56⬙ N). The
Stepwise logistic regression analyses were used to de- IKONOS image with 1-m panchromatic resolution
Þne habitat parameters (i.e., size, shade, and detritus and 4-m multispectral resolution was comprised of
composition) that were associated with the presence two separate scenes. The Þrst scene was acquired on
of An. darlingi larvae by using SPSS statistical software 29 April 2002 and the second on 29 May 2002. A mosaic
(version 9.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). of the two IKONOS scenes was produced using PCI
Bamboo Mapping. The beginning and end of each Geomatica remote sensing software (PCI Enter-
spiny bamboo patch growing along both riverbanks prises); the corner coordinates of the Þnal image
within the transect were mapped using GPS units. were UL, 88⬚ 41⬘ 43.33⬙ W, 17⬚ 15⬘ 30.91⬙ N and LR,
Bamboo was mapped providing the patch was at least 88⬚ 32⬘ 57.62⬙ W, 17⬚ 04⬘ 13.32⬙ N. Both the SPOT and
4 m in length and no ⬎20 m from the river margin. IKONOS images were georeferenced to a UTM pro-
These criteria increased the probability of detecting jection (zone 16 north, row Q) with a WGS-84 datum
the bamboo in the satellite imagery as well as the by using known ground control points collected in the
probability of the bamboo overhanging into the river. Þeld with hand-held GPS units.
Data were downloaded from the GPS units into Map- Image Analyses. ArcView GIS 3.2 geographical in-
Source 3.02 software (Garmin International Inc.) formation system software (ESRI Inc.) and PCI Geo-
where line themes (i.e., bamboo and no bamboo matica remote sensing software (PCI Enterprises)
stretches) were created using beginning and ending were used for all spatial analyses, and statistical testing
points of mapped patches from each river margin. Line was performed using SPSS statistical software (version
themes were then transferred into ArcView GIS 3.2 9.0, SPSS Inc.) unless otherwise speciÞed.
geographical information system software (ESRI Inc., River Curvature and Habitat Presence. The aver-
Reston, VA) and PCI Geomatica remote sensing soft- age change in river curvature surrounding each sam-
ware (PCI Enterprises) for further spatial analyses. pled habitat was calculated using ESRI ArcMap 8.3

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Fig. 2. False-color composite (red,
vegetation; black, water; and blue,
stone/gravel) of a SPOT 20-m resolu-
tion satellite image showing the place-
ment of one sampled An. darlingi hab-
itat along the Sibun River (yellow) as
well as the 100-m (aqua) and 360-m
(gray) river lengths used to determine
the average degree of river curvature
adjacent to this particular habitat.

Fig. 3. (A) Portion of the 2002 IKONOS image (panchromatic band) of the Sibun River study site showing the 4-m (blue),
10-m (yellow), and 20-m (pink) buffer zones generated around mapped transects with and without bamboo (only the 4-m
buffer zone [red] is shown). (B) Supervised classiÞcation of the image was used to quantify the difference in pixel counts
of broadleaf/palm forest (green), pasture/low grass (yellow), orchard (orange), bare ground (white), and sandbar (brown)
land cover categories between transects. Water is represented as black in the panchromatic band and blue in the classiÞed

software and SPOT 20-m resolution satellite imagery lated, and Wilcoxon rank tests were performed to
(Fig. 2). Before analyses, the digitized Sibun River line compare the pixel counts of individual land cover
theme generated during the 2002 survey was overlaid classes between bamboo and nonbamboo stretches.
onto the SPOT 1998 scene to qualitatively evaluate Land cover categories deÞned as cleared (i.e., or-
potential changes in the course of the river during the chard, pasture, bare ground, gravel, and sandbar)
4-yr time discrepancy between when the satellite im- were aggregated and analyses repeated for each buffer
age was captured and the occurrence of the river zone. A confusion matrix was generated using remote
survey. Using each sampled detritus patch as a center sensing software to deÞne the accuracy in classifying

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point, three river section lengths of 100-, 200-, and the land cover categories. The matrix was generated
360-m distances were divided into equal line segments by choosing 100 pixels of known land cover classes,
of either 20 (100-m river section) or 40-m (200- and based on Þeld observation data, and recording which
360-m river sections) in upstream and downstream land cover category it represented on the classiÞed
directions. The change in angle between each succes- image.
sive line segment was then calculated and averaged for Direct Bamboo Detection. Two methods were used
each river length by habitat location. StudentÕs t-tests to determine the accuracy of IKONOS high-resolution
were used to compare average curvatures between imagery in detecting a unique bamboo spectral re-
features causing habitat formation. ßectance signature along the Sibun River. First, a par-
Land Cover and Habitat Presence. A 20-iteration, allelpiped with a maximum likelihood tiebreaker su-
30-class isodata unsupervised classiÞcation algorithm pervised classiÞcation algorithm was performed using
was used to classify land cover within the IKONOS an extracted subset of the image (UL, 88⬚ 37⬘ 06.79⬙ W
image. Based on Þeld land cover data, photointerpre- and 17⬚ 13⬘ 54.16⬙ N; and LR, 88⬚ 35⬘ 47.41⬙ W and
tation was used to further aggregate the resulting 30 17⬚ 08⬘ 57.01⬙ N). The subset area was chosen based on
land cover classes into four general themes, including: the existence of several mapped bamboo patches.
1) forest, 2) orchard, 3) pasture, and 4) bare ground/ Training sites for bamboo classiÞcation were collected
gravel. A 20-m buffer zone was then generated around using Þeld reference data within the Sibun River study
the digitized point theme representing sampled hab- site. Training sites for other land cover categories were
itats using geographical information system soft- selected from Þeld sites and included homogeneous
ware. The number of pixels of each land cover theme areas of 1) broadleaf/palm forest, 2) pasture/low
within the buffer zone was calculated and Wilcoxon grass, 3) orchards, 4) bare ground, and 5) sandbars. A
rank tests performed to compare counts between confusion matrix was generated using remote sensing
positive and negative habitats as well as between fea- software to determine the classiÞcation accuracy of
tures causing habitat formation. Land cover categories bamboo compared with other land cover categories.
representing deforested areas (i.e., orchard, pasture, The second method comprised fusing the multi-
and bare ground/gravel) were then aggregated as spectral bands with the panchromatic band (i.e., pan-
“cleared” and analyses repeated. sharpening) and using photointerpretation of the re-
Distance to Homes and Habitat Presence. A GIS sulting image to access the ability of visualizing
point layer was generated that deÞned the location of bamboo patches. Random points along the Sibun
houses within the Sibun River study site based on River were examined and qualitatively deÞned as ei-
photointerpretation of the panchromatic band (1-m ther having bamboo or no bamboo through photoint-
resolution) of the IKONOS image. Afterwards, the erpretation and then compared with referenced Þeld-
average distances between negative and positive marked bamboo transects.
habitats to marked homes within a search radius of
1,000 m were calculated and compared using the Stu-
dentÕs t-test.
Land Cover and Bamboo. A supervised classiÞca- Habitat and Larval Survey. A total of 54 detritus
tion was performed to describe the association of patches were sampled from both sides of the Sibun
bamboo growth with land cover using a subset of River transect of which 66.7% (36/54) contained An.
the IKONOS image (UL, 88⬚ 37⬘ 06.79⬙ W and darlingi larvae (Table 1). From a total of 218 larvae
17⬚ 13⬘ 54.16⬙ N; and LR, 88⬚ 35⬘ 47.41⬙ W and sampled, 74.9% (162/218) represented the An. darlingi
17⬚ 08⬘ 57.01⬙ N) and a parallelpiped with maximum species. The majority of An. darlingi collected (90/
likelihood tiebreaker algorithm. The subset area was 162, 55.6%) were of the Þrst and second larval stage.
chosen based on the existence of several mapped Other anopheline species captured were An. albima-
bamboo patches and areas representing each land nus (49) and An. pseudopunctipennis (Þve). Two Cha-
cover category of interest. Training sites for the clas- gasia bathana also were collected during the survey.
siÞcation were selected from Þeld land cover sites and Habitat attribute data indicated that 100% (18/18)
included homogeneous areas of 1) broadleaf/palm of An. darlingi-negative habitats had shade present at
forest, 2) pasture/low grass, 3) orchards, 4) bare some point during daylight (Table 1). The composi-
ground, and 5) sandbars. Buffer zones of 4, 10, and tion of detritus within all sampled mats was similar for
20 m were then generated around the digitized line both positive and negative An. darlingi habitats. How-
themes, representing areas with and without spiny ever, regression analyses indicated that percentage
bamboo patches (Fig. 3). The number of pixels of each seed composition was a negative predictor for An.
land cover theme within the buffer zones was calcu- darlingi larvae (r ⫽ ⫺0.2028, P ⫽ 0.0280). No other

Table 1. Feature attributes of both positive and negative detritus mats surveyed on the Sibun River in September 2002

An. darlingi An. albimanus An. pseudopunctipennis

Attribute (n ⫽ 162) (n ⫽ 49) (n ⫽ 5)
Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative
Habitat no. 36 18 19 35 2 52
Area (m) 3.2 5.3 3.6 4.1 2.5 3.9
Shadea 28/36 18/18 16/19 29/35 2/2 44/52

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% sticks 72.2 72.4 70.3 76.4 80.0 74.0
% leaves 19.3 16.8 25.4 18.9 30.0 20.8
% seeds 2.7 7.1 2.4 6.1 12.5 4.5
% ßowers 1.8 1.4 1.6 3.3 0.0 2.7
% trashb 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.7
% foam 3.7 2.1 5.3 4.1 0.0 4.7

Characterized as being present at any time during daylight.
Glass and plastic bottles, bags and diapers, and so on.

habitat attribute data collected had signiÞcant inßu- trees were randomly positioned throughout the Sibun
ences on the presence of An. darlingi larvae. River at sites with and without bends. Statistical anal-
Components of trees (i.e., fallen trunks, fallen yses supported this observation indicating no signiÞ-
branches and root systems) were the cause of 68.5% cant difference between the average degree of cur-
(37/54) of the total detritus patch lodging along the vature in the river adjacent to detritus patches formed
transect (Table 2). Bamboo components (i.e., dried by fallen tree components compared with habitats
fallen and live overhanging) comprised 16.7% (9/54). formed by other landscape features (Table 3).
Combined, these two environmental features ac- Land Cover and Habitat Presence. From a total of
counted for 85.2% (46/54) of all patch formation. 54 detritus patches sampled, only 28 mat locations
Other contributors to detritus patch lodging included were visible on the IKONOS 2002 scene and available
overhanging vegetation other than bamboo, one eddy for land cover analyses. The remaining 26 were either
and a single stick bridging two semisubmersed rocks. off the image (21) or under clouds (Þve). A compar-
Of those detritus mats in which An. darlingi larvae ison between the SPOT 1998 image (used for river
were collected, 75% (27/36) were lodged by fallen curvature evaluations) and the IKONOS 2002 image
trees, 16.7% (6/36) by bamboo components, and 8.33% was performed in hopes of increasing the sample size
(3/36) by overhanging vegetation other than bamboo of habitats available for land cover analyses. However,
(Table 2). although the overall agreement between the speciÞed
River Curvature and Habitat Presence. All 54 land cover classes was 70%, those pixels in the SPOT
mapped detritus patches along the 48-km transect image that did not match the IKONOS scene were in
were visible on the SPOT 1998 scene. When overlaid key areas of cleared land. This reßects changes in land
onto the SPOT image, the digitized Sibun River line use between the 4 yr and decreased the conÞdence in
theme generated from the 2002 survey indicated no using the SPOT scene for deÞning associations be-
changes in the general course of the river during the tween land cover and mapped An. darlingi habitats.
4-yr period through photointerpretation. Data explo- Examination of the unsupervised classiÞcation of
ration indicated that detritus mats lodged by fallen the IKONOS image indicated the overall majority
(80.2%) of pixels within the 20-m buffer zones sur-
rounding positive detritus mats represented orchard
Table 2. Contribution of landscape features to both positive
and negative An. darlingi lodged habitats identified during a survey
of the Sibun River in September 2002
Table 3. Average change in river curvature (absolute degrees)
adjacent to sampled An. darlingi habitats
Habitats Positive Negative
Landscape feature lodged habitats habitats
% Landscape feature
(n ⫽ 54) (n ⫽ 36) (n ⫽ 18) River length (m)
Fallen tree Othera Statisticb
Fallen trunk 28 51.9 21 (58.3) 7 (38.9)
Fallen branch 6 11.1 4 (11.1) 2 (11.1) 100 (change per 20 m) 4.96⬚ 3.61⬚ t ⫽ 1.12
Root system 3 6.0 2 (5.56) 1 (5.55) P ⫽ 0.26
Dried 200 (change per 40 m) 9.23⬚ 7.56⬚ t ⫽ 0.71
Fallen bamboo 8 15.0 5 (13.9) 3 (16.7) P ⫽ 0.48
Live overhanging 360 (change per 40 m) 9.10⬚ 6.81⬚ t ⫽ 1.37
Bamboo 1 2.0 1 (2.78) 0 P ⫽ 0.18
Overhanging vegetationa 4 7.0 2 (5.56) 2 (11.1)
Vine 2 4.0 1 (2.78) 1 (5.56) Using GPS locations of detritus patches as center points, three
Eddy 1 2.0 0 1 (5.56) different river lengths of 100, 200, and 360 m were used to compare
Otherb 1 2.0 0 1 (5.56) the angle of the Sibun River between habitats formed by fallen trees
and those formed by other features.
Numbers in parentheses are percentages. Overhanging vegetation other than bamboo, vines, an eddy, and
Overhanging vegetation other than bamboo. a stick bridging two rocks.
b b
A single stick bridging two semisubmersed rocks. Two-tailed StudentÕs t-test.

Table 4. Results of an unsupervised classification of the 2002 tation of the IKONOS image. Of those, a total of 17
IKONOS Sibun River scene showing the total percentage of indi- houses fell within the speciÞed 1,000-m search radius
vidual land cover categories encompassed within a 20-m buffer
zone generated around mapped An. darlingi habitats (i.e., within ßight distance range of An. darlingi) used
for distance analyses from either positive or negative
Land cover categorya An. darlingi habitats. The average distance from pos-
description Forest Orchard Pasture
Bare ground/ itive detritus mats (13) to homes (eight) within the
gravel search radius was 546.3 m (median 563.5), whereas the
average distance from negative debris material (nine)

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⫹ Habitat 4.47 80.2 13.3 2.04
(n ⫽ 19) to houses (nine) was 708.5 m (median 786.0). Statis-
⫺ Habitat 5.05 80.5 13.3 1.18
tical analyses indicate that the average house distance
Statisticb z ⫽ ⫺0.46 z ⫽ ⫺0.08 z ⫽ ⫺0.04 z ⫽ ⫺1.07 from negative habitats was signiÞcantly greater than
P ⫽ 0.642 P ⫽ 0.930 P ⫽ 0.965 P ⫽ 0.285 the average distance from positive An. darlingi detritus
Treec 5.47 79.7 12.4 2.41 mats (t ⫽ ⫺2.063, P ⫽ 0.047). In addition, there was an
n ⫽ 16
No tree 3.77 80.9 14.3 1.01
average 1.8 homes to every positive habitat compared
n ⫽ 12 with an average 1.4 homes to every negative detritus
Statistic z ⫽ ⫺0.54 z ⫽ ⫺0.04 z ⫽ ⫺0.56 z ⫽ ⫺1.56 mat sampled. This represents a 23.0% reduction in the
P ⫽ 0.608 P ⫽ 0.967 P ⫽ 0.575 P ⫽ 0.118 number of homes surrounding negative breeding sites
Land cover (%) was determined by a 20-iteration 30-class isodata
compared with habitats containing An. darlingi larvae.
unsupervised classiÞcation then further grouped into four general Land Cover and Bamboo. Results from sampling the
land cover categories by using photointerpretation based on Þeld land Sibun River indicated a total length of 35.2 km (36.6%)
cover data. of mapped bamboo growing along both river margins
Wilcoxon rank test.
Detritus mats lodged by fallen tree components (i.e., trunk, of the 48-km transect. Examination of the supervised
branch, and root system). classiÞcation indicated the majority of pixels within
the 4-, 10-, and 20-m buffer zones generated around
land cover (Table 4). Similar trends in land cover were riverbank mapped with and without bamboo growth
seen upon examination of buffer zones generated to be made up of forest land cover (Table 5). Evalu-
around negative habitats. In addition, the majority of ation of the confusion matrix indicated a 75.9% accu-
pixels surrounding detritus mats lodged by fallen tree racy rate by which all land cover categories were
components (79.7%) and other landscape features classiÞed. Bare ground, forest, and pasture/low grass
(80.9%) represented the orchard land class. Statistical land cover categories had the highest accuracy rates
analyses comparing positive and negative habitats in- with 98.8, 97.0, and 94.9% of the pixels being correctly
dicated no signiÞcant difference in pixel counts of any classiÞed, respectively. The orchard and sandbar land
of the deÞned land cover categories within the 20-m cover classes suffered from the worse classiÞcation
buffer zone. Similar results were found when com- confusion, with 58.8 and 58.6% of the pixels, respec-
paring detritus mats lodged by fallen trees to those tively, within the training areas being correctly clas-
formed by other landscape features (Table 4), even siÞed. Pixels within the orchard training site were
when cleared land cover categories (i.e., orchard, pas- misclassiÞed as pasture/low grass (15.0%), broadleaf/
ture, and bare ground/gravel) were aggregated (z ⫽ palm forest (13.4%), and sandbar (11.4%). Pixel counts
⫺0.104, P ⫽ 0.917). of speciÞed land cover categories were not statistically
Distance to Homes and Habitat Presence. A total different for areas with bamboo compared with areas
of 30 homes were identiÞed through photointerpre- without. In addition, no signiÞcant differences were

Table 5. Results of a supervised classification of the 2002 IKONOS Sibun River scene showing the average percentage of individual
land cover categories encompassed within either a 4-, 10-, or 20-m buffer zone generated around transects mapped with and without
bamboo growth

Land cover categorya

Buffer Transect
Broadleaf/palm forest Pasture/low grass Orchard Bare ground Sandbar
4m ⫹Bamboo 51.5 2.26 26.7 0.49 19.1
⫺Bamboo 31.2 4.76 39.1 0.47 24.4
Statisticb z ⫽ ⫺1.46 z ⫽ ⫺1.51 z ⫽ ⫺1.76 z ⫽ ⫺0.80 z ⫽ ⫺0.16
P ⫽ 0.144 P ⫽ 0.131 P ⫽ 0.078 P ⫽ 0.421 P ⫽ 0.871
10 m ⫹Bamboo 53.1 1.91 25.5 0.42 19.1
⫺Bamboo 32.2 3.76 32.5 0.52 31.0
Statistic z ⫽ ⫺1.50 z ⫽ ⫺1.98 z ⫽ ⫺1.11 z ⫽ ⫺1.13 z ⫽ ⫺1.15
P ⫽ 0.133 P ⫽ 0.059 P ⫽ 0.265 P ⫽ 0.257 P ⫽ 0.247
20 m ⫹Bamboo 54.3 1.79 23.4 0.39 20.1
⫺Bamboo 33.3 3.34 28.5 0.52 34.2
Statistic z ⫽ ⫺1.38 z ⫽ ⫺1.26 z ⫽ ⫺1.46 z ⫽ ⫺0.48 z ⫽ ⫺1.57
P ⫽ 0.166 P ⫽ 0.206 P ⫽ 0.144 P ⫽ 0.626 P ⫽ 0.115

Land cover (%) was determined by a supervised parallelpiped classiÞcation algorithm with max likelihood tiebreaker. Training sites for
each land cover category were based on Þeld sites.
Wilcoxon rank test.

detected when cleared land cover categories (i.e., of the Belize and Sibun Rivers (D.R.R., personal com-
pasture, orchard, bare ground, and sandbar) were ag- munication) in which detritus mats that contained
gregated and compared within the 4- (z ⫽ ⫺1.289, P ⫽ relatively large amounts of seeds from the bullet tree,
0.197), 10- (z ⫽ ⫺1.546, P ⫽ 0.122), or 20-m (z ⫽ Bucida buceras L., had consistently less larvae than
⫺1.586, P ⫽ 0.113) buffer zones. debris material without seeds. However, it is not
Direct Bamboo Detection. After a supervised clas- known whether these observations are the result of a
siÞcation of a subset extracted from the IKONOS im- mechanical (i.e., forming physical impedance that re-
age, results from a confusion matrix indicated that only stricts the ability of larvae to remain in contact with

Downloaded from by Universidad Santo Tomás user on 23 March 2020

27.3% of the pixels within spiny bamboo training sites the airÐwater interface) or chemical (i.e., toxins) as-
were correctly classiÞed as bamboo land cover. Pixels sociation with the seeds.
within training sites were most confused with broad- Although all of the detritus patches that were neg-
leaf/palm forest (38.1%), but they also were misclas- ative (18/18) for An. darlingi larvae were shaded,
siÞed as orchard (18.7%) and sandbar (13.9%) land results indicate that 77.0% (28/36) of the positive mats
cover categories. Only 1.3 and 0.46% of the pixels were also in the shade. This results in a total of eight
representing bamboo were confused with pasture/ patches being within sunlit areas, giving a 0.85 (46/54)
low grass and bare ground, respectively. probability of a potential habitat to be located at sites
Although some spiny bamboo patches could be with shade. If we use this probability to determine the
manually mapped after fusing the multispectral bands expected number of mats to be in the shade, the result
of the IKONOS image with the panchromatic band is a total of 30.6 and 15.3 of the positive and negative
(i.e., pansharpening), many transects known to con- patches, respectively. The observed values deviated
tain overhanging bamboo, referenced by Þeld data, from expected by approximately ⫾ 2 habitats. This
were not identiÞed as bamboo through photointer- could be accounted for by random probabilities be-
pretation. This occurred because several patches were cause of the small number of total patches sampled. In
not homogeneous for G. longifolia but were instead addition, a patch was considered negative only if no
interspersed with other types of riparian vegetation larvae were collected, which does not necessarily
(i.e., wild cane, and so on). The different physical mean that the detritus was not suitable for oviposition.
attributes of these plants (i.e., leaf size and shape) This is reßected in the lack of statistical signiÞcance of
produced an inconsistent texture pattern on the sat- the presence of shade between positive and negative
ellite image and prevented some areas with bamboo habitats.
from being properly identiÞed. FortiÞed with the knowledge that fallen tree com-
ponents contributed to the majority of positive An.
darlingi detritus patches, it was important to describe
the correlations between adjacent land cover and the
Exploratory analyses from the Sibun River survey presence of these landscape features. Deforestation
indicated that overhanging vegetation, bamboo, or along the Sibun River is common for the purposes of
otherwise, did lodge debris but that tree components large-scale orchard and pastureland establishment.
(i.e., fallen trunks, branches, and root systems) were This deforestation may lead to erosion of the river-
the major cause of lodging and positive An. darlingi banks during periods of high precipitation and cause
habitats compared with other landscape features. trees along the margin to uproot and fall into the river.
Management of these features would include the re- If this was true then land cover may be an effectual
moval of fallen trees from rivers and the trimming of indicator for the location of potential An. darlingi
overhanging vegetation that touches the surface wa- larval habitat formation. Results using the IKONOS
ter. Such natural control methods have previously image indicated that forest, orchard, pasture, and bare
been suggested to control malaria vectors (Muirhead- ground/gravel land classes were not indicators for the
Thomson 1951). Within the Philippines, “stream- presence of habitats formed by fallen trees or for
clearing” or the removal of riparian vegetation has positive detritus mats. This was also true when the
been used as a larval control method for Anopheles cleared categories (i.e., orchard, pasture and bare
flavirostris (Ludlow), which also breeds in shaded ground/gravel) were combined. That the pixels
sites along riverbanks (Foley et al. 2002). However, within the 20-m buffer zone surrounding mapped hab-
because of the transitory nature of detritus mats and itats represent the orchard category is a result of the
the dynamic characteristics of the Sibun River, the high probability of a detritus patch being located ad-
efÞcacy of stream-clearing to control An. darlingi lar- jacent to orchards, the dominant landscape feature
val populations in Belize is not advised. This is most along the transect, and it does not imply the distribu-
evident given that a single stick bridging two rocks was tion of detritus patches was clustered in orchard areas.
found to be the cause of habitat formation during the Results of the statistical analyses within the current
current study. study validate this statement. Another landscape fea-
Other results from the An. darlingi habitat survey ture that may inßuence the site of fallen trees and
indicated that the increase in the density of seeds therefore formation of An. darlingi habitats is the lo-
within debris material was the only attribute to be cation of curvatures, or bends, in the river system.
signiÞcantly (negatively) associated with the pres- Such points in the river may cause uprooted trees
ence of An. darlingi larvae. These results are similar to originating from upstream locations to become lodged
unpublished data made during previous larval surveys and thus accumulate debris. However, statistical anal-

yses of the rate of change in the river angle surround- siÞcation algorithms and variable parameters for su-
ing mapped habitat locations showed no signiÞcant pervised classiÞcation schemes (i.e., deÞning training
difference in degree of curvature between habitats sites). The classiÞcation scheme used in the current
formed by fallen trees and those formed by other study represents only one of several possible methods
features. but was chosen based on the relative simplicity of the
Data from a supervised classiÞcation of the objective of the study (i.e., spatial relationships with
IKONOS image within the study site indicate that cleared and undisturbed land cover). Future studies
bamboo growth along the Sibun River is not associated could incorporate additional land cover classes with

Downloaded from by Universidad Santo Tomás user on 23 March 2020

with any of the used land cover categories. In addition, the use of more sophisticated classiÞcation algorithms
there was no difference in the percentage of cleared and software.
land cover classes between transects mapped with The only indicator of An. darlingi habitats deter-
and without bamboo. Because land cover did not mined by the current study was the distance to sur-
seem to be a good indicator for the presence of bam- rounding homes. Debris mats not containing larvae of
boo patches along riverbanks, it was important to the target species were an average 162 m further away
determine whether high-resolution imagery could from marked homes compared with positive habitats.
detect bamboo directly. However, examination of a In addition, An. darlingi positive patches had 23%
confusion matrix indicated that only 27.3% of the pix- more homes within a 1,000-m radius than negative
els within the bamboo training sites were correctly mats. These conclusions are similar to those of other
classiÞed. The greatest misclassiÞcation of bamboo studies in Belize showing remote sensing and GIS can
was with the broadleaf/palm forest land cover. This be used to predict malaria risk based on distance of
is because several of the mapped bamboo patches homes to rivers. Examination of malaria prevalence in
were not homogenous for spiny bamboo. Other veg- Belize during 1989 Ð1999 found proximity to a stream
etation types were interspersed throughout bamboo (i.e., ⬍1 km) predictive for malaria within a household
transects. Although care was taken to choose several (Hakre 2003). In addition, Roberts et al. (2002) found
bamboo training sites in various locations to encom- the distance from homes to rivers to be a good pre-
pass a heterogeneous population of pixel spectral re- dictor of adult An. darlingi during the wet season. In
ßectance, a unique spectral reßectance could not be a study that investigated the ability of multispectral
distinguished. This poses a problem because although satellite data to predict the location of adult An. pseu-
palm trees have characteristic textures that can be dopunctipennis, An. darlingi adults also were collected
visualized and used to differentiate them from bam- at all high-probability sites, and none were captured at
boo, several other vegetative types (e.g., wild cane, tall houses predicted as low probability (Roberts et al.
grasses, and shrubs) are harder to distinguish. In ad- 1996). The criteria for site selection included distance
dition, because the latter vegetation grows within of houses from waterways.
both riparian and forested areas, separation from bam- These Þndings in combination with other data from
boo cannot be performed based on location within studies in Belize (Achee 2004) and South America
the satellite image. The end result is that an area along (Charlwood and Alecrim 1989) continue to indicate
a riverbank might be indicated as having bamboo An. darlingi to be anthropophilic and synanthropic.
growth when actually it does not. This would be However, detritus patches in the current study were
counter-effective for targeted control measures. Even labeled negative only if no An. darlingi larvae were
with pansharpening of the IKONOS image bamboo found during sampling. Eggs could have been present
could not be separated from other types of riverbank in these mats and therefore larvae would have been
vegetation through photointerpretation. collected if repeated samples of the debris material
The land cover categories used in the current study were taken over time. Knowing that An. darlingi will
were kept very general (i.e., forest, orchard, and pas- ßy long distances (i.e., 800 mÐ7 km) to a human hab-
ture) because the vegetation diversity and intersper- itation and feed (Deane et al. 1948, Charlwood and
sion of land cover is high in the tropics, and spectral Alecrim 1989, Achee 2004), the potential adult pop-
reßectance characteristics of mixed vegetation are of- ulation generating from these mats would create a
ten not distinct, causing problems in digital classiÞca- malaria risk to the inhabitants of those homes within
tion (Roy et al. 1991, Sader et al. 1991). This approach the 1,000-m search radius. For these reasons, the sig-
was acceptable given the goals of the research were to niÞcance of Þnding a difference of 162 m when com-
determine the association between “cleared” and “un- paring distances of positive and negative breeding
disturbed” land cover categories with An. darlingi hab- sites to surrounding houses must be taken in perspec-
itat location and bamboo growth. The overall 75.9% tive.
accuracy rate by which the land cover categories were In conclusion, data from the present research do not
classiÞed in the current study is similar to other ac- support the use of satellite imagery to predict speciÞc
curacy assessments for tropical land cover classiÞca- locations of An. darlingi larval habitats within the
tions, including 73% for Belize (Spruce 1993) and 70% Sibun River. Although overhanging bamboo contrib-
in Costa Rica (Sader et al. 1991). Although orchard uted to habitat formation, the majority of An. darlingi
land cover had low classiÞcation accuracy (58.8%), it larval habitats sampled were lodged by tree compo-
was most confused with other categories that also nents, including fallen trunks. No relationships be-
represented cleared land (i.e., pasture/low grass and tween these landscape features and either river char-
sandbar). However, there are several supervised clas- acteristics (i.e., curvature) or land cover (i.e., forested

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